LET'S GET SEXY: Erotic Stories Deconstructed

Scent of Ginger: Chapter 8

Hannah has worked so hard to impress the doctor, prove that she can control her libido and kinky desires, and earn her much needed sexual release! Finally, after her heroic efforts in the last chapter, she can reap the sweet sexy rewards of her labour. Obviously, she's going to get an orgasmic reward and be allowed to climax, but also she's given a few bonus emotional and informational rewards too in this exciting, erotic and possibly orgasmic chapter of Scent of Ginger - an erotic sex story written for the website by the author Case21!

If you've been wondering all this time about what mysterious secrets lie in the doctors past, what sexy skeletons are waiting in his closet, then this episode has ypu covered! Hannah is treated to the whole story, or at least as much of the whole story as the doctor thinks is needed to persuade her to take things to the next level and accept yet another challenging test of her restraint!

TRIGGER WARNING: This episode contains BDSM themes, lots of kinky fetish type stuff and some elements of non-consent. There's also a bit of a general spooky, dark atmosphere which some may find disturbing... others, of course, may absolutely love that kind of thing!

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06 Jul 2024
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Hello, and welcome to another episode of Let's Get Sexy, the podcast where I read an erotic story and you listen to it. How are you doing today? I'm all right, yeah, thanks for asking. As I'm recording, it's mid-June, and British Summer has yet to show up. I am in shorts and t-shirt today, but I'm also indoors. If I was going to go outside, you better believe I'm putting a jumper on. It's unusually chilly and wet for this time of year, and despite the rain, plants aren't doing very well. I think actually the wetness and the lack of heat is meaning that it's been a bumper year for slugs, and that also ties in with the fact that they banned slug pellets in the UK. For good reason, I'm sure. I think birds were eating them, and it was getting into the food chain. But basically, everything that I've planted at ground level has been completely devoured. So, normally by this time of year, I'd be snacking on some of my own homegrown veggies. But there's nothing out there. It's all been eaten by slugs and snails. Anyway, I hope you're doing all right. And I'm glad to have you with me for chapter eight of Center of Ginger, written of course by the author Case 21 for the website, And I think it's going to be a cracking episode. Last week was a bit of a cliffhanger. Well, not quite a cliffhanger, but there was definitely a sense at the end of it that things are going to get very exciting and we're moving into a new phase of this story for the main character Hannah. If you didn't listen to last week's episode or any of the episodes before that, including episodes 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1, then I strongly suggest that you go back and listen to those ones first, or you're going to ruin the story for yourself. For everyone who is up to date, for the true fans. First of all, thanks so much for keeping up to date with this podcast and downloading it as it comes out every Sunday. Gold medals for each and every one of you. Second place I think goes to people who are up to date, but maybe they're listening to this at some time in the future where all the episodes have been released. That's a silver medal for you. But worthless, stinky bronze medals for anyone who thinks they can just tune in at chapter eight, midway through the story and have me waste my time and everyone else's recapping the whole thing for you. No way, get to the back of the line, start listening on chapter one. If you have listened to the podcast before though, you'll know that I'm not completely without mercy. So for those listeners who are up to date, those gold and silver medal winners, and also perhaps for some sneaky bronzes who decided to stick around anyway, here's a brief recap of what happened in the last chapter. Hannah was put to test by the doctor and challenged to perform an etiquettely perfect dinner service for him and a friend whilst wearing the ginger harness from chapter two, a task which she pulled off almost flawlessly, an accomplishment which earned her perhaps a little bit more freedom, but also maybe the doctor's respect. He was certainly very pleased with Hannah, and after his guest had left, he felt as though Hannah had earned a sexual release. However, Hannah wasn't happy with the clitoral massage she was getting and demanded a little bit more from the doctor. They engaged in, I guess you would call it, well, what would you call it? Wet humping? Kind of like dry humping, but with no clothes on. The doctor called it the Greek way, and I think in the modern day it's sometimes called a thigh job. Anyway, it was pleasurable for both of them, and in the throes of passion, the doctor cried out Hannah's name three times, which gave her some confidence to cry out his name in response, something she'd learned by eavesdropping on the conversations at dinner. Unfortunately, this did not go down well with the doctor. In fact, he seemed a bit shocked and disturbed at the idea of his name coming out of Hannah's mouth, and so he withdrew pretty instantly, leaving Hannah cruelly on the edge of her orgasm, denying her the sexual release that she'd been waiting for for so long and worked so hard to get. And in this frantic moment, she begged the doctor at last to penetrate her, in a way that she'd never wanted a man to penetrate her before. And the doctor took this as a sign that Hannah was ready for some new stage in her treatment. We don't know what it's gonna be, but it's gonna be something new. So that's why I think this chapter's gonna be an interesting one. Obviously, I haven't read it ahead of time. Don't know what's gonna happen. I deliberately don't read anything in advance to preserve an element of surprise for myself. The first time I'm reading this story is the time that I'm reading it allowed directly to you. And that also means that in the second part of the podcast, you're getting my genuine first impression, and there's not gonna be any spoilers, we're all in the same boat, and I think there's something nice about that. The only thing I do know ahead of reading this chapter are the statistics and the subtitles, and so I'll tell you those now. This is another chapter with two subtitles. The first one is the doctor uses Hannah for his pleasure, and the second one is release and revelations. It has 2.6 thousand words. It's got a rating of 4.54 stars, which does mean that this chapter is ranked H for hot. It's had 52.3 thousand views, seven likes, and there's one comment which we will take a look at at the end. Before I start reading, I want to thank you once again for downloading this podcast and to beg you to do me the small favor of rating this podcast or giving it a like, maybe writing a short comment or little review, whatever your podcast app lets you do, I know there are different things for different apps, but any and all of those things would do me a huge favor in boosting the visibility of this podcast. I'm trying to grow the audience right now, trying to reach 2,000 downloads a month, that would be a huge milestone, and just 30 seconds of your time to do that, maybe during the theme tune or something, would be a great help. That's one way that you can support this podcast for absolutely no financial investment. If you want to take it that step further, if you do want to make a financial investment, then there's a link to my Patreon page in the description of this episode. But now, settle in and get comfy as you enjoy chapter 8 of Center of Ginger. [Music] There's a touch of it in your hair, you feel the sting inside your derory hair, you want to have a way with your buttons, but you can't afford it with clothes, mens' lips. You're better swing on out of your arm, you tell the doctor you don't, nothing wrong, he's got a mess on him that's out of hell, the taste of wine that all falls round, the scent of ginger, the scent of ginger, burning you inside, the scent of ginger, you'll just breathe all that, all with a place to hide out of hell, nothing wrong, the scent of ginger, it's got a mess on it that's like a place, nothing you can chase, can hide it when that all falls, the scent of ginger. Within this volume there are many scarlet leaves, I have preserved memories of the harshest imaginable punishments, a course of treatments designed at once to incite and discipline my wayward body, but among the scarlet there is one golden leaf, it is a memory still shot through with force, once again I was held down, hurt and brought to the highest possible degree of sensation by the doctor's treatment, but here for the first time I admitted that I wanted it wholeheartedly and without reservation, I wanted him to use me for his pleasure, I begged him for it and he who had restrained himself for so long in the name of teaching me restraint unleashed his fullest power over me, walk out before me Hannah he said that night in his office after my service in bondage, he handed me my patient's shift to cover my nakedness, he'd on his silken dressing robe, too hard to attempt his breeches, then he motioned me out into the night-stilled corridors, no lamps burned nor moon shone down on us on this night of late summer rains, it was like walking into a curtain of clinging black velvet, I reached out to get my bearings, but my fingers met only empty air, but where shall I? Shush! he hushed me with a hand across my lips from behind, then he compelled me forward by pressing his palm to the flat of my back, he walked me forward until I began to walk myself, so it was that I found my way through the night hospital by feel, whenever we came to a ghostly corner or dim staircase he guided me by laying his hands on my body, a firm touch at my left waist turned me left, a hot hand lifting my buttocks encouraged me up a stair, like a horse guided by the touch of the rains I moved at his will, when I hesitated he spurred me on with a light slap or a pinch, I gasped as he struck my bottom hard enough to sting, shush! he hissed again and pressed his body to mine as he silenced me, I could feel his hot, stiff member through my linen shift, I let the softest possible vibration into my breath and continued, a moment later we reached a door which the doctor unlocked with a key strung at his throat, a fire smouldered low in the room's hearth, too low to see the chamber's features until he stirred the blaze to life with an impatient thrust of a poker, at that furniture loomed and flicked around me like heat-borne illusions in the dull red light, a smallish four-poster bed with linens all in disarray, a writing desk with pages and quills, and to my joy, walls all lined with books of every size, his bed chamber was also his library, or his library at bed chamber, I turned to him in exhilaration, but he was not looking at me, he was looking at something he held in his hand, the cap-hot, or so I guessed, in fact I had never seen such a thing, the chamber made whispered in salacious tones about things made of silk, or India rubber, or intestines which would keep a man's seed from entering a woman, but it was all a rumour to me and a distasteful one, I had not the slightest idea how it might function, whether it was placed into myself or onto him, I had also heard it said that using a cap-hot was sinful like the sin of unan who spilled his seed on the ground, to my horror and delight I found I did not much care if it were sin or virtue, it was something I had not seen before and I wanted to know about it. "You have not seen one of these in life," the doctor said, voicing my thoughts aloud so that I jumped. "No sir," I whispered, "you have much to learn then. Come." I went to him in my inmate's garb, he had thrown off his robe and his body caught the firelight all slim and taut, each limb bespeaking a wiry strength. He pressed me down so that my face was level with his cock, all limbed with a line of red light glistening orange and gold at the tip. Without thinking, I moved to take him in my mouth, but he tilted my chin and held the cap-hot before my eyes. Lesson number one, preparation. Use your hands to press this down, I'm quite ready for it now. I took the cap-hot, it was made of thin, warm, stretchy material, animal or plant matter I could not say, it was long and narrow and I could see how it might fit his form. Taking a deep breath, I worked its mouth over the tip of his cock and then smoothed it down with my fingers. He shuddered and drew a sharp breath, struggling to control himself. I had never seen him struggle so visibly to master his own body. It intrigued me. In my curiosity, I clasped my hands around his sheathed member and gave it a squeeze. "No," the doctor gasped suddenly. He seized me by the arm and cast me to the floor. "You will take no liberties with me." "But I want to know you," I replied, my blood stirring. "Oh, you will know me. I will make you know." He took me up again, only to drive me by force to the bed. He stripped me of my robe, tearing it to strips like a methodical madman. He straddled my waist and held my body down with his own as he tied my wrists and ankles by long bonds to the posts of the bed. He rose to fetch something, then returned to survey his handiwork. My long, smooth figure stretched prone before him, completely helpless. I struggled and cried out and yet I could not help but feel myself caught up in some dramatic performance. I played the role of my submission with a new consciousness. When I heard him approaching the warning slap of leather against his palm, I let my back arch hysterically and bared myself to him with such purpose that he must have seen my resistance for the desiring play that it was. With a sharp snap, he struck me with a belt across my bed, breasts. The sting warmed me, wetted me, made me cry out, shamelessly for more. "I know, I know you like it this way," my knight voice called. "You like to hurt me, I deserve to be hurt by you. Oh, do it again. I want it." Lesson number two, confession, full score. "Race yourself for your reward," he said Riley. Then he flogged me again with the belt, across my breasts, moving down to my belly, my flanks, my thighs. My body thrashed in elation, straining freely against its bonds. He struck me until I cried again. "I know you need more, you need to do more to me than this. Oh, pierce me, release me in restraint, now." Lesson number three, submission, repeated Hannah, beg. He climbed on top of me, pinning my shoulders down with his clenched hands. I swear I could smell the ginger on him, and it drove me mad. "Do it," I panted. "No, don't. Oh, do it to me. I can't stand it. I need it. Do it to me. I beg you." But that he thrust with jarring force into my aching sex, unable to tease any longer. Despite his treatments, I was still to my mind a virgin, and small and narrow as I was, his first thrusts made me scream in pain, and then gasp in amazement that my body could take so much. He half withdrew, so that for a moment I feared he would pull out again, but instead he only thrust himself back in, even deeper than before. Like the pounding of the hot summer rain outside, he pushed into me again and again and again. Only then, once I was pierced through by his cock, did he deliver the cuda grass. Opening his clenched fist, he revealed a slip of ginger, a carved wedge that he must have fetched with the belt. In one, swift movement, he lodged it between our bodies, between my lips, directly over my clitoris. The frictive heat between us kindled it with fire, and as he pounded it into my tight, throbbing hole, he burned me and kissed me with biting passion. Bound, penetrated and inflamed with the scent of ginger, the taste of iron, I pressed my arcing body to his, threw my head back wildly, and keened as the height of suspension took us and held us weightless together, convulsing for an eternal moment as one ecstatic pleasure doubled. My release, it seemed to me, went on and on. I lost track of time, of my climaxes, of my senses. Days don't overcome, I must have subsided from pleasure into sleep eventually, but I don't recall the end of it. When I next became aware of myself, the fire had died to embers, and a haze of hail light below the drawn curtains bespoke a cloudy dawn. I only gradually realized that I was still lying in the doctor's, in Theo's bed, my limbs entangled with his. The ginger had fallen from me some time ago, and I was no longer bound. My muscles ached, in strange, yet not unpleasant ways. I was curled with my back pressed to his warm chest, his hand lay on me as if he had been stroking or soothing me. I glanced over my shoulder, and saw him still asleep, breath deep and even dark curly hair in his eyes. Even asleep he had a little furrow between his brows, a remnant of his harshness, but his mouth was soft, open just a little, almost vulnerable. I smiled and snuggled down again. Still, such is my constitution, that once I am awake of a morning I cannot sleep again. I didn't want to wake my bedmate, so I lay still and let my eyes wander about the room. So many books. Indeed, on the bedside table was a volume he'd apparently been reading of late. It was bound in blue grey buckram with the title in gold on the spine. Venus infers. Quietly, I reached out my hand to pull it into bed with me, cradling the volume I opened it to the flyleaf, and saw there a nameplate written in the doctor's hand. It read Theophilus Raven's Court. Raven's Court? No. Yes, his voice was soft, and yet piercing behind me. I had not even known that I had spoken aloud. I twisted around in shock, dropping the volume so that it clattered off the side of the bed to the floor. The doctor's eyes were wide open, staring directly into mine. My name is Raven's Court. My family has long taken the name of the manner as our surname, as you well know. I'm the only son of Lord Raven's Court. But Lord Raven's Court has no son, I breathed. There was only Clara. I am the son of Lord Raven's Court, but not of the late lady Raven's Court. You're a bast! Say the word and you will suffer in ways I promise you will not enjoy. He raised himself up onto his elbow, and I was suddenly very aware of my soft, naked body prone before him. I hushed to let him speak. "You wish to know me," he said, "and this is my tale." I am the illegitimate son of the Lord Raven's Court and a mistress he kept in London. Like you, I was abandoned by my mother at Raven's Court at the age of four or five. Some years before Clara's birth and your own arrival there. My father wanted nothing to do with me. I was raised by my uncle, Godfrey, the current Lord's youngest brother, and a man of, shall we say, lesser reputation. He claimed me as his adopted son and raised me, along with his own, Godric. I was, however, too old by that time to be kept from the truth. I knew my heritage. My vengeful mother told it to me. When I came of age, I demanded my birthright. The reply was, "Here he broke off for a long time, gazing distantly." Finally, he asked me, "Did it never occur to you that this clinic is on Raven's Court land? It is my consolation for not inheriting the manner. I take in strays from the neighbouring members of society and keep them from scandal as I hide the scandal of my own existence. A neat arrangement." "The counters have seized daughter," I murmured, covering my mouth fast, realizing that I let slip I knew more than I should. He, however, took no notice. "Oh, I am forever hounded by maidens in love with one another, or by their mothers rather. It does no good to meddle with them, either the girls grow out of it or grow old with it. I would not have such problems on the continent." "The continent?" "Yes, Germany perhaps, or France. A clinic to rival the Salpetriere. If only I could shed these provincial shackles, this petty worn heritage. I won't be under his thumb forever. Not the Lord of Raven's Court, nor his brother, nor any man, will rule me. Never again." He was nearly shaking with passion now, but his dark eyes were bright as with tears. I saw more anguish than anger in him. I placed one hand gently on his arm. His gaze refocused into the present, onto me. He sighed. "Ah, Hannah, you are my crowning achievement here. Your obedience, your docility. I have not eradicated the perversion in you, but I have made you fit and able to both restrain and release your energies. I have taught you discipline. This is the true work of psychiatry. The world should know it." I bowed my head, unable in that moment to answer in agreement or disagreement. He stroked my cheek, then looked at me again more narrowly. He pulled the covers from my breast, then my belly, as if to examine my every feature. I shifted uncomfortably at his intrusive inspection, but did not withdraw from his hands. Yes, the world will know it. He performed well last night, Hannah, and you should have the chance to perform again, your symptom and your cure. "How do you mean, sir?" I asked. A formal demonstration, it is common in France, charcoes demonstrations of hypnosis using hysterical patience, for instance. "Yes. Yes." He sprang up, muttering names and dates to leaf through papers on his desk. "But what can you mean?" I asked, putting the sheets up to cover myself. "I mean, Hannah, that you've learned your lessons well, and now it's time for you to pass your public examination. We will show the world just what you're capable of, and seeking funds for my cause at this event, I will move my clinic to the continent, away from Raven's court, where my independent work will be appreciated. Brilliant." "You wish for me to do before others what I did for you last night?" "I do not wish it. I require it." Already my head was shaking, my body bulking. "How could I reveal myself so?" "No. No, I shan't do it." "You wish me to test you, did you not?" "In return for the chance to read and write as you will. This is the final test." "Will you submit to taking it or commit yourself to incurability?" I trembled all over at the thought of allowing him to hurt and pleasure me before the eyes of others. My skin burned already with the humiliation of it, and yet I could not tell whether it was the flaring of distress or desire that shook me so, and I could not tell whether it was myself or my night voice which spoke next. "Yes, sir. I shall do whatever you say. Command me. I am yours." "To be continued." "You will never touch or will turn your head on. You feel the skin inside your derriere. You are halfway in your heart but you can't feel it." "It proves man's loose. In your bed you swing on our lawn. You tell the doctor you don't nothing wrong. He's got a mess on him but I tell the taste of mine and that awful smell." Okie dokie. There we are. Chapter 8 in the bag. And actually that's the first time we've had a chapter in a while which just picks up the action exactly where we left off in the previous one. It's also Hannah's number one personal favourite of her entries about the experiences she's had with the doctor, and she refers to it as a gold leaf amongst the red pages that describe her various adventures. It's almost like Hannah's rating her own diary entries as "H for hot" but that this one is even more exciting. It's rated G for good. Maybe great. I'm trying to think of something more impressive than that. What about G for godlike? Maybe that's overkill though. Whatever the rating, this entry is a significant one for Hannah because it's the first time that she feels she can admit to herself that she really does want to be punished by the doctor. It's been pretty obvious that that's the case from an outside perspective for a few chapters but now even Hannah herself is unconflicted in her feelings about the doctor's treatment. It's not even just her own pleasure or pain that Hannah wants now either. She's also craving the satisfaction of providing pleasure to the doctor, of being used by him. I wonder if that's also partly about Hannah enjoying the power that she has over him in those moments, forcing him to break his restraint. The whole story so far has been about the doctor trying to impose restraint on Hannah while she fights with dwindling resistance for her sexual freedom. And so I think there's something akin to poetic justice for her in being able to beat him his own game and prove that he's just as fallible as she is, just as weak to temptation. Maybe it's also a case of just finding satisfaction in cracking a tough nut. Hannah has long suspected that the doctor has a soft spot for her, some unspoken feelings or restrained lust. It's a bit like the doctor's been playing hard to get all this time, but now Hannah's managed to break through his shell. In the last chapter we saw, more than ever, the doctor's affection and desire for Hannah and in this chapter it blossoms further. Is this something of a victory for Hannah? The journey from the doctor's study to his private chambers at night served almost like a metaphor for the central narrative in this story. Or at least, I thought so. With Hannah groping around in the dark, unable to move until the doctor, with his hands at her back, pushes her forward, guiding her by touching her body, almost exclusively the sexy parts of it, like her waist and bum. If she hesitates, he takes to pinching and slapping her cruelly at times and he's always enforcing a strict restraint, this time of the noise that she makes. During this journey, at first she's reluctant to trust him, but then her confidence in his guidance grows until she's walking almost by herself. In the beginning, he shushes every mumble or groan that she makes, but later on, as she feels his erection pressing into her, she manages to get away with a slight moan in rebellion, perhaps testing the waters of her independence, emboldened by the marginal power his arousal gives her to push boundaries. Then, at the end of this journey, the doctor leads Hannah into the dim light of his bedroom, where it's he who stokes the fire and illuminates things clearly for her. Is this fire-stoking symbolic of the way that Hannah's dim desire for a man has been kindled by the doctor's interventions? Is there symbolism too in the room that she sees then once it's illuminated, filled with books? Could this represent Hannah leaving behind a childish innocence and ignorance and entering a world of knowledge and order and science? Before meeting the doctor, Hannah knew almost nothing of her own body or sexual awakening. She even invented her own terms for different parts of her anatomy, but now she's far more experienced and aware of her feelings. She's been educated in the scientific terminology that describes her body. With this in mind, I wonder if the ending of this story is going to be one in which Hannah is brought into the light and cured by the doctor's treatments. Having given up last chapter on the last remnants of my hope that Hannah's going to get some kind of revenge on the doctor, maybe that's the best ending we can hope for at this point. One small thing which has been bugging me in this story which co-ops the Victorian style of writing and takes pains to use 19th century vocabulary at almost every opportunity is the use of the word "cock" to describe the doctor's penis. It just seems out of place to me. Maybe "cock" is a historically accurate term, maybe they did call them "cocks". It's not inconceivable, but somehow the word just feels too modern to me, and it stands out almost shocking against the background of old-fashioned words which comprise the rest of the story. I think it would have felt more natural to call it something more Victorian-sounding, like a member or a phallus, or to just stick to referring to it through euphemism as a lot of 19th century stories did. This is a classy story I think, at least it is compared to some of the others we've had on the podcast, like the Adventures of Detective Bam Barclay or Magic Game for instance. "cock" isn't a classy word for penis, at least not in my book. My book of penis synonyms, which I keep in pride of place atop the mantelpiece. It's interesting that as Hannah is tied down to the bed, her reaction to her helplessness is unlike what we've seen in previous chapters. This time, she's recognizing the role-playing element of a BDSM scene and consciously leaning into her part as the helpless submissive. I'm reliably informed that this is a common dynamic in modern, consensual BDSM sex that both partners are aware of their playing apart in a scene, a scene which is designed to recreate a particular erotic fantasy. Before now, Hannah's been an unwilling or at best a neutral participant in the scenes with her and the doctor. Now, it's as though something has clicked for her, and she's actively performing and enjoying her embodiment of the submissive role in a totally different way. A little Easter egg in this chapter, and perhaps a revealing one, is that the book on the doctor's bedside table, Venus in FERS, is a novel which, according to Wikipedia, draws on themes like female dominance and sadomasochism. Apparently, a seminal text when it comes to BDSM, and one which Freud references in his essays on sexuality, where he actually coins the term "sadomasochism". I want you to bear with me for just a few moments here, because I'm going to read you the plot summary from the Wikipedia page. It's quite short, but I think it's really interesting that this is the book that the doctor has on his bedside table, the book that he's currently engaged in reading. The story concerns a man who dreams of speaking to Venus about love while she wears FERS. The unnamed narrator recounts his dreams to a friend, who gives him some advice on how to break his fascination with cruel women by recommending that he reads a manuscript entitled "Memoirs of a Super-Essential Man". This manuscript tells of a man, Severin von Kusemsky, I think that's how it's pronounced, who is so infatuated with a woman called Vonda von Dunaju, that he asks her if he can be her slave, and he encourages her to treat him in progressively more degrading ways. At first, Wanda doesn't understand or accede to the request, but after humoring Severin a bit, she finds the advantages of the method to be interesting, and enthusiastically embraces the idea, although at the same time, she distains Severin for allowing her to do so. Severin describes his feelings during these experiences as "super sensuality". However, the relationship arrives at a crisis when Wanda meets a man to whom she would like to submit, a bironic hero known as Alexis Papadopoulos. At the end of the book, Severin is humiliated by Wanda's new lover and loses his desire to submit. So for me, I'm interested to consider whether this might foreshadow how our story will progress. Is the Doctor planning to break the spell of Hannah's subservience to him and obsession with sadomasochism by allowing himself to be dominated, perhaps by a woman, and then having that woman humiliate Hannah, as Alexis does to Severin? Perhaps it doesn't need to be a woman, or even a sexual humiliation. The Doctor is about to take Hannah on tour (heh, I guess you could call it) to demonstrate the effectiveness of his methods, presumably in front of other more established clinicians. People with the power to humiliate the Doctor. There's obviously some reason why the author has chosen to have this be the book on the Doctor's bedside table. We'll have to wait and see if the reason for that becomes clear, or whether it just remains an obscure reference to something which is vaguely in the same genre. Conjecture aside, we do learn some factual information from the book too, that the Doctor is the illegitimate son of Lord Raven's Court, Hannah's former master. And what a tantalising reveal, no wonder he's been so curt and secretive about revealing information about himself. I do wonder though, why he decides to reveal it all now. He could have easily dismissed Hannah's inquiries and refused to speak further about his past, but uncharacteristically, he decides to confide in her. Is this more manipulation? It's not that I think he's lying about the details, I believe that they're true, but I do think it's possible that he's only choosing to tell Hannah about this, in order to get her emotional buy-in for the next big step he's about to ask her to take, that is, to perform sexually in front of an audience. There is something calculated about the Doctor's demeanor, he doesn't make himself entirely vulnerable, he certainly maintains a level of control, even lurching at her with sudden aggression at the mention of the word "bastard", obviously a sourcepot for him. With this new information about the Doctor's backstory, the question of Hannah's room and board at the institution is also definitively answered, and now it makes total sense that the master of Raven's Court Manor would send her there, to the place where he sends all the misfits and undesirables. There'd obviously been no question of him having to pay for her treatment there, which is something I had been wondering about for a while. It's interesting too that the case of Countess C's daughter comes up again in this chapter, and it seems as though the Doctor perhaps isn't as callous or clueless as we previously been led to believe. Perhaps his nonchalance at dinner was a necessary part in placating Godric. The Doctor's clearly aware that in more socially conscious European countries like France, where the criminalisation of homosexuality was ended with the revolution, there are more advanced and compassionate views on sexuality. I get a slight sense that the Doctor feels trapped by the charity of his position at the institution. He's there because the Lord of Raven's Court Manor feels bad for him, not because he's earned the position. On the other hand, he's also restricted by the social values of Victorian Great Britain. He's not necessarily free to practice as he sees fit. He's under the instruction of Lord Raven's Court, and his circle of upper-class acquaintances beholden to carry out treatments based on their prejudices, rather than the emerging new, scientific research that is popular on the continent. We also, at last, get an idea of the motives of the Doctor. Well, I guess at the very least, we hear what he says his objectives for Hannah's treatment are. Apparently, simply to teach her discipline. I'm not sure that that's the whole story, but there we go. That's what he says. It was interesting to me that he described Hannah as a docile and malleable subject, and I suppose she is now, but I didn't get that sense at the start of the story. I thought she had a bit more of a fighting spirit in her, but perhaps not compared to previous patients. And I wonder how many failed attempts at teaching discipline there have been. How many young women abandon to the Institute for the incurable? At the end of this chapter, we're left with a bunch of questions. Will Hannah be able to perform before an audience? Will her night voice, already seeming to answer on her behalf sometimes, overtake her desire for subservience to the Doctor and break through her attempts at restraint? Will a successful demonstration really free the Doctor from his hereditary limitations and allow him the freedom to practice his methods in Europe? One thing I was thinking is that there's no real intrinsic reward for Hannah in going forward with his next step. There's potential consequences. Obviously, Hannah doesn't want to be sent to the institution for the incurable, but the rewards are all for him. It's the Doctor who will get to escape his past and start a new life as a renowned psychologist at a fancy European facility, and he doesn't mention whether Hannah will be accompanying him or not. We just have to wait and see if those questions are going to be answered in the next chapter. The penultimate chapter, chapter nine. There's only two more episodes of this series left. But before we start talking about that, I remember there is one comment, which I have to read, and it's a very short one. It's from Pink Peony101, who just says, "Excellent, I look forward to the next chapter." And if you're looking forward to the next chapter as well, and if you've been enjoying the work of this author, Case 21, then I strongly suggest that you head over to and do a search for Case 21 as an author. They've got 65 other submissions, so plenty in their back catalogue to enjoy. And if you do check them out, then please give them a five-star rating, like their stories, follow them if you want to keep up to date on the things that they release, and maybe even write a positive comment for them. I'm sure they'd appreciate that. Thanks so much for downloading this podcast. I want to ask you one more time, just please leave a like, please leave a short review, give the podcast a rating, whatever your podcast app lets you do. Those kind of things really help with the visibility of this show. And I want to reach as many people as possible. I'm trying to grow the audience. The target is 2,000 downloads a month. We're not a million miles away, but there is still some distance to cover. And your ratings, your likes, your reviews, and even your subscriptions would really help to support this podcast. If you want to go one step further and help to financially support this podcast, then I'll remind you that there's a link to the Patreon page in the description of this episode. Just £5 or $5 would really help to reimburse some of the money I've already spent on the equipment that I use to record this podcast. And it will mean that I can spend more money on upgrading that setup, that I think the next thing is going to be some soundproofing for the room that I record in. So, if you love this podcast, if you listen every week, and if you can afford it, I know not everybody can afford it. But if you've got some money in the bank, consider it an investment in something that you enjoy. And the return on that investment is going to come to you in terms of better quality, better sounding podcasts. I've yet to have even one subscriber on Patreon. So there's not much on there right now, but as soon as I get even one person, I've got a ton of ideas to help give them some benefits for the money that they pay, including early release of the episodes, complete remastered versions of the stories in one file so you can listen to it without interruptions, and even votes on which stories should be read next. So if any of that sounds good to you, I'd really appreciate your subscription. I'll be back next week with chapter 9, the penultimate chapter of "Sent of Ginger". Until then, I hope you have a really great week. Keep it sexy. Don't let your night voice speak for you, and goodbye. [Music] There's a touch of it in your head. You feel the spin inside your every now. You are halfway with your husband's shoe. You can't afford to approach man's looks. You'll be too sweet on the lawn. You'll tell the doctor you don't know nothing wrong. He's got a mess that invites out hell. The taste of wine that all folks can do. The "Sent of Ginger". The "Sent of Ginger". When you're inside, the "Sent of Ginger". [Music]