The Ben 10 Podcast That Nobody Asked For

17. Sam Was Wrong and Nat Was Right

"It sounded really good... visually I could not tell you anything."

Sam learns that Sublimino will return. This news devastates him.

Season 3,

Monster Weather & Super Alien Hero Buddy Adventures

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Broadcast on:
07 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Welcome back to the Ben Team podcast that nobody asked for. I am next. I'm Sam. I'm James So I'm gonna stop with the numbers for a bit because we're hitting a point where the episodes on Netflix and the DVD do not match IMDB. So I'm just gonna say the name of the episode and once we Get out of this zone of weird numbering. I might bring the numbers back. Maybe I never will stop taking photos of me Joe It's fine. The poor man's very camera-shack. All right. Why is he an actor? Monster weather an artificially intelligent weather machine Excues its master's control to go on wanting courses of destruction in Chicago What weather man is capable of building an artificial intelligence robot that can then destroy a city? Have you not seen cloudy with a chance of meatball? He was not a weather man. Wasn't there? He was a weather boy. No, he was not Didn't do by just have some like apocalyptic floods that they said could have been altered by there with a Changing machine. I don't know. I haven't been following. No, that's fair. I don't think we should ever mess with that No, no, no, no, no. I don't want to go into it like conspiracies and just like, you know, that was a that was a fact that happened Yeah, um, I liked this episode. I especially liked that the monster was called Sam Yeah, what did it sound? What was it? Something something something. Yeah, I'm assuming something aerial Machine I don't think it was a real well like yeah, I don't know something. It's like machine. Yeah sounding Anometer mitigraphy. Oh, okay. Never mind. Oh, well, well. I Like music. Yeah, so me as a music is pretty cool, you know, yeah, so we link grapple mexis is a bit of a hippie A little bit of a hippie loves. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, that's the rock out. It loves her out loves the chill He's being added to the blunt rotation Yes, sir. Yes, sir So yeah, no, but it was great episode. The music was really fun. This one four arms and two guitars. Oh, it's good. That was good Crazy and then about halfway, maybe not even halfway Halfway through sorry that closer to the mic halfway through Nat was uh, he brought out his brand new TV It was like, what are you talking brand new TVs? What's your brand? It's your brand new TV. Yeah, it was brand new Yeah, my flatmate decided recently she didn't want the TV in her room And so I have claimed it and now we have claimed it and now we play the Ben 10 game at the same time The protector of earth game, which I first played on PSP as a child. I've got to be honest As soon as I started playing that game, I completely stopped watching the episode. I was I was switching That's gonna be a problem. I was switching I was switching back and forth I can I can hear what's going on because we're not listening to the audio of the game When we're listening to the audio of the episode. It sounded really good Visually, I could not tell you anything. Well, it was a music based episode Visually like I really liked the look of the monster Sam turns into yeah I did not say I do like how like when he's traveling when Sam's traveling around That's a cloud like you see the back of the cloud They kind of just like a dark cloud, you know lightning But when you get a side-on view it's got like a little mouth and face Which is just it's just great that though. This was like, I'm going to turn into this cloud But we got to give it a face, you know, just to scare people. It's kind of the out of a moat, right? I don't think I think I just want to scare people. I will destroy the people who tried to stop me Also, hold on you you don't know because you did invented to see that That was funny for you to say something Yeah, you can't you can't act like you've got a complicated opinion when you didn't see the But did he smile? No Always always love a a good hell 9,000 imitation. Oh, yeah, it's good. I can't let you do that dance Yeah, it's like whoa, okay You were nice and now you're planning on earth's destruction, but okay, that's not nice Yeah, um, does fans come back? No, I don't think so He was the last time I saw him. He was just stuck in the ground or something You know who we are going to see again who sublimino Oh, really? Yeah, sublimino will come back Why I am not a little return. I'm a little bit just know that he will return Okay, I'll be waiting for it. I'll be here for you when it happens Am I allowed to be upset? Maybe I'll miss that episode. Maybe I'll maybe this will be good I won't tell you what episode it is. Okay, maybe you'll play the game Maybe there'll be there'll be one podcast where I'm not in it and it's like you might go get some more meckers Yeah, I'll give it some more what say it'll even be an episode we see today honestly after what I've been eating this Today and yesterday. I honestly if someone just gave me a whole carrot. I'll be like, yeah I feel like this is what my body here like doesn't just like unvegetable. I'll be like Yes bent in not good for people's health. Absolutely Turns out saying down and watching And we're calling it a podcast For 16 to 17 hour stretches. It's not good for your body or mental health and is The usual how's your mental health though? Actually, you know what mental health pretty good mental health pretty good Okay, it's been around up today Yesterday it got pretty like there were two brain cells rowing together and my mental capacity was just dwindling I just get like the legs of a cricket. Yes Precisely, but no, I did like this episode. I'm wondering if We got I really sure the mo the robot doesn't come back. I don't know why I think it does Pretty sure. Yeah, the road. We might get another robot. Oh, yeah, there are many There's always another there's always another robot. There's always another robot Let me just have a look at the name of the episodes for season four. See if there's a robot There's a the title just return of Sam How many episodes in a season 13 13 but season four has ten with the movie 13 Roughly, you know, yeah, secret of the only tricks was produced Like as part of season four and it's so three episodes made one move is that that the live action? No, that's the animated movie. Okay. Yeah, the live action one is race against time Is the only one animated movie or is there there's another animated movie from 2012, which is 3d animation Oh, oh, okay. We also got a nice moment between Ben and grandpa max this episode We're max so sweet max really wanted to share like this concert with Ben and Ben was like, I don't I want to go to this convention and didn't care And then at the end of the episode Ben's there and he's like rocking out to music And it's just what I find is just such a cute adorable moment where he's likely because yeah, it's not bad And grandpa's like, hey, let me get a big review and put some up on his shoulder so we can watch Ben It's just that's just really cute and sweet. I just did we get did we just have another Ben learns a lesson episode Ben Will I think we did a part of the blunt rotation? Is that the lesson in ten thousand is rusted He is he is in the listings. I don't know what either of those two phrases means rusted or in the listings That's right. That's right. Ross is american football term. Yeah, okay. You don't need to know it. Sorry. Yeah, don't worry Hey, look he's in the rotation Okay, you sweet summer just With that are we ready to move on to the next episode? It's not working more super alien. Nope. Yep. Yep from the top Super alien hero buddy adventures. Oh, this is an intro one. Yes No Make sure it's an intro one. Yeah, it is. Okay. Welcome back to the Ben Tim podcast that nobody asked for. I am net I'm Sam. I'm James. I'm Joe. I'm Bailey Super alien hero buddy adventures. This is in a Hollywood studio theme park Ben Duska. This is alien heroes have been ripped off and are starring in a lame network cartoon We're not going by numbers at the moment because the numbering system is all weird, but Once it fixes itself up, I'll do that So does Hollywood have any original ideas? No, no Yes, rumor has it there's a live action mint in film in the world. Oh Another one Let's just reboot it a third time Okay, cool I'm sitting here. I love how we're late. Come on late. It's popularity isn't that big, but we we're currently doing a goddamn podcast So that's that nobody's listening to Okay before three people listening the three people are listening to before we found out about the brother cane Um, there was a oh my god, like cane enable. Yeah There was a thought that popped into my head of like now watching these things as an adult. It's like I have to remember that Ben is a 10-year-old and he's just naive So when he's it's like no my childhood hero could never do this stuff and queens like face it Ben Your your hero is the villain. My adult brain was like it's like yeah Never meet your heroes because they'll just turn out to be pieces Or something so not Insane that and then you know you had the twist with the the brother and stuff But I'm really just trying to remember this is a 10-year-old kid Do not get angry at the 10-year-old kid because you are now an adult who thinks differently to when you're If you if you want to get mad get mad hell in the Ben 10 universe Every single one of his aliens has the same symbol. That's on his watch and literally no one ever points it out Like hey can't help but notice. Hey Sam this wasn't an intro episode because these numbers on my screen are wrong Anyway, what makes what makes an intro episode? Like the way I'm cutting them together. It doesn't it doesn't Anyway last episode wasn't intro. Oh, but I wanted to be right and that one. It'll be right He interrupted Sam's thought process He needed it to be on recorded that he was correct I was mistaken though. The mistake was being cut regardless But this episode's Cool and the kangaroo like jumping around and everything's pretty it's pretty cool Like he's like I do all my own gadgets. I'm like the gadgets are pretty advanced. I'm like damn Like the technology in the Ben 10 universe just seems really advanced and also really inconsistent. Oh, yes Yeah, yeah, I also love how um he goes up to like to create of the like super buddies like whatever they were talking for alien hero buddy adventures Yeah of that and he goes like hey you just ripped off those aliens from the ones on the year He goes, oh prove it. I'm like very easily like you can just put up and use feed That was like done a couple months ago before the show came out. Oh, so that's insane Let's talk about this is still some of vacation. So max. This has been a month Maybe a month and a half. Oh, that's a quick time for a show to come out, isn't it? Yeah Yeah, I mean, I feel like it it's a little wonky because I remember back in um, what is it? been tough In tough luck. It was either july 6 7th or 8th because the magic convention they went to was on july 6 7th Okay, because I remember on gwen tin Uh, they were when ben was like trying to convince them that he had the on the tricks itself He said like they thought bill drags two weeks ago Yeah from like and that was season two that and that was the fourth episode So because episode one of season two picks up like immediately after right. Yeah, it's more finishes So that that makes it yeah, they're kind of tracks If gwen 10 from ben's point of view picks up immediately after episode three finishers Then episode two would have been one week after vlogax episode three two weeks after gwen 10 the next day All right, I guess we can kind of ignore guentine Yeah, um, but yeah, so we got a little bit of lifting representation in the episode We've got a little bit of lifting representation lift and ease We're out So yeah, no, it was really funny episode so this was nearly a ben learns listen episode This was nearly a don't meet your heroes episode until the reveal of the evil brother But then again, I guess he was just kind of um the trade by his hero anyway And to be fair like that the guy was complicit in his brother's actions like he goes like yeah Hey, I said we went too far, but I went along with this stuff Which is crazy that the plan was to kill his brother. Like I guess there were Uh accomplices up to that point his name is kane like if I had a brother called kane, I'll be like I don't think there were accomplices. I think the idea is meant to be that his brother was doing the stuff And he was telling him stop you're going too far. Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense Yeah, more cause early in the episode it didn't very much seem like he was doing these things just to get attention back Well, like, you know the the rollercoaster blowing up and him coming in to save the day But they confirmed that it was the brother Yeah, yeah, that's exactly what he was doing. Yeah, all right I suppose it's all like did he don't find the glove then was that planted? He planted the club there. So he's the brother. The brother probably planted the god Okay, and the brother was the one who probably saved the people because he's the star he would be the star man Yeah, yeah, it's probably the brother that whole sequence also as we go along with this season I've just been noticing something and that is Gwyn is so much more badass than Ben in terms of like Physical characteristic Ben in his human form cannot do Gwyn is the same age as him and kicks so much ass in human fall. This is where feminism Viscer, but he's pretty agile. Remember in the null void episode. He's jumping all around the He doesn't look like a gymnastics kid. He just doesn't really I guess need to improve Ben's stats because he's got the aliens. There's no real reason to work on himself And also we know Gwyn does you just yes, and we've seen the flip when Ben went into a body She you know he was a lot more agile also. Sorry a few episodes back change your face when Gwyn gets Uh to be a cannonball for a second and she's like having such trouble when the whole point of Gwyn 10 was she's so much better with their hands though, I mean Consistency was one of the hardest one of the hard ones like even Ben was struggling to get off his back We became cannonball was the Gwyn 10 dream sequence. It was non cannon. Yeah water. Okay in relation to Um inconsistent seeing that I think kind of the messages that when Ben first gets the omnitric He's kind of a selfish prick of a kid. Mm-hmm And so does Gwyn when she first gets the omnitric. Oh, sure. Yeah, but she's it more for fun than Ben in that first episode, right? Actually, you know, she goes immediately to the bowling place to show, you know, show them in space that she can do that Yeah, Gwyn just has a lot more common sense than Ben. Yes, for sure. Yeah, which is great Or also Gwyn probably didn't freak out because Ben was next to her going. This is what's going on We we always were told as kids as little kids that girls matured earlier than guys and yeah, and it's like, oh, that's the mind That's the brain. Well, it's the new 20 What is the new 20 land? I thought I know everything Well, moving on from that depressing note Sorry about that ladies. You know, we're all with you on that one. No one needs to think about Thought they would be at this age Right into us tell us what you thought you'd be at this age dear listeners of group of three Uh what age is that then currently or do he's a child? If anyone is listening to this send in an email Tell us If anyone is listening, please send help If anyone is listening tell us where you thought you'd be at this time in your life You have to tell us how old you are just be like, this is where I thought I'd be, you know, let's let let let's all embrace this Quarter mid Three-quarter life crisis in your life. Yeah life I've just got to say if the response is if you thought you would be listening to a Ben 10 podcast That is about Nearly 20 years Too late in terms of why pop culture is If that's what you thought you were doing in your life, then that's insanity Just gonna say if you are if you are doing exactly what you thought you'd be doing something is wrong All very right. If you're enjoying the benisons with us Congratulations, you're part of the cool kids No, they're not I know so many cool people who like Ben 10 so yeah, so they are part of the benisons Do you mean people in this room or no? I know I don't know bro. I have other friends that oh that sounds Yeah, but where are they then? Why do they want to be podcast? They're on holiday Canada. Why do they get to have one? No, no, she just goes to a different school I swear And with that I think we go to the next You've been listening to the ben tim podcast that nobody asked for One of the podcasts of all time If you've got anything you'd like to say to us anything you'd like to complain about or if you just need a void to scream into Feel free to email us at benton nobody asked at That's be in one zero nobody asked at Or follow us on instagram at benton nobody asked pod Right on ben heads [BLANK_AUDIO]