FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

FM Talk Outdoors 7-24-2024

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27 Jul 2024
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It's time to talk about the outdoors in South Alabama, hunting, fishing, and getting outside along the Great Gulf Coast. It's time to take it outside with FMTalk 1065 Outdoors with reports, stories, how-to information, and Dr. Bill's Marine forecast. Here's Sean Sullivan and Mike Ward. It is time for FMTalk 1065 Outdoors, Sean Sullivan and my partner and my host partner, Mike Ward. Good to be here, Sean. Winner, Mike Ward. We'll talk about results from the Alabama deep-sea fishing rodeo. As usual, Mike has something to talk about. I weighed fish. This isn't that part of it. We got wet. Listen, we'll get into that. Offshore y'all suffered for it. Inshore, the cloud cover, as long as it wasn't lightning, not bad. We'll talk more about rodeo recap coming up in just a little bit, but we're going to look out the front windshield at the beginning of the show and check in with our buddy Lee Davis at G&D Farms Outdoor Expo coming up in September. Lee, good to talk to you this morning. Good morning. Good morning. How are you all doing? Good, Lee. I'm trying to think, you know, it's year round for y'all, but for a lot of us out there, after the rodeo, people start thinking about the woods. I mean, it just seems that way, even though there's fishing to be done, but the chatter with my buddies and everybody out there, from when you get out of the week past rodeo, everybody says, "Okay, why don't we work at the camp? What are we going to do here?" It's that time of year, Lee. That light switch comes on, and it's time to head to the woods. First of all, and we'll talk several times here about it, but we've been talking on the show and promoting the outdoor expo coming up at the grounds. Tell folks who hadn't even heard us talk about it yet. What is this? It's a three-day outdoor expo, at the grounds, of course. We're concentrating on anything to do without doors in the Gulf Coast. Hunting, fishing, kayaking, whatever highlights the outdoor lifestyle. What's good is that hunting part of it and the fishing, but the boat show is great. We have a great time at the boat show, good time of year, but there's just, there hasn't been anything also to highlight the hunting, and you would think. That's what we're after. We're big in that. We specialize in the hunting seed, fertilizer, feed end of it, which is really important, and like I say, I think we've been kind of left out this far south, and it was time to do something. Yeah, it is kind of the benefit of where we live, because they'll have those exposed and like Birmingham or Huntsville or something like that, but they don't have all the fishing we have during the summer, so sometimes people up there just looking for something to do during July or something there, but here we're fishing, but yeah, then we're getting ready for hunting season, so this is timed perfectly. Well, then dad, in kind of how like being with this far south, we really have an opportunity to grow more resources for the wildlife, whether it's dove patches or summer food plots, or we're kind of in a little different state down here, we can provide for the wildlife a little better than most areas, and that's what we want to highlight. We're in a unique part of the world, and we need to celebrate it. Now you have some proprietary products that you actually make yourself for feed, right? We do, yes sir, the rec attack, that's our biggest one. Is that the only one you have, or is there more? No, we make turkey scratch and different stuff like that, but by far the rec attack is the biggest. We haul that stuff all over the state, the high fences, and you're of course just the backyards, and it's kind of the best of both worlds. It's the way we studied on it and come up with it. It's one of the best attractions in the world, but in the same senate, it's one of the best nutritional, it'll grow them and bring them. It's a great way to hold deer on your property. I know I've used it, and it is great. I won't tell you what, the deer love it. You put it on the ground, it don't last for about a day or so, it's gone, the deer love it. They can't stand it. And part of the reason is that they know that that new Christian is there, and they're after that new Christian. Yep, it's just like us, somebody throw a stake out on the ground, I'm there. Yeah, but that is true though, it's, I mean, you know, forever people think corn, corn, and corn's just carbohydrates, I mean, they'll come to it, but they doesn't have all the different stuff going on, and that racket that does that. Again, that makes sense why they eat it so much, because it's not doing much more, and other than bringing them to the table. Yeah, it's, you know, and with "Rag Attack" too, and I've talked about it on the show in the past, and I mean, this is, I'm a user, I'm a consumer, I can tell you how much of it, you know, that we get, and I know there's some people that are way ahead of where we are with it, but it is, it's the funniest thing, and I don't know if there's research done on this, how you do it. I'm here to tell y'all, you put it out, you know, I run a bunch of cameras, you put it out, if you put corn out, all right, you're going to have, and this, you know, this, on my property, somebody goes, "Oh, it's different on my property," corn out, it's like 50, it's actually not, it's probably 70-30 does to bucks, coming to corn on it. You can flip that 180, and I don't know what it is, Lee, I don't know why, but you never see on corn as many bucks as you do on "Rag Attack," and I once again don't know why, but it's, that's my, that's my expression. Nutritional value, that buck knows what he needs to grow those horns, and do what he's fair to do, and he knows that "Rag Attack" is going to help him do it, because that's the only way you can explain it. Yeah, I mean, I don't know, I mean, like I said, you've got some, maybe there's some signs behind it we can roll out, all I know is what I see, and y'all, I run 23 some odd cameras, you know, and have "Rag Attack" on a lot of them, and you just look what comes in, I keep notes, you know, I'm like a nerd for this stuff, and it's just it's 70, 30 bucks to doze. Yeah, it's crazy how it works, but it does work. Yeah, I've used it a bunch, and it does great. John's right, I mean, the bucks like it, you know. Like, if you have a corn feeder out, you'll get some bucks come to corn, but you then, I'll tell you what, do your own experience. Go put some corn out on one feeder, and some, in a good area, make sure both good areas, we get bucks nearby, and then do another one with "Rag Attack" and just do your own science, you know. With all the cameras now, it doesn't take long to say, okay, run 23 and count them up. That's right. So, yeah, you'll see there you did not know we're there. That's true as well, that there, because we've talked about that too with, you know, certain bucks on property, people say, oh, they must have just showed up, but if you look, maybe they were there the whole time, you just had, you had your camera on the big green field, or you had your camera on the road, place the big bucks, it's not going to go. I mean, he's on your property, but he's not going to go, but that "Rag Attack" yeah, they screw up, they screw up on my place and get in front of him. Then I never find him again, but I sure as heck, have a picture of him. Yeah. Are y'all going to have, at the outdoor expo, are y'all going to have product to buy there, or just order? How's it going to work? Absolutely. Yes, the vendors are coming in. Our biggest seed reps will be there. Wax seed, which is well known, WMS, which is a monster in the south. Yeah, we're going to have everybody there. The shooting houses and, you know, just-- What shooting houses are you bringing? The sportsmen condos and the titans, I know for sure will be there. Good. That's another one. So I've gotten sportsmen's condos over the years from Lee too. Right. Y'all, if you've built, I can't tell you how many shooting houses I've built in my life, but when I started doing these, I don't know, you can call them plastic or polycarbon, I don't know what they are, but they ain't wood. Yeah. And I hadn't had to mess with a single one of them. You put them up, get them put, and now you could not fix them. And they don't have the wasp load. Yeah, they're tight. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. You know that first moment when you're going in, like, work weekend at the hunting camp, and you got that can of wall spray in here. Yeah, everybody's got a factor of wall spray with them. Yeah. You eased up that ladder like you're a ninja, and you're not going to make a move too. You could try to see that nest. Well, those days are gone. Yeah. So yeah, those things are great. So what about-- So it's three days. So are we going to have activities on certain days and be different from others, or if you come Fridays at the same as Saturday or Sunday, kind of, how's that laid out? We're trying, we're getting set up bad, and I can't really guarantee anything yet because it's not 100%, but yeah, we're going to have different events, different giveaways, raffles, all kind of stuff. We're working on giving away some full winners, and that kind of stuff. So it's going to be-- We do everything we can to make it good. That is awesome. I mean, that's what it is. Land Rover of Gulf Coast is going to be there with some deals on the defenders. So we got a little bit of everything. This is-- the actor, the Brieland, be there with the buggies and the arctic cats, and yeah, we getting set up, getting everybody lined up on deals, what kind of deals we can offer people, and I kind of messed up. I had a guy yesterday, a bunch of the titans, and he decided he'd wait till the show to pull the triggers to see what kind of deal he can get. Yeah. So what about-- That's fine. That's good. I'm glad he's going to take advantage of it. So what about fishing, anything, any boat dealers, or trailer dealers? I'm talking to a couple to see who can be there. It's kind of been a pulling teeth deal on the boat dealers because they're all wore out from the fishing season. And then I want to pull the trigger on on obligation, but yeah, we'll get some there. We want to concentrate more on the fishing, the rivers, the pond boats. That kind of stuff is what I'm looking for. It's something every day man can get his hands on and go enjoy. I like it. So once again, y'all, this is 13, 14, 15th of September. Tickets, do people buy them ahead of time, buy them off the ground. On when ticket sales go on, get started August 1st. The website's up, the Facebook page, we're on everything. When people go to Facebook, if you go G&D, you'll go to the regular website for G&D, but yeah, go G&D outdoors. Again, there's a G&D outdoor expo, Facebook page. The website is is That's got all our vendors, its sponsors. Of course, y'all are a big help with the 106 five. That's been a blessing. We're excited about being there. And you have a reminder to y'all, we're going to be there, you know, doing I'm going to do my midday show live on that Friday and we'll do outdoors show from there on Saturday and come out and see what looks like in person. I have had a couple of folks that they know about the expo, which is going to be a huge thing, but they're scared. We're not going to do the hunter's night out, but we are definitely doing hunters night out. Good. So and it's funny. Somebody came up to me, okay, because somebody came up to me at the rodeo and said the same thing. They said, we know you're going to be at the outdoor expo, but Sean, or you come and not even for work because I come there personally. He said, he said, you're going to be at the hunter's night out. I said, yeah, he said they're doing both. And so yeah, you are. So when it when is hunter's night out? Uh, I believe it's the 12th of August the second Monday. Yep. Yep of Monday. So it's only a few weeks away. So we're geared up for that too. Okay. So why the heck do people? I mean, I know, but let me play the game here. Lee, why does anybody come out to that? That is where we release all our seed prices, give people a chance to do early booking for their clubs, give them a week to 10 days to get with the club members and get everything. And we kind of specialize in that. What we'll do is you get it booked and say, you come to me and say, Lee, I need to, I'm, you know, we got all the guys set up to plant the first weekend in October. Well, everything you wanted and booked, your fertilizer, your seed, any, anything you needed, we will have it wrapped on a pallet at the store of your choice. Of course, we got the store in Grove Hill and it eliminates finally getting everything together, getting all the tractors loaded up, and you go to the feed store in your home, little local hometown by your hunting club and they're out of something. And we take care of all that. We've got big enough warehouses, which you know, and we make sure that everything you want is sitting there, whether it's six bags or six pallets. Yeah, we've got your name sitting on it ready to be loaded when you want it. Yeah, this is what I do each year. I do exactly, you know, I come out, I get that order booked. I don't know if I'm getting trouble here, but you've helped me in the past, not that people lose papers where they, you know, how many bags of seed we put on a field and how many fertilizers we put on the field. But you know, I've asked you, I said, what did I, and you had the record from the order of the year before? Yeah, my wife, like she, I'll give her all the credit for that. She's really good at keeping up with what somebody got last year, because we do, we have a lot of clubs that will come in and go, Hey, so it's so handled it last year. He's gone. We want to do the same thing we did last year, but we don't know exactly what he thought and she can lay it on the table and say, here's what you got last year. It's been a life saver. No, it's a life saver. You know, if you don't have that all written down, you just go, yeah, we want to do exactly what we did last year, and then you go, you know, or hey, we do what we did last year, but I want to throw a couple more bags of closure on it or something like that that I want to add in. And we've been doing this so long that our seed suppliers, these people like wax and WmF that actually manufacturing blend these seeds, they, they, they've done so good. We've done such a volume over the years that they're really good about, you know, if somebody does come up and want to extra power to something, we can get our hands on it in a hurry. Okay, so let's remind folks that they they're listening to us to go, okay, they've never done it before. What, how do they, it's the August 12th, you said? Yeah, I believe it's the 12th. It's either 12th 13th. I don't have it on the calendar. Okay, but if they go, if they get a Facebook page or the website, yeah, yeah, it'll be, it'll be all over. Just just check, we have to let you, you have to sign up beforehand. Do we just show up Lee has a shirt? Just come on. We've got that big pavilion at the house, just come to the store here and you'll see where to go and, and yeah, we'll, we'll take care of everybody. And it's a fun night and you also give away a lot of prizes. We do, we do, we have a lot of our vendors that'll donate stuff. We give them a lot of record tag, a lot of feed, different stuff. Our vendors have been great to us because it's a, it's a pretty big event as you've seen. And we love to do it. The first year we've done it over, I think last year was our 20th year. And the first year we did it, we had a dozen doughnuts and seven people. And it has definitely grown. Yeah, we fed 400 people last year and, and it's, it's, we enjoy it. It's a, it's a, it's a great time. And it's just efficient, y'all in hunting clubs or what, it's just an efficient way. I mean, it's a fun party, but even if you just come and get signed up and you got to go do, it's, it's not a real, and we, and we do this for a reason. It's not a real structured event. We'll have some guys get up and say who they are to introduce them. But, but it's, it's, it's more of a good excuse to get together and, and with like-minded people and, and talk to folks and find out what they're doing that works and what's not working and, and just, you know, get information and all the reps will be there. So if you do want to ask about a certain product, the man sitting right there, ready to get it. It's a good deal. So that's coming up next month, y'all. And then in September, it's the outdoors Expo, 13th, 14th and 15th. Lee, of course, we'll have you back to talk about that before then. And, and, and, and be out there and join the event. So I'll see y'all in August and September. Lee, we appreciate it. And let me get you back to our notes. It's a busy morning. Lee Davis at G&D Farms, our guest right here on FM Talk 106-5 Outdoors and we'll be right back. Welcome back. FM Talk 106-5 Outdoors, Sean Sullivan and Mike Boor glad to have y'all along. And I got this on my mom before we switch back and go to talking to fishing. I have a Lee Davis on the mind of me too. We do this every year. We'll do a full show on it. And by the way too, I had somebody this last week said, "Hey, I want to hear more throwing them out." Right? And we've done several shows in the past about this. But we'll do another one here in the next couple of weeks about what I do on a lot of my fields and Mike's doing some of it too now where we're not discing. Yep. And it's, yeah, there's all kind of different versions of this. I do, I mean, people have drills and all, you know, I do like a poor man's version, but we'll talk about that coming up. But also, as we're talking about hunting stuff, I saw this from Alabama Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries and they put it out again. Winter week, because I'm thinking about dove season. And I, listen, I have enough millet now that the deer hadn't eaten all of it. Yeah. So I'm going to be going to be good to go on a millet. 14 does this year. 14, maybe 16 does. Yeah. But another thing, you know, we do is so winter wheat. And as a reminder here, winter wheat. So if you're doing this for doves here, winter wheat can be top zones starting August 1st through November 30th. Remember, it used to be by Ag Zone. Right. But now I guess they put the whole state under August 1st through November 30th, you can put up to 200 pounds of wheat top zone per acre. Right. Okay. Doves can be hunted over top zone wheat when planted four, because they're going to ask you, why did you plant this? Yeah. Can't say to bait doves. It is a wildlife food plot. It's a cover crop. It's agricultural crop or supplemental livestock grazing. Yeah. But here's what you got to remember. Yeah. You can't plant that wheat every week. Correct. You have one time. One time. One time you do it. That would be a normal agricultural practice. And the other part of this that, and if you'll go through outdoor Alabama and look at their site, you've got to prep your field. You've got to prep your field like you were trying to plant wheat. Yeah. That means if you just run a big heavy disk through it with a bunch of clods in it and all that, that's not, that's not prepared for wheat. Yeah. So you're going to go disk, re-disk, I cult a pack, just like I was, you know, making a, making a wheat field. Right. So you've got to do that part. A lot of times, sometimes I've heard people say, well, you know, listen, I just up the field and put winter wheat and they're telling me this field's not legal. Because you ran the disk one pass through it, you know, with a bunch of Johnson grass laying there, and then he came in and put the wheat on top. You wouldn't do that if you were trying to make a wheat crop. Right. That's right. So if you're going to do that, you know, starting August 1st through November 30th and up to 200 pounds per acre, you've got to do the prep work on the ground. So it's going to have to be dished and re-dissed. I don't know what your dirt's like, but with me, I'll come through with the disk and then come back another way and disk it and then cult a pack, or some, or drag a, drag through it or a chain link fence or whatever, you know, section that you're doing smooth, smooth like you're planting. Right. So that's right. And then you can hunt over that as well. So you can do that. Remember too, like your millet fields and all that. All the millet you produce in that field can be there. You can manipulate it. If you grew it there, you can manipulate it any way you want. You can burn it. You can bush on it. You can, you know, hay it. You can strip it in rows. You can do that. You just can't bring millet in on top of it, nor could you go in and put winter wheat on top of the millet because you wouldn't do that on a normal crop. You would have burned it out. Now, if you burned it out and cleaned it out, then we did a section of the field for winter wheat. That's okay. Right. Right. But just, yeah, just a little heads up here. Because I mean, it's like we're going to wake up and a few more wake ups is going to be dove season. Same way with corn. If you plant corn and you're going to hunt over cornfield. You can bush on whatever. You just can't bring extra corn and put it in the field. Right. Whatever you grew in that field, you can, I mean, you can do it. Whatever you want. Yeah. That's right. Going in, bush, I'll get it. And whatever you want to do, you just cannot add corn to it. Don't say we didn't tell y'all. That's right. Okay. So that's, and we'll talk more about that coming up because heck, it's going to be, you'll be August, we'll have some gator hunt and then dove season and teal season will be here in September. Yep. It's going to be a month away. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. That's right here on top of us. It's unbelievable. So it's more of that conversation coming up. And yes, we will get back to throw them. Oh, you know, just had that person ask me this week about it. So we will do a show like that. Now, what we got to talk about is y'all ever seen that show, The Deadliest Catch, you know, with the boats up there in the very sea. Spashing around. We stayed in shore during the rodeo. I was, I was glad now that I stayed in shore because not only did I hear the story from people that were coming and going on the island about how it was offshore, I knew when my friend Mike Ward said it was rough, it was rough. Yeah. Well, it wasn't terribly rough where we were. I mean, it was our way west. We were way west was south of Louisiana, Poussaint and Cocodary, all that over there. Now, it wasn't pleasant. You know, we could run about 30 miles an hour into it. Mike's running a big contender. Yeah. I mean, but I mean, that was it. 28, 30 miles an hour. That's about all we could run about seven. Yeah. I mean, yeah. You know, once you got to where you were going to start fishing, you know, it was okay. You could stand to fish in it. It wasn't a real big deal. We had storms coming through all the time. That was one of the big issues. What about lightning out there? Because we'd have those storms roll up out of the Gulf and affect us in Mississippi Sound and the Bay where we're fishing, but we're watching on radar. They were offshore lightning storms. Yeah. And some of them were worse than others. Now, we got in one that, well, on the way over to Louisiana, we left off nine Thursday and drove over to Louisiana in the boat. And we got into one before we got south pass that was really bad. But we kind of skirted around it. And we tied up, not tied up, but we got up next to a big rig. It was lightning like crazy all around us. So we had to wait there for about an hour and let the lightning and the storm get on the passes. And once it did, we went on and there was storms all over the Gulf. We just kind of skirted around them all the way over to Louisiana. Now, a friend of mine, Mike Spillmeyer, was fishing way to the east. And he was over Panama City and south of Destin, all that over there. I think it was Saturday, I believe. He got into a storm that had one of those bad storms come from the north and come off shore. Those are always the worst. And he said it was one of the top three worst storms he'd ever been in. So that had to be pretty bad because Mike's been fishing for a long time. He's been in some really bad one. So it was worse in some places than it was others. And I heard some people talk about being offshore, south of Dauphin Island and getting into a couple of bad storms that got really rough. Yeah, these guys, I talked to some guys, they were, I don't know, I think they're the fraternists at one point and, you know, down in that area, and they were on like a 40 foot boat. And these guys are all salties we are. Yeah. And they said, Sullivan, I said, how was it? And they said, well, you know how we can sleep in a boat when no matter what's ever going, he said, couldn't sleep in boat. He said, and everything that wasn't in a hatch. I mean, a boat that big, it was slung everywhere. Yeah. In one of those where like, nothing stays put, everything's like, everything's out of the hatches are coming open and all that. In the big boat, he said, it was one of those. I said, oh, that sounds fun. I'm quite a trout fish. Yeah. Well, that's, that's a real rodeo week. Yeah, we're just like that, you know. Yep. That's what everybody says. Now, last year, it was beautiful. Yeah. You know, the weather was just beautiful, slick, calm, all, all three days. I mean, it was just beautiful. This year was just bad, you know. We just couldn't go and do what we wanted to do. But, you know, it ended up okay, we had in one storm that was probably blue 40 miles an hour, I guess, in blue rain sideways for about about 30 minutes. Well, were there, was that on top of swells out there? I mean, was it just localized or was it rough and then storms on top of rough? Yeah, it was rough. It was pretty rough. It was probably, yeah, I say it wasn't like six, eight foot or anything. It was like four foot, you know, just uncomfortable. But four foot gets old. But then when that storm came through and it blew 40 miles an hour and the rain blowing sideways, it really kind of slicked it down a little bit. You know, even though the wind was blowing really hard, it was raining so hard, it kind of beat the waves down. And then right after that storm, we were fishing up next to a rig. And right after that bad storm came through, we got back fishing again. You know, we had bait out, but we didn't, you know, we couldn't really hardly fish. It was raining and wind blowing so hard. But just as soon as that passed through, we threw some more baits out and one of my guys caught a king and was fighting up front. And then I threw a bait out and when I caught the Wahoo. So in that Wahoo, when I talked to you, I guess that was Saturday. So you all had caught that fish Friday or Saturday? I think it was Friday, if I remember right. This is the winning Wahoo. How big was that Wahoo? It's 49 pounds. It was not a big Wahoo. You know, the biggest in the rodeo. Yeah, it was the biggest in the rodeo. But yeah, it was. But it was not a big rodeo as far as why I am a big Wahoo as far as Wahoo's go. You know, a lot of times they're 70, 80 pounds or so. But you always tell me that, I mean, you catch them, you'll catch them king fishing throughout the year. But you say this time of year, they're more out this time of year than they are. Like, certain times of year you talk to me about, hey, you can go 40, 50 miles and catch Wahoo. But right now. Closer. Closer. Closer. Yeah. Closer. You know, in February, March, April, May, I mean, you can just go right off and down some of the, you know, 75, 100 foot, 150 foot rigs. Right. Or reefs or whatever in the catch Wahoo. And this time of year, usually they're further out. This time of year, you typically don't catch them in close. What did that Wahoo hit? It's a hardtail. Okay. It don't, I'd just thrown it out on top of the water and was actually letting the bait out. And he hit. Well, speaking of that, I'd come back to the Wahoo. But, you know, you had talked to us on previous shows that you had to work to get hardtails this year. It's been, but, you know, they've been harder to get hardtails, right? Not over there. That's what I'm gonna say. But over there, but around here, you said it didn't hurt. Now, it was really bad. But over there, you didn't have problems getting hardtails. Over there in 10 minutes, I can fill up two live wells full of hardtails. I mean, I still don't know what's going on here. I don't have a clue. I don't know. But as far as bait over there, there is absolutely no problem catching bait. You know, we talked about Mark Andy fishing. How long did he search for hardtails? I mean, he fished for five, five hours and didn't catch a hardtail. This has been about a month ago or something. Yeah, about a month ago. Yeah. So I don't know if it's gotten better off the island. I haven't fished the island in, you know, a couple of weeks, several weeks. But it seemed like everybody caught plenty of bait this weekend. Yeah. So maybe it's gotten better. So you put the hardtail out and catch that wahoo to get big runs on that fish? Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, we knew it was either a really big king or a big wahoo. Yeah. One of the other. Okay. And speaking of kings, so going into the rodeo, you'd talked about king microfiches has been tough last couple of years. It's been really bad. It's been super bad. Now, we ended up catching probably eight or 10 kings on mystery. Now, think about it. Eight or 10. Now, you're fishing three days. Three days of fishing. Actually, four days, because we pre-fished. Right. You're trying to find some kings all the way over to Venice. Right. We never, we ain't over to Fusan. We never caught a king on Thursday. Never caught him. We fished probably, you know, eight or ten kings. You know, I was ranked amateur king fisher, but I mean, we'd do that in two hours. Oh, absolutely. Years ago, there was no, I mean, you leave a rig because every time you threw a bait out, you was catching a 20 or 25 or 30 pounder. And you said, well, we got to get out of here. It's just all small fish. We got to go somewhere where we got fish three days and caught eight or 10 kings. That's four. And the biggest one was 29 pounds something. Isn't that pitiful? And I mean, you're, you're in the, you're in the spot to catch them where it used to be. What used to be the spot? Now the, the three biggest kings, I know the top two kings came south of Dauphin Island. I think the third biggest king came from Dauphin Island. It was 50 something. 57 pounds and then a 40, Benny Goldman had a 40, something a 40, seven or five or whatever wasn't in another 40 something pounder. But those came off south of Dauphin Island. So that's who knows. Yeah. The biggest king came off Louisiana that I know of was Rob Raphola out of Pensacola. He called a 33 pound. I'm sorry. That was over there. He was fishing around us over there. And that was the biggest king I know of that came from over there. Coming back, we'll talk more about Mike and the rodeo and also fishing. Even though we're talking hunting stuff now, fishing is still, still good for gear round around here, but we still got a lot to go. And still, we got snapper harvest. Snapper quoted the harvest out there. Welcome back. FM Talk, one of six five outdoors. Sean Sullivan, Mike Borgland, to have you here on this rodeo recap edition. And let's talk about some of the highlights there of the rodeo. Of course, Mike's Wahoo winner. Some of the story here offshore as well. And I saw some of the guys coming in Sunday, I was weighing some fish and guys were coming in with stud yellowfin tuna. But these guys were coming in with good wounds. And guys at the waste station were not telling them not to command, but they're like, how is it? They're like, nah, maybe, yeah, maybe it won about a hundred pounds. Yeah, you know, and they were, yeah, they were off loads of really nice tuna, but they weren't as big as some of the tuna coming in. I mean, this was a yellowfin tuna rodeo this year. What was bad? Rough weather too, but you got good tuna. Yeah, what was bad was people bringing in a hundred and eighty pound, a hundred and ninety, a hundred and ninety five pound tuna. Yeah, that's what these guys did. And they were having to say, sorry, that was not going to make the bore. I remember, I think I said this on the midday mobile show when Sean Powers was on Monday recapping. And I remember it was, I think our buddy Jim Cox back 10, 15 years ago, caught 174 pound yellowfin. And it was a big deal at the rodeo. Sure, sure. Well, I told you before on the show, friend of mine, Lynn Sharpless, had the state record tuna, 164 pounds, and it was state record for like 30 years. Yeah, I mean, think about it, 164 pounds for 30 years. Nobody broke that record. And now that wouldn't even gotten you on the board. Oh, it wouldn't even close. I mean, every weekend somebody catches one that big now. It's crazy what's happened on that. But one thing technology's better. People are using liebait, smaller leaders, smaller hooks, they know how to do it. Now back then, that was kind of an accident fish because you're trolling lures. You're dragging an islander. And that's right, you're just dragging lures and then one would accidentally hit your lures, you know. So, so it's a different time now. People learn how to catch them. But, you know, they call three tuna, or... Yeah, what were the... Yeah, the numbers here. Well, I was trying to find it on my... I mean, 200... I mean, you had to be 200 pounds to be in the game. That's right. It was over 200 pounds. Melvin Dunn, Melvin Dunn, it was first place with, I think, 209 pounds. And that is also the rodeo record too. And I'm trying to find it here on my app. And I know you're trying to find it too. But for the... Oh, okay. Yeah, Melvin Dunn was 210 pounds. And actually, Wilson was 207 pounds. And Sander Puth was 205 pounds. I mean, to think that... It's crazy. The person who gets third who got the 205 pounder. You know when they brought that fish in, they said, "We won this joke." Yep, we got it. Don't worry about it. Nobody else did you come in. And you know, that's happened several times. I can remember... I can remember Sean back when Bill Nunnery won the first place King Micro and the rodeo record King Micro. It was 68 pounds, okay? And second place... I remember that King Micro. As kids, we looked at... Yes. Second place was like, if I remember it was like 66 pounds, and the next third place was like 65 pounds. And a friend of mine, Lance Hill, had won 63 pounds and didn't place in the rodeo. And there were several more friends of mine had like 60s and 57s and 58s. And I mean, that year, the King Micro were just monsters. And that's why it is this year with the tuna. Yeah. Absolutely. I remember one of those years, I don't know it was the 68 pound a year, but one of the things that got me all those decades ago at SKA, we caught a 54.5. Yeah. And we were third place in the rodeo back then. We were just a bunch of dirty white boys, you know, just out there. But it was that good that we taught that one. Of course, we learned after about a year of SKA, we didn't have the medal to put with the crew out there. But you know, we used to... Yeah, the King thing, we got to... We'll revisit that and get Dr. Powers back on and see if there's something going on. Something going on. I can't tell you what it is. I mean, you used to. You could go out farewell buoy around the ships and just troll a duster and a cigar man and catch all the King Micro you wanted to catch. Well, I'd tell that story about taking the 25 pounds. Well, I'd tell the story about we used to go out there and we'd catch so many that I'd take a gotcha lure and take the hooks off of it. Yeah. Okay. So why are they because it was fun to catch them, but we didn't want to kill them or mess with them. So we just dragged the gotcha lure, let them hit it, burned the dragon and let it go. And then we throw out there because it was that fast. Yeah. But that's... By the way, too, as we're looking at Big Fish here too, J. O'Brien, so J. Oh yeah. 32.86 pound blackfish. So that's a monster. It's a monster. You know, last year, I weighed in right next to the guys that weighed in three that were in the 30 pound range. I'd never seen anything like it. Yeah. And this year, yeah, 32.86 wins it for J and then 29.45 second and 27.28 thirds. It's a big blackfish. Big blackfish. Sure was. And then sharks, of course, a big story. It's a big competition, but it also brings a lot of people to the rodeo to see these big sharks come in. That's right. Last year, that gigantic over a thousand pound tiger shark. You know, that was a big deal a lot of people watching that. This year wasn't the record setting tiger shark. This year is a record set in Bull Shark. Yeah. So this is... Okay, here's what... So the Bull Shark comes in 400. Let's see. It's 494.5. Yeah. So basically, I'm going to go ahead and tell them it's 495 pound bull shark comes in and it said, let's see, it was beat the current record. So that is the new record. The old record was 448 pounds. Yeah, it was 448. So it beat about more than 45 pounds. And that was set back in 2015. That's a big bull shark. Yeah. And it's a potential state record, I believe. Isn't that right? Mm-hmm. Okay. Yeah, I think it's in the mix for the state record. I don't have that number in front of me, but it is the rodeo record. And that is... Even though I know everybody tells you they see 600, 700 pound bull sharks all the time, they don't. No, they don't. Because if you see the side, if you see this, if you go ahead and look at the pictures of this online, I think we've got some on our Facebook page as well, of what a 495 pound bull shark looks like, you'll go, okay, maybe the other ones are so weird. Maybe they saw a tiger shark. Yeah. But yeah, the tiger shark is a fan. Yeah, absolutely. That's a... That's a stud bull shark. It is a fan. It sure is. Yeah, definitely some big fish caught in the rodeo this year. And I can't wait to see it all happen again next year coming right back more of FM Talk 1065 Outdoors. All right, welcome back. FM Talk 1065 Outdoors. Sean Sullivan, Mike Ward. Glad to have you all along. I was telling Mike a sad story about losing a flounder on Saturday during the rodeo, but the flounder story is also a good one too. Sure, yeah. Five plus pounds on all those flounders coming in. Yeah, those are really good flounders. And the number of... Talking to Sean Powerson, not just those winners, but the number of good flounders that he saw coming in, was a good thing. A great success story because it has been so bad for so many years that the last couple of years they have started to come back. Yeah, he said... And I don't know how many years before, he said, "I remember doing this whatever, a number of years before," and he said, "We only had like, he gave me a number of flounder waiting for the whole rodeo that year." He said, "We did that in like two hours." Right. Right. It's a big difference. You know, and you know that the flounder coming back, just seeing all those videos and stuff with the Jubilee over with all those flounder over there, which they haven't been over there in those Jubilees in a while, hadn't been very many, very few. So now they're coming back, which is a great success story. Yeah, and it is one, you know, to talk about when they say, "Hey, let's try some things." We... None of us like change for limits, I get it. But when the, you know, DCNR said, "Hey, we're gonna close down November when they're breeding, when they're most susceptible." Right. Right. Commercial and recreational harvest. They're going from in short off your way. Right. I mean, y'all know where you can go and get them on the, you know, when they're on their way in and out. There's some spots at Dolphin Island, you can work them over. They said, "We're gonna not harvest them then." And then they're gonna start stocking, you know, try to get more males in the population and look, it, it's been successful. It looks like it's been very successful. Whatever's going on. Man, just, it's good to stop because sometimes some, some management takes a lot longer to see how it benefits, but this flounder's probably been a five-year window and I think it's just good for people to go, "Okay, we didn't like it when they told us they were gonna change things, but look, what's going on." Something's happening and it is a whole lot better than what it was. Way better. Yep. So nobody was catching a limit. For years, nobody had to catch a limited flounder. It'd be a rare occasion. Now, you can catch a limited flounder pretty often. Which is a nice thing. Yeah, for sure. Also, I thought it was pretty interesting, the most unusual fish in the rodeo this year. I don't know if you heard the story about this, so it's a flathead puffer. Yeah, a flathead puffer. Yeah. And we talked about it on Monday, so the thing about the flathead puffer, so Dr. Ship, the late Dr. Ship, he was, and I don't even have the term for it, Sean Powers can tell us, but his kind of marine biology, his specialty was identifying fish by certain characteristics. That's why he was so good. I mean, so good. He didn't, you know, that's why he wrote the book on it, right? Right. This was a species that he had found and named. Like, it has his name on it as the person who found this kind of puffer fish. It's a specific kind of puffer fish, deep water puffer fish. He identified that fish in '67 or '68. Yep. Never came into the road. I think the first year, he was just a rodeo for a member, right? It never came in. Never, no one ever brought one into the rodeo. Never had one in. Dr. Ship dies this last year, and one comes in to the rodeo. So, I don't know what you all believe out there, but that doesn't make the hair stand up on your arm, but it won most unusual fish. The one that was named by Dr. Ship back in the late '60s, that never came in to be weighed as an unusual fish category. The year he dies, that comes in unbelievable. Pretty kind of special thing. Man to Tillman caught that fish, too. And it's, you know, a lot of people know, man, that's Kurt Tillman's wife. It's better half, you hear it? Yeah. And yeah, it's just, you know, you'd see they go, "Oh, okay, that's unusual fish." But the back story to that is pretty special. It is, very special. You know, not, I caught fish like that. And I would have just thought personally, it's just one of those puffonies. I threw it back. Right. You know, I wouldn't have thought it's a broad headpuffer indifferent to that game. Yeah, it's really a special puff. And it's the one that's named by Dr. Ship. Yeah, yeah. I mean, how crazy is that? And all the fish in the Gulf of Mexico, in this rodeo. So, I guess that's my takeaway on this show. We'll do it all again next week, another edition of FM Talk 1065. Outdoors coming your way. And always check us out, Outdoors.