Billy & Lisa in the Morning

Best Of Billy & Lisa: The Olympics Start + A Whale Does Damage

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27 Jul 2024
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Well, when it's daytime, it's daytime, baby. Yeah, so listen, the summer Olympic kick off on Friday in Paris. We're going to test your knowledge while you know the Olympics. I have some Olympics trivia here. You know how the games work on the Billie and Lisa show. It starts with Lisa, then it goes Billie, and then Winnie, I'll ask you a question. You give me your answer, Lisa, are we ready? Ready. First question, Lisa, what Olympic games, which Olympic games did Billie cost a famously cover? He was at Atlanta, I know that. He was at Atlanta. Very good. All right. Coming down in three, two, one. This is report one for Wednesday in three, two, one. Okay, we are live from inside Olympic City here in Atlanta, the Coca-Cola radio center. Pretty wild place. I am in a glass. Yeah. I love that that you were there. Yeah. 1996. And I think that might have been the last time they asked you to do that. Did Australia come after that? I'm not sure. I think Australia was 2000. Okay. So Australia was the last one. I know I have. Our company. Are you denying me Australia? Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. You did Australia. Okay. But I'm covering the Olympics. We'll have all the updates. Everything. Well, interviews, audio throughout the entire Olympics. How are you doing? Well, I've been right here and kissed them. Right? Yes, we will. All right, Billy Costa. How many Celtics players are playing for Team USA in the Olympics this year? I think three were invited, only two are playing because one is not going. Is that true? Nope. Can I see you? He was so cool. Can I see you? What? Can I see you? Okay, Winnie. Can I say the three? Derek White, Jason Taim and Drew Holiday. Boom. All three are playing. And three. You were close. You were close. You were close. Okay, but you know Winnie is very, very often inaccurate with her reporting or just makes it up. So how do we know that's right? Well, it's right here in front of me. Oh, okay. Yeah. Originally, it was Jason Taim and Drew Holiday. And then there was an injury. Kawhi Leonard. Left. And Derek White got brought. And it was a big contrast to why wasn't it? Jalen Brown. Yes. So good. Yeah. Winnie, there were two new events added to the Paris Olympics this year. And you name one of the break dancing actually technically it's called breaking. Okay, breaking. It's okay. She's got it. You know what that proves that she listens to you are entertainment report. We covered that. Yes. What was the other one? Do you know? It was kayak cross. Oh, okay. That's what I expect you to get that one. It's going to be a huge audience for that. All right. Round two here. Lisa, what Olympic skier was highly favored to win several gold medals in the 2020 Olympic Olympics. Oh, my God. You guys will never let this go. What did not win any. Michaela Shiffrin. That is right. Shuffrin is one of the most consistent and mistake free skiers that we've ever seen goes down on her hip and out. I don't know. You know what about Michaela Shiffrin? Who cares? Now all of a sudden I am Michaela Shiffrin's mother. I haven't watched one second of the Olympics. That's a big controversy on the show. Every day. Oh, my God. Oh, how's your girl? Michaela. She almost quit. Lisa almost quit. Well, because for weeks you were coming in. Oh, did you hear Michaela Shiffrin did this? She did that. She did it. Hey, Lisa. How's your girl doing? She just broke her legs. I just said because she had local ties. She's one to watch in the Olympics, right? We did not let you live. That was good. Very good. Lisa. Oh, my God. She's a Olympian of all time. Oh, Michael Phelps. Yep. Oh, come on. Yes. Your job. He has a 36 gold medal or something like that. He has 20, 20, 20 gold medals. That's amazing. Yeah, 28. I love you in that love about this game. If somebody actually has the answer, one of us chimes in with added information. I'm not but it's amazing. It's amazing. Like that guy is crazy. Yeah. There's no extra points, right? No. That's good. The different colors of the Olympic rings represent different countries. How many colors are showcased on the rings? Okay. Give you a minute to think about five. There are five colors. Yep. Five rings. Blue, black, red, yellow and green. Are you in your phone? No. I'm not in my phone. You've been looking in the phone for Olympic facts. My phone is off. Yeah. I'm not on my phone. Okay. All right, go ahead. All right. What figure skater took the silver medal in the 1994 Winter Olympics after a scary incident in several weeks prior? Oh, was that Nancy Kerrigan? It was Nancy Kerrigan. Yes, it was. Took one on the knee. She did. Never forget it. Yeah. And she got second place. Blue and Nancy Kerrigan do, huh? Nancy Kerrigan wouldn't give up. When things were looking their darkest, Nancy Kerrigan thought to be the best. She wouldn't stop until she was number one. Uh, Stan? Nancy Kerrigan wouldn't set up her second best. She wouldn't quit until she brought home the goal. Stan! What? Nancy Kerrigan got the silver, dude. She came in second. Really? Yeah, dude. Oh, never mind Jesus. Nancy Kerrigan sucks. If you know what's funny, Nancy Kerrigan never liked us. Oh, really? Because we used to poke fun at her. And one time I was at an award show in Boston and her brother almost accosted me. Was it you poking fun? I know, as a show, I think, you know, because she fell a lot. I'm upset because she was supposed to do one of my book clubs and then she probably remembered that she didn't like you guys. I could've told you in advance. Oh, good writer. She's not coming. Wait. I was so excited for it. So, wait, do we know why? Hi. Hi. No, we didn't know. We love Justin! I have no idea. That's so mean. Oh, I think. That's messed up. Yeah, that is messed up. I was not a part of this. I was not even here. I was not a part of that. Really? No. Oh. It wasn't even here. All right, Bill. With a combined 37 world championships in Olympic medals, this woman is one of the most decorated gymnasts of all time. Oh, it would have to be Mary Louretton or Nadia Comaniche, or possibly Simone Biles. It was Simone Biles who just watched the documentary. How did you get that? I just said Simone Biles. Yes, you named three other people. Only because I was demonstrating my knowledge of gymnastics. He named every gymnast before Simone Biles. He said Nadia Comaniche. Yeah. Hey, guys. Justin here. Welcome back. Count down the top five moments from the Billy and Lisa show. And you know what? On the show, we talk about dating a lot, dating apps and how tough it is for people. Well, if you're a single in Boston, here's something for you. More and more people are turning away from the traditional dating apps. They just don't seem to be working and they get a little creepy. But Lisa, you found something in New York, it's a running club with people meet to run and meet to eat. Thousands of people have joined this and they all meet up, hundreds and hundreds of them, and they run their little three mile thing and then they head to the bar. Yeah, and you have to wear, you know, one color if you're not not loving another if you are. And they're all wearing blacks. They're all single. Yeah. It's a pretty cool idea when you think of it. The video is incredible to watch, but yeah, that's what they're doing in New York. People here, they seem to like it, I think. Hi, guys. I kind of like this idea of the running club and meeting people, but I'm sorry. After three miles, I'm a hot sweaty mess, and I'm sure the other people are hot and sweaty. And I don't know if I want to go that mingle at a bar and, you know, singles and see what happens kind of thing. Yeah, because after they finish the three miles, they go to a bar. Yeah. Well, it's not like you're jumping in a bed. I mean, you're just going to talk. You're going to have a conversation and meet somebody. And everybody's in the same boat. I kind of like it. It kind of takes a little bit of the edge off the first meeting or the first date. They're all equally sweaty. Right. And you're on that like endorphin high, so I'm telling you, it like gives you like this extra boost. Yeah. I mean, think about people work out to have sex. Yes. Like they like work out and they want to have sex because your endorphins are up. Right. You're actually more sexual in that time. Okay. Really? You're just feeling good. I'll experience one. No, I don't need to work out to one. I have to say. I know. But, Billy, we're runners. Like when I come back from a nice run and I feel good, I'm like, I'm like, I feel good. Oh, yeah. The endorphins are kicking in. Yeah. Yeah. You just want to make sure you pack some deodorant just in case. A little body spray. A little body spray. See, I disagree. I think now you're overthinking it. Well, Billy, don't use deodorant, so, you know, well, I don't sweat. Yeah. Hey, Justin. For those of us that will never run unless somebody or something is chasing them. I say, we've got an app called the couch potatoes. Now that I could get pined. I like that. That's good. Yeah. But, you know, some people have tried it and it hasn't worked out for them, so it doesn't work for everybody. Hey. Good morning, team. This is Vegas Ray, calling back. I did try the running clubs and my experiences that they're extremely clicky. And if you're over an age of 38 or something, it's just not for you because most people are very young, they're very athletic, very competitive, and it's very hard to do the pick-up ball scene. It's a rough one. Yeah, it's a rough one. They're very clicky. I believe it. I believe it. There's-- It doesn't really sound like a distance runner. No. He can't even smoke a pack before he-- Exactly. You know what? Ray has a good idea. How about something like a beach walking club? How about, like, a smoker's club? Yeah. My mother-in-law was just sitting right up there. Just sit on a bench and puffle at me. Yeah, but, like, you know when the smokers go and they-- I'll talk in the corner. Yeah. I'll sign. Yeah. I mean, social. How much more social can you get? Yeah, there's one here in the back. They all care and smoke. Yeah. See? Oh, really? I think they strike up relationships. They do. They definitely do. Oh, is that under the gazebo outside the building? Yeah. It's not really a gazebo. It's like a bus stop or something. Yes. When I used to smoke, yeah, it's an instant connection to somebody, just not the healthy. You might have black lungs, but you'll find one. Yeah. That's right. Yeah. Compare whose lungs are better. Let's go to Devin on the phone. Devin, good morning. What do you got to say? Good morning. I'm on my morning walk right now, so I get the hype around, you know, wanting to go on one club to meet people, but every runner man I've ever dated has just let me down. And every department. No. Yeah. Good point. I'd suggest something else like going out line dancing or anything else. Okay. Can I ask you why? Why didn't runner guys let you down? That was my only question. That's all I care about. What went so wrong with the runner? Honestly, there are kind of full of those homes. I don't want to sound pretentious, but they just, they care so much about their fitness that they just forget to care about their growth. Interesting. Yeah. That's pretty common. He's spending too much time on himself. Yeah. Billy, you like to rhyme like you. Yeah. No. What do you mean by that? Did you say line dancing? Yes. Wow. Okay. So my best friend became addicted to line dancing, got so bad he had to enter a two step program. Yeah. Get it. Yeah. Did you get that one? Yeah. I got it. I just followed that actually. I think the best way to meet someone is to have your local radio host hook you up with someone else who is also listening to the radio station. So yeah, Justin, if you just, you know, help her other out, that'd be great. I can't get involved in that. That's a liability. Yes. I can't be hooking people up. Because then you're responsible. I'm responsible. Hey, why? Right. And I've had some, some bad experiences with that. Experiences with that. Yeah. Hooking people up. That's hard. And they're working out. Well, I'm trying to, I mean, Lisa, you were, you met your husband on a blind date. Well, yeah. No, actually Dr. Ruth Tidaldi, who we've had on the show for years, she, yeah, she set us up. Yeah. So maybe we need you more matchmaking, not us specifically, but maybe in the world because there isn't actually a dating app called Wigman where like your friend can go on and swipe for you. What is it called? Wigman. Wigman. Wigman. Wigman. And she meant to say. Wigman. This is just people with wigs. But that's a cool membership. You can know, think about that, a dating app for just people, men or women wearing wigs. Let's go to Rose. Hey, good morning Rose. What's your story? So my sister was just telling me about in the Boston area that the dog park does like a singles night every month or whatever, I know very little about it. Yeah, that's the park nine in Maldon, Massachusetts. They have a single tonight. Some people who are single with dogs, they can all meet. It's a really, really good idea. Right. There's a bar there and everything, right? Yeah. Now that's good. Because if you're a dog person, you're absolutely there. Yeah. You've got a lot in common right away. Pick up chicks. Come on. Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. I want you to take that. Okay. Okay. That is just not. Welcome back everybody. It's your top five moments of the week from the Billy and Lisa show on a beautiful summer weekend. Justin here right now. We're at number three. And this was about weird trends from the early 2000s. Looking back, man. Embarrassing. Okay. How did you survey out on trends and it's about the 2000s, Lisa? It is. It was on Bud's feet and they did this survey and they asked people what are actually the most toxic, unnecessary and just plain weird things that we all did back in the 2000s. And I've got a few myself. Okay. Let's go with that first. Definitely on the list. So on the list, remember those juicy couture, you know, sweatsuits that we all used to wear, the velour ones. And I would say juicy on the butt or the sexy for Victoria's Secret. That's one that's totally cringe-worthy. Every girl had those. Every you had to have one. Yeah. And if you did, you were like 10 times hotter to me. Oh, really? They were kind of hot actually. But then weren't they replaced by the sweatsuits that said pink on the butt? Yes. Exactly. It was the Victoria's Secret. And then that goes into another cringy trend in the 2000s was that everybody had to be that like, unexcept that skinny, that only acceptable body image. Yeah. Because Victoria's Secret was huge, the angels, the upper zombie models, that whole thing in the 2000s. So people are also saying that was pretty cringe-worthy. Yeah. A plus size was like an eight. Right. A plus size muffler was like an eight size eight. Totally. But the problem I have with the 2000s is I have a problem discerning between the 90s and the 2000s and even the 80s. I mean, I've had some cringe-worthy trends. And we go beyond the 2000s. Well, the 90s, yeah, they kind of blend together. They do. Early 2000s. What are you? What are you aware of? Well, I don't know. It stands out the baggy suits stand out for me. And then they had sport jackets or suits with shoulder pads for guys in sync had a lot of that look. Yeah. So like in the mid 2000s, I was in like middle school. So I'm thinking of like those trends, like the board shorts, you know, when you had shorts that went down to like your knee, they're like, you know, like they weren't like a short short. They were like, they call them a board short, but like, I don't know. They weren't capris. They were a little short. Those were horrible. Thin eyebrows. Yeah. Like really thin eyebrows. Yeah. They're over plucking. Yeah. There was. Yeah. That was a big one because that still affects people today. Good morning, guys. So on the topic of what we regret in the 2000s, I'm sure me along with five billion other women regret plucking their eyebrows into these tiny little rainbows right over the eyes. It's not true. This morning, before work, I will be drawing on my feet. I've been doing the last 20 that's why microblading got to be so popular. Yeah. Everybody's like filling their eyebrows in with a little grow back, flucking. They don't grow back at all. Sometimes they don't. Sometimes they do. They do. I looked out because I was younger. So I still have a lot. I'm in a middle. I'm not a lot of hair growth. So I got mine back. But if you were like older, like in your 30s or 40s, that was me. You can't repope. A lot of times your hair doesn't come back the way it used to when you were younger. Yeah. Was it the 2000s when women were drawing their lips? Oh, like the over line. The liner. Yeah. Yeah. That was weird. I mean, you'd sit at a bar, a woman would come over and sit down and you're like, oh, do you remember the low rise jeans that like Christina Aguilera would wear and Brittany? And then remember, like, Lisa, remember what, like you used to straighten only the front of your hair? Yes. I have, I have wavy hair. You would only straighten like the first front, like few pieces. And then you'd have like this nest in the back. You'd have like curtain bang. Yeah. There's a bangs, right? Yeah. Yeah. You're not even, I would have my regular hair and I would just like make the first little, like what you see, look at that frame my face and then I would have like a nest in the back. Which one would I just make it look like a mullet? Yeah. What else you got, Lisa? Um, graphic tees that of like shops that didn't exist. Like, oh, like, like, you know what I mean? Yeah. Like a fashion house would just make up the name of like a surf shop or like an ice cream shop that didn't exist. Oh, yeah. And like, you know, a cropped baby tea with like those really low jeans. Mm hmm. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. For me, it was the Ed Hardy. Ed Hardy was so expensive, but so popular. Yeah. What was Ed Hardy? So bad. He was a tattoo artist and they used his work and made it a fashion line. And it was so expensive, especially I had no money. I mean, you're talking $200 to $300 for a t-shirt. What? I paid $150 for a hat and I had no money to save up. They were ugly too. I think you were Ed Hardy. I did. Yeah. And true religion jeans. You wore true religion jeans. He did. I, yeah, Jordash, oh no, Jordash would take you back to the 90s, right? Or even the. Yeah. It was true religion. No, actually I never wore true religion because I never liked guys who did. No. The true religions had to have that design on the back pockets. Yeah. Yeah. You were so hot. This is bringing up so many memories. It was really ugly stuff with the yoga pants, yes, so you had like the oversized end of the yoga pants and then you had on us that you would tuck in. It would just look so bad. Oh my God. That was why I think I wore it to school every day. It was a win energy. I know. I kind of thought that was hot. Yeah. You know what I thought was hot and I think it goes with the low rise jeans when you can see that they would, the thong would come up over the hip. It is true. Yeah. That's actually one of the trends. Oh, it is. And it's actually back in style. Oh, yeah. Katy Perry just did it on a red carpet event recently. Okay. Honey, the thong strap is back. Yeah. Yeah. And we text my wife right now. I'm expecting that when I get old. We're going out this weekend. I don't bring the thong strap. Oh, man. Other weird things I know from the early 2000s, like not even just trends, but Blockbuster. Yeah. Wow. Oh my God. I used to love going to get a movie. The sound of dial-up internet. Oh, dial-up internet. Oh my gosh. My mom used to yell at me. Get off the internet. My mother. And I'm like, no, I was playing a game. Yeah. Like you literally couldn't call anybody. Well, I would infect my computer with downloading music on LimeWire. LimeWire was a music you could download music to, but you download a file and you didn't know if it was a song or a virus. And most times it was a virus and it was just to infect the computer. Justin, you remember AIM when you would be like your your away message like BRB like going to the mall? Yeah. Wow. And when you think of it, tech trends during the 2000s would be huge. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The, uh, the Razer phones, Motorola Razer phones. Yeah. That's all I wanted. It was blackberry so bad. Do you remember the expanding headbands? They were like, yes. Home. Yeah. You'd put them. Yeah. We are almost to the number one moment from the Billie and Lisa showed this week. But coming in at number two is our topic time follow up to the weird trends from the early 2000s. Let me tell you, we do different topics and segments every day. This one had so much feedback as we look back on those younger years. Cindy, cringy trends, what have you got for us? Uh, I wear true religion jeans still because of the only jeans besides American Eagle that fit me. So. And they're row riders. So where do you get them? Like a rubber sale or something? Uh, sometimes, but I could buy them online, but I cannot wear high riders. No way. Because I have a Buddha. You're a high waisted jeans are tough to wear. A Buddha? Yeah. She's a buddy. Oh, a butt. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I didn't even know they made true religion. No, you can definitely find. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Well, they usually in thrift shops. Yeah. That's what I mean. Yeah. Or you can find them online. Yeah. Like she said. Yeah. Absolutely. Okay. Good one. Talk back, Justin. Who did you get? Little butt. She got a big old butt. Oh, man. When I think of the early 2000s, all that comes rushing back is putting Jolly Ranchers in my Zeemas. I think it was the best thing ever. It sounded so simple, but oh, yeah. I was one of those girls. Hmm. I don't remember that. I remember that. Jolly Ranchers in her. What? Zema. What's the alcoholic beverage? Oh, oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. They just soaked it up like in like Sour Patch Kids. I remember Zema. Really? What was it? I remember it. Was it vodka? Yeah. It was a carbonated drink. Yeah. It was a clear, you know, drink and beverage. Call me ignorant, but what's a Jolly Rancher? It's like a suck. You suck on it. It's just like a sweet. I mean, I don't. Oh, my God. I see. It's a hard candy. I still eat them. Yeah. It's a hard. It's mean. It's sour, but it's sweet. It's like a suck. You suck on it. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Different flavors. Green apple. Yeah. Don't you know what a Jolly Rancher is? Yeah. They're still, Jolly Ranchers are still very much out there. Oh, okay. Yeah. As you get older, you don't eat them because they really mess your teeth. They hurt. Yeah. Yeah. You have much stronger teeth when you're younger. Anyway. How sad is this? I remember listening to Kiss 108 when Facebook was launching and they had Mark Zuckerberg on. Oh, my God. And I was wondering what the heck is Facebook? I will never sign up on that. And yet here I am. Wow. Oh, my God. I remember Mark Zuckerberg on this show. You guys interviewed Mark Zuckerberg? Yeah. That's so cool. And we have the guy that invented Twitter. Wow. Wow. Yeah. Wow. One of them was from like, there were a couple of guys that first started it and one of them was from Newton. Wow. One of my favorite lines ever. If you could have invented Facebook, you would have invented Facebook. Okay. Sit down. Yeah. Yeah. That was turned into a movie. So it's going to work. Oh, I got you. All right. These weird 2000 trends, man. This is a conversation. I'm millennial and I remember one of the biggest trends when I was in middle school was fat farms, the sneakers. They were like white and then they had either light pink or light blue on the sides and on the bottoms. Yes. And those were all the rage. Yes. When I was in middle school, if you did not have those, you were not cool. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I remember that. That's crazy. They're all coming back to me now. And was the 2000s when they had the sneakers with the flashing lights on the soul? Yeah. Yeah. And they had like he is. I mean, you like the rollerblading. Yeah. Yep. He still see him around. Yeah. Oh, yeah. They had the rollers in the sneakers. He still see kids in the mall. Yeah. The mall. They kind of took a step back though because there were so many injuries. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Well, kids were wrecking themselves. Getting the mall going all over the mall with them. Oh, yeah. I was just enjoying all the early 2000s trends you were talking about. I don't know if it was early 2000s or not, but POGs and the butterfly clips that have in a little iPod. Yes. And I wish I could go back simpler times for sure. Oh, the butterfly clips, everyone had to have the butterfly clips in their hair. You put your hair like half up, half down, and then you put the little butterfly clips all on your hair. I feel like some of this stuff is back though. Like what? Yeah. I don't know exactly about fashion. Yeah. It goes away and then it comes back. Absolutely. Well, baggy jeans are back. Genes keep going from skinny to baggy back to skinny and no baggy. See, I'm personally being a shorter girl and I'm, you know, curvier. I can't wear baggy jeans. I know. I can't either. So I will always wear skinny jeans and high waisted. Like it just looks better on me, but some people pull it off really well. Totally, but right. It's such a hard look. Yeah. And I agree with you. Just wear what looks good on you. Yeah. Don't they actually have barrel jeans now? They do. I bought a pair. And it's just, I don't feel comfortable in them. Even now with all the flare outs that they're doing, I mean, it's like it eats up my shoes. Yeah. Like you can't only be like five, eight for that stuff. The good news is Capri pants are back, right? They are. They definitely are. Did they go away? Yeah, Bella Hadid was just seen wearing them. I think they always existed in France. Yeah. You know? And you're a multi-coast. Can stuff really? People walking around. You can get away with them. I was actually an island Capri. I have a ginkgo jeans era, a ginkgo jeans. What were those? Those were, they, this is embarrassing. I had a rave era. It's the one that, they're like bell bottoms. Yeah. For guys. Oh. The giant bottoms. Oh. Yes. Alex wore those in his goth era. Well, it was not, it was so much goth-y, more ravy. I had a, a pair where I went to a lot of rage. Did you have the chains on them too? Uh, I never had the noes Alex costume. Yeah. That, that's goth-y. He did have a chain hanging out of his pocket. Let's go to Jake. Jake, you're up. Go. Okay. Aside from Pepsi and Coke, who can remember Jolt Kola with ten times the caffeine? Oh my, that sounds from a, was it, was it like a Mountain Dew type idea? Yeah. Well, yeah. It was J-O-L-T. It had a lightning bolt. Yeah. Yeah. It was jacked up with caffeine. Like ten times the caffeine. So it was like a Red Bull basically with soda. Preceded Red Bull. Good point. Yeah. It was an early energy drink. Yeah. Jolt Kola. A lot of advertising for it too and I think a lot, I think it did well. Yeah. Hey guys. My name is Olivia. I'm from Milton. So shout out to Lisa. I just want to say that I love you guys. I listen to you guys every day, but I just want to say, do you guys remember Clotherpants? Are you still wear those in high school or like middle school? I forgot. It's either high school or middle school, but that was a big trend for me. All right. You guys have a great day. So yeah. I had a pair of Clotherpants during the 2000s and I loved them. They made you look good. Yeah. Telos. I remember didn't tell those sell Clotherpants. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. That was in the 80s and 90s actually Kirk Telo of Telos is a good friend of mine. But I thought Clother jeans were sexy. They really fit well. Yeah. And they look good. Yeah. Oh my God. One minute here. So the early 2000s trends, I have two that I'm guilty of. The mini butterfly hair clips and the spiky wrap around headband that made your hair just look wild. Yeah. Yeah. Guilty of both. Yeah. Oh, Lisa, remember plastic chokers? Yes. Oh my God. Those were big too. Oh, Billy and I love the choker. We're a big face. I have a choker. You can never go wrong. Yeah. You know when you wear it. Yeah. Here we go guys. A moment from the Billy and Lisa show this week, Justin here. And this was a crazy story. A video went viral out of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, a whale capsized a fishing boat knocking the people in the water. They're okay, but the video is insane to watch. Anyway, one of those guys on the boat, his name is Greg and he joined us on the show. So Greg, you get the number one moment. Thank God you're all right. Greg, are you there? I am here. Good morning. So Greg, you're out there. I think was it, was it a whaler you were in? No, it wasn't a whaler, but that joke has been made a couple of times. So to see the video, now this whale was massive and you're out there minding your own business and the whale suddenly breached out of nowhere and came crashing down on the stern of your boat. You went flying. Is actually my buddy, Ryland, who went flying, there were two of us on the boat. You can't quite see me in the video. I'm a little forward of him, but Ryland, once the boat started to go over, he knew he had to get clear of the teatop on the boat, the roof that's on there, but he had to get clearer that or it would have hit him as it was rolling, but it was good thing he did his little Superman jump or else you might have got whacked. Oh man, but did you end up in the water as well, Greg? I did. I was sort of, I was toward the front of the boat and when it started to come over, I was like getting under it as it was capsizing it. So as soon as my life jacket inflated, I was able to kind of use my hands to crawl out, you know, pushing on the deck of the boat as it was coming over my head. Now this was in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, right? Yeah, we're about two miles off of Rhine, New Hampshire, but yeah, we had, we had come right out of Portsmouth Harbor. Now suffice it to say, Greg, you and Ryland, you were not out fishing for whale. We were not out fishing. I just want to bring him in for a quick measurement in the selfie and then send him on his way. Okay, so walk us through it when you're in the water and you've already seen this massive whale and the whale is now swimming around you. What are you thinking? At that point, the whole thing had happened so fast, you know, the back of the boat had gone underwater. I thought we were going to sink before we actually capsized, thankfully capsizing was the better thing. So once we're in the water, I just wanted to find Ryland because I wasn't sure if, you know, he was still underwater, but I had to swim around, got to him pretty quickly. Then you're just hoping that one of the boats had already seen it. You know, obviously they did, but at the time you're in the water, you know, quite know what's happening. Yep. In a couple of those fellas, Colin and Wyatt Yeager took the video. They would zoom right over as fast as they could and they plucked us out of the water. Yeah, because if you look at the video, the first people you see are Wyatt and Colin and they're just a couple of teenagers and they just happen to be out fishing and they really had a good view of what was going on. And they stayed calm. Yeah. Yeah. They were terrific. They couldn't have been better. I mean, the way they reacted, how quickly they got there, just dropped everything and when, you know, they didn't sit there and stun silence just trying to process, they jumped into action. They were great. So they managed to pluck the two of you out of the water, right? Right. They didn't float over and shut the motor off, you know, made sure they get the swim ladder down as quick as they could. Yeah. You know, we were able to climb aboard before we set that water was pretty cold. So it was pretty key to not be in it for too long. I don't think we were in the water a minute. Mmm. I got to ask, was your boat totaled? I don't know that yet, but they did manage to get the boat upright, Tobo US, went out into the ocean. They found the boat. They rited it, pumped it out and then towed it back to the marina. Mmm. It's up on a trailer now, but we saw it. I know the engine cowlings just crushed and just like bits of whale skin and blubber in it. Oh, wow. Oh boy. Why did the whale game hurt? I hope not. But you know what? We saw the way we actually were back out on a friend's boat like 20 minutes later, because we wanted to see it. What are you crazy about? You guys are hardy. Yeah. Right back on the horse or the whale in this case. Exactly. We had a lot of adrenaline. And we went back out there. We checked it out, but the whale was feeding still in the air. I think all the whale got a little bit of rash on his chin and that was about it because we had, I know he was still out like a couple hours later, still feeding amongst the bait schools there. I don't think there was anything wrong with it. Wow. Now, Greg, you're getting a lot of attention. You are. Good morning, America. Anything else? Oh, we did a number of interviews. I think we're on CBS World News of the Today Show, all the local news outlets here in Boston and New Hampshire. Yeah. It's been quite an experience. I'm not used to this kind of attention. Well, I got to tell you, Greg. They don't really make it until you come on the Billie and Lisa Morning Show. No. I knew I reached the peak now. Well, now you've got yourself some real bragging rights. Well, the most important thing is I want my daughter to be listening. So this is, this is key right now. There you go. So the teen guys, while in calling, did they shoot the video because the video was really the story? No, it really is. It is. So that whale had been feeding in the area for a bit, you know, you try and stay away from them. But the whole system is dynamic out there. The fish are moving, the water's moving, boats are moving, but, but he had gone off maybe a hundred yards off to the side. So we weren't too worried about it. He sounded a ways away. We didn't see him for a few minutes. And then he just popped up and landed on the transom. So we just, we did not see that kind of thing. And Greg, I don't know if you've heard this on the Billie and Lisa Morning Show, but we predicted they are rising up the animals and the mammals. They are. They want the earth back. Yeah. Greg, people on the internet I see are saying that the whale was provoked or that, you know, the whale did it on purpose. Like none of that is true, right? No. Now I spent a lot of time on the water for years on the water and I lived out west in Alaska and around Wales, especially humpbacks, like a good portion of my life. The whale wasn't being aggressive. So he was coming up through a thick bait school. He just didn't see us. I'm certain of that. He was, there was no aggressive nature, had his mouth open, coming up to get a mouthful of fish and just happened to land in the wrong spot. So Greg, did you actually catch anything that day after all this? You know, that may be one of the worst parts of this. It was a spectacular day of fishing before, before the whale popped up. And the fish went back into the CEO, I'm guessing. Well, it was funny. All the guys who were fishing around us continued to fish after that. Dedicated. And your boat's being hauled in upside down. Yeah, well, the good news is Greg, you're the one that gets the book to you. Greg, thanks so much for checking in with us. Okay. Thanks a lot for having me on. I appreciate it. What a great story. Oh my God. I love it. I love it. So chill about it, right? Oh, yeah. He went back out 20 minutes later. Almost lost his life. Can you guys imagine if that was Bill Costa? Oh, we wouldn't see him for a year. Oh, I've never jumped back of the way I will never go back. 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