What’s On Disney Plus Podcast

Disapointing Update On Marvel's "Eternals" Sequel + Final Season Of "What We Do In The Shadows" | Disney Plus News

In this What's On Disney Plus Podcast episode, Roger discusses some of today's biggest Disney+ news, including: Marvel’s Kevin Feige Reveals Bad News On “Eternals” Sequel First Look At British Disney+ Original Series “In Vogue: The 90s” Final Season Of FX’s “What We Do In The Shadows” Coming Soon To Hulu & Disney+ Question Of The Day   You can subscribe to my podcast on many different platforms, including Apple, YouTube, Podbean and Spotify. If you enjoy our podcast, please consider supporting it via our Patreon or as a YouTube Channel Membership from as little as $2 a month and get access to exclusive content and much more. What did you think of today's Disney+ news?  Let me know on social media!

Broadcast on:
24 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

In this What's On Disney Plus Podcast episode, Roger discusses some of today's biggest Disney+ news, including:


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Come on up we're going to be talking about the future of Oternals and much more but before we go any further make sure you do hit that subscribe button to keep up with the latest Disney+ news. Hi it's Roger here from what's on at it's time for quick Disney+ news and round up let's start off talking about some bad news for Marvel's Oternals because doesn't I like it we're going to be getting a second film any time soon. So the original film was released back in 2021 and didn't do that well at the box office just under 500 million but we do have to say you know it was pretty much kind of at the tail end of the pandemic movies weren't taking a huge amount so yeah I think those numbers you kind of got to look a little bit weird in some ways well the film kind of had a bit of a weird reactions some critics didn't like it some audiences didn't like it I personally really thought it was good I liked it feeling very different new characters I was completely unaware of never running the Oternals comics and I thought the overall sort of feel of the film was just refreshing and I did like that now at the end of that film they kind of set up that you know the Oternals would return and so that also maybe some additions with the Blade movie however here we are over three plus years later we have not seen or heard from the Oternals since though there is looks like there can be a little bit of a sneak peek at what might have happened to that big celestial that was in the water because in the brave new World Captain America trailer you can people have been able to spot that that was in the background so maybe they're going to reference it and go on it but doesn't look like it's going to be happening any time soon over the week while promoting Deadpool and Wolverine I'm Kevin Feige has been sort of he got asked about it and he pretty much said it's this not in development it's not happening right now now that doesn't necessarily mean that Oternals too isn't going to eventually happen but I think with Marvel drastically cutting back its schedule there's a lot of projects that probably were going to happen now maybe not maybe they didn't feel the reaction to the characters was what they wanted um let's be honest I doubt this film really sold a lot of action figures and pop vinyls and other merchandise to kind of make it worthwhile doing and yeah unfortunately it doesn't know like we might not be seeing where Star Fox or aka Harry Styles who is Famos' brother um where he turns up where we're not these characters turn up in other films or where we're maybe in the next saga they go actually yeah we'll continue on the story the actuals with this it's all the actors getting older and stuff I kind of feel like you know if they did want to do another one and they wanted to wait a few more years suddenly then we're like five, six, seven, eight years I don't know I mean hi I would like them to at least finish the story that they set up but I think there's gonna be a lot of characters that got sort of introduced in the last four phases four and five that maybe we're not going to see as much of going forward because I think they just introduced too many of the characters we didn't connect with them and Eternals is one of the ones that they've just kind of earmarked and gone yet if we're going to be making you know two or three movies a year maybe now Eternals too is like much lower down the schedule in terms of what they want to do maybe they do it in the future but right now no Eternals too is coming um but obviously you can watch the first one now hopefully those characters maybe pop up in a Disney+ series or a movie here or there but I don't know I think this I think I can't even see them popping up in the Avengers or anything like that but hopefully they explain what's going on at least in some of the movies and stuff but yeah there's not gonna be happening but let us know would you like to see Eternals too I'd love to hear your thoughts on this in the comments below. Shifting gears now let's now talk about a brand new British original series that are called Envog the 90s which tells the definitive story of the fashion industry of the 90s through the eyes of Vogue editors packed with some of the most influential names of fashion film and politics in Vision the 90s as a thrilling journey across continents and through ten years that changed fashion forever Hollywood, the grunge, the met, the globalization of American eyes fashion hit pop each episode in their six part series centers on the defining 90s moment with this brand new series we'll be getting the first three episodes on Friday the 13th of September, the following week on the 20th of September we'll be getting the additional 30 episodes this is gonna be out on Disney+ here in the UK in many other countries around the world while in the US it's gonna be on Hulu and Hulu on at Disney+ so if you're into your fashion definitely gonna want to check this one out I'm not gonna lie this one was very much not in my wheelhouse sorry I wear t-shirts and shorts that's pretty much my entire range of stuff so fashion is not really for me but if you're into this give it a go I'll give it episode go see how it goes but on that note guys let me know in the comments below. Shifting gears now let's now talk about FX series what we do in the shadows which is going to be returning for its sick and final season this coming Halloween season in the sick and final season of the Emmy nominated comedy that guys head out on an adventure in the workforce where they visit New Hampshire go on a human dinner party visit a fate and also conjure a demon all while trying to find their place and their purpose in this crazy mix-up world the new series will debut on the 21st of October on FX or the episodes will be available the next day on Hulu and Hulu on Disney+ in the United States and the series will also be coming to Disney+ internationally not sure if it's gonna be the same day or a little bit later with this series a little bit strange some old contracts are still in place obviously you can watch the first five seasons right now Hulu and Hulu on Disney+ in the US Disney+ around the world so if you're into this show good news obviously it's got lots of new episodes to watch but obviously bad news it's coming to end I've watched one episode it didn't really kind of click on me so I didn't really go much forever but obviously if you enjoyed this show let me know what you like about it whether or not I should maybe go back and try the second ever see how I get on with it I'd love to hear your thoughts on this in the comments below. In our question today which comes from James who says remember that they were gonna do a film version of Disney's Aladdin on Broadway that they've already film years ago is that not happening anymore this one's really strange this one comes up constantly in the comments and on social media of people asking about it because it kind of got reported some people even being like oh it's coming it's like dates and stuff randomly pop up on the internet Disney has never officially announced it is never but on the slate now I don't know if this is because maybe Aladdin is now I think it's on a tour around the US so they maybe don't want to hit an impact on the sales but yeah I really wish they would put it out on Disney+ I think it's a great musical I was lucky enough to see it at the West End a few years ago so I think it's kind of fingered there and also I mean it's kind of this weird thing where these kind of shows you know they filmed it properly I don't know why they just don't do this more often and kind of turn it into like an annual thing that they do but there must be some reason for it but yeah it is a little bit odd I'm gonna jump into a second question because this one with a little of comments yesterday about the fact of just me having a bit of a rant about they're not being a huge amount of stuff coming to Disney+ in the US we've also got another question here of the day from Matt who says I keep wondering if we will get a Disney+ date on August 8th of the day before D23 like we did in 2022 then we could get some last minute titles announced but surely they would have announced by now right not to mention does Disney have enough new content ready to add by that date Disney has also had a very light summer compared to 2022-2023 and it's probably too soon for them to add inside out too especially when it's doing so well at the box office is it possible that Disney is simply done with Disney+ date as a concept so yeah I want to address Disney+ date this thing is done they didn't do it last year it is I think to be honest this was a Bob Chepek thing and so obviously Eiger doesn't really want to do it I do think the idea of putting out one day we have like multiple movies and multiple shows and I think lots of stuff is like what was the purpose did it boost up subscriptions did it make more people check it out that was the big thing as well you know were they did get improved signups or were they giving away too much stuff and people just signed up for a week and then bugged off that's kind of the issue also I mean I think having a Disney+ day and having all the parks decked out and blew and having special access to get in early there's definitely none of that happening this year for D23 they've already announced what they were doing on the Disneyland day before again nothing Disney+ day when I was there for last time this is where I got this little hat they were giving them all out for free if you were there and you could get a little bit earlier yeah I don't think they really want to kind of go into this yeah I think and I think the trouble is as well with Disney+ day is people are expecting new announcements like they did a few years ago and just as a whole you know maybe they're just found that it just didn't work on a fundamental level of it just didn't improve signups and didn't improve engagement and all the rest of it I think the focus is on D23 this year and yeah I think as a whole Disney+ they're in a very different place for it and I don't know it would be nice for them to kind of acknowledge it but now it kind of feels more like they want to you know push other things like Deadpool for example he's popping up in Disneyland Paris and over at the California Adventure they're just focused on those kind of things and I don't think a Disney+ day kind of in some ways fits what they're trying to do I think it's a great idea I think it's a nice little thing but also it's expensive you know you've got to put on all this stuff you're giving away all these hats and posters and pins and stuff and if you're doing it at Disneyland Paris I didn't Hong Kong and you're doing it in California and in Orlando plus they were doing it on the cruise lines plus they were putting on events it was costing a lot of money and you can really see Disney has drastically cut back the amount of events and stuff that they're doing they're not doing anywhere near as many as they used to the only time really at the minute it feels like Deadpool and Wolverine kind of it's the only exception I've seen for really for over a year where they've been doing a real heavy push on kind of sending them around the world but yeah I just don't think it works which is a shame I thought it was a great idea but even you know like I mean yeah last time I was Disney+ day James who used to the podcast we were made a great day at Disneyland and it was just before D23 and it was a great day but it wasn't you know there wasn't a massive amount of stuff there but again it's just cost and didn't it did it work did it not and I obviously think it didn't because they haven't brought it back and I don't think it'll be returning as regards to inside out too that thing's still making money I still think why why rush it to Disney+ I think that's why we've not heard about win or lose yet because inside it is still doing too well I don't think inside out too is gonna drop probably on Disney+ I don't think it's gonna be until probably what maybe Thanksgiving November time I think they'll have it out in September maybe on digital have it there for four to six weeks and then put it on to Disney+ like they did with Wish and Indiana Jones I don't see it being rushed like they've done with Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes they just don't need to you still got a long way of the summer yet I know some kids I've seen in America will probably be going back to school pretty soon but here in the UK they only just broke up they've literally I think they woke up like last week they've still got another the whole of August yet so I would don't think they're going to be rushing out or anywhere yet because there's still a lot of kids off around the world for school holidays but I'd love to know your thoughts on all this in the comments below if you've got a great question drop it in and if it's good I'll pick it out for tomorrow's video and on that note guys thank you very much I'll see you guys soon and tomorrow's video might be a little bit later because I'm gonna go see Deadpool in the Wolverine in the fresh thing in the morning can't wait I've literally just watched Deadpool one and two this morning so I'm ready to go on that note guys thank you very much see you guys soon later [BLANK_AUDIO]