What’s On Disney Plus Podcast

"Doctor Who" Disney+ Future? + Russo Brothers Returning To Direct Marvel "Avengers" | Disney Plus News

In this What's On Disney Plus Podcast episode, Roger discusses some of today's biggest Disney+ news, including: Is Doctor Who’s Future On Disney+ At Risk? The Russo Brothers In Talks To Direct Next Two “Avengers” Movies “The Bear” & “Shōgun” Lead The Emmy Nominations Question Of The Day   You can subscribe to my podcast on many different platforms, including Apple, YouTube, Podbean and Spotify. If you enjoy our podcast, please consider supporting it via our Patreon or as a YouTube Channel Membership from as little as $2 a month and get access to exclusive content and much more. What did you think of today's Disney+ news?  Let me know on social media!

Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
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In this What's On Disney Plus Podcast episode, Roger discusses some of today's biggest Disney+ news, including:


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I'm going to be talking about the future of Doctor Who on Disney Plus, we're also going to see maybe the return of the Russo brothers for the upcoming Avengers movies plus Disney has an amazing night at the Emmy nominations or the more coming up in today's Disney Plus news. But make sure you do hit that subscribe button to keep up with the latest. Now currently Avengers can't dynasty as it was formerly known as set to come out on the first of May in 2026 and then the following May in 2027 with respect to get secret wars. So filming obviously is going to have to start pretty soon and get that one done. And also in general we've seen Marvel really cutting back on how much content it's making, how many films, how many shows, etc. So it's going to have a lot less stuff to kind of put together in that time. But maybe they can be a little bit more focused and kind of tell a single story and kind of get. I personally never really liked the idea of doing the Modi verse and I think there's getting this thing out the way, clearing things up, sorting stuff out and essentially kind of rebooting the MCU so they can bring in brand new X-Men, either reboot or restart Captain America and Iron Man and get just to kind of get the gang back together because we've kind of lost a lot of those original Avengers. And so yeah I think that would be a good way of kind of either, like I said, rebooting them doing something with it. But yeah I'm looking for I actually think this is a good move. They haven't done some amazing films on Netflix since they left Marvel. But no doubt four of the big movies that they did for Marvel are fantastic. They also did Captain America, The Winter Soldier and Civil War. So I really would love them to kind of jump in and do this. Recently it was revealed that Sean Levy was involved in the project but don't know what he's doing and maybe they're doing another film. I wouldn't be a surprise if there's maybe another Deadpool film coming in at some point. But yeah I think this would be a good idea but let me know. Do you think the Russo brothers returning is a good idea for Marvel? Love to hear your thoughts on this in the comments below. Shifting gears now let's not talk about the Emmys yesterday. The nominations for this year's event were taking place and Disney picked up a record breaking 183 nominations across all of its studios. So that includes Disney Plus, Hulu, FX, etc. Way out more than like Netflix or HBO. But kind of the weird way that Disney kind of they put in all of their all their kind of studios in a separate things. So there's been articles like Netflix needs leads to way and like no Disney does but because of the way that it gets reported yeah it doesn't. So Disney were way ahead everybody else and the bear was up for so many nominations so it was Shogun. This is a big big thing for Disney especially in the TV industry side of things. Earlier this year the Emmys did take place a little bit later than normal due to last year's holiday wood strikes but they're back on schedule now. But we saw so many nominations for different shows and films. For example Jim Henson's recent documentary that picked up eight also X-Men 97 only murders in the building have elementary under the bridge. The list just goes on and on welcome to Rexham. I mean there is so many nominations they are killing it right now in terms of television some great stuff is coming out. So we're obviously going to have to wait until September until the event takes place and we get to see who wins but really good hall of nominations. I mean out of 183 nominations they better pick up something because otherwise that's not going to be good but I think Shogun is going to dominate. I think the bears going to dominate those shows are fantastic obviously you can watch them on Hulu and Hold On Disney Plus but yeah really big win I think for Disney were those nominations but what do you think it's going to win and you can also check out the full list of nominations. I'm not going to read them out now we'll be here all week. Let's now talk about Doctor Who and its future on Disney Plus because it's looking a little bit ropey right now because way back in 2022 Disney signed this new deal with the BBC which brought the show on to Disney Plus around the world while keeping it exclusively on the BBC here in the UK. So last year we saw the 60th anniversary specials which saw the return of David Tennant as the doctor we've never seen a doctor kind of do this kind of thing before but at the end of his three specials kind of got split into two which introduced Chili Gattwa as the 15th doctor and that then set up the Christmas special and then that led on to the new season so it was like a new way of numbering it because it kind of restarted it for the new Disney Plus era. So with the launch of the new Doctor Who I'll be honest I really enjoyed the Christmas special and then we went into the new series and it just didn't quite hit properly. Audience numbers were down here in the UK we were getting numbers from overnight and they were drastically down about 2.5 million per episode. It was going up and down there was a little bit of flex. Obviously down from a few years ago and massively down from a long time ago. Now the BBC did say that generally you know the overnight ratings weren't so important because the show had been out on iPlayer for like 12-24 hours beforehand and more people are watching it online which I agree you know generally viewership has dropped but my big problem with the Doctor Who success is the fact that we have heard zip out of Disney. We have never heard how well any of these have done and normally they like to toot their own horns when something has done very well. We're here about shows like recently like the sentence did really well they put out an announcement. When I collected well they put out a couple of announcements you know when Taylor Swift did well they put Dr. Nuffick which to me is always an indication of they haven't got anything good to say they don't say anything and this is not a good sign. It also very rarely got very high on the trending chart on Disney Plus itself. It never appealed on the Nielsen's trending chart either which obviously is from external data. So again we've got no data showing that it's done very well on Disney Plus at all and Disney's not put out there and I think that is a problem. Deadline did do an article where they were highlighting the fact that the viewership has not been too good. The negative feedback because obviously some people just not enjoyed the series. They've not enjoyed kind of how much more progress of it is people calling it well etc. And this has all just led to you know I mean a lot of that was being put on Disney's you know and basically with this show anything bad it was Disney and everything good was on the BBC. That's kind of how it's been online but we all know it's a little bit more complicated and that Disney does have an input into it. They did make some changes for example we know to the Christmas special they wanted a scene at the front with a little action in it. But overall the series has just not done very well there. I didn't think the series as a whole was great. There were some amazing episodes that I really enjoyed 73 yards. There was quite a few actually ones in there that I did enjoy but there was also some awful ones like space babies that was dire. How they thought that was a good idea to launch the series with that episode and no wonder it didn't go anywhere because that was just dreadful. This show with the addition of Disney's money was able to boost up its budget and we really saw an increase in how well it looked. But it still just looks so amateur and I also feel like the show doesn't translate so well to today's like way of looking at things. You know it's not serious and people want to take it seriously like Marvel and Star Wars and Game of Thrones etc. But this show is tongue in cheek and it doesn't really take some sort of it very seriously and just hasn't connected and I think this will mean that the show is not likely to move ahead too much forever with Disney's involvement. Now that doesn't mean that the show is going to be cancelled because the BBC own it they operate it they all continue to do it. Now they have filmed a second season and there's a Christmas special coming so they're going to be involved for a little bit more. But some of the telltale signs that I think this is coming to an end will be. The fact that Disney did really not a lot of advertising for the show. They put out like did one event in like in LA they got Shudi and Millie to go to Disneyland and did some photos there. That was it. Even at next week's San Diego Comic Con there's a couple of big panels going on Disney aren't seem to be promoting it. It wasn't kind of coming up for many for them. They're even doing a panel with Star Trek oh you know a bit weird. D23 no mention there of Doctor I could see anywhere and anything. It feels a bit like Disney have just gone well we don't want to be kind of spending any more money on this. I think that also comes in with the fact that this was maybe a deal that was done by Bob Chapak and then when he moved they were kind of locked into it and they just decided not to invest anymore and it just doesn't feel like there's been a lot of advertising. They've done some stuff here and there but you know after the first week they just kind of stopped you know even just like putting out the trailers and stuff. The BBC are putting out all the information. The Disney just don't seem to be doing a lot and don't seem to be promoting it. They didn't seem to pick up the rights for the old series either. They didn't spend any money to get ahold of them and overall I just don't feel that Disney is involved in this show. I just don't think they want it. I don't think it's hitting them where it wants to and I think that when their contract comes from then I don't think they're going to continue and I think they'll come out of it and the BBC will carry on but the budgets will get a bit smaller and stuff but yeah I think the fact now that you've got major trades now kind of going you know there was a number of people in the article talking about the fact that it's not done very well and yeah I've been thinking this for a long time. The way that it was with like the 60th anniversary specials were there was like kind of like radio silence. It was a bit like this is a bit weird but it was like okay well we're just waiting you know for the new series and then it was like it kind of came and went and it just didn't seem to be a lot of promotion for it and I feel like it's just been swept under and now that second season is really going to have to do really good numbers to get up there but I love to know do you think Doctor Who is going to carry on with the BBC involved and as I said doesn't mean it's over it's been cancelled before and the BBC will continue to do it but just Disney's involvement I think it looks a little bit ropy but watch you think. And our question of the day which comes from Frost gamers who says why did I get an ad for a movie when I watched the acolyte and I'm on premium thought it was ad free. So this one comes up quite a little bit of where people like are on the premium version that you obviously don't get the ads. Now you get a little bumper at the beginning kind of showing you a new show or a movie that's out on Disney Plus and then we go well I should get this on the simple truth is it's not an ad. This is the big difference it's a promotion it's a bumper it's not considered an advert in the same way that you're thinking of you know if they you know they're like at the beginning of Kardashians where it says it's sponsored by you know I think L'Oréal or whatever it is. The simple truth is yeah an advert for the bear in front of if you start watching the old man is not considered an advert in their eyes it's promotion other platforms do the same even here like the BBC doesn't have any ads on it but we still end up getting at the end of each show and before the next one there'll be a little trailer and stuff and that's in some way how they'll justify it's kind of a trailer it's not an advert it's some say so yeah you are going to see these kind of things it's just a way of promoting shows and getting stuff I think it's I don't think it's a bad thing it happens on Apple TV as well I'm on Paramount I think this is sometimes a good thing you can always skip that button but more importantly sometimes it's just getting that attention on shows and stuff that you maybe wouldn't be interested in I would like it if it was at least acknowledged the fact that if you have watched it don't show me the ad because like show me the advert for the bear when I've already seen it is like I didn't need to see that but then Disney need to work on their recommendation engine anyway but nevertheless again you see something like this before a show or a movie it's not an ad it's a trailer so that's kind of the way to look at it I know somebody would get annoyed at it but I was amazed you ain't got no choices happening on that note guys thank you very much for watching if you've got a great question drop it in the comments below the best one I'll pick out for tomorrow's video on that note guys thank you very much see you guys soon later [BLANK_AUDIO]