What’s On Disney Plus Podcast

D23 Fan Event Presentations Announced + “Young Woman And The Sea” Disney+ Release | Disney Plus Podcast

In this What's On Disney Plus Podcast episode, Roger discusses some of today's biggest Disney+ news, including: “Young Woman And The Sea” Coming Soon To Disney+ Disney+ Subscribers To Get 20% Off Disneyland Paris Hotel/Ticket Packages For A Limited Time D23: The Ultimate Fan Event Presentation Schedule Announced Question Of The Day     a97a29615b8b79affc1b77194d6ad36190b42ccd

Broadcast on:
12 Jul 2024
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In this What's On Disney Plus Podcast episode, Roger discusses some of today's biggest Disney+ news, including:




Come on up. I'm going to be talking about young women in the sea coming to Disney plus plus also the d20 free line up has been And that's I'll be doing a bit of a dive into that But before we go any further make sure you do hit that subscribe button to keep up the latest Disney plus news Hi, it's Roger here from what's on at Disney plus calm it's time for quick Disney plus news roundup Let's start off We're talking about a brand new film heading to Disney plus pretty soon a young woman and the sea which came out in cinemas for a limited Time back in May. It's going to be hitting this D plus around the world. I'm next week on July the 19th Just in time for the Olympics now this film stars Daisy Ridley And she it's all about kind of the first woman that swam across the English channel going from England to France And this also she went on to win at the Olympics So this film was originally going to be heading to Disney plus they decided that they were actually going to put it out It's an almost for a little bit because it when they did their screen testings it tested really high There was a lot of love for it, and so they definitely decided to put out cinemas Now Disney did state that this they weren't expecting it to make a lot of money They weren't even going to report on how much money it made at the box office So don't really know if not a huge amount But then this film probably wasn't a huge amount To make but also now it means it can probably go for awards and stuff. Joey Brockheimer and so that it was you know There's higher tested firmly never made any really one of the hours cinemas and so he kind of pushed for that So this so I'm looking forward to watching it. I'll be luckily I can watch it a little bit earlier And so I'll be sharing my review on it pretty soon But yeah, I think this is great and it kind of ties up with what I was expecting Spin what just over six eight weeks maybe by the time it hits Disney Plus But this was a very kind of rare thing Disney doesn't do these limited releases very often This might be a bit of an experiment see how it did But also I think with the Olympics They kind of one of the tie-in with this one and it kind of makes sense work because July was a little bit of a light month for new releases But this one definitely kind of boosts up that subscription value So you're gonna be checking it out. We'll have to hear your thoughts on this in the comments below shifting gears now And actually going across the channel if you are planning on going to Disney Land Paris this summer I'm good news if you're a Disney Plus subscriber, you aren't able to get a 20% discount If you want it you have to book it by I guess the end of September and there's a book package where you book the hotel And also your tickets together. There are some rooms and hotels which you can't use But if you're planning a last-minute thing will definitely worth checking out the official Disneyland website you use your new Disney ID. This is the thing now of the more guy interconnecting everything under one big user ID makes it a lot easier But this is open to pretty much most people with Disney Plus subscription. It doesn't look like it works maybe with like the Middle East and stuff, but Yes, so if you're in France, UK, etc You can use this one so yes If you haven't booked your trip and you're gonna be doing it anyway well worth having a look seeing it and if you are on a Disney Plus subscriber and You're going and you're gonna be booking your trip this summer. It's all kind of last minute Anyway, it might be worth signing up for like the ad supportity just to kind of get the discount because that could really make a big Difference, but nice to see them doing stuff for Disneyland Paris. I thought they always do stuff in the US Nice to see this kind of coming in and hope for this But they could do all the time anything that like Disney cruises and other things like that I think that would be a great step forward to kind of just keep me locked into the system But yeah, I'm dizzy around Paris at the amazing park especially in the summer I do like I prefer going into some obviously nicer weather than going in the middle of the winter when it's cold and wet and snowy and I see But yeah, Disney now Paris is is is fantastic. I got one of the most beautiful parks there They've got some amazing attractions, but there's no you're gonna be heading there or if you've been there in the past Let me know what you think of the park. Okay, let's now shift over to d23 the ultimate fan event Which is formerly known as the 23 Expo. It's taking place next month in Anaheim, California From the ninth to the 11th of August. So it's gonna take place at the Anaheim Convention Center They're also gonna be doing a special presentation each night at the Honda Center a couple of miles away And so that's gonna be a big change so with that they haven't announced the schedule of everything that's come out In the evenings on the Friday night is gonna be the studio showcase So that's the one that we are as Disney plus fans gonna be most interested in this is where they will Reveal trailers and also maybe announce new films or shows It's currently scheduled for a two-hour presentation. It probably could go a little bit longer We don't yet know if it's gonna be live streamed at all I hope it is but generally with this kind of thing obviously those in attendance will get previews and stuff But I also suspect we will be getting trailers and stuff so on So that's the big one now. I do want to kind of put this into context So at the last d22 Expo, which I was I was lucky enough to go there I've been wanting to go there for like a decade. I decided to go that time loved it and it was great So they had three different presentations one for Marvel Star Wars and 20th century studios That was close to about three hours long They had another one which was for Disney animation and Pixar and then they had another one for Disney branded television All together I think there was probably close to about seven seven and a half eight hours worth of live presentations of new shows new and actors This new one that they're doing this year at the Honda Center is currently scheduled for two hours So I do want to set expectations at that point of going Do not expect a lot of stuff to be announced that we don't know about because a there have not been filming stuff Everything's a little bit different with how much stuff's coming out They are pulling back on what they're making how many Disney plus originals And I think there's a lot of stuff that's been delayed that will they will cover I think some of the Marvel stuff It's probably shifted over to San Diego Comic Con made it this month to give them a little bit more space But I do just want to put that there and I usually say this Kind of every time there's a big event. I've just like set your expectations to low Rather than being in there expect if you're expecting 15 new Marvel announcements and 10 new Star Wars shows and lots of other Disney+ versions I think you will be very disappointed because a lot of the stuff got delayed and therefore that's what they're going to be talking about There might be some of the things that they're filming right now that you know we might get see a little bit of But just put that into correlation that in 2022. There was over seven hours of on-screen like Presentations for their movies and TV this year. It's two hours. So that cuts it back They have also announced the lineup for the main presentation. So there's gonna be three different stages the premiere There's also the archive stage and the back lot one now in terms of what this is done is by moving the Major presentations over the Honda Center. It's allowed for a little bit more stuff to go into the main sort of haul and I'm gonna be honest I Am a little bit disappointed with it now. I had planned on going to d23 this year I ultimately decided that it just wasn't gonna be just worth it financially and I am actually looking at this finger I think I made the right call because as I said that presentation is much smaller But in terms of Disney plus side of things. There's not as much presentation. There are presentations In the main stage for Disney animation. So there's gonna be one presentation for like spider-man X-man You know eyes of a Conda and what if etc. So there is gonna be a animated Marvel special So that that's definitely one that's very high up. There's a Percy Jackson presentation But the trouble is with that is they haven't actually even started filming season two yet So that's just a I don't know what they're gonna do that but obviously bring them on and they can do bits and pieces for it There's also lots of other little presentations going on in the smaller rooms For example, there's one on Grey's Anatomy one on elementary There's also a big presentation in the main hall for like animation like Futurama Simpson's King of the Hill So maybe we get a little bit more information on that King of the Hill Reboot that they're apparently working on so that should be a lot of fun But yeah, there's there's a lot less stuff here so I'm I went through the list and I've put up an article kind of going through some of the key ones and There might be the odd little trailer and stuff come out but I think it's gonna be a lot less news in general because we're really seeing that with Disney right now anyway, and there is a lot less news There is gonna be a pavilion for Disney Plus. You can meet Bluey there. There's also gonna be like an area You can go and get photo opportunities. There's one for Hulu. There's one for Marvel There's one for Star Wars etc It's all these different brands and like interactions and exhibits and stuff to go into lots of stuff to do And that's kind of the big difference of with the main presentations being moved to the Honda Center in the evenings People got more time to to get around and stuff Reservations are opening up if you've got your tickets at the minute it is all sold out the difference as well with the showcase We've now just done like ticketed system, so you get your seat So there's no more need to like queue up and get good to see and you know what seat you've got before you get there Which again removes a lot of the queuing up methods to try and get close to it So that's it Again live stream. I don't know that I mean I suspect the legends show and also the theme park show horizons on the Saturday in the Sunday night They tend to live stream. They've done them in the past. I would expect that to be the case I also wouldn't be at all surprised if that studio showcase is live streams Because they have talked about it There was also previous talk of them maybe putting out on Disney Plus no official confirmation some of the side stages and stuff You know they do tend to live stream and all this stuff so we can watch from home But yeah overall my expectations for this as someone you know that's not going there now and for those of us that aren't obviously there We can set I think our expectations if there will be news coming out of it And there will probably be little trailers and bits and pieces and that's where they might announce stuff, but Just do not expect what we've seen in previous ones like 2019 2022 where there was just loads of Disney Plus stuff I mean, they pretty much have their own presentations this year Very much less. I mean you can just look at the lineup Right now of like what's coming out over the next two years most of which has already been filmed I mean, I think we might you know like Wonder Man might be something that they might do at San Diego Comic Con or D23, but a lot of these shows and stuff. We know they're coming and there are a few years away So I think it's gonna be great for those in attendance I am we very very jealous and I wish I was there for that presentation, but Yeah, it's I just expect a lot less so I did want to just kind of address some of that stuff But yeah, so that's my thoughts on D23. I'm gonna be covering it as much as I can I'm gonna be staying up late on the night for that presentation That's the other big problem that I had personally and this was just a pure personal problem of like with them going into that Honda Center it was later in the evening like seven nine a ten o'clock at night and Well, that's great to have your ticket sorted and stuff, but for me with jet lag that was gonna be a nightmare No, we're trying to get there and back and it was like that's gonna be hard But yeah, there's a lot of stuff there There's the full list obviously if you're going to the event you're gonna put in your reservations Though I do think as well if you go into the Honda Center in the evening It does mean that you're not gonna be able to get in on those later showings Like for example the the animation one on the money I think it's the money like with like Futurama and the Simpsons and stuff You're probably not gonna have time to make it across to the Honda Center So if you haven't got a Honda Center ticket and you just go into the main one I would suggest when you do your reservations. You probably put in the later shows You've probably got much better chance of getting in on them also at the event Just remember there's gonna be a win or lose watch party one evening so I'm guessing that show must be coming up pretty soon if they're gonna be doing a preview Maybe that's where they're gonna show off the first episode and stuff we might get a little bit more of a hint But there's gonna be signings and stuff as well. I suspect looking at the list of films That I've said there's they're kind of going in there and doing some like signings with filmmakers, but we're on a twos utopia - toy story Elio all mentioned as some of the filmmakers there So I'm guessing if they're there to do the signings They're probably gonna be in the main presentation as well So I suspect we might get little bits of updates on those movies, but There we go. So that is kind of my little bit of a rundown as I said You'll find the full list for the full I'm not gonna go for every single thing because we'll be here all day But that's that in terms of new content today on Disney Plus the brand new film descendants the rise of red is out They've also got some sing-along versions of the sentence films also in some countries got a new Laney Wilson documentary Which was put out on Disney Plus a while ago. We've also got some Japanese anime lots of stuff to watch over the weekend I'm really checking out and descendants. I do need to watch that one It looks like it should be a lot of fun But let's now jump into our question of the day Joe last speaking of inside out - do you think it will overtake Lion King at 2019 as the highest grossing animated film ever? Yes, so I'm not sure of this because Lion King I think it was like 1.6 billion. So inside out is like three four hundred million away from that I'm not sure if it's it has it gonna have enough legs to do that the only thing is we've still got the rest of the summer We still it is gonna drop off But they still want a chance to keep going. I think it's gonna start dripping off obviously as well It's now got competition from the minions and despicable me plus his other new movies coming out You got twisters and Deadpool, but in some way despicable me and inside out - a pretty much what we've got now This summer just locked on those are the two big kids films I think it's gonna struggle getting to that neck to that bigger limit But inside out - is now the biggest grossing Pixar film of all time Not bad really I mean considering we were everyone was worried about how well it was gonna do and it wasn't gonna be you know They've they've knocked it at the park with this one and that's definitely nothing is gonna get rid of The stench a failure like a lot of wind then this one's this was gonna good and then I think Deadpool is gonna be even better Actually, I don't know if it would be hit 1.2, but I think Deadpool is gonna be huge I can't wait to see that on - but Anyway guys, thank you very much for watching make sure you check out yesterday's video where I spoke about a load of FX shows and the first look at a new series called Interior Chinatown looking forward to seeing all that I'll be back on Sunday with a live Q&A So if you're a picture on our YouTube channel member pick take a look out to see what put up the post for the questions And anyone can join and do so and on that note guys. Thank you very much. See you guys soon. Later You You You (upbeat music) [ Silence ]