Spirit Talk with Szil & Jay

Psychic experiences, signs, senses, abilities, visions...

Broadcast on:
28 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Welcome to Spirit Talk. - It's still in Jay. - Welcome back, I'm Jay. - I'm Sil. - And it's a Spirit Talk. - All right, so today we're gonna talk about experiences. - Experiences, so in-- - It's in the nature and just gonna go with it. - Yeah. - Yeah. - It's kind of like a free flow show today. - Yeah, free for all kind of thing. Anything goes pretty much. - You know, psychic abilities, anything. Can you start us out with something that you can tell us about? - Oh yeah, I guess I'm gonna kind of do like what you call, I guess, reverse psychology. So I'm gonna ask you the question and ask, what kind of experiences have you experienced throughout your lifetime, as far as encounters with Spirit? - Okay, so the one thing that I could think of is the other day I smelt something that was not even in the room, nothing was going on, and I couldn't put my finger on and I had to actually Google it because I'm like, what does this mean? What does this mean? And basically, it's kind of like a foul smelling, almost like rotten eggs kind of, but you know, and it's like, hey, did you fart? - You didn't, and I didn't, and the kiddies didn't. It's like, what in the world am I still smelling it? And it's basically, there is a, the entity that's present, and it's not a good one, obviously, bad smell and all this stuff. So it's all about, you know, getting to know your smells, so different smells. Now there are times when you smell your mom's perfume or something of that nature, and that's also, you know, that she was present. - And we also cleanse quite often using incense and prayer and stones and crystals, and we possibly, we have our highly intuitive cats now too, so. - Oh yeah. - But like, chills and stuff like that, like going back to my mother, I can distinguish my mom because she was a heavy smoker and she would lather up on perfume before she went to work. So it was a combination of like a smoky perfume smell. For some, it's chills too, like I get a lot of chills. And for me, chills is confirmation and also lets me know that, you know, spirit is around. - And it depends on what you're thinking of at the time and why you got the chills, you kind of have to put two and two together. - Yeah, and you'll hear me say it quite often, that's when you play the detective and ask the questions. So, but yeah, there's so many different ways, same thing with temperatures and light flickerings and things movement. And just because when we move from the physical world, when we go into the spirit world, we don't stop learning. And they go to school and they have classes too to also learn how to communicate with us down here. And as far as like being able to like, some of them have the power of manipulating things to move, like my daughter, my daughter is very good at that. If she, usually if she doesn't like somebody or something she'll create havoc in her lives, as far as like tipping something over, making something fall. And I know that's my daughter. And that's her kind of humor, but I know it's her. So for chills again, you know, it goes back to, for me it's confirmation. And I know usually when I have clients and I sit down and I'm meeting them, not only do I do my half hour meditation, but I always let people know, you know, first of all, can you put your cell phone on airplane mode or turn it off because spirit likes to connect through electronics as well as different smells. So for me, when you do readings and stuff, try to make sure all your clairs are clear and I get clear sense. So smell comes to me really easily and I'll usually ask the client, please, when you come to see me not to wear like perfume or cologne because I don't wanna, you know, get spirit and you confused and mixed up, so. - Yeah, and that's definitely, when you're getting a reading in person, definitely you wanna stay away from heavy perfumes or that nature. - No, I'm not a big fan. Some people I've had, I've encountered, you know, people asking, you know, can I record this? I preferably do not like to be recorded simply because it also feels like I have eyes on me, extra eyes as well as the feeling of. - Or being on stage. - Yeah, and spirit likes to, again, create havoc, some of them, it depends on people's attachments, what they bring with them and stuff like that too. So it's important to be extremely protected by wearing, you know, your different jewelry and carrying your stones and crystals in your pocket, things of that nature, so. - Yeah, I have some hanging up in my car. Yeah, it's all for protection. We have bracelets and stuff like that. Those are all great. And there's some crystals that are really good for communicating with the divine. So it actually enhances any communication, especially if you're starting to really get to know your numbers, your signs and stuff like that. The more you know, the more you're gonna see it. - And that brings up a good point too, before I started taking psychic development classes and stuff, I was very ignorant. I very close-minded to some things, but I was particularly, I took, I trusted my intuition. But since taking psychic development classes that has opened me up, and the more awakened you become, and the more open-minded you become, the more things come and clear, and you start receiving your answers, and that's a good thing to pay attention to is you know, signs and secreticities as well, because the more you see happen, the more they will come, you know, and the more you're aware of them and pay attention. - Now there are numbers that, for instance, we see 11/11, now it depends on what you're thinking of at the time, you know, that relates to that, 'cause there are different meanings of it. Most of it is very similar, but if you're thinking of something and a sign comes to you, there's certain meaning to that while you were thinking of that. - Yeah, that's something, you know, like I would trust somebody particularly that deals with numerology and things of that nature. I know, and what I've been taught and learned is that 11/11 is the highest spiritual number. It represents that your spirit guides, your loved ones are with you, and that you're on your path, and that you're being supported in your desires, your manifestations and stuff. So it's a good sign, a lot of people tend to wish on that. - And from manifestation. - And I've heard of colleagues and stuff that has used numerology with their previous professions to be able to solve or resolve things with using that. So it's quite interesting the power of our numbers. - Yeah, yeah, it's, like I said, the more you know about it, the more you're gonna see it, it's just they're constant in your face, whether you're driving or you're looking at the clock at the right time. So yeah, there's another one too, a sudden feeling of something, whether it's a, you get this sudden feeling of joy or sudden feeling. - Like a pole or urge. - Yeah, whether it's like this excitement, this something great, or it could be completely the opposite, that you went downhill real fast. - Or you gotta be careful with that. - Right, or it's your body's way of saying, you know, if this isn't good, we need to leave the situation or not even pertain to it or go around it. - That's on the situation. - It's all about to trusting your body and listening and paying attention to your signs and the things that you're receiving too and how you feel around certain people, places and things. So. - Mm-hmm, absolutely. Now, a couple of other things I wanna talk about is, you know, as far as success, living, just really nature. And nature, you know, natural remedies, you know, living off the grid, stuff like that. There are a lot of things nowadays that are kind of hushed because it's such a simple thing to do and to have that could help you in need of healing. Whether it's herbs or something simple. - So more along the lines of like essential oils? - Mm-hmm, absolutely. But essential oils, herbs, any type of, there's so many things out there. But nature, nature has everything we need, everything. So it's crucial that we look into it because all the pills that you get, they all have side effects, and guess what? Then you're taking another pill that has another side effects because of the side effect of the other one. So it could be, you know, on and on and on. - And one of the things that I pay attention to is not only the feelings and the impressions that I get, but also after I hear it for like confirmation, like so I've been getting the feeling of like, you know, what if stuff was like shipped all from like a different country, you know? And then I hear about how stuff has been or is or in the process of and, you know, it could be hazardous, more hazardous because it ships from somewhere else when we can have it right here in our own backyard instead of going out side and being out. - Yeah, there's so many things we can grow ourselves. And we have here ourselves. It's important that we look into that and teach our kids all those things. In school or you can teach them yourself, you know, it's important for our generation and the next generation to know these things. There are so many times that I've watched a video and I see something man made. Like a steak is being 3D printed. Rice is being replaced by who knows what's in there, plastic of some sort. And we're injecting these things that are not even real. I just read or heard something about bottled water and how the plastics, the water or the chemical of the plastic is affecting the water that you drink. So, and that's something that kind of saddens me too is now that we have to pay for water, you know? And this is all like natural stuff that was given to us by the creator and we're selling it to make profit and money and greed off of. And this is something that really bothers me about this kind of stuff. - And there's so much stuff that's added to it, you know, salt, sulfate, of all kinds of stuff that's added to it for taste. But in reality, some of these things that are added don't even need to be added. And they don't do anything. - And they're more harmful than they are good. - Exactly, absolutely. And not to mention, if you have a bottled water and you don't know if you pick that up that where it's been, it's been in the hot or cold, extreme cold or extreme hot. And then it goes back to room temperature. It doesn't mean it's now back to normal. - It's like percolating some kind of bacteria or something. You never know, so. - You're leaving it out in your car. You should never leave anything out in your car. Anything that has moisture in it is very bad for you to, you know, leave in the car and then drink it or eat it. - Or anything that they have to make fat free or whatever else, you know, you think about the extra chemical that they put in it that have to make it that way, you know? So it's just questions upon questions. And one thing is healthy, one minute, and next thing, it's not, you know, so I feel like, you know, live on, you know? - Well, do the best you can definitely do what you can to make things easy for you, but also healthy, healthier. - It's just kind of like me, you know, I started smoking at the age of 14 years old, you know, and I still smoke. So that's why you hear sometimes me coughing in the background and whatnot. But anyway, it's something, one of those things that plays in the back of my mind, well, if I stop now, how's it going to affect me? How's it going to shock my system? And you hear of people that have lived in their 90s or hundreds or whatever, and they still have, you know, shot a whiskey or they only take aspirin or something like that, but they continue to do what they feel what works best for them. And they live all these years living their life, you know? So I'm not encouraging smoking and anything of that nature. I... - It's almost like questioning everything, basically. - Yes. - They're questioning, how's this going to affect us, my body, my thinking, my well-being? - Yes. - Absolutely. - So what else we got on our list today to talk about? - Well, going into, for instance, you know, rocks, crystals, you know, I don't know if anybody's even using them that are on the show, but, you know, if you're listening to us, you know, it's a great thing to have and I look into anything that could help you and protect you and your family. - There's many different things in the series and ways of going about cleansing and clearing your home. And, you know, one of them is, I've heard of people, you know, taking salt. I don't know if it's sea salt or what kind of salt it is, but they make a boulder around their home to protect it. Some people, and I have done this myself. I've bought, like, Turbo Line or whatever, a little stones above each, like, doors and windowsill and things of that nature. So any kind of entrances. - You can actually salt the turds. I think it deters ants and bugs and stuff like that, too. So it's always nice. So if you're gonna go around your house, it's good to do. - And you're gonna be throwing a couple of cats and you're just, well, off-protected, you know? - They'll attack anything. They might play with it, but. - Stomach friendly. - At least you know where it is. Hey, what's this? But yeah, I mean, there are so many things that could help you, you know, just listening to music can be really helpful. - Well, we were just watching a video the other day about vitamin D, weren't we? - Mm-hmm, yeah, vitamin D. Depends on what kind of vitamin D manmade is definitely not good for you. So definitely look that up. If you're taking vitamin D, take the right type. Being outdoors in the sun is crucial for us, crucial. I wish we had a little bit more here up here in New England, but. - Well, it's kind of like a catch-22, right? Do the temperatures and things of that nation. 'Cause if you think about it, during the winter time, the flu's and stuff, especially up here, northeast and down south, they don't really get that much because of the climate and the temperatures and stuff. So that plays a big role, too. So, but there's always too much of something, too, or too less of something. So it's just kind of finding that happy medium of vitamin D as well. - I personally love anything that has to do with tropical places or not even, you know, that much, you know, just, you know, so there's no snow and ice. That's pretty much what I crave. I just don't like the ice and the cold, cold weather. - Yeah, and some people love the y'all seasons, too, you know, but for one, it would not miss, you know, definitely the cold in the snow. That's me personally, but. - Absolutely, I mean, I was born in Hungary and, you know, they have all the seasons. Snow, all that stuff, you know, got warm. I mean, I think my mom was telling me the other day. It was like 100 degrees over there. - Wow. - It's like, you know, so they do get the same kind of stuff. - We get, sometimes we get some days that are on like 100 degrees, not many, but mostly 90s. - Yeah. - Yeah, so I believe it all depends on two on how close you live to the equator, 'cause I've heard two of the closer you live to that, the hotter it is, so. - Oh gosh, yeah. Like Florida. I lived in Florida for a year and I don't ever want to go back to live there. I think it's just way too much for me. - The humidity and the hot, like I like seasons. I do like seasons. I just don't like the extreme cold, but. - Yeah, yeah. - That's what I don't like. I even like snow sometimes, you know? It's nice. It's just when you drive in it, it's not so nice, but, you know, Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year. - So we were talking a little bit too earlier about, you know, I'm really contemplating on writing another book and this one is going to be more in depth. The other one just touched the surfaces. It just, it didn't, you know, really bring a reader into it and really feel the in depth of what I went through and stuff like that. So, and that was part of the purpose of not only this book being therapeutic for me, but it was also a way of reaching out to others, letting them know, hey, you know, you're not alone. I've been through some crap myself too. And, you know, and this is very therapeutic to either write it down, publish your book. You don't even have to publish it. Just to write it and just get it on paper or whatever, just out, you know, and one of the things I want to talk about a little bit today, I guess too, was some of our experiences that we've had too and like being younger and having our six senses heightened. - Yeah, yeah, do you have an example? - The only one, and I talked about it, you know, through my book and stuff is when I was little, probably 20 ages, and as far as I can remember, between three and four years old is when I first started seeing spirit, but it wasn't actually a spirit. I don't even know what the call is, like an entity or something. And it reminded me of the Tom and Jerry show. Where-- - With the fangs. - Yeah, I believe with Tom the Cat. - Yes. - Yeah, Tom's the Cat. - Turn into that. - Turn into a, yeah, very mean looking evil thing with fangs. And this is how this thing presented itself to me. And so that's where I started to really pick up my mediumship and seeing spirit. That was the only one that I saw that I'm aware of up until I was about 10 years old. And it was just more of like, I'm an extreme empath. So I mostly sense and I pick up things around me like a sponge and I absorb it. And I just sensed some stuff going on and paid attention to it. And like we were talking about how you were just drawing and compelled to do something. That's how I was too. Like I remember being in, I think I was five years old and I was in kindergarten and just sensed something was going on at home. And I just need to get home. So I left to school and not even caring about whatever, you know, whoever would think. And then all of a sudden I was brought back by the principal or teacher. I don't know, but I was compelled to go home. I felt something was going on. - You knew something was going on. You just knew it. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And there was. Yep, absolutely. But then in first grade, I was spaced. I was a space cadet, you know, I was traumatized. I was extremely, I'm still to this day, you know, have a lot of anxieties, panic attacks. Not so bad today as they were when I was younger, but I was out in my own world and focused. And it kind of goes with manifestation. Like I can remember before rocking chair, I used to rock myself in bed and hold my one hand behind me and just rock in bed. And then it became the rocking chair. And I remember during these times, that's when I would really put my thought into something and it seemed like it would happen. And I remember, you know, throughout lifetime, mom would say to me, you know, Jay, if you put your mind in something, it'll happen. Or she knew how wild my imagination was and kind of encouraged it. And wish I loved about my mom. You know, she allowed me to be me. And she saw the, I guess, potential or the. - No, she had some potential too. And she probably saw that in you as well. - Yeah, so later on, when I took the classes, that's when I really realized a lot of things that a lot of things came together for me because some things I didn't understand why they happened or what was taking place before I started taking classes. And then it all kind of came together like a puzzle. So that was one of the things too. I feel like on my mother's side, that line is extremely spiritual and very into those kinds of abilities, whether it be a heel or a psychic medium, which something like that. But I feel like we're all light workers in one way or another and it goes deep on that side. - Absolutely, some have more abilities than others, but some don't even know they have abilities. I know that some kids, maybe not all, can see spirits and entities of that nature. I know that when my father was passing, my cousin's daughter saw him. And it was something, I don't know all the details, but it's almost like he visited them and that was it. But I don't even think he was past, he passed yet. It was almost like he visited them right before he passed. But even afterwards too, this happens. And my brother's daughter actually saw my father while my mom was visiting them. And she said that, oh, he's right here. And then my mom was in the other room and he left the room to go see her. And these things, kids don't just make up out of thin air and sure enough, there's certain things that they just sense and they know 'cause they're little. - And that's one of the things that I feel like I'm compelled to do, like part of my purpose in this lifetime is to become an advocate or a mentor or something in some way or another to help people to come out of their shell and not feel like they have to stop it or shunned. And that's part of the sadness in our generation is that we were shunned and we had to keep it quiet and low profile and couldn't talk about it only to certain people 'cause otherwise, there was places for so-called people like that. And now I feel like I'm liberated. I can actually speak about it and I don't feel like I have to shell up so much. - Absolutely. - I remember this one particular time, it was pretty cool, it was right before I did a gallery and it was two weeks before I had to do it and there was this woman in the audience she was part of the production crew or whatever and I kept getting a very strong sense. I'm like, "Did you used to have a playmate?" And she was a little girl and she goes, "Yeah." I'm like, "Well, she's here now." And I remember telling her and it brought me back to being a kid myself, it was so cool to be able to bring that forward to somebody and have them confirm it and let 'em know. And she even came back was, "Yeah, I've been recently talking with her again and things of that nation." I'm like, "Wow." So everything kind of happens for reasons and I think the biggest problem is we get in our own ways and we stop ourselves from our own abilities and things and that's something that I-- - I believe as well. - Yes. And that's something that I've always tried to help is see the talent and somebody and try to encourage them in that way and we'll get into this too 'cause I started studying zodiac signs at the age of 15. So I'm a tourist and part of the Taurus is part of the cons I should say of a Taurus is we can become not only stubborn but dogmatic and I feel and I chalked out up to is because we care a lot and we wanna see the best 'cause we're all about the best. We wanna see the best for someone in their life and so sometimes it comes off a little harder than we want it to and we don't really mean it but it's like we don't wanna see it happen to them. You know, we're like trying to be their savior and stop 'em but at the same time, it gets to a point in life where you've gotta allow people to experience their pattern or their pathway, you know, and make mistakes and-- - I gotta learn their own way too, yeah. I mean, I feel like I have some of that in me too. I could be that way as well. I might seem pushy but it's really not meant to be pushy. But yeah, I definitely have that as well. And it's almost like a know it all but I don't know it all but what I do know and I feel that I can share with others I can help them but it comes off differently, so. Absolutely. - Yeah and it all goes back to the right people who will hear you and see you, you know, and-- - Actually, you know, I just thought about another time and this was when my father was actually sick but hasn't passed yet, it's that last year and he has started seeing his parents pass by the window. Also, he felt that his son, my brother, was there next to him. Now meanwhile, he's in Hungary, so it's an ocean away but he just felt that he was there. So I don't know if because he was thinking of him and they were thinking of each other. I don't know how that works but he said he was there. - And from the feeling and sense that I'm getting from what you just described, your dad seeing his parents was that they were preparing a place for him. - Absolutely. I do believe that. I do believe that he probably saw more than he said also because of the unbelief of some people that he might, 'cause sometimes you don't know how to say it without getting shot down or put down, like, oh no, that's not true. - That's why I go on a trance. (laughs) - Yeah, the trance is that you've been, you know, that's been traumatic for you. You become somebody else. - We'll get to that in a second but I want to bring up really quickly the last time you spoke to your mom and I don't understand Alika Hungarian that you guys speak but I know some words, like a couple of them that you tell me but I remember giving your mom the message the last time. - Yeah. - And some of it. - That mean. - Yeah. And that was. - That was kind of an aha moment because this person that has passed at a younger age, you know, he wasn't older, he passed at an early age, I think he was working, so he was up there already in his probably 20s, I'm not sure. But it was someone that I know through memories but not many, but my mom, I know the name because it was a nickname and when I said that, my mom, her eyes lit up like, yeah, that's so-and-so and you got the confirmation then yes, they said it was that person. - It was not only that, but it was a strong feeling like your dad was pushing me to give this message and wanted to give me something memorable that you guys would only know. And the word, the Hungarian word that came from me and I even wrote it down for you how it was spelled or how I was seeing it spelled or whatever and that made sense to you guys, you guys figured it out. I'm like, wow, that's pretty amazing and I was very happy to give that message to your mom and so that was heartwarming. - Absolutely. - Going into a trance is always something that I've been wanting to do. Ever since I started doing this about 10 years ago professionally and taking my classes, I was really intrigued by the book called Nothing So Strange and it's by a trance medium, Arthur Ford who was possessed by a man named Fletcher. And Fletcher came out in him when he was in his trance and Arthur Ford is the one who broke Houdini's code because Houdini was back in that day out to make mediums and psychics fraudulent and wanted to prove them wrong and they were frauds. So Arthur came through and broke the code and figured it out and stuff like this as well as other things that he had done as well that he was known for. So going into a trance, it starts off with, kind of brings me back to a child and going through anxiety and panic attacks and that's how it feels like oh my gosh, I'm in front of an audience, a lot of eyes on me and this guy shaking his head no. And as soon as I get like a no, it's funny because it's like now I want to keep digging and I'm determined now. But the last couple of times I've done kind of events like this, I've went into a trance and it's hard to explain, it's like I'm fogged over and I'm very energy drained at the end. I don't know what was said. I have no bits and pieces, that's it. I don't know what was said to who and to what and everything but I get the confirmations at the end. And that's, I love doing that because then I get kind of confirmation and the more I can work with, it's called a controller. The one who's taken over and get more comfortable with him and established a relationship with these folks who are taking over my body during the time. The easier it's going to flow and get. And that's what I'm looking forward to 'cause right now it's at the beginning stages where it's like, okay, I'm not exactly sure 100% like what to expect of what to expect. And it's all the sudden I know it, I just need to get away from the situation for a minute, catch my breath and then come back. And it's like a slow kind of awakening thing. It's like, again, I've been fogged over, I'm just waking out of a dream. That's how it feels. And I just trust whoever's coming through me that it's for the higher good. And it's-- - You ask, you know, you obviously you ask for-- - I ask for it, yeah, before I even start showing this because I know that that's where or a point that I'm going to get to. - I don't want the highest vibration to come through. And that's how you know, but you're hoping that the answers will come to the audience that is there. - And the thing is perseverance and patience and practice, you know, and just trust, you know. - Absolutely. So that concludes our segment for today. - Wow, already that went by quick. - I know, it did, 32 minutes. - Wow. I think it's time for a treat. I know I'm digging for some chocolate right now. - Chocolate. - Yeah, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, yeah. - You're depleted. - And you made this out of this world meatloaf the other day too with some mozzarella cheese and I'm gonna, oh my gosh, you know, that's the thing for I know. - Yeah, there's leftovers, some reason I made too much. - I know I'm a white worker and a lot of people don't eat meat because of the blood and blah, blah, blah. Yeah, I know, I know that guys, I know, but we all have our own. But yeah, so-- - Oh yeah, yeah. - Got to enjoy food, God-preated. - All right guys, well that completes this segment and-- - See you guys next time. - Absolutely, have a good one. (upbeat music) - And that concludes today's segment, I'm Spirit Talk. I'm Jay. - And I'm Sue. (upbeat music)