Celebrate Cultivate

Gathering Wisdom in the Messy Middle: Free Meditation and A Year of Calm Preview

Take a moment to explore the messy middle, specifically the middle of the year. In this episode, get a peek inside my signature program and enjoy a guided meditation to visualize yourself in January and December. What guidance does past-you and future-you hold? Even if you’re on a walk, running errands, or driving somewhere, use this as a time of quiet reflection. After listening you might feel the nudge to journal, doodle, or share your insights with someone. Send a message to Kaileen on Instagram, @kaileenelise.

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25 Jul 2024
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Take a moment to explore the messy middle, specifically the middle of the year. In this episode, get a peek inside my signature program and enjoy a guided meditation to visualize yourself in January and December. What guidance does past-you and future-you hold? Even if you’re on a walk, running errands, or driving somewhere, use this as a time of quiet reflection. After listening you might feel the nudge to journal, doodle, or share your insights with someone. Send a message to Kaileen on Instagram, @kaileenelise. 

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(upbeat music) I'm back from spending a week in Florida with my family of five, our nanny, my dad, and my husband's dad and stepmom. It was a really great trip, but also exhausting. Like my husband said, we weren't exactly on vacation. We were living our busy and chaotic life in a different place. I'm still unpacking, doing laundry, and easing into normal routines. For this episode, I'm sharing a peek inside my signature program a year of Calm. This is a one-year coaching program to help you live with more intuition, intention, and inspiration through the seasons of life. The women in this program get one-on-one sessions with me, a suite of resources and rituals for each season, and group coaching calls. In our most recent group call, I was inspired by the messy middle, specifically how we're currently situated in the middle of the calendar year and how so often our perspective shifts as time passes. So today, join us here for a guided meditation and visualization. Even if you're on a walk, running errands, or driving somewhere, you can still use this as a time of quiet reflection. You might even feel like you need to journal, doodle, or share your insights with someone afterwards. Hi, if we haven't met yet, I'm your intuition coach and host of the Celebrate Cultivate podcast, Kaleen Elise Seuss. This is episode 175. After you listen to the meditation, I would love to hear from you. So please feel free to reach out via Instagram. I'm @kaleenalise, or you can email me All right, let's get into it. So what I was thinking we could do today is do a guided meditation and a little bit of visualization connecting to you in January and just like touching base with her because what was on her mind and what was going on for her is very different now. So you might have things you want to share with her or show her, you might have questions to ask or she might have questions for you. And then just spend a little bit of time going forward to December and same thing, kind of checking in with her, touching base with her, asking her questions, telling her things you want her to know as the year wraps up. We're gonna time travel today and you can just let what resonates, stick, what doesn't, you can let go. Just go ahead and sit and get comfortable or lay down, do whatever you want, whatever feels good. If you wanna get cozy, feel free to do that and just when you're available, if it feels good to close your eyes, do that. And just take some centering breaths. Centering breaths, I love that term because it brings you to center, which is where you wanna bring your awareness, down, down, down to that place inside where you feel stillness, quiet, calm, where you connect to your intuition, where you hear your inner voice. It's not like we're pressing mute on your thoughts and no thoughts will come through, of course they will, but as they do, you can blow them away from your face, just like you would blow little bugs away if they were flying around your face, you wouldn't inhale, you'd exhale. So just blow any thoughts away as they come through, not trying to change them, not trying to do anything to them, just blowing them away. And if it helps, you can just imagine there's like a little basket to your side. And as you blow those thoughts away, they turn into little papers and those little papers float just perfectly into that little basket and any thoughts that you actually need. Anything that you really want to remember, anything that's gonna be useful is just gonna get collected in that basket and it'll come back to you when you need it. So there's no need to hold on to anything, no need to remember anything, that little basket's gonna do all of the work for you so that you can just continue to exhale. And of course, inhale too. But breathe out and sink your awareness deeper and deeper inside. And at any point, if it feels good to stretch or shake or yawn or do anything with the body that the body wants to do, move because your foot fell asleep, stretch or move your head because it feels good. Let it happen. No judgment, no worry, no rules. (exhales) Good. So in this place where we're in the middle of the year, the middle of the summer, the middle of everything, we're always in the middle of something. And one thing ends, the next begins, wearing the constant state of being in the middle. And the middle can be incredible. The middle can be difficult. The middle can be anything and everything. And whatever the middle is for you, you know it's fleeting, you know it's passing, you know it's right here, it's right now, but it's not forever. So there's a piece in knowing that about the middle, about knowing that it won't be here forever. (gentle music) And there's power in noticing where you've been and where you're going. So today we're gonna tune into where you've been and where you're headed as a way to connect to your past self and your future self and just see what she has to say. She has to say. So just take another minute or two to sink into where you are now, bring your awareness deeper and deeper inside. Feel that safety and that comfort and that piece of being here and taking this time for yourself. Giving yourself the permission and the space to be still and to breathe, to prioritize being here for you, for calm, for connection. And now imagine a timeline that spans forward and backwards infinitely. We know time is an illusion. We know time and life is not as linear as it seems and yet it is useful. It is a tool. And so for now we'll use that tool of time to travel back. See yourself somewhere in January at the beginning of the year. See what you're doing, see where you are, see how you feel. Just see yourself and allow it to be whatever it is without trying to edit or change. Be open and allow whatever comes through, come through without grasping for a memory. Just let that January self arrive and arise. And you may notice emotion. If you notice emotion, be with that emotion. Those high points of the wave, like peace and joy and happiness. If you have those bask and it float in it, do whatever you like. And if you're getting some of those low points of a wave, like fear, frustration or sadness, be with them. Watch them, feel them. Breathe through them. You know exactly what to do. You're so good at this. So just allow those emotions to flow and to be and to exist in that January self. They're not actually in you now. They're in that January you. So sit next to her, be with her, breathe with her and let her know she is not alone. Tell her exactly what you know she wants to hear. How much you love her, how proud of her you are, she is doing such a good job. Feel and release those emotions. Not for her, but witness her doing it. And if you need to move your body, move your body. If you need to sigh and quake and cry, do that whatever is right for you right now with her. Do it now. Good. Witness how it feels to sit with this past version of you. Tell her what you want to tell her and then let her ask you what she wants to ask you. What are those burning questions on her mind, those decisions and choices she's trying to make? Show her what she did. Show her how good it turned out. Give her that confidence and that clarity of, hey, you did good. You've let it all unfold and we're here now in July and everything's fine. Keep breathing and being with her, just allowing anything else to come through, anything she wants you to know, anything you want to tell her, just take that time now. And when that feels complete, I want you to bring your hands to heart center and press into your chest with a little bit of pressure just to feel your heart beating, to feel your chest rise and fall with your breath, to feel the air on your skin, to feel you here now back in this exact moment, being with yourself, gathering your energy into the present. And then let your hands drift down wherever they want to go, let them land and bring that awareness deeper and deeper inside. Just keep sinking in, knowing that you can exhale thoughts away and just blow them away, collecting into that little basket beside you. Now I want you to call upon your future self, your December self, and let her gently pull you into her moment where she is in December. Let her take you along the ride through the months, into her present moment and sit with her, be with her, speak with her, see her. What is she doing? What is she wearing? Who is she with? What's on her mind? What's in her heart? What does she want you to know? And listen, open, open, open. No need to grasp or reach, just allow. Spend time with her here in December. And move if you need to move, sigh if you need to sigh. Hug her, sit with her, ask the questions that you want to ask. Feel what it's like to be with her. Find out what it's like to be her. If there's anything you really want in December, tuck it into her pocket now. It can be a feeling, it can be a place or a person, an idea, an opportunity. Whatever it is that you desire, just give it to her. Breathing and enjoying and spending time with her here. Then tell her what she wants to hear. You're looking really beautiful. You look so healthy, rested, happy. I can see that you're doing really well, and I'm really proud of you. I love you, and feel how it feels to receive that from yourself. Take another minute or so with her. Feel what she wants you to feel. Then bring your hands back to heart center, pressing in again. Feeling you here. Feel the surface beneath you. Feel yourself supported by gravity in this moment right here, right now. Nowhere to go, nothing to do but to just be here with you in your July self. As you breathe, feel your chest rise and fall, press into the chest so you can feel your heart beating here now for you without any action on your part. It just happens. Then bring your hands down to your lap again or wherever they fall, just let them fall and be with your July self. See her, feel her, tell her what she wants to hear, what she needs to know, and receive it. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. You're doing so well. I'm so proud of you. Look at where you've been. Look at where you're going. Look at where you are. And before this comes to a close, take the time that you need to be here with you. Do whatever you need to do to feel that connection to your inner voice, to all of your parts and all of yourselves past and present and future. Gather it all up. And feel the expansiveness, the joy, the highs and lows, the ebbs and flows, the beauty, the pain, allowing it all to exist is such a powerful thing. You are such a powerful thing. Take a deep breath in and a big sigh out from the mouth. One more time, breathe in from your tips, your toes, the top of your head, in, in, in, in. And let it out. You can wiggle your fingers and toes. Start to bring your awareness back to the room that you're in. No rush, no hurry. Stretch. Blink your eyes open when you're ready. [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]