Prime Time Krime

Robert Wone: Part 1

Right now In true crime: Hannah Guiterrez Reed attempt at a new trial, Remains of missing Corpus Christi Texas A&M student found, John Paul Miller interview. 

In part 1 of 3 I will introduce you to the story of Robert Wone. Robert was a 32 year old happily married lawyer who found himself working a job in DC. For convenience to his job he was staying with a friend when he was murdered allegedly by an intruder. This story will begin to unravel into something possibly much more sinister. Lets take this one on...

Sources for episode:
Who killed Robert Wone (on Peacock)

Broadcast on:
19 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

5280 Exterior's James Hardy sighting is a low-maintenance sighting made primarily of cement that resists flame spread and repels wood-borne insects and woodpeckers. Through the month of July, you'll receive free rigid foam installation with the purchase of whole house sighting. That's installing additional insulation behind your sighting for free. But only for the month of July. Call today for more details or visit 5280 Exterior' 5280 Exterior', a James Hardy preferred contractor. 5280 Exterior's. The Altitude of Quality. The Dakono Music and Spirits Festival returns to Centennial Park Saturday, August 3rd from 2 to 10 p.m. And it's free! Live music from the Warren Treaty! Chris Daniels and the Kings is Callie and More. Enjoy a Spirit's Competition, Kid Zone and Fireworks presented by Oxy and the City of Dakono. Admission and parking are free. The Dakono Music and Spirits Festival brought to you by Breckenridge Brewery and City of Dakono. Go to the city of for more information. Warning, this episode contains graphic crime scene detail and may be sensitive for some listeners. All witnesses, purses of interest and suspects are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Welcome to Primetime Crime. I'm your host Kylie. Let's talk right now in true crime. And then together we are going to work on warming up some cold cases. Let's go! Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of Primetime Crime. It's Kylie. We are finally getting back to our regularly scheduled programming with a right now in true crime headed into an unsolved case. So I am so glad to be back. So let's dive right in to right now in true crime. First thing is we talked about the Alec Baldwin trial and how the case against him was dismissed. And now the armor Hannah Gutierrez read is officially seeking a new trial. And I do think that everything that went on with Alec's trial is going to help Hannah because Hannah was sentenced to some prison time for her role in the death of Helena Hutchins. So this is just going to help with her appeal process and her seeking a new trial based on what happened with Alec's trial. So it will be really interesting to see what ends up happening with that. Unfortunate news in the case of missing Corpus Christi, Texas A&M college student Caleb Harris. He went missing March 4th. He was last seen at his off-campus apartment, which was the cottages at Corpus Christi on NS Jocelyn Road. So they had found some remains at the wastewater station that is right near NS Jocelyn Road. And they have officially confirmed that those remains do in fact belong to Caleb Harris. His parents came out and said officially we all have heavy hearts this evening as we learned of the positive identification of our sweet Caleb. We will grieve our son, but we are in peace knowing he is with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So sad. I can't even imagine what his poor parents are having to go through and his family are having to go through as they navigate this. This might be a situation too. It doesn't appear that there is foul play involved, but it very well may be a situation where it was just a unfortunate accident and that unfortunately Caleb ended up losing his life because it did not happen far from where he lived. So it's really sad, really unfortunate. He was actually last seen 2.45 a.m. Monday, March 4th, 2024 near the apartment, like I said, and he had let his dog out and then he I guess just walked walked off. He left behind his car, his keys, his wallet. There was a ping from his cell phone around 3 a.m. that morning and that is the last time anyone saw or heard from Caleb and very unfortunate. Sad that it took so long for them to find him. I really don't know all the circumstances at this time and I don't think it's going to be a while before we know exactly everything, but as of right now they're saying it doesn't appear that foul play was involved, but I will continue to keep you guys updated on everything. He is young, only 21 years old, had his whole life ahead of him. So I know that his family is so grieving right now, but at least they do have that closure. Okay, moving on. You guys remember I've talked about the Micah Miller case. She is the woman who allegedly committed suicide in the midst of going through a separation from her husband who is a pastor. He talked about her death at church. It was all just really weird and eerie. So her husband is called JP Miller, John Paul Miller, and there is going to be an interview that is going to be airing with him on News Nation with Ashley Banfield Friday at 10 p.m. Eastern. I am going to play a little preview from the interview because it's just bizarre and it's JP Miller. He's done a lot of questionable things. We still don't know exactly the role that he had in his wife's death allegedly in my opinion, but let's listen to a little bit of this interview. This is just a couple minute clip and if you want to see the whole interview, tune in to Banfield Friday night for more. Here we go. One of the videos that has surfaced recently is from years ago. I'm sure you know what it is. It's you're sitting face down on the ground and you're freaking out and you're talking about squealing about being eaten by ants and taking the wrong meds that you missed your family. [singing] I mean for viewers, for people watching it, the common thought is what is going on here and do you have a drug problem? So I fell out of a tree, a giant magnolia tree. I was like 300 years old. I broke 12 bones. Those 10 to 12 bones. I don't know if you count the fingers. Anyway, I have all this metal in my body and I've never taken pain meds in my life and I just had my body cast taken off and so I took a little bit too much pain meds that day. That's it. That's just what? I don't remember any of them. It was 2017, 16, 2016, 2016, 2016 and it was like 10 years ago, eight years ago, whatever and I was missing my family, my wife, my dad. We started doing a fair and so we were both married to people and then we got divorced and I was missing my family because I'd lost my family at the time and I was on pain meds and it just all just went together. I fell out of a tree, broke a bunch of bones, took to me pain meds. That was that story. Not hallucinogenics. What would hallucinogenic be? Make you hallucinate. What makes you hallucinate? Drugs. Like illegal drugs? A hallucinogenic drugs, yeah. Oh, I've never done a legal drug in my whole life. Okay. Oh, crap, that was a liar. I'm sorry. That was a liar. When I was 16 years old, one time I was in a truck with two of my friends and they were both smoking pot. I didn't smoke any but they do think I'll hotbox and so I got some of that and I tried steroids one time. Dude, this guy is such a performative a-hole in my opinion. I cannot deal with him. There is just something about him. I really want to watch this interview because I want to know more about what he has to say. He's so like self-involved and pretentious. I just cannot. So the video that they were referring to is somebody had released this video of him where he was allegedly on illegal substances and having hallucinations. He's on the ground crying. You can't even understand him. It goes on forever and ever and ever. You heard a little bit of the clip in what I just played but this guy is something else and I really, really need to know more. And the fact that he said that his and Micah's relationship started as an affair kind of shocked he's admitting to that because he and Micah knew each other when Micah was young. She was like 14, 13, 14 when she first met JP. He's quite a few years older than her and in my opinion there was definitely some grooming going on and some manipulation because it always is the older man preying on the younger woman and manipulating them and it's going to be interesting to really hear what JP has to say because the whole thing is just really, really shady. As we know he was allegedly abusing Micah in God knows what ways but she had spoken out about it in the months leading up to her death and it's just a tragic story all around. So I cannot wait to check out that interview because I want to hear more about what he has to say because this guy is a real, real piece of work. So that is all for right now and true crime. We are going to go ahead and get started with today's episode. Today's episode is going to be part one of two and I will say that I initially started recording this episode without my microphone because I was recording during the hurricane. I didn't have my mic with me. So the first few minutes of the episode probably sound a little less quality than the latter parts of the episode so that is why but regardless the story is a really interesting one that definitely needs to be told. So I hope you guys enjoy part one and I will be bringing you part two on Sunday night Monday morning so I hope you guys enjoy. Okay guys today we are going to be talking about the unsolved homicide of a man named Robert Wan. Robert Wan was born on June 1st of 1974. He was a fourth generation Chinese American. He was born in Manhattan New York but he was raised in Brooklyn New York and Robert was a very smart guy. He had a lot of ambitions. After he graduated from high school he went to the College of William & Mary. Robert was studying law and it was at William & Mary that we met one of our key players in the story who is named Joseph Price. So he met Joseph at William & Mary and Joseph was a senior in the 1992-1993 year. Joseph was also a law student and him and Robert shared many social activities and they became very very quick friends. From here on out I'm going to be referring to him as Joe instead of Joseph because he primarily went by Joe. So Joe ended up graduating in 1993. Robert was a couple years behind him so he stayed in school and eventually graduated in 1996. So once Robert graduated he went on to serve as a law clerk to a judge in Virginia. He then went on to work in some commercial real estate law for about six years and he also worked with an attorney in Washington DC and he also did a lot of work with the organization of Chinese Americans. He was very involved in that organization and he served as general counsel for them as well. In June of 2003 Robert married a lovely woman named Catherine and they decided that they were going to settle down in Virginia. Robert had decided to leave the law firm that he was working for and he ended up getting hired as general counsel for Radio Free Asia and this is the job that Robert had when he was unfortunately murdered. Robert also was a very very proud Asian American. He did a lot in the Asian American community and at the time of his death he was the president of the Asian Pacific American Bar Association. So this is a guy that had a lot of accolades. He had a lot of goals in his life. He was very career driven but he also was really close with his family and he was newly married. So obviously in love with his wife they were an amazing perfect couple and he had just started this new job. So everything was seemingly going perfect in Robert's life. So with Robert starting this new job at Radio Free Asia he was working in downtown Washington and the commute could be a lot to go from Washington to Virginia and back and forth and back and forth especially when he had to be at work super super early in the morning. So on August 2nd of 2006 Robert had reached out to several friends that lived in the Washington area to see if it was possible if he could stay with them that way he would have easier access to his job rather than going back and forth to Virginia. And unfortunately the first person that responded and texted him back was his college friend Joe Price. So Joe lived in a neighborhood called DuPont Circle and he lived on Swan Street and he lived in a row house. He was in a domestic partnership with a man named Victor Zaborski. An actual fun fact about Victor Zaborski if you guys remember back in the 90s like late 90s early 2000s there was that Gotmill campaign that was a massive movement for a while. Victor Zaborski is the one who is one of the creative geniuses behind the Gotmill campaign so that's a fun fact. So he lived with Victor who was his domestic partner and he also lived with another guy named Dylan Ward. So there was a three of them that lived in this row house. So here's where things get a little skewed and interesting to say the least. So Joseph Price Joe was very into BDSM and he wasn't really getting what he wanted as far as that goes when it came to Victor. Victor just wasn't really vibing with that mentality. So Joe decided to bring a third person into their relationship and that person was Dylan. So these three essentially were in a polyamorous relationship and they all lived in this row house. And the way that it's explained is that Victor loved Joe and would do anything for him. Joe loved Dylan and his world revolved around Dylan. So there was definitely a very interesting dynamic between the three of these men in regards to their relationship and who was in control and who was just along for the ride. So I think this is a really important thing to understand and paint a picture of because it's going to come into play as we continue to talk about the story. So the night of August 2nd Robert had worked late at his job and then because Joe took him up on the offer Robert went ahead and made his way to Joe's home around 10 30 p.m. Neighbors recall hearing a scream during the 11 p.m. newscast and a 911 call made at 11 49 p.m. By Victor Zaborski then came in and we are going to listen to that 911 call now and then we are going to break it down. D.C. emergency number one operator six seven five two. Do you need police, fire, or ambulance? What's wrong man? We had someone named us in our house, evidently, and they stabbed somebody. Okay, somebody's inside the house now. I don't know. We heard of a bleeding. We see someone bleeding. Someone is bleeding in our house. Okay, where's a bleeding from? She's in the stomach. She's in the stomach. She's in the stomach, is she cautious? I'm down for me. I'm assistant help. Okay, female male. He's a male. He's a friend of ours. He's studying the night with us. Okay, who was the person that stabbed him? Did you know? Is he cautious? We need them doing. Ma'am, this is not conscious. She's not conscious at all? No, we need someone where's now. Is he breathing? Listen to me. Calm down. I'm going to help you. Okay, she's breathing. I'm upstairs. And she's downstairs. I don't know. Okay, who's downstairs? What's wrong? My partner is downstairs with him. I tell him they go upstairs and call the police. He says he's upstairs. Okay, who's the person? Okay, I mean, paramedic and the police. Okay, who's the person that stabbed him? I don't know. We think it's somebody who's an intruder in the house. We heard it's time to go. Michael, right? Yes, the person that says him, he's down the hall. I don't know. We got help on him. Okay. Excuse me. We have help on him. They aren't there around here, ma'am. The police and the paramedic. Okay, what's this? Okay, what I need you to do is go downstairs. Okay? The police, whatever, he just says that. I need you to get a dry cloth. Okay? And just apply pressure to that area. If he was whoever, he would step in on his body. And you take a towel downstairs. Why are you waiting for the paramedic to arrive? And just apply pressure. Even if the rag or towel is saturated with blood, just give it another towel and put it on top. But never lift the first towel off the area. Hold it on. Once he gets filled up with blood, just give it another towel, one top of that. And just apply pressure to the paramedic. I'm wondering if this is going to go right down the road. Yeah, we said this is hard. Is it hard? No. Is that a risk? Okay. Is he breathing? We have help out right now, okay? You don't know who will work. Okay, is he breathing? Okay, we have help out right now, okay? We do have help out right now. Okay, just go down there and try to tell your husband or your other have to just try to keep them calm and talk to them, okay? Keep them calm and talk to them because someone gets you. And at the same time, get the dry cloth and just hold it right there in the area. Okay, and once he gets saturated with blood, I'm going to give it another towel. So you've been applying on top of that one once he gets filled up with blood. And we need to just apply pressure on the area. Okay, just hold it there until the paramedic gets there. They should be pulling up any moment if they're already around to your location. You don't know who did this. We have no idea who did this. It's a door open so they can get in. You don't know how they got in. Okay, well, after you're down, it's a door open so the paramedic can get in once they get finished. What? Sorry. What were you saying? It's a door open so they can get in. It's a door open so the paramedic can get in the home. I'm going to go down there. It's a private home, a apartment is a home. It's a home. It's looking on the ash wash, reading off wet. The person had one of ours. Oh, my gosh. The person that said them right off the door with a knife. Are you, I think? Okay, anybody gave me five description of the person they came in at home. No idea. We have no description. We heard, we heard the chime and we heard the screen from our pen. Okay. And so we came right down the stairs, we ran in. So you both was upstairs and your friend was downstairs. You heard the door open and then you heard the screen. We didn't, I didn't hear the door open until after the train and then we ran down the stairs and we heard, we have an alarm and so the chime went off. Okay. As the ambulance, we really need the ambulance. Okay, the ambulance, the ambulance. The ambulance, the ambulance, the ambulance. Go to the door. It should be pulling up any moment, okay? I'm afraid to go down the street. Perfect. Okay, the person who's downstairs is the person that was spotted. No, we're in the, we're on the second floor. Okay, so somebody need to go down the door for the impairment. Do you hear that? Sure, that person's still at home and I have no idea. Okay, we have paramedics here, okay? What time is it? What time is it? At the moment, the 2354, is he 1164, man? It's 54. Yes, I mean, I'm still in line with you. I'm still in line so somebody gets there, okay? Well, hang on, we need them right now. I'm not hanging out, but we need help now. Okay, they are out, man. The I am out. And we know when you hear the paramedic, and you're not going to see the ambulance coming. I'm looking out the window and I see nothing. I see nobody. Okay, so you might as well have them, but they are out, man. They're coming. Here they are, here they are. They're there? I'm going downstairs. Okay. I'm going downstairs in line with you, so you open the door for a pair of men, is it okay? Help us. We have four steps. Throw it on second floor. Man. No, it's really an emergency. It's me, it's me, it's me, it's Harry. Man, don't be okay. (crying) Okay, so that is what I won't call. It was long, but I wanted to play the whole thing, because I think Victor's demeanor during this 9-1-1 call is really, really important to the story. So we're going to talk all about everything in a little bit, but essentially what we're getting from this 9-1-1 call is that Robert was asleep on the second floor, Victor and Joe, and I don't know where Dylan was, were asleep on the third floor, allegedly, and they heard screaming, they heard the alarm door time, and then they found Robert with a stab wound to his chest. So they're very much painting a story of an intruder did this, somebody broke in, they took a knife from our kitchen, and then stabbed Robert with this knife, and then they fled. So that is very much the story that is being painted, and I personally think you can tell a lot by a 9-1-1 call. Now, of course, people are going through trauma, you can't necessarily put a lot on how someone reacts to a traumatic situation if they're extremely calm, or if they're extremely panicked, but I do feel like Victor's 9-1-1 call, for the most part, seems pretty genuine and pretty sincere. I feel like he is definitely upset and dealing with a lot. Now, you also have to realize that Robert was good friends with Joe. I don't know of his relationship with the other two men if they were just acquaintances or if he knew them really, really well. I assume he probably did have some type of friendly relationship with Victor because Victor and Joe had been together for quite a bit of time at that point, so I assume Victor did know Robert pretty well, but this is a really traumatizing event. You can tell that Victor is just taken aback by this whole thing, and he genuinely does seem concerned. So paramedics arrive to the scene, police arrive to the scene, Joe goes ahead and calls Robert's wife, and unfortunately Robert was pronounced dead at George Washington University Hospital at 12.24 a.m. on August 3 of 2006. When the paramedics arrived, they very much described that everyone in the home was very calm. None of them seemed to be frantic or even helping to direct the paramedics to where Robert was. So the main paramedic that was on scene that night said that as he was making his way to the victim, Robert, on the second floor, he encountered a man who was in a towel, wrapped in a towel, and they locked eyes, and the paramedic said like what happened, what's going on, and he completely disregarded anything he said and walked into another bedroom and closed the door. So he didn't engage with him at all. So the paramedic continued to make his way to the second floor to try to get to Robert, and he sees another man who is kind of standing kneeling over Robert, and he said I heard a scream. The paramedic goes in, assesses Robert, and interestingly enough, the paramedic said that he saw that he had a stab wound, but there was no blood on Robert. There was no blood in the bed where Robert was lying. So he said immediately the hair on the back of his neck started to get stand up, and he just felt like something was majorly off of this whole scene. Investigators come in and they are of course analyzing everything, and one thing that kind of struck all of them as very odd is all three of the occupants of the home. They were all there. They were all dressed in white robes. They looked like they had been freshly showered. Their hair was slicked back. And when they met to talk with them as a whole, it very much appeared that they were going with the story that the back door was unlocked. Somebody broke in. The knife that was used to stab him was from a set in our kitchen, and that was that they were able to sneak out without anyone knowing anything. And the investigators initially said that when they were trying to get a story from the guys that Joe was the one who was talking, he was the one who was like the leader. And any time that one of the others tried to chime in and say something, Joe would just give them a look. Basically alluding to you need to stop talking. So the investigators very much knew that Joe was the person who was spearheading all of this, and that potentially there could have been more going on than met the eye initially. It might have been more than just an intruder. Another thing that they found extremely odd was that there was no blood. There was just a little bit of a blood stain on the bed that Robert allegedly had been killed on. There was a towel nearby that had just a little bit of blood, hardly anything. And the knife that they found just had a little bit of blood on it, like usually in a stabbing, even if it's just a single stab wound to somebody, there is an enormous amount of blood, because that's what the whole bleeding out thing means, that there's a lot of blood that you lose from your body. In this situation, that was not the case. So immediately investigators knew that there was way more to this than met the eye. So they end up bringing all three guys down to the station to question them. They brought down Dylan, Joe, and Victor. And initially law enforcement and the detectives that were working this case were trying to figure out why Robert would be staying in a home with three gay men. If he was straight, they were trying to maybe elude that he was there for different reasons, other than just it was convenient for his job. But all three men said he is very happily married. He loves his wife. He is straight. There is nothing of a sexual nature going on with him and us. He was just there to spend the night. And he was an old friend of Joe. Joe and him had been friends since college and they had just continued to keep up with each other. They were also both in the same business. They were both in law. So they also had a lot in common in those regards. And that is the whole reason that he initially reached out to Joe is because he knew that Joe lived in the city and would be able to put him up for the night. And that way he wouldn't have to take the transit back and forth to Virginia. So this was basically just like an old friend doing a favor for another old friend. So they all kind of say the same story. They were all asleep when initially Victor and Joe heard the door time and they woke up. And then they hear like grunting sounds and then they find Robert and he has been stabbed. And then in the midst of that is when Dylan wakes up and realizes what has happened. So they are very much sticking with this intruder theory. It was an intruder. Somebody came in. They didn't come in the front door because the front door is for sure locked. They must have come in the back door. So investigators check out the back door and look to see what's going on back there. They have a little backyard. It is quite small. And there's also a security privacy fence that is also dead bolted. It is seven feet high. So somebody easily could have scaled it, jumped over it. But what investigators found is that there was a lot of cobwebs that kind of were on the fence. And none of those had been disturbed. There was no dirt or pollen or anything like that. That had been disturbed. There was no evidence of anyone entering the home breaking in. Nothing was disrupted. Everything in the home was in pristine condition. Nothing was missing or knocked over or anything like that. And another really good important note to take in here is the house is extremely old. It is over 100 years old. And there are 16 stairs from floor one to floor two. And they are wooden and they are creaky. And you would easily hear someone going up them. And you would easily hear if someone was running down them trying to escape after committing this horrific crime against Robert. And none of them heard a thing. And that does not track with intruder. It does not track. Joe says that when him and Victor discovered that Robert had been stabbed, they walked in, the room is dark. They see that Robert has been stabbed. The knife is laying on his chest. So Joe picks up the knife and puts it on the table next to the bed. And in that, Victor is freaking out. And Joe tells Victor go downstairs and call 911. Or go upstairs and call 911. So that is then when we hear that 911 phone call. So Joe is just sitting there with Robert. And that is exactly where the paramedics find him when they finally arrive to the house. Just kind of kneeling over his body, just sitting there. I think he was applying pressure. Like the 911 operator had told them to. He was applying pressure to his wound. But there just wasn't a lot of blood, which is very interesting in a stabbing type of attack. So it makes you question and detectives questioned as well. Like did somebody clean up this crime scene? Was there some tampering with the crime scene beforehand? There is a lot going into this. So detectives eventually decide that the intruder theory is BS. They know that whoever stabbed Robert and killed Robert was in that house. There was four people in that house. One of them ended up dead. Three other people in that house are all sticking with this intruder theory story. That the intruder came in without a weapon. They grabbed a knife from the butcher block in the kitchen and they went and they targeted the one man that did not live at the house. None of it made sense. So investigators started to try to poke holes in their theory. Now Joe and Victor were sleeping in an upstairs bedroom when all of this went down. Dylan allegedly maybe was in his room. But there's nobody to alibi that or say that for a fact. But yet when investigators tried to maybe suggest to Joe that Dylan is the one responsible for this, he very much backs him 100% and says there's absolutely no way. He could never even slap someone, much less kill somebody. I know him and I know Victor better than I know my mom. There is no way that he would kill Robert or that Victor would kill Robert. Very much just coming to his defense 810% even though he has no way to say that I know for sure that Dylan was in his room when this was happening. And at this point, Joe's a lawyer, he is smart. He knows that he is potentially being looked at as a suspect in this. But he says I have no reason that I would ever want to kill Robert. He is one of my best friends. We've been friends since forever. I've known him since he was 18. Nobody in this house would ever do anything like that. And he is just fiercely sticking to a story that this wasn't intruder. And investigators are definitely doing their due diligence, trying to poke holes in this intruder theory. And essentially trying to get them to turn on each other because if there's three people that are maybe involved in some type of cover up, there's usually a way to get one of them to speak and tell the truth about what really happened. That is a lot of times what these investigators do in these situations is they try to wear down these people. So eventually one of them will come forward and say exactly what happened. And that is what they're trying to do with Joe. They're trying to do it with Victor and they're trying to do it with Dylan. So they realized that Dylan is like their weak link and the outlier. So they go ahead and do a lie detector test on him and they ask him two questions. Did you kill Robert? Do you know who killed Robert? And they found that deception was detected on both of those answers. And at that point, they're telling the other two, we know who did this. He failed his lie detector test. And we know that you guys are covering it up or you know more of what's going on than you're letting on. And both of them are saying, no, we don't know anything. They're sticking with their story. And Joe at this point is like getting very, very agitated. And he knows his rights. He knows that he doesn't have to continue to talk. He knows he can leave. They tell him you are free to go. So he leaves and then within not a long time later, he is banging on the door of the lie detector, begging to talk more. So they talk to him more. And this is the time that he changes his story. Initially, he said that when he walked in, he saw Robert lying on the bed and he saw the knife lying on his chest, so he picked it up and moved it. Well, now he says, I really don't know if the knife was in him. And I pulled it out. I can't remember, but I lifted up his shirt and I saw that there was a stab wound in his belly. And there was a lot of blood on his chest. So this definitely changes things because if you walk in on a crime scene, of course, it's going to be traumatic given the fact that it is one of your best friends. But if you pull a knife out of someone's chest, you are going to know that you pulled that knife out of your chest. That is traumatic and you're not going to forget it. You're not going to forget if it was lying on the chest versus actually in his chest. Those are two completely different things. And the fact that he changes the story is very interesting because nobody knows what happened, because nobody else was there. So the fact that he changed his story is a huge red flag. And he says, you know, I know my prints were on it. I know that I'm dumb. I know that I shouldn't have touched it, but I did because I was trying to help my friend. And he is single handedly poking holes in his own story and making himself look worse. So we are going to go ahead and call that good for part one, because we have a lot, lot, lot more to cover. And this one honestly is so interesting that I feel like two parts is appropriate, because we haven't even gotten into the meat and potatoes of this case yet. It's going to get really, really interesting. I did want to credit the peacock documentary who killed Robert Wan for a lot of this episode. I also did like some online research. I always will link my resources in the show notes, but I did want to credit the peacock documentary, because it was really well done and really, really good. But we are going to call that good for part one. And I will see you next time for part two of the mysterious death of Robert Wan. I'll see you guys next time. Bye! 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