Prime Time Krime

Summer Series 2024: Dan Markel Part 10

Right now in true crime: Karen Read mistrial, Lori Vallow murder trial cameras allowed, Rudy Farias missing and found AGAIN. 

The final part of summer series 2024. We’ll talk about the Charlie Adelson verdict as well as happenings since trial including Donna and Harvey’s attempt to flee the USA.

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Broadcast on:
04 Jul 2024
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We are going to talk right now into your crime, and then together we are going to unravel the mysterious death of attorney and law professor Dan Markow, the circumstances surrounding his death, and those responsible. Let's dive right in. Welcome to the Dead Podcast. I'm your host, Desi, and on this podcast, I discuss all things spooky and weird, from ghosts, demons, religion, to folklore, urban legends, true crime, and all things paranormal, with some horror movie reviews sprinkled in. So join me on this spooker ride. Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of Prime Time Crime. It's Kylie. We are going to go ahead and talk right now in true crime. Next thing is first, on Monday, they officially declared a mistrial in the Karen Reed case. The jury came back and said that they were not able to come up with a decision, even though they had gone over all the evidence back and forth, back and forth. They had to be unanimous, and they were not unanimous, either for innocent or guilty. So the judge officially just cleared a mistrial, so what happens now? So her charges are either fully dismissed if their prosecution decides not to go ahead and try to retry her, which they already said that they're going to try to retry her. But honestly, the reason that they had to eventually declare this a mistrial is because the case isn't black and white. There is a lot of gray area on both sides, and I think they're just going to run into the same issues again, unless they come up with a better game plan. But it will give the defense time to come up with a better game plan on the prosecution, and we will see what ends up playing out. Next order of business is that the judge in the Lori Vallow murder trial that is going to be taking place in Arizona has decided to allow cameras in the courtroom. This is going to be the trial that is against her for the murder of her husband, Charles Vallow, and the attempted murder of Brandon Boudreau, who was formerly married to Lori Vallow's niece, Melanie. So it's going to get really, really interesting for sure, but I'm glad that they are going to be allowing cameras in the courtroom. It just makes it that much easier to keep up with and give you guys updates. So we'll continue to update you on that as more begins to happen and we get closer and closer to trial. Although it does sound like it's going to be a 2025 trial, so that does give us a little bit of time to kind of prepare, wrap our heads around it, and get ready to hop back on the crazy train for more Lori Vallow. Speaking of crazy train, the image that just popped up on my social media has me shook to my core. Do you guys remember if you were an OG listener last year, this took over my entire podcast and my entire life, when this kid from Houston named Rudy, he popped up as being found after he had been missing for so long, like I was familiar with his story. He was found on the steps of a church and then all of a sudden things started blowing up on social media and it turned out that he was not really missing the whole time. He was being kept at his mom's house and his mom was like allegedly abusing him and she kept up the charade of him being missing for a long, long, long time and it just became like insane social media outrage, Houston Police Department, what was involved, it was a whole thing. So the shock that I felt when I opened up Facebook and saw that he is missing again. Yes, just about a year ago we were dealing with all of this fiasco drama of him being found and now we're dealing with him being missing once again. So after everything went down last year with him being found and all of the social media craziness that his mom was putting out there pretending to be all these different family members as well as like faking that your child was missing for a long time, they never brought any charges up against her, which I completely 100% disagree with. I think that is crap, but anyways, he ended up going back and living with his mom. Now, I do not know the dynamics. I don't understand what all necessary limbs going on. I don't think any of us will ever really know what was going on, but regardless of this, he is a grown adult and he went back to live with his mother, okay. So things have kind of been quiet, nobody's really been talking. And honestly, when I first saw that he was missing again, I kind of thought, is this a ploy and then I got to thinking it is exactly pretty much exactly a year to the date that this all went down last year in 2023. And you know, the boy who cried wolf, it happened once it's happening again a year later. It just doesn't really sit right with me. So by the end of Wednesday night, Rudy had been found and no shock he was found not far from his mother's house. And literally, it is the same song and dance once again with all of this. I don't know specifics for sure, but it just seems too coincidental that a year to the date of everything going down last year, it happened again. And kind of similar circumstances he was missing again, and then he was found shortly thereafter. It is just insane and wild that these people keep getting away with this. His mom is obviously mentally ill orchestrating all sorts of crazy shenanigans. And she never gets in trouble for it. She's just given a slap on the wrist and then it happens again and again and again and again. Because I think allegedly that she is mentally ill and there's something wrong with her. It is wild as can be that this all happened again. And it kind of played out in a similar way as last time, except this time we were all the wiser to it because of everything that happened last time. So that is the craziest update I think I've ever done on this podcast. I actually went back to last year and listened. I did like a whole 20 minute segment during one of my summer series episodes where I kind of recapped everything that was going on. And the date of that episode was July 2nd. So we are right on track just about a year to the date of all of the stuff going on. And here we are going through it all over again. Such a wild time, such a wild ride. I'm glad that this didn't play out the way that it played out last time because Rudy was missing for I think 13 years allegedly when he was not missing and he was at home the entire time. It's all really, really bizarre. But anyways, that is a little right now in true crime, a local update for you guys. And we are going to go ahead and get started with today's episode. All right guys, we have officially made it to what I think is the end of summer series 2024 about the murder for hire of Dan Murkel. We have reached the verdict in the Charlie Adelson trial finally. We are going to talk about that. And then we're going to talk about what has gone on since Charlie was found guilty, spoiler alert, and sentenced. And what's going on with the Adelson's today? That's what we're going to talk about in this episode. So it ended up taking the jury less than four hours of the liberation to come up with the guilty verdict. I am going to play them announcing the guilty verdict and then we're going to talk about the actual reaction of Charlie, what happened, and kind of unpack that a little bit. So I'm going to start playing audio in three, two, one, and be seated as the jury reached a unanimous verdict. Yes, Your Honor. If you, please, could hand the verdict form to the bail-up. The verdict came as in its proper order. Madam Clerk, please publish the verdict. In the circuit court of the second judicial circuit and informed Leon County Florida, the state of Florida versus Charles Adelson case number 2016, CF 3036B verdict, count one. We and the jury find it as follows as to count one of the indictments, first degree murder. The defendant is guilty of first degree murder, count two. We, the jury, find it as follows as to count two of the indictment, conspiracy to commit first degree murder. The defendant is guilty of conspiracy to commit first degree murder, count three. We, the jury, find it as follows as to count three of the indictment, solicitation to commit first degree murder. The defendant is guilty of solicitation to commit first degree murder. Since then, we all have six days of November 2023. Does the offense wish for the court to pull the jurors? Yes, Your Honor. Your Honor, was your verdict and the verdict of the jury as a whole just announced? Yes. Yes. Your Honor, was your verdict and the verdict of the jury as a whole just announced? It was. Your Honor, was your verdict and the verdict of the jury as a whole just announced? Yes. Your Honor. Your Honor, was your verdict and the verdict of the jury as a whole just announced? Yes, sir. Your craft, was your verdict and the verdict of the jury as a whole just announced? Yes, Your Honor. Your melm, was your verdict and the verdict of the jury as a whole just announced? Yes, sir. Your holly, was your verdict and the verdict of the jury as a whole just announced? Yes, sir. Your Honor, was your verdict and the verdict of the jury as a whole just announced? Yes, sir. Your brim, was your verdict and the verdict of the jury as a whole just announced? Yes, sir. Your Williams, was your verdict and the verdict of the jury as a whole just announced? Yes, sir. Your Douglas, was your verdict and the verdict of the jury as a whole just announced? Yes, sir. Your plat, was your verdict and the verdict of the jury as a whole just announced? Yes, sir. Yours of the jury, I'm going to give you one last brief instruction and from here it will be discharged from your service. Okay, so we have to talk about Charlie's reaction. Now I watched the video on lawn crime YouTube. If you haven't seen the video you really need to go watch it. I never have watched the video before until I was doing research for this whole summer series in this case and when I tell you that the way that Charlie was acting prior to the reading of it you could tell he was shitting his pants like he knew his time was up this could be it. He's either going to prison or he's going home one way or the other there's no in between. He is aggressively blinking and like I feel like when you're nervous you're obviously going to either not blink or you're going to blink a lot more than normal and he is blinking in such an aggressive manner. He is white as a ghost like his you can definitely tell he is feeling some type of way and the literal second that they read the first charge and guilty he is obviously shocked because he thinks he's getting away with everything he puts his head in his hands and he just like completely like melts. And then he eventually he holds his head in his hands for the next one and then he eventually like looks back up but he just looks like he has literally seen a ghost. And it really makes you wonder what is going through his head because in his mind and in his soul he has to know that he did this he can deny it all he wants but he has to know deep down inside that this is what he planned what they wanted to happen but they thought that they were going to get away with it. So is it shock and dismay that you didn't get away with it or is it shock and dismay that you actually like carry through a plan to murder someone and take somebody's life. I just don't know it is so wild to really think about it like that was his brother-in-law the father of his nephews his sister's husband it is so crazy that this whole thing kind of played out in the way it did and that they really easily could have gotten away with this and that is really scary that that was something that potentially possibly could have happened. So as you heard in that audio clip Charlie was found guilty on all three counts. The first count was for first degree murder the second count was for conspiracy to commit first degree murder and the third count was solicitation to commit first degree murder. The judge then went on to sentence Charlie Edelson to life in prison following his conviction and the sentences are as follows with the count. So count one life in prison without the possibility of release or parole for first degree murder count two 30 years consecutive for conspiracy to commit murder and count three 30 years consecutive for first degree murder. So of course at this point in time when Charlie is sentenced he has already served 597 days and that will be applied however Charlie Edelson is living in prison for the rest of his years and the rest of his days and that is honestly the best place for him because he is a dangerous dangerous human. Dan Markel's dad did give a victim impact statement during the sentencing phase and he said that he wakes up many nights thinking about his son's murder and how horrible and traumatizing it was he says that he misses him with all of his heart and that they all continue to pray for justice. So Charlie was in prison in Florida and for one reason or another I don't really know the exact reason but in February they moved him to South Dakota. I don't know why maybe it was a big like FU because the whole premise for the murder allegedly was because Dan Markel wanted to live in one spot in Florida and Charlie Edelson wanted his nephews and his sister to live in another part of Florida. So maybe it was just a big FU by the state of Florida to move Charlie to South Dakota. I don't really know the reason but Charlie is definitely living his not so best prison life in South Dakota from here on out and we love that for him. Of course in January of this year Charlie Edelson filed for an appeal and that is a whole dank process. It's normal when you are found guilty even though you're obviously guilty it's normal to file an appeal so that will be a definite process. He does maintain his innocence. He says he had nothing to do with this and it was all one giant misunderstanding and he was obviously set up. So obviously we'll keep you guys updated on that as more happens to come out with that. But now we are closing the chapter on Charlie we're done with him for now. We are going to move on to another member of the Edelson family and that is none other than the Donna Edelson. Now I did find this really interesting little fun fact about Miss Donna is that she actually went to the same high school as Harvey Weinstein. So I don't know what is in the water where they grew up and went to school but something is off in their high school allegedly in my opinion. I thought that that was a pretty interesting little tidbit of information so I just wanted to share fun fact. So I am going to go back to Charlie for a hot minute because like I said with the Edelson's they never stop talking they're always talking back and forth. Jailhouse calls back and forth jailhouse calls are recorded. If you ever go to prison and you are talking to someone you are being recorded. I don't think the Edelson's have realized it's at this point in time but after Charlie was sentenced him and Donna had a phone call and this happened one week before Donna decided that she was going to make a break for it and they said in this phone call they were talking a lot about Vietnam and Donna was talking about if there is extradition from Vietnam because we've looked at all the places I could go to Korea or China because there's no extradition. So of course you know at this point Charlie has just been convicted and sentenced they're going to listen to the calls because they want to know what Donna is going to say because this whole time they've kind of been building this case potentially possibly against Donna as well for her involvement because the whole thing just reeks of Donna being involved. So of course everybody was listening to these calls and once they heard that they knew immediately that Donna had a plan to try to leave the United States, purchased herself a one-way ticket to Vietnam and was not planning on coming back. Her and Harvey were literally jumping the shark and they were piecing out of the USA to go to Vietnam to avoid whatever charges they potentially could have been brought against them. But also keep in mind Donna is a 73 year old woman, her and her husband are in Florida at the airport Miami National Airport to board a one-way flight to Vietnam and the police show up there and they rest her and let me tell you it is the best video I've ever seen in life. I'm going to play some of the audio from the body cam footage now and we are going to then chat about it. [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] Okay, so the best part about it is they literally walk up to her and Harvey and they're like right out like where there's like kind of an elevator area and they basically say you're under arrest for the murder of Dan Markel just to her and immediately they try to take her phone and she like tries to keep it and the phone ends up falling on the floor and then they take her bag off her shoulder. They hand it straight to Harvey and then they start instructing Harvey to take off all of Donna's jewelry, her necklace, her earrings, her wedding ring like all of that they give to Harvey. They tell him you need to take it, Harvey is begging them not to do it, Donna is flipping out saying Harvey's older, he's not going to be able to navigate like going home by himself. It was a disaster, like kind of sad, I part of me like feels bad for Harvey, but there's also that part of me that doesn't really know how much of this Harvey knew about and co-signed on. They haven't brought any charges up against Harvey, they were just there to arrest Donna, so either they don't have enough evidence that Harvey was involved or knew about it or they are still kind of gathering the evidence that they need. Donna is a dead giveaway though, we knew that she was involved and it's just been such a wild ride to kind of watch this all transpire, so I'm going to fast forward the body cam footage a little bit and then we're going to watch and listen, not watch, but we're going to listen to another part of the body cam footage after she was already in the police car. We're going to know how long we're going to sit here, how long we're going to sit here. So the next place was the warrant, what did you say the next place was, the warrant that they had proposed for a lot of Leon County, so when should they issue a warrant, so what happened is we have to take you to all the warrant to provide information to get into it and then after that we have to go into it and take you to it and take you to it and to reject it. Because I didn't know there was a warrant, how would I know that? Well we would not be able to take you and then we'll be somewhere in a place. So in that place, we're going to be able to get into it and then we're going to be able to do it. So we're going to be able to get into it and then we're going to be able to get into it. So we're going to be able to get into it and then we're going to be able to get into it. Okay so in that clip, Donna is in the back of the cop car and they're talking about this warrant that was served to her through Leon County and she is like, well how am I supposed to know there was a warrant out for me? No one told me there was a warrant, girl you were in coughs in the back of a cop car. It's obvious there was a warrant for you. So she is a disaster at this point. She is handcuffed in the back of a cop car. They gave her like a sip of water and she is cuffed so they have to like help her with that. I can't imagine going through my whole life not being a person that breaks the law. Like we don't really know anything about Donna's previous history. We know that she did not have a criminal record from everything I have seen. And to be 73 years old and decide that that is the time that you're going to act up and conspire to murder somebody and think you're going to get away with it. That is the part that just so bothers me. And even during her first court appearance, Donna is so theatric and over the top and just like how dare you accuse me of such horrible things when the horrible things are literally in text messages and different interactions she had with Charlie and with Wendy. And it's just so astonishing to me that she thinks now she can act like a 73 year old grandmother and she's just going to get off without any issues. It's just insane and wild. So Donna's trial is going to start officially on September 17th of this year. The original trial was set for September 30th, but they requested that it be moved up because there is two Jewish holidays that Donna wants to celebrate in early October, which I think is comical because Donna did nothing but harp and rag on Dan Markel for loving and embracing his Jewish faith. And now she wants her trial moved up because there's two Jewish holidays. I know we have to be nice and respect religion and all of that, but I would have told Donna that she can just f right off with that and deal with it. That's your karma for being not nice to Dan Markel. That's just me. This is why I'm not in charge of things like this because I would be a very un-PC about all of it. And I didn't, I don't think I mentioned this, but Donna was arrested in November of 2023, only a week after Dan Markel was sentenced. So all of this happened very, very quickly. Now we are at the end of summer series 2024 and I was really thinking that we were going to see another arrest in this case by the time I finished the summer series. And we're still kind of where we were when I started. Nobody else has been arrested in connection with the murder for hire for Dan Markel. We have Katie who was behind bars, Sigfredo Garcia, Luis Rivera, Charlie Adelson, Donna Adelson, and that is all we have at this moment. We have four of five who have been convicted and they are now all in prison and I will be sure to keep you guys updated on what's going on with Donna because it is going to be probably a little bit of a wild ride, her theatrics and drama in just her initial hearing, her facial expressions, like the way that she was like out bursting and being like scoffing at things, whoever is in charge of her like trial demeanor is going to have their work freaking cut out for them. So it's going to be interesting to see it all play out. I will be sure to keep you guys updated on all of that and also keep you guys updated if anything more should happen in regards to any more arrests with this case. I do think that we are slowly but surely getting justice for Dan Markel, his murder was senseless. It never should have happened. Two children lost their father and now they are surrounded by a sea of horribleness because the people that killed their father are also their family and that has to be so hard to come to terms with, they are young still and they are going to grow up forever tarnished by what happened and I hope one day they are able to really understand what exactly happened to their dad, realize that their dad was a really good guy, a good father was just doing his very best to be there for them and his life was taken away because the Adlesons couldn't get over it and that's the sad and unfortunate part about this whole thing is Dan didn't have to die. He did not have to die and I hope that with all of the Charlie Adleson and the rest of the trials behind them and Donna is coming up that they can hopefully soon find justice and peace and start to kind of rebuild their lives a little bit but it's a sad story all around. It is one that I'm so glad they did not get away with because I do think that these people could have harmed a lot of other people, people that got in their way. This is what happens when people have power and they have money and they think because they have power and money that they can get away with things and I'm so happy that the Florida cops that investigated this never gave up, they kept going and they finally figured out what happened and they were able to piece it all together in such a nice beautiful package and the people that are responsible are going away for a long time and for that we're grateful. So thank you guys so much for joining me for this summer series 2024. It was a bit of a wild ride but I enjoy every second of every bit of research that I did on this one. It definitely shed some new light even on the case for me. I was familiar with it but I got very familiar with it over these last however many weeks it's been 10 weeks or so. So I thank you guys. We are going to be back to regular two a week episodes starting week after next because your girl has taken some time off. I'm giving myself one week of no podcast recordings and I'm putting it out there into the podverse because I really need to just take a week off and let my mind kind of rest from true crime because I've been getting a little overwhelmed and I need to just give myself a week. So I'm giving myself a week and then I will be back with unsolved double doses every week and I will see you guys then. I hope you have a fantastic week ahead, weekend and week ahead and I will see you in one week for two more unsolved cases. Have a good one guys, bye. It is solvable. It was solvable two weeks after it happened. March 25th, 2004, Cross Plains, Tennessee, Burlaste, Jennifer, just 21, stands in the kitchen of her boyfriend, Joey Benton's family home where she and her two year old daughter, Adriana Wicks, have been living. She has the only phone in the home in her hand and is on a call with her father. Jennifer expresses how the night before she and her boyfriend's parents, Joe and Cindy Benton, have been involved in a very heated argument. In fact, it was so heated that Jennifer was still rattled from the night before. She moves the receiver down to talk to a muffled female voice coming from behind her. She then says goodbye to her father and hangs up the phone and what happens next? Well, that's what we're here to find out, isn't it? Jennifer and Adriana Wicks have not been seen or heard from since March 25th, 2004. I'm a true crime investigative podcaster living in the same town where the Wicks girls went missing. Hi, I'm Jules and I've teamed up with Jennifer's sister, Casey Robinson, to ask some big questions from our little Hushtown that we've been too afraid to ask each other over the last 20 years. Where are Jennifer and Adriana Wicks? Small towns talk and guess what? We're listening. Missing in Hushtown is coming 2024 wherever you get your podcasts. The entire first season will drop in August. We'll see you then. The following is a high five moment from high five Welcome to Burger Yiffy. Would you like a high apple pie today? Yes. Yes. Yes. I won. Woohoo. So that's a yes on the apple pie. I just went big time playing high five casino on my phone. Real cash prizes. Free daily reward. Over 1200 games. Woohoo. So yes or no on the apple pie. Woohoo. Ha ha. I won again. I'll take that as a yes. Drive around. Have you had your high five moment today only at high five High five casino is a social casino. No purchase necessary. We're probably able to play responsibly conditions apply. See website for details. High five casino. Hey there. It is Ryan Seacrest with you. You want to make this summer unforgettable? Join me at Chumba Casino. It's this summer's hottest online destination. They are rolling out the red carpet with an amazing welcome offer just for you. 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