Basement Bar: Beers & Babble


1h 10m
Broadcast on:
22 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

(upbeat music) - The following podcast is brought to you by the 99 Network. New missions to premiere spot to all your local podcast needs. Hold up. - Do you love terrible B movies? Fans of wrestling and power rangers? Step into Amityville Studios and join Rick and Eric for some side splitting laughter and great banter on why to arrange a conversations. Find it where all podcasts can be found. Wide a range of conversations with Rick and Eric. (laughing) ♪ Kill my, my ♪ (laughing) (upbeat music) - Born it. This podcast is laying into a mature nature. Spencer and Eddie don't know what they're talking about. In no way should we take them seriously. They are idiots. In fact, this podcast should not be listened or viewed by anyone, but regardless who. Welcome to the basement bar. Beers and battle. Cheers. - Now between Bowie and Bishop. - Aw, that fit in, both of those would fit in very well. - He's a beauty though. - You know how cats are. - Yeah. - It'll be his name for like a day and that it'll be like, hey, fat ass. (laughing) - It depends how he acts around your house. - Yeah. - Like how, when are you getting him? - He's got, he actually had surgery today 'cause I'm gonna adopt him from the Humane Society. - Nice. - And hopefully next Wednesday when I'm on vacation. - Wow, that's awesome. - Yeah. - That's really cool. So you're taking vacation. Oh, we should probably record, I'm sorry. - We are, whoa. (laughing) - Bier. - Nice. - And bambo. Nobody wants to hear the story about how I'm adopting, adopting a cat. - Adapting. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah, fuck yeah. - Welcome, we have Ricky in the studio. We have half a whack tonight. - Yeah, we have wah. - We have wah. (laughing) - We have wah. - Yeah. - It might be the cuh. - You're the cuh? - No, you're just, you're just the conversation. - I'm, I'm something happy, right? (laughing) - You're the arraign, or, - You're in jail. - Here's the wide, wide a range and you're, or wide array and you're the conversation. (laughing) - I used to be wide. I'm not quite as wide as I used to be. - Oh, stop. (laughing) - You guys are just perfect but together, you're a wide array and you're conversation. - Yeah. - Now you're just PC, you're just the cool man. (laughing) - That was great. - Thank you, I appreciate it. I'm glad you put that together. - Yeah, 'cause you're AC. - Yeah, AC. (laughing) - There it is. - Yeah. - You can see the wires connect. - Yeah, yeah. - Cool, I mean I don't know. Kids, I haven't been called cool in ages. (laughing) - That is a cool shirt though. - Yeah. - We had a, - Thank you. - Eric, poor Eric had to work and, poor Roger is laying up and down bad, laid up in the hospital, man. - Yeah, he told me he done, sorry. - I know. - He tried, he works out. - I think, yeah. - He tried to ride his motorcycle and jump three school buses and it didn't work out very well. - Jesus. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Evil Roger. - Evil. - Get bored in retirement. (laughing) - Me and you were driving by and we saw him cutting the grass and we're like, "That's Roger cutting grass!" (laughing) - It was so funny dude. We were getting ready for a gig on Saturday. And I don't know if it was Saturday or sometime last week or maybe even this week, but, cause he cuts it like every other hour. So, but Mason came down and he was like, "Dude, your father's fucking moving out there right now." And I was like, "What do you mean?" He's like, "You know how there's like a bunny "and a turtle setting?" He's got that on like three bunnies right now. - Jesus. - That guy is riding. (laughing) He does cut that at like 25 miles an hour. - Yeah. - Hell yeah. I mean, I'd do it too if I had the riding one. - What was your show on Saturday? - Oh, we played at boxing ring again. - Oh. - Yeah. - They fixed the AC? - No. - Oh, no. - Yeah, that was an awful day too. - Well, they have something going on. They had like fans and everything, but we played so well. Probably the best gig chapter for us put out yet. - Oh, good. - Yeah, so we absolutely killed it. And I think we're gearing up getting ready for Munger at the end of this month. And we're there. - Oh, yeah. Yeah, I thought, are those merch shirts and stuff? Or is that just stuff you bought? - No, it's just, it's stuff we're going to have at Munger. There might be a little surprise. So bring your cash, but-- - Yeah, it could just bring your cash. - Yeah, we're going to be rocking and rolling at Munger's going to be a blast. - Yeah, the banner or saw the banner? That's pretty neat. - Yep, we're going to have it. We have a racing banner now. It's 10 feet long. - Yeah, did you make that yourself? - No, Fabiano Brothers. One of our chapter four silent sponsors gave it to us. - Oh, nice. Heck yeah. - Yeah, so they sponsor us silently. - I would say. - Which means no monetary value. (laughing) - Would you be great. - Hey, I mean, you got a banner. That's pretty good. - Yeah, so they gave us a banner and they're giving us-- - That's like 100 bucks, you know, yeah. - Yeah, it's a really nice banner, yeah. So it's going to be cool, man. We're going to be ready to rock. Playing with Sunset Boulevard, huge band, huge band. - Yeah, that's going to be super cool. - Yeah, we're going to try to get in. We're going to try to ride in-- - I have not heard them, but I have heard good things. - Yeah, yeah. - We're going to try to ride their tail all the way to Cancun and open in there. - Yeah, ride their tail. - That's our dream job that can work. - Cancun? - Yeah, they're playing Cancun like a couple of weeks after they play Munger. So we're just going to be like, y'all need like an opening band? - Yeah. - We can ride along. We can-- - We can ride. - Yeah, as long as you pay for our plane ticket trip either. - I'm trying to bring Roger. - Yeah. - Yeah, I don't think my voice gets that low here. - You guys want to hear a dad joke? - I'd have to, I'd have to do my straight voice hang on. - How's it going there, guys? (laughing) - Let's talk about beer, I saw a boob once, it was raining. - His straight voice is like Hulk Hogan and Luke Combs mixed together. - Hell yeah, brother. - Southern Hulk Hogan. - Ooh, I don't know if I'd want that. - What's a dentist's favorite hour? - 230. - Yeah. - 230. - Yeah, 230. - Yeah, 230. - Yup. - I'm Roger. (laughing) - We talked about a Southern Gordon Ramsay before. - Oh yeah. - Yeah. - An idiot sandwich. - You idiot sandwich. How dare you under cook that filet mignon? - Well, it looks like you guys made the outline for me, so I'm banging off of someone's else's, huh? - That was crazy. I forgot that the dog was down here, and all of a sudden you hear it. - Whoa. (laughing) - I was like, what the fuck is that? - Yeah. - Yeah, what you been listening to? - Shit. - Me? - Yeah. - Nine, eight, nine podcasts. - Oh, you have, hell yeah. Finally. - Yeah, I know. I've been getting back into it, so I listened to Wack on the way to work, and then I listened to CrossFated Sports on the way home. - Hell yeah, brother. Fucking, I went to Pierce Road the other day. I didn't know if I told you guys that, but I stopped at Pierce Road the other day. - Yeah. - Hoping Tony was working, and he walked in after I got there. - Nice. - And I heard him talking to behind me, and I was like, I'm just gonna embarrass the fuck out of him, so he's talking to someone like, hi, Rob. He's like, no, 'cause this is what I'm gonna do, this is what I'm gonna do, this is what I'm gonna do. And I turned around and I go, can you shut the fuck up? And he goes, what? And like, screamed in the middle of the bar. He's like, no way! (laughing) Everyone at the bar looked at me like, who the fuck is this guy? I tell him, he's like, what's up, man? And we sat there and talked for like 45 minutes, and even the host came up and was like, hey, table 11, he's like, yeah, that's fine. And he continued to talk to me, I was like, oh. And he's like, all right, yeah, I gotta go. I was like, I don't worry. Yeah, and then he would go and like, give them menus and then come back and like third another 30-minute conversation. - He's like, where was they in, when she worked at the diner and the mall? - Yeah, it was awesome. - Man! - But no, that's what I was gonna do. - That's what I was gonna do. - What about you guys? - I've had M&M's new album, Death of Slim Shadia repeat. - Yeah. - That is, I really, really enjoy it. That was good shit. - Yeah, and I've been also listening to a lot of the podcast. I started, I got half a year last episode in a can. And we didn't know what a Charlie XCX was, so we had a, that's what we were listening to down here. - Oh yeah. - I'm like, it's big on gay Twitter right now, and I didn't know what that is. So we looked that up and Kesha's got a new song out. - Ooh. - Have you heard of it? - No, I have not, actually. - Like Kesha and Old Kesha. - I used to, like Old Kesha, yeah. - It's just called Joyride, and it's wonderful. - Just came out, huh, she's back. - Yeah. - Came from the grave, huh? - It's recession pop music. Here we go. - Hell yes. - We've been watching her Hunt Ghosts on the Macs as well. - No way. - Wait, Kesha Hunt Ghosts? - Yeah, it's called Conjuring Kesha. - Oh my God, that's where she's at now, that's fucking amazing. - I can't wait to start talking about it on my show, but we have to get through Hucci Daddies, which we've only got four of our episodes left. - Gotcha. - I didn't, hang on here. - Uh-oh. (upbeat music) - Joyride. - Copy right straight. (upbeat music) - Mother don't sue us. - Yeah, there we go. I ain't get behind that. - I like that a lot. - Let's do a shit, yeah, yeah. Joyride by Kesha, huh? - Yeah. Hell yeah. - I forgot there was-- - For somebody I'd joyride, he could joyride. - But the dance is like, - Joyride. - Molly, shut the fuck up, we're recording. - Kind of like a fucking-- (laughing) - Is that how you are at your house? You're just like, "Shut the fuck up, Molly, "I'm cutting it, cutting the recording." - Yeah. - Aw. - You, he, okay. - Is a call back to Kevin Smith, who when he do his podcast at his house, you could hear Shucky barking in the background. And he'd be like, "Min conversation goes, "Shucky, shut the fuck up, we're recording." - Is that what you named your old dog after? - Yeah, really? - Yeah. - Oh, really? - He'd give a German dog a Jewish name. - Yeah. (laughing) - That was the whole, it's like Kevin Smith. - I may have shut the door, that's probably why. - Oh, yeah, you gotta go. - Hey Rick. - Wanna shut the door? - Wanna let the dog in? Un-shut the door? - Un-open the door. - Oh, we have to open the door? - Open the door? - Okay, hang on. I'm BRB. - 'Cause Molly's like, probably like, "What the fuck, bitch, let me in?" - I wanna go see my mom, like, fuck. - Yeah, that door. - Oh man. - Anyway, yeah. - Yeah, I'm gonna have to jam that. - Yeah. - I think I'll catch you, that's fun. - Yeah, that is fun. - I knew Eminem dropped a new song, I didn't know he dropped a whole album. - Death of Slim Shady. - It's like, it goes an arc of like, old Slim Shady and not giving a fuck, saying whatever the fuck he wants. And then in the middle of the album, it's older Eminem, Marshall Mathers, like fighting with Slim Shady and being like, "I don't need you." And he's like, "Bitch, I made you." - Damn. - The whole reason we then, like doing that whole Gollum two towers fucking thing. - That shot out front. - Yeah. - I guess I've heard of him having you. - Right. - We've talked about him before. - Yeah. - So I said, "Shout out, Ron." - Right. - Yeah. And then this morning, I was blaring mindless self-indulgence on the way to work. - Ooh, which one? - These bitches know me, 'cause they know that I can rock. - Yeah. - Yeah. - The Pokemon video every time. - Yeah, yep. - Shout out old YouTube. - Rock the projects, don't sound. - So, Eric had never heard of salad fingers. - What? - Really? - Come on. - Ever. - That's funny. - Huh. Did you show him? - I did. - Oh, what the fuck is happening? Which, honestly, I get it. - Yeah. - Yeah, it depends if you have died on YouTube before. You know what I mean? And he is, he does. Like, when I joined him on Discord, we fucking went to the grave together on YouTube. Like, he was just pulling out random shit and I was like, "Oh my God." Like, this is awesome. - It's a rusty spoon. (laughing) - Magnus. - It's the perfect spoon. - Salad fingers is fucking nuts. Salad fingers is nuts. - I liked foamy the squirrel. - What was that again? - The Foamy the squirrel. - Foamy the squirrel. - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I was like, we had to do the voice. - I know we had to do the voice. - Yeah, I hated that, actually. (laughing) I appreciated it at the same time. - Yeah, there's so many fucking, have you guys ever seen unedited footage of a bear before? - Unedited footage of a bear? - Yeah, no. - Oh. - I mean, yada. - You don't, yeah, I have, but probably not the same-- - No, no, no, like the video on YouTube. - No. - Look it up tonight if you want to creep yourself out. You should actually look it up. - Yeah? - Yeah, we have to watch it after we cut this. - Rick Bunch it today. - You Bunch it. - I did. - Huh. - Do you want, I had my Amazon order actually pulled up. So I can-- - Oh, is it the scary ghost conjuring bullshit? Dumb shit? - It's not, it's not-- - It's not conjuring-- - About the whole fucking, we can do a ghost on Spencer's house hit? No, we're not gonna do that 'cause I sleep there. We can do it here, that's fine. Because no, they either drink or I-- - I pass out here. - No, but in my house, absolutely not. I do not want to know what's down there. I know something is, I do not want to know what. - Those are cool with you, then we're good. - Yeah, exactly, it is cool with me. It's not one of those house at Fin Road type deals. Like no, it's not a demon, this thing like vibes. You know what I'm saying? - Whatever's at my house, if it comes over the spirit box, it's just gonna be like stop masturbating in the dining room. - Yeah. (laughs) - Mine will basically be like you put a bathroom in here for why, like you stink, that's why, you know? - I mean, yeah, you need a bathroom instead of a thing. - No, I put a bathroom in my basement. That was not there when I moved in that-- - Oh, you put that in? - Yeah, that's what it is. - Oh, no, that's why it is the way it is. - Yeah. (laughs) - Kidding. - Yeah, that's why you can't lean on the sink because that wall I wasn't paying the drywall and make it tough. It was just like, no, just put it there and maybe hang the sink off it if it holds. - So right now we're in like a two by four behind it in the freezer. - We did, oh, okay. And it's still that flippant. - I thought you just connected it to the drywall and it's like praying every time. - No, we paid like $32.99 for that entire wall. So like, just leave a bee. And then-- - That's crazy. - Yeah, and then the other wall where the toilet paper holder is, is the foundation of my house and I drilled for like 30 minutes to get it in and I can stand on that thing. I can stand on my toilet paper holder. - After you drilled it for 30 minutes? - Yeah, 'cause it's into the brick. It's into the foundation of the wall. I had to drill into brick. - Yeah, so you probably, you probably didn't have a masonry bit nor impact drill. - I had an impact drill and a-- - And it shouldn't have taken it 30 minutes. - It took me 30 minutes. It's hard to drill brick. - Oh, you're a hard one you were drilling brick. - Yes, I was. Absolutely just fucking 30 minutes. - Want one. - And it's in there. - Hey. - You took it through a whole nother level. - I always do. - I was talking about my toilet paper holder. That's the shit paper holder. - Leave enough shit tickets for the rest of us. - Do you have to get you one of those things that just says, "Your butt napkins, my lord?" - Yeah, yes, actually. - Oh, that was today. - I ordered these special labels for our part shipping guy in a new label printer and everything and I'm walking with the big thing of labels and at least five people on my way out to the plant were like, "Whoa, you got toilet paper? What are you doing?" And I was like, "I'm going to sort some shit out." (laughing) - That's funny. - Yeah, but they were labels. - You said, "My lord," and it kind of reminded me of like a phase that me and Hayden went through, but we used to say, "Yes, you're on her all the time." Like to everybody. - Yeah, you did. - You're on it, you're on her, yeah, yeah, it's terrible. - 'Cause then it just makes you sound like everybody's a cop. - No, no, it was more of like, it was more of like medieval-type vibes, you know? - Okay, okay, okay. - Like, I'm pretty sure he told his wife, like, "Get on your knees, you're on her." Like, "I will nut you with something." (laughing) - He's like, "Is that a new pick-up line?" - I spent about four hours at his house on Sunday helping him fix his computer. - I heard that, yeah. - That was wild, yeah, his poor cooler went out and so we had to take a road trip to Best Buy and get a new one. But because the way his case is, it's all fucked up where the power supply has to be on top, and so the only place the cooler can go is on the bottom. But if you put the radiator below the pump, then it air gets in there and it fucks it up. So forever now he has to put his computer upside down so that it doesn't fuck his new cooler. - That's funny. He said it's running so good right now. - Yeah, yeah. - Now we gotta figure John shit out because his is starting to go again. - Yeah, it's starting to go again. - Yeah, he was telling me that. - It's probably, it probably just needs a better cooler. - Yeah, cooler. - Yeah, AC, man. Hot out there, baby. - Speaking of cooler, did you watch rest of that Dragon Ball Z movie? - No, I started it and then I passed out. I was very tired. But I got to, they just, they're on Beerus' planet. Like I just got to Beerus' planet and we met a new green girl. - Okay. - Yeah, so you haven't seen bath salt piccolo yet? - No, but then I fucking, I was like, what the fuck is Broly doing here? 'Cause I haven't watched any of the videos since the first Broly legendary. And I was like, why are they friends? What is happening? I was talking to my coworker Tristan today. He's like, you gotta watch the other videos. He's like, it explains all of that. A bunch of shit went down. I was like, all right. Well, I know what I'm doing next weekend. I don't have the attention pants span to watch a whole dragon-- - Do you have the attention pants? - You have that too. No, these are actually pretty. Like they're very short, but I can wear these things now. - Oh, the pants, not the movies. - Oh, both things. - Oh, okay. Both things can be true. - I do not care for that animation though. It freaks me out, that weird 3D, it looks unnatural. 'Cause for years it's been, you know, curatorium is like that 2D, that his style. And then this is all new, weird-ass CGI, like-- - That is weird. - Not, yeah. I don't dig it. - Spencer, how are you wearing like four layers of clothing or what? - Well, I work in a facility. I feel like I explain this every time of the day, but-- - Well, you don't have to now, but-- - No, it's fine, but I work in a facility at 65 degrees all the time. - That's the perfect center. - It's pretty so nice. - Yeah, exactly, but like 65 gets a little chilly on the inside when it's just AC pumping on you constantly. So I had 62, 65, 'cause there's chocolate in there. So I just get a little cold. So I throw on a sweatshirt and a coat, and this isn't a heavy coat. This is just like a raincoat. - He's fucking weed wonka, man. - And I take this off when I'm at work. It's just a sweatshirt and jeans. - Well, excuse me, he's more of an oompa loompa 'cause he's fucking working the factory. - Excuse me, I'm not working the factory, but-- - He's a boss. - I wish I was. (laughs) I wish I was. - You're like the head oompa loompa. - Yes, yes, yes. - You're not really weed wonka, but you're not, you know-- - I'm like the one that Willy Wonka yells at to go do shit. - You're the one doing the choreography for everybody. - Yes, yeah. (laughs) - That's actually a really good explanation. - Yes, yeah. - Full pimp in your step. - Yes, yes. - All right. - Yeah. - I like it. - I'm like the wonka that, or the oompa loompa that could-- - The little wonka that could-- - The dip's the yellow cup in there and drinks it, you know, like I'm that guy. It's like I'll take a taste test and tell you how you guys are going. I'm just kidding. - Yep, Jesus. - Yeah, but-- ♪ Come with me and you'll be ♪ ♪ In a state of pure inebriation ♪ - That should be everything to me. - Correct. - Eric on that long legs. What the fuck does that even mean? - Oh, shit. - Oh, this is a you? - Yeah. - This is a you outline, all right? - Yeah, let's get it. - The me outline is-- - Let me hear it. - I went and saw-- - And now a segment with Ricky. - Me, PPPU. I went and saw long legs last night, which is the new Nicolas Cage movie. - Oh, shit. - Yes. - I've heard about that. - I don't want to give it away 'cause it's still in theaters, but-- - You get sued by someone. - It's so good. It's so good. I hate Nicolas Cage. I'm gonna put, I'm just putting it out there. - Blast for me. - I know. Everybody, it's a terrible statement. That's a terrible statement. - It's fine. He's not a good actor and he just does a bit. And I understand that that's his whole, him doing a bit-- - Nicolas Cage plays Nicolas Cage, just like fucking Will Smith plays Will Smith. - No fucking, who am I, Jason Bateman, man? - Jason Bateman plays Jason Bateman. - That's fair. - For sure. - For sure. - Touche. - Like, I don't know how to explain it. I just never been a fan of his thing and I think everybody gets caught up in the Chuck Norris of it all. - Yeah, yeah. No, that was so fucking, yes. Okay, continue. - Welcome. - Yeah, that was awesome. - What I'm here for. So anyway, I went and saw that last night and he, okay, I've said I don't like Nicolas Cage, but he's so fucking terrifying in this movie. - Yes. - But yeah, so yeah, he is, there's a point in this movie where he's singing Happy Birthday and he's singing Happy Birthday. - He's gonna cut this part out 'cause this is me. I'm like, I don't work well and I'm pushing by myself. - Hey, hang on. Sorry, I didn't mean to stop it. What I was saying is on the way here, Tiffany was like, why are you going to the store? I was like to get beer. She's like, you have a beer, you brought one with you. I said, no, that's beer to week. She's like, well, what do you need more beer for? I said, we need drinking beer, you know? Then you have tasting beer. It's like, our drinking beer is like a sorbet. - That's very true. - Yeah. - All right, take it along. - Daddy Cage along, like. - Yeah, I mean, do you want me to read my letter box review, please? 'Cause I've already showed... - You were ruthless with that fucking thing, dude. - Who? - You. - Why? - Every movie you go see, you leave a review. - Yeah. - That's what I do. - Yeah. - You are the people that America, you are the foundation of America. - I have a whole show dedicated to me watching weird shit. - That is very true. I'm just saying, I just love the fact that you fucking do that. That's amazing. - Is that still good? - It's good to me. - Good enough. - So, long legs, 2024. Autistic FBI agent decivers Nicholas Cage's Cage-isms. (laughing) - That's amazing. - And that's the movie, guys. - That's it, that's all you put. - Yeah. - Oh my God. - Have you not read my letter box before? 'Cause you really should. We recently- - I downloaded it, but I've never used it. I'm an IMDB guy. - So, have you ever seen "Chud" like the old school movie "Chud"? - I want to, I looked it up and put it on my list. - No, I'm not. - Okay, so you guys talked about it? - Yeah. So, we did, Candyman, you've seen "Candyman", haven't you? Are you a wrestling fan, are you? - Oh, a little bit. - If there's any of our, your listeners out there who know who Joe Hendry is, it's, he's got a big shtick right now where he's like, say his name and he appears. - Right? - Okay. - And "Candyman" is the same thing. So, I said, "Candyman" is Joe Hendry's Wario. Also, this movie rocks, but I needed a lead with a joke. That's my review. (laughing) - And that was also "Four and a Half Stars". The original "Candyman" is dope. - Is it? - You watch it. - I haven't seen it. - We're going to cover it for the show. So, you can listen to it in the next time. It's kind of like you don't want to watch it, but you want us to watch "Weird Shit". That's what I'm here for. And "Long Legs" was crazy, though. He's, so Nicholas Cage is very Nicholas Cage-y. And he sings "Happy Birthday" to this woman. And he's just like, "Happy Birthday". "Happy Birthday" like freaks out. - That looks weird. - It is so scary. Switch to "Cryptonite"! - Where did you see it at? - Just at the theater here in Bay City. - Oh, in Bay City? - Yeah. - Who does that theater-- - Oh my god. - Jason. - Jason, what did Jason think of the fucking movie? - Same thing. - Oh, really? - Yeah. - See, Jason hates everything. And so, it's fun to listen to Jason Ran about shit. He says, "Oh, oh, it's fucking bullshit. Everything's this. This is, ah, blah, blah." And so, if he's like, "Oh, yeah? Oh, fucking good. See? - Oh, yeah. - There must be a good fucking movie. - Yeah. - Yeah. - No, that's a, yeah, that's, okay. - That's good. Everybody go see it. - Why, just, it'll be the one episode Jason listens to. And he's like, "Oh, fuck bullshit! You guys suck!" - Oh, no. I mean, on our show, we've definitely claimed that he drinks women's bath water, so. (laughing) - Has the Bay City Theater gotten any better? - Sure. - In what way? - It's, you didn't sense the tone. - It's still there? - Yeah. - Obviously. - In this town, you're just lucky that you exist and aren't a fast food restaurant, so. - Yeah, that's true. - Yeah, that's where you're doing, actually. - If you're not uptown or a fast food restaurant, we don't give two shits about you. - No, yeah, as long as you exist. That's true, yeah. - I had a weird tick. I thought I was having a stroke, sorry. That's what that face sounds like. - What is, like, what's the thing for strokes again? Like, raise your hands or something? Or is that just where you shoot choking? - I think that's if you're choking, or you didn't breathe. - No, the stroke is to, if you're half your face goes numb and you start slurring your words and shit. - No. - That's why I was like, moving my eyebrows and smiling. - You're like, you're just practicing Nicholas Cage faces. - Yeah, I was practicing Dick Clark faces. - That bad's dead, right? - Yeah, Dick Clark? - Yeah, he's gotta be, because what is it? Ryan Seacrest does his thing? - Oh, yeah, Ryan Seacrest does Dick Clark's New Year's Eve. - Yeah, yeah. - Which is so cool that they, you know, they give him pay him homage that way. - Did you guys fucking see that Richard Simmons died? - Yeah! - That's what I said. - I used to sweat to the oldies. - I fucking can't. - Sweat to the oldies, yeah. Fucking, Michelle, my older co-workers, she's like 60. She runs circles around everyone in that facility. She's fucking fantastic, but she works out. She still works out to his tapes. - I was gonna say her secret is Richard Simmons. - Oh, she is. She's fucking down bad right now. No, she's really down bad right now. - Wait, she's down, man? - Yeah, 'cause-- - No, not like that, but because of the Richard Simmons news, because she came in and I was like, "Hey, did you see this happen?" And I was talking about the political bullshit. And everything like that, which is crazy. And then she goes, "Yeah, but in real news, "did you see that Richard Simmons died?" And I was like-- - It was real news, honestly. - I was like, "Richard Simmons died?" And she goes, "Yeah." And she couldn't really like-- - Aww. - Poorly. - Love you, Michelle. - Yeah, we love you, Michelle. - But, Christ. - Not you, Craig, but we love you. (laughing) Craig was talking to me today, it's like Tuesday podcast. I was like, "Podcast is it?" (laughing) He was like, "How daddy for me?" I was like, "We love you, yeah." - Sorry, we love you, Craig. - I'll win. I'll pop Lord, I apologize. - I don't know what we love him for saying. - Podcast Tuesday. - Oh, fucking Craig's fantastic. - Fucking Craig! - Yup. - Is it that Craig that, is it your friend, Craig? Or is there-- - No. - There's multiple Craig's. - It's, no like Craig. - Hey, Rob is okay. - Oh, is he, whoa! - He's okay. - What does it say? - You can read that. - No sepsis, doc, doc, doc, doc, doc. Oh, I thought that's what you meant by read it. Well, Doc dug around and found a piece of wood still in his finger, pulled it out. All right, well good. - Yeah. - Good, so-- - Hell yeah. - It was a sliver. - A fucking sliver. - A sliver almost took a magical rod. - So he can survive a whittle maker heart attack. But a piece of fucking wood, this big can almost take 'em out. That's crazy. - I used to get dropped on my head every weekend as a wrestler and, you know, this ulcer made me drop, like-- - I'm so glad you said it as a wrestler or not as a toddler. - Well, I thought that's where you're just going with it. - I know, really. - I was like, it's amazing that you remember that. - I don't know that that's not true because, you know, age, situation, but, you know. - Cheyenne. (laughing) It might explain a few things. - It does for Addy, but not for you. You're sharp as a, like a-- - It's a coat hanger and shit. (laughing) - Sure, it's a coat hanger. (laughing) - So-- - I'm starting using that now. - My favorite joke ever was when we watched Chud. - Okay. - There's this one part in Chud where this woman, like the drain is clogged. - Yeah. - And early in the movie, we find out that this woman is also pregnant. So she grabs a coat hanger and like-- - Yeah, does the thing. - And I'm like, oh damn, Eric. I thought she was gonna keep that baby. (laughing) See, that's where I thought you were going. That's funny. - Oh, no. - I love when you could make a fucking good joke about a movie when you were watching it. You know what fucking blew my mind? It was last night I was like, oh, Anchorman. Like, we saw it on-- - One of the most quoteable movies, I fucking love Anchorman. - And Revan goes, never seen him. And I was like, that's funny because it's playing right now. So I turned it on and we got like 15 minutes in and I got something going out with my body right now where I can't really stay awake. So I passed out and she's like, hand me the Ramon. I was like, no. I was like, you will watch this movie. (laughing) And you will fall asleep. - You will write a report after so I know that you finish it. (laughing) - But she was like, no, no, I promise. We will finish it. We will finish it tomorrow. I said, promise? So yeah. So we're gonna go to dinner after this and then after that we're gonna go home. - Oh, where are you going? What are you doing for dinner? - We're gonna, Hayden and Chris are gonna cook this dinner. So we're gonna pop it up. - Aw, that's nice. - That's nice. - That's nice of them. - Yeah, yeah. They do that every once in a while and we do that for them. And this is our week, but I guess Christian and Hayden miss us and we miss them too. So we're gonna head over there. Really, Robin just misses Dax. But no, Robin loves Kristen and they do their thing while me and Hayden crack jokes and fucking jerk each other off. So yeah. - Yeah, fair enough, yeah. - So I just saw on your phone when it lit up. I got to meet Waffle. - Ah, you did. You was not talking about Waffle. Go ahead, go ahead. - No, it's just, his dog is the most wonderful dog of all time, so. - Can I tell you that Robin adores your candle? - Oh, thank you. - He had it lit yesterday. Yes. - You didn't see? He's more LGBTQ friends. - Well, I told her I was like, you really need to meet him. I was like, he would probably love you because you both are really good at talking shit. (laughs) - I don't talk shit exclusively, but I guess-- - No, it's not exclusively. It's just like, you know how, you know how you can, I'm sure that in public you can just like look at something and talk shit about it, if you want. - Daily. - The shit that you could talk shit about attracts you, does it not? - Yeah, that's her. - That is Robin. - He's so full of shit, he talks it constantly. - No, I'm not anymore. - No, yeah, he's flushed out. That's why he's such a, he's so laid back today. - Now, I've had several ball opens, thank you. (laughs) - But you're the reason that me and Robin are budgeting to buy a bidet. - Fuck yeah. - Fuck yeah, let's do it, it's life-changing. - I want to install it in the basement. - What do you mean budgeting? It's only like 40 bucks. - Well, money's tight right now. - Oh, okay, fair enough, fair enough. - We just bought a trailer, I bought a truck, we're gonna buy this house, I gotta buy a new drum set, and then the bidet can come. So we have some. - See, now, once you do all of that, if you play it in reverse, it's a country song. I lost my bidet, I lost my house, my trailer. - Oh yeah, yeah. (laughs) - Yeah. - All I got left is my dog don't give a fuck. - So did you like Waffle? 'Cause her tits are fully in now. Are they? - Yeah, they're not. - I love Waffle. - She's not a Swiffer sweeper anymore. - Oh my God, her tits are fully in. - She's cutie now, she's beauty. - As we're recording right now, it's prime day, and it's 29-- - It's prime day today? - 29.25 for a bidet. - Fuck, I was supposed to buy three things today. - Wow. - It's tomorrow too, don't worry about it. - Okay, okay, 'cause I get my credit card tonight when I go upstairs, so I, (laughs) I did. - Do you keep it someplace else? - I just got, I opened up at MSUFCU. - Wow. - So I just got to prove for a credit card there, and then I'm switching my debit and credit card over there too. So I gotta go through all the subscriptions I have, which-- - That sucks. - I know. - Oh, you hate that. - I know, I've got-- - Well, there's some things that I absolutely need. Like on my computer, I have the mod thing. I can't think of the mod thing I use, but I need to keep that going, 'cause there's a game I play just for like my brain to go away for a little bit. And if I don't have the mod, then I, it's like a grinding game, and I don't want to do that. So I need to keep that going, I need to keep my peacock up, because I watch the office every day. - Ah! - Yeah, peacock is really good, actually, but I watch the office every day. - That's all you've been watching, folks. - I really need a mister, I need my mister car wash, 'cause if I cancel it, I don't have, I got grandfathered into $20 a month, so I, what other people pay like $35 for a month, I paid $19.99. - That's crazy. - Yeah. - Have you gone and threw it with your truck yet? - Yes, multiple times. - And it's okay, the only thing I have to do is pull them in my windows. - Okay. - 'Cause I've heard, I've heard too many horror stories from Mr. Carwalkers. - Do not go to any mister on Euclid Avenue or Wilder, go to the one in Essexville. - Okay, that's the only one I've ever gone to, and I've gone to it like once. - Well, you know how Firehouse was always wider? - Yeah. - Because they took over their building, they're good, but the Euclid and the Wilder ones are like super skinny, and that's what scratches. - Aw, that's what fucks it up, okay. - But your car would be fast at ease. - Which I gotta do this weekend, 'cause I need no oil change, do I get a car wash this weekend? - Does fast at ease have a monthly thing? - Yeah, oh yeah, well, if they were close to me. - But I don't care enough, I literally, I washed my car when I got an oil change, so. - Oh, wow, that's fair. - Fast at ease was incredible when I was down in Flint. - Fast at ease was always great. - Yeah, the one in Flint's real good, the one in Lansing is fucking awesome. - But they can wash your tires, I wish I had them. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Those guys in Lansing are fucking awesome, I used to stop there a lot when I was working for a clean cigarette. - Oh, okay. - 'Cause I needed an oil change up every month. - Yeah. - Oh fucking much, so I'd always go down to Lansing. - Have you seen my new truck? - That's the great one out there, isn't it? Okay, I liked it. - Did you like it? - Yeah. - It's nice, isn't it? - I mean, somebody hit my car, so. - What the fuck? - I know you looked outside, but. - We literally had dinner last night, you didn't say it's shit. I forgot about it. - Someone hit your car? - It's not bad, it's just, I was at the doctor's office for aforementioned things I was talking about earlier, and I was sitting there waiting for my turn at the thing, and I was like, oh, I'm stuck going inside, I'm just gonna sit in my car, 'cause air conditioning, and I don't wanna, you know, to other gross people. - Yeah. - This lady just starts backing up, and just backs right into my car, and I'm like, whoa, whoa, whoa, 'cause she went to take off, so I went and got in front of her, and I'm like, whoa, what's going on? You know, like, stop, you hit my car. - Oh, it's almost like you at Twin Brooks that time, and that dude just backed the fuck into your car? - Yeah. - Anyway, sorry. - So I got out of there, and she's like, oh, I'm so sorry, blah, blah, blah, and I'm like, well, what's, I'm like, I don't forget what I said, but the lady was like, oh, I'm so sorry, my friend's something about the doctors, and her neck was messed up or something, and I'm like, well, why aren't you driving if your friend's neck is messed up? - Yeah. - She's like, well, the doctor said she can drive, and I'm like, clearly not, bitch! (laughing) - Good for you, good for you, awesome. - So what was the outcome of it, then? - It's like, so it cracked the grill, and there's some like, dings on it, so. What I hate about doing claims to other people-- - Didn't crack the radiator. - I hope not. - Just the grill. - I hope not. - Oh, geez. - Yeah, 'cause that's so fun. - I wouldn't have been driving here, I don't think. - Yeah, that's no fun. - But I made a claim with her insurance, 'cause I got the information and everything like that, and they're like, we need your information, I'm like, fat chance, and hell, you're getting my insurance information, this is on you, kid. And they're like, well, we need it to process, I'm like, you don't need it to process crap, I work nine to five, figure it out. Here's the stuff, you have the claim, I'm gonna get you some stuff next week when I'm on vacation, bye. And everyone's like, you're a lot more assertive than you used to be, Rick, and I'm like, I don't care anymore. - Yeah, I'm done being nice just to be nice, 'cause everybody is such a dick. - Yeah, exactly, it doesn't get you anymore anymore. - Yeah, I gotta apologize for last week, for last episode, I was kind of a dick, and I'm sorry. I was super tired, and I was like, Russian, and I apologize. All our listeners too, yeah, I'm sorry. - We did our first 45-minute episode without cuts. - Wow, yeah, it was, yeah, and I didn't even have to edit anything, it was just, I fuckin' great. - Yeah, it was called The Spencer Show because I was the only one fucking talking. (laughing) 'Cause I was like, you know what I'm talking about? Here you go, yeah. (laughing) - You're the worst person to interview when I went to actual media school, to teach people how to do this shit. You don't give one word answers. - That was last week, that's how fuckin' tired I was. - But it's understandable, and honestly, if we really wanna blame it on someone, it's Eric's fault. No, I'm just kidding. - Is it? - Oh yeah, 'cause he kept us up till three o'clock in the morning watching spooky shit. - I was fine, I went to work and I was honestly-- - We were 10 years younger than I am, so-- - Yeah, that's true. - When was this? - Sunday, well, we stayed up Sunday night. - Oh, okay. - And it bled over to Tuesday, so I was so fuckin' tired Tuesday now. - Oh, yeah, okay. - 'Cause he didn't take care of himself on Monday. - Yeah, I know. - You got two, 'cause no one else is gonna have a heat. - Yeah, exactly. - I would like to take care of myself though, with a beer. - Oh. - Beer to eat! - Beer to eat! - Uh-huh. - I thought he was calling. - Beer. - I might have a beer, but you better have a beer. - Beer. - Oh, the win. - Like, it was amazing. - And I'm in my 40s now. Actually, almost officially. - Oh, shit. - Which, once you get up in that range, it's very hard to shred weight. - Especially just to do that, does he? - What? - I then. - That Rick's becoming an old man? - No, I did not know that. - He's middle-aged. - I would've guessed 31. - Aw, thanks, buddy. - Aw. - Well, I'll be-- - He moisturizes. - That's it. - Genuinely. - Yeah, see? Call it. - You're supposed to. - Moisturize your neck. That's the trick. - Moisturize the back one. - I'm in a moisturizer. - Both. - I'm in a moisturizer. - All the way. - Moisturize my throat here with some golden partiger. - I thought you were gonna say something to that. You didn't have a comeback for that? - For what? - Moisturize my throat? - He knows what he said. (laughing) - Golden is too easy. - Golden partiger. - Just like Eddie. - Ooh. - Barrow and beam. - From Barrow and beam microborean. Marquette Michigan. - A beautiful town. - It is a 7.5% ABV. - That's not enough ABV for me. - Wait, where is this from? Is this from Black Rock or no? - Nope. - Barrow and beam. - Oh, Barrow and beam. - Golden partiger. - Cheers. - Cheers. - Cheers. - Tasting. - Ooh. - Ooh, that ain't bad. Okay, the front's bad. Just get it in the gullet. How do you like the aftertaste? The aftertaste is amazing. That's like. - It tastes like a just drink. Bath and Body Works soap. - For real? - To me, I feel like I'm frolicking through a field of wheat. I really like that. - Holy fuck, I do not. - Really? - Woof. Buzzes, girlfriend, woof. (laughing) That's a .5 for me. - Okay, I'll take it all. You want it? You want a little bit of it? - No. - Okay, fuck that. - I, at best, a one just for trying. Plus, they have Bean in their name and I like that. - Give me, bema, bema. - Oh, nevermind, point five. - Sorry. - Give me a, give me a three five on that. - Okay, yeah, I really like it. - Well, good. It's got a great aftertaste. - You can have it. - Terrible front, but a great aftertaste. Nicole and Matt would tell you that. - Right, yeah. - How, how, how are they doing? By the way, good. They were good, they were good people. - Good. - Good. - Yep. - They were the ones that still has their job? - Oh, yeah. - Oh, good for her. - Well, I just didn't know, you know. - Oh, yeah. - Marketing, they come and go, so. - Yeah. - Is that the ones that you had on here that own the brewing supply company? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Okay. - Yeah, fun, yeah, thank you very much to Ideal Party Store on Salzberg and Johnson. And I am rocking the Ideal Party Store. Coosie tonight. - Yes, you are. - Thank you to the nice lady. I can never remember her fucking name. She's so nice. - But she gotta fucking give me one. She'd be a whole lot nicer of that. (laughing) - Oh, please, thanks for listening. - Yeah, yeah, we appreciate you. Absolutely, thank you to Ideal. Oh, and speaking of, guess who I hate and can't play golf Wednesday. - Why? - I don't know why I didn't ask anyone to pry. - I'll figure it out. - But he set me up with a rando. And guess who that rando is? - Is it Corey? - Corey Evans. - Yeah, so I'm excited. I've very like two second met him. And so, yeah, it's, I was like, okay. - I'll be on the bike, I assume. - Yeah, that's what, I was like, okay, cool. This small town builders, yeah. So I'm excited, that means I can't get hammered. I have to actually play well and try to impress him. - No, he's gonna be hammered. - Oh yeah. - Yeah, but he's a good golfer though. He is a good golfer. - Oh good, we're playing the second best team this week. - Oh yeah. - So you probably like even out, maybe. - Yeah, he's a good golfer. - Yeah. - That's some white people shit right there. - You're white, play golf. - I can't. - You're Italian. - I am. - Hit the meat bowl in the fucking postal. (laughing) - And after-- - Are we gonna de-jacula already? - If I'm gonna know, sir. - I was telling Tristan about that today. He laughed so hard. - I listened to our WAG podcast today. That's what I was doing to the BB, yeah, yeah, yeah. And BBB while I was pulling boxes, because normally that's part of my day that I hate my life. So I listen to us and I'm just like, oh maybe it's not so bad. Like I got something to do today, you know? - - Yeah, - All right. - And now we're fucking, yeah, we get it going yet. - Yeah, now after beer of the week, we do beer trivia. (upbeat music) - That's right, ladies and gentlemen. The basement bar of beer is about to bring to you BBB. Trivia! (audience cheering) - All right, for beer trivia. What is the name of the beer style that is characterized by its golden color and strong hop flavor? Is it golden ale? - Pale ale or Indian pale ale, IPA. - Is that what that's for? - Yeah. - I'm gonna go with Spencer's answer on that 'cause I don't know beers, so. - Wrong. - Is it B? - It is B, just the pale ale. - No shit, that's what I was gonna say. - Oh, should've decided. - The Indian pale ale is more of an amber color. - Yeah, yeah. - Pale ale is a beer-styleized style characterized by its golden color. - They take out the Indians like Americans usually do. - What? - What now? - He took out the Indians just like Americans usually do. - Oh shit. - I had to, I had to teach Eric what the trail of tears was when we were listening to one of the Kesha things. He's like, what's that? And I'm like, I'm-- - You really? - Kesha down to the trail of tears? - Well, no, that's what she, she was investigating 'cause conjuring Kesha, shadow conjuring Kesha. We were watching that and they were like trail of tears. She's like, what the fuck is the trail of tears? I'm like, I'm about to ruin your evening. (laughing) - Yeah, for real. - So everybody who's listening, don't look that up. If you don't already know what it is, it's not a good time. - You should've learned about it. - You should've learned about it. - Yeah, it was like-- - If you're okay to do something. - It was like eighth or ninth grade history. - Yeah, I thought so, yeah. - They never collared you and shit, man. - Listen, I'm from a-- - Holy shit, memory, yeah. - I'm from a slightly older generation than you. They didn't teach a shit. They're just like, America's great, continents. (laughing) Fuck yeah. - Yeah, sales. - Economy. - Mitosis, oh fuck, I used speaking of that. Learning, I used the Pythagorean theorem for the first time in the real world outside of school. - See, I still go older than you. - I was so fucking proud of myself. - I do remember that. - I don't know, it just, it like, from the deep recesses. - Like Uncle Terry said, your brain remembers everything. It's your memory that is the thing that can actually pick it out. So your brain remembers everything that it sees and hears, but your memory is the thing that is able to pick out. - Like the hippocampus will translate it? - Yeah, that's it. So everything that you've ever learned is in there. You just have a shitty memory if you can't remember it. - I don't know about that. - No, it's true. Look at how our folders are fucked though. (laughing) - Yeah, your memory sucks. - No, I had to, I'm trying to pick out a new projector for the plant break room. And I was trying to measure what the current fucking screen, what the current screen is. And I was trying to do the tape measure diagonally and it wouldn't fucking stay up. It kept falling down and I was like, fuck, how am I gonna figure this out? And then I thought, (gasps) A squared plus B squared equals C squared. And I was like, fuck, I measured the height, measured the width, calculated it. And I was like, 148 inches, let's fucking go. - That's crazy. - Yeah, I was like, that's the only time I've ever used that math in real life. - I remember when my math teacher told me that we would never be able to carry calculators around for my love and now for my fucking phone. - You're not gonna have a calculator in your pocket, bitch, I'm gonna have the entirety of human existence in my pocket. - Yeah, exactly. - Exactly. - All the knowledge in the universe in my fucking pocket. - Yup, I can just look up whatever the fuck I'm trying to figure out and it'll tell me. - And that's basically how I do my job. - Yup. - Yup. - They're like, we need this fix, you're like, how do I fix this? And you're like, oh, I can do that. - Have you turned it on and off again? Yeah, it's still not working. Fuck Google. (laughing) - I wish there was some sort of like secret handshake we could do, like so my dad used to be IT. So when I call IT people, like from my job, I'm like, this is what's going on and like, have you? And I'm like, yes, I've tried all of those things. I'm like, usually I start off the conversation with them, I've tried A, B, C, D, E, F, G. - That's good. - And they're like, they stop for a second 'cause they don't know what to say. And I'm like, yeah, there's a secret handshake. Somebody I knew used to do IT for a very long time, so. - You gotta start off with saying, it's not an ID 10T test, okay? It's not ID 10T, here's what I've tried, but I know immediately they'd be like, oh shit. This motherfucker knows the code. - Is that what the secret handshake is? - Yeah. - Well, you gave it away on the podcast now. - Yeah, you did. - Bleep it out. (laughing) No shit. - You gotta say bleep. - And then, yeah. - Can you do that? 'Cause that'd be funny. - I could, but I'm lazy, so. - It would be really funny if you did though. - It would be. - And then there's 15 seconds of us talking about how it'd be funny. (laughing) - Well, listen, this is all for us. We're gonna be listening back to it too. - No, it's very true. - Especially when I hear this episode, I'm gonna go, he didn't fucking believe it out. (laughing) - Yeah, damn it, Eddie. - No. - I gotta tell you something. - No, 'cause so far we haven't said anything bad enough for me to edit. Please don't. - Yeah, I bet you ought to fuck with me. - Yeah. - And percent of the things I say are terrible. - Yeah, but not for this show. We're the black sheep of this fucking outfit, so. - Yeah, that's very true. - We're the possums. - I gotta tell you something I did. - Like me and Eric said. - I did, yeah. - Really? - Yeah. - What'd you do? - Well, we went to Costco to go shop him. - Aw, shit. - And we picked up absolutely nothing for dinner because we were preparing for the week. And we picked up everything that prepared us for like the next two months, but nothing for the week. So I was like, fuck. And then we picked up like a package of stuffed peppers and was like, this is for lunch. But we didn't think about dinner. So I got home and I was like, what do we have for dinner? And I was like, I could just always go pick up mom. She's like, I don't want you to go pick something up. And I was like, okay. - You literally just spent 300 hours on groceries, like. - Yeah, so I looked in the freezer and we had nothing. But then I looked in the freezer and I had this Philly cheesesteak like special ribeye. - I was like, ooh. - How long? - It was in the freezer. And (laughs) - Yeah, freezer's fine if it's not like five years or something. - Bro, it's not. - No, it wasn't long. It wasn't that long. It was probably less than a month, a little less than a month. But then it looked in, you know, you got your provolone cheese and then we had the potatoes from the little potato company. So I was like, oh my God. So I told Rob, she makes amazing air fried chopped potatoes like breakfast potatoes, like hash brown potatoes. - Oh fuck yeah. - I've never thought about doing that in the air fryer. - Oh dude, she made those. And I went out to the blackstone and I cooked up Philly cheesesteaks. Like the innards of it. And then we brought the potatoes outside. - Where did you get those potatoes from again? - The little potato company, they're at Meyer. - Okay, I didn't know that that was a thing. - The potato company, they just make the mini potatoes. - I just expected, like pictured you and Rob had doing like quaint shit, like going to a farmer's market. Like, this is the little potato company. - No, and they literally called little potato company. - Dude, I've had the best pierogi I've ever had in the world from a fuck farmer's market in Taiwan. - You stop it. - So anyway. - A pierogus. - A pierogus. (laughs) - But I lost corgus with a pierogus. - So I laid these potatoes on the blackstone after the air fryer. - I just fucking talked into my cigarette. - And, ah, ah. - Did you? - I literally did. - Was that you dropping that or was that the spider? - That was him. - I don't want to talk about the fucking grag okay. - I'm sorry, all right. You're cooking taters and shit. - Yeah, continue. - I laid the potatoes on the blackstone. Got them a little more crispy, but I didn't cook them. I laid a slab of Philly on top of these potatoes. Put them on a plate. So then you're eating potato, like good ass potatoes. Philly, meat, cheese, peppers and just an assumed cheese. - What kind of cheese? Provalo, that's what you put on top of Philly cheesesteaks. - It's out of Swiss. - You can. Provalo just is better. - Better? - Oh, all right. - It's better. - Good, sorry. - And, oh my God, like cheese, potatoes, meat, peppers. Oh, it was so good. I wanted more. Like I could throw that shit in a bowl for days. You know how you make like cereal and like big cooking bowls? - Yeah. - That's how I felt about this shit. - Yeah. - I could just eat the fuck out of it. - Dude, I'm hooked. - Instead of bread, you just have potatoes. - I'm hooked on palace fillies, dude. - Palace fillies ain't bad. - Oh, we had that last night. - It depends on who's working. - I don't know, but whoever the fuck it was last night was bomb. It was so good. - Except when they run out of the fucking Philly buns and then they put them on hot dog buns, that's when you get disappointed. - Oh. - Yeah. - 'Cause they do that sometimes. - This is why you can't have me on your show. 'Cause as soon as you started talking, I listened to your story, but then I was like, I wonder if there is a badass potato company. Turns out there is. - A badass potato company? Oh, I bet it's fire though. - Ooh. - That's that potato. - Oh yeah, that potato. - And I think this is in Wisconsin. - Oh, of course it is. - Oh, it should be from Idaho. - Try the Philadelphia this week. - Look what it did. - Nice. - It's listening. - That was in January, 2022 though. - What are the odds of us fighting a post from January 2022 that talks about Philly potatoes after you were just making Philly potatoes? - Especially the first one. - Pretty good, look. - That's crazy. - Yeah, it's called like government, you know? But no. - What was it? - 2020, oh, sorry. - Wisconsin ought to get off of the fucking potato shit because they already have cheese. - Yeah. - Like you said, give it to Idaho. - Tippy cow and cheese. - Yes, tippy cow. - Tippy cow and back wood, tippy cow. - Not a sponsor yet, but. - Wait, like Pooty Tang? - No, tippy cow. - Tippy cow. - Sadatay. - What are you talking about? - He just said tippy tang. - That's a name in German. Sick of it. - You never seen Pooty Tang? - No. - Is that bad? - Spencer. - I'm sorry. - The next movie night, can we watch it? - What? - That's my favorite movie. - We gotta have a movie night soon. That was fun. - That was a lot of fun. - When I can drink again, we've gotta get like just smashed and watch that movie. - Okay, you're hosting the next one, right? So we can have like a Koochie board, or is our Koochie board? - Charcuterie? It was funny. - Oh, oh, oh. - I thought you were talking about a spirit Koochie board. - No, you call like a Koochie board. - It's not a Ouija board, it's a Koochie board. - You wave it above a pussy and it just speaks to you. (laughing) - You can do that on Midland Street. Just walk around and go like, "Which STD do you wanna hear alone?" (laughing) - Grabs. Grabs. - Yes. - That's funny. (laughing) - Herbraderp. Herbraderp. - Will this give me brightness? - Signs gone to syphilis. - Got a syphilis. - No, it's Hana. It's, it's. - Christmas. - It's got a syphilis. - Got a syphilis. (laughing) - Why is that a version of rollades I've never heard of? - Recola. - Well, if you take 'em, it's fatal. So. (laughing) Got a Herbraderp. - Recola. - No, I don't like that stop it. (laughing) - That was crazy. - I didn't like that. (laughing) - I actually didn't. - I see. How did you do that? I don't like the trick. Stop it. (laughing) (indistinct) - You're doing really excited to see how that sounds. - This bitch is net from South Park. (laughing) - Yeah. - I'm putting, I'm putting the microphone to my throat. - These people don't understand. - They don't understand. - It's crazy. I can't handle that. (laughing) - Do you have a, do you have a stoma and just didn't? (laughing) It's hitting under the beard. (laughing) Like for years I've known this man, but. (laughing) - That's my ha-la stoma. - That's crazy. (laughing) - Yeah. - Stop. (laughing) - Stop. - It's like Stephen Hawking. (laughing) - Kind of. - See, he could do voice impressions, but he could also impersonate his stoma. That's crazy. - That is fun. That was cool. I've never tried that before. - In my life, I've never seen anybody try to impersonate a stoma, but here we are. (laughing) - There's the name of the episode. - Yeah. - Impersonating stomas. - No, whackin' stomas. (laughing) - We missed the, the queer T-rex arms, so. - Yeah. - I guess that was, you guys all missed that part. - Let's go throw it up. It'll be on the website. - Watch out now. - They'll throw anything up. - Yeah. - Why not? - It's gross. - What? - It's gross. - Huh? - Smells bad. - Oh, I hate things that are gross and smell bad, but that was my potato filling. - Oh, yeah. - Hope you guys enjoyed it. - I did enjoy it. - Yeah. - You ought to try it sometime. I did a filly. Instead of bread, just use potatoes. - Yeah. - It's better. Potatoes in any form is amazing. Except sweet. I don't like those. - Yeah, I do. - More manner. - Oh yeah, it, it got us a little bit. - Okay. - It got in there a little bit. - I don't, all right. - He's like cringing, but also happier the same time. - Here's the thing. For years, I thought that some people could be robots. - Yeah. - You might be making that list soon. You got him. - Ooh. - How can they see me? - Please sit on my face. - For grandma's boy? - Yeah. - It's been too long since I've seen the movie. - Oh, grandma's boy is so much a good film. Adam Sandler. - Wow, he produced it, but he's not, isn't it? - No. - What is it? - For grandma's boy? - Yeah. - I don't remember what that one was about. - The video game. - Oh, yeah. Doesn't that have the, make love of it in it? - Yeah. - Does it? - No. No, it has Jonah Hill. - Yeah, it's maybe. - No, and the rest of the guys from all the Adam Sandler movies. - That poor motherfucker's never gonna escape McLovin. - Yeah, really? - Yep. - If anybody was ever typecast as anything, it's fucking McLovin. - Truth. - Bop, bop, bop. - He didn't make love in it. - 'Cause he's in the kick-ass movies too, which I thought was real. - Yeah. - What's up? What is he googling? - What? - You know who I have never been on the show with, and I've been on the show plenty of times now? - He's the executive producer. - Is fact checker Dennis? I'm starting to think he doesn't exist. - Well, he was supposed to come tonight, but he has a lot of shit to do, so. - May have a little bit. - Oh, do I want that kettle core? - I don't listen. Oh, you know what? Also suck smaller on weird things that suck? Pride got canceled, so we didn't get to go down. - Yeah, that's bullshit. - I sent you the email that they've changed it to the August 15th, right? - That's still not bad. - Did you hear me? - August 15th, yes. We do know about that. - I don't remember now. - That's the Saturday, August 17th. - Yep, that's what it is. - It ought to be on the Saturday then. - It's that one. - We will be there for that, but I don't know how many people are gonna do the whole weekend. - My cousin, Jason, flies in from Colorado that day. - Oh, I'm sorry. Do you need to do that instead? - No, maybe. - We'll see. - I mean, I love him, but we also paid for this, and. - We sure did. I can still get a refund, but I'd rather not. - Yeah. - If I can get some. - Yeah, I'd rather be there. - Yeah. - Is that ice cube I just saw? It was. - Whoo, I'm saltier than normal, maybe. - What kind of quarter is this? - A jalapeno cheddar. - I definitely won't be doing that right now. - No, you probably ought or not. - Yeah. - Bam, well, I tell you what. I mean, I'm looking forward to some good stories. - Oh, no. - Little last call. Didang, dang, dang, dang, dang. (bell rings) - Last call for alcohol. (bell rings) (upbeat music) ♪ This is the last call for alcohol this evening ♪ ♪ Drink up, drink up, drink up ♪ ♪ And order again ♪ ♪ This is the last call ♪ - Dang, ling, ling, last call. Spencer, kick it off here. - Fucking, I was at the state park not too long ago. Well, actually, it was last weekend. We pulled out the old trailer out there, and Hayden came and visited us, and me and Dino were two sheets of the wind. You'll meet him later. And Jake was out there, too, and we were just absolutely shit-faced. And Hayden was like, "Fucking, I don't drink beer, "but Dino, what the fuck are you drinking? "Let me have one of those." So we were going through these beers. Kind of like beers of the week. They were like 15, 16, 17%. - Jesus. - So we were loaded. So me and Hayden ended up going for a walk, and it was like one o'clock in the morning. So we walked Robin back to the trailer, and we were like, "Here you sit." And she went to bed or whatever, we made sure she was all good, lacked up to the trailer, and me and Hayden went for a walk. So we walked around the state park, and then we headed out to the beach. 'Cause we wanted to fucking go to the beach. And once we got across the street, well, there was a cop sitting right at the entrance of it, which is kind of bullshit. So we walked up, and then we were chatting with him, and he goes, "Does your friend have a beer?" That friend was me. And I looked, and I was like, "Yep." Like I had to look at him, and I was like, "Yep." And he goes, "You can't cross the street with that." And I was like, "Well, do you want it?" Like it's full. Oh, why would I waste this? And he goes, "No." And I go, "All right, will you hold my koozie?" And he goes, "No." And I handed it to Hayden, so I checked the beer, and I said, "Can you take this for me?" And he was like, "No, there's a garbage guy." I was like, "You're right, I'm just fucking with you." You know, being friendly. So went and threw the beer can in the garbage, and we walked across the street. And I am fucking hammered. And before we cross, Hayden goes, "One second, one second." Turns around, and the cop, and he goes, "Is public intoxication a thing right now?" And he goes, "If you guys just fucking leave me alone, "I will leave you alone." That's correct. And Hayden goes, "Deal." So he started walking across the street, and I made it across the street, anyway. And we started walking towards the beach, and there were two, what I know now, were bird owls were going at each other, and they sounded like cats. Like fighting? No, like, screaming at each other. Oh. They were like, "Ram, ram, ram." Like back and forth, but they sounded like cats, like house cats, not like big cats, like house cats. And I was like, "What in the fuck is going on?" So I started investigating, which I found out were two owls, because someone told me, 'cause I couldn't figure it out, I'm like, "What is happening?" Did you record it? No, no, it was just scary. It was scary. It was like fucking like mad at each other. But they ended up being owls, which is weird. We made it to the beach, walked the beach, came back. Here he is, fucking cop's still sitting there. So we walk across the street, and Hayden's like, "Please don't say anything. "Please don't say anything." I'm like, "I won't." Well, who do you think I am? So I get across the street, and I look at him, I go, "Don't you have anything better to do?" Yeah, I got told to go back to my trailer, is what I got told to do. But, so I went back to my trailer, and Hayden rode his bike home from the state park. Oh shit. He rode his bike there and back. Damn. That dude's a trooper. Yeah, he's literally. He was, and he was still there, yeah. But basically, don't fuck with cops when you're too hammered. And, Bartos sound like fighting cats. I don't like him. I like how we learned something in this whole story too. Man. It wasn't a very good story, but I'm just-- No, he had this. I was like, "Gee, Joe." Oh, when I came back, and I ate like a full fucking bowl of pasta too, that we had that night. Nice. Like, it was like a huge bowl. And I was like, I looked at, 'cause Robin kind of woke up when I came in the trailer, and I was like, "Do you care if I eat pasta right now?" And she's like, "No." And I was like, "Good." And instead of like, portioning it out, I just stuck the leftover bowl in the microwave. Yeah, I love doing that. And started and ate the entire thing. Oh, yeah. I've been done that in a long time. It was good. It was like that cheese and broccoli pasta too. Oh. Like that cheese and broccoli soup. I know you don't know it 'cause it's dairy, and it would make your asshole go insane, but-- I mean, what does it know it is? That's true. Do you eat cheese? Sharp cheese I can have? That's it, though. That's interesting. Why? You don't know what good a cheese is? Can't. Pepper jack? The sharp cheese is good enough. I bet you could do pepper jack. I bet you could. 'Cause like pepper jack makes people shit anyway, so like it wouldn't be any different for you. I don't want to make it worse. (laughs) I don't, never mind. We'll talk off air with that. Okay. Like people don't want to know that part of our shit. (laughs) Like the shit that lives you off, clear for takeoff? I'm sorry. It's more like after a rainy day when you step your foot in mud. You're welcome. You made me do this. (laughs) It's your fault. You've brought this on yourself. You've done it yourself. It makes you look at that one. Was it clay face from a fucking Batman? A little differently. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. A little bit. Stop it. Nope. And you've ruined that for me forever. How do you? You have mantra. He's a mantra. Stop it. Fuck. Poop face. All right. I need another beer for this one. Oh no. My story is a silly one. So I was underage. I don't remember exactly what age, but I was under it. And I was at a family gathering and my uncle was bartending and I was like, hey, I want a beer. And he's like, you can't have a fucking beer. I was like, I would like a beer please. And he's like, no. He goes, what's the Budweiser mantra? And I was like, I have no idea. And this was before cell phones and internet and shit. Well, at least before you could get internet on your cell phones. And he's like, well, if you figure out the Budweiser mantra and you come back and tell me, he's like, maybe I'll give you a beer. I was like, okay. So I dug around and I found somebody's can and stole it and memorized the Budweiser mantra. And I went back to him and I said, this is the famous Budweiser beer. We know a no brand produced by any other brewer which costs so much to brew and age. Our exclusive beachwood aging produces a taste, a smoothness, and a drinkability you will find in no other beer at any price. And he went, all right. Well, you earned yourself a fucking beer. And that was one of the first times I had a beer. Wow. Yeah. Yeah, it was good shit. That's crazy. Yeah, yeah. Huh. And now we know. Now you know why he's not everybody knows. Yeah. Well, what's the phrase for fear of having your beer mug empty? Sano silica phobia. So I thought today, and I did-- Is that a real thing? Yeah, the fear of an empty beer mug. So I thought it would be really funny for basement bars, beers, and babble, koozies because I'm currently working on those because I'm a little Chinese worker in a sweat shop downstairs. And I have all the fronts printed out for, we're gonna start with about 50 of them 'cause I can make koozies in my basement. But I wanted that word on the back of them. What do you guys think of that? Sano silica phobia, I like it. That'd be cool. So it's basement bars, beers, and babble on the front and two of us, like silhouettes. And then on the back, it's-- Well, you'd have to be three of us, it'd be Raj. Well, yeah, true. Yeah. Team Raj, shout out Raj. Okay, all right. So everyone's team Raj. I get it. Well, I'm fucking nothing. I'll just have a fucking hat and glasses in the corner, right? No, you're not nothing, but-- No, I'll be glued to him. I'll be the size of the TM. You would be in the middle. You'd be in the middle. No. Me like Raj, you, me. No. I'm not the separate piece. I was disappointed that I missed you and discord the other night, so. You should be, but I'm on there often. I don't know about that. 'Cause we're on there a lot. Yeah, you guys are on there a lot, but I just got Rick's friend code. Eric. Yes. Did I send you one too, you might have. No. I don't know. Not that night. Because me and Eric were texting solo. He was like, "Hey, are you in your head?" And I was like, "Yeah." 'Cause I texted him. I was like, "Please send me music." And normally that's his cue to be like, "Are you okay?" Well, for me anyway, because I used music to lose my mind. And I was like, "I'm in my head." And he was like, "I'm in my head too." "Do you like discord?" And I was like, "I sent him my friend code." And he just added me. So I'll do the same to you then. So I'll do the same to you. Just add me and then we can, yeah. Yeah. Anytime you see me on, just call me. Yeah, brother. Yeah. All right, you can't escape it. Last call, Ricky. I actually thought of one when I was taking a piss. Hell yeah. Ooh. A little piss thing. Yeah. A little piss thing. The toilet is the best memory bringer back. A piss thing? Yeah, a piss thing. It's like a shit thing, but the shit thing goes way too deep. A piss thing is like, "Oh, yeah." Shit deep. But the best thing is the shower thing. That's terrible because then you're standing with your hands like right here. And you're just letting a water hit you. And then you just get out of the shower to press and wet. People, multiple people online, how do you stand in the shower? Do you stand away from the water or do you stand looking at the water? Looking at the water? My water hits my back most of the time. Me too. It's down the ass crack. It's nice. Me too. No, I'm at the water. Really? Oh, yeah. So your ass crack is money. Okay. Anyway. It is now since the bidet. Hell yeah, brother. I'm seriously. Wait. Just wait. I get it now. Yeah. Tiffany's even using it now. She's coming around. I can't wait. I want water up my ass constantly. I don't know. I don't know. I mean, I know a couple of places where you can find some holes and walls that we can help you with that. But... What's your last call story? I'm not going to speak about this. He's like, "I don't want to. I'm scared now. This is why Spencer doesn't want to hang out with him with me." He's like, "I can't talk." I keep calling him a bossy bottom. He is. He fucking is. I'm not a bossy bottom. What does that even mean? I'm a power bottom. I don't know. About either of those. A bossy bottom. Oh, are you saying that? Like, is that a sexual term? 'Cause I'm more of like... What the fuck do you say for the last call? Get off of this. That was perfect. My fans won't like this. I love it so much. He's a bossy bottom. He's a fucking killed Rick. I love it. That's incredible. Anyway, so last call for me. I was at Disney World. World doesn't Florida, right? Yeah. Land World, yes. I was at Epcot, and my friend was like, "Hey, you got this?" And France, they have these little slushies that are like the vodka slushies. Oh, yeah. And I'm like, "Well, how about how bad could it be?" You know, we walking around all day in the heat, sweating to death, and I'm like, "I'm sure I'll be fine. Oh, it would be great." And it's good idea. I drank the whole thing in record time 'cause that was hot. Good. And then before I knew it, I'm like, "I don't know where the fuck I am. And I'm just kind of walking around and I end up in Asia." I went with Sean Connolly, shout out. My name were from Millennial Rogers. Yeah, that's Sean. I'm fucking awesome. Oh, we should have him on the show sometime. I've tried, but he's very busy, too. I understand about that. Little busy bee, little bossy bottom, yeah. Listen, here's the stir if you don't want to be on the show. That's fine. Clack's like fucking fingernails. Anyway, so I am very inebriated and I'm with him and his girlfriend and their kid at the time. So I'm like, "This is probably not a great situation for me to be this drunken." I'm like, "So how can I get away with, I need to sit for a little bit, but I also don't want to give it away. How fucking shit-faced I am." So I sit down. Small world. No rides. Oh. No rides. Well, I figured that'd be a good place to sit and sober up as you're just... Yeah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. As you're going through. If you want me to go crazy the rest of the way, that's probably it. We would have a different discussion at this point. So I sit down by this fountain and I'm like, "Dude, I just want to get some pictures. Yeah, let's get some pictures." So I started taking pictures and I'm just sitting there and all I did was just go, "Fucking a fountain." So we got one of those in Michigan as loud as I could and everybody just started fucking laughing and I'm like, "I think I just run sponsored myself and then they came out and got us." [laughter] Like, two or three tourists or this like, and I'm like, "Oh, I said that aloud." And I didn't know what to do because everyone was just looking at me and I'm like, "We're going to go get Dole Whip, right?" And they're like, "Yeah, I'm like, "Okay, bye." And I have been just started walking and then I found out what Dole Whip was and I couldn't have it and that was very sad. Aww. Dole Whip was, of course, it's made up of. What is that noise? Yeah, I think that's Molly. That dog makes it scary to me, you know, is scary to me. That's scary to me. Is the door closed? Yeah. Oh, that's why. Why didn't you open it? You told me to keep the door closed. No, we said keep it open. No, we said keep it open. That's why she's pissed. She's going to come in here and bite your fucking ankles, man. Yeah, what's new? Oh my God. Yeah. All right. Well. Picking. Yeah. I pissed off for your dog. I'm sorry. I got out here. We'll be right back out. Hi. Yeah. I don't want to see my daddy. Yeah. Wow. Thank you so much for hanging out with us, Rick. Thank you for having me. Yes, please. Absolutely. Check us out at and as always, wait, you can check me out. Oh, that's right. Yeah. She's. What the fuck? Come on. Get out of shadows. I forget that you're so, you're important. You have things. Oh. He forgets you're important. Wow. Unbelievable. Me, but I forget that you're important to the world. Yes. Please. Shout out. What are you? Every other like relationship I've been in. Underscore. Underscore. Yeah. Do you want me to do it? I'm not gonna. Eric's not here. So I'm not charted in all my socials. You can always check me us out at wide range of convo and Instagram. There's also Facebook for that and what he went from millennial rangers, which I need to start writing because it's been two months and at this point, it's, I'm worried it's more longer than a spectacle than I wanted. Oh, God. So I have to be home to do those things. Yes. And then I will eventually when I'm not taking care of my new cat. Yes. Yeah. I'm so excited. Yeah. Bishop of Bowie. I love it. Whatever you are. Yeah. We don't know. Hopefully he's okay. He did have surgery. Yeah. So it'll be all right. Yeah. It'll be all right. Well, thank you. Thank you folks for hanging out with us. As Ernest Hemingway said, always do sober. What you said you do drunk. He also said writes drunk edits sober. Mm-hmm. You're welcome. Thank you. Hey, pal. Yeah, use. Yeah. That sports illustrated for a little bit more than the swimsuits. If you do really like sports, I highly suggest checking out Cross Faded Sports on the 99 network. These boys are out there spitting all the facts about all the sports. So if you like sports and anything beyond that and you like drinking and a little bit of that thing, then yeah, I highly suggest Cross Faded Sports on the 99 network. Did you enjoy this episode, then check out more at, Michigan's premier podcast network. (upbeat music) (gentle music)