The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast

374 | Torah Portions Week 42 | Little Season Controllers, Lost MK Dance, Abandoned Cities of Bashan, Vows

Torah Portions Week 41: NUMBERS 25:10-30 Ministry and Widow Fund: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support:   / membership   Contact: Facebook:   / theunexpectedcosmology

2h 14m
Broadcast on:
28 Jul 2024
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Torah Portions Week 41: NUMBERS 25:10-30 Ministry and Widow Fund: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support:   / membership   Contact: Facebook:   / theunexpectedcosmology  

Shabbat Shalom everybody. I'm starting 20 seconds early today, but I just couldn't wait. I was sitting here like I was like microwave time waiting for the last minute and I'm just like you know what for the people here here who are early welcome everybody and of course before we get too far into this you don't all praise to our Heavenly Father and of course his son Yahu Shahama Shiyah. I was just thinking about the Father of spirits or Father in heaven and how in the very beginning he created all spirits. You and me we were all there at the beginning and they're just thinking about how Yahuwah or Yahuwah if you prefer or Yahweh. He creates Adam, he breathes into him the breath of life and how this breath has passed down to each one of us and how right now we are conscious and we are living and we get to experience this life and how exciting is it going to be I mean I think that when assuming of course we have lived a righteous life that we are not wicked and when we when we take our last breath and we passed into the other side when we passed that spiritual curtain and we're able to look back at our life and I think we're going to look at all the pain and the sorrow that we went through and we're going to finally understand I think truly understand how that was intended. There's this mixed all the the feelings and emotions that the good ones and the ones we call bad mixed together to create joy just the joy of being alive and the greatest gift that we've been given of course you know salvation is the greatest gift right but the the gift that we have been given to actually be conscious and to live. So praise our Heavenly Father for that. Let's get right into this tonight. Week 42 of number number is chapter 30 I think this is for a lot of the Torah portions crowds this is a double portion I'm doing a single portion so that I think I'm the good news is I think I'm one week ahead of everyone else so the others will catch up most likely I just I looked at the double portion like nah I'm just gonna do a single portion today you know the thing about I don't know if I'm gonna finish the or cross the finish line the same time as all the other Torah portions grew but the thing is it's it's about crossing that finish line right that's that's the whole point so it doesn't matter if you're first or second or third we're gonna cross it together thank you everybody who has been coming in a week after and making this a tradition in your home and it means not to me but it means a lot to to Pamela as well and you know all the work she she is putting into these translations she has been just slaving away and I learned this week I did not know this that Pamela actually she translates all this on paper like 1990 style this is awesome so I mean I as a writer myself I can appreciate that and I take a lot of notes on paper it's a very different thinking process but she so she just has these notebooks where she translates it all and then she's got to type it up afterwards and so good news is she is finished with Deuteronomy she is in the typing process the very end of it and I hear the news is that she is also done with song of Solomon so or I should say song songs more precisely song a song so from the paleo Hebrew so when we that's something to look forward to when we get through Deuteronomy we the finish line is before us we could see it we got one more book of the Bible left Deuteronomy finished the tour portions and we do the new cycle we're going to do it like a double back-to-back and we'll start doing song of song something to look forward to in October September October timeline whenever it is alright so last week review we compared the zealousness of Phinehas with YAHushah at the temple and of course you know if you don't know who Phinehas is and you clearly haven't been here the last like three weeks as I keep talking about him and he was the dude that went and stuck a spear you made a kebab out of the Midianidish woman the priestess and the the leader of the Reuben the tribe of Reuben and he walked around camp with them we see the same and I actually said the zeal within YAHushah when he overturned the table it was a Phinehas moment we saw that I showed you that zeal the thing about zeal and people say oh he's overzealous or you know he's too zealous or that kind of stuff you know that was a problem with the Pharisees they were so zealous they'll actually know that the thing is about zeal is that it must be accompanied with knowledge okay without knowledge zealousness is just yeah what's the point right so you want to actually have a zeal for the knowledge and not just zeal for the sake of having zeal or also leads to destruction we looked at as per Romans 10 hosea chapter four verse six that's one of my favorites a lack of knowledge leads to destruction for they have forsaken my Torah Hebrews chapter four chapter 10 and then second key for chapter three that's the big popular one with with those who are twisting Paul's words and what I love about that passage he says these same people who twist Paul's words to say something it doesn't say are the ones twisting the scriptures to say something it's not saying and it leads to destruction whenever you do a study on knowledge and destruction throughout scripture knowledge lines up with the Torah destruction is being disobedient to the Torah so there's no new definitions there in second Kipa we looked at the death of Balaam at the hands of Benihas in fact I think for the last like three weeks we've been looking at that and again in this Torah portion it talks about the death of Balaam at the hands of Benihas so no more commentaries needed on that I'm just going to read through that we've covered that enough interestingly enough I showed you the Simon Levite and Reuben prophecy and I'm sorry the it wasn't the tribe of Reuben it was the tribe of Simon so my apologies when the the man who was killed was Simon the Reubenites were the ones who teamed up with Cora so I'm already in a head spin here the Simon Levite prophecy began with the rape of Dinah a checkum and that was the incident where they went in and you know circumcised a bunch of dudes and then took the sword to them when they were rolling around in pain on the floor and the heat of the day and then in chapter later on Yako he prophesizes that the two would no longer work together he actually doesn't bless Simon to my knowledge and so we see that manifested in numbers with Benihas killing the leader of Simeon and then of course Simeon the tribe kind of drifts off in history whereas Levi stays around we saw that there was a decrease in number of Simeon's tribe of 37,100 people I guess men and from where the number starts in the beginning of numbers and then where is at the ended number so we're talking like 40 years wandering and there's a huge decrease in population there should be an increase this is not how reproductive activity works generally and so it seemed like a lot of the people who were killed off in the Moabites prostitute Balaam situation were the tribe of Simeon it seems like that the leader of Simeon was leading his people into that act then we saw it also Simeon's prophecy of Mashiach coming from Yuhuda and also being a high priest like a Levite in the testament of Simeon or Simeon we saw that Simeon beheld Yuhush as a baby in Luke chapter 2 which I had stated was perhaps a fulfillment of that prophecy actually in the the the 12 patriarchs Benihas and Eliyahu are both believed to be the same person with Fai Nihas being still alive at the end of Judges so Eliyahu would be Elijah so the idea is that Benihas and Elijah are literally literally the same person I've shown you at least many people in history some people get like you know kind of is it crude to say this some people get their knickers in a twist when I when I talk about stuff like this I'm just showing you that throughout history this was an open conversation within rabbinical Jewish even Christian communities where they're talking about this you know they're getting together on Sabbath say what do you think about Fai Nihas and Elijah being the same person and they're like hmm let's look at Scripture and figure that one out of course Eliyahu Elijah I showed you where he was prophesied to return multiple texts and also I did a reading on the apocalypse of Eliyahu Elijah which I really liked that book and I needed you a more in-depth study on it in terms of the timeline and so and so forth what I think is going on there I'm still not completely certain which have fallen the timeline whether it should be 7080 or I'm more I think it's more likely you know 500 years out then of course I also showed the the theory out there that Elijah or Eliyahu and you can on the baptizer are the same person and including a quote from Yohushah Hamashiach then I also I ended it with the cherry on top the icing on top of the conversation talking about the Yohushah Mosheh, Eliyahu, and time travel connection in Scripture I'm not giving any details on that now you have to go back and watch that for yourself now something I wanted to start on tonight I think this is I can't state this enough and I'll probably spend the rest of my career talking about this unless if I change my opinion to to see the Bible in a new light I wanted to talk about controlled opposition in a little season or that you could say that the century the centuries that we find ourselves now and this was a question that was proposed to me by a an amazing ministry partner to for us and she's a woman she's she's a I've answered many four questions before publicly so I hope she's listening to this and she doesn't mind she likes and when I answer publicly and this is this is what she said in the question she asked me this to address this private question I struggle with a lot of things in your perspectives have helped I am learning to think and push myself in ways I never have I try to understand but sometimes I am more confused which you know if I am confusing people that is not what I want to do it brings me sorrow to think that I might be putting things out there that you know confuse people for me you know it's it's I have all these things going on in my head I'm in my own you know kingdom verse you know and I think I know for a lot of people out there you're subscribing to 30, 40, 50 other channels and you're just looking at all these other ministries they're all seeing these different things they don't always connect they don't always agree and so you're kind of tapping in and out of what I'm saying and you're like okay this is a little confusing how does connect for me it all connects but I don't want to be a seed any confusion with anybody and so she goes on say the divine feminine and sleeping but beauty and that it should say poo not pooped I wrote that so it's my spilling error but the divine feminine sleeping beauty and poo etc was hard because I am not sure where to place it are bad people telling us stuff their way or sneaking truth in their own understanding which I'm just going to say right there she actually she actually answers the question there at the end so let me read you this quote from C.S. Lewis I'm not apologizing for reading C.S. Lewis to you guys I know there's somebody out there rolling their eyes right now but this is a really good business like this is a good quote I just wish that as if you are a Christian you do not have you do not have to believe that all other religions are simply wrong all through preach it Lewis I agree with this if you are an atheist you do have to believe that the main point in all the religions of the world is simply one huge mistake now this is coming from the mind C.S. Lewis is one of those guys he gets so heavily criticized but he's one of those guys who just wears his emotions on his sleeves he's very transparent this is a guy who used to be a die hard atheist against Christianity against all world religions comes back around very humble by this going like I was wrong man I was so wrong about this so here he is criticizing atheists because he used to be one of them saying that atheists have to say that the entire points of all religions are all wrong on everything all religions not just Christianity which tells you that there is a core element in all religions that there's something sparking that desire to you know seek a higher spiritual truth if you are a Christian you are free to think that all these religions even the queerest ones contain at least some hint of truth that's hundred percent true that there and I'm going to go through that tonight that be the point of this opening when I was an atheist I had to try to persuade myself that most of the human race race have always been wrong about the question that mattered to the most when I became a Christian I was able to take a more liberal view but of course being a Christian does not mean thinking that where Christianity differs from other religions Christianity is right and they are wrong sorry it does mean now I put this in blue for a reason let me just say the sense is again what Lewis is saying being a Christian does mean thinking that where Christianity differs from other religions Christianity is right and they are wrong as in arithmetic there's only one right answer to a son and all other answers are wrong but some of the wrong answers are much nearer being being right than others now the reason I put that in blue there is because I agree with that statement and I disagree the reason I agree is because I believe that Yahuwah that's the paleo heave if you're just new tuning into the channel that is the paleo heave your name for Yahuwah or Yahuwah or Yahuwah however you want to pronounce Yahuwah that he you know that he is the witness to the truth he has been with the father he's seen the father I believe that he is Yuhushamashiach Yuhushamashiach learned everything he said he heard from the father everything he did he learned from the father he is dispensed truth and his testimony is true scripture is true so in that sense I agree that his testimony is the truth and we get that through the Torah this is why we're going through the Torah portions because Yahuwah is giving his instructions and righteous living to humanity to anyone who wants me to come in with him where I disagree with this and I think I think Lewis would I think if I were to sit down with Lewis and I would ask him to clarify this I think he and I would agree on this point based on what he's already said that we can't use this as an excuse to go whatever I believe Christianity is true you know that means they're wrong well wait a second what if you're wrong about about what the Bible actually states see that's a that's a whole different issue right there because we go through our whole lives being wrong about doctrine and maybe just maybe there are other beliefs out there that aren't even in Christianity that I actually have it right they're actually of a more biblical perspective than we are now that's gonna be like a lot for some people out there but it's taking me a long time to appreciate that now let's look at some examples here religious similarities I call this the religious similarities starter pack now the creation of the world man kind's removal from paradise we see the creation of the world the Adam and Eve scenario all over the world all different cultures talk about this I don't even need to go into that one of the the big things for the people in this community is ancient cosmology what we call biblical cosmology called Hebrew cosmology you call it flat earth geocentric whatever cosmology whatever you want to call it just let's go with ancient cosmology the thing is is that because I myself believe that the earth is motionless and flat by flat I mean that the water that the level the the surface of water is level it always finds its level therefore the bulk of this world is flat yes colorado is not flat but the earth is flat Florida's flat Kansas is flatter than a pancake and Florida is actually flatter than than Kansas which is a huge embarrassment when you look at the water on all sides right that the curve of the earth whatever not going on the road I've had many people in the religious Christian community come forward and say well the Babylonians and the Egyptians believed in a flat earth so that that you know and that proves that's that's a pagan view that's pagan you shouldn't believe that I'm like are you serious but like what I'm going to show you example after example is that that it only makes sense that you're going to see commonalities and all these other religions think about this who came off the ark no one history sons history sons had his father's religion they went over all the earth and no ham was a bad guy and we don't really know that much about j-pith but they they perverted the religion but we're going to see similarities all over and one of the all the ancients agreed all the ancients agreed that the earth was salt under a solid firmament that was flat motionless all right um so yes the pagans believe that and that's okay that there's a commonality we have that I would agree with the pagans these pagans yes that is that is a true statement here's another one right here now this is uh the goddess nut knew it nut the Egyptian one uh you could see here and she's uh the firmament you could see the stars there in her she's a ocean of body of water above and uh the Egyptians believe that the the firmament was an actual divine being and a lot of you may be like what what well I mean that's what the bible says it says uh this in second baruch it says that's the uh the the firmament was a ruach and in second Ezra says the same thing the ruach of the firmament the firmament is a living conscious spiritual being crazy to think about so uh the Egyptians understood that now that doesn't mean that they got it right but that is a truth they say that look the firmament is a living creature and uh spiritual being I agree with that I could find that in scripture here's another big one the sun in the moon is divine beings in a celestial chariot boy and a girl and immediately people are like I have sun worship you know that's moon where you know it's like well okay I can I can show you several uh scriptural texts that talk about that the moon is feminine a woman a divine being conscious and uh in the sun is as well and I'm not going to that state tonight because I don't have time but I do have plenty of studies on that and so when you see the Greeks and the Romans and others talking about that it's because it's based off of a true a truth uh of how our universe actually functions or cosmology of course you're at the unexpected cosmology right so you should expect so expect the unexpected here the seven-headed Leviathan uh I've done studies on how we see the seven-headed Leviathan start starting out in Genesis ends in revelation with the the the seven-headed beast same thing it's from uh it's Leviathan uh but here's the bale you can see the bale cycle I'm not going on a study on this but you see the Canaanites Sumerians talking about the same thing and you see passages about the slaying of Leviathan then you see it in what is it Isaiah you see you see in the scripture too so uh are we to say that this is pagan we're not to believe in Leviathan either because the pagans did uh here's here's another great one the Anunnaki the titans the Igigi slash watcher incursion uh when I you can look all over the world and you could see the uh that the incursion is talked about all over the world and the unique thing about the book of Enoch is that it is of course we have jash we know we have jubilee's we have others we have others talked about this incursion but the great thing about the book of of Enoch is that it's the only book that I can find where it flips the narrative on its head and it exposes them as wicked because in all the other books that I've been looking at so far they treat them as you know your typical godfare you know and to be honored and and the book of Enoch is like no they were wicked for what they did it exposes it now I've heard people saying Enoch needs to be thrown out because of this issue they so don't like the watchers issue they say that's fake it's not real they were just ripping off the Babylonians and it's pagan see what I'm saying so let's keep looking oh here's a here's a big one the the deluge myth I think I might have written a myth in here yep the deluge myth I don't you love it they call it the deluge myth and they will say the deluge myth is told by basically every ancient culture everywhere on the motionless plane uh it's they don't say the emotionless plane you guys know what I mean everywhere on the globe spinning it's like a foreign language for me I have to translate spinning globe that some people believe that that's the can you believe that 2024 some people still believe we live on a spinning globe but this is uh again now all those people who point out the young with creation stuff they're like oh see see it's proof all these other religions talk about it's like yeah but those are pagan does that mean that the flood you know the flood wasn't a universal flood it was really a local flood Babylonian local flood because because look at all these others it's clearly pagan right now no it's it's okay yeah yes the other religions believe this because it's true because there's truth to it okay well let's keep looking up and here's here's another great one the tower of babble and confusion of tongues I mean that makes more sense to me than anything else the confusion of tongues makes so much sense but I just gave a presentation on the Anunnaki a couple weeks ago samarian text the babble onions were really big on the tower babble I mean they talked about like it would it really happened it was a legitimate event uh for them it was like they talked about the tower babble like we talked about 9/11 it was a big event oh here's here's one that this what I'm out to talk about like just trips people a lot people this turns people into atheists because they've been so sheltered sheltered their whole lives they believe that uh that you know Jesus is the only one that ever went down to hell yes I just said hell instead of shiel uh for a reason he's the only one that ever went to hell and resurrected and nobody else did and then they start reading about these other pagan gods and and going all the way back to uh Isis semi-ramus um you know you have Hercules uh but you know all these stories of these different gods that went down to the underworld and came back to bring somebody back now we could all discuss and have a debate on that but it's when when it was introduced in Judaism in the first century I don't even want to say Christianity because Christianity was a later term that came along they were all they were all everyone who believed in Messiah back then they were in the Jewish faith when it was first introduced in in Judaism that mashiach had actually risen from shiel he came out of the grave on the third day he never his body never saw corruption that was not a new concept in the world at all that there are so the mystery cults all over the world they were all say yeah we've been saying that for like thousands of years we've been saying that for hundreds of years so welcome to the club all right just yeah so I mean here we have of course Hercules coming out of the underworld there and this is a famous one here the rape of Persephone daughter of Zeus and Demeter by Hades and she's taken down and this is the story why we have the seasons because she has to return every winter and then she comes back for the spring for harvest and she has to go back again and I'm not commenting on those I'm not saying whether they really happen or not I'm just saying that we see so do we throw this is what happens when when I've seen this happen in real time where people are like everything is pagan and if we if we find something that's pagan the Bible we have to remove it and people are like OMG I've seen people walk away from the faith because of this issue I've seen people walk away because they're like what Jesus wasn't the first to go down to shoot oh that's it I'm done I'm done you know because Bacchus and all these other people I'm like okay I'm done okay so here's another let's see what are we looking at here oh yeah here's a great one the divine council the pantheon of gods Elohim all over the world you see it in Germanic cultures Greek Roman you know everywhere right yeah these pantheon of gods up there and so when you start looking in scripture and you start saying what there's a divine council there's actually a council of gods up in the heavens and then I again I hear a Christian say oh that's that's pagan no that that can't be true because it's pagan that's what the Greeks believe it right so okay we got that right there oh and now let's get into poo right if you saw my way the poo presentation I talked about a lot of things but I pointed out that the idea of honey being divine and that seems to be the case in scripture the land flowing with milk and honey the honey itself it was flowing it was not being farmed it was they were talking about actual flowing honey which is a sign of the blessing of the gods and I went into that in that study and there's a cute little picture of poo there with the bees um this is when it gets a little bit more sticky this is where it really hits the fan when you talk about wisdom chokma the feminine rua kakadesh the mother of yashol and I won't point out people are like no there is no mother of Israel there that's pagan well it actually says that in terracas is the wisdom chokma is the mother she she is the mother of a visual so according to that book there is a mother of Israel it is wisdom is chokma is one of the seven spirits of of uh alahayam of god it says that in Isaiah one of the seven spirits is chokma wisdom a conscious divine being uh so we we can all argue whether wisdom is the rua kakadesh the holy spirit I believe she is but Israel does have a mother and it's wisdom so we have the feminine divine in scripture and as far as I'm concerned it's undeniable and again we could argue whether it's the holy spirit but the undeniable fact is that there is a divine feminine spirit that is the mother of Israel that Israel's her inheritance wisdom so you look all over the world and you're seeing uh here's of course the rape of Persephone again uh to uh her uncle pluto uh uncle pluto 80s wonderful individual it's always the uncle I mean I don't mean to be like making joke of this but it really is right but I it's almost always the uncle um and then uh you see Winnie the Pooh here where this is uh if you recognize those illustrations that's from I pointed out that kinga is representative of the feminine divine and not a question in my mind about that and this is the elocinian mysteries uh the the rape of Persephone being played out in Winnie the Pooh and um and so one of the let me look a little bit more here so here is an interesting uh illustration of the trinity and there is feminine ruacock dash so you see that other people and the ancients did advocate that and I actually believe that the actual uh mk medieval architecture was purely dripping with the feminine divine like you can't hide it anymore I don't they they may have scrub that from history but it's in the architecture it's in stones written in stone um this is kind of interesting perspective period yes they have the crescent moon which you know is apparently with like you know um astrat or a starte if i pronounce her name right i'm live and I embarrass myself sometimes but this is interesting because she she has like seraphings whoever did this illustration I don't know she they may know how like she was a seraphine right it's just kind of interesting um but then you know you get into their semi-raemus there's is isis there is the queen of heaven right so uh oh and then of course I actually saw the statue in the Louvre of um of Aphrodite and uh yeah saw that in the Louvre in person and so the the thing is is what I want oh yeah here's my conclusion well no let's let's talk a little bit more so the the one of the questions that came up is you know I'm talking about sleeping beauty and um as I pointed out in my um and the feminine divine and you know who are the storytellers telling this well what I actually pointed out in my presentation on this is that the fairy tale itself is is it's not the same thing as mythology it's it's much more fluid it's a fairy tale is basically it's a built built up by inner experiences which do not quite fit the representations collectives does that make sense to you that is this a fairy tales are mostly unsophisticated products of the unconscious telling us more about the dream state than other storytelling methods so a fairy tale is a dream okay it could be lucid right think about all your dreams your dreams are pagan let's like be honest like your dreams are pagan all right but if you were to take your dreams and you were to you know like you're saying these are these are messages that are coming from the other the the other realm the higher realm and you put down these down into a story and people are like what you know um anyways my point is is that um you're going to see if hopefully you guys got the first point that the mysteries of heaven has been a kind of dis assimilated so to speak and everybody all these different cults all these different religions are trying to hold monopoly on it and I believe that Yahuwaha is trustworthy and true and his witness is true that's why I'm here I wouldn't be if I didn't believe that I'm not a universalist but I believe that that he is trustworthy but you're going to just because other cultures talk about things doesn't make it untrue okay and secondly we have controlled opposition now give you a quick story here and I think you guys will appreciate this my wife and I in our travels we have we have become friends with another family that is a also a full-time traveling family and in fact we're going to be taking a big trip with them next year and they they met me back during uh ed uh about four years ago and they were just normies back then I mean they not woke normies and they uh they found out that I believe the earth was flat and they got so angry at me they were so upset they were like who is this freak of nature and he was he said he was angry for like well over a year and he just couldn't stop thinking about it and finally uh about a year and a half ago he went out to disprove me he took his sons out and his daughter and he said let's go out and disprove this this guy Noel with his youtube channel let's go disprove this because they were listening to some of my stuff let's go disprove them they went out to disprove the flat earth and they walked away and they're like oh no the earth is flat and he became one of the biggest uh champions of the flat I mean he's totally flat earth though not only that I have watched in the last year and a half he has just taken you know you know how it is when you discover the earth is flat eat sleep poop flat earth and you just research and you research this guy is just you know red pelle steroids right just woken up to everything and but here's the thing he and his wife they grew up Roman Catholic they were deep in Roman Catholicism now they were true Roman Catholics in the sense that they um they uh they never read the bible in fact he confessed me he's like he told me last uh December I sat down and was around a fire with him and he said you know to be honest I don't even know it's in the bible I don't know anything that's in the bible and I said you know I really appreciate your honesty at least you can confess that um but he doesn't want anything to do with the bible and he said he doesn't get it he's like how how he's like no how are you so woke like how are you so alert to the way the world is and you still believe in the bible he's like don't you understand that Rome is running the world I'm like dude I know Rome is running the world that's the thing see this is this is a controlled opposition right here you have the pope of Rome holding up the bible right and um and so I'm just asking him I'm like just give it a chance like you saw you try to disprove me these others just give this a chance just just just believe me when I tell you that you know that the the people who are running the world are going to want to take the truth and hold it closest to their bosom you you don't want to throw out you don't the fallacy of throwing up the entire bible just because the pope is using it as a weapon um so and that you know that trips a lot of people up so I think that explains my my process of my mind uh just because uh there are people in high places that have an idea they are monopolizing it doesn't make the idea wrong it doesn't it could be because they are trying to discredit it could be because they're trying to control the narrative so they have to have it close in order to steer people in a certain way all right so hopefully you guys all understood that let's keep looking at tonight's uh program night moves now I gave this presentation a few months ago but something that really sparked my interest last week and I didn't even see it when I was studying it when I read last week our tour portion I was kicking myself I was like I can't believe that I missed this and this is in panelist translation and numbers 29 it said and on the 15th day of the 7th uh 7 karash shall exist to you a makkara krash a set-apart calling together now this is talking about Sukkot you show fashion no prescribed work of service you shall observe a pilgrimage festival leaping dancing and she put there any circle being giddy and say yeah why are they ever living for seven days and when I saw that I'm like Pamela you're you're you're amazing right I could kiss you this is amazing um and so you guys know that I did this whole thing on what I believe that of course the millennial kingdom my timeline I'm gonna give a better presentation I think this Tuesday they kind of go over a lot of the details because I think a lot of people are there's so much you know different voices out there just kind of saying stuff you know and I feel that I have a lot of research on this to show why I've come because of scripture because it's what these books are saying so and it just lines up it makes sense uh interesting enough there was a dance called the carol in the middle ages which was worldwide popular I mean it goes all the way across the black sea down into the middle east and all through Europe France England I don't all over and we we know that people were doing it all over interestingly enough the first description we get of it is not until the Renaissance in Italy and what makes it worse is that you can just see this is the Wikipedia article no surviving lyrics or music for the carol have been identified see what how in the world do you have a worldwide sensation and there is nothing on record there is not one uh lyric sheet anywhere there's no notes written down anywhere and that for me is a huge red flag I this was scrubbed they completely scrubbed this and why the question is why um no I'm not going to get into the maypole tonight talking about paganism right I'm not going to talk getting the maypole time I did a presentation on that it's it it's similar to the the carol the circle dance but here are some of the only medieval illustrations that have survived I mean we see people dancing with tambourines other things in a circle we see actually knights dancing with the ladies and what's interesting about the carol is that you see people from all different classes you see peasants you see in the circle it's almost like maybe this is where they got the idea later on for the round table of King Arthur where when you're sitting in the round table everyone is an equal doesn't matter where you were uh it's the idea of you know all men are created equal where we get it from in this country from this idea of the king arthur's round table and when they were in the carol it didn't matter whether you were king or peasant it doesn't matter who you were you were all equal in the circle that seems to be the kind of idea being put forward and there's even illustrations where you see people dancing with angels I find that really interesting and and people can argue like oh no come on they weren't really dancing with angels well I don't know if they were or they weren't but I can tell you that it seems like on their consciousness there was like even if it was subconscious there was idea that there was something very very whatever was happening on the earth was connecting with what was in heaven what was going on in heaven this looks like a hidden wilderness theme the blessed land the land the undying land where you have saints you have kings and queens dancing with angels resurrected interesting scene this is my favorite illustration right here I just love this one and it appears that it's it's tying up with the zodiac there's somehow that this circle dances carol lines up with the zodiac and then there's this one here which is just simply beautiful of the manger scene and there is a carol happening above the manger scene and I also might I add that here we actually see feminine angels something you rarely ever see in artwork and I do believe that there are masculine and feminine angels one of the reasons our spiritual beings you know one of the reasons I I've stated that you don't see them much make appearances because heaven is a patriarchal society in which the men go forward to hunts to go to war to go on errands the women are you know doing their duties back home and you know so you're they're not going to be coming down to earth on missions very often but I do think they exist and there you see them dancing around happy at the birth of a shiok this one seems to be like a wedding scene here but you see the carol being performed you see a royalty with kind of more peasant people in there so it's a cool illustration as well so anyways I'm not going to go through all this research tonight I did well I'll go ahead and quote this this comes from the French poets christian de Troyes he says maidens performed rounds or the carolint and other dances each trying to outdo the other and showing their joy so that's there's a connection right there with uh cicote the circle dance uh that it was and that's the thing about cicote right it's all about showing joy right you don't go there to be bitter to gossip to slander to you know whatever you go there and you you praise yah you show joy and everyone's trying to outdo each other in their joyfulness that's kind of a very pleasant thought something we don't give in our culture anymore um and here's another one where you see uh some others were playing at childhood games rounds dances and reals singing tumbling and leaping and this is a scene uh between ladies and nights and talking about how that in this sense it was it was uh the reminiscence of childhood that this circle dance was the joy attributed with childhood and that kind of innocence um and I have commentary on that but you can go back and you could read that for yourself uh so oh yeah and the story of personal the story of the grail which I actually have a whole paper on that I haven't had the the nerve to give it to you guys yet it's pretty epic I wrote a few months ago and maybe one day I'll get the nerve to go public with it you can read it on my website uh here's a an instance here of king david dancing before the ark and I asked the question was it similar to the carol because if you can make the connection as we can now with the coats and the circle dance maybe he was dancing around in a circle I don't really know but coming out of the medieval era this mysterious circle dance even though it was been scrubbed you see cultures all over europe through the Balkans, the black sea region, turkey all over even the yetish people they they all have this circle dance this picture here on the top uh is a wedding a jewish wedding you can see the yamakon the guy's head and uh I can you know I can you know uh I never I used to be a wedding photographer and I saw similar things at a greek wedding where they were doing similar dances so yetish Slavic Russian greek Bulgarian it just goes on and on Ashkenazi, Balkans they all have this dance and we even see it um this I love this tombstone uh where this I guess I don't know if it was a party or funeral what apparently this lady this person really liked the carol because it ended up on the tombstone something to remember her by and this what that was in Bosnia interestingly yeah all right next order of business tonight oh yeah let's go ahead and read tonight's portion I hope you guys enjoyed that and I I was kicking myself for missing out on that last week and it just for me it was a confirmation like you guys see the the uh what it all implies the implications it's that you know I'm very unpopular I'm probably like I kind of think I'm probably the most unpopular person in this whole millennial kingdom mud flood discussion uh because I believe the Torah is true and it's eternal that it has not been done away with and I believe that the the true saints the resurrected saints were keeping the Torah and I believe you can make the connection right here with uh with uh with numbers uh that there was a a secote dance and the other thing in there if you notice she put pilgrimage that just like man I just was going crazy when I read that because I have my whole other thing on how what is the number one definition of the dark ages guys aside aside from the fact that everyone was apparently living in their own poop the number one characteristic of the dark ages is the pilgrimage people were taking pilgrimages everywhere and I think and that is the prophecy of those who do not go to secotes there'll be a curse right so we see secote happening all through the dark ages we see the dance of secote all through the dark ages that that's just one you know the glove fits that's just one little a couple pieces of the puzzle right but that has emerged and and I feel like a lot of this is being snudged because people don't want to recognize no you might this might be true this might be true that they were actually keeping the Torah in the in the millennial kingdom y'all forbid that they were actually obedient to his instructions in righteous living right not worldly living not lawlessness but actual righteous living so let's get into it numbers chapter 30 tonight I can't believe we're already 45 I've been having fun tonight I hope you guys are having fun too um but I'm just gonna do a straight well I'll be giving some commentary along the way if a man should vow a vow into yahua the ever-living or perhaps swears an oath to bind his nafash he shall not break his debar debar like his word he shall fashion like that which has gone forth from his mouth and if a woman should vow a vow into yahua the ever-living and has bound herself placing a prohibition or obligation upon herself while residing in her father's house in her youth and her father hears and responds into her vow and her bond of obligation which she has bound over her nafash and her father has kept silence for her then she'll stand all her vows which she has bound over her nafash but conditionally should her father refuse her in the day he hears any of her vows or the bonds of obligation which she which she has bound over her nafash the vows shall not stand and yahua the ever-living shall get parted into her where her father has restrained her there is an amazing picture that has just been formed did you get did you guys see it I'm not willing or ready to tell you what it is yet you're gonna have to stay a little bit longer but there's something very messianic that just happened amazing amazing that when I finally saw this just this week by the way I'm like this has changed my perception of what Messiah did now I do want to give a quick story here and I'll talk about my history for those of you who don't know I married my high school sweetheart she was a cadet which is if you don't know that is this is pretty much cheerleader I remember she was I met her I was 16 she was 15 when I met her and I remember the moment she entered my life first day of class my junior year and I was in it was third grade chemistry I'm sorry biology and it shows you what I know because that was the only class in all of high school that I failed believe it or not it was the only class I failed the one I met my wife and and I remember the the moment she walked through the door the bell rang she made it and just in time she was wearing her a cadet outfit and I remember just looking at her and there was an immediate voice I know now that voice was the Ruha Kaka Desh and the voice said she said be kind to her she's of importance to you those were the exact words I remember I'll never forget it and from that moment forward I knew that she was something very a very special person and I was actually afraid of her not like you know I mean obviously you have you know you're a teenager right boys and girls are scared of each other I mean it's it's a terrifying time to be alive but not in that sense you know not like I was scared of girls but I was which I was but I was uh I had a kind of a fear of God of her like she I knew like there was something very very sad apart about her that I had to treat her in a certain way which I did um long story short let's fast forward we got married young I was 21 she was 19 and uh we eloped we got married 3 30 in the morning Las Vegas we drove out to Las Vegas uh you know back then we were just so inundated in the whole system I just wish I would have had this knowledge talk about knowledge that leads to lack of knowledge at least a destruction I wish I just had the the knowledge and the spiritual uh authority in my self-authority in my life to say you know what I'm going to take you in as my woman just like uh yet Jack and Ripka same story right just come into my my tp you'll be my wife I'll provide for you I'll take care of you whatever drove out there and get married no so we were um we were planning for a long engagement and it got we were planning not to get married to uh after college the thing was is that you know we were saving ourselves and and there was no reason to be in a dating relationship unless if we saw ourselves marrying that person we both agreed we want to get married we want to move towards getting married to be able to provide and you know start a family together this kind of thing and um uh and I want to be respectful to both of our parents I don't want to disrespect uh any parent but this this is a case in point um uh I I did not know that uh basically my wife's father was never in the picture I mean I I never really met him that much I never really talked I it was not really a big deal and eventually he comes along and he's very very much against us getting married now years later when I came over to the Torah I started actually and I started understanding the way YAH's law works I became very self-conscious about this and I started asking a question did I sin in marrying her and there was a I got a discussion an open discussion with this with other Torah people online and they're like have you read this chapter in uh in numbers the one we're reading right now and I'm like uh I'll go read it and I went and read it we went back and discussed and they said okay so um give it you know I had already gone over the the uh the situation and my wife was uh out on her own not being supported by her family she was working her own job she had college she had to do on her own everything she had to do on her own she had been turned out already and so when you're looking at this here this is for all you fathers out there when you have daughters and you got to think about this okay like if if you're if you're supporting your daughter you are you know you're covering your daughter that's one thing right but if you have turned her out into the world and she is living on her own that you're not supporting her she is no longer in her youth she is free to make her own vows if she does something you don't like you can't just come along now and say hey I I'm your father I'm gonna play my father you can't do that you've you've turned her out it's the same thing here we're gonna read that women who also who are widows they no longer have a husband they are free to make their own decision they can make their own vow before yah and you can't have the father saying well you know your your husband is dead now i'm it's like no no no no she is free to make her own vow and also the fact that if you if you hear uh and you don't say anything you can't come back on it later and this is so important and we're going to get in this with messiah so all that to say is that um i fully believe in my heart that yah led us into that relationship we were following his will we both just knew we just knew we were following his well we were supposed to do that and that's the whole reason i married her because i'm like i want to take care of her like she needs we need to take care of each other really we need each other because she doesn't have it you know anything else um and um yeah and so uh she was free to make her own vow uh before yah to to do that uh she had no uh no father over her life as an authority at that time um so anyways this reason i think i read this whole paragraph so let's keep going but conditionally if she should exist living into a man and she has vowed an obligation over herself or perhaps she has rashly uttered with her lips that she binds upon her nephosh and her man hears and responds in the day of his hearing not like three months later when he's had time to think about it like you hear it that you're like nope nope i'm sorry but we need to talk about this i'm not agreeing to this maybe i'll hear you out and maybe i'll have to think about it but i'm not agreeing to this right now right but assuming that he heard it and was like okay and then you know he talks you know a week later oh no we're i'm playing my dad card no you can't do that or the husband same thing uh and her man hears and responds in the day of his hearing and he has kept himself quite into her then her vow shall stand you can't take it back and the bonds which she bound over her nephosh shall stand but conditionally should her man in the day of his hearing make void or declines her vow then he makes her vow which she has vowed void and he shall bring to nothing that which she is rashly uttered with her lips with which she has bound her nephosh and yahoo wah have the ever-living shall give part into her so uh this is for you husbands out there and for you fathers out there dealing with your daughters your wives uh you know dads beyond guard with your daughters right and listen to what they're saying and doing and and you know and say you know what like no i don't agree to this yah holds us to our words i will give some examples of this he holds us to our words uh including when we're slack with our words um and he'll call us to our words um but the vow of a widow and her that has been driven out all that which she will bind over her nephosh shall stand over her so again um if a if a woman a woman being driven out okay so no that's this you're divorced um but if in this i mean in the middle east it was probably pretty unthinkable that a a young girl would um ever be apart from her parents house if she wasn't married right but we're talking liberation now why women have been liberated this is the culture we live in and the baby boomer generation it has has done not that you know my generation the generation x or the millennials are any better because each one slips you know goes further down the slide uh but the baby boomer generation was a generation that liberated women and that has caused so much destruction in fact i mean that that was a generation that started rapidly divorcing just mass divorce because they were liberated and they were the ones just handing their just sending their daughters off yeah just go live your life they just gave them up and you can't take it back you can you can argue about what's biblical but it's like no you made the decision to let your daughter go she is free to you know don't get upset when she comes back pregnant you let her go you let her go live off to some other die but the valve of widow and her that has been driven okay but conditionally if in the house of her man she has vowed or perhaps she has bound a bond of obligation over her nephosh with an oath and her man heard and he kept his silence toward her and he did not void her vow then every bond which she bound over her nephosh shall stand but conditionally should her man declare them void on the day he has heard all which goes out of her lips for her vow or for the bond upon her nephosh shall not stand her man has made them void and yahwah shall give pardon unto her all her vows and all uh implications for submitting the nephosh her man may make valid or her man may make void and conditionally should he hold his peace keeping silent toward her her man day after day he makes valid all her vows or perhaps all her bonds with which are overheard he establishes them so in your silence you you establish something isn't that interesting how really our words are very important for he had kept silent toward her in the day he heard but conditionally if breaking them he should make them void after he has heard then he shall carry her guilt contracted by sinning there are the statutes which yahwah the ever-living commanded masha'a between a man for his covenant woman between a father for his daughter still in her youth in her father's house interestingly if i had to give a theme for tonight's toward portions its vows we haven't heard the last of ours vengeance against the midi nights or the marayah new yam and yahwah the ever-living declare toward al-masha'a to say avenged the sons of yashirel upon the midi nights or the marayah new yam afterwards you will be gathered toward your people and masha'a said he worded in order toward the people to declare array yourself for battle men and to the host and they will exist against marayon and avenging you will exact the punishment of yahwah the ever-living upon median or median so if you're confused if you're just now coming into this discussion for whatever reason this has been the conflict over the last two weeks of the of balam sinning in he couldn't curse israel and he blessed israel which really upset the king who hired him but he's like okay well you know what i'll just cause him to sin so he brings in all these you know temple prostitutes uh these midi night women and we're going to see the result more of this tonight to uh to lead the men into very immoral sexual acts with them select the thousand of each tribe for all the tribes of yashirel you shall send them out to the host so they're going to go in now and they're going to wipe out the midi nights the people who did this to them and he chose from the thousands of yashirel thousands of a tribe twelve thousand were equipped for war and masha'a sent them forth a thousand freaked tribe for the host with uh for penny uh fini hasteries again or fire nukas son of eliaizar the priest uh for the host with the kudash implements in the silver trumpets for blowing the surah wa aha or a battle cry in his hand and they waged war against midian like that which yahaha the overliving had commanded uh masha'a and they executed all the males and they executed the kings of midian beside the ones who were executed uh and uh the names were recom or evi recom and zur and her and riba five kings of midi now i don't have the the air make tarragon in this study in front of me but i think it says that zur if i'm not mistaken is actually uh beylock if i'm not mistaken five kings of midian and beylum son of beor they slew with the sword not going over that again cover that last three weeks but we know eliaizar there was some flying involved they went flying off and they killed each other or eliaizar took him down and the sons of yashirel litaway captive women of midian and their little ones and all their beasts and all of their flocks and snatched away as spoils all their wealth and all the cities where in they dwelt and all their fortified encampments they burned with fire and they took for themselves all the spoils and all the bounty in adam and in beast now think about the situation that happens here uh oh in the ancient world maybe not amongst liberated women today but anything over 50 years ago 70 years ago in all of human history a woman's survival is usually based on having a man in your life to provide for you and so if you're men go to war and they're all slain it doesn't go so well um they uh when the the victors are coming into the town what the women are going to do is they're going to flaunt themselves you know it's almost like the americans when they went into paris in world war two and they were just shots uh at what women were doing just throwing themselves at them just throwing themselves they never experienced anything like that before that's the seems to be the typical history of war um in fact a quick story my grandfather he died back in like what 2008 or nine or so and as he leading up to his death he um he was a world war two generation all my grandfather my both grandfathers and their brothers all fought in the war on all the different fronts and battles and uh he decides he wants to write a memoir of his wartime experience which has the whole family of us like you know we're all talking about this and he's clapping away on the typewriter you finally prints it out he gives us each a copy you know kind of crude writing but you know very ceremonial uh and he uh he gives it to us and we're reading it just like you know page turner and we're expect we because he had never talked about his war experience so that that generation never did and um he uh yeah he went to paris and he also went down to uh the Rio but no not Rio um whatever i'm live i can't think that's embarrassing because i've been to france uh but um he went down to the beaches all right and uh in law and mediterranean and uh he just talked about his ex the women the whole time and we're like yeah thank you for your service uh grandfather he sounded like the war was really bad really horrible for you it was the whole time he was just with women the women just throwing themselves at him and he didn't even fight any battles like other guys had to go fight the battles and then he rides in afterwards it's like hey you know the war is so terrible uh anyways so these women you know so you see israel they're bringing back all the women now right the women are probably putting on makeup and they're putting on their finest you know seductive clothing they're throwing themselves the women will take me as a wife you can have me take all my things just take care of me so they're bringing back all these women and well let's see what happens and they brought toward al-mashaha and toward iliyzer the priest and toward the gat the gathered assemblies the sons of yasharel i was hoping one of you guys would write the what i was talking about in there to cover me so i could say it and tour uh let's see the captives and the bouncy and the spoils toward the encampment and the dry arid regions of moab which are over against the yarda near uh it's Jericho but yerakao so they're they're in that plain region right there on the other side jordan um right when you cross over in the course yerakos right there and mashaha and iliyzer the priest and all the lift up chiefs went out to meet them outside the encampment as they're coming back from war to see what they bring back with them and mashaha broke forth with anger against those in charge of the host yeah the french river yerak thank you rick the french river yerak it was at the tip of my time i like whatever um and mashaha broke forth with anger against those in charge of the host the commanders of thousands and the commanders of hundreds the ones which had come from the battling host mashaha spoke toward them have you kept them alive all the women all of them look though these existed into the sons of yashril through the council of balam to treacherously betray yahawah the ever living over the matter of uh of uh fah ayur or finihas and a plague existed against the gathered assemblies of yahawah and now all males among the little ones and every woman who has intimately known a man by lying with a man male killed but all the children among the women which have not intimately known a male by lying down shall exist for you so um yeah uh so this is you know this is one of those things those passages in the old testament the Torah i don't even i shouldn't have said old testament i'm sorry guys but in the Torah uh that yeah people refer to this old testament that they get they get really uh hotheaded about they get really upset you know this isn't my god my my god would never do this think about what what's happening here in in the logic he straight up saying that uh moshay and of course yahawah is like dude all those women they just tried to cause you to sin they were rebelling against the command they were rebelling against yahawah and you're taking them in now like no like all look at all these people in Israel that died because of what they did they died because of this there was this huge plague like no they deserve to die too and um and so they how many of these women maybe also were pregnant with child all that kind of stuff anyways so the way they were able to weed this out because i'm getting the picture i don't know if you guys are i'm getting the picture that these men sent their wives over there was a lot of fighting men soldiers and they lent out their wives that hey can you do us a favor can you order their sleep with that you know because apparently that's gonna put the you know put a curse on them and um which is really messed up kind of a Sodom and Gomorrah kind of idea they were laying with probably a lot of them married women uh that that's my take on this so anyways they're executed they're done away with and this is how moshay is able to weed them out okay well obviously there's these virgins um and uh they obviously were not a part of that and you have to ask a question why not why were these women not a part of that was this something they chose not to do like yeah sorry i'm actually saving myself for marriage i'm not going to go do this and yeah honored that and you shall incline from outside the encampment seven days all who have killed a nephash and all those who have touched against the pierced through you shall purify yourselves on the third day and on the seventh day you and your captives and all clothing and all implements of skin and all implements made of wood you shall purify them and iliyzer the priest declared toward the men of war which had gone into battle this is the statue of the Torah which yahwah the everliving has commanded moshahah surely all the gold and the silver and all the copper the iron the alloy and the lead all things which go through fire can be purified certainly in the water of impure thee he shall be purified from uncleaness and that which cannot go through the fire you shall cause the pass through water and you shall wash your garments on the seventh day and you shall be clean and afterwards you may come toward the encampment kind of interesting to think about uh cleaning or just you know our tools or just everything right at gold silver everything everything either had to be passed through the fire or through the water really interesting thought i mean i i talk all the time about you know today again i took a shower before i came on right and i make sure whenever i come on with you guys i do not drink any alcohol beforehand i want to be clean of alcohol i want to be you know my physical body clean and when i'm taking when i'm cleansing myself off physically i pray for the spirituality i pray you know for forgiveness of sin or whatever you know that he would hear me that he would hear my words um but i i don't have to talk about as well that but this talks about here cleaning off material items that it's all important um that we don't want to have unclean just stuff in your house lying around think about that maybe uh when you do we think about that like when we just buy things you know and um second hand i don't know just do we do we just bring into our house could it be unclean do we do we not worry about what it contaminates and this is by the way where without getting into the tau mood too much when you get when you look at tau mood except they're really this is why you have kosher delis because the jews they don't want to go mix in goine places uh because they're like well okay what did you just what it i might be eating kosher but what did you cook on that sizzle that pan like what was sizzling on there was there was is there pork down there was there show was there unclean things on there because now it's on those utensils and now it's getting on my food and now i'm unclean you see how that works so uh something to just you know think about um as we look into this and yeah while have you ever living spoke toward al-mashaw had to declare and you should divide into two parts uh i'm just reading your guys comments here and of course it's give me your give me your thoughts i just do something out there i i don't know i don't have the the solution to it and we have peters vision of course which is uh you know that it man it man themselves are not unclean and we're talking when you look at the epistle barnabas that men are like animals they're either like clean or unclean animals and you don't want to be around vultures and you don't want those are the murderers in the pickpockets uh spiritually as well as physically and and so on so forth you don't want to be around the hyenas you don't want to be around you know you want to be around clean people but just because they're going doesn't mean they're unclean right but does that do away with you know cleanliness as well no i would say no and you guys can discuss amongst yourselves how this works with the pots and the pans and you shall raise a tribute and to yahwabi you're living from the men of war those going forth onto the fighting one nafash from a hundred taken out of the from the adam and out of the herd and out of the asses and out of the flocks from their divided half you shall take them and shall give into elli eyes of the priest as a heave offering into yahwah the ever living and from the divided half the sons of yashirel you shall take one portion from out of fifty out of adam and out of the herd and out of the asses and out of the flocks from all beasts and she'll give them into the levites or the la-la-yam which guard the station of the moshkin dwelling place of yahwah the ever living how exciting is that since it's right there the levites guard the station of the moshkin dwelling place of yahwah the ever living like what a man i mean that was obviously like the the talk of the nation over the last couple weeks you know and some of you don't like politics but the fact is it's what's happening in the world is we just talked about the assassination attempt whether it was stage hoax or really happen whatever your conclusion is on that but you have the secret service who clearly didn't do their job right they weren't guarding the person they were supposed to be guarding they they messed up whether it was supposed to be that way or whatever whatever your conclusions are but that's what we are called to do to be you know to like if there is a sniper on the roof if he's allowed to get up there we screwed up right you know you put on the full armor of god right we need to be on guard vigilant every day and have that zealousness of finnihas that he had that you hushah mashiachad and moshaha and leis of the priest fashion just as yahwah the ever living had commanded unto moshaha and the bounty existed the excess of the spoils which the men of war had seized 600,000 and 70,000 and 5,000 sheep and of asses one in 60,000 that's a lot of animals and then nifasha vadam out of the women who had not intimately known a man by lying down with him all the nifash were two and 30,000 and that's a lot of women coming in the camp too 32,000 women and the divided half existed those going forth and in the host from the sheep were number three hundred thousand and thirty thousand and seven thousand and five hundred and the tribute existed into yahwah the ever living out of the sheep were six hundred five and 70 and the cattle were six and thirty thousand then the tribute for yahwah the ever living was two and seventy and the asses were thirty thousand of five hundred then the tribute until yahwah the ever living was one and sixty and then nifasha vadam were sixteen thousand therefore the tribute until yahwah the ever living was two and thirty nifash and masha ha gave the tribute for a heave offering and to yahwah the ever living and to leis of the priest like that which yahwah had commanded unto masha ha and from the divided half the sons of yasha ril which masha had separated from the men the ones from the host and the divided half of the assembly existed from the sheep three hundred thousand five hundred and the cattle were six and thirty thousand let's see if i can pour coffee and read at the same time about spilling all over my computer that'd be really sad if i did that live and asses were thirty thousand and five hundred and the nifasha vadam were sixteen thousand and masha ha took from the divided half of the sons of yasha ril the seas possession out of fifty out of dom and out of beasts and he gave them unto the leevites or the la yam which guarded the station of the masha con dwelling place of yahwah the ever living like that which yahwah the ever living can command it unto masha ha and those in charge which were over thousands the commanders of thousands the commanders of fifty went toward al-masha ha and they spoke toward al-masha ha your servants which have lifted up the heads of the men of war who were under our hand and they relaxed that one man from among us and we have brought near and offering unto yahwah the ever living from that which each man has acquired implements of gold leg chains and bracelets seal rings earrings and necklaces of of globules which are golden globes strung together to form a necklace so there you go there's your globe there's your globe in the bible right there globules don't let the kapurnicans uh find out about that to the face of yahwah the ever living to make a covering atonement over our nafasha which of course is the plural from the fash or soul souls to the face of yahwah the ever living and masha ha and eliaisor the priest took the gold from them all fashioned from implements and all the gold existed and offering which they lifted up unto yahwah the ever living 16,750 shackles from the commanders of the thousands and the commanders of hundreds which the men of war had seized each man for himself and masha ha and eliaisor the priest took the gold from the commanders of the thousands and the commanders of the hundreds and he brought him toward the tenor meeting for a remembrance for the sons of yashirel until the face of yahwah the ever living all right now i'm going to be reading off some names and i know that these are hard for you guys to follow but let's all be honest here that if i were to read them in english they're still hard to follow i mean that's just the fact of the matter is there's a lot of big gat chapters in the bible this one's not that bad but there's quite a few here so i'm going to try to give some of the you can see i kind of highlight the yellow here to give bookmarks for me to to read them off to you and a great number of livestock and so the word vow is not used in the chapter but it seems like the same concept is being put forward here more of a let your yes be yes and no be no and a great number of livestock existed for the sons of ruben and for the sons of gad robust robust strong very numerous and when they observed the land of uh jayzer or yayzer and the land of gilead that behold the place was a place for livestock and the sons of gad and the sons of ruben went and spoke toward al-mashaha and toward al-iliyzer the priest and toward the lifted up chiefs of the assembly to say uh atoroth and dibben and jayzer and nimra i'm reading you the english and heshban and illi illiallal and shibam and nibbo and bion so let me see if i can try this in the paleo uh atorraoth and dibben and yayzer and nimra and chashaban and ela la la uh illaallaha actually that's a really pretty name and shibam and nebao and ben the land which yahua the everliving has smitten to the face of the gathered assemblies as a land for livestock and i'll comment a little bit about this land uh atorods these your servants have livestock and they declare conditionally if we have attained favor in your eyes give this land to your servants for possession let us not pass over the yarden river and mashaha declared toward the sons of gad and into the sons of ruben shall your brothers go to war while you settle down to dwell in this place so this is kind of like moses is taking this as a kind of a slap in the face right he's like we're about to cross over and go to war and you're trying to claim your inheritance now you know what happens when you claim your inheritance now right i mean all of you parents out there you know what happens like let's say uh in your house will maybe they get tv time i don't know what it is whatever it is that they get and you like they have to do chores first all right maybe they have three or four tours they got to do they got to go out and milk the cow or i don't know i don't know what you do at your house take out the trash do the dishes uh you know feed the chickens whatever and and you're like okay i'm going to let you do xyz first before you do your tours and they do it and then they have no reason to motivation to want to go out and do those chores and they don't do the chores this is what mashaha is getting out here he's like well wait a second here if you get if you get the the icing and the cherry on top now what makes you think you're going to eat the cake for what reason do you turn aside the heart of the sons of yashiro from passing over into the land which yeah while have you ever living has given to them like this did your father's fashion when i sent them forth from kudash barinuya to observe or you can see right there kadash of barinuya not that it's any better in the english really to observe the land when they send it onto the valley of ashicle and observe the land they dissuaded the heart of the sons of yashirel so let's not go toward the land which yahwa had given them to them and yahwa how they ever living burned with anger on that same day and he swore so it's kind of itching that moshay actually gets angry here and he's actually in connection with yah here because sometimes moshay gets angry sometimes yah is angry and moshay is like oh dude don't be angry don't be angry just just you know don't destroy them all and other times moshay gets angry and yah is like now you just fouled up uh like when he beat the the rock a couple times with the stick here they seem to be on the same page he burned with anger on the same day and he swore to declare conditionally since the man the ones ascending from a tree and from sons age 20 and higher shall not observe the land which I sworn to Abraham and it's a yit-check and it's a yat-kobe because they have not fully followed me except Caleb son of kinizite uh the or the son of yatha-nuhah the kunuzaya and uh the other way be yahushua son of noon for they fully followed yahwa and yahwaah's anger blazed up against yashirel and he caused them to vacillate to move to and fro in the waters for 40 years so this isn't saying that this is what he would do he's already recounting this is what he did do right they've already wandered for 40 years and so all the circle of that generation that had fashion evil in the in the eyes of yahwa the ever living had been consumed and behold you have risen up in the place of your fathers so these are the sons that he was promising that you know anyone I think was a 20 or under uh would be able to enter the land you are the offspring of sinful men to increase again and again in the burning heat of yahwaah's anger toward yashirel for you do turn back from following after him and he will again add rest into them in the wilderness and you shall bring destruction upon all this people and they approach toward him and say walls for small cattle we will build for our livestock here in cities for our little ones and we ourselves we will draw out hastily girded for battle to the face of the sons of yashirel until that conditionally they be brought toward their standing place and our little ones shall settle down to dwell in the fence cities from the face of the inhabitants of the land we will not turn back into our houses until every man the sons of yashirel shall receive his inheritance for we will not inherit with them in the region beyond the yarden or further for inheritance has come unto us in the region eastward of the yarden so they don't vow a vow here but it's more like what you who should would later say let your yes yes in your nobody know it seems like it's a yes like yes we were good for our word we will cross over we will leave the cities here we will go where we will fight your wars we will get your land but this is our land we're already in our lands why why not just settle you know and i think that i think that if moshay uh through the instructions of yah had said you know what no do not settle on this land we've taken it i think they would have listened they just they gave a request and uh i think it was a rationally spoken between adults and uh and moshah declared toward them conditionally if you fashion this purpose plan conditionally if you will draw out if you will draw out girded for battle to wage war to the face of yaholah the ever-living and if you all of you arrayed for battle cross over the yarden to the face of yaholah yaholah the ever-living until he has disposed his dark enemies from before his face now i you saw i highlighted that there i actually was asking uh Pamela like what what does that mean what his dark enemies uh it if she's under the impression it's kind of like in her translation it's maybe like a state of the soul um just so if anyone out there we're not talking about at least i'm under the impression we're not talking about genetic people we're just his dark enemies uh kind of like shadows or you know things like that until he has disposed his dark enemies from before his face and ha'arat through the earth has been subdued to the face of yaholah the ever-living then afterwards you shall turn back and you shall exist free from blame for yaholah and before yah surel and this land shall exist for your possession to the face of yaholah the ever-living but conditionally if you do not fashion like this then behold you have sinned becoming liable to a forfeit a forfeiture until yaholah that's kind of a scary thought that if you do not follow through with what you say you have sinned and you have for you are liable to forfeit until yaholah like it's so important in our words oh we covering that uh before we close tonight i got a lot more to cover and you will acquire knowledge that your calamity your iniquity your guilt contracted by sinning shall find you establish for yourself cities for your little ones and walls for your small cattle and fashion that which came forth from your mouth and the sons of gat and the sons of Reuben declared toward al-mashah had to say your servants will fashion like that which adenaya has commanded our little ones and our women and our livestock and all our beasts shall exist there in the cities of giliad and your servants will pass over every man arrayed for battle for the host to the face of yaholah the ever-living unto warfare like that which adenaya has proposed or purposed excuse me and mashah commanded of them with leis of the priest and yahushua son of nun and the heads of the fathers of the tribes of the sons of yashriel and mashah had declared toward them conditionally if the sons of gat and the sons of Reuben passed over the yard and with you every man arrayed for battle to the face of yaholah the ever-living to your face then you shall give to them the land of giliad for possession but conditionally if they do not pass over a raid for battle with you then they shall have an inheritance in your midst in the land of Canaan and conspicuously the sons of gat and the sons of Reuben lifted up the voice through replying that plan which yaholah has purposed into your servants in that manner we will fashion and we we will pass over a raid for battle to the face of yaholah the ever-living into the erats of the earth of Canaan and the inheritance which is ours is from the region beyond ha yarden and mashah gave to them the sons of gat and the sons of Reuben and to the half tribe of manesha son of yosuf from the kingdom of saiakon malak of the emiriah and from the kingdom of aug or egg egg malak of the bishan of the land of the cities along the borders the cities of land that struck around about why did i highlight this because i want to be talking about this tonight they're talking about the land of vision going to manesha of aug of bishan i have some really interesting information if you have on that because go off in some really crazy mudflood territory tonight hope you enjoy and the sons of gat restored dabin and et tarath and let me just look at these in english over here a gat built diven and it's at tarath and eror it's not any better in english and atraath and shofan and jazar and jag biha and you know what i'm just i'm sorry guys i'm just going to be this in the paleo it's not as bad as people make out and yaga baha ha and beyath numa raha and beyath haran fortified cities and walls for the sheep and the sons of Reuben restored heshban and uh iliyila and uh kara jath or kara kara yah suyam and nabu and beyal and meyun their names being changed and shaba maha and he called out their names i just lost my place and he called out their names some uh something or other of the cities which they had restored and the sons of mekiar the sons of manesha walked to the place of gilead and took possession of her and disposed the amarea who were in her and masha ha gave the galeid unto mekiar that would be the the rocky region the rocky region unto mekiar son of manesha so that's kind of interesting because the uh they call it the rocky region what i'm going to be reading from tonight talking about mashaan it's referred to as the rocky region very very rocky so that's that's interesting that uh pamma translated that way and he settled down to dwell in her and yayar son of manesha walked and took possession of the villages and he called them chowth yayar and nubak walked and took possession of kunuth and her villages and he called out to her nubak after his own name all right that was it wow that concludes the reading of the word this week thank you all for being here tonight everybody just kidding no i'm i'm going to be here for a lot a lot more let's talk about vows and as i said this was the theme of the night you see here numbers 30th a man vow a vow to yahua or swear and oath to bind his soul with a bond he shall not break his word he shall do according to all the preceded out of his mouth guys like whatever like fools speak a lot hopefully that doesn't describe me because i talk up here like i'm talking for two hours right but wise men know to keep quiet and they know when to speak and not speak and to uh there was a there was a incident this last week um and we don't know if it's fake or not but Sheila Jackson the uh the democrats uh was it house of representatives she might have been a senator uh you know she i know she was tweeting during uh trump's speech at the rnc some very nasty things but she uh she there's one that went around where she said i would rather die than listen to this have to listen to the speech she died within like 12 hours she was dead so i don't know i i have that in my my paper that i published this last week the trump paper we and i even commented that we don't know if this is legit or not if they scrubbed it but the thing is is if so then those are famous last words it's irony right what we if she truly said that's uh i'd rather die well you know what flows out of our heart i guess right and in what we say matters well i'm not going through the stonascone again i've covered that before but we see here with the stonascone situation the the yacos pillow as it's known the 12 stones that came together into one and it says here yacos vow to vow saying if alahayim will be with me and will keep me in this way that i go and will give me bread to eat and rain meant to put on so that i come again to my father's house in shalom then shall yahwah be my alahayim and this stone which i have set for a pillar shall be alahayim's house and of all that thou shall give me i will surely give the tenth unto thee so you know you can trace this this pillar the stone that the thought is and i can't prove it but i think it's a very good thought and it's a probable thought that when paul talks about the stone that went through the wilderness that fed them the water and went with them he said that stone was mashiach really interesting and you know is this the same stone that is in west minster abbey now to my it would be to my horror for people to hear me talking about this in state that i believe in british israel that i'm saying britain you know god save the queen i guess it's the king now right uh that they are you know the the the heirs of israel not saying that i'm not saying that in fact i i do believe that there is a physicality israel and i think that israel is all over the earth and more than likely we are genetic israel more than likely we are physical israel but i am of the penny more than anything else that it is israel's spiritual you guys what we call my people say that all the time oh israel's spiritual and i did that study on uh yitchak literally being a divine intervention uh a his mother sera was not a virgin that we can prove but uh you know claim that he came from yah like an immaculate type of conception and that was like people just people stop listening to me after that they're like i i can't mind you're melting my brain i can't handle this i don't i don't like what i'm hearing you know a lot of people based the their understanding of truth on their feelings and they tuned out but for me that made a lot of sense you know that spirit like uh Abraham had a fleshly son and a spiritual son and the spiritual son is who we are related to and when you hushal later said to the jews yeah sure you're related to Abraham but i could have these rocks cry out you know type of thing like he could raise up the sons of uh yitchak through through anybody right it's a spiritual uh there is something uh biological too but i believe that that truly saved it's spiritual like father you know father Abraham he's our spiritual father if he's he's our physical father through um ishmael then that doesn't mean that we're going to make him to eternity right yes it'd be a spiritual father all right so um we see what he vowed here now let's look at what this is an ecclesiastes chapter five when thou thou us a vow unto allahayam defer not to pay it for he hath no pleasure in fools pay that which thou has vowed better is it that thou should is not thou than that that thou shouldest thou and not pay so remember what we just read in numbers he's like yeah if you do not follow through with what you just said you were going to do your forfeit like it would be better that you never said this and you never made this deal than if you break it uh and of course my understanding is that they've followed through but uh maybe ought to look more at josh with that i think i'm pretty sure they've followed through uh deuteronomy chapter 23 when thou shalt vow a vow unto yahawah by allahayam thou shalt not slack to pay it for yahawah that allahayam will surely require it of the and it would be sin in thee but if thou shalt forbear to vow it shall be no sin in thee so this goes back again to the father the daughter the wife that kind of stuff right just you know sometimes it's better just not to make it there's nothing wrong with making a vow but if you're gonna make a vow follow through with it all right so here's a here's a great example right here this poor uh talking about the carol here we got a time right here with the carol i mean does this look like a carol to you i think she's dancing a carol but this is uh the guy named jeff phah i can't even pronounce it we don't even know the name is daughter just his daughter this was his and jeff uh or yep phah vow a vow unto yahawah there it is you got a vow what's gonna happen and said if thou shalt without fail deliver the children of amen into my hands then it shall be that whatsoever not whosoever whatsoever it could have been okay that whatsoever come with forth of the doors of my house to meet me when i return in peace from the children of amen shall surely be yahawahas and i will offer it up for a burnt offering this guy was like clearly not thinking i mean he noticed here he said whatsoever so it could be he was thinking in his mind it could be an ant it could be a you know a burn or whatever but come it's forth from his house not into his house so why is this creature in his house but whatever look what happens and as he passed over okay so you go down he comes back the the battles of success verse 34 and he came to miss but unto his house and behold his daughter came out to meet him with temples and with dances was it a carol and she was his only child beside her he had neither son nor daughter and they came to pass when he saw her that he rent his clothes and said alas my daughter thou has brought me very low and now are one of them that troubled me for i have opened my mouth into yahawah and i cannot go back so this is a tragic story it's sad he had to put his daughter down um he had to slay her so you have all this artwork you see him returning home and there she is so i mean it's sad but she's kind of greeting him like this it's not a very good picture because it's like well wait a second here like what if one of the other girls came out first but whatever um so guys what you what you vow when you say something to yah it's serious guys everything that comes out of your mouth and he felt he had to fall through it it's a tragic story Proverbs chapter 10 says he that hide a hatred with lying lips and he that utter the slander is a fool in the multitude of words they're wanted not sin but he that refrained refrained of his lips is wise the tongue of the just is as a choice so over the heart of the wicked is a little worth the lips of the righteous feed many but fools die for wants of wisdom so you're basically saying like you're gonna get in a lot less trouble in life if you just keep your mouth shut because when you say things you might say something heated whatever you kind of have to follow through with it right well we talk all the time about we we speak threats and you know we're just like you know dis in people or whatever you're smack talking but like that's not the biblical attitude it's like you know what you reap is what you sow what you say you follow through with and this is what Yuhushah Hamashiach says on vows so I'm gonna say really quickly that a lot of people will say that he's criticizing the Torah I don't believe that to be the case I'll explain what what is going on here he says again he have heard that it has been said by them of old time that shall not force wear thyself but shall perform unto Yahuwaha'an oaths but I say unto you swear not at all neither by heaven for this alahiyam's throne nor by the earth or it is his footstool neither by Yuhushlim for it is the city of the great king neither shall thou swear by thy head because thou cannot make one hair white or black let your communication be yay yay nay nay for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil now again people are saying he's criticizing the Torah here I disagree with that what this is more in line with is Isaiah chapter one where Yahuwah is like look I'm sick of your feast and your new moons and your sacrifices and your sabbaths and the the people who hate the Torah hate the Torah see see we're not supposed to keep the fourth command anymore because he hates it you know that's not what you say he doesn't say he hates the sabbath he's saying he hates the way they're treating it he's so sick of it that there sacrifices mean nothing you know they're just going to do this to really to praise men and feel better but like they're not doing it as an act of worship he hates it it's saying the same thing he's like and we're gonna see in the next passage where it goes in with ties in with the Pharisee culture because he's like I look I would rather instead of you thinking in terms of these vowels that you're constantly doing I would rather you just recognize in your heart that every time you say you're gonna do something you're gonna do it just follow through you don't need to make these big lofty vowels just have your yay yay and your nay nay how you know it's it's it's how many people do you know in life that actually are like that right and like it it it matters like you go like wow like when that person says he's going to do something he does it so let's look in Matthew 15 where we're gonna go further contextually into what's happening here then came to YAHush's scribes and Pharisees which were of you ruchulim saying why do the disciples transgress the tradition of the elders for they wash not their hands when they eat bread and I'd love this so they're not talking about the Torah here they're talking about the tradition right like fiddler on the roof tradition the Talmud they're they're coming at him like why are your disciples breaking our Talmud and he doesn't even answer that question he spins it around to say to the Torah and he says but he answered and said to them why do ye also transgress the commandments of Allahayom by your tradition for Allahayom command is saying honor they father and mother this would be the fifth command honor they father and mother and he that curses father and mother let him die the death but ye say whoever shall say to his father or his mother it is a gift by whatsoever that might as be profited by me and honor not as father or his mother he shall be free this have you made the commandment of Allahayom of non-effect by your tradition he hypocrites well did uh illiyahu or Elijah prophesied when you say this people draw or no uh these people draw nine to me with their mouth i'm sorry this should be is this Isaiah yes yahu right whatever this is a weird English translation there this this people draw nine to me with their mouth and honor with me with their lips but their heart is far from me but in vain they do worship me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men so he's prophesying that you know they will break the traditions of the Torah or this is a tradition they will break the commandments of yah the Torah in order to create their own human traditions and what they were doing was my best understanding historically what was happening is that they the Pharisees would go and take their caught tithing money whatever money they had they they would give it offerings to yah and when they would do it of course big ceremony look at me you know drop all their loud coins in there and they would get the praise of the men and look how holy i am giving to yah and then they would turn to their parents who were elderly and say sorry we don't have enough to but we gave it all to yah so we don't have anything to take care of you and you know their parents would suffer as a result because they weren't really interested in getting the uh they weren't interested in getting maybe the praise of their their parents or you know honoring the parents they were just wanting to praise the men and in doing so they were actually snubbing yah they were they didn't care anything about yahaha they're very alohaiamh they claimed a worship they didn't care about him they didn't want his praise they didn't want his recognition they wanted the recognition of men and in this way they were breaking the commands and they were snubbing the very heart of yahaha who every time i point this out week after week it's caring for the widows the orphans that the you know the poor the hungry you know clothing the naked all this kind of stuff they weren't doing that and so let's look at um maybe a uh contemporary example um imagine like for all the married men out there you know you you you have a wife and you're supposed to honor and love her as macheak uh loved the church right um and so instead of saying like you know i'm gonna go i i need to honor my god so i'm gonna go spend some time alone with him in prayer and it's like well how about you know doing the dishes you know helping out around the house things like that right those little tiny things um and that those are the kind of things that honor yah right the things that he sees that nobody else sees right or you know going off to you know your church prayer meeting whatever places of where you get honored and maybe you're snubbing your family those kind of things yah notices those things okay you're not really you don't really have my heart you're just you're interested in your getting your praise you know worship upon yourself but in actually the things that nobody else sees is actually honoring me i noticed your your bacon over there um so yeah this of course is what this is the first Timothy 5-8 but if any provide not for his own especially for those of his own house he had denied the faith it is worse than an infidel i don't know what translation i think that's the borean infidel you're an infidel uh but you've denied the faith that's a scary thought and uh you know in this ministry um i've all ministry leaders we encounter them uh individuals as soon as you know they they find out that maybe you have some money that you can give them uh ministry funds they you know start coming up and asking for and that's fine we're all in need of money right everybody needs it my thing is is that i'm like well you need to to work for your family that's just my record that's my number one requirement now for those of you know that i'm supporting a couple women here Rebecca and we're trying to implement Pamela into this and they they they work very hard for you they work very hard they're not just you know sitting around like there's no way like they they work so hard they work harder than anybody i know um there have been guys who have starving families we felt so bad from little babies starving families and and we were trying to i started slipping of money and stuff like that and i find out they're blowing it on stuff and and i'm like are you getting a job they're like no you need to pay for us to get a house and all these kind of things and then we'll get a job like no i'm not paying for you to get a house you need to get a job and they were fused and refused and refused and finally i just said you know what i'm not i'm sorry i'm sorry for your children that they're going through this but i'm not going to pay for this you are not taking care of your family you have no desire to you just want free handouts and they would start calling you names and this kind of stuff this is what it says in paul like if you refuse to take care of your household you know you denied the faith now let's compare with numbers 30 and x's 24 with mashiach's crucifixion this is what i said i was leaning to uh leading towards and if she vowed in her husband's house or bound her soul by a bond with an oath and her husband heard it and held his peace at her and disallowed her not then all her vows shall stand and every bond where was she bound her soul shall stand and then look at look at this in x's 24-3 i got so excited when i read this and moshay came and told the people all the words of yahua and all the judgments and all the people answered with one voice and said all the words which yahua had said we will do they have just given a vow and uh yahua was silent meaning as the husband he's like okay there's your vow you can keep it so then let's read what we see in uh isé yes yahua he was oppressed and he was afflicted yet he opened not his mouth he is he is brought as a uh land to the slaughter and as a sheep before his shears is done so he opened not his mouth now if finally hit me and i'm thinking well what if this is the husband bearing the equity of his bride and suffering the punishment for her not fulfilling her vows now we all know this right he came to get uh israel but yahua paid the price for his bride he he realized that she gave a vow that she didn't keep and he couldn't you know take it back and be like we know he had to fall through because he was silent as the husband and allowed her to keep that vow and so now he had to follow through with it he had to take the responsibility for his wife or daughter in this situation they screwed up he has to follow through he is responsible for this this is why he didn't open his mouth so i'm connecting that there with numbers we read tonight and that that for me is kind of really changed the the meaning the perspective because we always talk about the the lambing lids the slaughter you know and not giving a defense and we're like should we do that should we not give defense but this if you look at in the context of a husband with his wife you're like okay i see what's going on here first peter 223 says when the hero there insult to him he did not retaliate when he suffered he made no threats instead he entrusted himself to him who judges justly and of course we could bring in the uh the uh the cup of jealousy into that as well all right what are we on to next oh division of the land i want to look we'll look at this map real quick and then we're going to turn over to aug with the time we have left tonight and you could see the division over here so what we were talking about tonight with gad and Reuben they're over here um on the other side of the Jordan you can see the blue line right there leading down to the dead sea that's the Jordan and so they're in this plane right over here right across from Jericho and uh they get there this is what they asked for this is a land division right and if you go if you look at manesha right here we saw that manesha uh they got the land of aug the land of baschan see how it comes to the orange way out over here and then you look on this map over here there's baschan right there you could see mount hermin right up here on top uh huge mountain range up there so let's talk about cities and inheritance let's first talk about abandoned cities now and this is all going to tie into manesas inheritance and baschan and what was going on post mudflood so i've talked about you've probably seen a lot of people talking about this photo not just me it's a phenomenal panorama and you can blow this up you can go find it the San Francisco panorama and just blow it up and just look at the fine details it's a very very fine picture what people started noticing is that you have this huge San Francisco city and there's like no people it's just the streets are almost completely empty and you can even see on the um the shadows here it's uh you know it's maybe like 10 o'clock in the morning i mean it could be two in the afternoon you can kind of tell by the shadows there it's not you know it's not this does not directly overhead but it's it's at a at a fair angle high bus isn't it early morning and where are the people right San Francisco empty now there are a few people you look around and you will see some but there's this should be bustling right they don't have cars they have the trolleys there's the tracks but people should be walking around people have cars back then they would have had horses there are a couple horses standing around this whole pan around but not many and so the question has been asked uh you know did this photographer which is an interesting man in of in of himself was he brought in to document this city after some event happened that we cannot we can only theorize at this point nobody really knows but uh did was there a mass vanishing right well this is what a popular populated actual populated city should look like this is in Venice Italy i've been here look at this this is uh a summer day in Venice there's a lot of people walking around right okay this is a city and makes sense uh there is an actual boom town in the 1800s now when you see a western they don't even make him this crowded you know there's see a few people few extras walking around but this is a boom town look at this man it almost makes me think like this is like some sort of i don't know like maybe like something else was going on that we haven't really evaluated yet uh if they were like rounding people up into these camps or so like the kind they have in China uh but yeah that's a lot of people on that street a lot of people i mean and there's a lot of tents out there and stuff but i mean wow that's a lot of people from a western town and then of course we see here this scene in the city i mean i don't know where this is new york i don't really know but i mean there's there's people there's practically children popping out of the windows i mean there's just so many people on we see look at all the fruit stands the food stands on the street it is a public market on the street up and down this is what city life used to be like you just walk down the street and get fruit along the street they didn't have the supermarkets back then this farmers would just go up and park and there they are just going up and down and just yeah all right but then oh here's another one it's another you see children and people on bicycles and just basic this looks like a populated city about what you would expect people walking up and down on any given day morning afternoon evening casually all right but then oh here's another one i'm just showing you you know some cities the way they should be 1800s here a lot of people walking up and down the street makes a lot of sense um what it should be but then we go to more empty cities and we have these panoramas now i will point out that one of the big criticisms with these photos i used to be a professional photographer so i totally get it i used to really love when digital first came out i used to really be into the long exposure where i would even in the daylight you know you set the aperture and everything and you you can get these long exposures and people would look like ghosts you know they wouldn't they would kind of bleed out a little bit so i know what people are talking about when they're saying that that's what's happening here you do see you can look here you can see like you know looks like there's a little bit of people here and there but for the most part in these panoramas it is empty it's empty you should even be seeing the blurs like here's a little bit of a blur right here you can see and there's a wagon going by right there or a carriage um again you just go city after city and like this bridge is empty like these photographers are coming in here is in a Moscow in Russia just empty you can even see the market right here there's nobody at the market um now here in this picture again very empty you can see if you look you can see some streaks here so long exposure there are some carriages being spoken of or are accounted for but there's only a couple it's it's very very empty this one has a little bit more people but let's look at empty paris real quick yeah i mean you should be if this is a long exposure you're gonna you will see someone you're gonna see a little bit of that ghostly behavior but um this isn't this is not what paris looks like i mean paris is bustling it could be even shoulder to shoulder there's just so many people everywhere i have i can speak up for this here again and you see one catch but all this is empty all this is empty i think there's a little bit of the bleed over here and it looks like there's a person right here like a ghost you can see a ghost right here a person did move um here's another one so you could see right here there's a ghost here here here there are some people there are some people i think there might be one a person moved this one here i purposely put this one in you could you could totally see there's people you see all that that's what you should be seeing with the long exposure you see see that all the time you should just this is probably like like several people moving around maybe a little markets right there and um you know more of it more empty streets oh this one really tripped me out like this one is like no no this is like the busiest intersection i my wife will remember the scariest i think moment of driving anywhere in all of europe was driving around this arc it was like i got around that thing and i'm like how in the world did i not get in an accident i should have got in and probably 12 accidents and i don't know how there's not accidents all day long is the scariest uh traffic circle i have ever driven around in my entire life in fact i don't think i ever want to drive that again i'd rather lock it all right so you guys get the picture you guys have seen the research you've seen the the the claims that there appear to have been some point in the 1800s just these massive empty cities well uh let's just get past all these pictures there's so many of them and these i'm still in in paris okay uh of course this is a Versailles this is easy to explain i've been to Versailles all they have to do is you just have to be the first person through the ticket booth in the morning just run out there and you can get the gardens by yourself so that's not a big not a big deal but all right let's talk about the abandoned cities of Bichon now i have it in my in the store oh man i didn't bring i wanted to hold it up for you guys we actually sell this this is a edition that uh Rebecca edited it's a there's just gyms all through this book and this guy a reverend he sent over there in the 1800s to uh just to scout off the lay of the land now i know what a lot of you are thinking i went down the whole route myself that you know Israel isn't the real historical Israel and you know and the freemasons and the Mormons and you know all that kind of stuff and they just went there and they made it up actually i'm looking at from a very very different perspective now we have the mud flood we have the end of the kingdom and of course Israel was forsaken through that time it was a wilderness a wasteland that's prophesied and um it's interesting that you know there was some sort of consciousness in the 1800s where people were coming out on the other end and they're like we need they had their history books which talked about how there was endless wars there and the Muslims were there in the crusaders and it's like well why didn't they build up cities where's the cities there was nothing there guys it was just wasteland there was nothing there so were they going and bleeding in the sand like why were they there and what i'm saying is that they have these probably fictional history and they're now coming into this going oh we need to we need to go claim the land there was nobody there to claim it nobody well this is what he says he says the ancient cities and even the villages of western palisite have been almost annihilated with the exception of Jerusalem he brought on and two or three others now i've given to my research showing even prophecies that Jerusalem would be rebuilt after 788 i've shown that it's in books ancient books believe it or don't i do and uh that Hadrian did rebuild it that's the city we see today it was rebuilt so when when the mud flood happens and everybody woke up and came on the other end the inheritors came in and stuff like that yes Jerusalem was sitting there like a flea market in the desert in some cases we can scarcely discover the exact spot where a notice that he stood so complete has been the desolation even in Jerusalem itself only very few vestiges of the ancient buildings remain so he's saying he's he's going and scouting the whole land of Israel is that guys it is just there's nothing there like it has been completely now since that time you know there there has been magnificent finds Nineveh Jericho that kind of stuff he's saying this time the Jericho has disappeared he says it right here but let's keep reading the state of Bishan i showed you on the map where it is is what Menesha got the state of Bishan is totally different it is literally crowded with towns and large villages but it gets really trippy and though the vast majority of them are deserted they are not ruined say what i have more than once entered a deserted city in the evening taken possession of a comfortable house and spent the night in peace many of the houses in ancient cities of Bishan are perfect as if only furnished yesterday what oh finished i'm not sorry not furnished but finished finished yesterday the walls are sound the roofs unbroken the doors and even the window shutters in their places now this guy doesn't know what to make of this he goes on account after account after account after account of going through all these abandoned cities just completely abandoned and and he's in his mind going oh aug built these now maybe he did maybe he did but he's like aug built these he built them so good that they lasted thousands of years but nobody's inhabiting them but here is we have a record in writing the guy is for whatever is this and it's scrubbed a lot of the other stuff did we have for whatever reason this one broke through and we have a guy stating that he saw a city after city abandoned so let's see more of what he says the houses of Bishan are not ordinary houses their walls are from five to eight feet thick built of large squared blocks of assault the roofs are formed of slabs of the same material hewn like planks and reaching from wall to wall the very doors and window shutters are of stone hung from pivots project projecting above and below some of these ancient cities have from two to 500 houses still perfect up to 500 houses just sitting there perfect perfect as if they were lived in yesterday but nobody lives there now but not a man to dwell in them on one occasion from the battlements of the castle of Selka I counted some 30 towns and villages dotting the surface of the vast plain many of them almost as perfect as when they were built and yet for more than five centuries there is not been a single inhabitant in one of them well that's kind of interesting because you guys know my timeline right that the little kingdom came to an end around 1500ish and this is about 450 years later um I'm mentioning uh 350 years I guess excuse me but he's asking me about five centuries of god by some leads they've just so something happened people vanished they got up and left um so here's a story here now I have lack of time so I'm going to try to skim through this you guys know how it is at the end of every episode uh this he he's goes into he has a Arabian tour guide uh and he's asking he's pulling up he's tired he's like a house is there a house here and the guy says there's hundreds of them this is the town of Barak hundreds of houses just go pick one out go sleeping whatever you want go take the palace no one's living there uh the house the house seemed to have undergone little change from the time its old master had left it the walls were perfectly only five feet thick built of large blocks of human stone without lime or cement of any kind the roof is formed of large slabs of the same black basalt lying is regularly enjoying it as closely as if the workman had only just completed them they measured 12 feet of length 18 inches in breath and six inches in thickness he's amazed because he he's already coming out this is guy coming out saying how did they build this how in the world who built this thing and he's just he's just guessing well it must have been odd it must have been the giant maybe again maybe it was maybe it lasted thousands and thousands of years but this could be the inhabitants the different type of inhabitants right for whatever reason there was a judgment event maybe many of these cities were destroyed but others just got up and left and the houses remain and it gets even more interesting in another city of a bath and an air now this in this book guys if you guys go get the book he goes on and on and on the descriptions it's really fascinating he said a wide street lay before us the pavement perfect the houses on each side of this wide perfect road standing streets and lanes branching off to the right and left there was something inexpressively mournful and riding along that silent street and looking in through half open doors to one after another those desolate houses with the ranked grass and weeds in their courts and the brambles growing in festoons over the doorways and branches of trees shooting through the gaping rents in the old walls the ring of our horses feet on the pavement awakened the echoes of the city and the startled many estranged tenant he talks about the foxes and the owls and that kind of stuff now i live in the american south uh and it's very common here to drive down you know farm roads you just see abandoned houses the thing is though they're everywhere the thing is about these abandoned houses is they're not built very well and they the roof the roofs will collapse in and the windows are broken and it's just the the floors fall in and the weeds right the weeds grow up really quickly the vines it takes over very very quickly um not so here he's talking about the the the the ceilings the roof everything is still perfect you could just move into these so this isn't like modern construction this is old world construction that he is noticing here now something happened since he wrote this because i was trying to look in for photographs of proof of those you can't find it at least if if they're out there i haven't seen them so it appears to me like maybe the rewards something that happened that someone came in total while it's just like the world bears right someone came in and destroyed all this but he was there as a witness to see this he says one of the houses in which i rested for a time might almost be turned a palace he just walked into a town and he took a palace it's like yeah no one's like i'll take it he didn't decide to live there i would be like yeah does that have a pool in the back i'll live here shoot i live here a spacious gateway with massive folding doors of stone the massive front doors they were stone like like you know the kind of you kind of maybe open up they open from the street into a larger court on the left was a square tower some 40 feet in height round the court and opening into it where the apartments all in perfect preservation and yet the place does not seem to have been inhabited for centuries i did not see a solitary trace this is really interesting i did not see a solitary trace of Muhammadan occupation why is that important because i thought the crusades happen i thought uh islam the muhammadans were there um and they're not he was like this is crazy i'm just going through these cities no but not even the islamis we have the christians the crusaders and everything fighting over this nobody wants it it's just free for gr-- it's just free for all just grabs so that it has probably been uh deserted for at least a thousand years that's an interesting terminology he says there probably a thousand years of deserting uh he even talks about how in this one city 34 ecclesiastical cities of arabia were were whose bishops were in the fifth century suffragins of the prime of bostra so he's going into these places where uh he says on record were heavily christian there were churches all the stuff and um they're all gone don't know where they went to but they're just gone no explanation just ghost town with no explanation this is also a very old town unless at one time have contained at least 20 000 inhabitants but then he comets though now it has scarcely 20 families so remember all those pictures i'll show you a paris you know london different places again you're seeing the same thing it should have room for hundreds and hundreds millions of inhabitants and you see a fraction of that just kind of wandering around right he's seeing the same thing here you see this in real time having entered we proceeded along a willpave street okay and he goes on talking about that let's jump to this here's another town called keneth and he says there are no traces of any lincoln mohammeden occupation for there is not a single mosque in the whole town you're like wait what and this is of course in in in syria and i thought they were everywhere right why did they never think to build a mosque there that that raises some eyebrows uh he says um we had noticed a singular round tower and some heavy fragments of walls the glenn appears to have been instantly laid out as a park or pleasure ground we found terrace walks and little fountains now dry and pedestals for statues a miniature temple and a rustic opera whose benches are cubed in the side of the cliff uh this actually reminds me of uh in the magicians nephew when digory and jill they go into that tartarian city that's all abandoned and they see the dry fountains and all this stuff seeing the same thing uh he says he says that there's remains of a castle or palace moving on uh he says but never before had i looked on a scene which nature and art and destruction had so combined to adorn from akuna lot we saw two large deserted villages higher up on the mountains any large deserted town below on the borders of plane everywhere he's going just deserted deserted deserted deserted the other town and uh this is also bachan su suida we visited a krentian peristale roman gateway at the university street nearly a mile in length and paved throughout the ruins of a temple of the age of tragan uh this one he's talking about more roman ruins in this town the remains of a very large church within whose crumbly walls is the modern christian bearing ground a mosque the roof of which was once supported on marble columns doubtless riffled from an old church or a still old boulder temple then we inspected the ruins of a fountain of an opera and of a large theater and we saw two immense reservoirs instantly supplied by aqueducts which brought water from the neighboring mountains now i can look up and find this information i could find this i could i could find where the old roman ruins are they will show you this but i cannot for the life of me find where these cities where they were just abandoned they were just ancient cities i can't find any record on that anywhere else other than in this guy's writing we walked on after our little guide winding among vast heaps of ruins okay so this is in the the ruined town there uh let's keep breathing basra uh he says in basra he says some of the buildings i saw there would grace the proudest capital of modern europe and you almost get the the feeling that yeah that whatever happened maybe maybe there was a big war there the god mcgog type war uh that happens there uh and he even comments the thing about basan is that it's at the cross-war roads of the east and the west of a seria seria babylon if you even go china whatever across your fredi he's coming into isra or wherever it's right there and this is this is where the wars would happen so maybe there was a big destruction event we don't really know but he's saying he's saying this amazing architecture that would surpass even what you see in europe and this is the 1800s you know like you got to be kidding me because think about how much they've destroyed in europe even since the 1800s deserted cities we had not gone more than four miles from basra when an alarm was raised the people of basra had told us and we had known ourselves that though the country on our proposal route is thickly studded with towns and villages yet not a single human being dwells in them in town of selka it has been long deserted and yet as nearly as i could estimate 500 of its houses are still standing and from three to four hundred families might settle in it at any moment without laying a stone or expanding an hour's labor on repair so he's saying that these houses are like just brand new just move right in nobody's there to move in no less than 11 of the old cities which i saw from selka lying between basra and bith gamel were visited by mr gram the ramparts their houses their streets their gates and doors are nearly all perfect and yet they are desolate without man he can't figure this out now these are just the 11 cities from the place selka and somewhere else uh but between basra but before there were other cities there were dozens we're talking dozens of cities that he saw and he can't put it together and i think that in those photos we don't know it was going through those people's minds people were probably walking through the streets those photographers they might have been the same thought like how in the world do we have these cities and there's nobody here and they're just photographing it they can't even put it together nobody's figuring this out or that if they did uh we don't know because those writings did not survive he says here in this town of karaoth its pavement in many places were perfect what does it say in arghob most of them contained a few families of juices but not one tenth of the habitable houses in them are inhabiting at netron whose massive black walls and heavy square towers rise up lonely and desolate from the midst of the water so rocks the town has still a comparatively large population that is that there are probably a hundred families a settled in the old houses was cover space more than two miles in circumference so here he's talking about a town that's two miles wide but there's a hundred families in it so i think he's saying like that's the most he saw like on his whole journey there was this one town with a hundred families in it and that impressed him um all right well that's it for tonight and i'm thinking i'm i'm gonna i kind of that's kind of a preview maybe maybe i'll make a independent investigative paper on that maybe i could dig up photographs if anyone out there is still listening and you um if you can find some photos on baschan from the 1800s and if you could find evidence of the cities i would love to find it i was able to find some of the ruins he talked about yes they will show you those they will show you the ruins but nothing perfectly preserved um okay and i forgot to mention at the beginning of this video i feel i feel terrible for doing uh for missing it is guys we're coming up on the end of the month that is the 26th of july um yah has always provided i'm not worried he's going to provide uh but please if yah puts on your heart please go and check out to see where we are with the ministering widows fun we have by the time we get to next sabbath it'll be a new month if we can make our goals this month anything above that is going to go to pamela pamela is translating to paleo she needs her help she needs financial help um and i want to be there for her um i have been hoping that uh some individuals will come to me and say no we want to put this burden on us to take we want to as a ministry lift her up and take care of her right i don't want to just throw her at you guys say okay now you guys take care of her we need to come to that decision as a collective community and i want to hear it from you guys um and i haven't yet but last month you guys really poured out your heart and she got a really nice package deal so uh anything again we meet our goals this month we're coming up we got less than a week running out of time we meet our goals anything above that hand off the pamela and i love her i love all that she's done for us all these translations she has so much more coming i can't wait the next study we're going to do after Deuteronomy is song of songs looking forward to that out of the payload here Hebrew of course everyone have a restful sabbath enjoy your sabbath day read pray the spend time with your families eat good food we'll do this again next week love you guys thank you for being here with me [ Silence ]