Smile High Morning Show

Mon. July 29: Weekend Recap, Last Baseball Tournament Of The Summer, Team USA Puts On A Clinic Vs. Serbia

Weekend Recap, Last Baseball Tournament Of The Summer, Team USA Puts On A Clinic Vs. Serbia

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29 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) ♪ Oh ♪ ♪ Oh ♪ ♪ I'm on ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ My car's got your soul ♪ ♪ That's what I guess you're gonna know ♪ ♪ As I said, it's all we do ♪ ♪ Baby, now I got the flow ♪ ♪ 'Cause I know it from the start ♪ ♪ Baby when you're blocked my heart ♪ ♪ That I had a dog my day ♪ ♪ I'm sure that I'd win it ♪ ♪ You'll love someone ♪ ♪ All those times I say that I love you ♪ ♪ You'll love someone ♪ ♪ 'Cause I try, 'cause I try ♪ ♪ You'll love someone ♪ ♪ Even though you know I died for you ♪ ♪ Denver, Colorado ♪ - Team USA! - USA! It's a mayhem Monday. We're doing it to it. Williams is still in Florida, guys. So we're gonna have a ton of fun today. Just talking and walking and squawking. Get in on the action on this. What does he do on Mondays? What's it called? It's like-- ♪ Aftermath Monday ♪ ♪ Audition ♪ - Hahaha, not the program! - Yeah! - Man! - Oh my goodness gracious! - What do you think you are? ♪ What did you do, baby ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Finally the rock has come ♪ - Whoa! ♪ Last time I got my soul ♪ - Hey, we're live! We're local. We're here. Coach G. From the LLC representing in the 303, it's me. And my guy A.B., he runs the show. - I run the show. - The Olympics. ♪ We're a new baby ♪ - Yeah. - The Olympics have begun. And I tell you what. I have watched a lot of it, and I've watched a little of it. I don't know how to explain that other than-- - How confusing. - I like the multi-screen thing, you know? I got the YouTube TV, the Uptub. And so, and I think I got that so I could watch the NFL games, right? 'Cause I got hosed into that. But then that meant I couldn't watch nuggets in half. Oh, this game's global warming. For the fourth consecutive year, I couldn't watch Avalanche. Nuggets games. Thanks, Stan! - No way to go. Hope you're happy. - And then I bought into the Rockies. So anyway, I got all these extra gimmicks and gigs. But yeah, the Uptub TV does the cool thing where you just like multi-boxes and all that. So I kind of had like Olympics on and then like three different sports just in the background making noise. - Wow, you were like quad box in it. - I was quad box in the little ping-pong, right? Little men's field hockey. That's right men wear those field hockey skirts too. I had just learned that myself as well. - Is that a kill? - We were surprised to see that the fellas were out there. Had a sweet party for the All-Stars at the Gershaus. All-Star season ended just a little bit sooner than we would have liked. We didn't quite make it to that championship game on Saturday. Of the four games we played, we had a lead and all four of them in the third inning or later. Only was able to pull off the victory in one of them. Man, oh man, I tell you what, including our fun- - Oh boy! - Yeah, you know. I wish I could have been out there with those boys but I just got to stand. I don't even get to go in the diamond unless I'm like having a team meeting. - I can't cross those white lines. - I tell you what, some of those boys crossed me a little bit on Thursday and by the end of Thursday night I gave them the brimstone and the fire. I gave them the business on Thursday night. - They crossed you on Thursday? - They crossed me, they crossed the line that was unacceptable. - Wow. - And so, you know, I like to keep that glass half full, pretty much every chance I get. But the glass had been poured out, emptied and smashed by a bunch of crybaby kids. And so I just let them have it. - There you go. - I laid into them, I lit into them. Now I know what Coach Augie Gerrito feels like minus all the cursing. - Whoa. - Yeah, I had to chew on a couple F bombs. I didn't give them out there to the boys. I did grab a baseball and chuck it about 200 feet, it seemed like. Maybe it was 100 feet. Just hit them with the disappointment too. I tell you what, when my old man, you know, when he was mad at me, that's all right. We would get over it. When my old man told me he was disappointed in me, whoo. Man, that sucker cuts deep. So I had to lay into him and then I had to go get that ball back that I threw. And then I hit him with some of that. Your parents didn't come here and your grandparents didn't come here. And then anyone that represents the name on the back of your jersey didn't come here tonight to see you cry and act like a baby when things don't go your way. They came here to see you overcome adversity. - There's no crying in baseball. - Baseball is adversity, almost more than any other sport. Can we agree on that? It's how you deal with failure. That's baseball for you. - Baseball and adversity could be synonyms, you know? Honestly, you could just be like, wow, the traffic and the location view of this is very baseball. It's very adverse. It's gonna be tough to overcome. My point is you gotta toughen up. There is no crying in baseball. And you can't cry your way out of a slump. You can't cry your way to a victory. You can't hang your head and slouch your shoulders and slump around. - Can't cry your way out of an 0 for 22. - So I lit him up. - Good for you. - I did. - Good for you, bud. - Good for you, coach. - And then I asked coach Nathan afterwards. We were having a couple Mexican sodas with Senior Adolfo. And I said, did I hit him too hard? Did I lay him to him too hard, coach? And he said, I think you gave him just the right amount. And he said, you got your point across. And then we woke up in the morning and we slapped around that Kansas team, 17-4. And we went and had some fun for a little bit. We came back and we played the best game of the tournament. But we lost two to one. Two to one. Six innings. - That's a good baseball game, though. - It was beautiful. They pitched one kid six innings. He was a little dude like George's size junk baller. We pitched two kids. There was a weird call. George was on first base tying run. In the fifth inning, two outs. Foul ball goes to the first base dugout. No one catches it. Catcher was probably closest. Pitcher was second closest. And first baseman was third closest. First baseman ran George over looking at the ball. George was looking at the ball. - Yeah, was he on the base? - Nope. He had taken a lead. - Oh, okay. - Right. And then he came back, got run over and they called runner interference. They used very little discretion on that. They told me that they thought the first baseman could have caught that ball. And I tried my best. I kept my cool. - But George didn't do anything wrong. He didn't go out of the baseline or anything. - Nope. - To obstruct the first baseman. - He did nothing wrong. The wrong that was done was the run by the officials and the commissioner with his chew spit all over his lip coming out there. - Oh, yeah. - But there, but there, but there. Of course these reps made the right call. Get out of here with that. You dummies, you used judgment and used discretion and you used it poorly. They took the bat out of the kids hands. They took the runner off the base and they sent us in three outs to end the inning. - Horse. You know what? - That was manure. Put that in your fertilizer. So, but I tell you what, that's the end of the baseball season. And already fall balls like knocking on the door. I was like, how do we do it for fall ball? When's our tryouts? We're going to do it in double headers. We're going to do it in double headers. We're going to do it in double headers. - Chill, bro. - Chill, bro. - Can a brother mold alone? - Chill, bro. - Can a brother go to mass on a Sunday before I got to answer all these tweets and texts? I think we got to have a tryout, man. People want to be on the A's. People want to be on the A's. - Damn. Yeah. - I don't blame them. I like the way we do things around here. And you know what we're going to go for? Check this out. We're going European fall ball. What do you think I mean by that? I'll let you have first guess, Becker. - Oh, boy. - Well, let's talk about the NBA for a second. Can you name any American who have won an NBA MVP in the last five years? - No. - No. - You can't. - Because you can't because they haven't. So why do Europeans keep winning NBA MVPs? What do they do differently in Europe that we don't do here in America? - That's a good question. That's a good question. - They do six practices for every game. We do six games for every practice here in America. - You guys are game guys only. - Well, the AAU, the club level, all this club crap has taken practices off the books and made it just games, games, games, games, games. And I think what we're going to do for fall ball, we're going to have a European fall. We're going to do two tournaments. We're going to set up four high level scrimmages on our main field. We're going to get our 12 games in, but we're going to have like six practices before we even do our tournament. And then six more practices on that tournament. - Got this figured out, sounds like. - I'm going, I'm zigging. Everyone else is zagging. I'm zigging. But you know what? This is what the people want. This is what the people want. And if you give the people what they want, they'll give you something in return called their time, their effort. They'll contribute, you know, good services. We got a dad, we've just brought on to this all star squad. Chad? You guys an animal, okay? First of all, he's in there in a batting cage just helping the kids, right? Boom, boom, boom. Don't even got to ask. He's buying a little couple extra equipment here. You need a little helmet, you need a little something for the kids to put their helmets in. You know what? I do need a little something for my kids to put their helmets on. And then when the game comes on, Chad, this dude is so sick. He got the camera with the long lens. And when these tournaments are over, we get like 400 photos, super crisp. Just like the greatest gift we could have asked for. I'm just telling you. This guy is a winner. This thing is turning out great. Yeah, Chad knows. Chad mode. We got to get a try out though. The tough part about tryouts, you got to cut kids. But the nice thing about tryouts is you get to really get to kind of even out the edges there and maybe add a pitcher. We're kind of short on pitchers. Kids that want to join this team that can't pitch or haven't pitched yet might not get to make the squad. I don't know. I thought I was going to take a break from baseball. I can't do it. Can't do it. Cannot do it. It was nice to have a care to and then check this. So the championship game happens. The team we lost to. Oh man, in the first game, three to three tie. Top of the fifth inning. No. Bottom of the fifth inning. We're the home team. We got the runner on second base. There's two outs. My third hitter is up. Sweet hitter. And the dude on second tries to steal third. Coach didn't give him the sign. You know how I know coach didn't give him the sign. I am. I'm the coach. And I didn't give him the sign. Went on his own, huh? Yeah. And it was the third out. That's a tough place to get the third out. A third base. First or third out. A third cardinal rule in baseball. Yeah. Yeah. Shoot. Anyway, I love that kid to death. So I'm not mad at him, but I think we all learned a valuable lesson that day. That you seem to have known for quite some time. We cannot be getting the third out of third base. Yeah. A single to the outfield. We would have taken the lead. Yeah. We would have brought in senior smoke. You'd have closed the deal. Bam, bam, bam. Uno dos tres. And the team that ended up winning regionals would have lost to us. In the first game. This regionals game, bro. It went to seven innings. It looked like Denver Red was going to lose it three different ways to Sunday. They had bases loaded. No outs there on defense. The Red Denver. They went boom home. Got an out for cell boom home. Got an out for cell boom diving catch and center field. Got out of it. Got out of it. Unscathed. Unscathed. Score to run in the top of the seventh. Now they're up one. Three outs away from the championship. Somehow runners get on second and third. I think there was a walk in there and a hit. And then a throw back to the pitcher. Got away. I don't know what happened. The pitcher either he big timed it or he just didn't see it. Skipped past his glove. Tying run comes into score. Red team's a little flustered at this point. Two pitches later. Past ball. Mineral. Missouri. The mineral area team from Missouri is crowned the champions on a past ball to the pitcher and then a past ball from the pitcher. You pull it. Oh my goodness gracious. Wow. It was at the guy from Major League two. The catcher throwing back the ball. Right. He's got to think about Playboy magazines and then you'll be fine. Yeah. And part of me is torn. You know part of me wanted Denver to win and represent and part of me wanted Denver to lose because there are rivals. And like I don't know. It's that would be like seeing the you know I don't. I kind of wanted them to win it all and I kind of. I don't know. Is that weird of me to want them to lose? No. I probably should be saying this in the commercial. You lose. Good day guys. You stole visiting drinks. You stole Kyle Gates from me. Man. I got to steal a player or two back from them. What do you think? Last year I lent them one of my best player and they just yanked them. They took them forever. But there's a couple kids. I think on that squad that wouldn't mind wearing that purple and black of the south side days. South side Sundays when we got them black pants on and we're taking pictures with trophies. Get them a new uni. We'll change the scenery. I think it's my time to steal a guy from him. They got this lefty picture. I got my eye on. Whoa. And this little little athletic boy named L.J. he can drop bombs. Let's see. Maybe I'll get him over to the squad. Anyway, the crazy thing is if we keep 13, that's too many. We keep 11. That's not enough. I pretty much already have eight or nine. So I'd be doing a tryout for like three spots. I don't know. Thus is the life of a coach to kill you out of it though. The whole thing, right? Did you hear about that? I got a bottle of tequila. It's that thank you coach G. It was in a nice brown bag. And I was from my guy Dylan. Senior smoke. He's the man. And it was a little centenario too. I'm moving in. Hey, hey, hey. Once I hit your lips, I become Frank the tank when I get that centenario going. All is forgiven now. Let's let's take a break. That's it for Little League Baseball. But don't worry. When Danny comes back tomorrow, I'm sure we'll hear about all the times he beat. TBA. Oh, TBD. TBD. He never beat TBA. Just TBD. We still don't know who he beat. You know. Or if they were even a real thing. So too to be determined. He's in Highlands Ranch right now, isn't he? He isn't even in Florida. It's TBD. He's just making up stuff. To be determined. Trade deadlines coming up. Man, Randy Arosarina got traded. I kind of blew my mind. Now I'm really happy I got that. He sat in the stands. In Randy Land, they call it. Really? He went up to Randy. He got traded. He just took in the game as a fan. Like to say thank you. I love that guy so much. And talk about the Tampa Bay Rays. They almost always trade their guy at the right time. They're the exact opposite of the Colorado Rockies. And even if you think about the Aaronado trade, sure they traded their franchise player of the decade. But they didn't trade him at the right time. They barely got anything for him if you think about it. Whereas the Rays, they always make the right trade. What they made to get Arosarina was the perfect time to get them. The trade they made to get rid of Arosarina was the perfect time to get rid of them. I don't know what they're doing down there in Tampa. They traded a Peritas. Peritas yesterday. They didn't all start last year. But they're brilliant. They have to. They understand how it works. Whereas the Rockies, they would never consider doing that. And believe me, I want that polar bear so bad here. I want Peter Lanzo so bad here. Why can't we just get him over here? What do we got to do to get Peter Lanzo here to just drop bombs? A whole lot. When's the last time we had a dude here that just sends it? It's been a while. I don't know. I mean, cargo? Cargo or Nolan? Nolan? Nolan was hitting 40 a year, so he's a bopper, you could say. Yeah, no power though, right now. Man, power outage. I know a guy who works in the Cardinals organization. They might be second-guessing that errand on a trade they made, even with the 50 mil we gave them. I get the NFL. But what do I know? Who do I know? I'm just a little decudge. Just a radio show host. I'm just an appraiser. Just a world's greatest. Alright, let's get back to it on the other side. Let's take a little commercial break and we'll be right back to some more Smile High Morning Show. I hope you can accept the fact that I'm falling in your hand. The directions to the party that's just started with that cover band. At old school radio station, let's just drive until it's faded. Girl, let's lose it tonight. Cause when you do that, they're right there flipping your hair, baby, I swear. Yeah, we're back. We're better than ever. You know Williams isn't in the building cause we're playing country music and we like all music here and Danny likes music from the 80s, the 90s and the 2000s and that's about it. And then he likes Hot Chicks. He likes music from Hot Chicks too. You know that, right? He gets hard. He's going to pour down with Uleepa and all that stands do Uleepa for sure. Yeah, he's all in on that stuff. But then you give him some Morgan Wallen. You know, there's going to be Hot Chicks at the concert like for for everyone, dude. Just in denial. I'm not feeling it. I couldn't believe that. Olympics are up and running here. Are there any sports that you weren't think you were going to be interested in? And then you kind of couldn't change the channel. I mean, for me, like I do love watching that table tennis. That's kind of wild. You know, in my Twitter or whatever, like the algorithm or logarithm is like when I click on one, then it shows me a bunch later. So I always get to see crazy points and all weird points and stuff like that. But just to see dudes like battling it out for. Yeah, for the dudes battling for the crown is what it's all about. I know last week, guys, we talked about the dynasty, the college football and C double the dynasty. And we got a guy on the hotline. We'll get to him in just a second. Call us up, 303-831-1340 or Texas at that same number. It's the hotline. It's the text line. It's both dudes trying to win dudes trying to bro out dudes trying to beat their buddies. You know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the dynasty. Oh crap. Here we go again. Carlos. Oh no. Guys, last we left off. We were thinking of doing just two conferences. It got voted all the way through. It was going to be the big 10 and the SEC and then professor John Webb came in and said, "Guys." Sounds intelligent. What about no rules? What about no restrictions and no limits? And I'm like, "I'm a no limit soldier." I've been a no limit soldier since the days of when Snoop Dogg left Death Row and went over to no limit for a little bit. And then I was like, "Come on, Snoop, I gotta be." Anyway, I've been no limit since the day one, ride or die. So we are no limit soldiers. And then Carlos put together the draft order. He did it like, you know, they pulled envelopes. Seemed real legit. And the reason I loved the results is because I found out that I, Coach G, from the LLC, represent in the 303, these are all Midwest dudes. I got the number one pick. I am. I already used that one. I found this out as the party was ending. We had an all-stars party at the house. The heat is galore from Marsix. Go check them out. Everyone was sipping on some margos. Kids were having fun. Lightning was striking. Little League was playing in the backyard. I mean, it was Whiffle Ball City at South Olive Way there. And then I checked my phone and I found out that I got the number one overall pick. And it came with a stipulation this year. Every draft pick needs to be accompanied with a video. So I thought it made total sense for me to pop open the hot tub, throw on the old stars and stripes, speedo, get that bottle of scent scenario that was given to me by the young man and make a video. Obviously, you don't get to see the video, but we have done a little magic with audio and the world's finest producer Alex Becker put together a little something I want you to hear. I'm a great coach. The way you know that is that the kids that give me gifts, they give me bottles of tequila and say thank you, Coach G. That's me showing them the half-drink bottle of tequila. The first pick in the draft. Now I take a swig right here of it. I'm going with the official school of Coach Prime in America. I'm going with America's team, Florida State. Take that from that. And then I get out of the water and I start doing pelvic thrusts right into the camera. You know, a couple of my buddies have showed that video to their wives and I've gotten some comments back on, you know, what's going on below the belly button. Guys, that video wasn't for your wives. From the wife's had some stuff to say about that, huh? I got two buddies that would just happen to be watching that video with their wives next to them. And I think my other buddy Carlos was on a walk with a buddy of mine. I went to high school and he's like, that's Jeff Gersh. And I'm like, and I'm like, that's Speedo anywhere. You're damn right it is. So think about that. I had them on the hook. They thought I was going to go with Coach Prime, right? The official school of Coach Prime and maybe that's what I thought. When you sent the video over, I watched it and I was like, okay, if he's going to Colorado and then I, and then you said Florida State at the end, I was like, whoa, do you like that or no? I think I like ACC. I can win that thing. No problem. Like why? You had the number one pick. Why Florida State? I will. First of all, I did a Georgia Bama, Georgia Bama, Michigan. We kind of mentioned where you can pick them if you want. We'll see who does. I bet someone will. I didn't really, you know, I'm not that great at the game, so I don't need to be playing my games up, up and down that SEC schedule. I don't need the big 10. It's the big 10. It's division one football. Go play in your meals, brother. I don't know. I think I'd liked it. Oh, their defense was filthy. Then I played a home game with them in the chit, you know, oh, oh, oh, and the seminal and the horse and the flames and the, oh, and now I think I got to buy a coach prime Deon Sanders, like for a state shirt. But anyway, that's my latest and greatest update for the state is off the board. And I'm pleased with my pick. I think we can do this DJ Oh, you go lately, you go lately. Oh, he transferred there. I think so. Again. Wow. That Clemson and then he was at Oregon State last year. He was at Oregon State and then Clemson, I think. Or was it vice versa? He started at Clemson, because he was right after Trevor Lawrence, right, and then transferred to Oregon State. Beat the buffs last year. Nice. They got a nice defense there in Tallahassee. I don't know what came over me. I could have taken Georgia, right? Jeff with the G Georgia with the G would have been made total sense. I'd say they're for sure the best team in the ACC, so you got an easy conference schedule and maybe besides Clemson. Yep. And then we'll put a couple teams on there. We'll put some of our user user games on there and then the second pick in the draft goes to Carlos. The guy running it all. He didn't make as entertaining of a video as I did. No speedos, you know, no tequila. No leave your guests and edge of your seat stuff, but guess who Carlos went with? He went with the official school of coach prime, the University of Colorado. Damn. Carlos. Second school taken off. Big 12. I like it. So there you have it. I'll keep you guys up to date on this. Eric Page, the evil media is next. And then Mike Strom, one of Kansas City's finest will be making his pick fourth and then followed up by Professor Webb. Who are these guys? Old buddies? Dr. Green. Yeah. College buddies. Oh, we did this back in the day. That's awesome. Like six out of 10 of these dudes. We've had a league 15 years ago. That's awesome. Yeah. That's pretty cool. Yeah. So I know you guys want to talk about sports that don't matter like the WNBA or Olympics. But I like talking about other things that don't matter like video games. Anyway, that's enough of that. Let's go out to the hotline. We've got a mayhem icon on the line. It's the Juan. It's the only it's it. It's Juan. Hey, Juan. How are you, buddy? Hey, I missed you. I'm just being honest. I'm shooting you straight. We were starting to think maybe you were dead dead dead dead. Oh, yeah, no, it'll be a hundred and five. I believe that. I believe that. And that's because you're drinking all that apple cider vinegar. Because that's just Ray Ray and stop it. Broncos training camp is open to the public. It's open to the media, closed for guys like me and Danny and Becker not open for us. Are you going to make a trip to Dove Valley? You got to like go online and get a ticket? Are you going to make a trip and go see those fellas in the orange and blue in person? I was going to, but then it I felt the heat the other day and I was like, well, he's dude, man. Oh, I'm sorry. I come together. Oh, no. Here. Yeah. Hey, guess what? We're going to count backwards from six four and five or three, two, all right, we're back and we're back. Hey, sorry about that. If you were driving through a tunnel there, a little technical difficulties. What were you saying there one? It sounded like it was clean. It's too hot out there. It's freaking hot out there, dude. It was freaking hot out there. No, it's been crazy. Why would you want to see us? I can't do this play football like I did it. Dude, I did it when I was younger and it was okay with my son. Enjoyed it, but it's too hot. And they don't really have it's kind of annoying. It's annoying, dude, how hot it is. It's kind of one of those things where and they don't really have shade for you. Nope. You got the cool thing where you sit on the hill. I like that. It's you. Yeah, but, but if you, yeah, you got to bring your own shade, but I don't think they want you bringing umbrellas and stuff because that blocks other people's view. Do they allow them in Becker? I don't think so. I don't think they want you to sit behind some umbrella guy. Can't see squat. And then if someone's large, they roll down the hill, they're taking everybody back. But the cool thing is, I mean, that's you don't get to get that close to the players any other time of your, your life or any other time of the season, typically. So I'm just trying to do the stadium one again. That was cool when they did that. I usually go to that one. Do they have a stadium one this year? Are they doing a script? Sometimes they'll do either a big pop it up in the middle of the camp. Okay. They don't, they don't put it at the beginning of the season. They just will usually say, we're going to have one in the sneaker up after I thought they did. I've never heard it at the beginning, but if they do, I used to go to them once I was on TV to when paint manning was here in the rain, me and my son were in the corner. I said, would they come out? Really? Yeah. We're right. In his video, remember they made a video for him? Even when his stuff was just born. Yeah. It's pretty cool. I've always done myself with my kids. The joint practice with the Packers is sold out guys. Can't do it. The Saturday and Sunday is sold up a Thursday. You can get in Thursday, August 1st. You can get in there. Here's what we should do. Hey, let's go. We'll get four tickets. Juan for Juan. Juan for me. Juan for Danny and Juan for Alex, and we'll go and then we'll just do the show on Skype like, like, he'll does. And even if we start like 16 or 17 minutes late, it's fine. It's fine. I've got a question. What about Westbrook? What do you think was that? I like the Westbrook edition. I like it. I think it's a. I mean, who is the other only other guy you can think of averaging a triple double other than Yokech? It's Westbrook. Right? Or, you know, whoever the dude was back in the day playing for the Kansas City basketball team. Oscar. There you go. It's the big O. The name escaped me. But so my point is that's a guy that can get rebounds, he can get points and he can get assists. Take some pressure off Anthony off the Gordon right a little bit, right? I think there was a lot of pressure put on Aaron Gordon last year. Yep. And I think I'm not exactly sure, you know, Dario Sarich is going to take that pressure off of him as much as people might think. But I do think one of the things Russell Westbrook will take the pressure off of AG for is just being a tough guy, like, you know, KCP was tough with his feet and he was tough. He was tough defender. But he didn't kind of have that Pat Bev toughness, you know, that just up in your kitchen. And the thing you know about Russ is like, when the lights are bright and the game is on, he's coming, man. He ain't backing down. There's fight. And there's flight, right? And he's in it. He's in it for the fight. He ain't flighting nobody. So I like that about him. I thought you what was the question one more time? I thought we'd get more stars a little bit. You know what I mean? Some more point guard bigger names, no, there was only so many names available in that point guard position there. So yeah, it's one of those things where, man, I tell you what, I think, I think you're going to like having Russell Westbrook at the end of the first quarter and the start of the second quarter, right, when he's kind of beating up on some bench dudes. And then we'll see. We'll see if Russ is even in the game at the end of the fourth quarter because it's not who starts the game. The two finishes. I love to tell my guys that no matter the sport and then deep down. I mean, I don't see him playing with the first five is that that's fair assessment, right? He's going to be he's going to be man handling that second team with with your kids and them coming in and out. You're right. But it's still good. It's still would be nice to see a predominantly second string point guard, you know what I mean? Something to just kind of handle the ball. Yeah. And I think that that's kind of what you're hoping Russell be. Um, it'll be I mean, you know, he attacks the paint. I like guys that attack the paint. Um, I thought he was a small pole or he's a point guard. Yeah, he's a I mean, he's a I'd call him a point guard. Yeah. He's the closest thing I would call him more of a point guard than Jamal Murray. I've always called Jamal Murray a shooting guard. Um, yeah, that's a shooting guard. He is. He's a shooting guard. The funny thing is in that pick and roll that him and Yokech do, you know, he's the second best point guard in that pick and roll. Yokech is like the second best point guard in the league. I got drew holiday number one and I got Yokech number two. Yeah, he's a point guard, he doesn't handle that ball with magic skills. Yeah. So I think if you can add a magic Johnson, Oscar Robertson, uh, Nicole Yokech type player. That's a Swiss Army knife, even though he's older, I think that's a benefit. I'd rather have Russ than Tyus, right? And you don't have to play that much either. No, I mean, he's not going to them young guys are going to get it. They're like, yeah, we're not going to get this more, this, our money to this guy. No, no, I mean, they're going to try their best, but he's going to give it all and they're going to push each other. Hopefully we get another championship with him. That'd be great. You're sweet today. One anything else before I let you go, just get ready for some breeze, buckles rule, everybody else sucks. Yeah. You're good today. One. Call again soon. All right. Breeze Bronco's rule, everyone else sucks. We're going to go to break classic in classic gersh form. I broke off a 20 something minute first segment. I don't even know what I'm doing out here. I break the rules. I'm just happy to be here. We got a lovely lady on the hotline is it. I think I know who it is. It's the one, the only and we'll get back to it on the other side. Smile. Hi. I never went down to Florida. He was coaching the son little legal. His name is Daniel Williams. He talks too much. Oh, man, is this Charlie Daniels? Yes, it is. Damn. It sure is. Charlie Daniels, man. If you're going to play in Texas, you better have a fiddle in the band. That's what they say. Great call there from Juan minus that first curse word that we had to dump. Sorry about that FCC won't happen again. Let's go back out to the hotline. It's not her's day, but we're taking a call from a lovely lady. Next up, let's go out to the hotline and get a call from Kelly with an E Y. Hey, Kelly. How are you today? Hey, coach. How are you? I'm good. Did you have a fun weekend? I did. I would like to say, though, I'm the mom of the player who stole third base who stole third base would be a loosely used term. I would say got thrown out trying to steal third base. I would just like to defend my son and say he's he's more of a soccer player masquerading as a baseball player. He is a world-class athlete, your son, and we are so blessed to have him. We learned a valuable lesson on that play and hopefully we'll move forward. You know, we didn't dwell on it too much. It was just a little stinger there, but I tell you what, Christopher, that boy, he can pitch, he can field, he can run, he can throw. What's the fifth tool Becker hit for power hit for average hit for power hit for power run field throw? Well, he's got all five. He was sending balls with these dead bats over the outfielders head doing stand-up double dances. So you got a lot to be proud of their UI. I just have a question for you, shoot it. I wanted to know if that video that you made, was it before or after you lost to my son and pig on the rock, the baby shot? That's a great question. Thank you for asking. That was after I lost to your son in pig. I was down P to nothing early. I couldn't get this kid. He's 10 years old. We're playing on a 10 foot hoop. It's gently drizzling. My lights outside are flickering on and off and this kid is a bucket. He's a walking bucket, but you know, Coach G, you met him once or twice, there's no quit in this kid either. So I'm just going to switch city. I'm banking it in. I'm calling shooters touch. And then your boy takes me to the rack with a rock, the baby, because he knows I got that three inch vertical, I can barely jump over a deck of cards. He rocked the baby. So the first time I tried to rock the baby, I slapped the baby and both George and Christopher decided that was an illegal slap. I still got two more chances and I couldn't rock the baby home. I lost P I G to P. So yeah, and then after that, I had one more little sip, a centenario, put my speedo on. If you want to see the video, I'll send it to you, but I'm just telling you, you cannot unsee the video, just keep that in mind. Yeah. I'm good. I'm good. Thank you. Last question for you now. Okay. Big basketball game this weekend between the USA and Serbia reports are out there coming from friends and members of the media that you were pulling for Serbia in that game. You know what? I got a big heart for the Joker. Good. I like that. Are you Serbian? Do you have any Serbian in you or any of that? No, but if I ever had to go to board, I'm going with them. I'm going with the two brothers in the Joker. No doubt, dude. I don't even know their names, but the one the one brother with all the tats. Yeah. I want that guy on my team. Um, yeah, the Serbia USA game. What do you think though? USA? They're going to win this gold medal after seeing that game? Um, yeah, I guess. Oh, that was I'm not too sure. But yeah, I guess so they got a pretty good squad who Canada didn't even have Jamal Murray starting. Does that make them a better team than we even thought? Um, no, but I saw on our team that Jason Tatum didn't get me playing times. He looked pretty sad over there in Halliburton, right? And they were given it to like D white, weren't they? Colorado kid. Okay. All right. You got any tips for coach G on how to become a better, uh, just a better version of myself from what you got to witness over this year, a coach in any tips or you know, anything a moment to work on? Uh, I think you could take up yoga. Oh, dang. I like that. I think that would be good, but I think you're an excellent coach. Oh, thank you. We all love you and you're awesome. Thank you. Well, instead I'm a winner. Fall ball is coming soon. I think we're going to just do a couple. Attorneys, we might take it easy and do some attorneys, some practices and then some high level scrimmages. Is that that going to work out for you in the, uh, best soccer player in the state? Um, well, sometimes as agent, I will be in contact with you, but it sounds good. I appreciate that. We'll put something together for you. It's going to be incentive late and don't you, don't you worry about it. Many asleep over will be built into the contract. Sounds good. All right. Call back any time, Kelly. Thank you so much. Thanks. She's the best. That's Kelly. Hey ladies, see how that goes? You call the show. We all become bros at the end of the call. That's how it goes. You think that's going to be Kelly's last call to the show? No. No, just the first, just the beginning, who's having more fun than us? No buddy. That's who. And we got a text here from our guy at Golden Mark. Nice. Love that guy. He says coach G and Alex Becker to right should break dancing being Olympic event. Mark, what about equestrian or synchronized diving or golf? Even should should break dancing, equestrian, synchronized diving or golf be Olympic sports. Let's go through them one at a time. Golf. Yes. Absolutely. Of course. No brainer, synchronized swimming, synchronized diving, synchronized diving. I would say yes. I would lean towards. Yes. I would say sure. That's like my neck. That's my neck. Um, equestrian. Yes. Yes. I think equestrian is that is like the epitome of an Olympic sport. That's like biathlon or something like cross country ski and shoot some stuff. What's more Olympic than that? Break dancing. That's no, no, no, no, I'd rather see disc golf in there than break dancing disc golf. Um, is sweet. Break dancing. I, you know, wasn't there like rhythmic gymnastics once and like it is weird. How sports just kind of come and go and flag football is going to be there in 28 today. Is that? Sure is. Yep. When they come to LA summer games. Yeah. So that'll, I mean, it is. I actually like that. It's not just set in stone what the sports will be. Um, because it gives us this conversation to kind of get to have fun with. Plus it's like, I'm sure there's plenty of people in the break dancing community that are like over the moon right now from 30 different countries that they get to go bring their cardboard out and kind of pop and lock and have a pop and lockathon and just like do the safety dance, you know, so I think there's something to be said about the athleticism it takes to break dance, but I don't know about it being. I'm not sure you could talk me into that being an Olympic sport. I'm here. I'm open to suggestion, but, um, not really into that one. Me either. Have you been checking in on Chris Marlow at all? He's been calling. Yeah. Beach and indoor or just beach. I feel like think just be I think he's all I've heard. I think he's plenty busy just doing beach. Yeah. Did you see the court set up for that? Like right in front of the Eiffel Tower, just prime. That might be the most unbelievable picture I think I've ever seen. Unbelievable. It's unbelievable what those boys just did. And who's he with? He's with, uh, Misty May Trainer, the legend. Oh my God. Shoot. I remember that duo back in the day with Carrie Walsh. Right. And now she's what? Carrie Walsh Jennings. But yeah. Yeah. It's like true. And Smith and Aaron Kent Stoclos, that'd be the greatest broadcast booth in the history of beach, um, huge beach volleyball fan, by the way, and my wife played a little college volleyball. So take that for data. We, uh, let's see, what else? What are we? This is the part of the show where we ask you what Derek and Bryce did on their show earlier. The Bryce and Derek show. Yeah. Or is it. Oh, it's Bruce and Eric. My. I'm sorry. My bad. Bryce. Oh, he's trying to copy them. Huh? No, that's what Danny does when he doesn't put a run down together, the fourth, fourth and eighth segments. So the last segment of each hour is my segment though, where I, I take over and I come up with topics and then ask them at the time that they poo poo my questions. Wow. Great questions. So those guys are just like, they're just kind of doing about three quarters of the work. Right. And then I do. Yep. So the other, the fourth and eighth, that's all on me. Mm. Okay. I would. Hey, I would never do that to you, but they can, if they would like. Did you see the, the minutes he Oakage played yesterday versus one, the on and off court? No, for Serbia. Well, he played 31 out of the 40 minutes. They were even with the USA in those 31 minutes and the nine minutes he was off the court. They got out scored by 26. Wow. Does that sound familiar to you? That sounds like Denver basketball. That sounds like that. In a nutshell. Yeah. On Yokoch minutes. No, and, and part of me is like, okay, well, why would you ever take Yokoch out? And the other part of me is like, well, maybe just play a little kitten, you know, play a little possum with them in case you see them again in the brackets. And then when you see them, because this is the pool play, right? So hopefully you get out of the pool and then you move on to the bracket. Maybe they're just kind of playing dumb on purpose, you know, my dog does that a lot. My dog is smart enough to play dumb. I'll be like, you want to go for a walk and my dog's like, Oh, my leg hurts. I'm on my arm. My hammy. My hammy. And then I'm like, Hey, dog, you want to play fetch for three hours? And my dog's like, I'm ready. I'm back. I got three hours of fetching me. So maybe that's what they were doing. They were just playing smart enough to be dumb. Yeah. I liked the two man game. He was running with team Serbia was pretty nice. Those guys obviously aren't as good as the nuggets. But yeah, he did all he could, I thought, against an outmaned Serbia team. When you got Durant shooting like that off the bench, LeBron Booker, they looked really good yesterday. A whole different team than we saw in the tune up games, which is funny because leading up to people are like, should Drant even play or what's the point, you know, he even got the and they're like, that's Kevin dranger. Talk about that. That's the best USA basketball player in the history of Olympics. Is he? Yeah, he's the highest. He's the leading scorer. He's a three time gold medalist. Yeah, he is Mr. Team USA. And if you do look at the stats though, interestingly enough, first quarter, 20 points, third quarter, 16 points and fourth quarter, 19 points for the team of Serbia. So they had three out of their four quarters. They scored 20 or less points. That's locking it down on defense because USA can always score them points. But they just gave up 84. Man, though, I mean, Drew Holliday and Derek White were making all kinds of great defensive plays just like we saw in the finals. They're well rounded team. They're so deep obviously. And yeah, it was interesting like Kelly said, Jason Tatum did not get in. He was he was on a towel responsibility yesterday. What's up with that? Kerr said it was a matchup thing, but he will play going forward. I bet he plays a lot against South Sudan on Wednesday. So like BAM and D white and all these guys are getting 15 plus minutes and Tatum got zero and the guy who's been first team all NBA for the past three seasons did not see the floor zero point zero. Let's play a fun game. You ready? Serbia's got five starters and six guys that came off the bench and they said, I got to come off the bench. How many of those guys? So there's what is that 11? How many of those guys's last name do not end with a C? How many of those guys? I can tell you guys, I know you'll catch ends with the sea, but Donovan's ends with the sea. Yo, bitch is a sea. Don't break. Avrami, bitch, yo, Vic's, Markana, Vic's, Gulrich, Miseach, I'm only showing two dudes and guess what? They end with V's. What a weird language. It's like Hawaiian. It's like they got 13 letters in Serbia. Is that the deal? Anyway, I was actually talking smack going into last weekend that I thought Serbia might have a chance to run with the USA and boy, was I wrong. I feel like an idiot. Hold up. Hold up. He's an idiot. I'd love to tell you more about me being an idiot, but we got to get going guys. That was a lot of fun today. Time flies when Williams isn't here interrupting me and staring at his phone and bringing his children in here. See people are always listening, smelling like Otto's jacket. Can't call out kids without being called out for it. Yeah. Thanks for calling, Kelly. We should have one of Williams's team parents calling. That's funny. I'm the mom of the kid. You said stole third base. Ooh, stole, huh? Boy, that's a loosely used term. Pretty sure he was thrown out. You know what's crazy is he had people put a perfect slide in there? I mean, the ball beat him by so much that he almost had to call him out. Had that I'm calling safe, I would have been like, you might be right. The old swim move. Dude. Aragon's a freak athlete. He worked me in pig. He put that rock the baby on my ass. I heard. It's cold blooded. Aragon. For the one and only Alex Becker, AB, he runs the show. I run the show. Greatest producer in the city. I'm the one and only coach G. The new head coach of the Florida State Seminoles and world class tequila drinker. We love you guys. We'll see you tomorrow. Good night, Sheila. Good night. Thank you, Sheila. Bye, Jerry. Bye, Sheila. I'll never forget tonight. Bye, Jerry. I'll never go inside. Bye, Sheila. See you, Jerry. Bye, Sheila. Bye, Jerry. Bye, Sheila. Bye, Sheila. Stop laughing the mercy. Run up on Yeezy the wrong way I might murder.