Jesse Kelly Show

Michael Brown in for Jesse: What is gaslighting and how it works

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30 Jul 2024
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I'm sorry, but that's what you're going to have to do, is just deal with me. First, let me just tell you who I am in case you don't know. Again, my name's Michael Brown. I was the Undersecretary Homeland Security for President Bush. I've been on radio in Denver, Colorado for almost going on 20 years or so. You can hear me on the nationally syndicated weekend show, the weekend with Michael Brown, which airs from noon to three on Saturdays and then other times during the weekend too. You can hear me Monday through Friday on Denver's 630K HOW from six to ten mountain time. If you like what you hear today, then you should tune in to those programs Monday through Friday and then again on Saturday. I actually do love what I do so much that I work six days a week, but I know Jesse probably does his show his way and I'll try to, I'll try not to mess it up too much, but I have rules of engagement. Yeah, listen, I got rules of engagement and you need to follow them. So let me give you a couple of them. First, if you want to say something to me, you want to tell me something, you want to ask me something, here's what you do. You send me a text message. So if you get on your little iPhone or if you have an Android, boy, we'd have an Android, I don't know. Anyway, you would see that, I've already pissed off people, but call somebody that cares. If you want to send me a text message in your message app, the number is 33103, 33103. And then you just start your message, what you can, TMA, tell me anything, you can AMA, ask me anything, just start your question, your comment with the word mic or the word Michael. Either one will work. So that's the first rule of engagement. And then the second thing is, if you like what you hear today, or tomorrow and Wednesday, and you'd like to subscribe to my podcast, here's what you do on your podcast app. You search for this, the situation with Michael Brown, the situation with Michael Brown, and then you hit that subscribe button and then you get all five days of the weekday program and then you'll get the weekend program too. So we have some more rules, but we'll get to those in a minute. So let's start out, kids, we're going to go to grammar school for a minute. I know many of you may think that you know what the term gaslighting is. And many people think that gaslighting is a verb, well, gaslighting is a noun. Gaslighting, if you go to the Merrion Webster dictionary, is defined like this. This is definition number one, gaslighting, a noun, it's a psychological manipulation of someone, usually over an extended period of time. And that meant that psychological manipulation of somebody over an extended period of time causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, their own perception of reality, their own memories, and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence, loss of self-esteem, uncertainty about one's emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator. And they give a couple of examples. One is gaslighting can be a very effective tool for the abuser to control an individual. It's done slowly so the victim writes off the event as a one-off or oddity and doesn't realize that they're actually being controlled and manipulated. The other definition, the second definition of gaslighting is this, the act or practice of grossly misleading someone, especially for one's own advantage. And an example, the first example they give is this, election season, oh yeah, we're in the baby, we are in the election season, we're less than a hundred days away. And both sides are really kind of screwed up. One season can create emotion spanning from immense anxiety, any of you out there suffering from anxiety, all the way to extreme apathy. The public arguing, divisiveness, and competition for votes, including political gaslighting, can be overwhelming and exhausting. Well, I got news for you gang, we're being gaslit. Everything is going on with the Democrat party everywhere you look. Now, here's the scary thing about gaslighting. It has real psychological effects and it has real, real world effects in terms of what happens in our politics, and quite frankly, for me, scares the crap out of me. It really does. So on the way back into my studio, I'm broadcasting live from my studio in Denver. So on the way back into my studio this afternoon to do this, what's this guy's name? Jesse Kelly. Is that the guy's name I'm filling in? Oh yeah, Jesse Kelly. Is that the guy's name? Aaron, I'm being a smart ass. Yeah. On the way in to do the fill in for Jesse Kelly, I flip over, as I've told my local audience, I always flip over to Fox News on the way in. I've got about a 15 minute commute, well, not counting, stopping to get my diet coke. I get about a 15 minute commute from my house to my studio. And I turn on Fox News, primarily to find out, have we started World War III? Has China bombed San Francisco or LA? Has Mexico finally invaded us? Well, they're, I guess they are invading us, but have the actually, have the, well, I guess the cartels are invading us, have the federal rallies actually invaded Texas yet? Or have the Iranians attacked Tel Aviv and Jerusalem just to kind of get the headlines, you know, just to kind of see what should I be talking about? So I tune in and what they're talking about is crazy Joe, Joe Biden, in case you didn't know what I was talking about, did you know he's still the president of the United States? Yeah, he really is. He's still the president and he's down at the LBJ library in Austin, Texas, or they might say in Texas down the library. He's down at the library because he's celebrating the, whatever anniversary it is, the 60th anniversary or something of the signing of the Civil Rights Act. Now I think that's something that we should step back and say, Oh yeah, it's an anniversary of the signing of the Civil Rights Act. And that is a momentous piece of legislation in American history. And he's ironically the LBJ library, which is if you ever have a chance to go, you really should go. LBJ was a fascinating president. He was a master politician. I didn't like many of any of his policies, but he was a master politician. And Biden was down there to announce that he wanted to want one to celebrate the signing of the Civil Rights Act. But more importantly, he was there to announce how much he was going to gaslight us about the United States Supreme Court. And they have been on a terror with the United States Supreme Court ever since you can go back to the Dobbs decision, which overruled Roe v Wade, you could go back to the decision that granted the president some immunity, but not complete immunity. You could go back to the decision where they got rid of the Chevron doctrine, which basically said that the administrative state, the bureaucrats can do whatever they damn well please and screw the rest of us. We just have to follow their rules and sucks to be us. And it gave the bureaucracy incredible power, or you could go back to, I don't know, decisions from three or four years ago or 10 years ago, it doesn't make any difference. It's decisions that Democrats don't like. Now as a conservative slash libertarian, Republican, whatever, there are decisions that the court hands down, a majority of which even sometimes, I don't always agree with Clarence Thomas. I know Clarence Thomas personally, and I don't always agree with the decisions that he comes that he that he signs off on, or that majority of the majority opinions that he writes. But you know what I do? I respect the court. I disagree with the court, but I respect it. I don't want to burn it down. I don't want to blow it up. I don't want to change it. I understand that presidents, you know, depending on when someone resigns, retires or dies or whatever, that they have the opportunity to nominate someone, and they can nominate someone that they think reflects their judicial beliefs. And then that nomination goes to the United States Senate and the Senate, if they're so inclined, and they can get, you know, 61 votes, then they can confirm that appointee and that person becomes an associate justice, or sometimes the, the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. That's the way it's supposed to work. And we're not always going to agree with the decisions that we're being gaslit. The gaslighting is absolutely horrendous. And the gaslighting goes back to more than just decisions about the U.S. Supreme Court. The gaslighting goes back to the fact that, as I mentioned, you may have forgotten, because all you hear about now is Kamala Harris is that, oh, yeah, Joe Biden still is the president. Well, guess what? We've been gaslighted about Joe Biden, and I want to explain why in a little bit in-depth about why it's true. Now, before you say, oh my God, here's Brown, he's going to go back off and he's going to go back into ancient history, you know, from like, oh, I don't know what a week ago, and he's going to talk to us about Joe Biden coming out in the Oval Office last Sunday and telling us that, well, you know what, I've just decided that I'm old and I've got a lot more to do and I don't have time to campaign, and I just think it's better off for the country if I just focus on, I don't know, destroying the U.S. Supreme Court. So I think I'll just withdraw my candidacy, and I'm going to support Kamala Harris. Well, Shazam, who's all that coming, right? The gaslighting has to do with the fact that we're now getting reports that you may or may not have heard about just how badly that Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama, and for that matter, the Hollywood elites went after Joe Biden. To the point that now, after having stabbed him in the back at who, Brutus, now that they've stabbed him in the back, oh my God, Joe Biden is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I mean, holy cow, Joe Biden speaking at the LBJ library today, you would think that Abraham Lincoln was delivering the Emancipation Proclamation in, in, in, I don't know, some sort of matrix. Well, not so much so, and I want to go back because you may not have heard exactly just how bad they stabbed Joe Biden in the back. That's coming up next. It is the Jesse Kelly show, but it is Michael Brown filling in again. If you want to send me a text message, ask me anything. The numbers three three one zero three, just start your message or your question with the word Michael hang tight, I'll be right back. Welcome back to Jesse Kelly show, except Jesse Kelly is in a straight jacket until Thursday. So they, they reached down to the bottom of the barrel. Yeah, and they came up with Michael Brown. So as I said earlier, we've had, we have a few rules of engagement we have to follow. And so it's just, you know, I'm sorry, but that's what federal statute says. You need to follow me on Twitter. If you're interested in Twitter, I'm sorry, X, if you want to follow me on X, it's at Michael Brown USA. Go give me a follow on, on, on X right now at Michael Brown USA, chop, chop, chop, come on, give me a do it right now. You can also follow me on Facebook or Instagram. Those are at Michael D Brown. So X is at Michael Brown USA, you'll follow me there. And Facebook and Instagram is at Michael D Brown. So, let's see what kind of audience Jesse's got here and see if you can follow the instructions and go follow me on those social media platforms. I actually think you'll enjoy it. So, so get that done. So we're talking about gaslighting. And we have been gaslit for the better part of, well, Democrats gaslight us all the time. But we've been really sincere, I mean, like blowtorch gaslighting for the past few weeks about Joe Biden. And one of the things that I've been doing that that I just, and I'm actually just using Jesse Kelly show to do it because I was going to do it this morning on my program here in Denver, but didn't get around to it is to talk about some of the news reports that have come out about what really took place behind the scene because it'll help you understand that this sudden love fest, I mean, it is true, it is, it is this really kind of icky or gasmic love fest with Kamala Harris, you know, the person who actually polled worse than Joe Biden. Now, think about that. Just start that as your baseline for the discussion. Joe Biden's poll, his approval numbers were, I mean, you think I'm, you think that me feeling is bottom of the barrel, you got to look at Joe Biden's poll numbers. And then you look beyond Joe Biden's poll numbers, and then you'll see Kamala Harris's poll numbers way down there at the bottom, too. So that was before, of course, that she suddenly became, Oh my God, oh, Kamala Harris is running for president. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Well, everybody just chill out because as I've tried to explain before someone who's been in politics for his entire life, literally since I was six years old, that 100 days or even 90 days, whatever we are somewhere between 90 and 100 days before November 5 is a lifetime. Any number of things can happen, including suddenly Joe Biden deciding not to run think back the very first report that you heard about Joe Biden. Now you and I saw it every time Joe Biden would come out and, and, and say, you know, no joke man, or well, you know, you know, whatever, or any time we saw him or, and more importantly, all the times that we didn't see him, no press conferences. No stopping like Trump would do on the way on the south lawn to Marine one and take questions from reporters, just extemporaneously answering questions, you know, until the staff finally said, Hey, Mr. President, we have a schedule to keep us get on the helicopter. The very first, I would say crack in the, in the dam about Joe Biden occurred back in June, when the Wall Street Journal published a story that really was a brilliant piece about, oh, wait a minute, how bad is Joe Biden behind closed the headline on the front page of the Wall Street Journal was behind closed doors, Biden shows signs of slipping. Now, of course, that sent the White House press office immediately into, into response. You can't let that get out there, but somehow that first story worked. Fear of Trump suddenly fear of Trump became the number one priority. So that meant that immediately I call it the cabal. I don't know how Jesse describes it, but for me, it's the cabal. And I'll tell you what the cabal is and what the cabal was doing coming up next. It's the Jesse Kelly show, Michael Brown, filling in, send me a text message, the numbers 3, 3, 1, 0, 3, start your message with the word Michael, hang tight. I'll be right back. Come back to the Jesse Kelly show, Michael Brown, filling in, glad to have you with me. Jesse will be back on Thursday, I think. I think that's when they get the straight jacket off. So if you would like to subscribe to my podcast, I was just joking with Aaron about the podcast fillers that we're going in. If you're subscribed to my podcast on your podcast app, search for the situation with Michael Brown. Go search for that right now. These situation with Michael Brown, and that'll get you the weekday program that I do out of Denver. And then that will also get you my nationally syndicated program that I do on Saturdays from noon to three Eastern time heard on many of these stations and others. So go do that right now. So we're talking about this gaslighting that went on about Joe Biden and it's going to tie into what Joe Biden did today. But I want you to, because I don't think that most, I mean, I can't speak for Joe Jesse, but most hosts have not including myself have not talked in detail about the gaslighting that took place. So as I told my audience in Denver last week, based on a series of blog posts, local police reports, news reports out of Las Vegas. When Biden went to Vegas on July 15, he, it was a campaign stop. He was, he was talking to the NAACP. He was talking to, I think, one of the unions out there. When suddenly the president suffered, apparently they called it an emergency. Now they've, they've downplayed that sense, but the local NBC affiliate in Vegas actually called it a medical emergency, because over the encrypted channel that the secret service uses to coordinate when they need to do something quickly and they need the help of local law enforcement, unlike they did in Butler, Pennsylvania, but that's another story. They talked about a medical emergency and they were taking Joe Biden to university medical center in Vegas. But so that means they start shutting down all of the intersections. I've been in that bubble a bazillion times. I know how it works, but they, they start blocking streets when you have to get the motorcade as quickly as possible from point A to point B. But so they, so they start blocking streets in Vegas, headed to university medical center. When suddenly decide, no, we're going to divert back to back to McCarran, Harry Reid, international airport, and we're going to take off, we're going to head back to the east coast. And to Emily Good, Gooden, a daily mail reporter who was in the traveling press pool. The president when they got back to the plane looked deathly pale and Air Force one flew at maximum speed all the way back to Delaware. The press pool was told that Biden had COVID, but nothing more was said on Air Force one. There was no gaggle. Cream now douche bar, Korean Jean Pierre did not walk to the back of the plane and explained to the press pool, hey, the president sick and you know, just in an attempt to be transparent, which would be the first time. Here's the president's condition. Well that was the last straw. The president getting COVID appearing pale and having a medical emergency was the last straw for this group of congressional leaders, government officials, senior Biden funders who had already started withholding large amounts of committed contributions. One official said there was pressure on donors to come across on their pending commitments. It was understood that Biden had had a physical problem in Vegas and the family was saying no to continued pressure from these donors, insurance from senior Democrats for the president to withdraw from the campaign. And initially they couldn't even get through to the president. So by Saturday the 20th of July, just a mere weekend ago, Obama was now deeply involved and there was a talk. There was talk that he was going to place a call to Biden. Now it was not clear whether Biden had been examined or just happened or just what happened to him in Vegas, but the big three referring to Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and House Minority Hakeem Jeffries continued to be directly involved. And on Sunday morning with the approval of Pelosi and Schumer, Obama called Biden after breakfast and said, here's the deal. We have Kamala's approval to invoke the 25th amendment. Let me repeat that. Members are writing all across the country, but nobody's covering it that Obama said, quote, here's the deal. We have Kamala's approval to invoke the 25th amendment. Now you know that amendment provides that when the president is determined by the vice president and the cabinet to be unfit to carry out the powers and the duties of his office, the vice president shall assume those duties and becoming the acting president until Congress has an opportunity to review. So it was clear at that point that she was going to get the nod and that indeed they were going to push him aside. But we knew he was in bad shape and the COVID was the, was the icing on, on top of the cake. If you go back and watch that Sunday evening Oval Office address, you'll see that there's something wrong with his mouth. You'll see that the makeup is so heavily put over the, see, I'm trying to get you sitting over. So we'd be on his left side of his face. You'll see a bruise that they are really trying to cover up with the makeup. He was not going to run again and they were going to push him aside regardless of anything else he was done. Now, what I want you to understand the cabal, which I understand Jesse calls it the system. The cabal, as I describe it, is this, it's this unholy alliance between the dominant media, the ruling elite, the plosies of the world and the big tech giants and all of their affiliated groups and Silicon Valley and people in Hollywood that it's, it's those people, those people. A key factor in the decision to force Biden out of office by invoking the 25th amendment is a series of increasingly negative polls on the president standing against Trump. Now, do they want to win? Yes, Democrats want to win, but more important to them, if you can comprehend this, is making sure that Donald Trump never returns to the Oval Office. That is first and foremost their objective and they will do anything, whatever it takes to keep Trump out of office. And so that's why that weekend Obama makes the phone call. And what we've known for weeks, if not months, well, since going back to the Wall Street Journal report and maybe before that, we knew that this president was not capable of fulfilling his duties. And in fact, I, as I've told my local audience, I believe that Biden's continued presence in the Oval Office is a national security threat to this country who's going to answer that two AM phone call that Hillary Clinton talked about back in 2016. It's not going to be Joe Biden. They won't be able to wake him up out of a slumber or whatever sleep meds he's on. And then do you think at two o'clock in the morning, he can't make a decision about what to have for lunch, peanut butter, a blowny sandwich, he can't decide. In his, in his schedule, look, when I, when I worked for Bush, the schedule sometimes started at six AM and it certainly went way past six p.m. He was 12, 15, 16, 18 hour days, seven days a week, Joe Biden, 10 to four give or take. So I think he is truly a national security threat to this country. But I also believe that Kamala Harris is a national security threat to this country. And if we're going to pay just pure unadulterated retail politics, I would rather see Joe Biden stay in office and not give Kamala Harris all the accoutrements of the presidency. Don't give her Air Force one. Don't give her the title of, you know, the first female president, the first, what is it? I guess it's Jamaican plus South Asian somehow now equals black and before it happened to be. Oh, she was when she was running for AG in California running for DA in San Francisco. She wanted to focus on the fact that she was South Asian and then suddenly it was her Jamaican. So I guess Jamaican plus athletes, South Asian now today in 2024 equals black. I don't understand how that works, but that's the politics of identity politics. But I don't want her to have that position. So it's really a conundrum. You know, and we understand this is why I talk about gaslighting. We're being gaslit the entire time. We're being convinced that, oh, this is the right thing to do. This is the proper thing to do. Everything's under control. Everything's fine. Don't worry about it. And it's also applying that to the Supreme Court because that's why he's in Austin, Texas today. And you're going to hear about what he's doing in Austin, Texas, but we're in a very precarious position and that precarious position is you think back to July 13, now what happened on July 13, well, it's kind of interesting because if you go to Google, I still have that page up. If you go to Google and you type in, try this for yourself. You don't believe me? Try it right now. Type in assassination attempt on don't and stop right there. Do you think the first thing you would think that the first thing this shows, this shows you how the cabal influences people. This shows you how the cabal gas lights us. If you type in at on the search page, assassination attempt on, you would think that the very next thing that would auto fill would be Trump. Well, I've got it right in front of me, assassination attempt on guess what's listed. Listen closely, Truman, Reagan, Lenin, and not John Lennon, Vladimir Lenin, Gerald Ford, Franklin Roosevelt, Andrew Johnson, FDR, Seward, John Paul, the second Ben Franklin, Donald Trump's nowhere in the in the automatic Emmys that one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, a dozen, a dozen automatic fill ins for assassination attempt on and Trump's nowhere to be found, that's gas lighting, absolute gas lighting right there. Go try it yourself. I know. Don't when you should believe me, but just try yourself and see you'll give you an example of what the cabal does. So let's shift now. We've been gas lit in terms about Biden, and now we're being gas lit about the Supreme Court. That's coming up next, it's the Jesse Kelly show, Michael Brown filling in, text the word Michael Michael to this number three, three, one, zero, three, and follow me on Twitter. It's @MichaelBrownUSA. I'll be right back. If you're welcome back to the Jesse Kelly show, glad to have you with me. If you want to read my bio, figure out who I am, I'm the former Undersecretary Homeland Security for President Bush, been on radio in Denver for 18 plus years now. And if you want to read more about my program and what I do during the weekday, it's a real simple website to go to, Michael says go Yeah, if to use the iHeart URL, it's like, you know, can you have dot com slash back slash by the end of a bunch of numbers. So we just shortened it, Michael says go here dot com, go check out the website right now, you can read my bio, you can find the podcast, you can do all that right there, even the social media icons, Michael says go here dot com. So we've been all this time, they've been gaslighting us about Joe Biden's mental and physical condition. So they push him out. They push him out. And then the thing that I noticed driving into the studio back into the studio again this afternoon to do to do Jesse show, as I said, I usually turn on Fox News just to get, I turn on Fox News headlines to find out what has World War three started as the second American Revolution started, what you know, who's bombed whom? And instead I hear that Biden is going to, to the LBJ library in Austin to deliver a speech about the Civil Rights Act. Okay. So they cut in as he began to speak and the cheering for him, the applause and the cheering and the hoop and then the hollering was abs, it was like, uh, it would be like LBJ himself came back to life or the JFK or FDR or somebody, the same guy that they were stabbing in the back and forcing out, they're now cheering as, as if he's the second coming and the saving of democracy. I mean, if I were Kamala Harris, I'd be thinking, wait a minute, shut that old guy up, get him off the stage putting, because everything he says, think about this, everything that from now until election day, which actually starts in some places like late, like late September, which I'm totally opposed to, but nonetheless, that's the reality we live in, everything that he says, that he proposes, unless she absolutely and unequivocally stands up and says, I'm opposed to that and I disagree with that, it gets tied to her. It's an, it's going to be an albatross around her neck, just as this speech was. And the speech, you would have thought, well, here's more gaslighting. Here's the president, just what, maybe an hour or so ago, on top of his extreme decisions, the court is mired in a crisis of ethics, these scandals involving the justices have caused public opinion to question the court's fairness and independence, wait, wait, stop, no they haven't, you don't like the decisions. Our job as the chief executive officer of the executive branch is to follow those decisions. And if you don't like those decisions, guess what you can do. You can go under our system of government, you can go to that first branch of government called the legislative branch or the article one section of the constitution, you can go to that branch is called the United States Congress. And you can say, I don't like what they did about, I don't care, pick any of these topics and say, why don't you write a law that says we're going to do XYZ, you know, they can do that, but instead he attacks the court itself. He's gaslighting the court, mired in ethical problems. No, they're not my, they want you to believe that the court is mired in ethical problems. Why? Because Clarence Thomas, took a, took a Winnebago from a personal friend of his, Harlan Crow, BFD, um, what I forget was a Katanji Brown, Jackson, Jackson Brown, whatever name is. She got in advance of millions of dollars for a book. She's, who's complaining about that? Well, I'm not. She's entitled to do that, but they want you to think that because they reach decisions that they don't agree with, that somehow that they're all bad and they're all unethical, that's gaslighting supreme, no pun intended. All right.