Jesse Kelly Show

Michael Brown in for Jesse: The gaslighting of the fake news media concerning the Supreme Court

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30 Jul 2024
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You can listen on your iHeart app. You can download the podcast. You can listen live on your computer, laptop, your phone, whatever you'd like to do. I'm on 6 to 10 AM Mountain Time, Monday through Friday. On Saturday, I host the weekend with Michael Brown, which is a nationally syndicated program heard on 300 plus stations around the country. But you can get all of that by simply going to this website. Michael says, go Michael says, go You can read my bio. You can follow me on on X or Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, all of those are there. And then the one other rule of engagement that I have when I'm doing radio is this. You can tell me anything or ask me anything by sending me a text message. And the number on your message app is 33103. Just type in that number. Come on. Follow. Come on. You can do it. When you start your message, that you're going to tell me something or ask me something with either word, Michael or Michael, that way it gets to me and I don't have to sort through any semi that text message. And by the way, you guys are pretty good, pretty good text messages today. I don't and I can't respond to all of them, but I promise you, I read every single text message that comes through whether you're listening on the podcast, so you're listening later, you know, in the week or you listen later tonight or tomorrow. I read every text message in the last hour, we talked about gaslighting because I don't think I want you to truly understand that we are being gaslit or gaslighted, whatever the proper verb would be every single day by this cabal, this cabal of the dominant media. By that, I mean the networks, I mean all the cable channels, I mean everything from the Washington Post to the New York Times to the LA Times to the Denver Post to the whatever newspaper there is, the newspaper, the news side of the Wall Street Journal, I read all of these. I listen to all of these cable channels and we're constantly being gaslit about the, in this case, it's the Supreme Court, because that's, that's the topic du jour of the day that the last redundant, that's the topic du jour, the, the US Supreme Court. And they want you to believe that the Supreme Court is somehow this, which, which I have the highest respect, look, I'm confession time, don't hold it against me. I don't, I haven't practiced law since I started radio, but I've got great reverence for our judicial system. Do I agree with everything? No. Do I think it's perfect? No. Do I think our criminal justice system needs some fixing? Yes. Do I think that we have federal judges, well, for that matter, state judges too. But do I, do I believe that we have judges? Look, I got a story in my, I call it my POS, my pile of, my pile of stuff about Judge Mershaun's daughter. You know who Judge Mershaun is? That's, that's the judge in, in the New York case. That's the, that's the judge where Trump is now a convicted felon. Oh my gosh. convicted felon. Well, those trust me, those felons, those felonies are going to be overturned on appeal. There's no doubt in my mind about that. These daughters just made like something, I'll get the details, we'll do the story sometime today. If not today, we'll do it. We'll get to it tomorrow. She's made some 12 million bucks in the past six months or so, what, from what? From Democrat party activities. Well, I think Judge Mershaun was highly conflicted and should not have been in that case. But you know what? They make that decision for themselves. Does it make you difference what you think or I think they make those decisions themselves? So now the attack is on the US Supreme Court because they overruled Roe v Wade and then they overruled the Chevron doctrine. They basically told the environmental protection agency, listen, you can't just make up rules. You have to follow what Congress is. In fact, they also said basically the Congress. You can't just say to these administrative agencies, hey, here's a law we passed. You just go make up a bunch of rules and we, we, we don't really want to oversee the rules. You just decide for yourself what the rules ought to be. And then most people don't get this. If you try to challenge a rule that the EPA makes that affects you or your business or your livelihood, you can't go straight to federal court and do that. You first have to follow what's called the Administrative Procedures Act. And that is an act that says if a regulatory agency writes a rule and you want to challenge that rule or you think you're adversely affected by that rule, then you have to first go to the agency. Well, wait a minute. That's kind of like going to criminal court in Russia. It's preordained that they're going to rule against you. And in fact, in 99.9% of cases, they do rule against you. You're, you're fighting the machine, you're, you're fighting the administrative state. And of course, they're going to rule against you because how dare you challenge them. Well, in the, in the case of, and I forget the name of the case now, I apologize, but in the case of overrule the Chevron decision, somebody versus EPA, they ruled that this deference to the agencies is unconstitutional and that Congress needs to specify they need to at least draw a box and say to the agencies, your rules need to fit within this box. Well, that's what has allowed this administrative state that we now live in. Stop and think about your life, your job, whatever you do, or you think about where you shop or services that you procure, things that you buy and you think about the number of regulations or maybe you want to, you own some farmland or ranch land, but oh my gosh, there's a drainage ditch on all waggles or navigable waters and you have to comply with the EPA rules and regulations have, you know, I bought some weed killer because we have some flagstone in part of our yard. And so I was sick and tired of, this will tell you all, this will tell you what you need to know about me. I'm sick and tired of round up round, we weeds have, it's like weeds have been vaccinated too much. And so now they're kind of immune to weed killer. So I reached out to a friend of mine and said, look, I need something better than round up. I need something that's going to nuke these weeds because I'm tired of it. So you know, tell me what I can find. And he gave me the name of something, I forget what it's like, RM 43 or something. And it's like round up on steroids. So I bought it, I got a gallon of my garage, I got it diluted so I can spray these weeds. So I started reading all of the disclaimers on the back and I'm thinking, holy crap, it's like when you go to the gas station and if you've read the rules at a gas station, if you put gas in your car, take some time out to read all the rules that are posted on every pump about how to fill your car up, unless of course you live in New Jersey, where they fill it up for you, because, you know, well, that's the law of New Jersey, so it's insane. These rules are insane. And the court said, wait a minute, you can't have these tribunals where you are the judge and the jury. That's just not, that's not due process. Well, that's, that's what they're upset about. That's what the Democrats are upset about. They're upset about the Dobbs decision. The Dobbs decision did not outlaw abortion. You know what it did? We live in a system that's called a federalist, a system of federalism, where we, the people hold the power and we give up some of that power to the states. We, you know how Joe Biden likes to say, by golly, we're the United States of America. Well, other than the shouting, he's actually right about that, but he misses the point. We're a federation of 50 different states and those states have agreed to give up some of their power to the federal government for issues that we think are of national importance. Like don't laugh when I say this, but like immigration policy. That's a national issue that needs to be dealt with on a national level, or for example, national defense, the, the armed services are something that we say to the federal government. That's something we want you to do. Now we can still have national guards and we can still have militias. We can still do all of those things and we still have the right personally to keep them bare arms as an individual right, but there we live in a system of federalism. So the Dobbs decision overruled Roe v Wade by saying, wait a minute, that's not a national constitutional right. That's something that the people should decide. So the 50 states get to decide what the abortion rules are going to be in their states. Well, that's more American than that. If one state wants to decide one thing, another state wants to decide another thing, one state wants, you know, X number of weeks and another state wants, you know, wide number of weeks. Well, that's the way it should be unless, of course, Congress decides they want to impose a national law, but they don't have the votes to do that. So that decision was right, but oh my gosh, it's the end of civilization to hear Democrats denigrate the US Supreme Court. So what did Biden do today? He continued the gaslighting, except now it was the court. And I just want you to hear a few of the things that the president said today because it's pure, unadulterated gaslighting. And it started out with this on top of its extreme decisions, the court is extreme decisions. Listen to the language for me, language, both just it's my personality, but as a lawyer, language is so important, words are so important. And on top of its extreme decisions, the court is mired in a crisis of ethics. These scandals involving the justices have caused public opinion to question the court's fairness and independence. Stop. No, you're continued harping about non-existent ethical problems is gaslighting the American public. And because now I often tell my audience to do this. Look to your left. That person over there. Okay. You're on the highway. Now look over here. Right. See that person over there? Those are useful idiots. They believe everything they hear on the news. They believe everything the cabal tells them and they think the Supreme Court's in crisis. Well, that's bullcrap. Let me get back more gaslighting so that you can maybe wake up your neighbors to. Hey, wait, do you ever think maybe you're being gaslight gaslit? It's a Jesse Kelly show, Michael Brown filling in hang tight. I'll be right back. Hey, welcome back to the Jesse Kelly show, except it's not Jesse Kelly, it's Michael Brown. I appreciate you tuning in. Let's see. Rules of engagement, subscribe to my podcast. Do that on your podcast app. Search for this V situation with Michael Brown, the situation with Michael Brown that will automatically download my weekday program that I do every morning in Denver, Colorado. Plus it will do the nationally syndicated weekend program, the weekend with Michael Brown that I do on Saturdays from noon to three Eastern time. So you'll get all of the Michael Brown programming that you need and maybe a little more, but you can never have too much. So back to this gaslighting about the court, the Supreme Court. So this is the president today and I want you to listen closely. We'll finish this one sound bike and get to another. That are essential to basically carrying out his mission, we call justice under the law. For example, there are documented reports with decades long efforts to reshape the judiciary, including the Supreme Court backed by shadow of special interest, but also support Project 2025. Oh, oh, my gosh, there's this almost took my breath away. But evil Project 25, yeah, we'll get to that in a minute, raise your hands. Have you downloaded or have you gone to the Heritage organization, the Heritage Foundation website, Have you actually read it? Raise your hand if you have. That's what I thought. Yeah. But if you listen to the dominant media, if you listen to the cabal, the project 2025, oh my gosh, that's like the communist manifesto. That it's not. And probably about half of what you hear is in it is actually not in it at all. You can download just like I have, you can download a PDF of it. I've got a PDF on my desktop right here on this laptop and I can do a word, word search and I've done word searches where people have sent me a text message and said, Oh, but it's going to do this or this or that. No, it doesn't. But here he is gaslighting you. But of course, the sad part is we live in a society now where generations look over at me, if you're my age, look over your shoulder. If you're young, look ahead, where teacher unions have absolutely abdicated their responsibility of just teaching basic fundamental things so that people can have a foothold so that when they, when they matriculate, when they reach the age of majority, they can go out in the world and have some basic skills, reading, writing and arithmetic, having some basic skills that will allow them to, Oh, I don't know, get a job and be productive. No, instead we don't teach them anything and we, and in particular, we don't teach civics. We don't teach anything about what kind of government we live under or why, why, why do we have three branches of government? Why are they all separate? Why are they equal? Why do they have certain powers and they're, and they don't overlap and why do we have 50 states? Does anybody ever think about why do we have 50 states just because somebody drew a map one day and decided, Hey, we're just going to call this Ohio, we're just going to call this Oklahoma, we're just going to call this Arizona, why, why do we have them? Oh, because that's really the foundation of the country, the United States of America, Joe Biden screams that at us, at us all the time, but most people don't understand it. And so now generation upon generation upon generation has not been taught anything about basic American history or anything, well, anything true about American history, and they haven't been taught anything about the fundamentals of the society that we live in. And so when this old fart gets up and starts denigrating the US Supreme Court, many people just go, Oh, yeah, oh, well, well, there are, they're horrible. You don't know squat about the US Supreme Court. Not you, you awful, and that's how gaslighting is so effective. You think that sound bite was bad? During time, I get it's even worse. Yeah, man, the gaslighting gets worse. I'll be right back to Jesse Kelly show, except I'm not Jesse Kelly, and I'm thankful for that. And so is Jesse. So there you got that out of the way. It's Michael Brown filling in, glad to have you with me. If you want to find out more about me, go to my website, Michael says, go Michael says go because I get I want, I want you to hear these sound bites. These are the president of the United States gaslighting us. So he talks about how the Supreme Court is in, is mired in a crisis of ethics, and it is not, but you go ask some of your friends. And I would venture to say that half your friends, maybe more does the Supreme Court have ethnic problems? Oh, yeah, that Clarence Thomas, he's, he's in deep, deep, do you do, or that Justice Alito, he's a really deep, well, they probably don't even know who Clarence Thomas or Justice Alito is, but they might, that all they've heard is about how bad the Supreme Court is. Why don't we talk about how bad the presidency is? Why don't we talk about how bad Congress is Congress has a, I mean, Hell's Bell's their approval rating is lower than, and I'm a lawyer than, lower than lawyers, lower than used car salesman. I don't know. But this is the gaslighting. This is the theme of today's program. We're all being gaslit constantly, Biden again. Think about this. Listen closely. And now there's an extreme movement and agenda called project 2025. Well, it, by the way, they're serious, man. Now, anytime he says, I'm serious, man, he's lying. Anytime he says, I'm serious, man, he's just like, Oh, I'm, I'm going to try to convince you of something that even I don't believe, but you know what, I, I'm gaslighting you. They're planning another onslaught attacking civil rights in America. No, no, we're not, you know, I, I am so personally offended by that, personally offended by it, conservatives, Republicans, libertarians, whatever, you know, no, we're not attacking civil rights. You know, I lump civil rights into this big giant bucket. Civil rights is not just about race. Civil rights is not just about whether you're black or you're Asian or you're white. It is not about that at all. Civil rights is about every single one of us having all of these fundamental rights that are guaranteed by the Constitution. And beyond that, we have rights that are guaranteed by God. It's called natural law, natural rights. And we have that. A good example is people conflate the, the right of self defense, which is a God given natural right. I have a, I have a right to defend myself. You're trying to hurt me, kill me. I have a right to defend myself, whether that's with the baseball bat, a knife or a gun. But people think if I use a gun in self defense, that that's somehow something that's protected by the Second Amendment. No, the Second Amendment is about the individual right to keep and bear arms. But nobody is trying to roll back civil rights. And if you think that, Oh, I want to protect the integrity of the ballot. I want to make sure that only us citizens vote in elections. So I think that people ought to have a ID that says that I am a resident of the state of Colorado and that my address is in the precinct where I'm voting, that somehow that's trying to take away the vote from a black person. Are you freaking kidding me? How offensive is that to black people? Oh, black people are too dumb to go get an ID. They're too smart. I mean, they're not smart enough or they're too lazy or whatever pejorative you want to use that I think is holy and completely racist, but that's what they do. That's what they constantly do. And so a low information voter is rush called them. I call them useful idiots because they're just low will. That's what Joe Biden said. So it must be true. No, it's not pay attention. For example, Project 2025 calls aggressively attacking diversity, equity and inclusion all across all aspects of American life. Yeah. We live in a meritocracy. We live in a country where after after fighting a civil war, now, are we perfect? No, are there bigots in the world? Yes, but after fighting a civil war, after adopting the 14th amendment, let me back up after adopting the 13th amendment, abolishing slavery and then adopting the 14th amendment after after after adopting the Voting Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act, you're trying to tell me that we live in a society where we now have to segregate again, where we have to put people in certain categories. No, people should rise and fall on their merits. And that means, you know, as as Dr. King said, if if your position in life is to be a street sweeper, have you ever heard a street sweeper speech, you ought to go listen to it sometime. If I listen to the, I have a dream speech, which is a great speech. The goal is to Dr. King talk about street sweepers. Yeah, I know we don't really have street sweepers anymore, but the same could apply to a sanitation worker or a garbage man or someone that, you know, is literally a custodian. That is work that has dignity. And if you're going to be a street sweeper, as Dr. King said, then be the best damn street sweeper you can. And you know what, and we should all treat everybody, regardless of their station in life with respect and dignity. But do they know they want to put people in these little verticals based on your race, based on your sexual preference, based on your height, based on your weight, based on what's between your legs. I mean, come on, stop it. But that's who these people are. This extreme maga movement, even for poses and birth rate citizenship. In, in birthright citizenship, yeah, I don't, I don't think that, I mean, I, I do think that the 14th amendment did that. But do I think that if you are born to foreign parents, that you ought to mat in your in this country, that you automatically become a US citizen, well, under current law, you do. Do I think that's right? No, I don't think it's right. So if you come to this country illegally, or even if you happen to be visiting here on a tourist visa, let's just say that you came from, I just texting a friend of mine that has grandparents that came from Croatia. So there that somebody comes here from Croatia, and they're here on a tourist visa. And you know, you can get a tourist visa for like 90 days. So three months. So you're six months pregnant, you stayed until the 90th day and you give birth. Should those Croatian parents who give birth to a baby boy or a baby girl, should that baby boy or girl suddenly become a US citizen simply because their parents happen to be in this country when the child was born? I don't think so. So now I actually disagree with a decision of the US Supreme Court. I actually disagree with an interpretation of the 14th Amendment, but it doesn't mean I want to completely abolish the Supreme Court. How far they've come in birth races, which if you're born in America, you're an American citizen, that's how extreme these guys are. This issue and so many other civil rights that Americans take from granted are likely to come before the court in the years to come. The most this gaslighting that this president engaged in today is designed to what? Have you thought about why he's doing it today? Because he wants to set up a campaign issue. He wants you to think that they that somehow that what is happening in the court is going to be absolutely awful for minorities. So actually it's not. This court's been very, very good about Oh, the first amendment says this. Well, the plain meaning of those words equals this, but that's not what he wants you to believe. You went on to say this. The second thing I'm asking for, we've had terminal and terminal service for presidents in the United States for nearly 75 years after the Truman administration and I believe we should have terminal service for Supreme Court justice in the United States as well. In fact, the United States is the only major constant of democracy that gives lifetime seats into their high court and terminates would up ensure that the court membership changes with some regularity. That would be make timing for the course nomination more predictable unless arbitrary reduce the chance that any single president imposes undue influence in generations to come. I disagree with that wholeheartedly. I'm not a supporter of of term limits because I believe that we have term limits now. You and I can vote all these yahoos out of office this kind of November if we wanted to, but we don't. But you notice what he did? He talked about how, oh, the executive branch after FDR served almost four terms. We put a limit on presidents for two, you can only be elected to two terms. You could actually serve more than eight years, depending on how you ascend to the presidency, but you can only be elected for two terms. Oh, and the Supreme Court only wants term limits on the Supreme Court. But here's a guy who's been in public office for 50 years, 36 years as United States Senator and then eight years as vice president and now going on four years as president. You notice he didn't say one freaking word about term limits from members of Congress. Gee, I wonder why because Congress only and he is a creature of Congress. He may be the current president, but trust me, he is a creature of Congress. He is a creature of inside the Beltway and he's not about to ask Congress to impose term limits on themselves because, well, they're above all of that, right? Hypocrite. What a hypocrite. You're listening to the Jesse Kelly show, Michael Brown filling in, if you want to send me a text message, it's really easy to do on your message app to members 33103, just start the message. Tell me anything. Ask me anything to start your message with the word, Mike or Michael, I read every single one of them. Hang tight. You Jesse Kelly show. Yeah, it's not Jesse. He's in a straight jacket somewhere, but I, you know, sucks to be him right now. Michael Brown filling in. Glad to have you with me. So remember, if you want to listen to me more, which I'm sure you would want to do, you can listen weekdays from six to 10 mountain time on your I heart app. Just search for 630 k h o w right here in Denver. And you can also listen to me on the weekends on the weekend with Michael Brown on 300 plus stations around the country. So we're talking about gaslighting and the president was in Austin, Texas today talking about how it's time for term limits for the spring court justices. And I'd like to know why it's not time for term limits on members of Congress. Think of the audacity of this old coup that's been in public office for 50 years. Just living off the tea to the federal government, living off the tea to the taxpayers. And then on top of that, taking money from Ukraine and China and Lord knows where else and money laundering it through a son hunter and then dares to step up and say, I want term limits just like we have term limits for the presidency and we've had those since the Truman years. I think it's time for term limits for the Supreme Court. Well, I would be the kid in the back of the class. I'd be the kid in the press pool. It would raise his hand and say, Mr. President, Mr. President, what do you think about term limits for? Oh, I don't know US senators and members of the house about term limits for those. If it's fair for if it's fair for you as president and if it's fair and you're calling for it for members of the Supreme Court, how about you call it for Congress too, Mr. President? How about that? This is nothing more than setting up a campaign issue. That's all it is. Nothing more. Nothing less because if you read article three of the of the United States Constitution, it gives members of the Supreme Court. In fact, it gives all judicial officers federal district court, courts of appeals, the Supreme Court. They get lifetime tenure. Now, why is that for the very reason that he wants term limits because he wants them to be subject to the vagaries of whoever happens to be in office? How many, for example? How many justices get appointed by a conservative president and then turn out to be not so conservative themselves? You see, we want, even though we may disagree with them, I want justices not to be subject to political pressure and this would exactly do the opposite. It would have the unintended consequence of having them subjected to the vagaries of who happened to be in the presidency at the time, and he wants them to only have like six year terms so that every two years there's this turnover. So presidents are constantly appointing new members of the Supreme Court. That's insanity, but it's not going anywhere because you have to amend the Constitution. So you're going to have to get two-thirds of, let's see, two-thirds of, let me have this backwards, and you pull up my Constitution. You need three-fourths of the state legislatures and you need two-thirds of the House and the Senate. So you're going to have to overcome these humongous hurdles to get these amendments passed, and it's just somebody not going to happen. It's dead on arrival. Speaker Johnston has already said, "I'm not taking this up. You can propose this all you want to. It's not going anywhere." And even if Chuck Schumer wanted to bring it up, he doesn't have the votes in the Senate to do it. So this is nothing but pure, unadulterated retail politics. This is just something to try to divide and conquer the American electorate. It's gaslighting. We started gaslighting as our lesson for the day at the very beginning of the program, and we're going to end it here. You're being gaslighted, or gaslit, whatever's the proper term, and the President of the United States and Kamala Harris and the Democrats are doing it. The sad part is you have to recognize that the gaslighting is occurring, and if you've never been taught our system of government, if you've never been taught civics, all you here is, "Oh my gosh. These people serve lifetime tenure, and we're one of the few countries in the world that does this. Yeah, well, you know what? We're also the longest surviving republic in the world right now, too." Think about that. That means our system is actually working. For the time being, I might have. It's working. It's a Jesse Kelly show, Michael Brown filling in. When we get back, I've got five or six items in my POS, my pile of stuff that I want to get through that I wasn't able to get through in my morning program, so you get the bonus seedling. In the future. [MUSIC PLAYING]