Jesse Kelly Show

Michael Brown in for Jesse: A pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants

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30 Jul 2024
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5280 Exteriors James Hardy Siding is a low-maintenance siding made primarily of cement that resists flame spread and repels wood-borne insects and woodpeckers. Through the month of July, you'll receive free rigid foam installation with the purchase of whole-house siding. That's installing additional insulation behind your siding, or free, but only for the month of July. Call today for more details or visit,, a James Hardy preferred contractor, 5280 Exteriors. The Altitude of Quality This is a podcast from WOR. Welcome to the Jesse Kelly show, except, yeah, I know it. I'm not Jesse Kelly. I mean, you know that, and I know that, but maybe you're wondering, well, who is that? Well, this is Michael Brown filling in for Jesse Kelly. We got Jesse Kelly in a straight jacket because, well, I just kind of wanted to... This is a cruday-taw. Yeah, we just took over Jesse for a while. He'll be back on Thursday, I think. I think I'm slotted Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, so you can make it through it. He'll be okay. Now, I do have rules of engagement, and you need to follow the rules, otherwise, we'll just have to cut you off, all right, so just listen closely. The first rule is, if you want to send me a text message, it's really easy. In fact, I even think you can do it. Now, I'm not sure about you, but I think you can do it. You take your message app on your phone, you type in this number 33103, 33103, and then if you want to tell me something or you want to ask me something, just start your message with one of these two names, either Michael or Michael, wow, that's me, okay, and then just tell me anything or ask me anything. I read every single text message, and whether you're listening on the podcast or you're listening later, whenever it is, you can send me a message whenever you want to, so that's rule number one. Then the next rule is this, I want you to follow me on social media. Yeah, I'm taking advantage of Jesse. Follow me on X, it's @MichaelBrownUSA, @MichaelBrownUSA, go give me a follow right now, Facebook and Instagram, those are @MichaelDBrown, Twitter is @MichaelBrownUSA, let me repeat that, Twitter is @MichaelBrownUSA, the others are @MichaelDBrown. Now, if you want to listen to me during the week day or on the weekend, I host a nationally syndicated program on Saturdays from noon to three on 300 plus stations around the country, and then I broadcast daily from Denver, my home station on 630KHOW, so if you have the iHeart app, you can listen to me Monday through Friday from 6 to 10 Mountain Time, just search for 630KHOW in Denver, and you'll get me there. So those are enough rules for right now, let's get going. So I'm trying to think of what I want to do next, this is live radio, I'm trying to think through it. Let's go to Elizabeth Warren, because Elizabeth Warren, I actually am part Cherokee Indian, my grandfather was a Cherokee Indian, so I'm not like Elizabeth Warren just claiming because I got a big Indian nose that I'm part Cherokee Indian, I mean I really am. But Senator Elizabeth Warren told Jake Tapper that if elected president, Kamala Harris will secure a so-called pathway to citizenship for all the illegal aliens that have infiltrated, have come into this country from Lord knows where all over the world. I told my local audience at the end of last week that I ran across numbers about Chinese illegal aliens, that you go back, oh, I don't know, you go back seven, eight years ago, there might have been a couple of hundred come into this country from China. And now we got tens of thousands of them coming in from China. So the question then becomes, what are they doing here? Now, if you understand anything about the economy in China, yeah, it pretty much sucks right now. It really sucks in China right now. So some of these people may be economic, so-called migrants. I use air quotes around that. So they may be trying to escape to come to a better economy. Man, you could have picked a better place than this one right now. But anyway, maybe you want to escape communist China. But more importantly, I think many of them are coming here as sleeper cells. Now, what gives me the authority to say that? Well, for almost six years as the Undersecretary of Homeland Security, I got the exact same print. Well, not the I shouldn't say the exact same, but I got the presidential daily brief. The same thing that the president receives. Now, I didn't get everything that the president got because there were some things that even I wasn't entitled to, to be disclosed to me by my CIA briefers. Because those were exclusively within the purview of the presidency. But even 20 years ago, we had problems with sleeper cells in this country. You think about 9/11. 9/11 was basically a sleeper cell. It was more than just the 13 hijackers. There were dozens of others in this country, so-called clean skins. They came into this country in a tourist visa, and then they'd overstay the visa. And the integrations and customs enforcement couldn't find them. They didn't have a database, the FBI and ICE wasn't communicating, but they weren't communicating with each other. Their databases couldn't talk to one another. So they stayed, and they stayed for years and years, planning, planning, and planning. And what was the result? The attacks of 9/11. I sincerely believe based on that experience and understanding that other countries send people into this country for ulterior motives, that China does the same thing. China would like nothing better than to see us collapse, as would Russia right now. So it's always been my position that illegal immigration in this country is a national security concern. So now we've let in, I don't know, tens of millions of people over the past decades. I mean tens of millions of people have come into this country illegally. And now Elizabeth Warren says that Kamala Harris wants to make sure that we have a pathway to citizenship for them. Why would you reward someone for breaking the law? Well, because that's what Kamala Harris does. That's what she did is DA in San Francisco. That's what she did as Attorney General of California. And she's going to do the same thing now. In March of 2021, Biden appointed Harris is where the whole borders are thing came from. Biden appointed Kamala Harris to address the so-called root causes of the Southern border crisis. And that resulted in her being dubbed the government's borders are. Well, Harrison, her allies are now attempting to, as I said in the last, in the first two hours, gaslighting, they're trying to gaslight us by attempting to distance her from that responsibility. Now, why would they do that? Why would they want to get rid of the moniker borders are? Because it ties her inextricably to the border crisis that we've been facing for years now. And all the illegal aliens who've come into this country have some come to this country actually wanting to seek a better life and become productive citizens. I'm sure they have been when you have tens of millions of people, you have some decent people coming in, but you also have some nefarious people coming in. So now they're attempting to distance her from that responsibility. Why? Because it's been a catastrophe. And it's unfolded at the frontier ever since she's been president or vice president. So tap her question, Elizabeth Warren on Harris's border record. He asked this. He said this. "Voters overwhelmingly disapprove of the Biden-Harris administration in how they've handled the border. By giving the nomination to one of the leaders of the border effort, aren't Democrats doubling down on one of your party's biggest vulnerabilities?" Well, Elizabeth Warren said that cities that are buckling under the strain of hosting illegal aliens just simply need to get more money from the federal government and that, quote, "We need to create a pathway to citizenship." This is what you're going to get. This is their intent all along. It was never the intent to create a border czar that was going to do what? Try to clean up the border mess? Try to stop illegals from coming into this country? No. They were going to allow it and that was the purpose. They were never going to change that. Why? Because they think they can convert those people what? They can convert them to voters. President Biden charged to Vice President Harris with addressing the root causes of mass migration at the border by going to those Central American countries. She's consistently defended his handling of the border crisis. I don't know. I don't need to tell you voters overwhelmingly disapprove of how the Biden-Harris administration has handled the border by giving the nomination to one of the leaders of the border effort. Aren't Democrats doubling down on one of your party's biggest vulnerabilities? Well, let's remember to start with the facts and that is that border crossings now are lower than they were in the last year of the Trump administration. But recognize, and I know that Kamala Harris knows this, this is a problem that ultimately has to be solved by Congress. No, actually it doesn't. All we need is for the current occupant of the Oval Office, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., to enforce the laws. He could undo the executive orders that he signed when he became president that undid the executive orders that Donald Trump would in place. Yes, Congress has the authority to write immigration laws. All of the laws that are currently on the book, on the books, federal statute, secure the border, all it takes is for the executive branch to enforce those laws. We need the tools in order to have more resources. No, you want more money for cities that for people who are already here. In order to have more resources in the states and cities that are supporting migrants. This is such a Democrat attitude. Oh, we can solve this problem. Yeah, we've created a problem. Now we're going to solve it by what? Taking more tax dollars from you and me. Adding to the national debt, adding to the budget deficit. It's always their answer. You're listening to Jesse Kelly show Michael Brown filling in for Jesse Kelly. Follow me on X. It's at Michael Brown, USA. You want to send me a text message, the numbers 3, 3, 1, 0, 3, just start the message with the word Michael, Michael, hang tight. I'll be right back. I'm back to Jesse Kelly show, yeah, it's not Jesse Kelly, it's Michael Brown. We've got Jesse Kelly tied up in a straight jacket right now. If you like what you hear, if you're enjoying what we're talking about today and you want to hear more of it, go subscribe to my podcast, which is a compilation of my weekday program in Denver and my nationally syndicated weekend program on your podcast app. Simply search for this podcast, the situation with Michael Brown, the situation with Michael Brown and you hit that subscribe button and then you'll have the week day program and the weekend program. So you have all the Michael browns you need. So go do that right now. So we're talking about Elizabeth Warren and her conversation with Jake Tapper and how and we'll talk about some specifics in just a moment about illegal immigration. But I want you to listen to her dance around the issue because remember Joe Biden appointed whether you want to call her the borders are or not. He handed her the portfolio of the border crisis, part of which was to figure out what the root causes are. Well, the root causes causes are that you have an unsecured border. And so an American economy where if you live in a crap hole country, whether it be the triangle countries of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, or you live in a crap hole country called Yemen or you live in a crap hole country called Venezuela or a crap hole country called, you know, China and you want to live a better life and you have the means of the wherewithal to escape that country and make your way to Mexico, a porous border is like a suction cup is just it's just pulling people in. So if you want to find out what the root cause is, it's one, it's, it's us. People want to live in freedom, individual liberty. They want to live in a world where capitalism allows them to pursue the American dream or collectively, they will live in a country where we take care of you from cradle to grave, which we kind of tend to do in many situations. So if you want to address the root causes and you want to stop the leak, you, you dam up the border, you seal the border. That's, that is in it fluctuates between number one and number two in terms of polls. Some day immigration is the top concern. Some days the economy is the top concern, but it's always one or two, which is why Jake Tapper over at CNN, a member of the cabal got Elizabeth Warren on and asked her actually a pretty good journalistic question. I'm shocked. And in Harris with addressing the root causes of mass migration at the border by going to those Central American countries, she's consistently defended his handling of the border crisis. I don't know. I don't need to tell you voters overwhelmingly disapprove of how the Biden Harris administration has handled the border by giving the nomination to one of the leaders of the border effort. Aren't Democrats doubling down on one of your party's biggest vulnerabilities? Well, let's remember to start with the facts. And that is that border crossings now are lower than they were in the last year of the Trump administration. Recognize and I know that Kamala Harris knows this. This is a problem that ultimately has to be solved by Congress. We need the tools in order to have more resources at the border to have more resources in the states and cities that are supporting migrants. And I believe we need to create a pathway to citizenship. All of that is part of what we need to do for comprehensive immigration reform. Kamala Harris will work with Congress and get that done. Donald Trump, by contrast, recognizes that Democrats and Republicans work together starting last fall, negotiated a deal two days before they were getting ready to vote on that border deal. Donald Trump called on the Republicans who had to praise the deal to back away from it because he wanted chaos at the border because he thought it would help him in this race on November 5th. So it's really a question of who do you trust on the border? Do you trust someone who has actually been a prosecutor, who has been there in a border state, who works with Congress toward a solution? Or do you trust someone who says, you know, chaos is politically helpful to him, so he's just going to go with that. Let's deconstruct that. You want to? All right, let's do that. First, I want you to stop and think about what the existing laws are. Why is it that now they've changed the language, and there's a specific reason why even Fox News no longer refers to illegal aliens as illegal aliens. They're now called migrants. He reminds me of the old George Carlin bill about baseball language versus football language. Migrants sound so much more like they're just migrating. They're just, you know, they're just coming here, you know, for a better life. A bull crap. No, don't, don't start with that. Me at all. That's not what's going on. And did Donald Trump really tell people that not to support that bill because he wanted chaos? I don't think so, and I'll tell you why next. It's a Jesse Kelly show, Michael Brown filling Jesse Kelly show, and I know it's not Jesse Kelly. It's Michael Brown. You ought to be used to it by now. Just hanging out. He'll be back Thursday. He'll be. You can take a big sigh of relief. He'll be back on Thursday. I hope so because I've been up since four 30 this morning doing my local program too. So I'm like, right back to Pocahontas back to Elizabeth Warren. This soundbite is, I could spend an entire hour deconstructing it. I want you to listen. Let's just back it up and listen to part of what she says to do for comprehensive immigration reform. Kamala Harris will work with Congress and get that done. She doesn't need to work with Congress. What she needs to do is go to her current boss, Joe Biden, and say all those exactly orders of Donald Trump's that you rescinded, we need to put those back in place. And insofar as the money that Congress has already allotted for building the wall, you need to release those funds and quit sending them to places like Denver and L.A. and New York and other places where all these illegal aliens have settled in and are now putting a strain on local resources, cut the money off. I guarantee you knowing how DC works that if you cut the money off from state and local governments and said, Hey, we can't support you in terms of all the illegal aliens that are now taking up classroom space, they're not taking up healthcare resources that you're spending money on for hotels and you're kicking veterans and homeless people out of hotels. We can't give you any money for that. If this administration and Congress said no, no, Moss, no money for that. Every single one of those governors, Democrat and Republicans are already doing it, but Democrat governors, Democrat mayors would suddenly start screaming to seal the border off because as much as they want those people here thinking they're going to turn into voters, they don't want to pay for it. And they know that if they turn their eyes to DC to the glory land that they'll send checks and they'll get money so they can support the NGOs that support illegal immigration, they help support all of their buddies that fund and run those NGOs. It's a big giant money laundering scheme. So just cut off the money and you don't need Congress to do that. The president himself can do that Donald Trump by contrast recognizes that Democrats and Republicans work together starting last fall. They did. James Langford, a so-called conservative from Oklahoma, was the biggest sponsor in the drafter of that piece of legislation. And you know what that bill did? Forget everything else you've heard about that bill, that so-called comprehensive immigration reform bill still allowed hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to come into this country. Once it reached a certain number, I don't hear what the specific number was, let's just pick a number out of our butt. Let's just say that once it reached 10,000 a day, that then and only then would you start limiting the number of people coming in? It never sealed the border. It never said no more. It never said no, we want to get to as close to zero as possible. It didn't do that. It actually gave the president the authority to allow in to basically say legally, hey, you can let tens of thousands of people come in. That's why Trump opposed it. And that's why many Republicans opposed it. That's why I opposed the bill. Frankly, any bill that continues to allow people to come into the country illegally is a non-starter for me. That's not addressing the so-called root causes that Kamala Harris was supposed to be addressing. Negotiated a deal two days before they were getting ready to vote on that border deal. Donald Trump called on the Republicans who had to praise the deal to back away from it because he wanted chaos at the border. No, he doesn't want chaos. Donald Trump does not want chaos at the border. Donald Trump told them, you know what this bill does? It does just exactly what Michael Brown just said it does. It continues to allow people to come in here by the tens of thousands, by the millions that still come in here. So why are you approving this? You are capitulating and you are giving the Democrats exactly what they want. Now, all Trump had to say was he didn't call anybody and say, don't you dare vote for this. He's smarter than that. And quite frankly, that might have backfired on it. He just simply pointed out the truth of what was going on in the bill. Nobody wants this. Nobody wants this. And if you think that Republicans are out there and they want this border crisis, you're not paying attention. We actually understand, I'll use Denver, Colorado as an example, right here, right? I'm in the city limits of Denver, Colorado, right now as I broadcast. This is where my home studio is. And I'm telling you that in Denver, Colorado, a place that I never thought it would happen. There are bus loads of people coming here that get off the bus at federal and Alameda, a certain intersection in Denver, they get off the bus every morning between two and four o'clock in the morning and they are offered tickets to go elsewhere. And most of them, in fact, the mayor made a fool of himself in Denver by asking a group of illegal aliens in a public forum, how many of you want to get tickets and go on somewhere else? No, they didn't want to. They wanted to stay here. You know why? Because they're diverting money from law enforcement, from parks and recreation, from streets, from everything that the city is supposed to be taking care of, and instead they're taking care of them. And the people of Denver are fed up with it. Now, they're like, you know, well, they change, well, well, the mayor just got elected, he's just has his first year, but they change anything, probably not, because it's because because Denver is a Democrat controlled city. But the people in Colorado that are paying the bills understand exactly what's going on. You don't think the people in New York understand what's going on or Los Angeles, they absolutely understand what's going on. And the polls bear that out because he thought it would help him in this race on November 5th. So it's really a question of who do you trust on the border? Well, I trust Donald Trump. I don't trust Kamala Harris and I don't trust Joe Biden. But is this really a winning issue? Is it an important issue to the voters? It certainly is. Now the economy has always been the top issue at the ballot box for the general public. And while illegal border crossings have repeatedly set records over the past few years, polls show a more recent sharp increase in the number of voters who rank immigration as their top concern, even above the economy and inflation. Voters say that they worry that this illegal immigration influx is affecting other aspects of life, crime, fentanyl, national security and government spending. And Washington seems completely incapable and unable to resolve the problem. A Wall Street Journal national poll conducted back in February found that 20% of voters now rank immigration as their top issue up from 13% in December. In the same poll, 65% of voters said they disapprove of Biden's handling of border security. And 71% said that developments in immigration and border security are headed in the wrong direction. Now Donald Trump has to start doing this to make certain that voters understand where a Republican stand on this issue. And that is policy, compare policy, compare policy, compare policy, and you've got to repeat it and repeat it and repeat it. You know why? Because you know, you're busy, you're busy running your life, you're getting the kids to school, you're worried about your work, you're worried about a client, you're busy doing X doing Y, whatever it is, people's lives are busy. And so Trump's going to have to emphasize the policy differences. Democrats have always, in fact, some Republicans have always wanted open borders for the life of me. I do not understand. I mean, I understand why Democrats do because they think they're going to turn me into Democrat voters. But why in the heck do Republicans, some Republicans want open borders? I'll never understand. Even fast forward from February to March, the Wall Street Journal again conducted a survey of registered voters in seven swing states, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, in those seven swing states with at least 72% of respondents in each of the states saying that the country's immigration policy and border security were headed in the wrong direction. If you emphasize that in those swing states, Trump wins those swing states. You add on top of that inflation, the cost of living, the economy, the disappearance of the American dream of homeownership out of reach of most Americans now. Those are winning issues. And I say all of that to get to this point. That may be 95, 100 days, whatever it is to the election in politics, that's a lifetime. And while many people right now, friends of mine, probably friends of yours are all just combulated. Oh my gosh, look at all the attention Kamala Harris is getting. Oh my gosh, everybody loves Kamala Harris and everybody's on the bandwagon. Everybody's singing a praises. She's not even the nominee yet. We haven't even gotten to their convention yet. And while I think, well, right now she is the presumptive nominee, and while I think she will be the nominee, she has too much momentum going right now. I'm not 100% convinced that she'll actually get the nomination. Come August 17th or whatever the date is when they actually do the nomination. Because while she may be narrowing the gap today, they haven't fully engaged with each other. She's just, she's still in her honeymoon phase. Wait till we start hearing what she believes and what she's done. Past performance is indeed in her case indicative of future performance. It's a Jesse Kelly show, Michael Brown filling in. Don't forget you can send me a text message, the numbers 3, 3, 1, 0, 3. Hang tight. I'll be right back. Hey, welcome back to the Jesse Kelly show. Michael Brown filling in. I'll be here tomorrow and Wednesday too. So I know sucks to be you, but I know you'll tune in because you like it. I know you like it. Don't forget if you're listening to the podcast later, whenever you can always send me a text message, the numbers 3, 3, 1, 0, 3, just start your message where you want to tell me something or ask me something with the word Mike or Michael, either one of those words. I mentioned in that last segment that this campaign, a campaign is always about personality. Who's likeable? Who's not likeable? You'll hear, you'll start to hear poll numbers about, you know, what's the likability of a candidate? Well, that is important. Nobody wants to vote for somebody that you don't like, but it's also going to be about policy. Voters I believe over the past, say, two election cycles have become much more sophisticated. Now, I know we've got a younger generation of voters behind us, and if you look worldwide, you'll see that a lot of those young voters are beginning to turn to the right. They're beginning to become more populous, more conservative, and the same is true in this country. Although, if you, again, getting gas lit, you would, if you look at the current numbers, it'd be like, oh my gosh, the youth are just running toward Kamala Harris. Well, I think to a certain degree that is true, I mean, after all, she is, I'm not sure today whether she's black or Jamaican or she is a South Asian, but whatever she claims to be today, that's going to get her some sort of an advantage. That's what she's going to claim. But once Trump kind of gets his sea legs, I sincerely believe that Trump's kind of had his legs cut out from under him because he really thought that it was going to be Joe Biden, and now he's got to reconfigure his campaign to deal with a woman, with a female. And you do have to be somewhat circumspect in how you do that because you still need suburban women, you still need, well, you still need, you still need everybody. You need every voter that you can get. You've got your base and now you have to be, you have to build on that base with that group of independent undecided voters that are always the great group that everybody's going after. The way I believe you do that is with policy because there's one unescapable fact about Kamala Harris that Trump doesn't have to do this. But super PACs, other organizations, other other campaigns, they can do this. And that's to remind us who Kamala Harris is. There are reports to say that you have the lowest approval rating of any vice president. Well, there are polls that also say I have great approval ratings. Twin voters don't like Harris, how big a drag is Kamala Harris on the ticket? She's a pretty big drag. I think she was arguably Biden's worst political decision. They don't like her. There's lots of reasons they don't like her. Kamala Harris' approval rating is now at 28%, which is an historic low for any modern vice president. We're going to get from mainstream media, one outlet after another, one leak after another. Kamala Harris is the worst vice president ever, the worst politician ever. We don't see. Do you ever get the idea that we're being gasoline, that all the gas lighting is going on again? This is all from the dominant media. This is CNN, MSNBC. These are the networks all telling you how bad she is. The same people that today tell you how wonderful she is. That's why you got to remind people of who she is and the policy differences. President, we're going to get from mainstream media, one outlet after another, one leak after another. The Kamala Harris is the worst vice president ever, the worst politician ever. We don't see the vice president. What people are saying to me, I'm sure they're saying it to you. Where is the vice president? Some minus officials are feeling that she came off looking unprepared for inevitable questions about when she might visit the southern border. We've been to the border. Do you haven't been to the border? I haven't been to Europe and I don't understand the point that you're making. The point that Lester Holt was making was obvious to anyone else who was watching this interview, which is that the issues at the border are inextricably linked with the portfolio that she's been given. The border is secure. We have a secure border. Bidenomics is working. Prices have gone up. This has been a podcast from WOR. 5280 Exteriors James Hardy sighting is a low maintenance sighting made primarily of cement that resists flame spread and repels woodborne insects and woodpeckers. Through the month of July, you'll receive free rigid foam installation with the purchase of whole house sighting. That's installing additional insulation behind your sighting, or free, but only for the month of July. Call today for more details or visit,, a James Hardy preferred contractor. 6280 Exteriors, the Altitude of Quality.