Billy & Lisa in the Morning

Olympic OnlyFans?

We're halfway through the show now! We took a second to have a serious conversation about the drugging problem happening around the world but also here in Boston. Weird stories covered the animal, or in this case the bugs, taking over (the beach)! Has anyone seen that some Olympic athletes are on OnlyFans to make more money, well if you haven't we covered it here! Listen to Billy & Lisa Weekdays From 6-10AM on Kiss 108 on the iHeartRadio app!

Broadcast on:
29 Jul 2024
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I'm Victoria Cash, and I want to invite you to a place called Lucky Land. Where you can play over a hundred social casino-style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin! So go to, that's, and get lucky today! At Lucky Land! No purchase necessary. A V-T-W group, boy prohibited by law, 18-plus terms and conditions apply. Okay, welcome back everybody, and a happy Monday to you. Sadly, I guess we'll have showers off and on today, not a beautiful day today, Lisa. No, temps in the 70s. But sometimes you need a break. And we had a beautiful weekend. We had a beautiful weekend. So I'm sitting in the office early this morning with Lisa, and we're watching the report. I think it was on Channel 5. It was. And they did this in-depth report saying that the level of drugging drinks in bars and restaurants, even in Boston, is at epidemic levels, right? It is, and there's actually a Facebook group called Booze in Boston. And it has a list of over 70 bars, clubs, and restaurants right now in the area where clients' beverages have allegedly been roofied. And they're telling people to never take a drink from anyone else other than the bartender, always watch your drink, and always have a friend's intel or a friend's number just in case something does happen. And it's important for this to come out. It never crosses your mind. You know, you're very casual at bars and restaurants, right? You don't think about things like that. But it does happen. It actually happened to my husband once in a different state. He still to this day thinks it happened to him because he could hardly get off the chair. He could hardly walk. He had one drink, and when he was talking to me that night, he was saying such crazy things. Who do you think was trying to drug your antenna? I have absolutely no idea because the drink did come from the bartender. Again, this is in a different state. But in this particular thing in Boston, they're saying never accept a drink from somebody who says, "Hey, let me buy you a drink," or, you know, because that's when it can happen. I can't believe this is still happening. Yeah. This has been happening in the past. It's just awful. It's awful. You go out and have a good time, and some, but I'm going to say the word, you know, put something in your drink. Like, what? Yeah. But again, it doesn't cross your mind when you're hanging out talking with friends or you're out on a double day. You drink is on the bar, and you turn away. You never, I guess we have to think about it now. And you wouldn't know because a lot of them, I mean, there's different things that they use, but one of them is there's no taste to what they use so that they can just, you know, put some drops of it. It's a liquid. Yeah, it's odorless, colorless. Yes, you don't know. Right. Wow. Yeah. Panepidemic levels, they say. Mmm. That's scary. It's really scary. Yeah, I've never been with somebody who's... Well, Boston Police is saying if you are one of your friends, if you ever had any, you know, symptoms to report it to them, they want to hear about it. Wow. I wonder if there are certain bars or certain restaurants where it seems to be happening. Well, we talked about this a couple of years ago. Remember there was, it was the bartenders. Yeah. Yeah. That was part of it. Yeah. That we're drugging the drink, so. Can I ask you why? Yeah. Are they just like having fun doing it? Like, what's the point? Well, it's for date rape. No, but I... If you're the bartender. If you're the bartender, why would you do that to a customer? That's a good question. When I went to somewhere for brunch and selfie, and I had like a brunch drink, and I... I don't know for sure, but I felt drunk off of a drink, and I had to go home and go to sleep. And it was like noon. Like, that doesn't happen. Like, I'm not that much of a lady. Well, there was also the brunch that we were at in the north end. Oh, my god. I was a drink. Oh, my god. I wasn't drunk. Oh, my was not drunk. And it wasn't me that spilled the drink all over you. You literally fell on top of a tower of champagne. Okay. All right. All right. All right. Oh, is that when she ruined Lisa's very account? I didn't. You and my parents. Oh, you dramatic. It was not me, it was somebody else, and I like her very much. I'm not going to turn her into the bridge. Swung around. I will die on that hill. I will die on that hill, it wasn't me. But back to the topic at hand. Exactly. I think it's going back that it's in the bottle, right? Which is a problem. Yeah. Because even if it's coming straight from the bar, it's like, oh, well, someone brought me a drink and I handed to me from the bar if it's in the bottle, it doesn't matter. Well, that's scary because you could be rendered like, I mean, let's say you're not even with friends. You went out for a drink or something and now you're rendered basically useless and you don't know what's going on, but you still have to drive your car home. But I'm shocked to hear that it's at that high a level epidemic proportions right in Boston. Man, there's creepy people everywhere, man. The world's a scary place. So you have to do what you got to do to be safe, you know, take precautions, you know. Oh, I'm definitely going to be thinking about it all the time. Who the hell wants to? Ask for one of those like paper coasters that a lot of bars have, you know, at the bar and just put it over your drink. Yeah. You're right. You just never, I mean, you really, you never leave your drink. Like you never leave. Right. Like if you get through the bathroom, you bring it with you in the bathroom. But I feel like when you're out with a group of friends, you kind of just don't think about it. Like you said, you kind of get a little sloppy and you kind of put it on the ball. Oh, I and then turn away and talk to somebody. I don't know. I have always thought about it. Maybe I don't know, maybe I don't know. I've always never thought to put my drink down. I feel like that's like one on one. See, it's never crossed my mind not to put my mind down. Right. Yeah. Well, maybe it's not always for a date rate. That could be a thing. So they drug the kids to get money. My son actually was roofied last year and they stole $40,000 plus his identity. He had an Apple phone and it's been horrible trying to get his identity back. He ended up at 2 a.m. at a gas station, somewhere in Boston. No money. And it was just a horrifying experience as a mother. So all you kids out there, be careful. Oh, my God. That's a serious one. I don't want to be a joke to this, but how does he have $40,000 accessible? Right. That quickly. Well, they probably had his ATM card. No, but I'm saying, well, like there's a lot of money for our kids. I don't know what he is doing something. I don't want his identity. They took his identity. Yeah. That's a nightmare. Yeah. You don't want that. Wow. It's almost impossible. They would never try to steal my identity. They're like, what? You got like 200 bucks, your name? Like, no, sure. I didn't want to try. Nothing. All right. Weird stories coming up next. Billy always says the animals are rising up. I think he's right. Yeah. More animal stories coming up and weird stories next on Kiss. Kiss. It seems a little weird to me. Oh my God. It's time for weird stories. I'm pretty creepy with Billy and Lisa in the morning. Well, we have weird stories of wildlife rising up. Once again, beachgoers shocked in Rhode Island, Westerly, Rhode Island yesterday when a huge swarm of dragonflies had beachgoers running for cover as they budged onto the beach. Lots of stun sunbathes along the coast of Rhode Island as a swarm of dragonflies takes over a local beach there. The wild scene happened yesterday at Miskwama Kid Beach. While some people were in awe of this natural wonder, you can obviously hear others who are just a little freaked out by this swarm. Scientists say the common green darner usually migrates between mid-August and mid-September. Some people just packing it up. Yeah. I tell you, this weekend alone, I must have seen five or six dragonflies. They're exposing down the boat. There were two dead ones right on the boat. They're everywhere all of a sudden. And I was wondering all weekend, what's going on with the dragonflies? They're all around my house, too. Yeah, I don't know either. It's part of the movement. It could be because of weather, you know what I mean? Well, they're just coming a little bit early. Yeah, but it could be, you know, maybe I'm telling you, it's all part of the rising up all creatures of all types. You'll see. The video is crazy of the dragonflies on the Pete's people are just running for their lives. Some are running, and then some are everyone else is like pulling their phones out to get videos. Yeah. Yeah. How about a 12-year-old kid? He's headed to NYU. Wow. But this is an unbelievable story. He skipped from fourth grade to eighth grade, and then again from ninth to 12. So he's the youngest student ever to graduate from high school, and he's on a 12-years-old. He's going to NYU. The end result is so satisfying. When you experience that moment where you realize, I'm able to handle these concepts perfectly. Not surprisingly, Saborno has always been ahead of schedule. Both of his parents are educators, and his father, who teaches high school physics, says he ran out of science and math subjects to teach Saborno when he was four. An element of me being a good student, but him being a great teacher. Oh my gosh. Because it's not like a ball of fun, but really smart. No, I don't think he's a ball of fun. Oh my gosh. This is his thing. Oh my gosh. I'm excited for them and their family. I just could never see my son Riley going to college at NYU at the same age. I could see Max Donovan give him a run for his money. That's crazy. But good for this kid. I mean, by the time he's 20, he could be a performing surgery or something, and he wants to be a doctor. Or a president. Actually, I saw the rest of that story, and he already is planning on running for president in like 20-30. Unfortunately, he can't run until he's 35. Right. Yeah. 20-40. 20-40. Yeah. You can run at 85. Please. What's your son think? Do she? Yeah. That's what Riley thinks. Oh, go ahead, money. Okay. So a phone sex line is offering cosplay chats to a comic con. Oh my gosh. Okay. Why are you getting these ones? My favorite part of it. Okay. A phone sex line offers cosplay chats to comic con attendees asking if they want to talk to a sexy superhero. Yeah. His little piece of the ad here. Tonight. Do you ever dream of a sexy superhero? Raw. That's smart. That's smart. I want to sign up, like, to be an operator. Well, there's a whole, like, fetish. You can make good money. Well, there's a fetish people are into, you know, furries and, I mean, yeah. I think there's a fetish for everything. There really is. Yeah. My little pony. Shh. Anyway. Oh boy. That's disturbing. We're going to, I'm going to continue with the wildlife rising up because in Hudson in a market basket on Friday, a hawk flew into market basket and they had to rescue it. Yeah. The hawk wanted some of the pizza. Yep. So oddly enough, I wasn't there for the hog. I was there for a completely unrelated call. And as I walked up, the manager approached me and said, does a hawk here? Everybody was stopping and looking at the bird, enjoying it, bop, bop, bop, bop, bird is freaking out a little bit, but not too much. So the hawk was rescued. The guy had gloves, but he did say the hawk bit him. Oh yeah. I love hawks. Hawks are scared. They just scare me. They're self. Yeah. And then, and then we have her. Yeah. It's a different type of hawk. Yeah. Really. Both could be dangerous, actually. Yeah. Spit on that. So this guy in Georgia had to be rescued after he lost his cell phone in the woods. He went looking for it in the dark and well, suddenly fell down a 50 foot well. I feel like this would happen to your husband, Lisa. Oh, potentially. Hopefully he showed up. They heard his phone while they were walking through the woods, and they were calling for him. And then one of the officers thought he heard something and went and found the gentleman had fallen into about a 50 foot well. Oh, what are these things always happen in towns where they have a very strong southern accent? Never notice. That's true. I don't know. Well, in this case, that's where the wells are. Good point on that. Yeah. Go ahead. When you wrap it up. Okay. So a splash pad in Tulsa has to keep shutting down because kids won't stop peeing in it. This reminds me of a pool party that I had. I mentioned this on the year last week. There were about 40 kids there for about five hours. Yeah. Not one asked to use the bathroom. Oh, yeah. That's problematic. This splash. I got shut down. We have closed seven times due to bodily fluids in the water. I've been here and we're told that we can't go in. And that's really disappointing because you got your kids all sunscreened up and ready. And then you get here and you have to explain to them that we can't play. Oh, yeah. That's sad. So you got yourself a piss pool up there. I mean, that's what they make chlorine and shock for. But I had that realization, you know, when no one asked to use the bathroom. So where are they? I'm actually surprised they could tell in this splash pad that there was peeing. I know. How do they test for you? And were they standing up and watching the kids pee? They must be it, but they said it did say pee on the story. Yeah, but I think if it's the other, they've got to drain the pool. Exactly. Oh, yeah. Bad. I understand. Yeah. I don't want but peeing, whatever. Yeah, it's a nightmare. Yeah, a kid pooped in my pool. Ew. Did you drain it? Really? No, he didn't. It's a whole process of what you did not drain it. No, no, no. A pool, you don't have to drain it. But there's a whole process of what you have to do. Chemicals. Evacuate. Oh, definitely. And a time span of when you can go back in. Which kid was it? I can't say. I mentioned his name before and his mom was listening. It was a big thing in my neighborhood. Oh, yeah. No, you can't. I just felt like was it a neighbor? Was it one of your friends, kid? See, when he just wants to get me into it. Oh, yeah. No, no, I don't. Then I go home to the neighborhood. A hot star. Oh, you know, his little cul-de-sac. Yeah. He'll be waiting outside the house. I will be. Hey, what's up with you talking about my kid on the air? Yeah. What's up with my pool? Yeah. Hey, entertainment is next. We'll take you to the Olympic Games. Jason Tayden was benched for that game yesterday. We'll hear from the coach. And also, we're going to replay some of that Celine Dion at opening ceremonies. It was amazing. And Matt Tayman and Casey Affleck stopped by Fenway Park. We've got some of that too. It's coming up next. Boston, what up? It's Stoducut. Everybody get up. And we're back with Philly and Lisa in the morning. Yeah. I'm kiss 108. Yeah. We're back. Hey, everybody. Justin, let's get some talkbacks in before the entertainment. Real quick. Let's head to-- how about Ireland? Want to go to Ireland? Let's go. Hi. This is more me in calling from Dublin, Ireland, thinking fondly of all my morning commutes and which people call around from all around the world. So I thought I'd give a shout out from Ireland. Have a good one. Yeah. That talkback feature that we use, which is essentially that voice message, you can do it anywhere in the world. Bring-- pull out your phone, download the iHeartApp, scream us, and boom, leave a talk back. Was that our first international member from Ireland? We've had other Ireland callers before. Okay. Yeah. Lisa. Oh, boy. So we encourage everybody from your own vacation, maybe you're visiting family or friends around the world, you could always check in. And that's pretty cool, right? Mm-hmm. All right. Let's hit it. Now the entertainment update with the Philly call stuff. All right. Olympic Games. Here we go. Football team beat Serbia 110-84. That was the final yesterday. LeBron and Kevin Durant both had more than 20 points. Drew Holiday poured in 20 points. Jason Tatum, not off the bench. They kept him on the bench for the entire game. We asked the coach what's up with that. Jason's going to play. Every game is going to be different based on matchups. He's a total pro. He's, you know, first team all NBA three years in a row. I felt like an idiot, not playing him. But in a 40-minute game, you can't play more than 10. You really can't. And, you know, so I just, I think he's, he's an amazing guy, a great player, and handled it beautifully. And, you know, he'll be back out there next game. Now you know what, coach? You were an idiot. Play-tade. I'm okay. All right. Talking about world champions. Okay. I'm just saying. They'll play South Sudan on Wednesday. And the women's gymnastics team advancing to the team final yesterday, despite Jade Carrey falling down on her floor exercise routine. And Marsha and the guy from France, the French swimming team, is the big talk of the town in Paris. So do you see them? I have. I want to say that Simone Biles and their whole team and their uniforms are the best I've ever seen. Oh, yeah. I do like them a lot. Yeah. Like red, white and blue. I'm around. They just, they're so cool looking. And how do they do that with their body? I don't know. She's insane. She's amazing. Yeah. What an athlete. Yeah. Opening ceremonies. I think I watched the entire thing. You really kept texting me. He goes, this is the best thing I've ever seen. It was really interesting that they had a, I don't know I've been to Paris, but it seems that they really had a lot of like very artistic, yes, but the runway and people, you know, the drag queens and it just, well, that's what they're known for. Yeah. They're culinary history. They're clothing. Well, you know what blew up on social our weekend was the threesome. What? It was a supple in the mix during the artistic stuff they were doing that actually they were at the Louvre and everything else. And then they were in the library and then all of a sudden the three of them were holding hands wrapped around each other and they go into one apartment and slam the door. And now the big question is, oh, are they going to be back for closing ceremonies? Oh, yeah. They'll come right through the door again. I do have to say though, that the boats that down the sun was next level cool and LA better step up their game because that's the next Olympics. Well, you're watching and it's so it's so funny. They're nice to see like the people that only have like one or two athletes from the countries that have like, you know, four or five and then you have like, we have five hundred and like 70, but yeah, and then I thought it was interesting that North Korea was there. Well, yeah, well, no, I'm just saying because it's like their athletes are just, you know, it's the first time ever probably leaving the country and they have to go right back. Good for them. Yeah, but I've heard they have like guards like at their door. I'm sure they do. I don't think it's fun to travel on the North Korea. You don't want to live in North Korea. No, no, no. No, you really don't. I got to tell you. You were right. A lot of artistic value to the opening ceremonies after all of his friends, Viva La France. The iron horse coming down the send when it first started, I was like, oh my God, this is amazing as he's riding the iron horse and it's lit up. And it's nighttime in Paris and you're seeing everything else lit up the city of lights. But then it went too long. Oh my God. It went too long. I have to say, I have to say that if you were on the river banks, I don't know how great it would have looked. Right. I think it was definitely made for TV. It was pouring rain and it was raining, but it was nice to see Rafael Nadal and Serena Williams. They were also on a boat going down the sand, carrying the Olympic torch and that went, they needed to shorten the river. Yes. Yes. You know, maybe start halfway down the river. But Celine Dion sang from the Eiffel Tower, closing out the opening ceremonies and it just blew me away, we got a clip. Wow. Now I have no idea what she was saying, but it sounded like a beautiful story. Yeah. She looked beautiful. That was my favorite moment. I was in tears when she was singing. Yeah. It was just everything that she's been through, if you watched the documentary and the fact that she could come out and sing like that. Yeah, it was, I guess it was a song written like in the thirties or something and it was about a love story and somebody who died in a plane crash or something on the way to meet the other one. And I guess it's historical in France and I don't know. After seeing her documentary, I just couldn't believe she did it. What did you think of Gaga's performance? I didn't like it, I wasn't crazy about it, but Kelly Clarkson was in the broadcast booth and she took some heat from people complaining that Kelly kept interrupting Gaga. Here it is. Oh, hey, her mic was very loud. Yeah, it sounds like she didn't even know her mic was on. But on the other hand, when Celine was singing, she interrupted that too. No, she did not a couple of times because she was just blown away by just how powerful a performance it was. They shouldn't shut the mics off that wasn't as bad as the Gaga one. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, Lady Gaga, well in, Lady Gaga, well in Paris pretty much went public with her engagement to Michael Polanski. Who is this person? No idea. He is not related to Roman Polanski. Definitely not. Look that up. Definitely not. Why? Because he's alive? What? Well, no, a lot of people have that question, you know, because of the last name. Who is Roman Polanski? I don't know who he throws. He's a director. He's a director. Oh. Yeah. That's all he needs to know. Okay. Yeah. He can't come to America because he is a skinned sexual assault. Michael Polanski is listed as an entrepreneur and he's 46 years old. Okay. You got a good entrepreneur. Yeah. You're gonna marry somebody. Yes. And now he's Mr. Gaga. Yeah. Or she's Mr. Mrs. Planski. Oh. She, I'm telling you, Kelly, that, that broadcast between Mike Turico, Kelly and Peyton, didn't really go over very well on social. I don't really know what the point was. I thought Turico did a fabulous show. He always does a fabulous show. He's doing everything. Yeah. No, he's great. I love Peyton Manning. I love Kelly Clarkson, but it just did not mix that well. Yeah. What do you think about Snoop Dogg? None of it. I don't know why you're so against Snoop Dogg. Don't get it. He came out about Snoop Dogg. I don't understand. I mean, he married the torch. I love Snoop Dogg. I don't understand. Why did he carry the torch? Why? I'm out about Snoop Dogg. They went NBC went hard in on celebrities. But they did all the ones that worked for them. Yeah. I don't care what you think, Billy. You know what? You don't want to thank me for believing in me. Do you? I want to thank me for doing all this hard work. I want to thank me for having no days off. Yeah. Do you know why Snoop was the person? No. He's going to be on the new season of the chair. What's that one? When you turn the chair, the voice. The voice. The voice. He's on the voice. He's a huge judge. That's my dog. No way. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah, because he was walking around with his baggy sweatsuit and it actually had the NBC logo on it. Yeah. NBC's just using this like a giant NBC logo on Kelly's Snoop. The closing ceremonies, you're going to see Jimmy Fallon. Oh, what's he going to do? No, but he's scheduled. This is one big commercial for NBC. Yeah. He's going to bring out the NBC folk. The Deadpool and Wolverine movie did the expected, crushed the box office, $205 million, in the US, $438 million worldwide. We mentioned earlier, Jennifer Garner has a cameo in the movie. She was at Comic Con over the weekend and apparently got so we don't have to run the sound because I thought it was lame, but she got stuck in an elevator for like an hour. Yeah. The big story in the Marvel universe, which I, you know, I'm not really into is Robert Tony Jr. Came out of Comic Con and apparently he's going to play Dr. Doom. Yeah. Oh, I saw the unveiling. It was cool. Yeah. Yeah. So I actually texted a friend of mine who's into that and he was explaining. I went down the rabbit hole of Marvel. There's a lot going on there. There's a lot. Matt Damon, a Casey Affleck, showed up in the Boston premiere of their movie, The Instigators that was shot mostly here in Boston. They also stopped by Fenway Park this weekend, talked about the different parts of Fenway Park. They shot the movie at we shot in a few little areas around the park and walking along the warning track and heading back into the back equipment area back there. It's got a lot of like cool Boston landmarks. I think I think it's got a Boston sensibility. So I think people from here will dig it. Yeah, a couple of Boston kids, they shared their Red Sox World Series memories. My first child was born in 2004, right before they won and then my second was born in '07. She was right in the spring for that year. And so I started to think that maybe I just had to keep having kids. I remember standing on Boylson Street, crying like a baby while those guys went by on the duck boats. And then I ran down to the river and watched him go into the Charles like that. That was like what it did for me personally, but I think what it did for everybody. In the city. It was like this psychic was this incredible weight lifted off of everybody. Yeah, it's cool. Matt Damon did some batting practice to a Fenway wing in a miss. Yeah. Well, we don't know how he did after that, but his first pitch, he missed it by the way. It was some swing in a miss is going to be embarrassing. If you know, right, you're going to take some swings out of Fenway Park. You got to go into batting cage for a couple of days. Well, they have, they have the, you know, the batting cages inside the park. Yeah. Right below the dugout. Yeah. Yeah. That's really cool. You know what, Matt next time, just a couple of swings. Yeah. A couple of swings in a miss. Lisa, you had your book club on Nantucket. We're going to take everybody back there just after nine o'clock, right? Yes, we will. I sat down with Ellen Hildebrand, the queen of B treats, and she had a lot to say about the new Netflix show coming out on September 5th. All right. So we'll take you to Nantucket, the great lady right after nine o'clock this morning. We're brought to you by the 99 restaurant. Summer's definitely here. And so are the sensational or seasonal flavors you love at the local 99 restaurants. You can try the new fresh strawberry chicken salad. Oh, I went there yesterday and I had it was delicious. Oh, yeah. You just love that. Did you get the strawberry salad? No, I got the gold for your wings. They're my go-to. Love them. By the way, today is National Chicken Wing Day. Oh, yeah. And it's also National lasagna day. Bone in. Yeah, which begs the question, Riley, why don't we have a tray of lasagna here this morning? And National Lipstick Day, too. It is. That's my favorite. What does that mean? It means put on some lipstick. Anyway, you might want to try the fry seed food platter or the jumbo shrimp scampi. You know, you got to love the knives and there you go. You can put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand. So everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's Energy in Progress. Visit From the Planet Fitness Kiss 108 studios, we're back with a villi and Lisa in the morning on Kiss 108. And you know what else, Lisa Donovan is back from the Island of Nantucket and another really successful book club event lease. It was fabulous. It was flawless. We were at the Dreamland Theater. It was presented by 90 plus sellers and I did sit down with Ellen Hildebrand. She wrote her last Nantucket novel. It's called Swan Song. And I asked her in the interview, does she have any say in the cover art for the book? Generally not involved at all. They show it to me. They've showed me the covers since the beginning and asked if I like them. And some of them I like and some of them I don't like and I just, that's all I say. But I do not get the final say. In fact, sometimes my publisher doesn't get the final say. A lot of times, in fact, my novel, The Island, I don't know if anybody remembers that, the amount in 2010, I think the person that had the final say was Walmart because Walmart seriously said, I don't like, we don't like that cover, go back. And you know, big retailers like that often have a lot of persuasive power over the cover. I thought that was shocking. Yeah. Like Walmart is the final say that was that was shocking. Yeah. What if she hates the cover? Well, she said some of them. She just doesn't really like that much. The other thing I asked her, which I thought was also shocking. She wrote 27 books about Nantucket. And I asked her what her publisher said when she told them and she had this to say, I did not tell them. So I just announced it to the press. No way. Yeah, I announced it to the to AP and just said, I'm retiring. And then my publisher and my agents found out. And so then they were what like, what? That's a boss move. Yeah. You know, it's a boss move when she and then she followed up, she said, I didn't want them to throw a bunch of money at me and then cloud my decision because this is what she really wanted. Right. Well, I heart if you're listening, feel free to throw a bunch of money at us. Exactly. And then last, but not least, we asked her about the new Netflix series coming out on September 5th. It's called the perfect couple. It's based on one of her books. I knew in January that Nicole Kidman had signed on. So Nicole Kidman is playing career. And then I got the cast list on March 10th of 2023, and it was Liam Schreiber as tag Dakota Fanning, Megan Fahey for the white lotus and Eve Hewson, who has been bad sisters, but who is also of course, Bono's daughter as the lead. And the cast, honestly, you guys goes on from there. Every single person you will recognize, it's a list like to the max. Yeah. There are no flat tires. Yeah. I miss cast list. Well, when and where does it open? Okay. So September 5th, it starts streaming. She's going out to L.A. September 4th Netflix has premieres right before it starts to stream. And then she's having a big gala on Nantucket on September 6th back at Dreamland. And I asked her if she had a cameo in the film and she said no. I also asked her has she seen the film and she said no, she wants to see it with everybody else. Where do you go to the premiere? If I'm invited, sure. I'm sure you are. Why wouldn't you be? You have to be. Hi. This is Shannon. I just want to thank Lisa and just want to wait for a great time on Nantucket on Saturday. It was such a fabulous day. The event that Lisa did was great. And I got to hang out with one of my friends. I don't get to see that often. So thank you very much. Oh, you're welcome. So when is the next event? Actually, Billy, it's this Wednesday. We are sitting down with Susan Zalkine, who wrote the Waltham Murders book. And she also did that documentary that we watched. Susan was on the show on Hulu on Hulu. It is available on Hulu. And it's the lead up to the Boston Marathon bombing and the connection between the Waltham Murders and the bombing, the Sonaya Brother, and Katherine Loftus will be joining us too. And we're going to talk about true crime and investigations and how you defend people. It's going to be a really interesting discussion. So it's at the review. If you want to go, just go to and register or just click the link in my bio on Instagram. You can sign up for the book club at, right? You absolutely can. And the video from this past weekend on the Kiss Facebook. It is. So go check out the entire Ellen Hildebrand interview. She's fascinating. I loved her. Yeah. Looked like a fabulous event. Yeah, the Susan Zalkine one with Katherine Loftus is going to be huge because true crime is massive. Yeah. Everybody is into true crime. And that's this Wednesday night. Yes, at the review. Wow, I've got a lot to do between now and then. She's got a brand new book in her purse that she's got to read between now and whenever. So yeah, wow. Good morning. It's book club, Mary Beth. Lisa, wow. Thank you for organizing an amazing event on Saturday in Nantucket with Ellen. It was so fun meeting her up close and personal and being able to explore the different venues mentioned in her books. Billy, we even got an ice cream at the Juice Power in the honor. Again, Lisa, thank you for taking the time to organize the book club and create such an amazing event that created memories that will last a lifetime. It was a perfect 10 day. Yeah, that ice cream place is right around the corner from Dreamland. It is, I saw. Yeah. Yeah. Lisa, Lisa, man, this book club is really taking off, huh? I have to tell you, that event on Saturday, like, that was just, it was just, it was just, it was perfect. Yeah. The weather was perfect. Nantucket is gorgeous. And then you had the Queen of Beach Reads, Ellen Hildebrand. It was perfect. Yeah. She even tried to get Winnie to read. She didn't go well. I gave you the stupid book yesterday. Did you read it? She's always here. We'll wrap up the show next on Kiss One Awake. Good morning. Kiss One Awake. It's the morning wrap up on Billy and Lisa in the morning. No Kiss One Awake's ticket tag is going on right now. It's Tate McCray this week. This post on Instagram went up on Saturday on the Kiss Instagram. It's the pin post. You can enter right now for an amazing prize. And that prize is to see Tate McCray. You're in Boston and New York, how it works is. You go to the post, you enter, you tag somebody that you want to take to the show. At 710, Billy and Lisa call out a name. If that person is you, you'll have 15 minutes to call us back. And you win tickets to see Tate in Boston sold out show and you qualify to see here in New York as well. We'll pay for everything. We'll announce that on Friday. Anyway, the first day we got a winner within 15 minutes. And that was Jenna. Yeah. Jenna actually woke me up right up 7 to remind me of it. So I went out to my car and I was listening and I couldn't believe that you guys called me. Yeah. Jenna, you can listen to Kiss on your phone or your computer or you don't have to listen on the radio. I mean, you can. It's very nice. It's so cute. It's shocking. It's so old school. Yeah. It's shocking that a lot of people still don't realize. It's that easy. You just go to the, yeah, the app. Okay. Hey, download the app. You search Kiss One Awake and you can listen there. Farm wanting 7 10, another name. So go to the Kiss Instagram and enter right now. We all had a busy weekend. All did different things. Billy was out on his boat, went to Marina Bay, went to Victory Point where our own Winnie used to work and he ran into a road boss. So Donato here at Victory Point, how's your summer been going? Billy, I need to share something with you. Since Winnie left, I have the best staff family. This year, I am not a problem. Everybody shows up. Nobody answers me back. Everybody works. It's fantastic. So it's been heaven without winning. Oh, thank God. Shout out to Donato down there at Victory Point. Also shout out to my buddy Mitchell, who's the doc master down there at Marina Bay. That's really come a long way. Marina Bay is a hot place now. Yeah. I've never been to Marina Bay. Oh, so much fun. You have to come. It's so much fun. Yeah. I don't really go to the South Shore that much. You're missing out. Yeah. Also, we had a topic about, you know, in relationships, when did you know that it was over? This was a viral video of comedian Chris de Stefano and his wife in an awkward moment on their podcast. We played that audio, but we got a lot of calls and talk back from people who, yeah, they knew the time it was over. I knew my marriage was over when my then ex husband and I were in marriage counseling and we got fired by the marriage therapist because my ex has been kept canceling our counseling sessions because he had to pick up racquetball matches and play racquetball. All right. Yeah. One thing. It was over. Yeah. And I think the lesson that we kind of, well, Billie and I, the men, you know, is to be communicative. Yes. Communication is key in a relationship. You got it. And also be a good listener. Good listener and be active in what they're asking you to do. Mm hmm. Yes. Yeah. Be sensitive to their needs. Yeah. Don't ever stop dating them. Right. Exactly. Great. Good one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And also scary thing going on, not just in Boston around the country with the, the drugging of drinks in bars and restaurants. This was a big story this morning. We talked about that just a quick comment on the putting drugs in people's drinks. My no longer best friend put Molly in my glass of wine when I went to the bathroom because she knew that's something that I wouldn't do and she wanted to make sure we had a good time that night. Yeah. Oh my God. She's not your best friend anymore. Yeah. That was the premise of the hangover movie. That's exactly how he would feed his friends to, so they would have a good time. That's horrific. Yeah. That's a monster, that ex-friend of hers. Yeah. And knowing that she wouldn't willingly take the drug, the Molly, and then putting it in is just terrible. Oh, terrible. Unbelievable. God. It's his one of ways. And we're back with Billy and Lisa in the morning. So with the Billy and Lisa morning show, it's not enough for us to just talk about or report on a story like, for instance, the Olympic Games going on in Paris, France. Instead, we have Lisa Donovan, who's going to take us inside of the Olympic Games, right? Right. You're not going to get this anywhere else. No, not really. The number of high profile Olympic athletes are joining only fans saying that it's a great way to make some easy cash. Well, you know, they don't make a lot of money. They don't. We're learning. I mean, some of these sports are, you know, like diving, a British diver named Jack, who was competing in the Games, says he charges $10 per month. Well, he's top three in the world, and he only makes $36,000 a year from diving. What does he charge $10 a month for, to, for, to see his content on only fans? Which is his body. So he just, I don't know how much of his body, I don't know if he goes full frontal. But you know, obviously he's a diver is in great shape and, you know, you can see him probably in sexual poses and he said that it's what people want and that he's a bit of a hustler. Okay. So he's okay with using only fans to make some more money. And this is what's going down in Paris, France from the Olympic Games. So what became of all the condoms that they handed out to everybody? I, I would hope they're being used. Mm hmm. No, the, we, we, we're not making a joke about it, the Olympics and the sex thing with the sex beds and the condoms. Oh, we're not. It's a real, well, no, it's a real thing. It's a real issue there. No, really is. In regards to the Olympics and sex during the last Olympics, 29% of the athletes tested positive for STIs and it was at those Olympics in Tokyo where they first introduced the anti-sex cardboard beds and Billy talking about athletes abstaining, but once they have hence done, you have people that are in the best physical shapes of their lives, the top athletes in the world that are there for a short amount of time. So then, of course, we got a lot of action happening and they showed the team Australia women trying to see how many soft ex shell cushions they could lay down to make the bed softer. Well, are they laying down? Thanks. Ex shell cushions. Ex shell cushions. That you make the softer with. Well, it was a little contour, contradictory last week because on the one hand, they put in the cardboard beds to dissuade people from sex and then the next day they came out with millions of condoms for men for women and if I'm not mistaken, dental dams. Yes. Yes. It was oral dams. Oral dams. Yeah. So this diver, Jack, he does not share full frontal nudity. Okay. He shares content in speedos, briefs, boxers and more and he offers the followers on only fans the opportunity to personally chat with them. Oh, yeah. And now who are the other athletes that are on only fans? Are there others? Well, there was a short track speed skater. Her name is Elsie Christie. And she says that her account saved her life after her retirement three years ago from the sport. Wow. Because they don't have any like, there's no money after it. Where do you go with speed skating? Exactly. Again, some of these sports. And they did a keep their whole like 20s and 30s and they come out 40 and they don't have like anything really right to back it up if you're doing lose. Yeah. And after you retire from the lose, yeah, I think there's actually one loose facility in Massachusetts. Is that a fact? Yeah. Yeah. Well, a lot of people are turning to only fans and you know, they're making money. There's obviously a big market. Okay. Question for you. And they're in good shape. They're all athletes, right? Oh, yeah. How much money would it take for you to start an only fans page? Well, if you're going to make, you know, 10 grand a month and no nudity, I mean, they're not even doing nudity. I'm not judging. I would do it right now if I could. Well, why don't you do it? Because I can't. We're giving you permission. I can't. You don't know it. You don't have to like unveil everything. No, no, no, no, I would be I would be shunned by the Academy. You can have only fans. Ask Lisa on only. Well, that's the thing about only fans. They don't have to be sexual. Right. Just be whatever you make it. Your page is yours. You know, you just sit there and maybe I could do book reads. Yes, Lisa, you could do, you know, you could do, you could do like naughty book read right book read. I think you've actually got a resume for that already. I think she's really you really good at that. But here's what happens. Okay. You start out. You don't do nudity. Right. But then you can do things where you charge people to do certain things for them. And then you can make a lot of money that way. That's a lot of these. Yeah. Yeah. So you can, you know, if you send me this, you used whatever. Yeah, you know, I'll send you a hundred dollars used underwear. I'll give you twenty grand for you. Lisa is not sending. I'm not saying underwear to anybody. I know. I know. You know what? You know what? She can stick to the naughty reader. As the evening wore on, several people lay down and started stroking one another. It became a sizable cuddle puddle. Hey, this is table gray and we're back with Billy and Lisa in the morning. Kiss 108. Hey, guys. Welcome back. We're just about out of time, but we have to remind people about the ticket tag it began this morning. We had a winner immediately and it continues tomorrow morning. Justin explained to everybody how it works. So given away one person, a shot to see Tate McCray in Boston and also in New York. And so you go to the Kiss Instagram, the tag, the pin post, you can enter there tomorrow morning, 7 10 billion Lisa will announce the next name 15 minutes to call us back. If they do, you win tickets to see Tate in Boston, but you also qualify for the grand prize, which is to see here in New York City will announce that on Friday. Really good chance of winning one in four chance of winning because we'll do it every morning this week and Friday will announce the grand prize. So you got to be listening and then we only give you 15 minutes to get back to us exactly 15 minutes. But speaking of the clock, we got to get out of here. The mighty one is I'm told on vacation this week. Yeah, he's he's up on the farm in New York. He's from upstate New York. So I don't know what he's doing. He's melting the cow. Careful. Well, yeah, he'll be back tomorrow tips covering farm. What are you laughing at bill? No, you know about the farm. You know about the farm. On a farm, everybody has worked to do right now bill make sure the grown up cows are properly fed that they get grain and grass and silent all the good food and clean water they need to make good fresh milk and the key is not to get to from it with the animals. Well, the kid gets a little too friendly. He's very friendly. You know about that. Because it is a dairy farm, the first thing they show off is that bright new milking farm bill has started the milking. I'm Victoria Cash and I want to invite you to a place called Luckyland where you can play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. So what are you waiting for? The best way to discover your luck is to spin. So go to that's and get lucky today. Luckyland No purchase necessary VGW group void we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply.