The FAN Morning Show

Canada’s Olympic Start: Good, Bad & Ugly

Ben Ennis & Brent Gunning kick off The FAN Morning Show starting on the Olympics and Canada specifically. They talk about how it started with the darkness over the Canada Soccer scandal and all the infractions placed on them. B&B discuss how it was handled, what other backlash we could see and how now after 2 wins, the women’s national team has the potential to be one of the “feel good” stories of the Games. They also look at the medals Canada has already won and what’s on the table for Day 3. They also delve into Canada's men’s basketball team and takeaways from them after their first game in Paris 2024. The back end of the hour has the morning duo quickly discuss a Maple Leafs’ signing from the weekend and what it means as well as a quick Canadian Football Report that wrapped up Week 8 in the CFL (13:25).

The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily reflect the position of Rogers Sports & Media or any affiliate.

Broadcast on:
29 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Ben Ennis & Brent Gunning kick off The FAN Morning Show starting on the Olympics and Canada specifically. They talk about how it started with the darkness over the Canada Soccer scandal and all the infractions placed on them. B&B discuss how it was handled, what other backlash we could see and how now after 2 wins, the women’s national team has the potential to be one of the “feel good” stories of the Games. They also look at the medals Canada has already won and what’s on the table for Day 3. They also delve into Canada's men’s basketball team and takeaways from them after their first game in Paris 2024. The back end of the hour has the morning duo quickly discuss a Maple Leafs’ signing from the weekend and what it means as well as a quick Canadian Football Report that wrapped up Week 8 in the CFL (13:25).

The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily reflect the position of Rogers Sports & Media or any affiliate.

[MUSIC] >> Bad morning Joe Sports, that five-nighted a bad bed, a sprint gunning. It's a Monday morning. It is now in the thick of the Olympic fervor that exists in Paris. It is a couple of days removed from the Major League Baseball trade deadline. It's a hot time for sports, Brent. >> It's a great time for sports. Someone once said somewhere sometime, I'd like to start this week by saying to you, good morning, it's great to be back with you again, like we've talked about this. It's like I've seen you just enough that it doesn't feel like I've gone that often with you, but I also feel like we've done maybe two shows together in the last six months is how it feels to me. >> Yeah, we did two shows last week, and then yeah, the week off before that. So yeah, two shows in a span of two weeks. >> Who knew I'd miss you so much? Not me, hands up. >> Well, I mean, we do have recorded audio of you saying that you love me, so that's not all that surprising. >> I twisted your arm into you saying something about me, and I made Santos grab that. I don't remember what it was. >> Yeah, yeah, no, that doesn't at all sound defensive, yeah. >> Well, it does exist, but it's like, hey, Saint Manzan, vacate for two weeks. So you'll have that to, you'll have that way, hang over your head as a cudgel one day, you will get hit with it. >> Well, I'm gonna, I'm gonna do five days this week of this show. So how about that? >> I'm proud of you. >> And then next week I'm not gonna be on this show for a whole week. >> What a shock. >> But anyways, that's next week. This is this week, where as I mentioned, there's a lot going on and a lot to get to. Like usually Monday show is a jam-packed show today, no exception. And there was like multiple different places to start. We could have started with the longest tenured Bluejay being shipped to a division rival. >> Certainly could have. >> The Bluejay is with the sweep, like, you know, like these results, I don't know. My dad calls me every morning in my drive in and he's like, oh, what's your lead in the show? Today, bluejay is a big sweep of the right. I think who cares? Who could possibly care about the results of these baseball games? >> I learned my lesson. See like two months ago, I would have come, I would have sent you when I like started the band where I started the chat on the show last night. Like obviously we'll lead with the big J sweep. See, I'm learning. I started wanting to start with that. >> Yeah, I don't know, maybe that gets some people's juices flow in that the Bluejay's won baseball games. >> Oh, there are always people who can delude themselves and are like, oh, 10 cap bounce. They know Jano's gone and it's real now or something, but I don't count me among those people. >> Yeah, it's baseball. You're going to win some of the occasional game. >> White Sox have even won like a couple. >> And yeah, the Rays are in full on teardown mode. So perhaps there's a team that you're better than as you go towards the ends of the season, but the teardown is not fully complete. The Bluejay's are about to attempt. >> No, it's not. Just quickly on the Rays, McKee and I kind of stumbled on this when I was doing the show with them on Friday and they're very much a part of this. There are certain franchises that it doesn't change like even how successful or unsuccessful they are. They always just feel the exact same. And that's the Rays right there. Like that is they're just DNA to the core. It's like sometimes they have good years, sometimes they have bad years. They are always trading away players that will inevitably net them incredible returns. And I'm sure that's what happened where it was what happening with their teardown right now. >> Yeah, I think you should be terrified if the Rays come calling. >> Just nope. >> And they have identified one of your prospects that they would like to trade for. Even if you get Esack Paredes, who would have made a whole lot of sense for the Bluejay's, he ends up going to the Chicago Cubs. But yeah, we'll get to the baseball story later on in the program. I think we got to start with what is emerging as the best and most interesting story of the Olympic game so far for this country. And it may go beyond this country. I mean, it was started before the opening ceremonies that Canada, the women's soccer team was caught flying a drone over the New Zealand soccer practice. And Beth Priestman, the head coach of the women's soccer team, thought if she just took herself out of that game against New Zealand, that would be enough. That would, everybody would be satiated by some self-imposed punishment. Turns out that was not the case. >> Mm-hm. >> And in fact, now she has been suspended for a year along with a couple of assistants. I mean, whatever, she's gone forever. Like you'll never hear from Beth Priestman again when it comes to this nation in soccer, like pretty clearly. >> I would imagine, I would at least at the very least hope. >> And Canada soccer was fined about $300,000, but beyond that, that's all secondary stuff. >> Well, I was gonna say that's no problem, because as we all know, Canada's soccer's coffers are just like super flush at all times. >> Well, and I mean, not to mention now there's the potential for the government withholding funds for- >> If you have another angle that you want to talk about, please move on, because I could scream about that forever. >> It's wild to me. >> Yeah, the most impactful thing, obviously, is the six points deducted from Canada when it comes to the group stage. >> You play to win the game. >> They made it so they wouldn't count even if they did. >> Except now they've won two games and the most recent yesterday in dramatic fashion, injury time where a draw would not do against France. In injury time, they score Vanessa Gill with the goal and stoppage time to net them a 2-1 victory. So now to zero points, starting negative six, the Canadian women's soccer team are up to zero points in the group stage, which means, by everything I've read, like a draw against Columbia on Wednesday might be good enough, a win is definitely good enough for this team to advance out of the group stage, despite being in a negative six point hole to start this thing, because the players had a head coach that went rogue and was part of an organization, and it probably extends the men's side as well, and you know what, patient zero might be John Hurdman, who was, of course, working above Ben Priestman in his earlier position as head coach of the women's national team. Now we got this Canadian national team, and again, maybe you can disagree. I think the players are separate from the structure that enabled whatever happened to have happened, and now to me, this is like the potential for one of the best, most heartwarming stories of the Olympics. This is in Saints Bounty Gate, where if the coaches organized it, the players are still complicit, or complicit. This isn't also where they were like, hey, we have these really tiny spy cams, and if you just go drop them around the training pitch, it's going to give us great. The players didn't do any of the bad. Okay, there have been instances where the team and the head coach should be held more responsible, but the players still responsible, unless I see evidence that again, Canadian soccer player X was piloting the drones, or said stood up at the room, like, unless the camera cut out right after Sydney Crosby talked to the men's team at Copa, and was like, and then Del Fonzo Davies took the mic and said, and we need more droning because that's the secret to all our success. Unless that happened, then you have to look at the players just as, yes, they're completely removed from this, and this goes back to what I said at the beginning of this whole story. I wish this would have happened in the Olympic or the winter Olympics, because it's easier for us to say, all right, yeah, we're big. We're bad. We're Canada. We're going to be up here there at the top of the medal, the medal standings, and the tenor of everything that was happening with this women's team heading into the tournament was, eh, maybe not going to be the best tournament for the defending champs. And now all of a sudden, backs against the wall. And the fact that it does seem like there are kind of counter narrative swirling in the soccer world of, eh, you know, like, it's not great, but it's not, shouldn't be a death sentence type thing either. You know, the DDA drug would comments come to mind. So that's where I look out with this is, of course, you have to look at the players and just, you know, want to kind of wrap the flag around them. Of course, how can you not? Okay. Okay. You shouldn't, you shouldn't cheat, right? Yeah, of course. And we're Canadians. We don't cheat. Okay. We're honest people. Yeah. And when we make mistakes, we own up to it. But we've handled this about as poorly as you could have possibly handled this. Like, who is defending? Well, but who is defending this organization? Don't defend Bev Priestments. Like throw her overboard. But like, instead of like, maybe, okay, so we got the CEO of the Canadian Olympic Committee coming out and saying, you know what? Maybe that 2021 gold medal is a little tainted now too. Instead of that, yeah. Well, first of all, let's like take a beat here. I let other people say that. How about like, let the investigation take place and whatever comes of that, perhaps then apply that to the reality. But like, where are the people in charge who, I get it, I guess, or more inclined to throw the other people under the bus because they've just arrived, right? Yeah. Like the, the, the, the turnover at the top of Canada soccer, this is a different regime than the one that hired Bev Priestman than the one that hired John Herndman. So it's easy for them to throw them. It's easy for the new regime at Canada soccer to throw the previous regimes under the bus. But what you've done here is made it so easy. You know, whenever I talk about whether it's suspensions in the NHL or any supplemental discipline in any other, in any sport, my, my go-to thought process is like, what is the decision that could be made that, that upsets the fewest number of people? You know what upset nobody, apparently? Docking Canada six points because we were like, self-flagellating before that. Well, like, yeah, of course, we're bad. Slap us with six points. Where are the people defending this team, this organization? Understanding that, yeah, what they did was wrong, but also not the most egregious trend, transgression in the history of the sport. I've seen people compare it to the Ben Johnson doping scandal in '88. I've seen that. Like, what are we talking about? Dumb when you do that. Just like, let me start there. I think the thing that is, I think the thing that's tough about this, and, you know, again, like, we have had the new CEO of Canada soccer on the show before, Kevin Blue. And I think it's tough because with the CEO of the Canadian or the, the, I always forget what exactly the term is, but the head of the Canadian Olympic Committee, that is the one that bothers me the most. I understand on one end, you want to, you know, be a good Canadian and get in front of it and like, okay, say your story right away and really say your story and lean into that. But I also can't, and I just think of how would most other sporting nations look at this. Generally speaking, it is not, I'm sorry. I mean, just like, give us all the punishment we could ever handle. Please, please, please, please, please. It doesn't make any sense. I can understand from the internals of the org, especially again, because it's very new at the top. You don't want to be seen to defend that, but you also want to just kind of try to be steady in the choppy waters. But from the very top of the Olympic Committee, which is just there to defend the, it's, you did not have to rush to this. And then again, you mentioned it, the government coming out and looking for a good headline, I guess, or whatever, like, oh, again, for whom that's a good headline, I don't know, some guy in Idaho probably was like, yeah, that's right. Joe, those dirty Canadians that they're going to remove funding from Canada to soccer when the thing that it desperately needs is funding right now. So that the two things of those mixed together drive me insane about this story. It's so easy for FIFA to come down hard on Canada with the six point deduction when the CEO of the Canadian Olympic Committee is saying, yeah, we're tainted. Oh, yeah, this is bad. We're bad people. We're so bad. We're, we're bad little boys and girls. We're horrible. You should punish us. Now, and, and while that, like, ultimately, after an investigation and after, you know, some super second thoughts, like, maybe six points is the correct deduction that should have been, or the correct punishment that should have been levied on these women. But we just made it so easy. We just made it so easy. Again, and it's not, you don't have to step to a podium and say, you know what, everybody does it. It's not a big deal. But you say, hey, we're, we take this very seriously. We understand that this is something untoward and factually written in the rules that shouldn't be doing this, and we'll have an investigation. But until that is complete, we'll have no further comment. Now, if I'm going to give them a little teensy bit benefit of the doubt, but I'm also going to explain why I shouldn't, it's that there was the legal stuff at the very, very outset of this when it was regarding the actual drone piloting. And it had nothing to do with whether it was at a soccer pitch or, you know, a field hockey stadium, it was just, you can't fly drones around the Olympic stadium. So I can understand them immediately saying like, okay, this is a legal issue as opposed to a sports issue and wanting to take that side of it. Dive deep into Toronto sports and the NFL. The JD Bunk is podcast. Subscribe and download the show on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. All right. Bad morning, Joe. Of course I'm five guys. Monday. Oh, yeah. Uh, there's, uh, there's some racing happening right now in Paris. What do you got on your TV? We have dueling TVs that I got the eights. I got the eights rowing, which is oh, yeah. Now I'm happy with my, uh, I'm happy with my skateboarding on skateboarding suite. Um, I do love the cockswain of the eights. You know, a fun fact about them. I actually I'm about to learn one, but it's like, you have to be, I forget what the weight is. Like they all, it's like jockey, straight, like try to have like a small, uh, cockswain as you can or whatever. And they have to weigh at least like, again, whatever the amount is. So they, if like, let's say the number is like, I imagine it's different from men and women. Well, let's just say like the number, make it nice and easy is like, I don't know, 150 pounds or whatever. If you are 147 pounds, uh, then half, you have to have a little bag of sand on you. Oh, yeah. Cause it's like otherwise it's like, why would they not just find a baby? Let me tell you early on in childhood, mine could have been crying on command, just like that. It would have been perfect. Yeah. So, I mean, that's, that's, that's good. That's good. Cockswain information. Okay. I got to be honest. Like, I'm not saying you're like, wow, I'm so happy I knew that. But like, that's a, that's a good Olympic fact. That's a, you know what that would have been better for? And I feel like this kind of sports radio is like sometimes she just sitting at the bar, watching Olympics. If I gave you that, you'd be like, okay. Nice. But my, my question was going to be because I had one when it came to the Cockswain is so that's just their deal. They, they just never row like, are they an alternate or something? My understanding again, that's their job. Feel free to be wrong is like, they are built much differently than the rowers. Okay. Like the rowers super long, super lean. And the other problem I have in no shots, no shots at the wonderful directing of the Olympics. But once I watch rowing in the social network, it'll never look as good as that. Like the scene when they go to the regatta. Sure. Sure. It's just never going to be that good. Sorry. Sorry. Fincher cooked it up. How, how is this not hitting your, like you're a movie guy? I figured you'd love that. It's just, it's never going to look as good. The fictional rowing, where the true story, the one guy played two guys. Yeah. What a performance. Who also likes to eat people. Like no comments on Hannibal Lectery, but there it goes. Looks better than real life. Yeah. No, you're right. I mean, it was great. Anyways, but the eights were good at that, I think. True. That better. We finished third in, in a previous heat that I was just watching. Was that a better or worse movie take than Andy Defrain killed his wife? Nothing's worse than that. So better. Hey, that's, you're wrong, but I, I did ask. Anyways, to wrap up the Canada soccer conversation we were having, which feels like a lifetime ago, I did feel like it was going to be a situation naturally where, you know, we're cheaters and the rest of the world was rooting against us. I don't know if that's the case now, now that, now that the players have come out and said, hey, we're not cheaters. We're doing this for the people in this, in this locker room. Do they, have they reversed the narrative for people outside of this country? Because I think most people feel like I do where it was like, oh, well, that's about it. I guess I just, I'm not watching the defending gold medalists anymore, because there's no point because they've been eliminated essentially. Now they're alive, very much alive after two victories against a France team that was ranked second in the world headed into that match yesterday. I'm at a place now where like, I am going to be glued to my television set on Wednesday, watching them play Columbia with the chance to advance despite this, the harshest punishment you could have possibly conceived for something that had nothing to do with the players. Yeah, I think, I think for my money, it is absolutely and not that I needed it, but like galvanize me around this team for lack of a better term. I think the other thing that Canada has going for them, and you know, I think this is a, I would imagine this is the way the rest of the world views it as well. But maybe, maybe Canada soccer is a little different, not just now, but because of the place this women's team has occupied over the last decade or so, is that they're always just in the face and screaming at the Americans. And I would imagine that carries a lot of mileage across the world. They seem to have a rivalry with the team. I would imagine everyone else has a rivalry with. And I think the, the idea of like, hey, we have a common enemy, that makes us friends. I think throw that in with the idea of they appeared to be railroaded. There's going to be the stories. We're telling it now. But if this team gets deeper and deeper, the people who are just following the Olympics at large, they're going to say, oh, did they? Wow, they overcame this deficit. Yeah, I can easily see a world where they become darlings, I think, is a little too strong for us, absolutely. But for the turn, like the world at large, I don't know about that. But definitely not heels as far as the world is concerned. I wouldn't think I think there are pockets of it. Again, like go pick somebody that Canada has had a tense match against in the last three or four years. I guarantee you they're sitting there going dirty cheaters. They use the drone. I know they did. So I don't think this is an overarching thing. And I think part of that is being a team that's been successful. When you're the defending champs, people just have a lot less mileage of, oh, those rasky scams. And they've been so done hard by it. And it's like, they happened. They got six points, take it away from them. But I just think there is a different way people look at them than your classic kind of underdog story. Yeah, they're not the underdog. So the defending Olympic gold medalist, although the World Cup didn't go so great. But a couple of big victories won against the New Zealand team. They probably didn't need drones to beat. But did beat them to one. And then yeah, the most recent yesterday against the France team that is ranked second in the world. Anyways, that was the number one story of the Olympics going into this damn thing that was like before the opening ceremonies. They played New Zealand the day before the opening ceremonies. Kind of thought that that story would peter out after Canada bowed out in the group stage, being down six points, but obviously things have changed since then. What's your secondary story so far at these Olympic games? So we've got our first silver in summer Macintosh, who by the way, qualified for the final of the 400 meter individual medley, which goes tonight, she qualified earlier today. She's the defending world record holder, I believe in that event. Canada basketball, taking it to Greece in the opening match for them, ding, ding, ding. Eleanor Harvey, one of fencing bronze, our first ever fencing medal. I feel like this is very unfair to the medalists that we've already had. And especially summer Macintosh is probably going to go rack up a whole bunch more part of it, because she's incredible part of it, because she's in the pool. But I, how can I not be excited about the thing I was most excited about leading into these games, living up to the hype with a tight game and Canada coming out on top and she'll just Alexander woofed in the face of the Greek team right after the game. How can that not be my secondary story? Dare I say, not my secondary story. It was the Canada soccer thing has lived many days and it's overarching and it's had a lot of different tentacles to it and an evolving nature. So that has been the bigger story. But for me, the thing I have got the most mileage of, I was locked in at three o'clock, was not going to leave, you know, popped outside during halftime, blew some bubbles with the kid came back in and watched to the rest of it. That was everything you could have wanted. That was what this basketball tournament was supposed to be. And it wasn't the full one a promise of the best of the best of Canada, but Shay living up to it, Murray hitting the huge free throws at the end despite some other problems during that game. But that that was the thing I was most excited about and it lived up to the hype. So I'm not going to sit here and tell you anything else has been my my secondary story. Yeah, we'll talk to Michael Grange later on the program. It is when you have the best player or arguably the best player in the world at a thing, it changes things. And there's been a lot of anxiety watching this Canadian and you're not talking about the increase. No, I'm not. No, but people should go. I think you should make a point of saying that. Same people hear it and they go, yeah, yeah, be honest, but no, SGA is a better player. There's been a lot of anxious moments watching the Canadian men's basketball team over the last half decade plus as attempted to get back to the Olympic Games for more than two decades, right? Steve Nash, Rowan Barrett, senior was on the last Canadian Olympic team. And this golden generation, it didn't just happen, right? And still, there have been so many speed bumps along the way, including a last second qualification attempt in our own country that didn't go the way we wanted it to. But that didn't involve Shagil just Alexander in Victoria. Everything has, including the World Cup that allowed Canada to qualify for the Olympics with an incredible comeback victory over Spain. It's amazing how having the best player in the world or at least top three and he finished second in MVP voting this past season, Shagil just Alexander and he shacks MVP. That's true. It's amazing what that does for your anxiety level. You're right. Because, okay, yeah, man, double digit lead and honest on the other side and that Greek squad that can shoot, having that lead dwindle down to single digits, that's nerve-wracking. But it's not as nerve-wracking when you look out on the court and the guy with the ball in his hands is a guy that now is starting to accumulate moments. And albeit, not as big as we expect that are going to come in this tournament. Pretty big though against Spain where you don't even get a chance to be here unless you come back and do what they did, eventually winning bronze at the World Cup. And they don't do it without him. It just changes the mentality. It changes the feeling you have watching a team that honestly has just brought you a mountain of heartbreak over the last decade. Yeah, and you mentioned some of those other moments. Like, you know, the guy, we always talk about not being there, Andrew Wiggins, he was there in Victoria. There have been other guys that have had these chances to have moments, but it hasn't accumulated the way they're starting to for Wiggins. And again, you know, or sorry, for Gil just Alexander here. The other thing is, is that he's kind of the culmination of what we've been building to to this. And it came very about very organically, right? Like, we go back to the start of this wave. And I don't know if you want to call it like the Raptors boom, the Vince Andy Deera, the Steve Nash generation, like pick your your term for it. But it started with Wiggins going first overall and maple Jordan was bestowed upon him. And part of it's the expectations part of it's the weird career that's happened part of it is the player is not as good as SGA. But now you're seeing that where the floor is truly capable of being set with a guy like that. And I'm not talking about the ceiling because I don't know that there is one for the for this national team. I mean, there's a ceiling. It's called the United States. But beyond that, anything is possible for this group and this tournament. And with SGA, he changes the level of belief. It's not just the, it's not just the way he plays. It's the Moxie charisma leadership, but it's, it looks so different than when we think of that in a lot of sports. We think of that as guys like, you know, Tom Brady screaming at his receivers on the bench be better. She goes to South Alexander is the exact opposite. I saw it again in that grease game. I'm forgetting which game had happened at the World Cup last summer, but he has this tendency to hit huge buckets for this team. And then it goes into a timeout or a stoppage of play. And everyone is coming to him like, Hey, Shay, you're the man. He just does a cool it. We got three minutes left. Cool it. We got two minutes left. And then I go to the comments he has after the game. Now, this is a little thing, but I do just like the demeanor he has that he is unfazed by anybody, even the team led by Yana Seta Dekupo. So the two teams are kind of John at one another. And this is what Shay Gil just Alexander said about it after the game. Number five, bump Nikhiland Alexander Walker, who is his cousin after the whistle for no reason. I just wanted to let him know we don't play that. It was hashed out. It's cool. He doesn't get phased by anything. Even the moment where we're like, Oh yeah, you were yelling. Yeah, I did. And then it's over. So let's move on. Let's do it again. Australia, your next there has, you know, for Steve Nash, it was all guts and heart. This is the exact opposite. It looks jarringly easy. He is trying as hard as possible out there, but it looks like he could reach back for another three or four years if he wants to. It is just that's the thing about him is the ease with which he seems to play these games and that it in turn gives me ease. He's good and we're good at basketball. And it's not a one man team. No, it's not. But where would this team be without him? I don't know if they're at the Olympics, honestly, because that's totally okay. He's the best player. No question. The same can be said about a bunch of different teams, but like nobody has as many NBA players as Team Canada outside of the United States. The team with the most NBA players like everybody essentially on this team, say for one or two players is to you is on is on an NBA roster and a rotation player. So we'd be good. But what are we without him? Like, yeah, maybe they win that game without him, but maybe not because like I said, it printed away down to single digits. It is it's incredible what having, again, a top three player in the world. Yeah. How impactful that can be a no shade thrown to Andrew Wiggins, who was pretty great at times during that last ditch Olympic qualification tournament in Victoria. But that wasn't good enough. No. It's amazing what one guy can do to the the view of this entire program. Yeah, you know who should be kind in their lucky stars that that one guy exists. It's not Andrew Wiggins. It's not me. It's not you. It's not whoever you think loves basketball the most of this country. It's not even Jordi Fernandez. It's the guy he shares the back court with in Jamal Murray because on one hand, Jamal Murray playing as Captain Canada, where SGA doesn't exist. And we go, wow, this guy is the second best player on a championship team. And we just give him the car keys and you're off and running one. That's a very different challenge than what he's used to in the NBA, just because Yokech has the ball so much he'd be playing in a completely different role. But think about the pressure that would put on him. You know, if Dylan Brooks does something dumb and gets himself like, you know, throwing out of a game, we're going to be mad at him for that. But, you know, if Dylan Brooks goes two for 10, we're going to be frustrated, but he's not supposed to lead the way, Lou Dort, same exact thing. Nakela Alexander Walker, Kelly Alinik, go down the list. All these other guys are supposed to be complimentary pieces. There's one other guy on this team that you're supposed to look at and say, Oh, that's a star. And it's Jamal Murray. And I think that I'm not going to sit here and say it couldn't happen if it was just Jamal Murray, because I think he takes on a completely different role and is a completely different player. And quite frankly, maybe that would be an exciting, fun challenge for him. I hope we never see it, because I liked the way it is when SGA has the ball and he's in charge. But that is actually the guy who I think is most impacted by this. And it is the guy who maybe loses the most shine, because Shay, there's just a floor of how he's going to perform. The generally speaking, after these games, if something goes wrong, we're going to look to Murray in the box score and what happened there. Maybe that's completely unfair. Probably is, but I think that's what's going to happen for a lot of people, whereas with SGA, there's just going to be a floor there. So I think Murray is the guy who would have a way bigger role and would benefit more in theory, but the spotlight that would shine on him if SGA wasn't here. No fun. Jamal Murray is a mess player on an NBA title team using that negative in that first game. No good for Canada against Greece. Two huge free throws. Yeah, yeah, that's good. You hated a million. Yeah, yeah, I know. I kind of like tuned out when I saw them double digits. I know, but then they need them. Yeah, they certainly did. Last one on the Olympics, send rivers full of poop. I've heard. Why didn't we just hold the Oakland Coliseum then? Yeah, yeah, apparently it's going to be fine. But I was doing, it is an intriguing story to me. No, I don't disagree. They're going to have the marathon swimming in the Senn River, and they're going to have the triathlon in the Senn River and in the lead up to the Olympics, Mayor of Paris. Okay. I mean, she took a dip in the Senn River to prove to people that it was a lot of stunt for swimming. And I guess maybe in that moment it was apparently like the rain impacts us significantly. Apparently also for the competitors that have events in the Senn River, they've been preparing thusly by not washing their hands after using the facility. No, like literally I've seen this to build up their E. coli levels. So that their body doesn't react as harshly because it's like, oh yeah, no, you were just a filthy animal. Okay, let's jump in the filthy water, you filthy animal. That's disgusting. Let me just start there. They can't, you know, I know engineers have been working on this. Okay. But like, they couldn't just put a big filter at one end of it. And like, I think they've attempted to do that. Here's the thing, like, I know, there's a current, right? Like it's not a stagnant body of water. Yeah, it's a river. Right. Exactly. So just like put a net at one end and a filter at the other, call it a day. I don't know why they didn't just get me to solve this. Yeah, no, they're there's reason why it was ever even a possibilities because they have somehow lowered from whatever the level of E. coli was previous, it has been lowered to at times an acceptable level through means that I don't quite understand, but probably something along the lines of a filter, you're a homeowner as am I, you know, you sometimes got to like pay someone to do a job at the house or whatever, or, you know, you're just do it yourself, because you know, I knew the first thing. Yeah, I know. But I was giving you the out to, to at least feignmanliness. Like that time you tried to change your tires and said this is happening. Yeah. Yeah. That was tough. But I don't think about it. And imagine someone gave you a bill for a repair at your house. And it was for $1.6 billion, which is apparently what they spent cleaning this river up heading into it. And they're like, yeah, I mean, but like, you know, if it hope it doesn't rain. Yeah. All right. Like, I just blows my mind the amount of planning that goes into this and the amount of things that could be foreseen. Again, like, I'm not some genius, but I understand how like agricultural runoff works with the idea of, well, I just understand that water goes in the earth. And then the stuff that's in the earth has to go somewhere. Like, it doesn't just pond and pool. That's how like, you know, the oceans and rivers and streams and all that stuff works. So smart. I sound here. I could have foreseen this problem happening. The hubris we get at every single Olympic games. And there's no one that's no one is innocent here. There's not been an innocent Olympic organizer ever. I don't know, maybe at the pent up. I probably not for you to send back then either. But I look at it and I say that this is just the we get one of these stories every single time. And it kills me because it is the, I think it's the, the rest of development of like these people, their idiots. But it might work for us. It is every single time with these games, whether it be a stadium that they think they're going to get built in time or a poop river that think they're going to clean up. If I was these swimmers, and I'm sure again, there's reasons logistics yada yada. Where did you say the surfing is Tahiti? Yeah, get me over there. Water seems fine. I'm sure little choppy, but you can find a way to find a copper bottle. The surfing being in Tahiti because it's like opposite time zone. So there is literally like there's something happening 24 hours a day. I have seen a lot of this stuff about like there's a lot of events. I actually think it might have been the fencers that we're talking about. I don't know. But basically there's a rule in the Olympics that you can't be more than I think a half hour drive away from your venue, like where you're supposed to stay. So traffic's terrible on Paris. So they have all these like little like satellite villages that are basically just hotels. And obviously you're an omp and you're there to compete. You're there to do it. But I always feel like you do get like a little bit of that robbed from you. If you're not at like the chief village, having said that, I feel like the one in Tahiti is probably a time. Yeah, apparently the Olympic Village in Tahiti is a cruise ship. I did see that and I don't I'm not a cruise ship guy, but that looked more like a shipping container than like a cruise ship. At least the image I saw. Maybe I got it. Show in a bad picture. But yeah. Oh, shout out to the Canadian men's 10 meter synchro team. Picking up Canada's third medal of these Olympic Games. A bronze medal this morning, that's Montreal's Nathan Zombur Murray, Saskatoon's Ryland Wiens winning bronze. I covered some synchro diving when I was here for the Pan Am Games. None of those gentlemen though. So I can't say I was there for all the ground. The 10 meter spring or a 10 meter platform. I was watching the three meter, meter springboard seems harder. The springboard than the platform. Yeah, there's a lot. There's a few more variables there. Yeah, like, you know, the springiness of it all. Anyways, we'll get back to the Olympics later on in the program. We have Leafs adjacent news. Yeah, a little little leafy news. So Alex Neelander, I thought had rejuvenated his career. Maybe. Putting up the points he did with the Columbus Blue Jackets a season ago, scoring 11 goals, 15 points in 23 games with them and a couple of multi goal games. But the jackets that thanks, but no thanks did not qualify him as a restricted free agent. And the Maybellis pounds, they sign him to a minor league deal and a HL deal. This is not a two way contract. It is just a contract to play for the Toronto Marley's. It's a one year deal, but you got to figure if he produces the way they hope he does as a former first round pick that he could absolutely factor into the bottom six of this leaf stand. And I'm just like, forget about the NHL for half a second. And I'm not saying that to say he's going to be a great Marley because Kyle Dubas is here isn't here anymore. So I don't think anybody really particularly cares cares a ton about that. But you know, going back to the start of 21 22 30 points in 44 games, 50 points in 55 32 and 43. He's going to produce there. And if the bottom six looks like it has the potential to look for the Leafs this year, there's absolutely a world where they try to convert that into an NHL contract. I do think it's interesting. You know, I'd be kind of curious to hear from somebody on this, but the I think it's interesting that he chose to go with an AHL deal as opposed to the off like PTO we see from guys. Now it could be a little younger. I feel like PTO guys typically skew a little older like he is 26 years old is Alex there. But yeah, you can, I mean, what's probably going to happen here is he has a fine year for the Marley's. He gets converted to a two way deal or a NHL deal at some point and then it doesn't pan out. It's like probably what ultimately ends up happening here. But in a world where you're constantly just looking for a little win on these fringe forwards. And I think this is important to a world where with a new head coach, it is entirely possible they talk about spreading out the offense. I've heard crazy things than brothers finding some chemistry with one another. Yeah, I've heard crazier things than a 26 year old former first round pick who has like there's been overall as well. No, I know. And there's been mitigating circumstances for the lack of production too, right? He's suffered. I think it was a pretty devastating knee injury. I forgot, but he was hurt for a while. Yeah. I mean, he hasn't really been given enough ice time to really judge him until he arrived in Columbus. Like that's the first time in his entire career is 23 games with the blue jackets where he averaged more than 13 minutes a game. He averaged over 16 and he ended up producing. I mean, this is one of the advantages that the Toronto Maple Leafs hold. It's not the tax thing. And it's not the pressure thing. But it is the ability to give people minor league contracts. Well, first of all, just stack the minor league system or the coaching system wherever there is no salary cap with as many people as humanly possible. Yep. And if you have your druthers of choosing somebody's minor league system, why not go to the one where you're going to get the accoutrement of being a Toronto Maple Leafs? I've been thinking about that. I for a while, that was always like, hey, that's the big draw. And it is definitely for players that are kind of slightly more established. And you know, just given the kind of family comes from, I don't think this will be as much of an issue for Alex, but, and you know, he's going to, Alex Neumander, that is, and he's going to make a pretty AHL salary. I would imagine, or he wouldn't have jumped to this deal and would have waited for something like it's not going to be hefty, but like by AHL stand, I think it's like 600k. Right. Exactly. Which foreign American league players is nice money. And obviously, all of you listening who don't make 600k don't want to hear me crying about this for him. But forever it was seen as an advantage that, hey, you're right down the road. Hey, you live in a world class city in Toronto. And I do wonder if, and again, Neumander is the case study that this isn't true, apparently, but I do wonder for other guys like, well, if I'm going to make 600k, I don't know, Toledo sounds pretty good because you're just like your money goes farther there as opposed to like what's, what is his condo if he wants to buy one going to cost him? Is it his whole salary of more than that? Like, like that's the kind of thing I think of it. Because forever it has been seen as a draw that, hey, the teams here in Toronto, and it's nice and easy to not in a ton of travel. All that is true. You also have to live in Toronto. And again, 600k, I think he can afford it. But I don't know for the other kind of minor league guys, I do wonder how much that weighs in. I think he'll be fine. I agree. I think for William, this is also part of the deal of being a Toronto Maple Leaf because not only do you get all the money, you get all the trade restrictions and they'll hire your family members like you got somebody needs a job. The, the Toronto Maple Leafs will more than acquiesce to your desires. Like, I, I just, but kind of. But yeah, you don't think like, well, we thought, okay, it's pretty pleased that this, this development. Okay, to give a, like, and I realize these are different teams, different places that players could be not on opposite ends of the aging curve. But like, if we think Boba Shep was like, go get me Justin Turner and pay him 12 million bucks or 10 or whatever it is he makes, the idea that William Neelander couldn't say, Hey, give my brother a nice AHL deal. And then he's in the fold like, yeah, that absolutely can happen here. So of course, of course, that's a small part of it. And then this is also a thing. And I feel like tree speaks to this more. I don't know that he actually believes in it more than other GMs. But you don't want to go to players and have them build your team for you. But there's only so much you can know about an Alex Neelander by watching them play or talking to coaches, right? Like, who knows him better than William himself, right? And the idea, I would imagine that Neelander is a guy that tri living has a lot of comfort with or who wouldn't have handed him the biggest bag ever that last year that they wouldn't have gone down that road. So yeah, of course, it's part of the deal. Yeah. And this is kind of how you have to create a bottom six forward group in the age of the salary gap of the national hockey league. And especially when you have a cap structure like the Toronto Maple Leafs do that either you've got young draft picks that are pushing and are producing at a level that's higher than what they're being paid. Or you're rolling the dice on minor league free agents that end up impacting your bottom six. Like, is it fair to say that this is kind of how you have to build your bottom six or is it an indictment of the depth of this Maple Leafs team that we're legitimately talking about a guy who the Columbus Blue Jackets said, thanks, but no thanks to as being a depth forward on a team that obviously is going to have Stanley Cup aspirations. It is an indictment, but it's an indictment of one thing in particular. And it's either fragile living's inability to get him to or Mitch Marner's unwillingness to waive his no move. Like it was very clear just based on everything the team was saying, they would have loved to have made some bigger picture moves this year. Wasn't in the cards because the two guys that I think just would have created the most space. We don't need to rehash this all again in Tavares and Marner that they weren't going anywhere. So I think that that's where you where you look out with this. The other thing I'll quickly say on this is this is about to be about to be the most Toronto story of all time. When three games into the AHL season, he has eight points and people are going, you better scoop this guy up. He's going to get because with this being an AHL deal, like obviously the Leafs, I think would be predisposed to sign him before somebody else. But the Leafs had a guy, I'm forgetting who it was, but he was ripping up a key for bellows. That's who it was. He was playing very well for the Marley's. Anybody could have gone and got him on an NHL contract because it was just an AHL deal. Same place, Leafs are going to be it. Now again, if somebody's talking, I imagine they'll pounce, but the flames will will be higher for him doing anything in the American league than any player this year because of the Leafs. Yeah, it'd be cool to see him playing with this brother. Agreed. At the NHL? On the Leafs, not with kneelander on the career, but Simon, something, please. Correct. All right. Time now for the Canadian football report brought to you by Securian Canada, the official life insurance partner of the CFL. Week eight, starting off with the battle of two first place teams, the Alawats came from behind in front of a home crowd beating the Rough Riders 20 to 16 on Thursday nights, Saskatchewan Ashley control in the first half. They were up by double digits, but Montreal coming out strong, starting the third quarter, scored a touchdown on their first drive to make it a six point game. Alawats now six and one, they're alone atop the East Division riders, now five and two tied with the BC lines. Lines were on a buy in week eight, but five and two is the best record in the West Division. Red Blacks dominating the St. Peter's Friday night, as they stay perfect at TD Place. Khalil Pimpleton's 99 yard punt return touchdown, the third quarter, putting the exclamation point on Ottawa's 33 to six-week win Ottawa's defense, not allowing a single touchdown finished with four sacks while their kicker, Lewis Ward, perfect four for four Red Blacks, improved to five and two. They stay second in the East, Calgary's fourth road loss of the season as they drop to three and four overall, putting them third in the West Saturday night at BMO Argonauts. The last team standing after a war of attrition saw them come away with a 16-14 overtime win at home over the blue bombers, Toronto's defense, finishing the game with five sacks, also forcing three fumbles, bombers tied the game in the fourth quarter, but unable to complete the comeback despite having a chance to win in regulation. They were stopped short of the sticks by the Argos on a third and one attempt. Argos, perfect three for three on field goal attempts, including a game-winning 34-yarder in OT, Toronto improving to four and three on the year, third in the division, Winnipeg dropping their sixth game of the season. They remain fourth in the West. Last game of week eight saw the Tigercats picking up their second win of the season with a 44-28 win over the still winless Elks last night, Bolivai Mitchell throwing a career high five passing touchdowns in the win. He was 17 to 25 for 316 yards and an interception thrown in there as well, even with the win though Hamilton still bottom of the east at two and five. Elks 0 and seven on the season. That was the Canadian football report brought to you by Securian Canada, the official life insurance partner of the CFL. All right, when we come back, we are fast approaching tomorrow's major league baseball trade deadline. Blue Jays already getting some work done over the weekend. We'll get to to that and more next is the fan morning show continues Ben Annis Brent Gunning Sportsnet 590 the fan.