Ba'al Busters Broadcast

JH4 Reading Strange Letters and Key Elements of Deception

This is still active until my daughter and I return. I have been streaming from my late grandfather's apartment on the bottom floor of my mom's house. It's been rough at times, and last night I was looking at my grandfather's old medications and getting sad and mad at the Allopathic idiots who did him in. I cried pretty hard thinking he may not have had to suffer all these years, and may still be here with us to see his great granddaughter grow up. If you want to assist my little family here is a method:
Tuesday we covered the shot barely heard around the rally even though it allegedly passed through an ear. Today we'll talk about the nature of deception, the level liars will go to, how many layers deep these lies can be, and identify the liars themselves...
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1h 48m
Broadcast on:
29 Jul 2024
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When it comes to renting out your property, the uncertainty of finding reliable tenants can feel like a real guessing game, responsible renter or perpetual party animal. Enter Renters Warehouse. The pros who turn the uncertainty of finding great tenants into peace of mind. Renters Warehouse offers top-notch leasing and tenant placement services, ensuring you get trustworthy renters without the hassles and headaches. With no upfront fees, Renters Warehouse works for you, not the other way around, from marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease, their team of experts handles it all so you can sit back and watch the rent roll in. Renters Warehouse even warranties their tenants for up to 18 months at no extra cost. And if you need ongoing management, they've got you covered too, all for a flat monthly fee. Visit to request a free rental price analysis, that's or call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent estate advisor today. Good morning. How is everybody doing today? So we are kind of, sometimes I usually start, so about an hour earlier than we usually start on the west coast where I should say Pacific time. And it's going to have to be kind of a short one today because I have to meet my brother at the track, Sarah took a race way, I'm going to meet his and our little nephew, the fair is going to get to play with her cousin, and we're going to see the horses and maybe bet on a few. Unfortunately and sadly my stepfather got sick last night, like pretty bad, has 102 fever right now. He's working all day outside, you know, doing healthy stuff, don't know. I'm not the naturopath here, so I don't know what to make of that, but he was doing all right, and then he started getting bone aches, and then you know where that goes, once you get those bone aches, you know, that setting in, right, that feeling, you know, your fingertips, you get up to go to the bathroom and you get that bone ache. So he's got that, and then he has some coughing I heard last night, and then I got up early this morning to go do my 5.2 mile jog, and I got up early for the purpose of hopefully finishing by 8.30, because he was supposed to start working on the deck, the pool deck outside, and I wanted to help him. So even though he keeps telling me no, no, no, it's okay, it's okay, I wanted to help. So I was planning to do it anyway and be there, be available, right? And hit the next door neighbor, who's like in the Plumber Steam Fidders Union, but he's out of work right now, he's been helping Steve out during the daytime for a few hours every day. And I didn't see them, and then I figured he must have been sick, he must have already called Chris and told him, no, no dice. And he did, I guess, I just talked to my mom, she just woke up. So they're not going to do it, so I get to do this, excuse me, a little bit of noise here. It's my favorite flavor here, is the sour green apple from Ghost, super good. Sugar-free. Okay, so if you don't already have this, I'll have to back up a little bit, if you don't already have, god damn it, I'll move this out of the way, if you don't already have this, I highly recommend getting it, okay. More and more every day, I'm seeing things that I wrote about, hoping that they wouldn't come true, hoping that they wouldn't come true, hoping that I wasn't right about a lot of things, because that meant some pretty detrimental crap for us. But unfortunately, it's been constantly being proven to be dead on, unfortunately that word dead on might also be us too, wouldn't be dead. Here's a couple of little things we'll talk about. First off, I want to show you something that is disgraceful, and if this doesn't sum it all up, then I'm trying to wear my hat in a way so that you don't see the brightness of the light behind me, so I'm trying to, like, die to move, but it also makes me look like a propeller head, so it's kind of funny. All right, so let's go to the present screen, I want to show you something real quick, and this is from Joseph Polka, Polka 22 in the chat. No audio necessary, just, I'll show you the way he just posted here, why is there two of them? Oh, that's the last one, let me see, that's this guy. All right, oh, I can't make it bigger, I guess, without it going crazy. So it says the calamity is, or should be the calamity, here is, not the calamity is here, the Marines are singing the national anthem of Israel, loyalty and death. Who owns what, what owns who? What's been controlling us ever since prior to World War I, made a round of that, I don't know, when they establish their Federal Reserve, their central bank, and I would go so far as to say, after the Civil War, they've almost fully controlled us, but now they do fully control us. So there you have it, who, you can't have, you can't have two dads, you know, well you can, you can't have two loyalties like that, because one would have to, if the best interests of one is kind of contradiction to the other, then one of them would have to be served and the other would not be served, right? Especially when they're in direct opposition, what would be best for one or the other? Now being that Israel doesn't need to exist in the first place, it's built on a lie and it's built on 17 Francism in that notion that comes out of the Kabbalah and the wickedness of the Talmud and all of these Christian Zionists out here that they've created themselves by infiltrating these other Abrahamic religions that at the core will always relate back to Judaism because Judaism called the biggest don't ever by getting other people to adopt or Torah by just adding a little bit of action to it and calling it a Quran or calling it a New Testament, okay, well Rome helped out with that didn't they, but who was actually in control of Rome back then? So now we have this, now we have this miserable shit here, it's gotten to the point where it's not even being hidden anymore, we are greater Israel, greater Israel West, greater Israel East is the Ukraine and where's all of the US money been going again? Well they're just trying to sap the wealth out of here any which way they can, so excuse me, it goes to Israel and it goes to Ukraine and what's the common denominator between the two? Judaism, Jews, Talmud, Qabbalah, Sabatine, Frankism, the whole Israeli conflict here and the Ukraine war is going to do something like this with the way their fingers spread out to gain more territory and do you really believe that Iran is doing what they're saying Iran is doing because it isn't that convenient that Iran is the only one that hasn't been hit on the hit list that they developed after 9/11, isn't that kind of interesting? Of course, of course Iran is doing this and that and the other thing and I'm sure they're not being provoked even if it is true. Funny how the merchants and thieves and bandits and cutthroats who created this notion of terrorism in the first place can constantly accuse other people of terrorism, whether the ones who are the masterminds behind the very notion of it. So there's that, if I haven't said this already in this book of military ways to try to get it through people's heads that we are not living in the United States and haven't been for a long time, we're given the facade, they're not going to tear down the poster on the wall, that is our constitution, they want us to believe that that still exists but everything that you can see is evidence to the contrary but as long as you can see in that song, I'm proud to be an American because at least I know I'm free, then the adage is true, those who think they are free are the most enslaved and now the only problem with that, okay, we're being abused, we're being robbed, we could have had tremendous amount more wealth if we weren't paying all these recurring fees in life, first of all, if you are a tax, if you're a pay tax, if you're calling yourself a taxpayer or calling yourself, I'm an electrician and you're a human being with a soul, a heart, a family, you're not your occupation, that's another deception right there, I do this work but I am not that thing. Good morning Bushmaster, how are you sir, good to see you man. So anyway, if you, where were we at, what was I talking about, I'm tired as hell, so I only got like two hours of sleep, what was I saying, I'm proud to be American at least I'm not free of all those Muslims, okay, so this reoccurring debt right, this constant sucking us dry, there's a death tax, there's an inheritance tax, there's an estate tax, they don't want you to have anything and when you die they want to take the rest of it from your family and leave them with nothing, all of your work given back to the Jews, yeah I said it and that's their game, that's their plan, it's written out in the protocols of the alerted elders of Zion which this man right here brought back to the attention of great many people when he published it in his, as part of his book Behold the Pale Horse, there's a reason why I picked him, even though he would never name, it's not the Jews, it's the Freemasons, it's the, well it's all based on the Kabbalah, so who is responsible for that, he didn't want to say it, Alweener was one of the people who helped him get into radio in the first place, Alweener happens to be Jewish and Alweener was probably a very great man, that's not, it's because there's not, you can't just label something and say they're all bad or they're all good or all this or all that, there's plenty of, my uncle is a piece of garbage, he's an Italian man, a tie on white man, right, he's a fucking piece of shit, excuse me, but our whole family isn't pieces of shit, we have one, when it happens to be these other people who are, by nature and by history, have always been at odds with everybody else except for themselves and how to create rules between themselves because they're such assholes that they needed rules and guidelines and laws in between each other so they wouldn't rip each other apart too, so they came up with these commandments which by the way are not Christian, they're not Catholic or Christian, they're fucking Jewish stuff and it's only between them that it matters that these rules are followed, according to them and they're God, not your God, you are sold their God, but it's not yours because that God is talking about getting rid of you for them, that's awfully convenient, so it's only their God, have you worship it, have you give your energy, your devotion and all this stuff to it because that's what the game is, to have you grovel on your hands and knees to their God, we all have somewhere we're trying to get to, as the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand so everyone can get to where they want to be, you've arrived, that's energy and progress, visit Well it sounds like the tenants at your rental property sure know how to throw a great party, you just wish they wouldn't throw so many parties, on Tuesdays, until 4am, and if they could pay the rent on time that would be nice too, being a landlord can be stressful, but it doesn't have to be, let renters warehouse handle the hard part of property management for you, like finding quality tenants you can trust, renters warehouse manages thousands of single family homes, and specializes in locating reliable tenants at the right price for your property, usually in a matter of days, and if your tenant defaults for any reason, they'll replace them for free up to 18 months under their tenant warranty program, from rent collection to maintenance coordination, their best in class property management professionals do it all, all for one flat monthly fee, get a free rental price analysis at, to find out how much your home can rent for, that's, or call 303-974-9444 and speak to a rent estate advisor today. That's part of the whole thing, right? But it's not your God, it never was, the religion's not yours, it never was. The religion is based on getting rid of the Gentiles, okay? And if you don't believe that, read it, read it from the perspective of this is just primarily for them, for the tribes, because they do this shit up in the Hellenistic period, and the reason why I'm saying that is because they were just yawists back then, God-fearers, but that wasn't even true either, they were Saturn cult worshipers, right? And these people, these people needed to put themselves into the history books and legitimize themselves because it was another scam, like always, that they were running. Ever since we meet up with them in history, they were the merchants, they were the cheating people, they were the thieves, they were the bandits on the road that would rob you, because Aryans, they would murder you, rape you, because if you're a stranger, they're the strangers because there are always the quote-unquote foreigners, the Haberu Sagaz literally means the cutthroats and the foreigners, the people on the other side of the river. So, it's the name that other people gave them because they never acclimate, they're always at odds, meaning they're foreign to your culture, and they will parasitically just devour everything that they get near. That's who wants you to pay for your electric bill every month. They want you to pay for your every other bill every month, your gas. Well, here's the funny thing, the biggest part of your bill is called the delivery charge. It's not even the usage, it's the delivery charge. Now, think about that for a second. Who put in the infrastructure? If we're to believe that tax money is even a thing other than a way of reducing your ability to live a happy life because they take that money and stick it up their ass or burn it because it's not real, it's not gold, it's not any of the sellers, I think gold is also just because we said it's worth something, because it's shiny, shiny, shiny things are worth money, don't you know? So, if your tax paying dollars paid for the infrastructure, well, then that system that brings it to your house, you've already paid for. So why are you paying for the delivery charge for electricity, for water, for any of this other stuff? Because the cumulative generational family of yours put their money into it to build and keep up that infrastructure. So why are you then being charged to use what you own? Things have to change around here. Even if you didn't have an electric bill, could you imagine that for me personally, that would be an extra four to five hundred dollars a month back into my budget. With my parents here, I just couldn't imagine, they have a three thousand something square foot house, thirty nine hundred square foot house, something like that. And I don't think that even counts some of the add-ons that they did, but anyway, they pay 156 dollars, well, the bill I just saw was 156 dollars, they have central air, they've got three refrigerators, went to my grandfathers, went upstairs, yeah, I think three refrigerators, we have three refrigerators in our house too. All kinds of stuff going on. They have the hot tub running, they have the pool, you know, excuse me, the filter running, it kicks on, they pay 156 dollars a month, I paint four to five hundred dollars a month. So either there's something after, we keep on getting noticed as to saying that we're using 80 percent more than our neighbors. Well, is it because of refrigerators, because Rebecca doesn't shut off lights and keeps fans running all the fucking day? Maybe I should kick her fucking ass out, I don't know, I don't know. Kick her son down too, who doesn't shut off lights when he walks out of a room. But I don't know what the actual reason is for the discrepancy unless it's just our rates are higher being that we're on, you know, this is New York State Electric and Gas or what they call NIMO, Niagara Mohawk. And we're over, like something close or related to PG&E, like the people that like to burn down forests, yeah, yeah, those people and burn down houses, like paradise, yeah, those guys, the ones that are owned by the Rothschilds. Not that they're not all owned by the Rothschilds, but some are owned by people who are owned by the Rothschilds. So you don't see the name on there. And then some are more blatant. So we're paying, so SDG and Ian San Diego, when I was living there, my bill was like six, seven hundred hours, sometimes eight hundred dollars, well, just for the electric bill. And it was because we, I didn't know that we were renting a modular home that had like shitty, freaking, you know, you know, wasn't sealed wonderfully. So the AC was, you know, working overtime and we had a little shit heater that was like a space heater. I should have known, but you live in the land, right? So there you go, the electric heater, which was, you know, I've had electric heat before and it wasn't like that. So we moved away from that and we were paying eighteen hundred dollars a month back then for a thirteen hundred square foot ship box. It was nice. I mean, it was nice. We didn't have pool or anything, but we had a garden in the backyard and crap. And I was able to go to the store whenever I needed to, to cover ships and reduce our labor costs. But then Ferra was born and that thing happened with, you know, we had to put forth that we had to have that notarized birthing plan, birth plan with the hospital so that we would make sure that they wouldn't do anything that we didn't want them to do to our daughter or do things that we, and make sure that they did do things that they want. We wanted to do like a delayed cut of cord so that more of the nutrients and the, you know, if you believe in antibodies and all that stuff, go into her certain little things like that. Don't put the shit in her eyes. Don't traumatize her at birth. Don't shoot her up with anything. Don't get any vitamin bullshit, but K, whatever that other lies are, no, none of that. So we had them do that, but then too much, the same pediatrician that showed up in the hospital with his little flair on his hat, those little stupid buttons to make him look like a nice old man, nice old wizard Jewish man, right? When the two month wellness check came by and he's wearing our daughter like a piece of meat, I was expecting him to wrap her up in a piece of brown paper and tie it up afterwards and mark the, mark the cost down there. And he's like, well, you know what time it is now. And he'll, you know what time it isn't, motherfucker, but I didn't say it like that. Yeah. And I, I've told the story before, but there was a rep in the room that day, a rep from one of the pharmaceutical companies with a clipboard and I know that like what, what hit businesses it appears to be in the same office room with us didn't ask us if that was okay. He, they, he would just there, like it was just, Hey, you're just going to have to deal with this. It's like, I thought doctor had, before the whole COVID thing, we were still in the impression that we had like a, you know, a doctor patient, like, you know, kind of like a, there's a little bit of privacy there, right? No, no. So he was there. This guy just keep not saying anything, but, you know, monitoring us. And we would refuse the shots. We said this isn't happening because we told you this before it's not going to happen. So why would you think it's going to change now? We went through the whole process of, you know, the notarization. Here's the thing. We had to do in California, the certificate of live birth, where they take the blood, and I was furious about that. I didn't want to do that, but we were warned that they will immediately call CPS because the lie in there, it's a lie, that they're chart that they're checking that drop of blood for diseases and blah, blah, blah, okay. Maybe everybody should look at the actual history of that and see if it's ever happened that they've spotted something off of that and did anything with that. And if they did, okay, maybe they used it for two purposes, to keep you in the system and make more money for the allopaths and get you locked in there or, you know, being that as eugenics, they're going to come up with some kind of bullshit about what's wrong with your children and then, you know, slowly kill them and drain your bank account at the same time. One of the other thing is, hey, it's a blood contract with the fucking Roman Catholic Church. Hey, it's a blood contract with the international Zionists. Hey, it's a blood contract with the central banks of the world and you just became property, collateral. So from birth now, granted, it's also a fraudulent contract because obviously the other party was not aware of the terms and conditions and they were child children. So as a guardian, you made that choice for them. Another way to fuck the parents and realize that you are participating in evil anytime you're dealing with the system, whether you're paying your taxes to pay for them to go murder people in different countries or hear or to, you know, enslave you further with their military, you know, the police state that we have here or any of the various other things like infanticide in different various ways, gender reassignment, all the CRT shit, we're always participating in evil anytime we give a dime to the government. Period the end, I mean, that is the truth, how we want to deal with that is us, everybody individually can suck that up and think about it, but every time you're paying income tax, you are supporting evil. You are participating in evil. They make you complicit in it. They make you just as tarnished in your soul as they are. That's also part of the game is to keep you just as guilty as them. So, and cowardice is what gets us there because we're afraid of the repercussions of what would happen. I didn't want them to take our daughter because I know how CPS and how they work in California and how what they would use as an excuse to take her if we didn't do the certificate of light birth. And then when the shots came, I was like, no way, I'm not doing this. We're not going to do this every so many months to where they can start developing like some kind of bug up the rest and maybe do the CPS thing anyway. So I got us out of California and at the detriment of me basically having to go back and forth to San Diego three hour drive one way to restock the store shelves. I would take a shift on Saturdays, sometimes multiple shifts throughout the week if I had shit employees, which was common. Because that was that so very far distance and much higher labor cost. But back when I was making more like we still didn't like those heavy bills, right? And so that was another good reason to leave. We ended up finding a from a 1300 square foot house to a 2300 square foot house or 24 or whatever with a pool. That was the same exact amount that it was that we were paying in San Diego, the 1800. Now recently they jacked up our rent 500 bucks a month. So it's 2300 a month now. They just up and said, oh yeah, we're adjusting for the blah, blah, blah. And like, well, it hasn't gone up in five, six years. So it was like, well, it wasn't exactly gradual. So I got two extra months out of that. I was like, you got to let's prepare for that. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand so everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's energy and progress. Visit When it comes to renting out your property, the uncertainty of finding reliable tenants can feel like a real guessing game, responsible renter or perpetual party animal, enter renters warehouse. The pros who turn the uncertainty of finding great tenants into peace of mind. Renters warehouse offers top notch leasing and tenant placement services, ensuring you get trustworthy renters without the hassles and headaches. With no upfront fees, renters warehouse works for you, not the other way around. From marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease, their team of experts handles it all so you can sit back and watch the rent roll in. Renters warehouse even warranties their tenants for up to 18 months. Get no extra cost and if you need ongoing management, they've got to cover too. All for a flat monthly fee, visit to request a free rental price analysis. That's or call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent-to-state advisor today. And let me see, I'm going to read this real quick. You got to let's prepare for that, so I got two actual months out of it before it kicked in, but it's like $2300 a month for, it's like $1 a foot, basically, $1 square foot now. And I'm kind of curious why, if it's just because it's a different company that's charging higher rates or if it has something else to do with the way the house is made, we just got a brand new AC unit, but we're still getting like, it's always close to $400, just for the electric now. And I'm going to talk about the gas or the water. So when you bring that into it, you bring in the internet, I have to have two different ones because that's stupid computer that I'm stuck with. I can't get the cable internet to even be recognized, so I have to use the one that was installed with the password already before the BIOS was attacked and destroyed. Because technically, it doesn't think that I'm using the internet on my own computer. So there's all that wonderful stuff. That's what I'm saying. Guys, if I got $1,500 like soon, quickly, at all at once, because when it's all spaced out, it ends up going to bills. You'll see like there's a goal here or a goal there, like, well, you're kind of close to it. Now, because it takes so fucking long to get the funds for the show to do anything, that's stuff gets spent on family, that's stuff gets spent on bills. It doesn't get put into a project like building my own computer. So if it ever happened that I was able to get that in a reasonably quick period of time where I wasn't plugging holes in our ship with the deficiencies in our funds for that month or whatever into that, then I could get that computer to go and get the paid version of DaVinci Resolve and be able to make 4K quality videos, which I don't care about that so much. And more about the post-production effects that I could do to make a documentary and make documentaries as we go along in addition to the live streams. And everything about it would be better, right? And I would even, maybe, if we ever got to the point where the show was making something, then I would jump, I would bump up the stream yard to where I could stream to multiple locations and be at 1080p instead of 720. That's the max that it was, is 1080. But I would do all that, you know, and that would be, that's a goal. It's 50 bucks a month for that, but now I'm paying 25, and I think I'm good with that since I'm paying it, you know. But there you have it, the little things like that, the improvements that could be made with this show. But does anybody think that they should be paying for delivery charges and when you're out of the people who paid for the thing to be put in and maintained in the first place? It's like charging you, we apparently, according to them, our money goes to paying for roads, too. So why is somebody else on our property holding us over and giving us a, you know, a hidden tax, an extortion tax that says if you don't pay this, then we're going to take your privilege, which is a right to operate your vehicle and travel. A lot of things have to change, and I'll keep saying that over and over again. A lot of things have to change. If they don't, we're feeding the Zionist beast, and it's eating, this parasite is eating everything. And now we know, hopefully we'll have known this for a while, but our military is singing the freaking Israeli national anthem. Can it be more clear? Can it be more clear to what we are? We are a satellite, Israel, Greater Israel East, West, sorry, wrong direction. So let me see what Colleen had to say. I knew what Colleen, she was actually really pretty in us, in the insta water. A good morning, I grew up in Dutchess County, New York, and raised my kids in Jefferson County is either area near where you grew up. So I'm in Saratoga County, Saratoga Springs is what we're going today for the track. And Saratoga County is where still water, mechanical, half moon, Clifton Park, all that is. Dutchess County sounds familiar, but I don't recognize it. Like I know Albany County is right next to us. I'd have to look at a map to see how far away you were. You know that Peter, you know, Henry Fonda's family, actually founded Fonda, New York. Isn't that interesting? You know, Peter Fonda, that liberal retard with Stitch on Tanks, Jane Fonda. Yeah, the children are disgraces, the grandchildren are disgraces, but you know, the Fonda's weren't all pieces of shit in the beginning, it's just they just became that way. And now we're going to look at this letter here. Oops, something covered in my face, can't see. Forgive the noise. It's kind of like ASMR, non-intentional because the noise next to the mic should be far away. This thing is thick. So first of all, it comes from Plano Road in Dallas, Texas. There's also Plano, Texas, there's over the Plano tackle boxes for fishing to come from. All right, so this is in, give you that invitation processing. It's an invitation, you see. Now let's see, I don't know why they would put her name in quotations, it sounds like she's fictitiously called that name, okay. Well, I guess technically if it's in golf caps, it is fictitious. So this could all be just like ridiculous like false stuff, but I'm trying to... Which one exactly are we referring to here, oops, there we go. This could just be like silly junk mail for all I know, but I thought it was interesting that a society that's calling themselves a secret society contacted my mother and says she's got the right stuff. They must have thought she was a minion, a drone, could be, just pick the different camp, pick the pro-Trump cramp. Pro-Trump. Oh, so they already, they rate this off or I, my mother's name, feel honored that my personal character traits enable me to be included in the society and gladly accept your gift of my personally reserved 55 page package containing your greatest secrets, your greatest secrets, secret society, absolutely free of charge. I know that the secrets will absolutely change my life with enormous wealth, love, luck and prosperity. I understand my free membership certificate must be postmarked or faxed on or before this Friday, January 28th, 2022. And once this opportunity closes, I won't be given this unprecedented opportunity again. However, they should now get given it again. There's two more I'm assuming are identical here, but we'll look at those two and see what's up. So let's see. It says, please, my mother's name is, please forgive us, but we have just taken a closer look at your profile. It turns out you're more special than any of us imagined. I think it's called people shit. I mean, right. Did you know that you possess some very rare hidden traits? In fact, there is a famous person, someone you would instantly recognize he's on TV every night who possesses these same special incredibly rare traits. It turns out that people who possess these same rare and often hidden traits that you do are some of the most things, it's kind of generic, right? But that's how secret talk is in the first place. But again, this is kind of like there was a, what was that guy, John? You know, what was that guy who pretends like he was channeling people that John, whatever the fuck guy that was on TV for a while is like, I'm just, just, they're just sort of not random shit. And then somebody goes, yeah, that's also like my dead animal dead, dead parent, dead parent, whatever. Every cousin or whatever, they're like, oh, it must be the new, that must be the most important. And then they go out and like build on that because people are eager to be taken advantage of, I guess. With John something or other, I don't know, it's unlike, I don't, it was, you know, crossing over, was that what it's called? Crossing over with John something and other anyway. Just people who fish, just sort of, you know, generalized statements and it's kind of like tarot, you know, tarot or a horoscope reading, they're like, yeah, that sounds like me because it's flattery or, well, that sounds like me because it's generic and it sounds like a lot of people. Anyway, it turns out that people who possess the same rare and often hidden traits that you do are some of the most famous John Edwards. Yes. Some of the most famous and successful people on this planet, you are indeed blessed. I know those around you don't know this yet because we're all pieces of shit except for her. She was the shining light, right? But they will deep down or down deep, you sense it too. Come on. Like tell me this isn't manipulative because flattery and feeling special is what everybody wants. They want recognition. They want to be appreciated. This is how they manipulate. You sense it too, right? I'm so excited for you. Dear, my mother's name again, this is your personal letter just to you. Just to you yet we can't be more descriptive, we can't be more precise about anything. We have to talk in generalities because this is written just for you. It's definitely not just your name added to something that they print out to a million people, right? No, it is. This is not a mass mailing. Well, now if you said so, then it must be true. My bad. I take back everything I said. Well, I mean, you just told me it's not a mass mailing and I mean, why would you lie about that being that you're a secret society, you know? This is not a mass mailing. This letter came to you by first class mail, woo hoo, not by third class bulk mail. What the fuck is the difference? Who cares? This is not a solicitation for money. In fact, you will get something of immense value from us, absolutely free. When you hear absolutely free, that's still marketing. That's in the marketing term. That's a, this is, you understand what I'm saying here? They're greedy, happy, merchant. That's that type of fucking talk, that's where that shit comes from. With no strings attached, oh my God, right after that, another fucking cliche that is straight up marketing. So read every word very carefully because you will never get another letter from us again, two, three, never get another one from us again. Please that my mother's name again, please keep what I tell you secret. They should have told you in the beginning letter to go hide in the closet while you read it with a flashlight. Let me tell you, see it, don't write it out, but got to keep it a secret. This is evidence enough right here, right? I can be, I'm about to read the secret because this information is confidential. It's not even secret. Confidential is a much lower degree, confidential, secret, top secret, right? These words are meant for you only, oh my God, I feel so special. There has existed for many years an exclusive association who named, cannot be named. It's a secret society of some of the world's most famous and powerful people. These include renowned actors and musicians, leading scientists and intellectuals, ha, ha, self-made entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs and artists, millionaires, professional gamblers, what a wonderful trait. Casanova's statesmen, many of these people, you would instantly recognize this association has uncovered some shockingly powerful secrets. Gotta leave it with you and here's the carrot on the stick. You just have to make vows and contractual agreements that should you ever tell these secrets to anyone that we haven't told you yet what they are in your initiation process that we can basically cut out your tongue, stick it through your neck, bury you at the high, at the low watermark, whatever all the shit is for the Freemasons, right? Let's see, some shockingly powerful secrets and these, and they share these secrets only amongst themselves. In fact, these secrets are the reason these well-known individuals have achieved great prosperity, right? They needed them for that. So you have a tremendous, wonderful, amazing gift and talent and intellect, but you still needed us to tell you these secrets in order to be successful. So why do they need you? Can they tell this to anybody? Give them the advantage? Why do they need anybody specifically? They could just take a body anywhere and just say, "There's no secrets," and what do they get out of it? This association is uncovered. All right, my mother's name again. I have some incredibly exciting news, incredibly, this verbiage is all marketing. If you don't get, if they're not asking for something now, they're going to ask for something later when it comes to dues, right, membership dues, some sort of other bullshit, some sort of other things you can, if you'd like to, you can do this and you'll get advanced in the ranks better, yeah, yeah, your initiation fee, your blah, blah, blah fee. I have some incredibly exciting news to share with you. This association has analyzed your profile. What fucking profile? She didn't submit anything to anybody. What profile are they referring to? This did come out of freaking Dallas where, like, federal buildings are and all these stupid agencies. So what profile are they talking about? What are they actually saying there? If this was actually legitimate, what profile? What profile do they have access to and who gave them fucking permission to be snooping into her business in the first place, right? Am able to, are they not military intelligence? No, probably not. Let's see, you bet, you'd be unbelievably flattered. Oh, they just tell you that this is flattery and that you would be flattered if you knew who these individuals were. Hold on, just disjointed thought there. I have some incredibly exciting news to share with you. This association has analyzed your profile. You'd be unbelievably, oh, so these people who have been snooping around in your shit, would you be flattered by that if you knew who these people were because, let's have the appeal to, like, I don't know, celebrity, appeal to celebrity, right? And you must, oh, thank you for violating my privacy because you're something I saw on TV and you're a special boy or a special girl, wonderful. How about fuck all of you? Please forgive us, but we've discovered something special about you. When does this become stalking? When does this become, like, a quick violation of your privacy? Flattery, all you will. I would like to sue these motherfuckers for, you know, it's just basically in the poverty that'd be good. It seems you, her name's Nancy, okay, forget it, her name's Nancy. It seems you, Nancy, possess several rare traits we are searching for. It's gullibility, one of them? Because of these traits, which we'll talk about later, right, because we're just talking in vague bullshit, generic, says it is, you are eligible, oh, how lucky to become part of our exclusive club and you share our greatest secrets, absolutely free. There it is again. There's the pitch. By the way, as you read this, you may be saying to yourself that this is all a bunch of hooey. No, it says hooey. It says hooey for real. And I swear on the Bible, which we don't like, we will send you, this is something that they're religious at all, like Satan, but his hands about, I swear to them on this Bible here, right. Somebody who's like, I don't know, Hindu, whatever the fuck that is, swearing on someone else's Bible, like, give fuck the hell you think it's, whatever, you know. By the way, as you read this, you may be, yeah, the hooey part and then I swear on the Bible, we will send you our greatest secrets, capitalist, proper now, greatest secrets, free of charge. You see, you don't you see? Every year the association selects individuals from around the world possessing your unique traits to share in our secrets. In fact, we are going to reveal to you absolutely free, again, the greatest secrets of the back to, oh my God, of all time for money, power, romantic love, magic, willing things of power, or just knowing the right Jew. In your case, your hidden talents must be phenomenal for the members to select you. Well, they don't even know what your talents are. They're just, they're just the middle man writing this shit up in the office. I wonder how special they are. Who are these gifted people and how did these gifted people find you? Yeah, I'd like to know that too. Do they wear little earpieces and sunglasses all the fucking time? If we told you, we would have to kill you. Now, as if we told you who we are, then it wouldn't be a secret, would it? The association would be exposed to everyone, and believe me, our secrets are simply not for everyone, but only a select few. The secret's being that you need to sacrifice children, drink their blood, eat their flesh, rape babies, and worship Saturn. Just a few things, nothing special. But I can shed light on how we found you by first telling you my own story, all goody, my own story. Seven years ago, I was like you, how the fuck do you know what I was like, and what I'm like. Out of the blue, I received an invitation from the association just like you, and you still do an office work, because that's how freaking special he is. Just like you, they said I would possess special traits. And of course, now we're going to tell you how you should feel about being told that, right? By giving your personal story, this is another marketing strategy, you explain how you felt about it, implying that's how they should feel about that information too. I was flattered. Flattery is exactly what does it say in the very beginning of my book about flattery, the manipulation, and how simple people are in flattery is always what they use to get you deep into the freaking initiation process, right? You're a special boy. So let's see. Let me see what Bushmaster has to say here real quick and I'll go back to this. My mom and dad got suckered into buying a bunch of gold clad coins off the cable channel worth 50 cents, they paid $50 each. They thought they were giving the grandkids and that sucks, man. Gold clad, right? Not solid. That's, you just, it's awful. I'm sorry, man, and it's, it's heartless. It's just one symptom, one element of this wickedness that we got going here. That makes, that makes you mad. Taking advantage of people who are trying to do something good for their grandchildren. That strikes a freaking nerve of me. Okay, so let me get back to this. So I was flattered, excited yet skeptical. Oh, so we're going to tell you why you shouldn't be skeptical here. This is all the implication. This is, this is what's working in the back of your mind, the subconscious. That's what they're addressing here because if you've read this far already, you must be interested in not just making a stream, making fun of it, right? You're not just doing a live stream, making fun of it and showing how stupid and ridiculous these tactics are. You know, you, if you read this far and you weren't doing a, a stream, then it's probably because you're somewhat interested, somewhat curious and that's why they got you, curiosity. So I was flattered because you should be, right? Excited. I'm excited that people think I'm special, don't you have any self confidence at all that you need other people to feel I can tell you what you are? And yet skeptical because we have to address the, the resistance here. But when I accepted their invitation, see, I committed, so now you should too. They sent their greatest secrets to me. So anybody who gets this letter, who gets this book, they're just assuming, you know, honor system, don't show anybody else's greatest secrets book, right? How many of these people that they select each year, how many of these books are out there, 55 page books, not a whole lot of secrets there or just, they just know how to shorthand, like, you know, cliff note it pretty well, 55 pages is a lot. I guess the whole secret to the universe can be written in 55 pages. Well, this one is 416. So I guess I have even more secrets in here. That's why it has more value. All right. They sent their greatest secret, personally, a few days, like these extra words, like they sent their biggest secrets to me personally, the personally part. It's like they're in a bit, they're in the business of sending shit. They send it to you personally. What the fuck does that mean? It's a meaningless, it's a meaningless word in that particular, you know, context. A few days later, for free, we have to, we have to make that bold. And, uh, underline it because it's definitely not a marketing tactic or manipulation at all. Just as they said they would. Nancy, my luck changed so completely because even though I had all these traits, I'm a fucking idiot without this book. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand so everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's energy and progress. Visit When it comes to renting out your property, the uncertainty of finding reliable tenants can feel like a real guessing game, responsible renter or perpetual party animal. Enter renter's warehouse. The pros who turn the uncertainty of finding great tenants into peace of mind. Renter's warehouse offers top-notch leasing and tenant placement services, ensuring you get trustworthy renters without the hassles and headaches. With no upfront fees, Renter's warehouse works for you, not the other way around. From marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease, their team of experts handles it all so you can sit back and watch the rent roll in. Renter's warehouse even warranties their tenants for up to 18 months at no extra cost. And if you need ongoing management, they've got you covered too, all for a flat monthly fee. Visit to request a free rental price analysis. That's Or call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent estate advisor today. So completely, I thought God must be guiding me, giving me special powers. No, it's the Jews that are in there doing all the work for you. No, it's probably neither of those are true. It's probably just bullshit. But if there's people that have some sort of leverage because they're movers and shakers and finance and other things, all of a sudden your luck changes when you get initiated. Surprise, surprise! Nancy, we are the rich, the famous, the powerful, and the crème de la crème of society. Famous sports and movie stars, musicians, billionaires, businessmen, intellectuals and scientists. Congratulations are in order. You have been chosen to join us. And then they say her whole name. Like when you're talking to somebody, you know, in a casual letter or a casual conversation, do you say hello, Daniel Christos? How are you today? Fuck is that? It's not natural. Be proud. Not many get this honor. Okay. Now we're going to talk to you. Why? Again, you shouldn't be questioning this because we have all these bullet points in here. Let's say where I'm at. Am I going the right fucking way with this? I don't know. bullet points from Tom, Tom with no last name, Tom, because it's a secret, everybody. Even his name's a secret. Maybe it's Tom Selick, maybe it's Tom Clancy, because this is kind of like a work of fiction here. Oh, let's see. Be proud. Not many get this honor. And those who do consider this day, the day they receive this letter to be the luckiest day of their life. Fuck the children that you had, you know, that wasn't that lucky. What are kids? This is notoriety. This is feeling special and flattery. This is way better than, you know, giving birth to a son or a daughter. Why the hell would you even care about that crap? We need perfect strangers to think that we're special. We are the society. It just says it like that. We are the society. It's all in bold. And it's even, it's even italicized the society, the society here is a map. There is a Latin word, oh, we're getting into the, we're getting into a little bit of maybe some, some indication for these fuckers are, but there is a Latin word for us. That means imperial, powerful, lordly, the magisterial. Many consider us the most powerful organization in the world, period. Never heard of us? Well, you haven't told us your fucking name, so good. It's working. It says good. For the exclamation point, I just added it's working. This is how we want it. You will learn our clandestine name in time. We got, we go to great strides to ensure our anonymity. That's why we send out a book with all of our seekers to just end them random stranger who says yes. Very few people besides our members are in ducties. Oh, that sounds like initiation like you, Nancy. Know of your existence. Okay, so very few people besides our members in end deducties like you know of our existence. We don't really know anything about them at all. You got a letter from a whack job from tell us most likely some kind of agency con or recruiting in the most ridiculous way possible. Nobody reads anymore. You should feel pretty special right now. Oh, yeah, that's right. I was supposed to feel special, not skeptical. I'm I bad, good. Not many of you. I felt special before I started reading this. I felt special after achieving my, you know, 5.2 mile run today, a healthy activity. Not many were chosen as a 2022 inductee, but you were as soon as you may re reward. You never thought, oh, and soon you shall reap rewards. You never thought attainable. The greed of aspect, the selfish, self-serving aspect of all people mostly. While the society is covert, our members are extremely well known, made up of the rich and the famous, the best and the brightest, almost all of us grew up in humble circumstances. And we've raised ourselves up by the bootstraps and many of us rose to, as I said, the same thing. And many of us rose to almost unimaginable prosperity. We're all losers until we got that 55 page book. While the society is covert, oh, yeah, I said that all our needs and wants wealth, power, all these selfish, materialistic, worldly, worldly needs are met. Wealth, power, and romantic love and happiness, romantic love, what are you paying for it? Are you enforcing your will upon others? What do you mean by that? Or is it just that you're so prosperous now because of this 55 page book that bitches be clinging on you like you wouldn't believe or dudes? Somebody at Dixie don't even know what to do with them, right? Romantic love and happiness have been realized. As you will soon see, there is nothing like being a member of the society. I know what you're thinking, do you? Shit, what the fucking need me for you? I know what I'm thinking. I know what you're thinking. Why is he writing to me? This is another tactic, control the conversation by controlling both sides of it by instilling this idea and the people says if this is how you should be thinking right now and this is how we're going to address those things that you should be thinking so you don't think anything outside of that. We don't want to address the things that we haven't already considered and we are able to steer. We want to tell you the limited things that you should be thinking and then tell you how we address those. Come on man, I don't do marketing because I don't like this shit, right? Go buy my creatine by the way. You done? Did you do it yet? Get some hot sauce. Buy the book. That's about as quick. That's about as blunt as I can be without marketing and bullshitting you and lying to you about stuff. I take the creatine every day. That's a fact. I'm going to be putting out the pre-work out soon. I put a lot of time and effort into making that book as perfect as I could for anybody who reads it and I make it a hot sauce that everybody fucking loves. Since I do that and that's how I provide for my family, I'm not going to lie to you about any new thing. I'm not going to tell you that it makes you taller. I'm not going to tell you that there's any, well, there might be secrets in the book, or secrets that they don't want you to know. I want everybody to know them, but I'm not going to BS you, I'm not going to dress it up. I'm going to put the effort into making the products that I sell good, not fluffing at them up with marketing and making the product inferior, cheap, and useless, and just marketing it and trying to win over a sale. It's not what I'm doing. I have quality stuff here, if you want it, you should, you should help out the show, help out the fam, help out the cause, and then I get to keep rolling, right?,, or as Rebecca used to say, she used to sing it in the beginning of our little videos for our website or for our YouTube channel,, okay, sounds cute when she said it. So why is he writing to me? I'm only on page two and it's the front and back of the fucking page. It's simple. I'm obligated by it both, see, that sounds like you've been initiated and now you have a life and death contract there. You are at the cable, oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. This is a brand new copy, this isn't my user copy. If I get to 100 subscribers on FTJ Media, I'm going to do a giveaway, okay, it'd be random. It'll be one of the 100 people, but I'm going to wait until I get to 100. I'm at 32 right now. The cable to of Satan part for my admin run name, let's read that. Where's my admin run name section, I got to get to the, there it is. Masters carpet, remember this, when you read the book that you bought from me or from Amazon or from Barnes and Noble, you should get it from Barnes, it's this one right here. So let's read about Freemasonry for a moment. This is a quote from the Masters carpet by Edmund Ronain who was a very respected, very high level Freemason back in the late 1800s, right around the time that the freemasonic order was being, no, I had already been for like about 100 years or so, co-opted by the Jesuits who used to hunt down Freemasons, but then became them when they got disbanded in 1793. And now, so yeah, that and the Frankists infiltrated right around 1780s, around there was the Frankists. So anyway, Freemasonry is far too serious a matter for any man to assume it's villainous obligations without due reflection. For once you have crossed the threshold of the lodge room, of the lodge room, divested of your own clothing and wearing the javelments of the order, and when once you become, as it were, bound to the cabletoe of Satan, to the altar of Baal, there is no place for after repentance. Though like Esau, of old, you may seek it carefully with tears. Something or dead, Freemasonry will never give you up. The law of Romanism is once a priest, always a priest, and so it is a missionary. Once a mason, always a mason. Hey, if that's not parasitic, I don't know what is. And what is it that they must do once they become members? Well, misery loves company, and that's the only way to get the monkey off your back is to recruit others into the hell, right? If it's all about numbers and keeping the thing going, just like anything else, procreating, but when it comes to societies, they need to procreate by getting more members and more loyal dupes to do what their bidding is, and they will entice them, "Hey, how much of a loss do you think the people who print the money have by making you wealthy and then having you in positions of power where you're forced to do their bidding and push forward a very evil agenda that harms the rest of the world?" But you get something, it's the selfish selling out of your soul and the selling out of people's souls that you don't have any business selling out for something for you, for the privilege and the special treatment. So that's, there it is right there, there it is right there. How do you get people to do the most unnatural, horrific things that are self-destructive and harmful to everyone around them, including their own family if their family wasn't under the protection of the order? We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand. So everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's energy and progress. Visit Well you make it so that if they didn't, they would be dead and that if they're too far deep into it before they even know that they're in it, that deep or that they even know that they've made an oath in a sense, that it was even, is that really serious? It gets serious, gets serious off a quick when you're at certain levels and if you ever get anything from them, don't think it didn't come with a price. Just because you get something out of it, you should damn well understand that it wasn't coming for free and it wasn't coming from generosity or a good place in their heart. That's why these people that are anywhere in society, society, system, anyplace, if they're on television, if they're on, if in politics and they win an election with quote, air quotes here, and they're in a position that they have power to do something. If they're not in a seasick or society, they're manipulated by people who are. And if they're not motivated by people who are, they're manipulated by people who are trust me, even if you don't know that, who are the international bankers, who are the international Jewry, the Zionist, because let's face it, do you see a whole lot of Swahili banks out there? I don't see a whole lot of Muslim banks out there either. I don't see a whole lot of any other nationality with banks. It's pretty much primarily a Jew thing, isn't it? And that's not to say that all Jews are bad, not saying that either. But let's face it, that once you are bad out of the fucking, the evil of the world. So he's obligated by oath. I just told you what that is by reading it from my book, which priest craft beyond Babylon. I can wait while you go get it. Everything that the other person that's watching is going to do it, and not you, is the reason why I'm constantly scrapping, scraping for pennies, because that's how the mentality works, right? All right, it's simple. I'm obligated by an oath I made years ago to the society, obligated by an oath. Don't overlook any of this verbiage here. I happily agreed to recruit, see this? Because I'm obligated, and because I'd rather happily agree to recruiting other people into this hell than to have anything happen to me. This is if this was real, if this was free Masonic or odd fellows or any of these other freak shows, this would be, this is, so I'm reading it two different ways. Saying that this is bullshit, but also saying how it would be if it was like one of these actual orders that are straight up, you know, hard-lined into all the evil of the world, how it would actually go down, right? I'm obligated by an oath I made years ago to the society, the society. I happily agreed to recruit a select few members who are worthy of this remarkable honor, so you're picking and selecting the damned. I wish I could tell who, tell you who I am, I bet you really do, but under advice from my counsel, under advice from my counsel, you are owned, you are property, your soul is not yours anymore, you have a counsel, and you can't think or do or act on your own, you can't even tell people who the fuck you are because your counsel will kill you or whatever, in an actual secret society, or they'll kill somebody that you love, or, you know, you'll find yourself hanging from a red scarf, poisoned, planes don't stay up in the air when you're in them, or any various other things, you get threatened enough to realize that that's not a good idea, and you fall back in line if they want to give you another chance. Hey, Cal, Corpus Christi, I knew a pretty hot chick from there too, I met in Florida, I've got pitches over in my picture album, I had a like a time share picture album for all the people I met there, she used some Corpus Christi and she rode horses, wink, wink, yeah. All right, I wish I could tell you who I am, but under advice from my counsel, I cannot reveal my full name, however, I can tell you that under ordinary circumstances you never dream of receiving a letter from me, they don't have to prove anything that way, isn't that convenient, maybe it's Tom from BySpace, Vunepico, because he's everybody's friend, but as soon as, sorry, but as soon, sorry, but as you soon will realize, there are not, I got to do it over, I'm tired, I'm sorry, but as, but as you soon will realize, these are not ordinary circumstances, I don't mean to brag, I don't mean to brag, said the person who brags, they tell you the truth, said the liar, I don't mean to brag, but I'm one of the most famous people in the world, and that means something to him, because he's not about, you know, Farrah Fawcett was from Corpus, yeah, there are a few hotties in here, that's cool, and she said her name is my daughter, but that's not why I named my daughter, that I like the name Farrah, her middle name is Ahura, not Ohura, like Star Trek, but Ohura, like Ohura Mazda, anyway, all right, so whatever am I, yes, we couldn't dream of receiving your letter from Tom, from MySpace, but as soon as you will, but as you will, this is the part that I have the hard time reading, I'm trying to read over again, but as you soon will realize, these are not ordinary circumstances, I don't mean to brag, but I'm one of the most famous people in the world, if you own a TV, listen to the radio, browse pornography, no, I didn't say pornography, the internet, there's barely a day that goes by that I'm not mentioned in the news story, nephariously or positively, and what do we know about the Medea, the Medea, I said it that way on purpose, Medea, Medea, Medea, okay, the spell, the drug induced hallucination that you have when you watch this programming, programming, conditioning, garbage, why would we care what the fuck those people think about you? I'd rather, if you were a secret society, you sure as hell wouldn't, I wouldn't align with what's what they're putting out there as garbage for the for the masses of idiots to consume. So why would that be a positive, why would that be an achievement? You can kill a bunch of people and be talked about for quite a while, that doesn't make you special or good, doesn't make you, you know what I mean? I reside in the upper echelons of wealth and power, is this getting obnoxious and bullshit yet or what? But I've also known tragedy and heartache too, oh, so you're human with balance, okay, got you. I'll tell you more about my backstory as you read on, on page three, this motherfucker goes on for 12 pages of this shit, 12 pages of this, this is not a small introductory bullshit letter, they must have thought, hey, this person has like autism, and maybe that's a special treat that might treat my mind, an autism like Asperger's level, where anything you put in front of them, they'll just read, right, oh, well, that's a special trait that we have here. Not really good discernment, kind of, kind of, kind of, no common sense, but really attentive, or attentive or attentive, but no, attentive is coming soon, attentive is what I meant to say. You'll note that this letter is marked for you only, Nancy, well, I mean, they've already went, gone through all the proper, that we call it, security measures then, for their secret society to remain secret and their secrets in the book to remain secret, they said for you only. So I mean, obviously, everyone would follow that rule, and there'd be no way that anyone would ever know what they were going to tell her. It means to be, it is meant to be read by you and you alone, because that's how you also isolate your target, right, by not letting them get outside, what do you call it? This is another marketing tactic, you isolate the target, you isolate the mark, that way, outside influences, like, I have to talk to my husband or I have to talk to my wife, don't become a stumbling block for the salesman, for the merchant in thief, for the cutthroat bandit, right? Oh, so hopefully, by me reading this, this will, kind of, like, help others when they see this bullshit in different various forms throughout life, to really pick it apart, really think about it. And then all this other bullshit that you listen to on TV, you'll start seeing these tactics being not just done on the commercials, but in the news as well, in anything that's supposed to be on the up and up talking about reality, you'll see these same tactics being not implemented. And you'll be like, yeah, well, if they're sewing something that hard, and obviously, it can't be legit, and it can't be good, because otherwise, if it was wonderful and spectacular, you wouldn't have to sell it that hard. Okay, so anyway, it is, it's contents are top-secret, okay, so we're from confidential to top-secret, it's gotten, kind of, gotten serious now. I had top-secret level clearance in the Coast Guard, so I feel like I should be able to read this, and contain sensitive information which cannot be shared by anyone except the recipient. How about the recipient's son? For now, I want to concentrate on you. This is so, so manipulative. The good news for you, Nancy, is that this letter serves as your invitation, almost sounds like initiation, into the most exclusive privilege and powerful organization that has ever existed. Wow, that sounds like some wonderful stuff for somebody who either is under, you know, has economic financial issues, or is just really, really concerned about what other people think about them, or is greedy and selfish. Let's see, the good news, so yes, it says the most exclusive privilege and powerful organization that has ever existed. We've existed since the time of our republic, the time our republic was born over 236 years ago, which is funny, funny. I was in the local 236 out here as an electrician, and the number 236 has been popping up a lot lately, and there's also a road out here called the 236, so I noticed yesterday. We'd like for you to join us. Remember in the Evil Dead movie, when the Evil Dead 2, when the cabin, they had like this weird overlay of the eyes and kind of looked like a skull and it goes, "Join us." We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand. So everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's energy and progress. Visit When it comes to renting out your property, the uncertainty of finding reliable tenants can feel like a real guessing game, responsible renter or perpetual party animal. Enter renters warehouse. The pros who turn the uncertainty of finding great tenants into peace of mind. renters warehouse offers top-notch leasing and tenant placement services, ensuring you get trustworthy renters without the hassles and headaches. With no upfront fees, renters warehouse works for you, not the other way around. From marketing and showing your property, to screening tenants and preparing the lease, their team of experts handles it all so you can sit back and watch the rent roll in. Renters warehouse even warranties their tenants for up to 18 months at no extra cost. And if you need ongoing management, they've got you covered too, all for a flat monthly fee. At, to request a free rental price analysis, that's or call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent estate advisor today. That makes me think, we'd like for you to join us. If you accept, I will immediately award a gift of immense value. Oh, how nice to you, free of charge, but what is it that you're taking from me besides my soul and my freedom and my individuality? Is that it? Oh, cool. I'll take the 55-page book for that. And you are not obligated in any way. So I urge you to read every word very carefully. This letter is truly life-changing. In fact, you won't believe just how fast you can dream. You can go from average Joe to powerful mogul where everything you've ever dreamed lies that you're free, not in a year or even months. I'm talking about a few short weeks. Well, it looks like our time is up. It's now our 16. I have to go get ready for my trip out to the track to see my brother. I think that's still happening. I heard someone come down the stairs. Let me go check real quick. You guys can just chill for a second. I apologize. I want to make sure that I'm not-- I think we're supposed to be there on noon. Sorry, I live in 26 here, and I haven't showered yet. And I just ran out of that crap. And I have to get my daughter ready, too. So hold on. Let me see what time we're actually going. Things have changed since my stepfather-- yes. Hey. Hey. [INAUDIBLE] He said to have to get the track in on one. OK, cool. [INAUDIBLE] OK. I'm going to make a little bit-- [INTERPOSING VOICES] She's been off in the dresses, right? Did she take a shower? She said she got a shower-- she said she blocked and did her hair. So she did take a shower? She's all dressed. I don't know. She just asked her that. All right. Thanks. I'm actually seated. Thanks. All right. I got a little more time. I got to be there at 1. So I still only have a very little bit of time. Apparently, my daughter already got herself ready, which is awesome. She's a big girl. If you got to say any of the pictures that have been on my Instagram, she's a sweetheart. See you later, Samuel. [INAUDIBLE] But most of them are big-blooded talk of goblins not going to lie. Some of those old Clancy and Gerson books have turned out to be prophetic. They know tech, genetic, matter of-- yeah, I wonder why, probably because they were in one of these things, right? It's not like they're predicting the future. They're creating it. They're making it. So they just happen to be around the people who are actually manufacturing what comes next. Oh, let's see. The free of charge thing, and you're not-- in a few short weeks, you'll be rich out of your ass because we gave you a 55 page book. Again, I know you're not-- again, he knows what we're thinking. Maybe that's just the trait, the read people's minds. This can't be real. It must be a scam of some kind. Well, even if it wasn't this hard sell and page 3 of 12, it seems like it's more of a desperate, pathetic thing to be continuing trying to convince me of. Let me assure you, and why do you care? Why do you care if I get-- and what does it make you if I'm-- unless they're going to manipulate you once or they put you in a position somewhere to where you have to then do something for them or vote their way or whatever the hell it is? Let me assure you, everything you guys told you and I'm about to tell you is genuine. It is not a joke, a gimmick, a hoax, a c'mon, a c'mon. So now they're flirting with her. Or a con job. Yes, it's one of those things. So get that out of your mind. It's not a con job, said the con man. And you don't have to commit to anything in order to get something invaluable from the society. It's a special, one-of-a-kind gift that the likes of which you've never seen or heard of before. I'm sure these secrets that are never freaking even there in any of the other societies, they don't even exist, except they're to tell you later on a next degree of initiation that everything they told you previous was not true. And they constantly lied to you, oh, but the truth is coming in this degree. We had to do that, you see. We had to make sure that you were committed. All right, so the con job, and if you don't-- and you don't have to commit to anything in order to get the one of the blah, blah, blah, blah. This is my gift to you, Nancy. Oh, now it's his specific gift, not the societies. It's him who has been initiated and is obligated to now recruit people. It's his gift to you. Is it condemnation? Is it the cable tool of Satan? What are we talking about here? What's the gift besides that stupid book? And accepting this gift will not obligate you in any way for anything, not now, not ever. On the contrary, this is all about what we, the society, can do for you, Nancy. I hope I got your attention now. Well, if we read on to this along, there's some attention being paid here, right? I hope I got your attention now. It's in bold. These words are intended for your eyes only. They said that once again, oops. Oh darn, they slipped into the wrong hands here. They are not to be shared with anyone else. I must make you think that this was like, was that place called, not Mersa, Mersa's like a disease. What is the other fucking one? Something like that. (laughs) Not Nambla, what is it called? This fucking, the smarty party people, but that's not 236 years old, I don't think. Anyway. Where are we at? As you read on, it will become clear why this is a primary consideration. Today is a lucky day for you. They have to keep on telling you this so that you don't forget. And then it's all your honor, not theirs to have you. It's your honor and privilege to be part of them. Because even though you're so special and so wonderful and so sought out, you should be thankful that you're being invited to their group. Anybody who even thinks this way is a fucking asshole. Today is your lucky day for you. I want to share that our greatest get secrets with you. They keep repeating themselves. That's another part of the marketing is repetition, is hypnosis. Although you will make a lot of it, although you'll make a lot of it once you know these secrets. I want to share our greatest secrets with you. Although you will make a lot of it once you know these secrets, this is not about money. There's, they are yours without cost or obligation. Cost or obligation. Nobody, no human being talks like that. TV commercials talk like that. Infomercials talk like that. You've earned them, Nancy. Now let me tell you a little more about this fabulous gift. Come on, tell me this is a fabulous gift. Who the fuck talks like this? Who can be taken seriously who talks like this? The society has uncovered the world's most powerful secrets. Most people will never know them. We are only willing to share them with our members. Make it exclusive, make it seem like it's hard to get in, make you see like you've got the golden ticket to fucking Wonka Factory and stupid people will be like, ooh, ooh, ooh, then you find out Wonka's a pedophile once a rape in the butt. These secrets have been passed down from generation to generation. They'll enable you to attract money, power, and love automatically. Not necessarily to think this is from Oprah. It will be like a moth to a flame. Yeah, the moth die. They burn to death. Every successful person throughout history knew the secrets, did they? Well, then it's not like it's not exclusive to them then. They just wrote a 55-page book and put them all in there, I guess. And that's why they were successful. Rich, happy, healthy, and powerful. What is it gonna be like, what is the secret? Work hard, be determined, don't give up, keep at it. Know a Jew, know a few, what is it? Know a Jew, know a few, I like that, it's nice. These secrets have been passed down by a moth to a flame. And that's why they were successful. Rich, happy, healthy, and powerful. It's a blueprint for your success. And it's the same blueprint for everybody with all these generalities. And it's not, doesn't even need to be tailored to anything specific. And I will send our secrets, what? Oh, or bury it yet, know a good Italian mafia man? Or be one yourself, that's a good way to get things in life. And then it is free of charge again, why? Because I am nominating you for membership into the society. Well, thank you, you're nominating. Now all of a sudden, it's like a takeaway. You were invited, you've been accepted, blah, blah, blah. Now we're just nominating you. So now it requires you to do something to impress us. And now it's flipping, it's flipping the dynamic from, hey, we gave, we want you with open hearts too. But show us your worth it still. Now all of a sudden from you being, wait a minute, what do you mean I can't be in? You know what I mean, flips the psychology there. So I'm gonna show you that I can. These scrupulously guarded secrets have enabled members to achieve incredible wealth and prosperity. What does that benefit to anybody else when they're just using it for themselves? Why do they need, Nancy, have you ever wondered how certain individuals become wealthy, famous and prosperous beyond all measure? It's not luck, it's not free or gained. It's certainly not what they're so much, that they're so much smarter than everyone else. They just know the right demons. It's something else that catapulted them to unfathomable riches and success that ordinary folks can only dream of. Oh yeah, black magic, child sacrifice and conjuring. Sounds about right. Once again, things that are pretty much monopolized by the J-words, which is called Frankous for a while. The fact is their success is attributable to the powerful success they've learned from us. Powerful secrets they've learned from us. Everybody who's passed through the secret societies are the only people who are famous and rich and successful. So I guess Elon Musk is in there. Secrets that, 'cause he's definitely not smart or special. Secrets that I hope to pass on to you, Nancy. The good news is if you choose to be part of our society, I'll share our greatest secrets. They keep saying this absolutely free repetition, blah, blah, blah, blah, which brings me to perhaps, well, you're not bringing you to anything. You're constantly fucking pushing it away with more talky talk, but not actually getting to the goddamn point. Which brings me to perhaps the most important and question of all, why you? Didn't you already ask this before? Why did we select you to receive the incredible free gift? What did you deserve them? The answer is simple. You see, you've been on our radar, who the, told you to monitor me, for quite some time. It's our business to keep tabs on people. Who gave you that job? And who authorized it, I sure sold in. Not for nefarious purposes. Oh, okay, well, I guess I just appreciate and accept that. Oh, oh, oh, hey, he said this doesn't mean anything by it. It's not for nefarious purposes, so everything's fine. Not for blah, blah, and nefarious purposes. But we like to add our rank to our ranks, but we like to add to our ranks so we can get even stronger. That's probably the first bit of what do you call it? Honestly, so far, but we like to add to our ranks so we can get even stronger. Nancy, you may not realize it, but you possess many of the characteristics, traits, and qualities we admire. Like detached lack of empathy. (laughs) And they make you an ideal candidate for membership into our society. Never can see that you've done anything wrong. We'll constantly re-interpret and re-word what you've said blatantly lie, basically. And if it suits you being right all the time, you are kind, almost to a fault. You make and keep friends easily. Your words is your bond, you've lived your life honorably always striving to do the right thing. I'd like to see one specific personal detail in here that is specific, like any mention of any specific thing like that she used to own in a restaurant. And she did right by her customers or something like that. None of that's in here, not yet. And then it's more flattery though. You've been this great wonderful person and we admire you. And you do best all the times. You almost never cut corners. And you've always put your own ambitions aside to put the needs of others ahead of yourself. We've noticed. In fact, we know a great deal about you. Another very unsettling statement and it's in bold. We know a great deal about you. You'd be surprised how much we do know. How is this not like offensive to people? And like, hey, I'd like to turn this into the authorities. And can you track down who Tom is and have him whipped with something sharp? And then find his people who have been looking into me and do the same. We've also noticed that you've been struggling a bit lately. Oh, here he comes. Yes, the financial thing, right? Things haven't gone the way you planned. The financial condition has put good people like yourself behind the April. This is in 2022 during COVID. So this is applicable to just about everybody. Sometimes you wonder if you can even keep your head above water. No, not with my family, but not her personally. You could use more money. That's like saying everybody fucking says that. And nobody was going to say, you know I could use less money. Not only for yourself, but, and again, what is the tool of the J words of the world? That is this thing that they created. They made into it something that people have been conditioned to think has value in the first place, money. So manipulation through money always. This is their modus operandi. This is their signature. And now I have to go. But let's just go through this real quick. You could use more money not only for yourself, but to give clothes closest to you. Okay, so now you're doing it for honorable reasons 'cause it's not even about what you want. It's about how you can give more to your family and the people that you love. Now you're tapping into the plan, they're sympathies, right? Nancy, once you've received, once you receive your totally free, greatest secrets package from me, you'll have access to information that can put some big bucks in your pocket, big bucks. This guy's the richest, most famous person in the whole planet and he thinks 5,000, 10,000, even $100,000 cash, there's a lot of money. He's not that big time. In a matter of a few short weeks, but there's a lot more to these free secrets than just financial gain, they apply to every aspect of your life. So this paper worthless money that doesn't really mean anything to anybody in the long run because they print it, so it's meaningless to them, they will have you obligated contractually and by pledging to be their loyal slave for the rest of eternity. What a trade off. It's like me drawing something on a piece of paper and saying this is worth stuff and I've convinced you of it and now you could have it, but I want your soul. From the moment you lay your eyes on them, you'll know exactly how the beautiful people of the world stay that way. Ooh, longevity and immortality and staying beautiful forever. Man, are they trying to hit every aspect of people's selfish desires and vanity and everything here? Stay that way. How the influential continue to dominate, how the movers and jiggers set the pace for the, okay, that's the last page, rest of us, for the rest of us. Well, us, you would be one of those movers and shakers that set the pace, buddy. He'd now he just told me, he's not one of those people. You'll also discover the quick, easy ways to stay young and energetic. Whoa, lovely, something for everybody. Everybody, long into your 80s, 90s and beyond, it's not possible to use. Say it's not possible to say, look at Warren Buffett, who is eating children. The Oracle of Omaha, who, he's also a freaking communist, who, at age 90, is still the most, the Oracle of Omaha. Warren Buffett, the Oracle of Omaha, they call him an Oracle. Who, at age 90, is still the most foremost investor of the world, when he talks, the entire country listens. Or Viacom CEO, so it's 'cause of who represents and props him up. They know when he speaks, there's weight to it because the people who actually make that stuff happen that is being predicted, so that the people that they are involved with win every time. Okay. So we're gonna stop there 'cause I gotta get it ready. Hook up the stuff, please. Let's see, yeah, big wake up call to the world. The Arabs are hand in hand with juke bankers in Europe. The regular Arab is raised to hate the Jew, yet they're government banks with them, right. And that's the other thing too, they keep on saying this shit about Iran that I don't believe us, Jew. Hello? What's up? What? I'm gonna be done here in a minute, what's up? No, no, no, talk, answer, what's up? - Sarah, so she'll take her shower later. - She didn't take one yesterday. She didn't take one. - Okay. - Well, let me go up there, let me talk to her. All right. Okay, dad's on duty here. But yeah, the Iran thing, they're conveniently the ones that are in the news having done this, that and the other thing. And that's the last repeat person on the list, last country on the list and the closest one to this whole conflict in Israel, one of Israel's enemies as according to the list that they had after 9/11 of all the countries that they were gonna invade. That's the last one, right. Convenient, it's all to serve, greater Israel. - All right, everybody, so as I was saying, my mom just came in to talk to me real quick and I'm gonna ask you to do this. Share the show that you support by supporting, not just with words because I can't give this to my landlord. This is Preachcraft Beyond Babylon, this is on Amazon. Get the Kindle version. I don't care what you do, get the hardcover if you really want to, or the paperback. Or get it from me on my website, You can also sign up for Dr. Peter Gliddens, membership there, that helps out the show. You can grab something like Dr. Manza's book from him using code, ballbusters15 for 15% off. Or you can go to Azure well and use code BD5 for 5% off for life of the Azure well supplement products. Down below that, you'll see Preachcraft Beyond Babylon, right there, that's the signed copies. They might take a little bit longer to get to you, but you'll have it signed. Preachteen hydrochloride, that's it right there, clean source supplements. I mean, there's no other crap in it, and it's keto friendly, and it's awesome. And I use it daily myself. All right, the gallon of the gods, even though that's a glass one in the picture, you get a, it's gonna be more squared for shipping, and it's a shatterproof container. And it has like one of those, it comes with an empty 12 ounce bottle, so you can fill that up, so you don't have to keep on lifting up a pound, you know, eight pounds for a gallon or something like that. Worth of, it's probably heavier because it's thicker than water, but to tip, each time you wanna put a little bit on a piece of food, you'll get a 12 ounce bottle, you can continue to refill and use it that way. All right, there's a twin revolver packs, that's 12 pack, that's a 12 pack of the six ounce bottles. There's an eight pack of the 12 ounce bottles, and there's a 12 pack of the 12 ounce bottles there, and they all come with free shipping, but the fan favorite coupon does not apply. If you put the fan favorite coupon on there, when it's already discounted, I'll probably tell you to do it again. All right, 'cause you're already getting the free shipping, everything else you can use it for after 22 dollars has been met. So after 22 dollars, the code is active. All right, so there you go. So all the sauces, baby bam. Disguise the limits on Patreon. Disguise the limits. Put it up, be a multi contributor, it's five bucks a month. It's less than a single cup of, single latte starter bucks that got it for second place. Or,, B-A-A-L-B-U-S-T-E-R-S. Let's see. Still got 61, the seams. Thank you, Amals, by the way. Am Wolaz, that's Alex. Good man, good man. And then once again, thank you to Daisy too for this amazing camera that I have. And over here, we have Use code B-A-A-L for 10% off your whole order. And there's all kinds of stuff in here. All right, I'm actually reading this right now. I've been reading to you from this when we first started our Europa series from the Henry Ford books. But it was for my own copy. I didn't have this particular two volume set. And there you go, Hellstorm. I've read that book. And I watched the One Hour documentary that doesn't do the book justice. There's a lot more detail in that book, obviously. Comedy isn't by the back door. Dennis, why? You know what? I might be, I might be interested in checking that out. I might have to look that up. Okay, and yeah, there you go, go, go, go, go. Please support the show. So how we keep things going, otherwise we don't keep things going. And sad things happen, 'cause I like doing this. So don't make me not have to, no, don't know how you can not be able to. Okay, have a good day. Subscribe over to Like first make a login and then look for ballbusters. And we get to 100 subscribers over there. I'm doing a giveaway. And it won't just be for Patreon members. I'm gonna do one specifically for them. But I'm also gonna get a, when I get back or sometime soon after I'm gonna have an open livestream for people who want to come in and talk and have a discussion about the stuff we've been talking about. And you know, the stuff that they've seen on the news that I don't catch, all that stuff, all right? And remember, A.A. is Lahaina, right? 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