Ba'al Busters Broadcast

Journey Home Stream 2

Some highlights of the visit so far, and more disturbing news from around the open air prison world...
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3h 2m
Broadcast on:
29 Jul 2024
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Well, it sounds like the tenants at your rental property sure know how to throw a great party. You just wish they wouldn't throw so many parties, on Tuesdays, until 4am. And if they could pay the rent on time, that would be nice too. Being a landlord can be stressful, but it doesn't have to be. Let renters' warehouse handle the hard part of property management for you, like finding quality tenants you can trust. Renters' warehouse manages thousands of single-family homes and specializes in locating reliable tenants at the right price for your property, usually in a matter of days. And if your tenant defaults for any reason, they'll replace them for free up to 18 months under their tenant warranty program. From rent collection to maintenance coordination, their best-in-class property management professionals do it all. All for one flat, monthly fee. Get a free rental price analysis at to find out how much your home can rent for. That's or call 303-974-9444 to speak to a Rent Estate Advisor today. Do we go live? What the hell happened? Why are we going live? Wow, that took forever to go live. I don't know how good our connection is down here. If all else fails, I can hotspot it for my phone. But yeah, that took way too long for it to start. Well, anyway, I'm back here in my grandfather's apartment and we were sitting on that couch yesterday. I was sitting on the ottoman facing the couch with a laptop on top of a pillow. And now you can see a little more of the back. I had to unscrew one of those lights a little bit so it doesn't get too much clearer on me. But not the best. It's going to look to be yellow lighting because I don't have my studio set up here, which are two stands full of LED lights blasting me in the face and blasting the green screen. So it is what it is for today and for this vacation that we have here. So what's PDT time zone, Pacific daylight time? Is that what I'm guessing we are asking about? Pacific death time. Okay. That's what she said. No, that is what it's what she said. Okay. All right. So we are here today. We are going to look at some interesting stuff. I'm going to try to present the video that I have on Telegram here just forever, whatever. But I put out on a bunch of, see, I think the GoPro quick app that's on my phone is limiting me to one post per social media site. And then it just like shuts it down because they want you to buy the app or buy the, you know, subscription to the app, which is like 2495 for the year. But then the next year, it's 50 bucks cancel any time. Yeah. Good luck trying to find the revenue to get back to that shit. It's usually impossible to do that. And my, my mother about eight years ago bought us in the espresso machine and it kind of finally had its last hurrah with us, but she has one. So I've got my little saucer in my little sprints. I'd down that already. But so I got that. I got my coffee on the other side, we're ready to rock today. It's raining. I want to go do. Last night, I was going to go do my walk. I did a jog the previous night and it was about a total of 5.22 miles, so I won around the block twice and walk past my old school or jog past it, I guess, mostly jogging, but I walked in between, you know, and at first, the first round, I was like, I got the idea to, hey, maybe I should jog and then I was like, I need some kind of weights for my hands because on the elliptical, I'm also working out my upper body, but I don't have anything really here, except for the, I have that little like tension where they call those things like a band but has handles on it. But I can't run with that. I need to, I don't know what if I was going to work both at the same time, then I'd have to get like wrist weights or something and I don't have any of that crap here. And feeling your suitcase with the things that are just weights would be stupid because and just cost more than good morning to, bam, bam, 76. All right, I'm going to put up a couple of videos here that we're going to discuss since I'm inundated by, this is a very Trump 24, 24 and 2020 place, even this household. This household is very Trump. I said something I shouldn't have the other night, got into my mom. I said, mom, he's the silver crowns king of the Torah. I said, he's not, he's not in any danger. Nobody really shot at him and then that became a big argument. So I was like, all right, well, whatever. If you think that he's in danger and you honestly don't think that he's, I mean, just solidifying his candidacy and the people out there who do all the operating and manipulation aren't just doing all the operating and manipulating. And that's cool. But I happen to think that this guy is the devil and you know, I did vote for him twice. I was deceived as well. I wasn't paying attention as much, but the things that we've seen since like, oh, I don't know, remembering a bunch of people with a vaccine that he still continuously says is doing wonders for people. Now he says it's curing cancer, meanwhile, people are dropping dead left and right. And they're full of all kinds of nanotechnology and liquid nanoparticles and means a phrase and everything else because of trusting that asshole. Yeah. And they got both sides because then they had to get a demo when they're in have him promote the vaccine so that you have the Republicans and the Democrats getting the shot. And now these coming back for round two of more of the same shit because they're going to do another lockdown. And of course, the only way to get us to shut up and calm down is to think that we have somebody that's representing us in power. So of course, they got to bring him back in. And this whole thing with Kamala Harris, you know, we have, we have the, the deal really departed possibly already dead from and they're probably going to say it was COVID or they'll say it was the avian flu that Biden is deteriorating or dead from. We don't know if he's even alive. He could have been dead for freaking three weeks, but month a year for all we know because it doesn't look like it's the same dude half the time and don't really think it's really a big loss other than the fact that there's a manipulation going on on the other side too. So if we don't get Trump, I guess I'm, my guess is when everything, when everything shakes out, we're going to be closer to what Dr. Peter Glidden had said about Gavin Newsom, which would be like Satan incarnate. And if Trump is the motivator to push the vote from the liberal retards who don't understand life to go out there and do their thing and cause a ruckus, then we will get Gavin and that's going to be awful. Yeah, one way or the other, Trump is playing this part. And even if we even if we just get Gavin in the race, then we know what's going to happen the next time, right, they'll be priming him for the next for the next round. So either way, we're going to be fucked. So there you have it. We're not looking too good as it is. But anyway, so let me play some of these videos that I took and like I said, I tried to get more out there on telegram and stuff, but it stopped letting me. So I think the app is actually shutting it down, like not letting you post more than one video per social media site so that you get a taste for it because it's easy that you don't have to take it off the GoPro itself. You can actually just like do like a wireless upload, which is freaking awesome. This thing is this thing is awesome. I love it. I love that you could shoot in nine by 16 so that you can put it right onto like, you know, whatever Instagram TikTok, whatever is in that format, phone format, social media phone format, or you can do it in wide, which is, you know, videos and stuff like that. So pretty cool. So I'm going to show you the outdoors of my home right now, my parents home in this little clip here. Let's see if I can get up. I don't know if I can show off my mic, I don't know if I want to either. So I turn the audio, share and I get myself off the screen. I think you're going to need the full frame for this one. Yeah. Daisy does rock. You're absolutely right. Rock's absolutely 100%. Yeah. Yeah, we're going to watch a couple of interesting videos about drop here, but let's, let's see some wholesome shit first, please. Let's, let's, let's balance this out a little. All right. Let's see. Where was I on this mofo? All right. So here's the video that I took. Hopefully it plays well. It's a, it's in 4k. I'm not sure it'll translate on your side, but it's my not. I don't know why today. Where am I able to hit me at the halls? It's a nice, big, huge, beautiful house. Yeah, it's going to do that probably. Yeah, that's a real thing, apparently. This thing that makes like a harmonica, like, it sounds like you're about, you know, like you're about to tune your guitar to your harmonica or some shit. It's like, hmm, but it's these little sticks that are in the ground. And apparently that keeps the chipmunks from eating your, your vegetation and your landscaping plants, I guess. So our house makes little harmonica noises because of all those little things in the ground, it's pretty fine. See the gazebo on the left. Pretty cool. Geltrane. Yeah. That's my, that's my engine. Gina's house, it was there well before ours was there, at least by a couple of years, I guess. I think we were still at the restaurant, my parents used to own. We had a basement apartment at the restaurant itself, then our house was being built and all that stuff. But she got sick and was murdered by her doctors through two and a half years worth of chemo and radiation on the thumbnail that you saw yesterday of the video on the left hand side. That was my engine, a beautiful, wonderful, amazing human being, three children. And that didn't stop the retarded indoctrinated doctors from not only not trying to see what was causing the problem with her, you know, energy and just declaring it leukemia when there could have been something that could have been easily done to straighten and balance her out. And I wish I had known this stuff when I was 11 or 12 when it happened because I would have been insistent upon them to do anything but what they did. But instead she got poisoned for two and a half years, suffered all that, lost her hair and then died. And she had three children. She had a fourth one, the fourth one was me. I was very close to her. Hey, I'm in the desert most of the time. Leave me alone. Sometimes there's a bunch of carp here in the corner, I'm not sure what this past that time that they spawn right here in these little corners, I don't think it's already passed that time, but it happened in the spring. But there's all kinds of fish in here, these two saw some ripple there, there's turtles everywhere. A bunch of snapping turtles in here. That's it, that's it, that's it, go ahead, go ahead, there's it, I wish I had seen the stuff. There we go, there we go, there we go, there we go, there we go, there we go, I fixed it. Uh, you said dead right ahead of a girl that you slid in there. So this is kind of funny, because we have so many snapping turtles, I think this is almost half a joke, but I don't know what the hell the endangered part is, there's nothing endangered about these sons of bitches, you're endangered if you get too close to them, so snap your damn fingers off, but, oh, something just jumped in, frog. Sounds like Dave, Dave's out there excavating, my friend Farmer Guy, tonight it's on, or maybe it's Mike, I haven't said a little good yet, I probably have a little target up here. So that's, that's a retired police officer's home, that's the person that was mentioning that a long time ago and like middle school I dated his daughter, but yeah, that's, he showed me his revolver before, so when I see a target up at his door, I'm assuming he's not shooting coals in this freaking into his shed, so it's, it's likely an archery target, but that's exactly where he, like in that area is where he used to have a little target, that for his revolver, so I thought that was kind of funny that, you know, it's been 25, 30 years now, and it's still kind of the same setup going on. It's an archery target, but I'm not sure what they're using it for, interesting. If you're wondering why the pond is green, it's because there used to be cows on the other side of it, there's a huge swatch, or swath, or whatever the hell you say, farmland, and it was a dairy farm, so those cows would be up on top of the hill, and you know how rain water works, it would flush all their pee and poop into the pond, so that created the algae, which made the green, and it's been over a decade since he's even had cows, and yet the algae remains, the green pond is green, probably indefinitely. Yeah, I'm trying to get it to go underwater. Everything is nice and beautiful and green here, very easy to grow stuff, unlike where I am in UMA, just nice to see, instead of last day, if you see my pathway right in the lake, I walked this twice last night, so 2.6 miles all the way around the block, and I did it twice last night, and jagged it, so this is going to be interesting to everybody else, but I find it very fun, oh, it took out a little house, so up here on the hill, there's an old farmhouse, and it was falling apart, but it looks like they've taken down to a red barn, where they were used to be, they were thieves, dads, thieves for a pretty fair father's place, his father's father. Yeah, this is like over and around here, we're around in the middle of 6, but that's pretty much what I'm saying, we're going to get back away, first, you get them to the lake all the way, but it's not really, even a little bit small, it might be dingy, dirty, and have all the problems that City has, but it's small, it's a little bit better, but I can't, there's another way I can get up to the lake, see this all new, they fill that in, because they see this swampy area over there, you don't want to see underneath the lost system of the Hudson River, so it's below sea level, and it's very swampy, so you'll have some mosquitoes, but things grow, pretty awesome, pretty awesome, pretty cool, we don't have this type of architecture, and shit, whole land of, I love Yuba, trust me, but the architecture I like colonial houses, see this is all the children, they're the friendly, corny, or hey, it was hey, last time they cut it, and then there's these, my friend Dave's house, the one that's looking at me, he probably doesn't have to work again, he's got a, they have lots of, they own like the whole entire thing of both sides of lands for their farming stuff, and one day, like both sides of the street, like pretty much all the land on both sides all the way up to, oh man, up to this place called Stratton Lane, so shit tons of land where they were growing their corn for the feed, for their Gary cows and all that stuff, and they sold a bunch of it, so they got, they got pretty well, wealthy, sold it all, they pretty much got mega rich, because all the developers wanted to build houses so, he did well, he probably did all the math to you until I'm guessing, all right, I'll pause it for now and we'll kick it around, oh, so this is, like the ground that I had on my house, I got to find it and take it and show you, but they were doing this, which I thought was kind of cool, so they have, this is a guy named Robert Eugene, right, so I got a house, I got to find a house on the, on the post, all right, till then, here you go, oops, hold on, hold on, no, I got to find one more thing, I think it's in a different, oh, baby is it Instagram, well, yeah, I guess I'll have to go that way then, let's try it, listen to Instagram, I'm not going to even know which account I'm logged into here, so hold on, ah, he's son of a mother, really, yeah, I don't think I put him on that one though, I think I put him on my other one, son of a bitch, let me see, did I put anything up here, oh, this, that's my mom, and my daughter of course, so there's that, but let me see if I can open up the other account, because there's another, like I said, I had a scatter it around my, my social media, because it doesn't seem like it's letting me do more than one, let me see if I can switch, switch, switch appearance now, switch accounts, there we go, wait, I won't let me, hello, hello, Jesus Christ, son of a bitch, Jesus Charles, that should just automatically fill in, I'm not sure why it's not, it's not like my, yeah, I'm not gonna be able to do it, oh well, that's, wait, wait a minute, hold on, there's another way I can do it, I can just look for it, alright, that's the other way to do it, so yeah, it can be funky like that, yeah, so here's one, visiting trip, we all have somewhere we're trying to get to, as the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand, so everyone can get to where they want to be, you've arrived, that's energy and progress, visit, well it sounds like the tenants hit your rental property sure know how to throw a great party, you just wish they wouldn't throw so many parties on Tuesdays, until 4am, and if they could pay the rent on time, that would be nice too, being a landlord can be stressful, but it doesn't have to be, let renters warehouse handle the hard part of property management for you, like finding quality tenants you can trust, renters warehouse manages thousands of single family homes and specializes in locating reliable tenants at the right price for your property, usually in a matter of days, and if your tenant defaults for any reason, they'll replace them for free up to 18 months under their tenant warranty program. From rent collection to maintenance coordination, their best in class property management professionals do it all, all for one flat monthly fee, get a free rental price analysis at to find out how much your home can rent for, that's, or call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent estate advisor today. [Music] [Music] [Music] So they have this really cool hot tub underneath their overhanging porch there in the backyard. It's raining today, otherwise I'd be helping them with their wraparound deck on their above-ground pool out back, so we went into it yesterday. I've got to tell you right now, I'm used to the weather and Yuma way more than I am out here. I used to not like the cold, I still don't, but now I'm kind of to the point where, let's put this way, you can walk down here with 20 degrees below zero wind chill in the winter time and your ears freeze. See that big ears? Yeah, those big ears freeze pretty quickly to your head or other places, like just freeze and try to feel like they're going to snap off. That's not a fun time for me, and it's so frigid, and so I've lived with it like that and understood what cold was for a long time, but I'm not a big fan of it, and after living in Yuma, when they're like, "Oh yeah, the pool's 75 or 80 degrees, I'm not going in there." It's like bath water at our house, and that's just from the heat outside, and like, "Yeah, it's 90 degrees." I'm like, "Wow, that's literally 30 degrees colder than it is all the time." Well, 25 degrees colder than it is all the time. Yeah, it's funny. And I looked at the temperature one night and it was like, "Oh no, it's during the morning." It was like 61. I'm like, "It doesn't get 61 even when it's raining and thunder and light." Well, there's not really that much thunder lightning brought from, but in the middle of the night, it doesn't get that cold all year round. I think maybe we had like three nights last year where we were surprised that it got down to like 50. Yeah, so that was it. It's a different world, different world for sure. So now I gotta be conscious of this because I just dawned on me that when I play these videos and I have this microphone on that it might echo because it's going to pick up from the laptop. I didn't bring my headphones because for whatever reason, I can't hear myself through them. So when I have the headphones on, I can't hear what I'm saying because it's muffled out. It's not playing through the headphones. What the fuck? Some stupid video card that they, this is a gamer freaking laptop. Why would that even be a freaking thing? But it is. So I don't know. Maybe there's a driver missing or something that I just need to update, but I've looked for that and I couldn't find anything. So now we're going to go watch some videos. I might have to like take the microphone. If I turn this off, it might mess it up for understanding where my microphone is because it usually tries to default to something else. So if I turn it off completely, if I just like pull this top off and turn it off, then I won't be able to comment during the video. That's number one. Number two, it might default to the laptop mic and not come back. And then it might say that I don't have a mic. So StreamYard is really weird about making changes when you're live. It won't let you do it. So I'm going to kind of like do this while we're watching the video and then go like this when I'm ready to comment. Yeah, yeah, big fun. Okay, so let's start off with this one. Is anybody with me? Let's see what's going on around the around the bend here. Let's see who's wearing what's what. Let me make sure there's people actually watching. Otherwise, I'm going to go do something else. Oh, let's see. Come on. Postlokens. Why is it so slow? Oh, all right. All right, I see people. I see people. We're good. We're good. Let me see you have FTJ. FTJ got anybody up in there. Let's see. Oh, so random times. Yeah, good. All right, good. I don't know what the hell that's supposed to be. Something's not loading up right. Come on. There it goes. All right, good. We got people in all places. I like it. Jumping all over the place, but whatever. Whoa, you done loading now? You only did that like six times. All right, cool. So that's good. We've got everybody on the thing. And the thing is on the thing. And I think the Twitter is on the thing and everybody's on the thing. So that's good. And it'll be on the Ting on Twitter, but the Ting will be there when other people come back. Okay, let's go to... Well, we have a long video that I'm going to play at the Crow House. And I haven't seen this one yet, but I'm guessing I'm going to put in my trust. And if it's not, then it's going to be a hit piece. And I'm going to be talking shit about it either way. But we have the Silver Crown keying over here. We could watch that video. And then there's this one. It's kind of the same video. It's just this random dude that apparently everybody jumped a little over and decided to make videos out of. It's not anything that I haven't been saying. It's everything that I've been saying and more. Well, no, it's actually less. Everything I've been saying and less. But it's okay. It's all the stuff I've been saying. So now you're going to get confirmation from this Jack and Maroo here. Rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize. Blah, blah, okay. Okay, Jew Zionist terrorists on the UFC. I wouldn't be surprised. That's an interesting one though. I have to look at that. Yep. And the Jewish people want the TikTok bands, right? Because they don't want anybody having access to really easy money that they can't fucking control. That's not, it's not even about the things that people say on TikTok. Give me a friggin break. It's got nothing to do with that. All right, so I just got to get this going here. It's because the greedy greeters and their little finger fingers have to have everything. And they don't want, they don't want us to be independent. So, of course, they have to control every means of money. And then there's a big gap there with Twitter because anybody can make a shit ton of money doing the Twitter sellers accounts. Sorry, the TikTok sellers accounts. That's why I'm probably not allowed to. I'm guessing that has a lot to do with it because they don't like me. All right, playing it. Now, remember, this is a random video on bit shoot of all places. I didn't put it together. The quality probably isn't the greatest, but if you can hear it, then it's going to have a message and you'll be on it and understand it and then we'll go over it. OK, good. So, you did not inject GP 1, GP 1 for developed by my people here, Braille's that MIT with HIV in it, right? No. Is that exactly what it is? This is a genetic by the Australian. All Americans, you're all part of the land of it down. They consider Donald Trump as a chef. I don't know if you know this. Do you know that they gave Donald Trump the silver crown of the Torah recently? We have to get the people of our country, of this country, to love Israel more. I have to tell you that. But you should be put on the head of the Messiah. Who is it? 163 Orthodox rabbis. We have to do it. We have to get them to love Israel more. They don't love Israel enough. You know that. Wow. Came together at Trump's golf course and handed him the silver crown. Do you know any of them? OK. Give them, do I stand for you? Work is good. His kindness endures forever. Resented the president, Donald Trump, who was extraordinary in the road captain. To help the state of Israel and the Jewish people. He and his family should be less eternal. Let me, Israel. Heritage Foundation. Do you like that 2020? Nope. They gave him a nor about two weeks ago on the bottom. This scripture says the Prince of Peace and utterance out of the prophet Isaiah for them a chef, the Messiah. Do you know that? So you guys have no idea that they, it is nor the kinescent and in the sun, he's going to have proclaimed Donald Trump the Messiah. So what now? And in the sun, he's going to have proclaimed Donald Trump the Messiah. You know, none of it. They gave Trump the silver crown of the Torah. OK. Give them, do I stand for him? Work is good. His kindness endures forever. Got that? That's the silver crown of Jerusalem. This is to be given to the Messiah and the Messiah hold him. And 163 Orthodox Jewish rabbis gave Donald Trump the silver crown of the Torah. I work four years on Trump's campaign team. These guys are, this is the inscription which can't read but you don't need to hear. They're calling him the Prince of Peace. Are you saying that he was on the jump? Me? Oh. This is an utterance out of the prophet Isaiah. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand. So everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's energy and progress. Visit Well, it sounds like the tenants at your rental property sure know how to throw a great party. You just wish they wouldn't throw so many parties on Tuesdays until 4 a.m. And if they could pay the rent on time, that would be nice too. Being a landlord can be stressful, but it doesn't have to be. Let renters warehouse handle the hard part of property management for you, like finding quality tenants you can trust. Renters warehouse manages thousands of single family homes and specializes in locating reliable tenants at the right price for your property, usually in a matter of days. And if your tenant defaults for any reason, they'll replace them for free up to 18 months under their tenant warranty program. From rent collection to maintenance coordination, their best-in-class property management professionals do it all, all for one flat monthly fee. Get a free rental price analysis at to find out how much your home can rent for. That's or call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent estate advisor today. Donald Trump has considered the much F of Israel, the much Sia, a four-in-the-V rabbis who run your country. The whole COVID agenda was done by Zionist Jews. That's true. And they want all you people dead here in the land of Islam. They consider Donald Trump the head of Islam. They're going to kill you people off with this injection. You're considered on the leak. Well, the next injection too. Let's not forget about that one. And they want all you people dead. My Instagram is Trump_played_you. Trump played you. My son's dying from this shot that Donald Trump bought us through a military operation war speed, March 27, 2020. Let's get confirmation on that to see if his son really is because that's a little messed up inside, if it's true. Approved by the DoV. Hold on. It says, "Our intention is for the CDC to now be immediately, completely, and permanently shut down." Who said that? And the officials to be charged with murder for their role in the creation and launching of the COVID-19 pandemic. Okay. Well, that's what they want. Here's what's going on. The CDC, while everybody was looking at the World Health Organization's pandemic treaty, were giving themselves the right and privilege and authority to do exactly what the pandemic treaty was claiming publicly was going to have the power to do. So everybody has just agreed now to wholeheartedly follow the lead, I guess, followed over themselves and adopt every goddamn thing that the CDC won't recommend. So we didn't gain anything from the end, by the way, the pandemic treaty talks are going on again. There's no opposition, so it's all game. All the 193 member countries, the people that are in the World Health Organization, people that are in the United Nations, they don't have... Those people are the puppets. Those people are the paper pushers and the stupid little, what do they call it? Not think tanks, right? They're not really... I mean, they might be leaders of countries and stuff like that, but they're not real people. They're not there to make any kind of waves. They're there to create this new role order. They're there because the people with all the money, the banking elite put them there to do a job and they're not questioning it. So for there to be some kind of back and forth, that's all theater. They're just giving you something to look at while they do something else, the sleight of hand in the CDC at this particular juncture was that sleight of hand. War on your fellow Americans, this whole thing, like this COVID agenda, all dual citizenship designers do this. Easy to be a hard force, scientists. They want all you people that are in Trump is their beside him. He used to be a hardcore Zionist, well, then he's also part of the problem and if he's pretending like he's not anymore, then he's definitely a lying sack of shit. You don't just jump from one end to the other. Let's take of it. Yeah, I remember that, the LGBT for Trump and I had posted something. I think this was like four or five years ago, right? I had posted something that said, I wonder what my approval rating is with pedophiles and pervers and sodomites that I think that was my primary tour to this exact picture here. Hey man, go fuck you. You won't return. Can I see the back of your shirt? All right. Go, go, go, go. Yeah, Trump's going to tell all you do. Trump's going to tell all you do. Trump's going to tell all you do. You like three films and what's it is? Oh, we have to do a lot more. Here's this. Here's where the conventional bullshit comes in in this whole sound of freedom nonsense, right? Hollywood went and co-opted and stole the true problem of human trafficking, made it into something foreign rather than an actual Jesuit CIA, massage and Jewish thing, because that's where that all comes from. It's a Jewish thing, mostly. Jesuits are Jews and that's the CIA, all that crap. They're stealing children and bringing them wherever they need to bring them to do all kinds of horrible things to them. And then Convisal makes a star of the stupid ass movie and listen to what he has to say. And he remember how he kept on invoking in the other interviews the name of QAnon, if not only to just make it more ridiculous and more like an eye roll to people, it totally takes the wind out of the sale of the real problem of child trafficking when you start to equate it to things that are fucking hoaxes or better yet psychological operation that did have a lot of truth to it. But the psychological operation was that somehow Trump was going to fix everything. We got to start with Donald Trump. Who do you meet? Well, he's got to be in there because he's going to go up to the traffickers. Yeah, he did so well. Do you think he would do you think he understands that? We were with him last night. Oh, I didn't know that story. Yes. Oh, so he's going to be moved to do this do something. I didn't know that. He's got movie sheds lay on the artificial details or elements of child trafficking that are of the most minor of all the issues when it comes to child trafficking. They don't talk anything about the Saudis. They don't say anything about the actual governmental bodies that are involved in this. They don't talk about the Roman Catholic Church, the Jesuits. They sure as hell don't talk about the blood drinking and the baking of the blood and the matzah and what they do with the Shevad Libovitch when it comes to children. They don't talk about anything about that in that movie. Surprise! Surprise! This is the new Moses. He's the new Moses. He's the new Moses. You hear that? Go free. That's a good line right there. For those of you who are not able to see that, it says, "By way of deception, thou shalt make war." That is the official slogan of the Mossad and our government is responsible for mostly all of their training because we have always been greater Israel ever since, I don't know, World War I, World War II era. Probably a little bit before that. Maybe we can even say 1865 when they destroyed our country with a civil war. [Music] Presented to President Donald J. Trump, who was extraordinary in the Roman Catholic Church. [laughter] The health of the state of Israel and the Jewish people, he and his family should be blessed internally from the Israel heritage foundation like that. [Music] Then it's just crap at the end. Just, all right, so there we go. Okay, give me a second here to get back to it. Hi, did you miss me? You got some comments up here. Let's see what we got. Thanks for sharing the good times and now that we're not so good times. Yep, so it goes indeed. Yeah, let's hope not because you know those good times are worth fighting for because otherwise, you know, we gave up and we completely let our children down. I'm not going to be that person that does that. As you see, I'm vacationing with my daughter and I'm still doing this, so. I believe this one is the Crow House. It is. We'll probably, this isn't the hour long. I'm not sure how much longer I can be on here before I have to do something. It's raining today, so some of the plans were changed. So it goes in upstate New York. If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes. If you do like the weather, wait five more, it's going to fuck up again. All right, so let's go to here. A closer look at the falsities of the Trump. Oh, well, God, he's under so much attack. Yeah, if anybody shot at him, I think maybe somebody was actually going after that retired police, or I'm sorry, retired fireman. Honestly, like he got killed to make it look more real. Maybe he was just last, maybe that's why he had to die because they wanted to make it look like he was really being shot at. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand. So everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's energy and progress. Visit When it comes to renting out your property, the uncertainty of finding reliable tenants can feel like a real guessing game, responsible renter or perpetual party animal. Enter renters warehouse. The pros who turn the uncertainty of finding great tenants into peace of mind. Renters warehouse offers top-notch leasing and tenant placement services, ensuring you get trustworthy renters without the hassles and headaches. With no upfront fees, renters warehouse works for you, not the other way around. From marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease, their team of experts handles it all so you can sit back and watch the rent roll in. Renters warehouse even warranties their tenants for up to 18 months at no extra cost. And if you need ongoing management, they've got to cover too, all for a flat monthly fee. Visit to request a free rental price analysis that's or call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent estate advisor today. Probably not by even by that guy. If that person was allowed up on that roof, do you honestly think that his ammo wasn't somehow sabotaged to where it would fire, but maybe with like underpowered violence or you know, it would be a cap with this like a low powder, you know, so it wouldn't make it there or I doubt blanks because at least, you know, it had to make the report had to make it look real to at least the shooter, right? And I don't know. I don't know. To me, it just seems like he was definitely put in a position to do that. Obviously allowed there to do it, but for what purpose? And did he know he was going to get whacked at the end? Do we know he really got whacked? Do we know if it's even the same guy that they say it is? Are we sure of anything? I don't know. I'm just asking questions because to me, this little stick your hand in the air and rally rahuhuhu when bullets are flying by you and this little lady here like pretending to like do something by her ducking her own head but leaving his head up in the air without putting his head down by with her hand. All this bullshit. It's all stupid. It's all theatrics. Nobody knows how to do their job anymore. It gives us a little skinny arm to beat wrist, a little clear guy here with the sniper and the roof here. Everybody's gay. Everybody's gay. Is that wrong? It's wrong. It is wrong. Is it wrong with me to say, to point it out? No. I don't think so. There are theories that I can move on to other things. And of course I'm talking about the Trump assassination attempt. There's been a lot of theories, a lot of speculation, a lot of stuff come out on both sides of the fence as to whether this was real, whether it was faked and what it's really all about. But it was really faked. Something that I think is really important to keep in mind when you look at any of these shootings is that what is really important about them is what comes after. Who benefits? It's about what the legislation is going to be, whether that's going to be moved further towards the globalist agenda, which of course it always is. So I don't have my, like I said, I don't have my board here with me. I didn't take my roadcaster board. So lowering the mic with a little slider isn't something I have an opportunity to do. So if you hear some echo, I'm walking as far as I can with the microphone, but I don't want to turn it off for the reasons I've stated before. Yeah, the who benefits thing is Trump, because everybody who was, I don't know, lukewarm is now gung-ho, and they're going to push that. Even if it's not, they're going to use the media to give that appearance that it's overwhelming and resoundingly Trump, because they know how the public masses of idiots are. They go towards and lean towards and gravitate toward magnetically attracted to the power or those who they think are the winners. It's always the same way. That's why leadership works with tribes, because people gravitate to that power and are followers. So followers will follow. You just have to give them and present them a hero or a leader, and they will follow, because nobody wants to take initiative to be individuals, it seems, unfortunately, and that's a sad thing, because we should be a nation of individuals who work together rather than a nation of followers who are hive-minded under the impression of what we think one asshole stands for. Do you see the difference there and how that might be a dangerous thing? And that sort of helps determine what it's all about anyway. There's too much time spent on arguing over whether things are real or whether they're fake, and I would suggest that a lot of these events are created in that way, so that you can put forth an endless amount of theories and speculation, and keep arguing about the details and filing to look at the bigger picture. And that's why I love about Max, because he states what I'm thinking a lot, without me verbalizing it, until I hear someone else say it, Max said it very well just there. It's there to distract us, which is the way I would have put it, but he said it more in a way that more people can get, "Oh, yeah, yeah, that makes sense." While we're here arguing whether it's this or it's that, they're still pushing the freaking ball down the field, and that field happens to be completely ignoring Gaza and what's going on, being pro-Jew all over again, and all that shit. And nobody ever bringing up that they attacked us with the USS Liberty, they attacked us at 9/11 with the help of our own government, and if we want to call it a government, it's really just the same people. That's the other thing too. It's like, "Okay, what is our government?" It's a bunch of bankers from the Bank of England, the City of London, and they're all who tribal, chosen people, and that's who runs everything on the large-scale government level who has a central bank in their country, which is basically everybody. They're all unified already under a one-world government. They just don't overtly calling it that yet, and we have been the hub or the main military force of that one-world government for the United Nations, for whomever else, obviously all the banking interests and what they want to have done in our world to weaken other countries and put them in debt and put them at the mercy of an IMF loan or some other Bank of International Settlements situation to where they're now slaves to the Rothschilds, we've been the driving force and the military might for that. So what have we always been and will have we been for at least, if we want to go back to World War II, World War I even, we want to go back to Louis Brandeis, if we want to go back to the Balfour Declaration, what has our country really been? We have always been greater Israel. We just have to wake up and realize that. So everything that we see in politics is theater. Some call it Jesuit theater. That's actually a term. If you look it up, they would actually produce these Jesuit theaters because that was their propaganda and that is the same thing that we see with media, with news, with everything that they spend. We think there's something different between news and sitcom, but it's all made up. And if we don't believe that, the Smith-Mund Modernization Act made it so that there's no reason for them to tell you the truth ever. If you believe it, that's your problem. That's your fault. They told you that they can tell you everything that they want you to hear and believe and none of it has to be true. They've already told us that. Important to look at them on a completely blank slate. Whenever these things happen, just put it on a blank slate and let the cards fall where they may and that may lead you towards the truth of what really happened. If you go in wanting this to be real, you're going to find all sorts of stuff that supports that belief and you can construct a theory. This has quite plausible and it's the same if you go in wanting it to be fake. You'll find all sorts of stuff to support that and then you can construct a theory. That's why you can't go in there with confirmation bias. You're only thinking it's all real, you miss out on all sorts of other stuff. You're going thinking it's all fake, you ignore all sorts of other stuff. On the other side, it works both ways. So you can't look at any of these things with confirmation bias. You've got to simply look at the evidence and see what the evidence tells you. What the evidence clearly states is that there was some sort of a government stand down. This was definitely staged in some way. It was either staged and it was faked or it was allowed to happen. But either way, there was a stand down and the secret service and certain agencies were in honor. That's without any question. Some of what they're calling security flaws and security failures, and never security flaws and failures, they plan to go this way. Now you'll have to excuse me. I hear my daughter moving around upstairs. So you're going to listen to Max a little bit. I'm going to kind of just bury the mic, introduce some pillows so you don't hear any feedback as much as I can and that will be back in a moment. So yeah, anyway, let's get into it. I mean, there's so much information to cover. Like I said, I've been avoiding doing this because there's just so much to look at. I mean, it's literally been a minefield of information, a minefield of theories. I mean, it's a pretty big event. Of course, while this event's been happening, Israel has been going helpful weather on Gaza while people haven't been looking. In the first four days of the shooting, Israel bombed four schools in Gaza and two refugee camps. Some of the images I've had coming out are just horrendous. It would appear that snipers are just taking pot shots at civilians walking down the street now and just must be high caliber bullets because these people's heads are literally exploding. Their bodies littering the streets of Gaza with their heads have literally blown off. I've been receiving some horrendous images. I won't even share them with you, but I just like to point out that's what's going on in Gaza while everyone is distracted with Trump's bleeding ear. Interesting how that works. But anyway, like I said, there's a lot of theories that are coming out. Now, one theory that did come out that I actually supported in the beginning, I did a talk with Vincent, Victor, sorry, Victor Hugo the other day, and we discussed a little bit about this whole Trump thing. Something that I pointed out to him in that talk was that there are what looks like recoil from one of the groups of government snipers, SS snipers, they're up on the roof. It looks like there's a recoil on the guy's gun when the first three shots go off. Check this out. You see, now that looks like recoil on that gun as those shots are fired. The gun moves whenever there's a bang, the gun moves. And there was someone who put out a video suggesting that theory as well, which I will play a little bit for you now. It's going pretty viral around the place. And check out what this guy says. And it's this video here that has been trending. The Trump evidence is starting to come in. It looks like a deep state fake. And that's an interesting title. A lot of people don't really understand what the deep state is. The deep state is the state once they turn the cameras off. Once they go behind closed doors, that's the deep state. It is in this group of shadowy individuals. It's the whole system. The deep state is what happens when they turn the cameras off. And the deep state will always exist as long as the state exists. That's the way it works, folks. But have a look in this video. This guy put out addressing exactly that recoil that I pointed out on the gun. You will see that the sound of the bullets that hit Trump came from his own secret service agent and wherever the sniper for working for him on this roof. And he's firing 400 feet away to another sniper that works for them. And that's this guy. And I'm going to prove to you what out of shadow for that. You can't. I mean, this is all totally 100 percent stage. And that's my job. That's what I do. So here we go. We're going to hear this guy fire and he's going to go down saying he got the bullet. And you know, that's a little bit of an awful bunch. You are just a couple of months old. And if you want to really see something that said, take a look at what happened. Okay, three shots came from this gun. No bullets went into that direction. Let's play it again. And you know, that's a little bit awful that you are just a couple of months old. And if you want to really see something that said, take a look at what happens. That's one. You see the gun move? That's one bullet. There's two and three. You saw the gun move three times and Trump is down. So the sound of the bullets came from this sniper. And there's no way in hell. The other sniper killed Trump. Do you know why? Because this guy, supposedly, supposedly, just killed this guy was a sniper. That supposedly was trying to shoot Trump. It's all sleight of hand. Do you understand? They know the dumb dums won't figure these things out. That's how they got the sound of the shots and everybody ducking it's all staged. But it's clear as a ringy ding ding. This guy didn't shoot at Trump. Why? Because all the shots that came at Trump as he fell, where did it come from? Well, I just showed you that night came from this guy's gun. You see the guy shoot three times. You see the guns flint street times. And you see him come down. Did you hear any other bullets come from the other direction? No, you can't. Why? Because this guy supposedly just shot him. Okay, so that's the theory that was put out. I was kind of looking at that myself when it first happened. But it would appear that that theory is not correct because there's shots that were taken from another angle. And this has actually caused a new theory to come out. And before I even say anything about that, we'll have a look at another angle of those shots. Take a look at what happened. Take a look at what happened. So you see that? Now, what the guy's saying is that there was another shooter from that angle over there to the top right, the red line saying that this took out to bystanders. Okay, that's what it's saying. And that is the angle. This is the claim on this new theory. There were there were more shooters. And it's interesting as well, because there was a shooter scene on the water tower as well. See, this is a claim that there's a second shooter. There was someone seen on a water tower just nearby. I'll see if I can find the pic. Yeah, here it is here. Now you see him, now you don't. You see that as a guy, there's a shadow on this water tower right here. And now they're not there. You've got to wonder about that as well. What we've got to do is look at the bullet paths, the suggested bullet paths anyway. So here's what they're basically telling us where the guy on the roof allegedly was, and he was shooting towards Trump. And if you follow that line, well, that would explain that there. That would explain why there was a puff on the railing that we saw. And then again, there's this other theory that's been put forth saying that, what is it here? This one, there was a shot coming from over here. And that that went through two people, that guy in the white that you saw fall, and it glanced off the railing, just missing that other guy. And there was more shots than there was a guy on the tower. There were three shooters in all. That's that theory. An interesting thing is, well, in all the shots that they give you of the so-called shooters and the bullet paths that the mainstream gives you anyway, like you've got this one, Secret Service crew. They didn't ever show the other Secret Service crew that was on the second roof, because there were two roofs behind Trump, and both of them had Secret Service on them. And there were the crowds and bystanders behind them. Again, if you follow that path, it does get there. But then the concept of there was another shooter also could be possible. But let's have a look at that video again, and look what really happened there. See something that's said, take a look what happened. So you see, glance at that. Take a look what happened. That's definitely the first one. Take a look what happened. And that guy drops. So the other theory that this bullet, the first bullet we heard, came from the security guard on the roof. It's not possible because there's a bullet that glances off the railings, a bullet diggo in that direction, because we can see it. Also, when you look at this guy, the snipers, if you have a look at this guy, his eye comes off the side before the shots fall. If you want to really see something that's said, take a look at what happened. See, that's when the shot's fired when his eye comes off the shot. Now, if you were looking at this guy and you had him in your sights and you were going to shoot him, I wouldn't come off the sight. You'd be having him sighted, so you've got the shot. You're not going to shot him up and then lift your head and then shoot him. That doesn't make sense. So that movement that you're here, and it actually looks like he shoots one shot at the guy, and then two shots at the ground. There'd be no point in doing that, and there'd be no point in lifting your eye off the scope before you shoot. Perhaps, possibility, the day he was just flinching from the sound of the gunshots, and because he still had his hand on the gun, the gun moves. That makes sense that that could happen. The fact that there's a bullet clearly seen hitting the railing also shows that bullets did go in that direction. The concept of the guy in the white falling to the ground is another interesting thing, because that guy falls to the ground after the bullet hits the railing by the look of it anyway. Did he actually get hit by a bullet or did he just duck because there were shots being fired? When you look at the video of the shooting and you look at that guy on the left, you don't see him to start with, but he's over here. If you look at this, we all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand, so everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's energy and progress. Visit When it comes to renting out your property, the uncertainty of finding reliable tenants can feel like a real guessing game, responsible renter or perpetual party animal. Enter renters warehouse. The pros who turn the uncertainty of finding great tenants into peace of mind. renters warehouse offers top-notch leasing and tenant placement services, ensuring you get trustworthy renters without the hassles and headaches. With no upfront fees, renters warehouse works for you, not the other way around. From marketing and showing your property, to screening tenants and preparing the lease, their team of experts handles it all so you can sit back and watch the rent roll in. Renters warehouse even warranties their tenants for up to 18 months at no extra cost. And if you need ongoing management, they've got you covered too, all for a flat monthly fee. Visit to request a free rental price analysis. That's or call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent estate advisor today. This video again, sorry, hard to tell. He's got a MAGA cap on by the look of things. He's got a cap on and he's all in white and he drops. Is he being shot by that bullet that hit the railing? But then you've got to ask how would that bullet go right through all these people and then hit the railing and miss this guy who doesn't make much sense. And when you look at a shot of those people, have a look, because this pan's back and you can actually see that same guy, I think. Let's have a look. That could be him there. Maybe he dropped his cap. Maybe he took his cap off. But that looks like him standing back up again. That same guy. So the concept that this bullet came from there and went through two people doesn't really make sense because surely it would have hit someone in the crowd before it glanced off that railing. But if it was coming from over here, it actually would have hit that railing. Interesting thing to see, folks. And we know the whole idea of Trump turning his head and blah, blah, blah. We've all seen the graphics of what would have happened if he hadn't turned his head, which is how they've been able to sell it. Whether it's true or not is yet to be determined. But again, even having that type of what was just seen in that graphic, I mean, if this was staged and Trump knew it was staged, there's no way he's going to let someone just shoot a bullet past his ear and hope that they actually hit it. I mean, you wouldn't do that. That's just out of the question. Either this was staged and it was an inside job by the deep state. And they all knew what was going on. And there were stand down orders, which would explain everything would explain why the shooter was able to get there, why they didn't fire at him. And bear in mind, there were two sniper teams. There was the sniper team, secret service sniper team on both roofs. And the second sniper team on the second roof that you don't even hear about also saw the shooter on the roof and were aiming him. They had him in their sights, but they didn't fire either. And there's video footage of the second sniper team. And they didn't take the shot. So what's that all about? They didn't take the shot. So both sniper teams had the guy in their sights and neither of them took the shot. And it was known that he was there. We're told guy, you know, they had a few minutes. They knew 26 minutes in advance that he was there. Even this Senator Marsha Blackburn just got off a briefing with the secret service in FBI. I'm appalled to learn. They knew about the threat prior to President Trump walking on the stage. There's video footage of the shooter just kind of wandering around as well. He was seen earlier on in the event. Lurking near a building just passed a secure perimeter of the event itself. The man who shot the video told Pittsburgh's action news for reporter Lily Coleman, he was shocked when he examined it closely. Okay, so there's that. There's also the fact that apparently the shooter's father rang the police or the secret service that afternoon because his son was missing and so was his rifle. I don't know why you would ring the secret service if your son was missing. But apparently that's what happened. The gunman's father called police before the shooting concerned about his son and his whereabouts. Meg Oliver is tracking the critical half hour before Trump was shot. Multiple sources. Hello, everybody. My daughter and I were walking around the backyard looking at bunnies that are out there because of the rain and stuff. So we walked up to one and it got it got nice and close to it and she was all excited. And we saw a garden snake, but she was really excited to see too because we saw something there yesterday in the rocks. And then we went back and Farrah's like, it's over here. I know it because we saw it yesterday and sure enough, she saw it again. And she was all excited about that. So we were just walking around the backyard. It looks like I'm going to have to get going on a helping my stepfather in the backyard with the deck. So I'm going to set I'm going to keep playing this. I'm not sure where it's even at, but my commentary is going to be skimmed slight in sloughs too and far between because I got to go back upstairs and set up my daughter for something and then get back into it. So go ahead and watch some more of this. I'm not sure what the hell they're talking about even. I walked away. Sorry. Tell CBS news that the Secret Service says it was notified of a suspicious person with a range find. This is all part of the lie, right? This right here narrative. This is what they want to give people. So what does this do though? What does this actually do? I see you have you're in good hands over here in the top right hand corner with Max, but why do they want us to know this? And why does the mainstream media want us to believe that this is happening? What is the purpose behind all that? Because if it was really a thing that they didn't want anybody to be suspicious of, they wouldn't give us these types of, you know, tropes, if you will, or leads or whatever you want to call them that, you know, lead us to question the authority or the, or the sincerity or the professionalism of these organizations and agencies around the government. So why do they want us to question it? Is it because we're trying to usher in a whole different type of leadership? Maybe one that is of one unified body, by chance. And will that be what is pitched in the next four year fake term of a fake president that we should all unite under the thing and be instead of covertly run by the UN and the people who run the UN, you know, Club of Rome, comma, you know, international banking Jews, instead of being covertly run by them already, maybe there's going to be an overt rule and we'll have to replace all these agencies with, oh, I don't know, United Nations people. Oh, by the way, we have a bunch of foreigners here already being paid by the UN, which means your tax money to be here and to feel more than entitled to everything that you have worked for. And, you know, they're bringing their shit culture with them and their diseases. And you're 20 minutes before the shooting took place in Butler, Pennsylvania, a local tactical sniper inside a neighboring building spotted him from a second floor window and snapped this picture. Crooks pulled out the rangefinder and the sniper alerted his team. Then the shooter climbed down an air conditioning unit to reach the roof of the building near the sniper's position. At 551 p.m. Pennsylvania State Police notified the secret service. There was a suspicious person on the premises. One minute later, that was relayed to counter sniper teams above Trump. At six o'clock, Trump was allowed to go on stage and begin remarks. 10 minutes later, snipers were told police were addressing an issue, but it was too late. One minute after that, shots rang out. Former Secret Service agent Charles Moreno says if agents knew there was a threat that far in advance, Trump should never have been allowed to address the crowd. He should be held in a secure area until the threat is ultimately resolved. And then it's concluded that there's no additional other threats. Sources tell CBS News Trump was permitted on stage because there was no indication the suspicious person had any weapon. No suspicious person had any weapon. Apart from the guys in the grounds yelling out there's a guy on the roof with a gun. You've all seen that video of the guy with the orange hair saying there's a guy in the roof and he's got a gun. It doesn't make sense. Then you've got that shot of the guy who it looks like, Thomas Matthew Crooks, the guy they're claiming did it. But Thomas Matthew Crooks put out a video that day that was very interesting. Check this out. My name is Thomas Matthew Crooks. I hate Republicans. I hate Trump. And guess what? You got the wrong guy. Now that's really interesting to that video I should even exist. Of course, they're saying he made it before the shooting. Who knows? Who knows? But another interesting thing is when you look at the shooter, the dead shooter, this is a little gruesome, I'll warn you, but check out this picture. Does this look like that same guy? Does everybody look like Thomas Matthew Crooks? When you look at Thomas Matthew Crooks, that's the guy that we just saw in the video. There's another shot on him. Does that really look like the guy? It certainly looks like the guy that you saw the picture of, that the sniper club took the picture of, this one here. But again, look at that shirt that he's wearing with the eagle on it. That's significant. And that sure, that looks like Thomas Matthew Crooks, but was he really the shooter? Because he doesn't look like this guy. It looks like a different person. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand, so everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's energy and progress. Visit When it comes to renting out your property, the uncertainty of finding reliable tenants can feel like a real guessing game, responsible renter or perpetual party animal. Enter renters warehouse. The pros who turn the uncertainty of finding great tenants into peace of mind. Renter's warehouse offers top-notch leasing and tenant placement services, ensuring you get trustworthy renters without the hassles and headaches. With no upfront fees, Renter's warehouse works for you, not the other way around. From marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease, their team of experts handles it all so you can sit back and watch the rent roll in. Renter's warehouse even warranties their tenants for up to 18 months at no extra cost. And if you need ongoing management, they've got you covered too, all for a flat monthly fee. Visit to request a free rental price analysis. That's or call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent estate advisor today. I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong, but it just looks like a different person. The person it actually looks like is this guy, Matthew Yerick, looks very similar to him, and he was actually arrested for something or other. He pleaded guilty and connection with something he threatened Trump in 2016. An interesting thing is this ear piercing that he's got here. You know where you sort of stretch your ear lobes right out and you stick a stone or whatever in it. He's got one of them. He's got a small one in this ear. When you look at a shot of them, all three of them together, this guy looks more like this guy than he does this guy. And that piercing in the ear, you see this slit on the ear here. Now I'm willing to think, well possibly that's just blood because obviously he's covered in blood. That could be just a streak of blood across his ear, or it could be a large piercing big enough to fit this earring in. You've got to look at that folks. It can't be rolled out. The question that there may have been two shooters, two patsies, whatever. And there's actually talk of a second shooter as well. They feel that there was two shooters on both sides. So they got the one on the tower on this side, but the one on the right side they never got. So that's why they wanted to leave immediately because they thought there's still a shooter out there somewhere. Now isn't that interesting? If they thought there was a shooter out there somewhere, why was Trump allowed to raise his head for nine seconds? And none of it makes sense. I mean he gets up there and he does the fist pump. The iconic photograph that we all saw of Trump raising his fist in the air. It's just the most iconic shot you've ever seen, which will go down in the history books. That'll be the shot that defines America from now on. Trump with blood on his face waving his fist in the air. Of course, we have seen that before. And in other places as well, Russia and China, they're good at raising the fist in the air as is Antifa. Also that guy, Matthew Yeric, is actually an Antifa member, which is interesting as well. Something I looked into the guy a little bit and what I found, like it's very hard to find any information about him. This Matthew Yeric guy. But I found him on Twitter, which is really interesting. And his page here on Twitter, you've got this hero thing, I don't know, you can't tell whether that's him or not. It's got here the pin to comment, why are they lying? Any Thomas Matthew Cooks in the US could build a bomb with remote detonation by the bar. But again, this is July 17th. Is this really him? Thomas planted explosives in his own car, bad actors from the Secret Service found a detonator next to his body. Everyone knows it. Any boy on his way to assassinate the president first mines his own car with remote detonation capability. There's a lot of really weird stuff going on here. Interesting what he's got on the site here on his Twitter post, F 65.4. You look up F 65.4, pedophilia, it's a pedophilia code. Interesting stuff. And what you can also do is check out these coordinates that he's got here. If you're going to Google Earth and check out these coordinates in the order that he posted them, what you find is that the first coordinates lead you to this lake in Alaska. So what's that all about? What's hidden in the lake you might ask. You go to the second set of coordinates and it takes you to Black Rock viewpoint. That's kind of interesting, isn't it? Pedophilia, a lake, Black Rock viewpoint. You go to the next set of coordinates. And where does it take you to? Of all places. Wild guess. Little Saint James Island, Epstein Island. Isn't that interesting folks? Could be just a coincidence, but I find it kind of interesting. And that's this Maxwell Yurick. Whether that's the same guy, I mean, you can see there's posts here on July 14th. There's posts here on July 17th. So whether he's involved, whether that's actually him that's dead or whether it's someone else running that account, is anybody's guess. And there's so much more. There's a lot of stuff to look at with this. I mean, the client that he had no blood on his ear, well, there was blood on his ear. That could conceivably, on his face, it may not be on his shirt because when he fell to the ground, he was actually lying with his head down. So that's why you've got that shot of the blood on his ear or the blood running down his cheeks. Like here, blood just running down from his ear could be. And again, another iconic shot. You've got the sun shining on his face, his hands in kind of a prayer stance, all very contrived shots, folks. There's even a shot, I'm sure you've seen it, which alleges to depict a bullet flying past Trump's head. I think that's bullshit, personally. You got to, well, you need a really, really fast camera, super, super fast camera to do this. The camera to do this has got a shutter speed of one, eight thousandths of a second, takes about 24 shots a second. Could be a bullet going past his head, a little bit low for the ear, but it could be a bullet going past his head. It could also just be a chem trial. You just don't know these days, folks. Incidentally, the guy who took that shot, his name is Doug Mills. And he's also the guy who took the iconic shot that we know from 9/11. He just happened to be there with a high speed camera. This shows that there was inside the knowledge as well. And another question people don't seem to be asking is why was there so much media there? Since when is there a lot of media out of Trump rally? They've been trying to bury Trump rallies and hide all this stuff from the public for years. Why are they suddenly all there? You had CNN, you had NBC, you had Fox, you had BBC. You had, I think there was a Canadian news station there as well. He had Sky News from Australia there. All of these news people were there at this particular Trump rally, when they're never at Trump rallies, they never cover them. And there happened to be a guy there with a high speed camera fast enough to catch a bullet. Oh, very, very convenient. And we've seen all the stuff about if he hadn't turned his head, it would have been drastic. And it would have been folks. I mean, an AR-15 bullet can do some pretty severe damage. And that's another thing as well. You've got to look at it. I mean, this is what a bullet graze looks like. And yet when you look at the pictures of Trump... And here's the other thing too. Those bullets don't typically fly straight. Okay? They tumble. AR-15 bullets are known for tumbling. Sometimes when you see you hit the target, they hit the target. And you can almost even see how they have hit sideways. Not all the time, but they tumble is the point. So there's always that to consider. It would have maybe taken the entire low buff if it did in fact hit him in the ear. There's a lot of, there's a lot of things that are strange about that. And anybody who's used firearms before kind of will say, "Yeah, some things don't seem like they add up." And if you've used them to any, to any extent where you've been taught things or you've learned things from about it, then it seems a little bit more suspicious. But he's bringing up some good points about the coverage being there already. A lot of the coincidences as far as just so happens to be that there's a guy, why would he need that camera for that particular gig? Like what would the purpose of that camera be? You usually don't bring out your, you bring out, as a person who's used cameras in specific places, I don't just bring everything I've got. I bring what I need for the event. So if I was capturing a soccer game, then I would probably use a high speed thing. But if I'm doing a rally, there's not a whole lot of high speed action that I need to get crystal clear shots of. So I don't think I would use one eight thousandth of a second, you know, shutter speed, blah, blah, blah, blah, in order to capture anything and just so happen to capture a bullet. It's just, none of this. And you know how easy that is to Photoshop? We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand. So everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's energy and progress. Visit When it comes to renting out your property, the uncertainty of finding reliable tenants can feel like a real guessing game, responsible renter or perpetual party animal. Enter renters warehouse. The pros who turn the uncertainty of finding great tenants into peace of mind. Renters warehouse offers top-notch leasing and tenant placement services, ensuring you get trustworthy renters without the hassles and headaches. With no upfront fees, renter's warehouse works for you, not the other way around. From marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease, their team of experts handles it all so you can sit back and watch the rent roll in. Renters warehouse even warranties their tenants for up to 18 months at no extra cost. And if you need ongoing management, they've got you covered too. All for a flat monthly fee, visit to request a free rental price analysis that's or call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent estate advisor today. It's just a line. I mean, I'm surprised they didn't go with just a little tiny metal shiny-looking dot. Now, his hair's not even messed up. I don't even see, just because it's red in the little pocket of his ear, I don't even see a hole or blood damage of a cut. I just see blood added to an ear, blood added to an ear, blood added to an ear. I don't see any cut grays, whatever, just blood added to an ear. For all we know they use real blood. Maybe they use real lambs blood. Maybe they made it like that to make it even more of a sick ritual that they were doing. But Trump's also a germaphobe. He doesn't like to shake hands. He makes the prostitutes wear gloves when they touch him. So there's that. Did a blood come down his ear, but his hair's not even messed up. Did he really get a ball in the head or did they just shoot the guy in the roof and some people fired a few shots around to kill a couple of bystanders and create some wounded and make it look like that's what happened or was it a real... That's what I'm thinking happened. Yeah. And you know, just so happens that there's this guy who has the best seat in the house. Unfortunately, not the best seat in the house come to find out because he's one that takes it and dies. That's not very cool. I mean, I don't know if there's anything that was going on with that guy that they were taking care of another problem at the same time or it just happened to be. They needed a sacrifice to sell the story that there was actual real bullets going after Trump rather than just shooting and spraying the audience from some other vantage point with their own people so that they made sure they got some work done, if you will, rather than rely on some little twerp on a fucking roof who could very easily have missed and not been as climactic of an experience. Real assassination attempt. It's really, really difficult to determine folks. It really is. And like I said, you can't go in there thinking that one size right or one size wrong. You've really just got to look at the information and see where it leads you. Another interesting discrepancy is the guy on the roof that they shot. What's he doing there? And the gun is so far away from him. What's that all about? It doesn't really make a little sense either. So there's a lot of really weird stuff going on with this case. But again, looking at that shot of what it would have been if he hadn't turned his head. There's no way you're going to stage that and let someone take that shot at you. I mean, it's just not going to happen, folks. There's no way I'd do it. There's no way you'd do it. So you come back to the original question. Obviously, this was staged. Obviously, it was set up and it was allowed to happen. The question is, was Trump in on it? Or was he not in on it? Were shots fired from that roof where the shooter was allegedly at? Or was there someone else on the water tower just took a couple of pot shots at some civilians to create some casualties? Right. Or was there another shooter in the other spot, the third spot as suggested by that on the graphic? I'll suggest there wasn't because that guy that they're claiming actually fell. Two people were taken out with that shot. It was suggested that didn't happen. That guy was saying getting up again. And we know the Secret Service knew he was there for quite a long time and they didn't act on that. So what's going on there? Obviously, this was a setup. The question is, was Trump in on it or not? Did a bullet really fly past his head or did he just know to grab his ear and fall at the right time? Right. Because that was the plan. Again, you've got to look at who benefits from this. An interesting thing as well is that there is a Bond slave ritual that happens, put on by the men with small hats, of course, whereby a Bond slave will pierce their ear. Usually they will use an awl and who knows? Maybe they did. Maybe Trump just knew to grab his ear as soon as he heard the first shot to be turning his head as he did it. Maybe they'd know that. Maybe it was all planned. I mean, he's an actor. Or, like I said, it was a real event and he just turned his head at the right time in the book, just happened to clip his ear. Like I said, his hair isn't even messed up. So you've got to wonder about that. Maybe he knew to be, okay, 10 minutes into your talk, you start pointing at the thing and you start talking. And we know that as soon as you start talking and pointing at the chart, we're going to take a shot. And you're going to hear a shot. As soon as you hear that first shot, you grab your ear and you drop to the ground. The secret service guards will drop around you and they will perform the ritual. It'll only take about 20 seconds. That's about as long as he was down. Perhaps that's what really happened. I mean, this is a real ritual. You'd be surprised what you're convinced of doing when the people that you're being told what to do from are the ones you control the entire world and your fate and your family's safety and fate. If you decide at any given time that you're not going to go along with it anymore. So there's always that, you know, you get in bed with the Rothschild banking and they bail you out and in any time of your life and you think that you don't owe them for the rest of your life. Yeah, that's not really how it works. And it's not really something that you get to retire from either or change your mind later. No, no Satan owns you or whomever. I don't even know if Satan's the truest bad guy I have them all. I think it's maybe even deeper than that. I would just go for, you know, Saturn, yeah, oh, Sabayoth. Satan is possibly the same thing, but I don't know. I even Satan seemed like he had some kind of reason and, you know, some sort of, I don't know, maybe a conscience where Yahweh didn't when it came to Job. I don't know. Did they go through a bond slave, someone who willingly chooses lifelong servitude often to pay off a debt or due to economic necessity. Trump is heavily in debt to people like Sheldon Adleston, who's a Jew. Trump's so tied up with the Jews, it's unbelievable. Everything. His daughter's married to a Jew. And again, when you look at all this stuff, you've got to think, who benefits from all this sort of stuff? Well, isn't it true that his mother was one and the morons out there in the mainstream, the mainstream that's pretending to be the alternative, you know, conservative, blah, blah, blah, his channels are saying that he was his father was a crypto. Well, no, no, why even go there? Why even bother making that argument when his mother certainly was one? And they traced that through the mother side. So, if you know all that, why even bother worrying about the father, like to try to make something out of it that it might not even be accurate when you already know that the mother is, like, what's the point? And then Ivanka or Ivana, what the fuck her stupid name is? Her mother was also, I believe. So, she's technically by their way, they trace it. She's a Jew, he's a Jew. Not that name, this is even ethnic anyway. It's more about their oath to the godfearing cult, but it's either way, it doesn't matter. Now, here's this Maxwell Yerick is the shooter who shot Trump despite what the media or the FBI is trying to project. Former President Donald Trump was injured in a shooting incident. Yeah, see, this is again, they're telling you that this happened and that he was injured. They're already assuming that I knew that all that's real. And you're saying that this Maxwell Yerick guy is the person, not the person who was in the Black Rock video, blah, blah, blah. The only reason why that would even be an element that they want to keep on bringing out is when they have Larry Fink appointed by Trump to be some sort of thing in government once he gets back in. Oh, yeah. And before we move on from that, folks, again, this guy here, this has been debunked apparently by Reuters. Oh, well, there you go. Yerick isn't the guy. That's what they say. Who knows? But of course, it's been debunked by Reuters. So we must believe it. Who knows? But again, it's interesting that it has been posted on that Twitter feed since the event. So maybe it's just interesting that he looks more like him than he does the guy we're told who did it. Like I said, the dad called the police worried about his son. And there's that video of him saying he's not the shooter. Of course, he also appeared on the Black Rock commercial, I think you've probably all seen anyway. But getting back to who benefits. Well, interesting within three hours of the shooting happening, T-shirts for on sale, within three hours folks, T-shirts with the iconic image. It's been a huge boon for Trump's campaign shooting makes me stronger. They already had them on the, they already had them on the print. All right, hold on. That's somebody would just say in something that makes me go to this. I just wanted to put it up here real quick. Love you too, Mr. Cyrus or Mrs. Cyrus or whoever it is. She's just with it or in exactly. Yes, no problem. Absolutely, absolutely. American Heritage Dictionary, depiction, deception, trickery, fraud, as Trumpery, that's funny. I bet just showy but worthless. Also American Heritage Dictionary, showy but worthless. Hey, that's what rhetoric is, right? It's showy but worthless. Just a bunch of words, a bunch of talky talk with nothing, no substance behind it. And then let's see, any obstruction, even a small twig or a paper target will introduce some wobble tumble to the bullet. Otherwise, the spin of the bullet keeps it straight on a trajectory shooting through glass or bone. Yeah, but even catching something. I don't know. I've seen it in the targets myself. They do tumble. That's why I always follow it funny when people try to sell you a more expensive hollow point AR-15 round. It's like, well, that's assuming that it's not going to hit sideways. Otherwise, what are we trying to open up here? What is it? What is it actually going to be the flower, right? Too many red herrings waiting for the black swan? Black swan? Oh, it's Gary. Hey, Gary. How you doing? Back to the game, the game of life here. And it really has the US class of our documents case against Trump was dismissed. Yes, we knew that. J.D. Vance was confirmed as Trump's running margin, which is absolutely retarded. But anyway, did you notice? So his entire, they have to put this big ass thing out of the ear so that, you know what I mean? Like from top to bottom, like, is that not exaggerating? Is that not like screaming? I can't breathe. I can't breathe pretending, you know, and then they have the same type of ritual or other people were wearing it in, I don't know, in sympathy, empathy, respect, or into the ritual of, hey, look, I have this bandage on my ear. But it's funny that they have to wrap the whole goddamn ear. Like if there's a cut, you wrap, you, you bandage the cut. It didn't go from the bottom of his ear to his top or the other way. He wasn't laying sideways when the boat. So it's either a through and through or it's not, or it's a graze. But either way, it wasn't being that it wouldn't be also from the top of his ear and on the bottom of his ear. It didn't go straight down and it didn't go straight up. So what the hell is up with that stupid bandage? What is up with it? And why is there no blood on it? I'm sure that's that's that's not that big of a deal. But the whole thing is like, why it's so big? Is it to make it obvious? In the election. Hey, that bandage on my ear. I'm a tagged cattle. I've got my I've got my tag on there that says I am property of the of the international banking conglomerate. I'm the I'm the stooge of the of the new world order. So I have my tag on my ear because I am the goyam cow of the apocalypse nominated for the election and everyone approved him. JD Vance just a few months ago, I was saying that Trump is the new Hitler. If he gets in, it's here's funny too. JD Vance, I believe is also the name of the comedian. Isn't that isn't it something close to that? It's something close to that. It's very close, but he's been in a lot of a lot of movies where I think he wasn't the first Deadpool. He was like freakin uh, which is names friend with all the all the wise cracking. He looked he's like you look like the inside of someone else's ass like like that's whoever that comedian is from the Deadpool movie. His name sounds something like JD Vance. I'm not sure if it's exact same, but it's very similar. It's gonna be like Hitler ruling the world. You got the former rival DeSantis and Hailey to take stage of the convention. They both endorsed Trump and it's healed the Republicans. And of course, they're also saying that it possibly was an Iranian plan. Of course, they've got to bring. Of course, it's Iranian, right? Because that would be another enemy of the Jews and of Israel. So of course, conveniently, just like it was Muslims who took down the real trade center, I'm sure it was definitely Iranians who shot at Trump with a white guy, right? It had to be. I mean, it could have been just, you know, more bullshit. And even if it was just think about this way, if this thing is that managed that and this is the reality of it, knowing that this is a stage and this is a lot of players in this thing that we pretend is somehow different, like our government is somehow different than these international provocateurs. Because think about it, we, as far back as World War I, were funding and creating the Bolshevik regime that destroyed Christian Russia. And we were marching our allied soldiers into Germany to destroy a true liberator and men of the people, and then blame all the atrocities of the Jews and the Zionist on him for the rest of eternity and make sure that we keep on saying so and burn all the burn all the evidence to the contrary so that we can shrug our shoulders and put the burden of all the horrific evil to Germany rather than themselves. So think about how long of the history of us destroying goodness is and then ask yourself, isn't it kind of daunting to be in a position like Trump when they can make and manipulate and create all kinds of different scenarios to be consumed by the public to get a particular reaction out of them because our participation is required, our participation and our energy is required so that they can manipulate and at some point get us to beg, get us to beg for the very changes that we are fearful of now and they do so by artificially creating problems and situations to make us feel less secure so that finally we break down, give in and say take all of our rights, we need protection and so this whole idea that I ran was involved in this I find to be silly but I would of ran want to kill him when they could pop Netanyahu a whole lot easier just saying. You run into it folks they always do and incidentally JD Vance his running mate is heavily invested with Peter Teal, Peter Teal runs the Palantir software Palantir software which makes AI work without it AI can't make sense of all the metadata so it's the brain of AI which is fucked up enough but hey he's also a huge heavy investor in rumble and you know how much rumbles AI loves my videos and especially anything about Europa the last battle me even just saying that is enough to get this video taken down there which was his mass surveillance software is used in wars now in Australia and Walmart and all sorts of places facial recognition biometrics Peter Teal is also heavily connected with Larry Fink. Larry Fink is the head of black rock and he has just been named as the secretary for the treasury he's been he was elected okay trumpet has literally surrounded so it's not even just speculation he's literally naming Larry Fink the head of the treasury black rock do you want to see this as the take over of the new ruled order you know how deep into the raw child's and lady raw child uh what was his name what was his name Evelyn raw child's wife they're deeply heavily this is in my book by the way you should see it you should go get it hey let's take a look it's called priest craft beyond Babylon priest craft beyond Babylon look for an amazon barns and noble kobo and lulu priest craft pure ei pure iest C-R-A-F-T one word beyond Babylon I talk about this I talk about black rock I talk about the black cube I talk about their relationship with the raw child's and the massage and all of this Saturn cult psychopathy is written about in that book and now we're seeing it come to life which I wish would never happen I wish it never did happen or could happen that what I wrote about would actually come to reality but unfortunately now it's like seeming more and more everyday like a blueprint um or like a warning or a prophetic warning even though it's not even about prophecy it's just about looking at the shit that's happening and you know you know uh acknowledging it and then seeing where it's taking us but it's literally the exact shit that they've been talking about um for a long time doing is now happening and they they when telling us their plan over and over and over again which I describe in my book as well how they do this over and over again and now they're now they're doing it they still always been doing it but now they're doing it at an accelerated rate to where it's noticeable and for him to have Larry Fink already named we all have somewhere we're trying to get to as the largest energy producer in Colorado Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand so everyone can get to where they want to be you've arrived that's energy in progress visit slash tankless well it sounds like the tenants hit your rental property sure know how to throw a great party you just wish they wouldn't throw so many parties on Tuesdays until 4 a.m. and if they could pay the rent on time that would be nice too being a landlord can be stressful but it doesn't have to be let renters warehouse handle the hard part of property management for you like finding quality tenants you can trust renters warehouse manages thousands of single family homes and specializes in locating reliable tenants at the right price for your property usually in a matter of days and if your tenant defaults for any reason they'll replace them for free up to 18 months under their tenant warranty program from rent collection to maintenance coordination their best-in-class property management professionals do it all all for one flat monthly fee get a free rental price analysis at to find out how much your home can rent for that's or call 303 974 9444 to speak to a rent estate advisor today this guy is 100% glued to bill gates Larry Fink is like glued to bill gates so you have a guy that close to bill he's going to be the treasury are you out of your mind do you how fast do you think will be in CBDC how fast do you think gold and silver will be outlawed because it already is by the counter terrorism actions of the Patriot Act because you could easily fund terrorism with gold and silver therefore they have to outlaw it isn't that convenient what a bunch of fucks what a bunch of that's why they are saying they want to control the finances of everybody too that way they can make sure that doesn't get in the hands of quote-unquote terrorists you know terrorists are rebels against communism that's how you can consider terrorism for now because the way they use the word terrorists and the terrorists when the terrorists themselves call other people terrorists it's because they're in opposition to terrorism so us being in opposition to terrorism we are the rebels fighting terrorists government level terrorists and they don't want us to be funded people short-sighted say oh yeah terrorism bad we should get rid of this we should get rid of that we should get rid of all means to fund and support terrorism when the only people that are actually able to pull off terrorism are governments themselves with Zionists from this I mean JD Vance folks do you think this guy is going to be good for America holding up the wall that holds itself up thank you sir for all of your help but there's a nice fucking piece of white tidy whitey underwear wrapped around your skull cap there and Trump will be in good company got to look at who benefits from all this folks it's a given now the Trump is going to be elected as the next US president it's absolutely given and again you've got all this propaganda and all this stuff that's coming along with it as well as they always do and it's gone from the sublime to the ridiculous it's also a woman getting back to the shooter again actually for a minute folks I'm sorry I'm so convoluted with this but we know that the building the shooter was in was being used by Secret Service and police and it was a shooter on the roof and they apparently couldn't get up and get this guy but there was someone else as well the possibility of there was two shooters let me see what this girl says I was right there I was standing feet from where the shooter was on the roof and I am not even 100 sure if the man that they're portraying to us right now is the actual shooter I don't know if I should necessarily say that or if I have the brains to say that but I saw some gentleman pull up into the blocked off parking lot where there were only empty police cars that they had left to park and this person came up on a black motorcycle it was a Harley they were wearing very tight black or black wash skinny jeans with a yellow don't tread on me flag around their neck they got off the motorcycle I noticed them for a moment because I noticed the flag and it stuck in my brain and so I noticed them and I turned back around to like towards where Trump was towards the fence to like listen and then I'm just kind of you know like looking around taking in the area around me and then I turned like obviously all the way around me and he is gone and he's no longer there and so I looked to my right up the fence line and I did not see him and he's wearing that large flag on his back so he would be easy to spot in the crowd and there's not very much farther than you could go from where I was looking and so then I looked back to where his bike was parked and I saw that the side door of the building was wide open and I had walked right past that door moat like maybe half an hour before Trump pulled up so I saw that that door was not open and then when I noticed that the door was not open I saw a police officer coming straight towards the door and then I saw a state trooper coming from my right running and I saw him draw his weapon and then more cops came like running towards that general area fleeing around the building and then all of a sudden what I heard was five shots I know what gunshots sound like and they were 100% gunshots so that's interesting she saw a secret service in police around that building just before the government off and she's not sure oh so uh Kerry I put up on the screen there that was for you uh but anybody can use it obviously that's my email address you said you want wish you could contact me directly um but also let me just put this out there would anybody be I could still use this microphone am I am I phone even if I don't have the uh the GoPro to Bluetooth it together if you guys want to do a call in tomorrow um just sell me and we'll do it but call in otherwise it'll be like hey we did all this talk about it and then nothing happened all right so if you have something you want to share and you want to share on this uh show then we can do that otherwise you can just use that email address it's on the screen if you're just listening to this which I don't think anybody's just listening to it but even if they are or you will be on the podcast version later it's okay if you need to get in touch with me about something be a a l p u s t e r s at okay and also do yourself a favor and myself as well uh to give send backslash ballbusters is there it's also a way to get to the links of my book um semper fry you'll see my book you'll see the creatine you'll see all my hot sauces okay um and priest craft beyond Babylon is the name of the book when you go to patreon my name is disguise d-i-s-g-u-i-s-e the limits disguise not thus guys disguise the limits okay disguise the limits is the patreon account I will be able to add stuff to that once I get home provided my stepson didn't my computer while I was gone and he better not have I'm just gonna say that right now they like to push my shit around when I'm not there and being gone 10 days I can only imagine the uh what it's gonna look like they just they don't understand where I come from they don't understand my family they would be they would they would learn to some respect if they knew what the shit I could do I'm just a nice guy so I don't do that stuff anymore anyway yeah I'm a dad now you know so I I don't I don't seek revenge like I she's like I used to just saying I'm leaving my alone now I'm shutting up and then there's talk too much already so let's go ahead and do this that was the actual shooter and his father rang wondering what happened to his son now is he just sent out there as a patsy you know and there's that whole video footage of him crawling up the roof and he's obviously got a gun man I'm sure he's seen that as well you know what so hold on I just I just showed this let me just change the screen real quick I just found this and it was hanging next to my grandfather's bedroom door but it's pretty sweet huh boom it made in Germany it is a looks like it says it's a I want to say it says I don't know DCR I can't so it's made in Germany but pretty pretty sweet I'm a fan it's not a letter opener there's all kinds of cool stuff in here too bad he's not part of those cool things are still in here but that's what it is oh oops I'll play you footage in case you haven't but then we'll get back to where I was before sorry it's so convoluted folks yeah someone's on top of the roof look a lot of people looking at it Gary is right there right there you see him he's laying down see him yeah he's laying down that's happening there is so you know a lot of people saw this guy up there another what makes sense but was he really the shooter you know and and how did they stay to this it's bizarre because it really does same stage did trump get shot I mean no no we're just going to have to wait to see whether there's any type of wound on his ear and what it actually looks like you know our 15s will produce a and of course if somebody's look and they know people are going to be looking for that so like we don't think that there'll be some theatrical makeup if there was no hole right they'll make one they'll make one up you know what you can do with latex there's a little bit of makeup you can make anything look like anything there's people that are on tiktok that can do some incredible you know special effect makeup art so it's not that hard they can't make anything look like anything and so the fact that it was bleeding but didn't look like it was shredded that there wasn't seem like there was any kind of hole saved the fact that there was a darker spot because there's pockets in your ear like the detection you know they mean like the concave and convex areas where if they had some kind of fluid in there they would have that would have been squirt in there whatever it would have stuck in deeper spots and we can't really see from the picture exactly oh here's a question the guy with the eight thousand you know eight thousandth of a second camera shot how can we didn't get a crystal clear picture of the bloody ear why is it always covered when he's even when he's in that crouch position there's somebody covering the ear part the all you see really is the is the stuff on his face right oh and uh i found one of my grandfather's hats so i just put it on it actually fits like perfectly so kind of my style i like it i might might have to i might have to use take this as an memorabilia when i go home i was i was told i should go through some stuff in here so i'm like i don't i told i told my mom i said i don't want to loop my grandfather's my his home i was like i'd rather keep this as a shrine to him if that's okay so that his spirit remains here in this home all right i'm choking my fucking self up now i'm going to shut up and just watch this god damn why didn't i do it pretty hefty wound and like i said his hair isn't even out of place an AR-15 would disintegrate three inches of leg bone to molesh organs blow apart the victim skull cause cavitation lever gaping exit wound that's the entry wound and there's the size of the exit wound admittedly it was just his ear that it hit but it seems to be very very close there is also speculation did they want it to take him out that it was a real hit and they wanted to take him out and the goal was to put nicky haley in place i mean nicky haley is an absolute psychopath she was over there signing bombs to drop on gaza and she smiles but look yeah look at that wicked witch of the west face or it was the east i don't know the green bitch look at that look at that look at that old shinazole she looks like a beaked bird and she's signing she's signing bombs to drop on starving gazans palestinians it's beautiful right you don't you you guys do know about the and this was something that was on max egan's videos too you do know about the and it was all over social media too it was on the military whatever that thing is called military or something on on um on telegram where they show you all the stuff from ukraine and other places well there were food cans that looked like meat like you know processed meat in a can that they had out in the uh starving areas of palestine with the thing with the little key that you open up the can with there are fucking bombs just enough to blow apart the arms or face of some freaking little kid who's starving it or or family that's how sick these fucks are they're putting bombs in what looked like ratchet food for relief effort food sick sick individuals and yet we still are praising them because we think that our religion is somehow theirs or their religion is somehow ours because they put a Jesus in the middle there and then therefore we have to accept everything from the Torah no we don't that Torah is freaking evil made up made up in the Hellenistic period which I tried very hard to show all the evidence of already but we'll keep going if it's not getting through to everybody yet and stolen from man it's not even just stolen from the Greeks it's stolen from like ancient gothic and Scythian myths of real decent human beings uh that they morphed into their sick Saturn death cult that they call the Abrahamic trio or that I call the Abrahamic deception but anyhow yeah we're gonna rise folks look at those eyes there's freaking demons and they're killing not just them if we're allowing this to happen in Gaza just wait till it happens here and not like it hasn't happened in multiple forms already here what are we are we living in the best are we living our best lives is is life easy or are we being crippled and destroyed and all of our substance being stolen from us through taxation and on law like why are these people bitches like her were you know making decisions about how much we owe the government when that's completely unlawful in the first place and why are we such pussies that we're allowing this to happen why are we allowing them to steal from our families these are soulless eyes and whenever I say her smiling she only smiles with her mouth she never smiles with her eyes if she ever that's what happens when you're a fucking demon and that's what happens when you're possessed by the same parasite that is infecting all of these Zionist Jews and Zionist Christians out there who think that somehow bring about the end of the world and the mesh mesh yak in the in the matraya will then somehow usher in Jesus who they think is somehow better than all those other people even though that sounds like not the best thing to gamble on and the multiple deaths that will occur somehow they'll be spared and go up into heaven in this thing that's called the rapture that was never actually biblical but it doesn't matter if it was biblical or not because that's all babbling bullshit anyway and around and around we go it gets into a position of any type of authority in the White House she will quite literally destroy the United States again folks there she is smiling but look at those eyes these are cold let's let's put it this way if she's signing bombs she's 100% on the chosen people's a list so whatever the hell she does after that she's already she's already targeted her soul forever she's already she's already become a mass murderer she's become one of them its parasite is growing and eating very very well inside of her calculating psychopathic eyes there is talk that she was going to be put in place it's strange Trump has now sided with all these Jews again J.D. Vance who he's going to use as his running mate who a few months ago said Trump and apparently has grown a lot taller since previously because I guess he's only five foot seven and Trump supposedly six two or something like that and yet they were like they were like eye to eye in height in some of the pictures it's kind of interesting J.D. Vance 2.0. What was the new Hitler? J.D. Vance of course heavily connected to Peter Teal who's heavily connected to Larry Fink head of black rock world in who oh oh and here we go here let's talk about rumble a little bit who the hell has the greatest video platform that is promoting Trump the most what is what is at the very top of every freaking thing on rumble it's all pro-Trump stuff right the the stuff that talks badly about him or at least tries to advertise poor poor you know maybe the truth of Trump or just like putting him in poor lighting never gets shown right rumble rumble is a Canadian thing right it's Canadian based it's not out of Dan Banjino's Batcave and Dan Banjino oddly enough with Secret Service too doesn't he yeah and you have Peter Teal in there major contributor major contributor remember the Palantir guy so the AI is running all over freaking rumble too and that's why it's scrubbing things just based off of words that are said on a video or if you're dumb enough like I was probably to put I didn't put the Europa name in the in the what do you call it keywords but I did put certain things that I think also might have triggered it like World War II truth and things like that so yeah so it's scrubbing it's listening and it's reading and it's scrubbing things off of rumble and at the same time it's not giving me any strikes because it wants me to continue to show my cards so it can thread assess me it doesn't want me to go anywhere it wants to keep me right here just like it wants to keep every that's how honey traps work whether it's a vagina honey trap in that sense or if it's a place where you feel free to talk about things and you don't think that there's anybody that's going to challenge you question you or you know create a file on you obviously they are so there you go that's what rumble is rumble is a freaking shit show it's in the communist country of china de and peter teals palantier software is most certainly running the show plus adl we all have somewhere we're trying to get to as the largest energy producer in colorado chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand so everyone can get to where they want to be you've arrived that's energy and progress visit when it comes to renting out your property the uncertainty of finding reliable tenants can feel like a real guessing game responsible renter or perpetual party animal enter renters warehouse the pros who turn the uncertainty of finding great tenants into peace of mind renters warehouse offers top-notch leasing and tenant placement services ensuring you get trustworthy renters without the hassles and headaches with no upfront fees renter's warehouse works for you not the other way around from marketing and showing your property to screening tenants and preparing the lease their team of experts handles it all so you can sit back and watch the rent roll in renters warehouse even warranties their tenants for up to 18 months at no extra cost and if you need ongoing management they've got to cover two all for a flat monthly fee visit renter' to request a free rental price analysis that's renter' or call 303-974-9444 to speak to a rent estate advisor today everything's christian's ionist if you look at it close enough on rumble everything that's being promoted is trump and christian's ionism why does that why would you say that that's helpful to the new world order because they need the christians even the ones that aren't technically yet christian's ionists are fooled to become and behave like them through things like the reawakened tour through like i would like that that i was at it was an indoctrination camp for that shit so christian means this and they'll tell you what christian means and you should be supporting this and israel there are brothers blah blah blah Jews are our brothers they're the ones who gave us our religion so we should do this redhead for sacrifice we should kill everybody in palestine we should do all this well who does that serve who does that serve and your your misconception that your religion is somehow tied up with them and that their religion is somehow your religion when it's not the law of the stranger should have taught you that where the ten commandments don't apply to you because you're a stranger and you're an outsider they can they are not supposed to conduct a usually between each other they're only able to do it towards the gentiles right they can prey on you they can be predators to you they can parasitically live off of you but they're technically not supposed to do it to each other but even then as long as you're of a lower class because they do have a caste system amongst themselves if you're of a lower class you're also just as bad as a gentile in their eyes so Jews don't uniformly get along either they treat each other like shit as well and the ones that are expendable are going to be expendable because I guarantee you before November there's going to be a major attack on israel by name of fucking country and then there's going to be a all-out war and there's also going to be an attack in the united states from pick a fucking brown country because that's who they're going to say did it and we're going to be dragged into that war as you know the the way that they're going to present it to us is that because we're allies with Israel we got attacked as well so therefore we have to fight Israel's wars for them that's how they're going to present it to us and they're going to say brown people did it and it's going to be another 9/11 all over again and remember did I show you on instagram let me do it right now well I yeah I can do it let me do it right now let me bring you up on instagram remember what I showed you guys last time all right hold on that's got to get to my chisels okay I got to drop this one real quick and I'll bring it break back up I promise well let me show you this oops let's just do it like that okay this right here so it says 9/11 is what's really written on his hat this is the hat that he was wearing he was wearing one that said 45 47 okay 45 47 immediately I'm like what's 4 plus 5 9 oh my god no 4.7 certainly certainly can't be oh it is and what they keep saying they need another first they said they needed another Pearl Harbor and then after 9/11 occurred they said they need another 9/11 event right well Trump is the 9/11 event he's the 9 and the 11 both of his both of his reigns the one that's projected and the one that he had he is the 9/11 event and look with him with the and that's I guarantee you that's not at all but Cyrus look like Cyrus just we get this false impression of the demographic of people that were Persian from what's Persian now these were all a bunch of white people dude okay they were a bunch of the leaders of places who have ever been successful leaders they've all been your whatever you want to call them cockazoid, caucasian, Scythian the ones that actually should be ruling other people because they do it fairly Germanantic gothic Scythian and a story your heritage not this isn't what Cyrus looked like I can guarantee you he didn't look like this but anyway that's him with good old Trump and what did Cyrus allow for a bunch of murders of Gentiles through the story of Esther right but isn't that Cyrus so 45 47 is another way to express 9/11 4 plus 5 and 4 plus 7 Trump himself is the opening and closing of a grand and deadly well I showed vaccines here ritual he is literally becoming another 9/11 and manifest and who was really behind 9/11 the Jews and who had and who well Israel specifically but yes the international Zionist Jews or what I always always try to pound into your head is what the Frankis are now. Frankism is expressed as Zionism because it's more it's easier to sell than Frankism because Frankism has been shown for what it is and that is a child raping, child eating, wife swapping, orgiastic, drug ritual, partaking, sick, somewhat in the worst way of saying that word Gnostic in a sense but not really cult of death and that's what Frankism is but that's exactly what's behind the true nature of all of these international bankers and the Rothschilds converted to Frankism and they are the Zionists who got the Balfour Declaration letter right so there you have it anyway so and whose hand is crammed up the ass of Trump and his whaling wall buddy I'm talking about Vance right there will be another Purim Purim right that's what happened and the Nuremberg trials are when the last period both the Purim and the Nuremberg trials coincided with date wise so when they were hanging people again that were innocent once again and beating and crushing their balls into confessions permanently destroying their testicles and then hanging them afterward that was all ritual that was all because they were showing their dominance after murdering and almost genociding the entire almost exterminating all exterminating all the Germanic people on the planet save the United States because they weren't ready to do it to us yet back then and there's a lot of Germanic people who live here so anyway says there's gonna be I said there will be another Purim same as there was when the vaccine massacre happened on the first round get your heads out of your out of those Abrahamic death cult fairy tales and take action they're coming in for the kill that means all of us and there you go there you go I do like this hat I agree with you guys it looks very much like reporter like de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de it's very cool but it's also kind of like if it wasn't this color if it was like a darker color you'd be like saying that's Sinatra because this is a it's an Italian man's hat it's an Italian man's nimat nimorata super caca slurp caca it's funny all right so let's back to where we were all right cool well that's not the right one come on now that one we got about uh 12 minutes left I think oh oh do it should I do that yeah I'm gonna even if I showed it all right so here we are this is this is mine well hold on I gotta get to the one son of a bitch really well anyway don't worry about that it's there you go let's use that one free scrappy on Babylon it's on Amazon I'm not there to sign books right now at the house so free scrappy on Babylon Kindle hardcover paperback on Amazon or you can go to the Barnes and Noble site look up free craft beyond Babylon and you can get it there in a six by nine or you can get out nook okay there you go and nook has a free app as well just like Kindle does have a free app so ballbusters okay I would be greatly appreciating it so my daughter any support that comes in this way as we continue to do the show from our family time in New York as I mentioned before and right up on top here in the book I'm gonna try to get that pro work pro what am I saying free workout formula at least getting a couple prototypes out there sousousous soon and then I have to also look at some other stuff for my business and I'm gonna kick this up a notch for the hot sauces as well all right I showed the gifts and glory why is it up their toys I don't know but I'll get rid of one of them and then the journey home actual thing let's see if it's up here I think it is is it maybe not yeah I'll be damned all right well anyway most of this I'm just showing you that in the description all these things my FTJ media channel you should totally go to FTJ media because rumbles on it's rumbles on a timeline okay so let's just go ahead and accept that so when everything disappears falls away or gets banned you'll be able to go to FTJ media and continue on your your research and right there's the patreon that's this thing for the creatine at my website there's all the links for the book and buy me a coffee's there try blue as a bunch of tinctures I'm actually saved my my my bodily parts by having a tincture because otherwise that kidney stone would have been tearing it apart on its way out um still feel funky but it's getting a lot better uh there's t-shirts and merch I should probably add some more stuff to that right there and then there's the website again boom okay okay let's go back to the show you know I've gone through that rundown but yeah and remember that part helps everything work so if you are able to support the show in one way shape or form a monthly would be the best because then it's recurring right go on to the patreon that'd be sweet okay let me get this back up where'd it go ah you son of a beanbag hold on there we go someone's pooping in the other room all right play it up there's that piece of shit thing in a yes I talked about him in my book an awful lot you guys should get the book really should get the book see by the way get the book get the book interesting stuff folks interesting stuff who benefits from all this stuff that's what you've got to look at yeah you look at all these things ultimately it's just Israel that benefits and like I said it's gone from the sublime to the ridiculous some of the stuff that they've been doing uh to show solidarity for trump it's like covid all over again oh yeah here you go this is what i was talking about oh and look it's in stupid language uh look at that what is this retardation here let's all cover our ear because van go right it's all in favor of remembering van go oh yeah yeah yeah i think i need to go out there and help you anyways can you imagine doing this you imagine wearing a big ear patch to show solidarity president trump yeah he's got just bigger i just knew the things people would do trying for trump because trump is the new savior trump is the new saviour trump was saved by the grace of god according to donald trump but again was it real or was it fake no it's a different thing fight democrat tyranny okay that's one side of it so they make one side less evil looking than the other and then you have your dichotomy but you're still stuck in that ping pong match where you think one side's better than the other and you're just the ball getting slapped back and forth um yeah not the best position to find yourself and this is where you don't realize that it's the person holding the paddle that you should be focusing on not the not the paddle itself okay but the fact that it's the same guy standing straddling the table and smacking but using both paddles to smack the you the ball back and forth and that man has a small hat on andly with that uh show of solidarity where have we seen something like that before george floyd as this year's conjoined twin my flexia awareness weight draws to a close i would like to personally thank all of you for your enthusiasm cooperation now let's hear it one more time for our world champion self heart out what the hell is everyone wearing on their heads and now let's hear from the woman of the week the incredible courageous nurse go home ah here is the freakin their head clap damn it Kyle we've been walking all week against that kind of behavior sorry we were here thank you mayor i uh i i don't know what to say this has been quite a week yeah interesting how that works isn't it but look at what the news reports are saying about trump's bullet to the ear trump took the stage his presence electrifying the crowd as he began his speech just moments into his address the unthinkable happened shots rang out and trump instinctively grabbed his right ear blood visible on his hand instinctively right yeah yeah that's kind of interesting isn't it folks and then trump got up at a presentation and spoke about what happened and he was reading from a teleprompter remember at the rally he was saying oh can i turn the teleprompter off these things are so lame and i just want to talk to you yeah uh-huh right there's something else i want to say but i'm gonna let him talk but here when he's relaying what happened at the shooting he needs a teleprompter to explain what happened and even it would appear to remember of course because he has to say his lines correctly because he has to present it the right way because that's why his handler substance him it's very important that you say it this exact way but what ear it was i heard a loud whizzing sound and felt something hit me really really hard yeah on my right ear i said to myself wow what was that it can only be a bullet that's what you thought i moved my right hand to my ear brought it down my hand was covered with blood just absolutely blood all over the place my hand was why is he not showing that ear while he's talking just curious why is he tilted that other direction if you're if you're describing something when you show the side that you're talking about like if you say my elbow hurts you don't show the other elbow that doesn't hurt you talk about the elbow that doesn't you tell me your point out you you bring that one to attention it's covered with blood just absolutely blood all over the place that's my hand was covered with blood just absolutely blood all over the place one thing you have to say about chon fans is that they're usually much better looking than those weird trans freak shows that are on the other other side of the ticket much more attractive i stand before you in this arena only by the grace look look at look how they show they they present this trump speaks about assassination attempts because it's already a done deal right it's already set in stone this is what it is we've already decided we've already told you what it is so therefore you we will we will insist that you act and think about this accordingly because we've already made our decree that this is what it is and that is what happened you're not allowed to think anymore of it it was an assassination attempt of almighty god in watching the reports over the last few days many people say it was a providential moment probably was when i rose surrounded by secret service the crowd was confused because they thought i was dead and there was great great sorrow i could see that on their faces as i looked out they didn't know i was looking at it they thought it was over there was blood pouring everywhere and yet in a certain way i felt very safe because i had god on my side that invocation is pretty important for that ritual too yeah providence when i rose trump is the new messiah for the people folks it's uh remarkable how that works isn't it but again you know the question is was it real or wasn't it interesting that he's reading off the teleport from there well everybody knows that i'm that i'm here but so it's it's okay you can talk and be heard it's all right all right i love you and interesting that he had no blood on his hand when he stood up when he removed his hand from his ear there's no blood on his hand so there's a lot of questions folks there's really a lot of questions with this but ultimately it would appear that trump has totally used this to his advantage and in the end israel wins that's really what it's been about you've got such a heavily Zionist we all have somewhere we're trying to get to as the largest energy producer in colorado chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand so everyone can get to where they want to be you've arrived that's energy in progress visit slash tankless well it sounds like the tenants hit your rental property sure know how to throw a great party you just wish they wouldn't throw so many parties on tuesday's until four a.m. and if they could pay the rent on time that would be nice too being a landlord can be stressful but it doesn't have to be let renters warehouse handle the hard part of property management for you like finding quality tenants you can trust renters warehouse manages thousands of single family homes and specializes in locating reliable tenants at the right price for your property usually in a matter of days and if your tenant defaults for any reason they'll replace them for free up to 18 months under their tenant warranty program from rent collection to maintenance coordination their best in class property management professionals do it all all for one flat monthly fee get a free rental price analysis at renters warehouse dot com to find out how much your home can rent for that's renters warehouse dot com or call three zero three nine seven four nine four four four to speak to a rent estate advisor today crew around him it's distracted everyone from the genocide of god dude jet dershowitz the biggest piece of crap on the planet who by the way also happens to have a rumble channel which i don't understand how people listen watch or anything after you said we have the right to you uh in he's in new york he's in this state we have the right to grab you and plunge a needle and hold you down and plunge a needle into your arm because it's about the safety of the population right because we're already assuming that your sick twisted uh sorcery and bullshit rocket feller medicine is somehow the answer to anything that ails us shut up it's not even a virus is not even a thing and you're telling us what the solution is how can you have the correct solution we don't even know what the real problem is it's poisoning poisoning poisoning gaza and what if trump's plans for gaza folks if he gets elected is he going to stop the war is he going to protect the palisinian people there was talk that he was a little bit annoyed with bb nett and yahoo has he feel about it now and the entire world i tell you this we want our hostages back and they better be back before i assume office where you will be paying a very big price you get passages and the crowd cheers you morn we're heading for a really really crazy future folks you know i can't tell you this shooting was real i can't tell you that it wasn't real there's always plausible deniability it is plausible that it had taken five or ten seconds for the year to really start bleeding and that's why there's no blood on his shirt it is possible that there was this sniper who just happened to miss because he happened to turn his head at the right time it's all quite possible but is that what really happened that's the question and really beyond that as i said i mean we can speculate on all this until the end of time we'll have to wait and see what trump's ear looks like at the end of all this and what we've got to really look at is who benefits and where it's going to go from here everything that's just happened has absolutely paved the way for a landslide victory for trump and just today or yesterday i think it was actually this morning biden announced that he had quit as well but look what's going on in guzzafrike this is what they did the day of trump's assassination they bombed this refugee camp in guzza and another interesting thing as well i mean it happened on july 13th oh i'm just going to point this out real quick because there's something else going on that's funky with our food supply it says listeria you know you know what listerine comes from right so listeria outbreak in deli meets leaves too dead 28 hospitalized which states are affected just pointing that out there more shit that they're doing this assassination attempt on trump and i think this is also a great way for them to say that they need to have more and more security around politicians and that's going to be one of the other elements to this is that you won't ever be able because these people are the devil right these people are straight up seen incarnate the reason why the pope runs around in a bubble is because of these reasons they're they're movers and shakers in the in the most evil fashion impossible so if people ever get hip to that it it'll be too late because they'll be so what held heavily guarded and of course the about while they're rearming themselves and overarming themselves they'll be taking ours more and more away so if we don't think that there's going to be a dual effect here while they beef up their security around their politicians that they're going to be taking actions against our ability to defend ourselves from these freaking tyrants uh it's it's a kennel at both ends right what else happened on your life 13th race the assassination attempt was at six eleven which again we showed you before if you put it up side down it's nine eleven funny how that oh isn't that nice and what did i just say about nine eleven in trump are you fucking kidding me are you effing kidding me so it says a bond slave is a person who willingly chooses lifelong servitude often to pay off a debt and he is in debt to the Rothschilds do a debt or due to economic necessity in ancient israel which doesn't exist europiercing was a symbolic act to signify this permit commitment marking the person as a bond slave okay how do they tag cattle they usually put a number plastic tag in their ear goyam goyam cattle livestock talking livestock right is that making sense i mean am i really want seeing all that am i am i going it might be coming too weird about it or is this literally what's going on here and uh this whole ear piercing thing it's like they're saying all this other stuff like so signify um to show that you were a slave to this uh what do you call cult of the god fearrs they wanted you to cut off a chunk of skin from your penis right that's how you know whether or not you're a slave to the to the Jews or not not so much the ear piercing but this is another this is that the whole circumcision thing was a much bigger deal than anyone talking about is symbolic ear piercing so as well as as much as this might be true too i think it's more of like uh talking about same way you would tag cattle to say that you're a slave to the Jews is simply by they just have to look down there and of course that became compulsory for some fucked up reason in this country i wanted like to know what year that was when it all started getting to become just a matter of routine that you would do that and put yourself in the debt slavery i bet you somewhere around after uh the bankruptcy of 1933 but i could be wrong because that's when we all became enemies the state and property and collateral right works that's just uh they love their numbers or maybe these numbers just come up as a coincidence what else could we in a matrix c fashion just to show that this is some sort of simulation or bad dream incidentally happened at nine p.m. that night three hours after the shooting or just under three hours after the shooting it was the annual cremation of care so wow so saturday july 13th was the behemian grove cremation of care and do they do it at nine or do they do it at nine eleven whole the effing shit there's good job good job mr max egan so you don't have time to go through all this but he did ceremony in behemian gro happened on july 13th as well but i just go in there and they cremate all care they have for the harm they do to the people of the world that's what they do it's kind of like a young kapua right when you put all your you curse the chicken instead of yourself you put all of your sins that you've accumulated throughout the years throughout the year into that this was definitely done by ai because this is not said the easy the actual one right there it's yeah there's ai fucking stuff up so yeah it's been a very very interesting week and like i said i can't positively confirm that this was real or fake either way but what can be confirmed i think beyond any show of doubt is that this was well set up in advance either they did try to shoot trump because he wasn't doing what they say and they were going to install someone like nicky haly and trump as a result has fully capitulated to the zionist entities that tried to kill him or trump was in on it and it was staged and it was possibly a bondage slave ceremony and normally they would use an all for a bondage slave ceremony and an all i mean they had time to do that they could have easily dropped him down and pierced his ear with an all and done the ceremony that way you know it's not inconsiderate oh shit okay i'm gonna look for something while he's talking it's even more to think that this could have happened but you look i think that's about it folks and don't forget to blame the iranians for all this sort of stuff yeah but that's about my take on it for now anyway i mean there's a lot to unpack and there's still more data coming in all the time either way though i would say that this has been a completely set up event and it's designed to give more power to the globalists give more power to israel i mean like i said either he had an attempt on his life and he folded and decided to capitulate or this whole thing has been a setup from the start the fact that he says his hand was covered in blood and the video evidence shows that there was definitely no blood on his hand is a bit of a red flag also the fact that he claims to have been saved by the grace of god well you know when i rose with the secret service you know the resurrection well if it was the grace of god god didn't seem too graceful to the fireman who was killed right or the other two people who were injured again was that from the shooter or was that simply another shooter who was up on the tower making sure that it looks like the real bullets coming from the other guy because you can't not have when you have you know a densely populated packed bunch of people behind him where did the bullets go if they don't go into somebody so even if the guy wasn't firing real rounds from his position they had to shoot and kill some people in order to make it appear that that shooter was shooting correctly right but they won't leave anything that chance that's the one thing too they'll influence people to do things like they'll influence people who are on prozac and all kinds of other psychoactive drugs to go shoot up a school but they'll also have their own shooters at that school to make sure that they get the proper body count that they want the right targets hit and all kinds of bullshit right and then also have their own crisis actors in the crowd to talk about it as if that was their relatives or whatever that were in there because they have to steer the whole entire thing themselves they don't leave anything to chance who took out a few civilians and the whole thing was a setup it wouldn't surprise me folks it really wouldn't surprise me all we can do is wait and see where it goes anyway that's it for now i just want to address all this on one report because there's a lot to unpack and i didn't want to have to include it in my walk-and-talks and things because there's just too much other stuff going on in the world a lot of which has really been escalating because people have been focused too much on Trump's bleeding the ear so we're just going to have to wait and see how it unfolds folks but ultimately you know even as i said before it doesn't really matter whether it was real or fake what matters is how it's going to be used the event happened it's over now it's done whether it was real fake we can debate this until the end of time it isn't going to make too much difference the whole thing seems very staged you know they're getting up with the fist in the air and that fight fight and presenting himself as the savior of mankind the way it's completely changed the perspective on Trump everybody's savvy rattling behind him and all of his helpers it has got in his close contacts are due in like what's the week what's the week opposition that they're saying oh kamala come on man the same time this happens they're gonna they're gonna pull a switcheroo on that and for the one for the president who didn't the president quote unquote who didn't even run the first time around he didn't he didn't campaign he didn't do anything but gets the most amount of votes in the of all time now he's dropping out uh he may have dropped out of the planet he might be six feet under for all we know and he might have been there for the last couple months and maybe longer there's a lot of weird video of people scratch and the dude scratch his neck and it looks like it's a rubber mask right who's and they had a black rock it's he gonna drain the swamp no he isn't draining the swamp he's just naming even more of the swamp to government protected wetlands and so we won't see it's actually a swamp this whole thing is a theater show I think folks I really do but it's just my opinion that's my speculation and New York will be hit the hardest New York California you know the biggest blue estates but nothing that Trump is from New York and so is all this other shit that's here CFR United Nations all that the communist international headquarters UNESCO is also of Pennsylvania by the way they they uh have claimed a Liberty Bell and everything around it as theirs they did the same thing to a bunch of places any place they don't want you to dig and see what real history is they become UNESCO World Heritage sites isn't that kind isn't that nice but uh yeah there's certainly a lot to unpack but you know one of the other theories that you're hearing just aren't true they're like that that concept of the sniper firing the three shots it was actually eight shots or eleven shots or saying it were fired all up when you listen to the video there's those first three shots Trump was on the ground by then and then there was four or five shots fired after that so yeah there was there was at least eight shots some people are saying as many as eleven shots fired there was possibly other shooters who just took out members of the crowd um or who knows perhaps Trump had just got lucky and took one on the ear for the nation you'd be the judge folks but I'll leave it there for now thank you for joining me on this report please tell you very good Karen till I talk again again they're not really good at covering people if I can see him in a camera I can see him then someone else can see him too that's an awful shitty job I'm sure that hand over the top of his head really protects him from all kinds of stuff maybe maybe maybe from the the sun I don't know what the hell that's supposed to do but it is whatever it is people who might be in Europe I am speaking in okay we're done with this guy thank you mr egan leeber okay so now we have one last thing because he mentioned and I thought it was fun he that he said that they used to use it all to uh pierce the ear and then I remember this quote from a particular movie where she's like forget the gun the gun goes against everything about it blah blah blah so I decided to play this too oops I'm going there you go this is it returns every part of your body into a typical piece what's the bit why he did it it must have been my gut shot in the ear that's funny they're they're actually recording their own tv can you tell well you see how they use that going to pierce the ears they don't use that to pierce your nipples so you get that gun here we go forget that gun this is a fun i think this has been a perfect thing to to stitch into that gun goes against the entire idea behind pierce the gun goes behind it goes against everything behind pierce the 18 places on my body everyone they've done in the eel five each year went to the nearby left press two of my right not two on my left eye though one of my belly went right in it but my clett and all that has started there you go chumps gonna get tatted up next i think what do you think you think he's gonna get some tattoos he's gotta go gangster all right there you go i gotta get up and do stuff gotta go to take a shower i gotta go do some walking grab some things from the wrong town i i don't live so you must being small you know relatively still is much bigger than where i am right now it's 30 minutes or more to the closest walmart they don't have nearly as good of selection it's a small still small tiny type of place right Clifton park area is not that big um neither is their tug it really except for the track season which hopefully will go to the track and uh my daughter get to see the horses and stuff also let me think what else is going on oh yeah so it's raining today but what does i say and oh yeah so everything within our our town is 10 or 15 minutes away like there's a home depot there's a Lowe's there's a wall there's three different walmarts in our town there is Starbucks up the yin yang that's that i go to there or anything but i'm just explaining there's a there's a trampoline park there's you know strip malls there's home nobody called uh when they call that place that place ah my wife goes to it all the racco goes to it all the time can't freaking remember it hubby lobby there we go hubby lobby there's places like that there's all kinds of sporting goods stores there's nothing here you like you have to walk walk walk and then you'll maybe find like a overpriced gas station 15 20 minutes down the road if you're driving and then it's another 15 or 20 minutes to an actual department store or grocery store or whatever like that so we're we're out there you saw you saw the the landscaping it's not the scope of the land it's not that very well populated it's nice i like this area as well but it's not convenient to find shit um so yeah when it when it comes to supplies you get them you get them all and then you bring them back because that way you don't have to go back out and we kind of screwed up last night we were at the place we were supposed to get a life preserver for my daughter like one that fit her better and we're supposed to get some fishing equipment and i'm supposed to get some shaving cream which i have a little mini one so it's okay but the whole we didn't even go into that section that was a whole purpose for us going there in the first place and we forgot it's i was tired i passed i was really last night uh let's see let's see what it says i was covered in blood this is stolen valor he shouldn't brag about that especially in front of real combat vets exactly that's the kind of wound none of my soldiers wanted a purple heart for too embarrassing yes man pushmaster knows what's up and he said good show thank you sir yeah that's it is and it's and it's like the lack of um awareness of your surroundings and who you're talking to too and how you're how you're presenting yourself it's a lack of self-awareness right when you when you don't realize that you're being potentially like repel you're repelling some of your audience who actually would be supporting you but your stupid antics and you're like overdramatizing your horrific war war time uh you know you're war hero talk you're you know you're your war story uh it's uh it's insulting to other people i get that totally and that's that's a really good point bushmaster all right guys you know how to support the show um talk to you tomorrow have a good one well it sounds like the tenants hit your rental property sure know how to throw a great party you just wish they wouldn't throw so many parties on Tuesdays until 4 a.m. and if they could pay the rent on time that would be nice too being a landlord can be stressful but it doesn't have to be let renters warehouse handle the hard part of property management for you like finding quality tenants you can trust renters warehouse manages thousands of single family homes and specializes in locating reliable tenants at the right price for your property usually in a matter of days and if your tenant defaults for any reason they'll replace them for free up to 18 months under their tenant 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