Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

Don't Miss Your Moment

Broadcast on:
30 Jul 2024
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[MUSIC] To break every chain, come on, jump in with me, Adam. To break. >> To break every chain, break every chain, break every chain. >> Tell him this power tonight. >> There is power in the name of Jesus. There is power in the name of Jesus. There is power in the name of Jesus. >> Power tonight. >> There is power in the name of Jesus. >> To break every chain, break every chain, break every chain. To break every chain, break every chain, break every chain. >> There's power tonight. >> There is power in the name of Jesus. There is power in the name of Jesus. >> To break every chain, break every chain, break every chain, break every chain. To break every chain, break every chain, break every chain. >> Tell him this power tonight. There is power in the name of Jesus. There is power in the name of Jesus. There is power in the name of Jesus. >> Spout our heads as we go to God and prayer. >> Father God, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, in past Amy, we join our faith together. We cover every single person in this house, in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. As we prepare to go into the Word of God on this morning, we pray for a spirit of wisdom, a spirit of knowledge, understanding, revelation, insight. God led the truth come alive. Father said, we shall know the truth, and the truth shall make us free. Thy word, O Lord, is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my pathway. Lord David said in Psalms 119 verse 130, the entrance of thy word, it gives light unto the simple, Lord Jesus said, in Luke 4, 4, and Matthew 4, 4, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God speak to us. We are listening this morning. In Jesus' name, someone say amen. Can someone say speak, Lord, I'm listening. All right. So on this morning, we're talking about don't miss your moment. We're going into the book of John chapter 6. I want you to see this. God of verse 2 for me, please, Andrea, notice what the scripture says here and a great multitude followed him because, can someone say because, because they saw his miracles, which he did on them, which what disease? So we see something's happening here. The people are drawn to Jesus because of the anointing. Come on somebody. Because of the power of God, because of the demonstration of the Holy Ghost. So they are drawn to him. The power of God's movement signs wonders and miracles are taking place. The sick are being healed. The blind are seeing the death of hearing. The cripples are walking. Come on somebody. Are you listening to me? Since God called us into the healing ministry in 2002, we've seen thousands healed by the power of God. The blind see the death of the cripples walk. When the anointing of God's movement, when the power and the presence of God is there, people are drawn to the anointing. Come on somebody. I mean, they ain't there because of you. Come on somebody. If you think they're there because of you, you are dreaming. Catherine Coleman says she wouldn't go across the street to see herself. And that's a woman who saw 2 million documented miracles in her ministry, 2 million. So the multitudes in the book of John 6, they follow Jesus because they saw, they could not deny what was happening in his life and in his ministry. They saw his miracles, which he did on them that were disease. Now I'm going somewhere with this. This group of people, they were coming around for the right reason. Look at someone and say you got to come for the right reason. You got to come for the right reason. I say you got to come for the right reason. If you after the anointing of the Holy Ghost, you're in the right place at the right time. If you hear because of the power of God is moving, you're in the right place at the right time. Come on somebody. Now I'm going somewhere with this message because this group of people, they were drawn to Jesus for the right reason. Now you got to understand this, whenever the Holy Ghost is working in your life, the Bible says in Matthew chapter 6 verse 33, "Seek ye first, the kingdom of God in his righteousness, and all these things will be added." The Bible also says, "Prest of those who hunger and thirst after righteousness sake, for they shall be filled." Who they? The ones who are hungry, the ones who are hungry, you can't make somebody, you can't make someone get hungry. Hunger is a work of the Holy Ghost on the inside of somebody, are you listening to me? So these people, their motives are right at first because when they came, they came for the anointing, they came for the power of God. But after Jesus multiplied the laws and the fish, the Bible says, "They got sidetracked." Are y'all following me? The Bible says, "Now they follow in Jesus because of the anointing. Now they follow in Jesus because the aid of the laws and their bellies are filled." "Ah, Lord, have mercy. Come on talk back to me." Look at someone and say, "Don't get sidetracked." You got to keep your focus because when the Holy Ghost has drawn you to the anointing, when the Holy Spirit has drawn you to the power, when the Holy Ghost has drawn you to the Word and the devil gets nervous, are you listening to me? He gets real nervous when God has created a hunger inside of you and you will do anything. You will be there, you will be to that church, you will be to that ministry because you're hungry. Look at someone and say, "I'm only here for one reason. I'm hungry. I ain't here to play church. I ain't here to be seen. I ain't trying to come on somebody. I'm here for the Holy Ghost." Now Jesus is about to wreck them. He said, "He that eat my flesh and drink my blood." Dwells in me and I in him, "As the living father had sent me, and I live by the Father so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me." This is that bread which came down from heaven, not as your fathers did eat manor and a dead. He that eats of this bread shall live forever. These things said he and the synagogue as he taught and could burn him. Watch this, y'all. Watch this. Many. Can someone repeat the word "many"? Many therefore of his disciples, when they heard this, said, "This is a hard saying. Who can hear this?" That this is a hard saying. Watch this. I want you to see this. I want you to see how quick the devil can work in the midst of a ministry to cause misunderstanding. Are y'all hanging with me? Are y'all hanging with me? I want you to see how quick he can work to try to destroy and stop what the Holy Ghost is doing. Larry, watch this, watch this. Many therefore of his disciples, when they heard this, said, "This is a hard saying. What blows my mind with this, though, is they had access to Jesus." Look at someone who said they had access. Sister Anita, all they had to do was go right to Jesus and say, "Let's talk privately, man. I don't understand this. You help me, because I ain't getting you, man. But most church people don't do that. I'm a pastor's kid, so I pretty much heard it all, seen it all. Come on, somebody. I've been in ministry for over 30 years. I've seen a lot. I want you to see where this goes. When a person is disturbed about something, I never go to that pastor. The next thing happened, the next verse 61, "When Jesus knew in himself that his disciples did what murmured, they murmured out that he said unto them, "Does this offend you?" They were murmuring Larry to hide him right there. All they have to do is go directly to Jesus, that word "mumberman's" to grumble, to confer secretly together with other church folk, of those who discontentedly complain. We didn't do it like this at the church where I came from. You're right. You're absolutely right, because God ain't called me to be like where you came from. Because if he called me to be like where you came from, you just need to go back. Look at someone who said God's doing a new thing. He's doing a new thing. Oh, yeah. He's doing something new. Yeah. Come on. He's putting together a group of people who never been together before for his own purpose. But they didn't sing those songs on my church but too bad. I got to flow with the way the Holy Ghost lead me. This is a healing ministry that demonstrates the power of God. We ain't just coming to church, hollering, shouting, "No, we here to get results, darling." So what did they do? They complain. They murmured. Shall I call him one another on the phone? Well, why did he say that? He says to me, "It's all you got to do." I said, "That's all you got to do." But I want you to see something here. Offences leads. Offences happen when people misunderstand what the servant of God has said. This is Jesus. Now you know if they misunderstood Jesus, I don't have a prayer in the dark. They misunderstood Jesus and their misunderstanding, Louise, led to offenses. They were offended because they misunderstood. No, we're going somewhere because I want you to see the progression of this because the Holy Spirit is warning somebody in here, that devil is after your spot, that devil is after your place, the devil is after your anointing, that devil is after your relationship. It's start with a misunderstanding that led to them being offended and the next thing they were murmuring. And if that thing is not put in check, I want you to see where it leads. Just hang with me for a minute. I got to do a lot of teaching here. I want you to follow me, hang with me, murmuring blinds you to all the good the Lord has done for you. It also blinds you and costs you to lose value for all the miracles you have seen and experience. Are you all following me? Murmuring blinds you. It's amazing how quick people can forget all the good that the Holy Ghost used to do in their life. Are you hearing me? They had been with Jesus for three years. They saw Lazarus raised from the dead. They saw blind by the man, Scott Hill. They saw the woman with their show of blood. They saw the widow of named son raised from the dead. They had seen all kinds of stuff happen. And one misunderstanding, he raised all of what they saw. Wait, you know that got to be the devil at work. Come on somebody. Is anybody paying attention to this? Murmuring blinds you to all the good the Lord has done for you. It also blinds you and costs you to lose value of all the miracles you have seen and personally experience. Verse 62. "Then Jesus made them an offer. Every time I go over this passage of Scripture it blows my mind. Some things only come once in a lifetime because his disciples were being attacked in their minds by Satan, Jesus thought, well, let me give them a once in a lifetime moment and see if this would help, shake them loose because the enemy has the carrot dangling it in the front of him. He's dragging them away from me. Let me make them an offer." So Jesus made them a once in a lifetime moment and he said, "What an eff." Every time he used the word, if you got to be careful. Whatever Jesus used the word, if it's not guaranteed unless you fulfill, you're part of the bargain. Are y'all still here? That's why he said it, if you be willing and obedient, you'll eat the good of the land. John chapter 8 verse 31, 32, if you continue in my word then are you my disciples indeed. You could be saved yesterday and losses ago today, come on somebody, if you continue in my word, what about Deuteronomy 28? If you hocken diligently to the voice of the Lord your God, I obey his commands, then these blessings will come on you and overtake you. Look at someone and say, "F," shout, "F," means you got a part to play. It's not guaranteed. Jesus is trying to help these guys not miss a once in a lifetime moment. So Jesus said, "What and if you shall see the Son of Man ascend up where he was before." In other words, Jesus have to make all of you a deal. Watch this past the hill, Jesus is telling them, "What if you can see with your own two eyeballs, after I'm raised from the dead? What if you can see with your own two eyeballs, meet a sin and go back into heaven and be received back into heaven? What if you can see it with your own eyes?" In other words, Jesus has said to them, "I'm offering you something that if you hang with me long enough," look at someone and say, "You've got to hang, come on somebody." You know, I'm going somewhere with this, look at someone and say, "You've got to hang, you've got to have some stickability, everybody ain't got stickability nowadays." Some people even last 10 services. Are you hearing me? So he's making them an author, Edwin, because Jesus said, "If you can see this, which your own two eyes, ain't nothing would be able to shake your faith in God." Look at someone and tell them, "You've got to hang around, you've got to hang, you've got to hang." Jesus said, "I'm going to make you an author." You would think this was an author that no one could refuse. It's going to blow your mind as we get a little deeper here. He said, "It is the spirit that quickens the flesh, prophets, nothing." He said, "The words, the words, the words, the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, they're anointed, they are spirit and they are life." Are you hearing me? When the enemy works on people's mind, it takes away even from the power of the Word of God. Are you listening to me? Jesus said, "The words I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life. Go to the next verse for me, Andrea, "But there are some of you that believe not. Lord, have mercy, Jesus. Jesus said, 'But there are some of you that believe not for Jesus new from the beginning. Who there were that believe not and who should betray Him. Unbelief in betrayal goes hand in hand. The very people who starts doubting the pastor will be the first set to betray Him. The first chance they got. Seeing the first time, I've been in ministry before. Come on, somebody." I've seen just about everything. Been lied on, been called everything, but a child of God, he knew who they were. Keep it moving for me, Andrea. And he said, "Therefore, I said unto you that no man can come unto me except it were given unto him of the Father." Wait a minute, that's huge. Jesus said, "The only reason you are here, because God's got a plan for your life." Are you listening? He's got a plan for your life. Now wait a minute, murmuring, complaining, they got blinded. He made them an offer that you thought they couldn't resist. And the next verse says, "From that time, many," look at someone who says, "Many of His disciples went back, they back slid." Are you all here? "From murmuring, from misunderstanding, to murmuring, to complaining, to being offended, where did it lead?" They back slid, saying regular church folk, "These are disciples." The word "disciple" means someone who is disciplined and trained. Isn't this serious? And guess what it says, "I'll walk no more." No, you know what I meant, "They went to hell." They never came back. Is that serious, Joy? Is that serious, Mr. Robert and Yolanda? They never walk with Him again. "From murmuring, from misunderstanding, to murmuring, to complaining, to being offended, they went straight to hell." Are we reading the same Bible? Are we in the book? Are we in the book? They walk no more, someone saying no more. And they walk no more with Him. Keep moving. Then said Jesus under the twelfth. He said this to the group that was closest to Him. Let me talk to MHC now, are you going to leave, too? He's down to the Y in His ministry. Jesus is literally asking Peter, James, John, Matthew, Bartholomew, Andrew, come on, all of them, are you going to leave, too? He's asking them because He's concerned. He said, "Will you join the multitude?" Look at someone who says, "Are you going to leave, too?" So Jesus is asking them. He's trying to help them. He's trying to talk them out of what the work of the enemy is doing in their life. He said, "Will you also go away?" I love Peter, big mouth Peter. Then Simon Peter answered and said, "Jesus, to whom shall we go? I feel the Holy Ghost up in here." Look at someone who said, "I ain't going nowhere. I ain't going nowhere." You got no words. She cut him another sign. You got no word. You got no word. You got what helped me, Simon. You got just what I need. You got just what I want. I've been praying. I've been believing God for a long time to get to this place. And now God is giving it to me. I ain't going to let no devil. I ain't going to let no demon. I ain't going to let no gossip. I ain't going to let no angry church folk talk me from out the will of God. Look at somebody and tell them I'm in it to win it. I'm in for the long haul. I ain't going nowhere. I'm going to cling. I'm going to cling to Jesus Christ. I'm going to plug it. I'm going to stay committed. I may get tired, but I'm going to hang in there. I may get weary. I may get discouraged, but I'm going to hang in there. You got no words of eternal life. I ain't going nowhere. You tell the devil, jump of a cliff, but I'm going to hang in there. I'm hanging with Jesus. I'm hanging with Jesus. He walks with me. He talks with me. Let somebody tell them I'm staying. I'm staying. I'm in for the long haul. Wait a minute. Peter said, go well. Peter said, I ain't that stupid. I ain't that foolish. I was a foul, more cussing fisherman when you came. And look at me now. I'm praying. I'm preaching. I'm talking. Come on, somebody. God's working through my life to work miracles. And you think I'm leaving the unointing, the devil. Someone open your mouth. Say the devil is alive. You can go to hell, devil, but I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. 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I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. I'm going to hang with Jesus. There was a level of faith that was imparted to everyone who saw it. There was a faith they received that they never had before. Such amazing faith that the apostle Peter, when there was history, Josephus records, that when Peter was about to be crucified, Peter said, "You can crucify me." But not right side up. You're going to have to turn me upside down because I ain't worthy. When you get that kind of faith, you will die for the Lord Jesus. When you get that kind of faith, kill nothing. Shake your faith in God. Someone shout nothing. Nothing. Nothing. To give in this offering, you can visit us online right now at You can also give through the ministry pay pile account that addresses You can also give through the ministry app. Many of you have it downloaded on your smartphones. You can also give through the ministry's cell account. The ministry's cell email address is You can also give through the ministry cash app account. The ministry cash app address is the dollar sign Seanpender Ministries. You can also text to give. All you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number 45888 and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also mail your donations into the ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money orders out to Seanpender Ministries. PO Box 2726 McKinney, Texas 75070. And listen to all of our wonderful partners that make this broadcast possible. May it pass to Amy, say thank you. You are doing an amazing job helping us preach the gospel around the world. Continue to support this work of God. We love you and we appreciate you, Nelly. We will never take you for granted. God bless you. See you on tomorrow on another morning broadcast. God bless. Bye-bye. Join Pastor Seanpender in Plano, Texas with three nights of miracles at the Plano Event Center, Tuesday through Thursday, August 13 through 15 at 7 p.m. Nightly. Come and experience a life-changing time of anointed worship and powerful preaching and witness the power of God live as souls are saved, the sick are healed, and lives are transformed. Register today. Visit miracle to register. This is your time for a miracle. See you there. (dramatic music) [BLANK_AUDIO]