The Howie Carr Radio Network

We Have A Failure To Communicate | 7.29.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Howie starts the show with the news that the local police had reported seeing Thomas Cooks 90 minutes before he took a shot at President Trump.

Broadcast on:
29 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. - And they have to whitewash Harris' background, but I think we've all seen her. I mean, she's incredibly vapid. - Dude, I love Venn diagrams. It's just something about those three circles. - And she doesn't have any accomplishments. - In the United States of America, where we are manufacturing electric school buses and they are really cool. - The vice president didn't tell you it was America's biggest electric bus company just went belly up. - Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. - Clearly, there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group. - Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time. - One of the drag queens from that controversial Last Supper parody, doubling down as backlash grows. - I'm carting you in the direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of delivery. - Rum swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's... (upbeat music) Howie Car. - Welcome to the Howie Car Show, 844-542-844-542-442. And this is a day for all of us to be thankful. You know what we have to be thankful about? That Boston did not get the 2024 Summer Olympics. Every day, in every way, we have more to be grateful for. Thank you, God. I would just like to wish you a heartfelt thanks for nothing, God. And I mean it. Thanks for nothing. This is the last thing we would have needed. Think about how bad it would be. But we'll talk more about that as the time goes on. I think the big story today is the continuing story about how badly the Secret Service responded or protected President Trump on July 13th. It's just astonishing how bad they were. There's gonna be the new boss of the Secret Service who's gonna be back before Congress tomorrow. But, you know, he's just part of the problem. You know, it's just like the, he's the replacement for the screw up. He's just the stooge of the Biden-Harris administration. His name is, I think Ron Rowe or Rob Rowe, something like that. And he's just gonna do the old Hamana Hamana, just like Kim Cheetel did a week ago today, the day before she resigned. But this is astonishing, this story in the New York Times. And again, I'm somewhat astonished that the New York Times ran this story. But again, I guess sometimes they can do real stories if they want to. The Russian collusion hoax team was not involved in this story except for one of them, Adam Goldman. The rest of them were, I guess they have a few real reporters in the bullpen. They don't get off the pine too often, but they're out there, I guess. And they brought them out of the bullpen. And it's just amazing how bad it was. If you haven't seen this, and it doesn't seem to be getting the kind of play it should. And I understand why it's not getting play in the rest of state-run media, but you'd think that there'd be more of it on the counterculture, the resistance channels. Nearly 100 minutes before former President Donald Trump took the stage in Butler, PA, a local counter sniper who was part of the broader security detail, local, that means not secret service. Let his colleagues know his shift was ending. Guys, I am out, be safe. This is 419. Outside, the officer noticed a young man with long stringy hair sitting on a picnic table near the warehouse. So at 4.26 PM, this is like more than an hour and a half before the shooting. He texted his colleagues about the man who was outside the fenced area of the Butler Fair showgrounds where Mr. Trump was to appear. He said that the person would have seen him come out with his rifle and quote, "No's you guys are up there." "No's you guys are up there." You know who gave this to the New York Times Senator Chuck Grassley from Iowa? He gave them these and the New York Times confirmed that these are all messages from the local cops. By 5.10 PM, the young man was no longer on the picnic table. He was right below the counter snipers who were upstairs in a warehouse owned by AGR International. One of the counter snipers took pictures of him. Again, this is an hour before, an hour before they took pictures of him. At 5.38 PM, again, this is like about more than 30 minutes, more than a half an hour before the shooting, the photos were shared in a group chat. You know, it's amazing, the state police in Massachusetts, they're talking about nudes and no acid, weird fall river accidents. And these guys are actually trying to do something, but the Secret Service doesn't care. Another text went out among the officers saying they should inform the Secret Service. Quote, "Kid leaning around the building we are in, AGR." I believe it is. I did see him with a rangefinder looking towards the stage. FYI, if you want to notify Secret Service snipers to look out, I lost sight of him. "Call into command." This is another thing. "Call into command and have a uniform, check it out." Good Lord. So all together, again, this is from the New York Times with the text messages that they got from Senator Grassley. They revealed that the gunman aroused police suspicion more than 90 minutes before the shooting, rather than about 60 minutes, has been previously discussed in congressional hearings. So in other words, Kim Cheetah was A, lying, or B, she just plain did no. The messages also add to the evidence that the would-be assassin was often one step ahead of security forces and in particular, the Secret Service. So he wasn't ahead of the local sheriff's department, but he was ahead of the Secret Service. What does that tell you? And here's what I found really amazing. Mr. Crooks, that's what they call it, it's the New York Times. Mr. Crooks scoped out the rally site a day before the Secret Service did. Think about that. This guy reads in the paper that Trump is gonna be there. And he, and he goes out to visit the site before the Secret Service does. He used a drone to survey the site while the Secret Service did not seek permission to use one for the rally. He climbed onto a roof that the Secret Service had left the unmanned. And while counter snipers were assigned to surveil the rally, Mr. Crooks picked the position where he was able to watch them. Even after the episode ended, the episode, it was an attempted assassination New York Times. The police seemed confused about what Mr. Crooks had done and how. So on TV, they're saying Trump was shot at and he got hit, but I don't believe that when local police officer said to another 17 months after the shooting in a conversation captured on a body worn camera. As the officers in the video walked toward the warehouse in which Mr. Crooks lifeless body lay, one could be heard saying, "I'm still trying to figure out how this guy got here." On July 3rd, that would be what? Wednesday, that would be a Wednesday 'cause the 4th of July independence day was on Thursday. Mr. Trump's campaign announced that the rally would be in Butler 10 days later. Mr. Crooks narrowed his focus. He'd been checking out other political types as well. Ray, Christopher Ray, Biden, Merrick Garland. But then he realized Trump was coming. On July 6th, Mr. Crook typed in an ominous phrase. He did a Google search for how far away from was Oswald from Kennedy. Well, that was what Ray said. The next day, Mr. Crooks drove to the farm showgrounds about an hour from his home. He spent 20 minutes there. He also registered to attend the rally. Secret service agents would not hold their first walk through until the following day, joined by law enforcement officials from several local and state agencies. It was then that the Secret Service decided to exclude the entire warehouse complex owned by AGR, including building number six, which Mr. Crooks would later use as his own personal Texas schoolbook depository from its inner security perimeter. This meant that on the day of the rally, Mr. Crooks was able to approach the building without passing through any security screening without any security screening. 844-542-508 says, "The Congressional Paps Blue Ribbon Committee." We'll get to the bottom of all this, yeah, yeah. Petiful, petiful. 844-542-42-201. Charlie Kirk just said on his show that at his event, this weekend, that the Secret Service contingent was smaller than previous events, including the small agents. The agents were checking their phones while Trump was speaking. I believe it. So they go through all of what he did and he apparently had figured out that he didn't have to go through security 'cause he was outside the perimeter and he knew that he could hit the president from the top of building number six. So he arrived at Butler at the site in his Hyundai around 3.35 PM. About 15 minutes later, he flew his drone over the site for 11 minutes, including a path about 200 yards from Mr. Trump's podium. Unlike the other visitors, he was not trying to enter the rally site through the security checkpoints, a fact that attracted the attention of local counter snipers inside the warehouse. One of them took photos of him at 5.14 PM. So it sounds like they knew about him even before then. As soon as they saw, he was just lurking around outside. They began to get suspicious of him. 844-542-42, we're gonna take your calls on this. This is, it's even more appalling than we had previously thought. The Secret Service's derelictions of duty. 844-542-42, I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show returns after this. (upbeat music) (dramatic music) He's Howie Carr. - I love my pillows products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code Howie at From pillows, towels, slippers, and even their giza dream sheets, go to and use code Howie for amazing discounts. Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? - Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is after this weekend's events in Paris, how do you feel now about Boston losing out on the 2024 Summer Olympics, saddened or gladdened? - I am more than gladdened. - 96% of the audience, also gladdened. 4% really wanted the blue guy. - And they really don't ever leave the house anyway, so it wouldn't have been a problem for them. 844-542-42, Matt, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Matt. You there? - Yes. - Go ahead. - Hello, Howie, how are you doing? - Good. - Hey, I- - Sorry, Bill, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Bill. - Hello, Howie. Long time listener. - Thank you. - Thank you for taking my call. I just wanted to say, it was about, at least two years ago, on CNN, and I was watching, and they were interviewing one of Biden's Secret Service agents. And he made the, they asked him, you know, had you like working for the president? He said yes, he said, I really do. He said, I'm devoted to this president, this president. And he said, he made the statement that if this president, referring to Biden, asked me to shoot someone, I would. - That statement was made on CNN, somewhere around two years ago. I wish I'd have made a note of the time and place. - Well, you know, the thing is, I mean, Trump wouldn't have been able to see this guy. Obviously, or he wouldn't have, he would have ducked before the bullets started flying. But I mean, they had this guy in their sights. It's not up to, it's not up to Trump to give orders to shoot him. I mean, that's why you have counter snipers, as they call him, on the, on the buildings. I mean, I don't understand this. And I finally do understand from the story why the cop didn't confront him when he was up on the building. Apparently, they had no ladders. The guy crooks had bought a ladder to get up on the roof, but he didn't use it, it was in his car. But when they realized he was on the roof, they didn't have a ladder either. The local guys, the sheriff's deputies. And so one of the guys, they pushed the guy up. You know, you put your feet in the hands. You know the way it is when you go over like to get into a Barry Bush or something like that. And so he pushed him up. And the guy is like hanging on to the edge of the roof, to the gutters, and then he sees the guy pointing the gun at him. And he has, his hands are keeping him up. So he has no weapon. He has a weapon, but he's, he can't get to it. So he had to drop down. I understand now why he dropped down. That was, it was not cowardice. It was, it would have been insanity. They'd just take a bullet to the head. But, you know, why, why was this kid allowed to get that close? And 617 says, how the hell would this kid have known so well in advance days before that there would be such lack security and even in order to even considering planning for this? I don't know, it's, it's really bad. By the way, someone says they want to talk about the new Massachusetts gun restrictions and he's been trying to get through to Toby. We'll have Toby on at 608 to discuss this. So hang on, hang on. We're going to, we're going to talk about these draconian new unconstitutional gun restrictions. Patrick, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Patrick. Howie, somebody was running this kid and they ran it to make it look like a-- A lone wolf. A lone wolf. This was a complex operation. This kid did a drone reconnaissance. He essentially did a field card, which a platoon leader in the infantry is trained to do. Then he did a-- he picked a firing position that was behind what's called the military crest. Usually it's a hilltop, but it could be like a crown on a roof. Right. The only reason that Trump isn't dead is because the cops you start, you alluded to, broke his concentration and he either lost what's called his breath control or his sight picture, because the training he would have had, they gave him, would have been to fire at center mass and not his head. The thing is, we don't know what training he got. He was working-- Patrick, he was working in a nursing home. And I mean, there's no-- I mean, we don't know of any evidence. I don't know what the evidence is. Again, we're up against here with the deep state, but we don't know of anything he got. But I think the key here, what you said that we can prove is that the cops who, quote unquote, broke his concentration, those were not secret service. Those were local cops. Those are guys who are out patrolling rural stretches of highway in Western Pennsylvania in most nights. And they're on the SWAT team, but they have other duties as sheriff's deputies. It's just amazing. 844-500-4242, thanks for the call. Bob, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Bob. Hey, Howie. First time, long time. Thanks for taking my call. I just think everything you're saying is so true. I think it's just a huge setup. And my only comment was when Brooks fired that shot, and he missed Donald Trump. Yeah. I think he took out Joe Biden. Well, he definitely did that. There's no question about that. Biden was gone eight days later on Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-500-4242-607 says, so if Crookes was able to get on to the roof without a ladder, why couldn't the LEOs do likewise? That's a good question. I don't know the answer to that question. I don't know. There's still a lot of unanswered questions here. 844-500-4242, joining us now is Grace with the nose. Hello, Howie. President Joe Biden called for major changes to the Supreme Court today, including a constitutional amendment that would limit immunity for presidents in post-term limits for justices. Good luck on that one. Good luck on that one. It has to be passed by both houses of Congress, signed into law by the president, and then approved by the legislatures of 38 states. It's not going to happen. What happened? And stipulate an enforceable code of ethics. So the term limit would be 18 years. That's what they're proposing. Kamala Harris has signed on for this. And he just finished 51 years slurping happily at the public drop. Yeah. Now he thinks it's time for a change. Yeah. And he says no one is above the law. This is after a special counsel just ruled that he was guilty of multiple felonies but couldn't be prosecuted because he was senile. And his son was going to skate on not paying more than a million and a half dollars in federal income taxes and on gun charges, lying on a federal gun charge under pains and penalties of perjury. But no one's above the law. Yeah. It's very convenient that he's coming up with all these ideas right as he's about to leave, about to pass the torch, you might say, to Kamala Harris. No one knows Fisher plows like tux trucks, GMC and Hudson mass. Your Fisher plow distributor shop now for the upcoming season. Fisher plows, spreaders, accessories and parts shop online at tux trucks,, or call 1-800-My-Truck. The IDF is slamming the Washington Post, which actually Biden's op ed was in the Washington Post about the Supreme Court. And also in the Washington Post was a headline that went viral. It was a photo of people mourning the 12 children who were killed in that Hezbollah rocket attack. And the headline read Israel hits target in Lebanon with a photo of the mourners intending a funeral for the victims of that rocket attack. There were other headlines. Yeah. There were a lot of headlines that didn't really, how about this one? It's the worst one I think from NPR, a rocket hit Israeli controlled Golan Heights, after Israel struck a Gaza school, a rocket hit Israel, Israeli controlled makes it sound like Israel hit it. Yeah. It also makes it sound like no one is sending these rockets. The rockets are just kind of have minds of their own and are deciding. And by the way, Hezbollah was taking credit for the hit until they realized that those poor little kids were not Jewish. They were Druze, which it's not Arab, but it's their Arab speaking. So they're Arabs basically, they're just not Muslims. They killed their own people. And then they had no, they didn't care, they didn't care where it was hidden. And then you're right after they realized that they stopped taking credit and then they started to blame Israel and say, oh, it was an Israeli rocket. Right. Because Israel had stolen some Iranian rockets, right? And you know, I was so happy that Trump, not happy, but I was pleased that Trump, Trump said this is on, this is on Biden and Harris, because they gave him the money. They gave, I ran the money to give to, to build the rockets that they gave to Hezbollah. These kids would be alive today if Trump had been president. I'm sorry. It's as simple as that. Yeah, and to your point, I was happy to see the conservatives coming out after Kamala Harris's recent remarks when she met with Beebe Netanyahu and she was calling for a two state solution. I was really happy to see the response from conservatives basically saying, this is nonsense. Like anyone who's saying this is not a serious person, because you can't have a two state solution when one of the hypothetical states wants to eradicate the other one and kill all the Jews. Right. That's their main goal. That's their mission statement. Here's another headline. This is from, this is from MSNBC, another, another arm of state run media. Rocket attack in Israeli occupied Golan Heights leaves multiple dead and injured. Again, one of those rogue rockets just took off from Iran. These are probably some Mossad agents stole the rockets and then shot them out of Lebanon to blame those poor innocent victims, Palestinians. And why can't they just write exactly what happened? They have to editorialize all of this to constantly make Israel the villain in all of these stories. But it's worse. It's one thing to have an editorial saying we think Israel's to blame, but they're lying. These headlines are lies. No, you're, you're absolutely right. Oh, and the other thing I just saw, I saw a headline yesterday in the Jerusalem post. Iran warns against reckless response by Israel. So it was, it was okay for the Iranian proxies flush with Biden, Harris money from the end of the oil, the sanctions against Iran to bomb Arabs. Right. They were aiming for Israel, they were aiming for anybody who was there. It's okay for them to kill people randomly and just recklessly, but any kind of response would be reckless. Yeah. Okay. I got it. That's always how it goes. Howie and also it's just, it's insane that they, this happens. Israel's expected not to respond, not to defend itself. And on top of that, did you see the comments from, from the Turkish PM? Yeah. He's crazy. That guy's nuts. Yeah. He's saying now that they're going to get involved or, you know, they're going to try to help Palestinians. Again, all of these places that didn't want anything to do with Palestinians didn't want to take any Palestinians in are also trying to hop on the bandwagon of making Israel the bad guy. Yeah. Why, why doesn't the, why don't they bring in, bring in 15, 20,000 Palestinians and they can just put them up in the Melnea Cass recreation center and Istanbul, the equivalent and just let them, just let them roam around the streets, mugging and shooting people and go going on welfare. Just like we're doing here with the illegal aliens. And I know it's been said a million times, but it's so worth repeating that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. It's the only place you could go if you were gay or if you were, you know, any of the things that the progressive agenda cares too much claims to care so much about. And it's lost on them that all these other places that they constantly, you know, choose against Israel and want to see destroy Israel are not as woke and accepting as they think they are. Yeah. Well, it's basically what BB said, you know, gays for Gaza is like chickens for KFC and a couple of weeks before he made that speech last week, they came up with these secret documents as they go into these to get deeper and deeper into these tunnels, they're getting more and more intelligence from Hamas and they had, they had secret lists of the gays and Gaza and Hamas, Hamas did to, to, to persecute. And who knows what else they were going to, how bad they were going to do. Yeah. Um, how you another big story today, Al Gore is back in Kamala Harris, former vice president Al Gore on Sunday backed vice president Kamala Harris for the White House in 2024 on the basis of that, that big lummox on the basis of her unquestioning support for climate solutions. Cool solution. Okay. He said, as a prosecutor Kamala Harris took on big oil companies and one, she took on marijuana, she took on marijuana supporters as Tulsi Gabbard pointed out. She kept guys in jail who were innocent. Like she was a member, like she was someone in the Boston FBI office, but here's something I'm not so sure is a good idea. He's reminding people of he said, as VP, she cast the tie-breaking vote to pass the most significant investment in climate solutions and history, the inflation reduction act. Right. Do we want to be reminding people of that, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Isn't that the same act where they got all this money for charging stations and they built like seven of them? Yeah. Uh, but all, but all the monies, uh, all the money has gone to, uh, Democrat bundlers and DEI, uh, hires and sustainability hires, oh, and it's probably, probably some of it ended up in the, uh, financing, the windmills off of, uh, an anti-cut sound. Yeah, which is not, which is not working out that great. Yeah. Um, did you see what's happening speaking of beaches in Rhode Island? No, this is crazy. You know what, Howie? I'm going to put this video up on the site. A swarm of dragonflies overwhelmed a Rhode Island beach. It looked like something, Howie, out of the birds. It looked like a tippy Hendron movie. It was so scary. Um, freaky footage captured a swarm of dragonflies turning a Rhode Island beach into a scene akin to a biblical plague over the weekend. The endless swarm of dragonflies descended on the beach in Westerly on Saturday. I'll put that up on the site because on Friday, we had the whale footage of the whale in New Hampshire. A lot of animals getting a little out of control lately. I think it's climate change. You know who I blame that on? They're just a human being. Donald J. Trump. Yeah, wasn't it Sunny Hostin who told us that, uh, some bugs were back and she said that was climate change. So maybe it is also on the site today, just so people know I'm putting up, um, a list of flashbacks, video flashbacks, because if you want to understand Kamala Harris's agenda and what she believes in, you should take her at her own words. So it's going to be several different videos explaining how she feels about everything from fracking to climate change. Oh, she, I thought she's changed her view now on fracking. We have the receipts. Yeah. Politico said that she had flip flopped and then they quickly changed that headline that her, her views are evolving. Yeah. Ice, uh, to fund the police, uh, the Minnesota Freedom Fund, we have everything and it's going to be up on the site. And you know what the, the Minnesota Freedom Fund though, that's really, uh, really, uh, mine mind boggling the way they're denying that when it's right there. It's right there. It's an active link. It's not even like if you click on it, it will say, you know, post has been deleted. Four or four. If you click on it, it'll take you to the link and she's denying she has anything to do with it. And all these people are dead or raped or domestically abused or robbed because of, uh, because of her efforts. Yeah. And the part of it that drives me crazy is I understand pulling a lie over people after like 10 years where you try to rewrite history and you know, you kind of, you get a little blurry on the edges of how things happen, but all of this stuff, we, it happened like four or three, two years ago, sometimes two months ago, and we have video. It's not like the old days where we just had to take people's word for it. We have plenty of video of her explaining how she feels in the old days. You'd have to hold up. Look at this news. Yeah. And also, you know, it has not been brought up enough about Kamala Harris. And I'll put this in the article as well is how she pounced and seized and weaponized on that bogus story about the border patrol agents whipping the Haitian migrants. That's another. Yeah. You should definitely put that up. She ran to the cameras. Because every, everybody who's taken crap, who's been in a paying job with a public or private and you've taken crap over something you didn't do, they understand that. And you know what? She found the time to talk to the cameras when she thought it was going to appease her base and get everybody riled up about this. And then when the investigation occurred and she knew those men did nothing wrong, she couldn't find the time to apologize. That's the kind of leader she is. How about Jesse Smollett? Yep. She was a big, Jesse Smollett. I'll put that cut into. Yeah, put that one in too. And if anyone wants to text in law enforcement, law enforcement needs to know where this woman comes down. But howie, remember after Joe Biden was elected and we'd have those guys who were, they were some of the more in the, the oil industry, some of them were fracking and they would make videos and be like, I voted for Joe Biden and I just got laid off. Like the, my job is I just got shut down and you would say, pay attention more, more my union brother the next time before you vote, he's not, the Democrats, they're not hiding this in, you know, packets of papers of thesis. They're telling you, this is what I plan on doing. So, so just believe them. Yeah, this isn't, this isn't like the old days when they used to hide the microfilm on a pumpkin. No, this is in your face video. They're saying, I would do this transition from fossil fuel, ban fracking, everything else. And so I'll put it on the site. You guys can catch it in about 10 minutes. All right. Thank you, Grace., you can check out my columns. We have some separated births from a Canton Confidential and we may have some more separated births tomorrow from Canton Confidential. Didn't have room for them all yesterday in my column in the Herald. You've spoken and our friends at MyPillow heard you, introducing MyPillow's most requested offer yet. Get the queen size premium MyPillow for just 1998. Crafted with a patented adjustable fill, MyPillow confirms to your individual needs regardless of your preferred sleeping position. It not only aligns your neck for optimal comfort but also retains its shape throughout the night, ensuring you enjoy the most restful sleep imaginable. But wait. There's more. To their six-piece kitchen or bath towel sets for only $25, explore the brand new mattress topper starting at just $69.98. Indulging their renowned MySlipper-- I keep saying-- MyPillow bed sheets priced as low as $25 and discover a plethora of other fantastic deals. Go to or call 800-658-4965 and use promo code Howie to unlock huge discounts on all MyPillow products, including the premium queen size MyPillow at an unbeatable 1998. The best deal ever. Elevate your sleep experience by going to or calling 800-658-4965 and don't forget the code Howie and HowieCar. HowieCar is back 844-542 42 844-542 42 here's a member of the Beaver County Sheriff's Department SWAT team Jason Woods about how Secret Service just gave them a good leaving alone. Cut 15. We were supposed to get a face-to-face briefing with the Secret Service snipers whenever they arrived and that never happened. So I think that that was probably a pivotal point where I started thinking things were wrong because that never happened and we had no communication with the Secret Service. You had no communication with the Secret Service at all on that Saturday. No, not until after the shooting, I believe. Yeah. And by then. That was too late. Beautiful. Cut 14. Too warm. He was looking up and down the building and just wandering around and it just seemed out of place. Greg Nichols snapped these photos of the shooter. We had a text group between the local snipers ever on scene. I had sent those pictures out to that group and advised them of what I noticed and what I'd seen. What do you think is transpiring once you send in what you've sent in? I assume that there would be somebody coming out to speak with this individual or find out what's going on. Yeah, you would assume that. So how do you know if Greg's concerns about crooks are being relayed properly? No, we have to assume that when he put that information out to command, that command took that information and did something with it. We don't know if they did. When the phone don't ring, you know, it was the Secret Service. Peter, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Peter. Howie, thank you for taking my call. My call is kind of relating to this. I got to be honest, I was expecting to see Plexiglas or maybe something on the subsequent Donald Trump events and even on the Charlie Kurt Show today. He stated and he called Trump's team that they expected a barrage of people when Trump appeared on his show recently. Not only was there less people, he said, but there was somebody walking aimlessly that looked very suspicious behind stage. And I just hope there's a manifest or something that the police share and hearing what your previous call was about the police department, I just think they need to do more because I hate to say this, but don't go to any extent to take them out. I know. I know. They tried to take him off the ballot. They tried to put him in jail. That all failed. And after all those attempts failed, then they took a shot at him and now they have a new candidate. They couldn't win with the old candidates. So once the assassination attempt failed, Biden was gone. And you know, I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm stating the timeline. That's the timeline of what happened. Thanks for the call. George, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, George. Not much time left. Go ahead. Okay, Howie. I'll make your quits under Obama, Biden, the DEA had heads brought all lined up to get arrested across the world for smuggling drugs into America, using the money for terrorism. Google, Obama, Cassandra project. You know what? You're right. I'd forgotten all about that, George. I'll check into that. Thanks for the call. I'm Howie Carr. Bye. [MUSIC PLAYING]