The Howie Carr Radio Network

Pete Buttigieg Denies Kamala was ever Border Czar Plus the Seine Still Stinks | 7.29.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Grace and Taylor talk about the media rewriting Kamala's history. Later. Grace and Howie talk about the Seine's stink problem.

Broadcast on:
29 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. - Well, you don't want too much Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace stand up. - Grace Curly. - It's true. I'm here. Welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. Thank you for joining us. I can't believe it's already two o'clock. How the day has flown by. And I have a little update for everyone, Taylor. I might need the dum-dum-dum music because I hadn't heard of this story and we seem to be doing a lot of Olympic coverage on the show today. Broadcaster, Bob Ballard, issued a statement this morning after he was pulled from EuroSport's 2024 Olympic coverage over a sexist remark about members of Australia's women's swimming team. He said, I'm not gonna try to do an Australian accent. - Well, the women just finished you off. You know what women like? They get around, you know, doing the makeup. - I'm here, you just bo- (laughs) - I spent the managing that as well. - I don't. - He got kicked off the coverage, Taylor. He had to put out an apology statement about that. So let me get this straight. If you're part of the Olympic opening ceremonies, you wanna offend however many Christians, I don't know, what is it? Like two billion people? You wanna offend two billion people. That's fine, no repercussions. You were just being inclusive. You were just being tolerant. But this guy makes a little offhandy remark about, you know the ladies putting on their makeup and he has to offer like a groveling apology. Like, I'm so sorry if I offended anyone. And he said, I love women's sports. I believe him. I don't think you get into that line of work because you're a sexist, misogynistic pig. - So he was still kicked off even though he apologized? - Yeah. - This is why Trump says, never apologize. What does that get you? - Yeah, 'cause they don't wanna forgive you. They just want you to-- - They want you to feel bad. - Yeah, and they want you to continue to suffer the consequences, never apologize. Because my whole thing is, if I say something that I truly feel bad about saying, I have no problem apologizing, but I'm never apologizing to seek the forgiveness from people who clearly are gonna hate me either way. That to me is like, you're on a hamster wheel. But that kind of comment, like that is why Taylor, I think that's one of the worst jobs. - Were you offended as a woman at that comment? - No. No, 'cause I am always hanging around with my makeup. You know that for a fact. - Same term, yes. That's one of my hobbies. That's how I spend a good deal of my day, believe it or not. No, but I always think of this, Taylor, when I watch like the golf or something. Those are color commentators who just have to narrate what's going on. It's become sneaky. I don't wanna say the most stressful jobs. I know there's people like operating on hearts and stuff, but it's become a stressful job. You say something, it doesn't matter if you're clearly in jest, if you're clearly just, oh, off the cuff. There are the ladies getting ready, putting on their makeup. The knives are out for you. It's amazing. And it goes back to that Chris Rock special from a few years ago on Netflix. It's the selectiveness of the outrage that bothers me. It's how it's so selective. Like this guy is the pitchforks are out for this man. For me-- - And Mickelson here, trying to save Parr, and there's Mickelson's wife, God, is she hot? - Well, remember this was a few, I wanna say this was a few months ago, but I could be totally wrong 'cause if you listen to this show Sports, it's not my forte. There was an NHL broadcaster, I think, who said something about how the women don't travel with the men and it's good because it's less of a distraction. Back to it, that's Taylor. That's the theme of this entire show today is distractions. He made a comment about how the women aren't there, so it's less of a distraction. He got in a lot of trouble too. And about the apology thing, where Taylor is absolutely right is, there is truly no sense in apologizing to people who have no intention of forgiving you no matter what. I used to listen to this podcast, I still do, actually. I think it was these two women, and they got canceled for something. And one of the women said at one point about the activist who were trying to cancel her. She said, I have apologized for everything. I've tried to be better, I've tried to do all the things. She said, short of me crawling into a hole and killing myself, these people will not be satisfied. And this is the same thing. Like, it doesn't matter that this Bob Ballard says, I didn't mean it. Obviously, the swimmers weren't doing their makeup. I would like to talk to a woman who was actually offended by that. 'Cause if you're offended by that, that speaks to a much larger insecurity. Joanne, you're up next on "The Grace Curly Show." Go ahead, Joanne. - Yeah, hi, I'm just thinking, maybe we should have a new concept called the separation of sex and state. Because I think that people like who have these really big sex ideas about whatever they think, it's divisive. And well, our founders knew that having religion in state was going to be divisive. So why don't we just have this? And then people can't make a big deal about it and say, oh, we're so subjugated. We're such victims. Because everything, we would have a coded system for sex and state, like we do with church and state. We can have sex in the school. - I kind of find right now, Joanne, and I've noticed this shift over the decades. And it's an unfortunate shift, but it's like this hyper focus on the things that differentiate people as opposed to the things that people might be able to relate to each other on. And that's why I think, and I'm not just talking about LGBTQ and that agenda. I'm talking about any part of your identity that you don't necessarily choose, whether it's like your skin color or whatever it is, if you hyper focus on that and you make that the story all the time, you're missing out on bonding with people who might be different than you because of their gender or their race, but they might be similar to you in so many other ways. It's not the most interesting part about someone. The most interesting part about someone is their character and who they are as a person. And we've totally lost that in society. We are so hyper focused on identity politics and really these divisive platforms of trying to separate people and have this hierarchy of victimhood and it's toxic. And it's not helpful to any group. It's not raising any ships. It's just making everybody miserable. I wanted to mention something here and this is a question for people out there, how we talked about this on Friday. Former President Donald Trump has agreed to partake in a victim interview with the FBI regarding the attempt on his life earlier this month. The Bureau revealed that today, the victim interview is a typical and voluntary aspect of the FBI's procedures. We want to get his perspective on what he observed. So now the obvious question is, would I have suggested this? 'Cause I know what Trump is saying to his team. What do you guys think race thinks of the situation? Does Grace think I should have said yes to this interview? I have to say no. I don't trust the FBI and I don't see, like there's nothing he's really going to tell them, Taylor, from his perspective on the stage that they don't already know. They have the video. They know exactly what happened. So I just have to assume, based off how the FBI has behaved in the past when it comes to interviewing Trump or anyone in Trump's orbit, that they might not have the best intentions. Yeah, I don't know why he would want to be interviewed. Is it because he'd be the first president to be interviewed after an assassination attempt by the FBI? I don't even know if that's true. Yeah, Ronald Reagan probably was. Yeah, so there's no new information that he could have. It's not like, I saw the guy up on the roof and I said, that looks like Thomas Matthew Crooks and it was, it turned out it was. I had previous information on that. Yeah, if it's just Trump wanting to tell the story to people, I would suggest you find a different crowd, but maybe there is some benefit to it that I'm not understanding. I just don't trust the FBI as far as I can throw them. And I certainly wouldn't trust them if I were Donald Trump. With everything we've learned about the FBI over the years, with the James Comey's and the Peter Strucks of the world and the Lisa pages, I just really don't have any reason why you would go to these people and give them information. I understand he likes members of the Secret Service. He likes the people that have been protecting him. And I appreciate that. And I appreciate how his family has responded to this and really has differentiated between the questions that they have for how this happened, but also showing a lot of respect to the men and women who have offered him protection over the years. But sitting down with the FBI, it feels like a trap. It feels like there's a lot that could go wrong there. 844-542, when we come back, we'll take your calls. And I wanna go back to my other question as well. So now we've got two for you. Should Donald Trump speak to the FBI? Is this a bad idea? He already said he's going to, so there's no changing his mind. But maybe tell me if there's something that he could get out of this that I'm not considering. And the second question is, is there any hope? And I was talking to Aaron Chadborn about this morning on WGAN, he was filling in for Matt. And he said, you know, Grace, there's been these moments in the Biden administration that he calls unfreezing moments, where the press is kind of unfrozen from their typical sycophant coverage of Joe Biden. And they've actually been kind of forced into asking real questions. One of the examples he gave was the Afghanistan withdrawal, where you saw this shift in the press, where they suddenly felt like they had permission to criticize this administration. The second time was the debate. But beyond that, there's been very few and far in between. So now the question becomes, will there be any, will there be any more of those moments now that Kamala Harris is at the helm for the next three months? It already seems like she's president. You very rarely see Joe Biden. He's supposed to give some address today. I think at 4.30, which probably means more like 5.30. But will the press continue with any of that critical coverage that we saw towards the tail end of Biden's campaigning days? Now, my go-to, 'cause I hate to sound naive, my go-to answer would be absolutely not. They're going to go 1,000 miles in the direction of Kamala Harris. They are hitting overdrive from making her out to be the most brilliant, astute, perfect person and candidate you could ever imagine. But then there's this little voice inside of my head that says logically, doesn't there have to be like one or two outliers who are looking at the current situation and saying, you know, I just spent four years being shut out by Joe Biden. I just spent four years being pushed aside, being taken out of the room by the, "Excuse me, keep it moving, please, thank you." By the shoe girls. I just spent four years not getting a straight answer. I just spent four years being told that nothing was going on with this guy, even though clearly we all saw something happening. Do I want another four years of this lack of transparency, this lack of answers, or on the flip side? Do I want four years of constant content of Trump? They know what they can do in Trump's in office. There'll be a Russia hoax 2.0, kids in cages. They will be like coming up with stuff every single day. The ratings will be through the roof. They will have this golden age of journalism as Jake Tapper once called it again. And so then if you look at that and you go, well, maybe there's people who will think logically about it, the question is, can they separate themselves from their zealotry? Because these people really do hate Trump like it's a religion. So if that's the case, I think they'll really, truly try to get Kamal Harris to win. But if they think about it strategically, if they think about it from their own career perspective, they might say, "Let's ask her some questions." 'Cause it might benefit us to have Trump in there. I'm curious if people think I'm crazy, or if that is maybe a possibility. Do you send to candles, cover up sprays or air fresheners for bad odors in your home? Well, stop masking me smells with more odors. All you're doing is adding more harmful odors to your home. You need to destroy odors with an eat and pure thunderstorm air purifier. It uses oxy technology to send out all three molecules into your home that destroy bad odors rather than just covering them up. Candles and cover up sprays must be bought over and over again, because they are just covering up the problem. Start saving money and get yourself a thunderstorm and eliminate those stubborn household odors for good. And the thunderstorm starts working in seconds with no filters to buy. Place a thunderstorm in your bedroom, family room, kitchen or basement. They even make great gifts. Get $200 off a three-pack today for whole home protection. Visit and use discount code GRACE3. That's Don't forget to use discount code GRACE3. We'll be right back. Follow GRACE on Twitter at g_curly. This is the GRACE Curly Show. (upbeat music) Welcome back everyone to the GRACE Curly Show, a horrific story out of the UK. Two children are dead and nine people are hurt. In a stabbing, a 17-year-old has been arrested. As we get more information, we will keep you up to date on what has happened in there, but just a really, really tragic, scary story out of the UK. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. Call 1-844 a Perfect Smile or visit Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is does Kamala Harris' abbreviated campaign help or hurt her odds of winning the election? Helps, I think that the less time she has to talk about coconut trees and electric school buses, the better. 77% say it helps her chances. It's a weird strategy that the left is trying to pull here, where they're trying to claim that all of the things that have been touted as like her jobs over the last four years, everything she was in charge of. They're now telling us, oh no, she wasn't in charge of that. Okay, so then what was she doing? What was she? - It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for her. - What was she doing? Now you're telling us she wasn't in charge of the border. And also it seems like anything that she's ever said before about how she feels about certain policies, whether it be fracking or whether it be the American dietary pyramid and things like that, the food pyramid, anything that she has said definitively. It's not like Taylor. It's not like I'm reading some thesis she wrote 15 years ago and trying to extrapolate an idea from it. She has said these things in the past four years on camera. - The food pyramid was heard? That wasn't Michelle Obama? - No, she was asked about red meat and eating cheeseburgers on, I think it was like a town hall-style thing with Aaron Burnett. I saw that floating around recently. But you know what's an amazing part of this too, is not only is Kamala Harris having to defend the last four years, which you can tell me whatever you want about how her approval rating is rising. I saw that today, how Joe Biden's approval rating, he told people he wasn't gonna run for president and suddenly everybody loves him. That doesn't matter because the fact is that how Americans feel about this administration and what they've done over the past four years, that approval rating is not changing. People do not like these policies. And so they're not only trying to tell us that she had nothing to do with it, but they're also trying to deny everything she said the last time she was running for president. - I mean, I'm just saying you love cheeseburgers. I mean, we all do, I don't know whether you know, from time to time to try the Beyond Burger or the Impossible Burger, right? They try, but it's not quite the same. That's my personal opinion. But what do you support changing the dietary guidelines? - Yes, you know, the food parent. What would people like to produce red meat specifically? - Yes, I would. - But take that with a grain of salt because she will say yes to anything she's asked, Taylor. I don't know, abolish ice, defend the police. She's a yes man. She just likes to tell people what they wanna hear. And you might say, well, most politicians do that, but she takes it up like a whole 'nother notch. This is a woman who put people in jail for marijuana arrests and then went on the breakfast club and bragged about how she used to smoke weed. Like the hubris behind that, to try to pander when your own record tells a totally different story, that's kind of on another level of just being a shameless politician. So I'm finding that the backing away of not just her last four years as VP, but also all of these outlets trying to discredit what she said when she was running for president. And as the big Ramaswami pointed out, couldn't get one delegate. Like people got to hear a lot about her platform in 2019 and in 2020. Not for long in 2020, because like I said, she never got a delegate. But people got to hear from Kamala Harris and for whatever reason, I can think of a few, but for whatever reason, they did not like her politics. They did not like her as a candidate. So now we have all this video footage that we can go back to. And the defense is, no, that's not true. Fact check not true. What do you mean it's not true? She said it. She said all of these things, we have it on tape. And we'll play some of those cuts for you when we come back. 844-500-4242. A lot more to get to on the other side. Don't go anywhere. (upbeat music) (laughing) (upbeat music) Live from the Aviva Trathria studio. Can you name a single Harris accomplishment or result from the time that she was elected vice president? Three and a half years. Can you name just one? 70% cannot name anything. - That was Franklin. I can, I can name one. - She's heightened awareness of Venn diagrams. - That, you know what? Now we've got two, Taylor, 'cause that wasn't mine. Mine was going to be, she took the heat off Joe Biden for quite some time because it was the Peter principle. Everyone kept thinking like, well, we have to keep him in there because she's so much worse. So in some way she bought Joe Biden a good deal of time to hang out in the White House. That's not nothing. That's what friends are for, to have your back. I can actually think of quite a few things. She's raised awareness about falling out of coconut trees. - So I'll tell you one of the things about me. So I'm kind of a nerd on certain levels about certain things. So here's one reveal. I love Venn diagrams. - Honestly though, relatable. Who doesn't love a Venn diagram? That was all I love doing those in school. She also loves electric school buses. She loves the moon. So I wouldn't say that she has done nothing in her time as VP, but that is kind of what her campaign is trying to tell us now. Listen to Pete Buttigieg, he was on Fox News Sunday and this, out of all the whoppers and all the land, this one is the hardest to swallow. This is cut five. - Let's be very clear about this because there has been a lot of mischaracterization. She was not in charge of the border. The Homeland Security Department isn't in charge of the border. She did do something important though. She was assigned to conduct diplomacy with Central American countries. - Okay, so Pete has clearly gone all in on helping get Kamala elected. And he doesn't care anymore about running cover for Joe Biden, which he'd been doing for a very long time. So is Joe in charge of the border? Like is anyone or do you just, if Mallorca's is in charge of the border, why is he still in charge of the border? Shouldn't he have been fired a very long time ago? And again, it's like two things cannot be true at the same time. Stop bragging about what a great job you have all done in regards to the border. And at the same time, try to tell us that nobody is responsible for it. And there was a very good piece today in the Federalist by Joshua Monnington. And the title was The Headline. By denying Kamala Harris's borders our role, media admit Biden-Harris immigration policy is a total failure. The only thing I would add is it's not just the media that's admitting it, it's the Biden White House. By trying to convince everyone that she wasn't in charge of the border, it lets you know that they know deep down even if they don't admit it in their speeches, even if they don't admit it to the media, they know what a colossal failure this has been. They know that illegal border crossings have now trumped the economy as far as voters' concerns go. And so the gas lighting here, the denial over the fact that this is a problem, is staggering because it's such a problem that they don't want to link Kamala Harris to it. And Joshua writes, "In essence, the media pivoted because Harris has a messaging problem, but it's not a narrative problem drummed up by the right-wing misinformation. Harris has a problem because the Biden-Harris administration's border policy has largely been viewed as a complete failure. In addition, and I'm glad that Monnington brought this up because remember during Biden's address, which Trump did say, "I should get equal time here. I should get 11 minutes to address the nation." But remember one of the comments he made before he talked about how much he believed in Kamala Harris and how he was passing the torch to her? He talked about how in the last month that he's been president, there have been less border crossings than in Trump's last month. This is a great way to sum up why that's a lie. Biden claimed that border encounters are currently lower than when Trump left office, which is false. Encounters in both December 2020 and January 2021 were fewer than the 83,536 encounters the Border Patrol reported in June of 2024, the lowest number of Biden's presidency. More importantly, as Newsweek reports, June encounters were still nearly double the average of monthly apprehensions during the Trump administration. He goes on to say this raises a sticky question. Did Harris shoulder the weight of real responsibility as a second in command of the Biden-Harris administration or is the jab that she actually wasn't in charge of anything closer to describing reality? I tend to think, I tend to think it's a second. I think that they gave her all of these titles. They put all this stuff on her plate. And if she had wanted to, remember Joe at one point said, I'm not, you know, she makes her own decisions. She has my full trust. I just don't think she had any desire to actually do anything. She didn't even want to go to the border. When she was asked about going there, she said, I never been to Europe either. And this speaks, I think, to a lack of confidence she had in her own ability to handle these big issues. I'd like to thank our great Vice President Kamala Harris. She experienced, she's tough, she's capable. Yeah, let's listen to Elizabeth Warren, Senator from Massachusetts, aren't we lucky? She talked about Kamala Harris on CNN State of the Union. Now, remember, just want to remind people, this is a woman who last year wasn't confident that Joe Biden should keep Kamala Harris on as his VP pick. She didn't think she should be on the ticket in 2024 to be Vice President. And now she is all in on the fact that Kamala Harris will be a wonderful president. Talk about that escalated quickly. This is a cut to please. Recognize, and I know that Kamala Harris knows this, this is a problem that ultimately has to be solved by Congress. We need the tools in order to have more resources at the border, to have more resources in the states and cities that are supporting migrants. And I believe we need to create a pathway to citizenship. All of that is part of what we need to do for comprehensive immigration reform. Kamala Harris will work with Congress and get that done. Well, I'll tell you what Kamala Harris will probably do if she gets the opportunity. And I'm just, again, gonna read right from Monnington's piece because he has all of the receipts. Harris has stated repeatedly that an undocumented immigrant is not a criminal, which logically leads to her conclusion that, and this is a quote, we're not going to treat people who are undocumented and cross the border as criminals. Well, it makes sense if you don't think they're criminals, you wouldn't treat them as criminals. Harris doesn't believe that immigration laws should be enforced, in other words. In 2018, Harris compared immigration and customs enforcement to the Ku Klux Klan in a Senate confirmation hearing. When asked about abolishing ICE in 2019, she said that we've got to critically re-examine ICE and we need to probably think about starting from scratch. And let's not forget, and this one always stuck in my craw, when the very fake news came out with the story about the border agents whipping Haitian migrants from horseback, Kamala Harris was so quick to find a camera and a microphone and talk about how disappointed she was and how this cannot stand, and to bring out all the theatrics and all the posturing about how horrific the images were and how sad she was to see it and how don't worry, we're going to get to the bottom of this. And it ended up being baloney and she never came back and apologized to those border agents for defaming them in front of the entire world. So she could find the time to get out there and condemn those agents off of a completely manufactured deceptive story, but she could not find the time to apologize to them for what they did. And you're going to try to tell me that those border patrol agents have a lot of respect for Kamala Harris. I would venture to guess that they have less respect for her than they do with Joe Biden. And that's hard to even imagine. John, you're up next on "The Grace Curly Show." Go ahead, John. - Hey, Grace, that show, I love it. - Thank you. - I think it's going to be, right now it's Donald Trump versus the teleprompter, Kamala Harris' teleprompter. Once she goes off script at one of these debates, that's why Donald Trump should have two or three debates with her, it's over, Donald Trump wins. But until then, as long as she can stay on that teleprompter and not have a Michael Dukakis moment, it's going to be close. But that's why the debate's very important. - I 100% agree with you. And that's where I am nervous because you do need to see someone in action. You do need to see someone speak extemporaneously and off the cuff and tell you how they actually feel about something. If someone's just reading these calculated, perfectly curated bullet points about these issues and you never see them just talking about them and actually telling you how they feel, you're not getting the true picture. When she's asked to talk about big issues, whether it be the border or whether it be the war between Russia and Ukraine, you really get an understanding of how much she knows about these topics and it's not a lot. But as John just pointed out, she's not going to do that anytime soon. I also just want to mention on the border front that another thing that I think makes this such a huge issue is that every community, every state, every city has their own experience with this issue. It's not like in years past where you might hear about it and you hear about a border town in Texas and you think, oh, okay, yeah, that's not good. That could be a problem down the line, but it's not really a top issue for me. Now here in Massachusetts, in liberal Massachusetts, we have plenty of examples of these reports we're getting of serious incidences. And Jessica Vaughn from the Center for Immigration Studies, she was talking about this and how Moore Healy has dropped the ball and how people think that just getting all of this money to house these illegal aliens in these migrant shelters, whether it be in Roxbury or whether it be somewhere in, I was going to say Milton, definitely not Milton, but in all of these places throughout Massachusetts, you think that that's going to fix the problem. We just need more money. We just need to take over another hotel, like the clarion hotel. And what actually ends up happening is you get these reports of all of these incidents, these serious incidents that we don't know more details about, but we know it's not tenable. We know it's not safe. And I think that will make a difference this time around is this is no longer an issue where people see it from far away. People have had their own brushes with this issue, very close up and very personal. I wanted to give a very special shout out right now to Dave Henshey's daughter, Luna, who won a bronze in the Junior Olympic Games for jump roping. How cool is that? Congrats to the whole Henshey family. You must be so proud. That's wonderful news. Let's go to Sue, your next up on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Sue. All right. Yeah, go ahead. Oh, you can hear me, sorry. Let me just get you a speaker phone, I bet. Okay, Sue, Grace. Don't find it a little crazy that CNN hasn't been doing very well. And now that Kamala has been chosen, the chosen one, whatever, that CNN's ratings now have been going up because they're doing so many, so much polling on Kamala and how tight this race is. So now CNN is getting more because they're showing, I'm sorry, baseball polling. Does that seem a little crazy to you? Well, I don't know what polling they've been showing, I can't speak to how accurate it is. People like BS showing. I think most polling, I think most polling right now is based off this little honeymoon bump, so I don't know how seriously people should take it. But I also think that there is a new level of excitement among Democrats where they feel like they have a viable candidate. And I know to us that sounds crazy because we know so much about Kamala Harris, we know so much about her ideology and her platform and her record, but to a lot of Democrats, this is such an upgrade from Joe Biden who was making everybody uncomfortable to even watch on stage. And I did fear this about Kamala Harris, and I remember Ted Cruz saying something similar, where you don't want to underestimate her because when you get the media machine behind her, when you get the young people behind her, they can try to sugarcoat what a disaster of a president she would eventually end up being. It's the Republican's job to remind people of it. And I want to give major kudos to Donald J. Trump into JD Vance, who I think have really stayed on point, stayed on message, and have continued to kind of beat the drum that this goes beyond Kamala Harris. This is about this country. Do you want this country to be prosperous, to be pro-family, to be a place where you can raise kids, to be a place where you can feel safe? Or do you want this other vision of America? And that is, Kamala Harris says, Trump is pushing for the past. I'm pushing for the future. Kamala Harris' idea of what the future is going to look like. If you want a glimpse of that, if you want a little sneak peek preview, check out what's happening on the southern border. 'Cause that was her doing. That was her responsibility. And if that's how she sees the future of this country going, it is not good news for anybody. We'll be right back. We are going to talk to Howie Carr on the other side. Don't go anywhere. - You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - Clearly, it was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group. - Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. Josh Shapiro and Gretchen Whitmer are going to be headlining at Pennsylvania Rally Tonight. They're both contenders in the Veepstakes for Kamala Harris. Now, just jumping off of that Olympics news there, we talked a lot today about the opening ceremonies, but I have more bad news as far as the Olympics goes. Remember how Howie we talked about the riversend and the water quality? - Yes. - And the mayor jumped in and she said, "I assure you, the water is wonderful." Well-- - Was she drunk like William Weld when he jumped in the Charles? - I don't know, but the triathlon training has been canceled again, because the water quality is just not up to snuff. - I don't know. - You don't hold on. - They're letting their pride get in the way. It's like nobody cares if you've got a stinky river, but now we're delaying the games. You're really robbing these athletes of their opportunities, because you want to show off how your river doesn't stink? - Grace, here's a quarter, call someone who cares. - All right, Howie, what do you got going on today? - I think I'm going to talk about how we dodged a bullet in 2015 when the Boston 2024. - Oh, wait, so you do want to talk about the Olympics? - No, I want to talk about how we're not having the Olympics. Can you recall how bad it was in 2024 with the Democrat National Convention? I mean, that would have been like a breakdown on the expressway in the breakdown lane compared to what this would have done to the entire city. - Yeah, and it was a big push at the time, but we were told it was going to be such an economic boom. - 'Cause it always is, right? - To the area, and everyone was going to love it so much. And there weren't a lot of people in the media bringing up the cons of the Olympics coming here. - But because there were more important things to discuss, like the fact that the New York Times was going to be able to unload 75 Morrissey Boulevard, where their paper had gone out of business, the Boston Globe, and they were going to be able to unload that so that it could become like a roller ball or a pickleball stadium. - Pickleball stadium rats, and they never got the chance. - They never got the chance. - So you're going to be taking a victory lap on that today? - Yeah, but we'll also be talking about this Secret Service. This Secret Service report is just, I mean, this story in the New York Times. I mean, it makes you wonder what the New York Times could do if they ever really wanted to do something, 'cause this is a pretty good story. - Yeah, when they want to be, they can put on the reporter caps. It's just all about the will. Sometimes the will is not there. - They're getting a little rusty, but they-- - Every once in a while. - Yeah. - Every once in a while, they show their talent. How we cars coming up next, don't go anywhere. I'll see you all tomorrow. - We campaign with the plan. - Ahhh! (upbeat music)