The Howie Carr Radio Network

Olympic Outrage Over Opening Ceremonies Plus Biden Backs Term Limits for SCOTUS | 7.29.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Grace talks to Dr. Thomas Williams (Breitbart's Rome Bureau Chief) about the Olympics "Last Supper" mockery. Later, Joe Biden is sick of old people running the show...and he is writing about it in the Washington Post.

Broadcast on:
29 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. - Well, you don't want too much, Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. (upbeat music) - Hello everyone and welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. Okay, so over the weekend we had the Olympic opening ceremony and there was a lot of pushback to the Last Supper mockery, which now the organizers are claiming it was never based off the Last Supper, so there's all sorts of different narratives here swirling about, but joining us to talk about the reactions that this elicited and also give us his take on his reaction to the opening ceremonies is Dr. Thomas Williams. He's Breitbart's Rome Bureau Chief and he joins the show now. Dr. Williams, thank you so much for coming on the Grace Curly Show. - Grace, it is always a pleasure to talk with you and this is something you always have really fun and interesting and important things to discuss, so bring it on. - All right, well, thank you, Dr. Williams. I wanted to start by giving us your reaction to what you witnessed at the Olympics on that opening ceremony with the Last Supper. Fill people in a little bit. I know you've done reporting on it. What, for anyone who might have missed it, why did this spark so much conversation, not just online, but really everywhere in the media? - Well, it was really horrific. It was a stunt. It was meant to attract attention and it did. The organizers got exactly what they intended with this. They set up a scene of a bunch of transvestites of drag queens who were dressed as Jesus in the Twelve Apostles. They're gathered in a scene that mimics the Last Supper painted by Leonardo da Vinci. It's a very iconic scene. It's one that's imitated over and over again. They've done it with dogs, they've done it with women, they've done it over and over to try different takes on that scene, but everybody recognized it. And right now, the fact that they're coming now several days later and saying, "Oh, that's not what we meant." It's just a lie, and it's a lie because everyone reacted the same. And this is people on the left and people on the right. Everyone understood what they were trying to do. Some defended it, some attacked it, but it was clearly meant to be a parody of the Last Supper. It was clearly meant to be a parody of Leonardo's Last Supper because it was set up in choreographed in the exact same way as the composition is found in Leonardo's Last Supper, which is Milan. So, I mean, there's really no like to stand on if you're trying to deny that's what was intended. Even when they issued an apology, it was sorry, not sorry sort of apology. We're sorry that Christians were offended by this, basically saying if you've got such thin skin, it's your problem, not ours. But even then, the communications person said, recognize the fact that people offended because that's what it was. She didn't try to deny it and say, "This was not the Last Supper." She said, "Get over it. "Why are you so offended that the most iconic "and holy scene in all of Christian history "is being made a mockery with a bunch of drag queens?" - Yeah, I wanna play one of the organizers responding to the controversy, and it goes to what you were just saying, Dr. Williams. Let's have cut nine, please. - Clearly, there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group on the contrary. I think that to imagine here, we did try to intend to celebrate community tolerance, that was his word yesterday, and looking at the result of the polls that we shared, we believe that this ambition was achieved if people have taken any offense. We are, of course, really, really sorry. - Yeah, and the reason that stuck out to me is, like you said, she starts off by saying we never intended any disrespect, which, of course, that was part of the purpose of this entire thing, but also talking about how it's a message of tolerance and inclusion, I oftentimes feel like if the platform that you're coming from, or if the agenda that you're pushing is so tolerant and so inclusive, why do you feel the need to make fun of a certain religion or a certain group of religious people? Why is that the overall message is we're making fun of people, or making a mockery of something, if truly where you're coming from is a place of love, what do you say to that, Dr. Williams? - Well, I think that's clear, and they expect Christians to turn the other cheek. You would never, ever set up a mockery like that of the Prophet Mohammed at the Olympics. People would be a gas, not only Muslims, everyone. Every right-thinking secularist would say, "You can't do that, that's so mean, it's so low." But with Christians, it's a viable target, and it's something that's, it is because Christians are generally very tolerant, very forgiving people, honestly. I think people feel they can get away with it. But it is right that people like, so the French Bishops Conference immediately came up with a statement saying they'd deplored the insult to Christianity that was this mockery. You're at the Catholic League in the United States, you had a number of bishops around the world, French bishops, American bishops, coming out and saying that this is simply wrong to be trampling a religious tradition that happens to be, in this case, Christianity. But also the majority of French people still identify as Christians, actually a significant majority. And so you're actually, you know, really spitting in the face of your own people, and you're saying this is the best that French have to offer. I mean, it's interesting, a lot of people have gone back and taken opening ceremonies from other, from Greece, and from the United States, and from London, and from other places, and shown how dignified they were. And they're really trying to show off the best of their culture. And a lot of people are looking to think, is this the best of French culture to take an Italian work by one of the greatest Renaissance painters, Leonardo da Vinci, of an iconic Christian scene, and to make that the object of abuse. And some have also pointed out something I think which is very valid. The fact that the Olympic Committee had been very tough this year on saying, men will not be allowed to compete against women in the Olympics. And I think that they, I think, especially Emmanuel Macron, Emmanuel Macron, President Macron, met several times with Thomas Jolly, who was the organizer of the director. He's a gay man who produced this opening ceremony. He met with him several times. He knew exactly what was gonna be shown. And I think that they thought that they would throw a soft to the LGBTQI, however many letters, community, and say, "Well, we're not gonna let you compete, "but we will give you the opening ceremony. "You can do it if you want. "Go to town, get out there." And I think that's what happened. I think this was really an attempt to kind of appease that particular sector in a very ignoble way. And I think that a lot of people have a lot to answer for it. This isn't just the actors, this isn't just the producer. These are also French authorities who allowed this to happen. - Yeah, and you talked about this a little bit in the beginning of this interview, but part of it that kind of drives me crazy is if you're trying to offend me, just be honest about it. Like if that's the goal is to be bombastic or to ruffle people's feathers, at least have the courage that when you have a successful mission that you stand by, don't then gaslight people into saying, "Oh, it wasn't even supposed to be the last supper." Oh, no, no, no, no. We never wanted to offend anyone. I just find that there's such a cowardice in that. There's absolute cowardice. And there's a reason that they waited several days. It's really when the resistance hit such a temperature that they felt like they had to say something to back away from it that they finally started. Oh, that's not what we meant at all. But that's wink, wink, nod, nod, and obvious lie. The whole reason that the world has risen up, even we had Jews and Muslims stand up as well with Christians and saying, "If this were done to my relationship, I'd be very upset." I mean, everyone knows exactly what the intent was. And maybe even if you say the intent was not to offend but to play with the seat by introducing these men dresses, women, and this playing with it is still fact religious. You're playing with something that is sacred, that people hold very, very dear that goes to the core of who they are and what they believe. And that is offensive. And to play dumb and say, "Well, we never intended it to be offensive." - You did. I mean, what is a provocation if not something that really gets people stand or up and they get really upset about it? That's what it is. - Yeah, my sister one time told me, and this was on a totally different subject, but she was referencing something, and she said, "You can't play dumb and smart "at the same time." And that seems to be what they're trying to do here. I wanted to ask you, and you mentioned this a little bit earlier, but oftentimes the common pushback that I hear when something like this happens is no one would ever do this to another religion or imagine if it was this religion, insert that religion, there would be outrage, but it feels like even if we are able to make that clever argument, and there's a lot of truth to it, and I'm not denying it, and I heard the bishops making that argument, but it doesn't really get us anywhere, Dr. Williams, 'cause I still have you on the show, I'll have you on the show the next time the Met Gala happens, and they're dressing up like the Pope or Madonna's making an album. It still seems to be very accepted in our culture, in our society, that Christians are allowed to be mocked in this way. So is, do you have any ideas for religious people going forward to say, if you feel strongly about it, there needs to be something else. It can't just be sitting back waiting to see these things, and then saying, well, that wouldn't happen if it were another religion. - Your point is well taken, Grace. I would say two quick things to that. The first thing is that the fact of the matter remains that Christians are not gonna bomb anybody. The reason you have things like Charlie Hebdo and you have these other situations where you offend Islam, you are pretty sure you're gonna get a violent and often fatal response, lethal response, and that is, you're not gonna get that with Christians. And people know that, and that's part of who we are as Christians, we own that. But secondly, you're exactly right, that we do have to stand up taller and be firmer about this, and a lot of it has to do with also demanding from those on the left. Hey, you say you're in favor of human rights, you say you're in favor of freedoms, you end up with religious freedom. This is offensive. Why are you not rising? Why isn't the ACLU standing up? Why aren't university presidents standing up? Why does it have to be just the group that is actually being offended? Why isn't it the entire community in the West? And that's something I think that we have to challenge them and say, look, if you really believe that you stand by this sort of respect and this sort of tolerance, but you allow these abuses to go on without a word, then there's a serious problem here and you are complicit. And I think that we have to call them on that. - Yeah, Dr. Williams, I'm really glad you brought that up about the entire Western world 'cause I was reading a story today by John Daniel Davidson and the Federalist, and he was talking about this mockery, and he said, it's not just mocking, it's not just the religion that's being mocked, it's the Western world. There's so much about that scene that's reflective of the culture, and it's a shot at the entire Western world. Even if you wanna look at it and say, oh, Catholic should be offended, it's a lot more than that. - That's a very good point. It is. Well, in part because, obviously, the Christian religion is part of the Warp and Warp of the Western tradition. I mean, it really is at the core of Western culture, and as much as, you know, modern secularists wanna kind of divorce themselves from that past, they can't. It's too much a part of the artist, too much a part of the literature, it's too much a part of the history, so many decisions, so many great and beautiful things have been done because the Western world was Christendom. It was Christian, and it actually existed in opposition to, in large part Islam, but in other, as well, Christendom was a reality of itself because of a shared belief in the Western world in Jesus Christ. So, I mean, this is something that is simply undeniable, and you can't step too far away from that without leaving behind your very identity. - Yeah, and part of this, too, and then I'll let you go, Dr. Tom Williams. I know you're very busy, but part of this conversation that always strikes me as strange is that it seems like these moments that are meant to offend Christians, or meant to offend any religious people, it always is part of a ceremony that otherwise, people do wanna enjoy. Like, people really, we're at a time right now where people really do wanna feel unified. Everyone wants to be watching one thing at the same time, enjoying Celine Dion, or enjoying Lady Gaga, watching something wonderful, watching something, you know, uplifting, and so it's unfortunate that a lot of this agenda, whether or not the organizers wanna be honest about it, it does tend to seek to divide people or to exclude people. - Without a doubt, Grace, that is exactly what it does, and it's not only even the religious aspect. There were so many parents on social media that said, "This was so offensive, "I couldn't even allow my children to watch. "I can't allow my children to watch "the opening ceremony for the Olympic Games." I mean, to what level have we descended when our kids cannot watch the Olympics? Because it is two, it pushes the envelope too far, it's too sexually provocative, it's just too much in your window. I mean, even beyond the question of the sacrilege involved, this is something, is this really what we've got? And again, it's very sad, and I think that a lot of people are really, even the French, you're seeing a lot of French people, especially obviously from more conservative French people, but saying this is the result of bringing in this crazy, leftist coalition to rule the country. This is a group of leftist minorities that believe that this is what art is, and it's not. And so it's the people need to speak up, and whether the people are particularly religious or not, this is something that anyone who cares about Western civilization should be up and arms over. - Really well said, Dr. Tom Williams, please tell people where they can read all of your work and where they can find you on social media. - @TDWilliamsRome on X, formerly Twitter, or on just the World Wide Web. - Awesome, thank you so much, sir. I really appreciate your time. We'll be right back and we'll take your calls on this. The number is 844-542-42. We're also going to talk about the 12 children killed after a rocket struck a soccer field, 12 Israeli children, Hezbollah fired this rocket allegedly, and we'll discuss it on the other side. - The Grace Curly Show will be right back. (dramatic music) - This is the Grace Curly Show. - I just talked to Dr. Thomas Williams from Breitbart about the opening Olympic ceremonies where the performers mocked the Last Supper and 508 says, God Grace, you can't even say Muslim, you really are a squish. - Well, I thought Dr. Thomas Williams said, Muhammad. So, but I can say it as well. Yeah, if they did this with the religion of Islam, there would be outrage, that that was the point, that was kind of the point of the whole conversation. I'm sorry if I didn't make it clear enough for you 508. Please don't accuse me of being squishy on this topic. No, but the other part of that conversation which 781 points out is Muslims recognize Jesus as a prophet. So, I don't think there's a lot of religions that this sits well with. I think it was pretty offensive across the board, even if the organizers are claiming that was never their intention. Kevin, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. What is going on, Kevin? - Grace, how you doing next to Jake and Michael Hall? Of course. - I'm a Catholic, so I agree with you on all the religious sentiments with this. But I think the approach is all wrong. And it goes back to something that Ben Shapiro constantly says, we're trying to make a religious argument against these interdictions of these people are making, are trying to violate. But the bottom line is we're dealing with secular people who are probably mostly atheists. But the real issue here is that the left has no culture. That's what we need to drill home here. We're not gonna win this fight by making these appeals to religious authority and the holy books and everything, all of which I agree with. But the bottom line is you have the American left that tries itself on social progress. But at the end of the day, it has nothing to actually promote that actually achieves progress. It's empty, it's a vacuous culture. That's what we need to be driving home. - Yeah, because Kevin, when I say to Dr. Williams, and he made the point, and I've seen it all over Twitter, I saw Bishop make this point on video where he says, you know, if this were any other religion, I agree with you. I'm kind of like, well, okay, but it's been established that you can make fun. And I'm not saying I like it, I'm a Roman Catholic, but you don't get in trouble for making, you don't even get in trouble for like defacing a statue outside or a religious monument. You don't get in trouble for bullying people that are going to Catholic masses. It doesn't happen, so you're right. The argument is kind of stale and kind of tired. It's officially accepted in our society that you can make fun of Christians, that you can say whatever you want. And there's really besides a here and there, a little bit of pushback, there's not going to be much of that. And so I take your point. I think it's a really good one, Kevin. 844-542-42. And like Dr. Williams said, this is the best we have to offer for the opening ceremonies at the Olympics. Weak stuff. Two thumbs down. Celine Dion, however. Excellent. Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. - Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're not happy with your smile, you can be. You can be very happy with your smile and you can visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. So call 1-844-a-perfect-smile or visit Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? - Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is does Kamala Harris' abbreviated campaign help or hurt her odds of winning the election? - I'm going to say it definitely helps. It gives the media three months to put this slobberfest in overdrive. Her campaign can really limit any sort of ex-temporaneous remarks that she gives. She will deliver canned speeches off a teleprompter. She'll have hit piece after hit piece or should I say puff piece after puff piece, magazines, photo shoots, celebrities. Everyone's going to be wanting to meet with Kamala and they can do that for three months. If it were any longer than that, I think too many cracks would start to appear. - 77% say it helps. - You know, it's something noteworthy about the responses to this Olympics opening ceremony. And I noticed this on social media. I want to read you one post that really stood out to me. And this post talked about obviously the drag queens that were portraying or mocking the last supper. Now the organizers were saying that was never what we were trying to do. But this person on social media row, I don't care about the drag queen show at the Paris Olympics, whether they meant to offend Christians by depicting the last supper or they were portraying Greek mythology as irrelevant. The goal was the same either way to be divisive, which is a shame. The Olympics used to be about exceptionalism and coming together proudly representing your country. It was about friendly competition in merit. That's why we watched because it brought us all together. There's a lot of responses out there because sometimes, and I'm going to give you an example. Every year I watch the Super Bowl and I always watch the halftime show. And there's a certain group of people, sometimes it's conservatives, it does tend to be conservatives, who are watching ready to hate the halftime show, ready to be mad about something. If J-Lo performs so scandalous, she was up there shaking her butt and she barely had any clothes on and it was grotesque and I'm always the first one to be like pop culture's pop culture, like entertainment's entertainment, salsa dancing, salsa dancing. Sometimes people are going to live it up a little bit. It's not going to be exactly what you like. It's not always going to be the Beatles up on stage in 2024. It's even worse. Yeah, it's not going to be these old people up on stage singing these rock songs. And by the way, all of those people in their time were considered, oh, the craziest thing, this is so offensive. That's the way entertainment works. You know, every new generation's going to offend somebody. And so I always tell people, I go into those things wanting to like it. I love theater, I love lights, I love performances. And I go in wanting to like it. But the thing about the Olympics, which I'm noticing is this is not something where people were going in hoping to be offended or watching for something that didn't rub them the right way. This was a lot of people who wanted nothing more than to support the athletes who work so hard their whole lives to support their country that's competing in this Olympics and to feel like they were a part of something. We are longing for that in our society. I don't mean to sound overdramatic, but my point is it was a warm crowd. It was a crowd that wanted to sit around with their families and watch and say, oh, look at the opening ceremonies. Like there's something for all of us to join in on. And so the fact that they felt that this was necessary, to me, it's exactly what that person said. It's a shame because you could have made this fun for everyone. You could have made this a moment where we didn't focus so much on all of our differences, but we focused on the things we like. We focused on sports. We focused on, you know, pride for your country. And the other part that I'd point out about all of this mocking of Christian values or mocking of the Last Supper is beyond just being offensive and then trying to make it seem like it's not offensive, it's also just tired. It's the same way I feel about when AOC calls Trump Hitler or a neo-Nazi. It's like, yes, it's stupid. Yes, it's political. Yes, it's hyperbole. But beyond anything else, it's boring. It's predictable. Like I could have guessed that something like this was gonna happen. You're not really being cutting edge. The same way when Rihanna comes out to the mekal dressed like the Pope, I'm like, maybe in 1975 that would be cutting edge, but now this is kind of par for the course as far as culture goes, is making fun of Christians. David, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, David. - Great. It's a pretty fantastic, amazing culture is being taken over though. They're losing it to the radical Islam culture. And now here we have the transgender community always calling for respect, tolerance and so forth. And then, but they mocked Jesus in the last supper. It was France was the land of St. Teresa, St. Bernadette, St. Vincent Ball, who helped all these poor people. It was the 80-year-old Father Jacques Hamil had his folks, let's say in mass, in 2016. So now, I mean, the transgender community that's they're mocked in the last supper, do they really think that radical Islam is gonna treat them with respect and tolerance when all the Catholics and Christians leave the country and are gone? - Well, I'll also be curious, David, to kind of piggyback on what you're saying, I'll also be curious what the LGBTQ community, because this group that these organizers of the Olympics, I'm sure they think that they speak for the LGBTQ community. They don't, they put up a bunch of people to perform or to mock the last supper. It doesn't mean that they are representing an entire group of people. But I would be interested to hear what people in that community think, because they might also be thinking like, you guys aren't making, you're just, you're constantly creating controversy, almost for the sake of creating controversy, like just to get people angry. 844-500-42-42, thank you for the call, David. I wanted to switch gears here for a second, because there's a big story out of the IDF. So the IDF is slamming the Washington Post for a misleading headline on the Hezbollah attack. I'm not sure if people saw, because there were actually plenty of headlines that misrepresented what happened. And of course, when I say misrepresented, don't confuse it with like an accident. These are all very intentional narrative pushes by the Washington Post and by other outlets. So here's the story. It says the Israeli Defense Forces slammed the Washington Post on Monday for running a headline that suggested the Israeli victims of a Hezbollah rocket attack were Lebanese victims of an Israeli attack. So they had this photo of mourners that were attending the funerals for these 12 children that were killed on a soccer field. And the headline ran Israel hits targets in Lebanon, illustrated by the families grieving lost ones in an attack by terrorists on the Golan Heights. So the IDF pointed to a basic inconsistency with the newspapers report. This is the front page of the Washington Post today. You can see the grieving family members burying children murdered by Hezbollah. If by chance you understood anything else from their headline, you might not be the problem. Yeah, and Beebe Netanyahu has now said that there will be severe consequences. And the response from people on the left who are so eager to believe everything, like of course, what immediately happens is the terror group first takes responsibility for it and celebrates, look it, we killed people, we fired this rocket into a soccer field. And then they back away and they go sergeant shults on the matter, like we knew nothing, we knew nothing. And then they say it was an Israeli rocket, it was an Israeli rocket that hit the soccer field. And if you're believing that propaganda, you have to be breathtakingly stupid, which is convenient for a lot of the people in our government because that's exactly what they are. Now on the heels of this attack, it's worth noting that the Turkish president has now threatened to invade Israel, which comes amid a dramatic flare up in the nine month cross border war between the IDF and Hezbollah, as it was reported in several different outlets today. But most of the headlines for media outlets focused on, not the 12 children who were killed. I'm waiting for all these human rights groups that always come running for these things to condemn this attack. There's been a lot of silence on that front. But what instead these headlines focused on was the Israeli occupied, or the Israeli controlled Golan Heights. That was really the lead they were running with. So yeah, the cover of "The Washington Post." I'm guessing it was the same issue that had Joe Biden's op-ed about the Supreme Court, had a photo of the mourners attending the funeral for those 12 children with the headline, "Israel Hits Target" in Lebanon. Nothing misleading about that. And as we're talking about this, let's switch now, 'cause we're gonna cover a lot of things in the next few segments here, Joe Biden's op-ed. "The Washington Post" had a very busy day. Democracy dies in darkness, but not today, folks, not with "The Washington Post." He writes this op-ed, and he totally wrote it himself, just like the statement that he posted on Twitter about how he's not gonna run for president. There's definitely nobody else who was typing this up for Joe Biden. He wrote how he has overseen more Supreme Court nominations than anyone living today. A weird thing to write in the same story where you're calling for term limits, to remind people how old you are. I've been around the block so many times, I've seen more Supreme Court nominations than anyone alive today. Also, I think you guys are too old. You're just too old. It's time to move on. So then he goes on to talk about how important term limits are. Does anyone see the irony in that? He's sitting there saying, "As I'm the oldest politician around, "I just had the torch ripped out right out of my claws "against my will, "and now I'm gonna tell all of you people "about how it's important not to let the oldies "stick around too long. "If anyone's equipped to lecture us "about when it's time to hang it up, "it's Joe Biden? "Is Nancy Pelosi gonna come out "and tell us the importance of term limits? "What about Jim Clyburn? "Bernie Sanders? "Are these people gonna come around now and say, "You just, you gotta infuse the young people "into these jobs?" So I thought Mary Catherine Hamm, she really summed this up perfectly. She said, "Now that I have," in quotes, "now that I have honorably limited my government service "to just 51 years, "I think the proper limit for a position "that is supposed to be a lifetime "should be 18 years." Rules start now. That is really what Joe Biden's all about. He's like, he just finished up his time. It's 51 years as a swamp creature. And he's like, let's put a limit on this. This is getting out of control. And of course it won't pass. You know, it's a lame duck. He's a lame duck. He's throwing stuff against the wall. He's hoping people will look at that headline about the Supreme Court and presidential immunity and all this other stuff. And that maybe people will forget that we bizarrely have co-presidents running the country and oh yeah, PS, the world is on fire. Maybe this op-ed and the Washington Post will distract you from that. But I love, I just wanna go on record here and say, I love the Supreme Court. Not because, I'm not, I'm, you know me, Taylor. I'm not gonna get into like the deep meaning of the Constitution and how they're upholding the rule of law. I love the Supreme Court because progressives hate the Supreme Court so much. And guess what? The Supreme Court, they don't always make decisions I like. Oftentimes I hear the decisions from the Supreme Court. They come down on the docket and I go, that wasn't a great batch. But I'm always gonna love them because AOC and Joe Biden and the rest of these progressives, they go crazy over this court. They can't decide if they wanna pack it, if they wanna abolish it. And the funny part is they're obsessed with this idea that it's like Trump justices. Like as if Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett have like orange hair or something like they're little Trumpian justices. Most of the time, I'm not that impressed with the rulings that Coney Barrett or Brett Kavanaugh come down on. And guess what? Katanji Brown Jackson is oftentimes, in some of these rulings, she's siding with the supposed Trumpian justices. - Trump and all his Trumpies. - Yes, and now Biden's telling us no one is above the law and people need to leave before they get too old. And soon, in the same way that he used to say, God, pay your fair share. And I would think, why don't you say that to Hunter? Now he's gonna be going around saying, you can't be old in these jobs. And maybe now he thinks he has a little bit of leverage on that. Like, oh, now that I'm passing the torch, I can start going around and telling people how important it is. 844, 542, 42. Oh, okay, so I did find this example here, just to circle back to the Olympics. Jillian Michaels, who used to be a trainer on The Biggest Loser, she put this out on Twitter. She said, "Dear fellow gays, we demand tolerance and respect, "but then we make a mockery of something sacred "for over two billion Christians. "This type of hypocrisy and lack of understanding "is a bad look. "We get outraged when the extreme right bashes us, "but then we do this bleep. "What kind of a reaction do you think they will have "towards the LGBTQ+ community after this? "This is not how we break down barriers. "It's how you build them." I like that response by Jillian Michaels. 844, 542, 42. We'll be right back with your calls. This is The Grace Curly Show. - You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. So the latest talking point and the research from Grabion is showing that it's CNN and MSNBC, the two likely suspects that are pushing this new talking point and it's Vance is weird. That's what they keep saying. JD Vance is weird. In the last two days, this is from Tom Elliott, they broadcast that DNC line more than 150 times between the two networks. Again, it's the lack of subtlety that I think they're having an issue with here. You wanna roll out something over time, have a little nuance to it. 150 times in two days, I'm gonna catch on. - That's weird. - That you're pushing a talking point. And by the way, since we're talking about things that are weird, I don't take advice on who or what is weird from networks like MSNBC and CNN. MSNBC thought Michael Avenatti, for example, was the second coming, that he was going to be president, that he was going to save us all. CNN, they've got their own host of issues. Home to Jeffrey Toobin, I believe. - Damn, Jeffrey Toobin. At least P.R.E. Herman was in an X-rated movie theater. I was just saying. - Yeah, but please keep telling us how JD Vance is weird because you guys are the arbiters of who is weird and who isn't and who is totally normal. MSNBC, by the way, also has Joy Reid on there, who's constantly throwing out blue and non-conspiracy theories and telling us how her homophobic blog was hacked by some sort of nefarious actor who is trying to ruin her career. So again, I appreciate the warning about JD Vance, but in the words of another weird person, consider the source. That is all I'm warning you about. So when we come back, I wanna talk about a few different subjects, but I have this question that I'm posing to the audience. We're seeing this, as Ron DeSantis called it, a whitewashing of Kamala Harris' record. The media is just tripping over themselves, trying to tell you how great she is. Pete Buttigieg was on Fox News Sunday, explaining that she was never the borders are. She had nothing to do with any of this. Biden did such a great job, but also Kamala shouldn't be linked to any part of his administration. And the media for right now, during this Harris honeymoon, there's been a bump in her polls, the media is all in, and really they're working their absolute hardest to make her a strong candidate. But my question is, will there be any outliers in this group? Will there be anyone? Let's say in the press pool, and I'm not talking about the typical, like Peter Ducey or Steve Nelson. I'm talking about the alphabet networks. Will there be any journalists who think to themselves, do I want four more years of being shoot out of the room and not having any transparency, or would I be better off with Donald Trump? That's the question. We'll answer it on the other side. (upbeat music)