The Howie Carr Radio Network

SWAT Teams Says No Communication with Secret Service | 7.29.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Grace discusses more bombshell reports from the attempted assassination of Donald J. Trump. Plus, the Olympic organizers are now claiming they didn't intend to offend with the opening ceremony Last Supper mockery. Do you believe them?

Broadcast on:
29 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. - Well, you don't want too much Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace stand up. - Grace Curly. - Hello everyone. Now welcome back to the Grace Curly Show and happy Monday to all of you. I hope you had a delightful weekend and I hope you're ready to kick off another week with us. We have some great guests today. We've got Dr. Thomas Williams, who's Breitbart's Rome Bureau Chief. He's going to be joining us to talk all things Olympics. Well, not all things, just the opening ceremony and the last supper mockery moment that went viral this weekend, elicited plenty of reactions from viewers. I'm looking at Fox right now. It's the main Chiron Olympics accused of mocking Christians and ceremony. I'm either being, to even say being accused. Like I'm not liking this gaslighting tactic that we're getting. Well, they weren't trying to mock the last supper. It was more of a, it was a play on a Greek style. No, you talked about how it was based off the last supper. Now you're trying to backtrack and then the organizers who put together this artistic vision are now trying to tell us in this half-assed apology, I'm sorry if people were offended. You know what I'm offended by? I'm not offended by all this nonsense. I'm a Roman Catholic, so I'm very used to. I learned at an early age that Catholics are allowed to be mocked as much as people want. There's nothing you can't say about Catholics. There's no amount of blasphemous material that celebrities can't put out and make money off of, that's all well and good and you just have to deal with it. Same with the Irish, by the way. You fall under the same category, just ask Joe Biden. But what offends me more than anything else is when people offer up apologies where they say, I'm sorry if this offended you. Well, don't be sorry. I think your point was to offend people. So you're not sorry that it offended people. That was kind of your intention. If you're going to be sorry, be sorry for something. Like either be sorry or don't be sorry. If you feel bad because you understand now why people would be offended by it, then explain that. But this whole like, I'm sorry. And I've had people do this to me before. You know, you're not arguing with someone. I'm sorry if you feel that way. Hold on a second. No, no, no, no, no. Don't be sorry about how I feel or how I'm offended. If you're going to apologize, understand what you're sorry for. I hope my wife's listening. It's so passive aggressive. It's like the most gaslighting way to apologize. I'm sorry if you took it that way, huh? I'm sorry if it hurt your feelings. 'Cause then it puts the onus on you. Like you're so sensitive. Or you misconstrued the artistic vision that we've curated here at the Olympics. I'm sorry, you're so small minded and feeble and weak and sensitive that you couldn't understand the gravitas behind this. No, don't apologize for that. - I may be Irish, but I'm not stupid. - As Lisa Rinna once said on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, own it. That's all I ask people to do. You're going to make a decision. You better stick with that decision. Or if you're going to apologize, you better actually understand what people are mad about. Don't you say, "I'm sorry if people took it the wrong way." No, people took it the exact way you put it out there. So anyway, we're going to talk to him about that. We've got plenty to cover on that front. Also, 12 Israeli children were killed over the weekend after Hezbollah launched a rocket at her soccer field in Golan Heights. The reaction from world leaders and of course their dutiful parrots in the media is exactly what most of us have come to expect. In the same way that I always expect Catholics to be mocked around the world, I also expect the media to cover anything happening in Israel or in the Middle East with their own bias slant. And so we will talk about that. We will cover it. I want to give you kind of a rundown of what this means, what's happening in Turkey, of what the fallout could be based off the reports I'm seeing. Another update for you. Biden wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post. Did you see this, Taylor? - I did not. - Well, right there you have to suspend your disbelief, right? That Biden wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post. - Becoming a real author. - He really is, he sits at that. What do you think he uses, a Mac laptop? - No, fountain point, fountain pen. - Oh, and then you think someone else types a forum? - He's got a feather on it. - He's got a little pot, he dips it into. - Dip, dip, dip, dip, dip, dip. - He wrote an op-ed slamming George Clooney's op-ed in the New York Times. That was all based on it, it was a rebuttal op-ed. No, I'm just joking. He wrote an op-ed, actually though, you could argue just as ridiculous, slamming the Supreme Court justices for staying in their jobs too long. Didn't take him long to hop on that bandwagon. Yeah, he got on that one pretty quick. We will get into it. I mean, I imagine being on the Supreme Court and you're like, you're gonna tell us about hanging around too long? - Like leaving a bank robber year early and yelling at the other bank robbers. Hey, what are you guys doing? - That's wrong, man. You're not supposed to be doing that, that's stealing. Yeah, no, he really is like the level of the lack of self-awareness is amazing that at 81, he got pushed out because this is the other part of the lie that I really, it drives me crazy that the media is trying to push. It's like he gave it up for the greater good. They had to pry that torch out of his old wrinkly hands. He was not handing that over to Kamala Harris. He was not saying, you are the future. They had to pry it away and probably threaten him with the 25th Amendment and then encircle him like hyenas to get him to tap the torch. And now that he's done it, he's like, by the way, I think everybody else is getting a little too old. How's an all-guy do that? - You know what we need? We need younger people in these positions. - I hardly remember those days, right? - All you oldies need to know how to move - Let's go late, let the world let's get it done. - I wanted to actually start today though with the latest information and this is an amazing story. It keeps evolving as we find out more and the finger pointing continues. It's hard for me to figure out the real story here on the attempted assassination of Donald J. Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13th. That would be my advice for Christopher Ray. He's like, don't focus so much on the shrapnel versus the bullet, okay? We've got plenty of video that clarifies that. We don't need your expertise on that one. Why don't you try to figure out how all this information managed to slip to the cracks? Why don't you put your focus on that and we'll let the video and the photographers figure out the whole bullet situation. So The New York Times runs this piece. It was published today right after midnight and it's pretty incredible. It says that the Beaver County Emergency Service Unit that they were exchanging text messages, a few of these officers about the gunman more than 90 minutes before the bullet was by Trump's head. So ABC had an entry, and that's not all. So The New York Times has this story and I wanna read you some cuts from it. And then ABC also has an interview where they talk about or they talk to Beaver County SWAT team members and they get a different story. But let me read you just a little bit from The New York Times and the lines are open so you can always chime in. Text messages between members of the Beaver County Emergency Service Unit obtained by The New York Times revealed a more concrete and earlier timeline leading up to the shooting that grazed the former president's ear and injured two rally goers and killed one. Someone, now this is the text from a counter sniper. And this is what he texted a colleague as he headed out. So he was leaving around 4.26 p.m. Someone followed our lead and snuck in and parked by our cars just so you know. I'm letting you know because you see me go out with my rifle and put it in my car. So he knows you guys are up there sitting to the direct right on a picnic table about 50 yards from the exit. He wrote of a suspicious person who turned out to be crooks. Around 5.10 p.m., crooks was below the counter snipers who were inside the AGR International Building Warehouse where the 20-year-old eventually climbed onto the roof. One of the counter snipers took photos of him and shared them in a group chat around 5.38 p.m. An officer also wrote in a text that they should tell the Secret Service about the suspicious person as the range finder he had on him alarmed authorities. The newspaper reported. I think this is a rewrite from the post. Kid, now I think it says kid learning. I think it might have, I think the most likely was lurking. Kid learning around the building we are in AGR, I believe it is, the text reads. I did see him with the range finder looking towards stage. FYI, if you wanna notify SS Secret Service snipers to look out, I lost sight of him. Call it into command. Now this is another message, okay, that an officer texted back. Call it into command and have a uniform, check it out. The photos were shared with the Secret Service through a series of steps at the command center according to the newspaper. Now members of Trump's Secret Service detail, large complaints that they were not informed that local cops were tracking a suspicious person at the rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, according to the Washington Post. So the Washington Post had a different story. The detail complained to agency brass that it was not included and multiple alerts sent in the 25 minutes before Thomas Crookes opened fire. Three insiders told the Washington Post. The detail members were also kept out of the loop when local counter snipers lost track of Crookes and when another local officer saw the 20 year old perched on the roof of a nearby building with a gun. Now ABC, as I pointed out, has an interview with these two members of the Beaver County SWAT team and listen to what they had to say. This is on the pictures of the 20 year old would be assassin. This is cut seven. He was looking up and down the building and just wandering around and it just seemed out of place. Greg Nichols snapped these photos of the shooter. We had a text group between the local snipers ever on scene. I had sent those pictures out to that group and advised them of what I noticed and what I'd seen. What do you think is transpiring once you send in what you've sent in? I assume that there would be somebody coming out to, you know, speak with this individual or, you know, find out what's going on. So how do you know if Greg's concerns about Crookes are being relayed properly? We don't. Yes, we have to assume that when he put that information out to command, that command took that information and did something with it. We don't know if they did. We don't know. So now it's coming down to a communication issue. That's what I keep reading about. But everything I've read, whether it be the SWAT team, whether it be the local police, whether it be the circuit service, in my mind, I haven't read anything yet that makes me feel as though the secret service has offered any sort of valid reasoning for dropping the ball. Like it all does go back. I just, they're the top dog. Like you are responsible for protecting the former president of the United States. It does not matter if you feel you were left out of a loop for 25 minutes. It's your job to stay in the loop. You're the secret service. You guys are the ones kind of running the show. You can delegate things to other local law enforcement, but the buck stops with the secret service. - Exactly. I also feel that there, every aspect of this investigation and what it's revealed so far, seems like there was room for improvement every step along the way. Like this, I don't know who it was that sent those text messages to his cohorts in the SWAT team. But his shift was ending and he was walking on. He said, I just saw some weirdo lurking around the building and he knows exactly where you guys are. Peace, I'm out of here. Stick around maybe for a little bit to make sure that there's some follow through on that. - You know what's interesting though, Taylor, is that a lot of people in this equation seem to cover their own asses. And I don't mean that in an insulting way. It's like that guy made the point before he left. You might say he should have stuck around, but he made the point of saying, I'm seeing XYZ. Do you guys, are you aware of that? Here's what I see. So that guy's covered in a lot of ways. He passed on, he saw something and he said something. It's where it gets lost or where someone doesn't pick up the ball and keep running with it that I find very concerning. And I remember, I remember seeing this video one time about when, and I think I've referenced this before, when you're at a pool party or something and there's kids swimming in the pool that oftentimes a lot of drownings happen when there's a lot of people around because everybody else assumes that somebody else is watching the kids. There's so many people here, someone's watching the kids. And this woman said, you have to establish who's actually watching them. And I think about that in this situation. It seems like a lot of people thought, well, I passed it on to the next step, they'll handle it. But there was no confirmation of information being received and acted upon. And that's a problem and it's the secret services problem. Unless there's some piece of this that has yet to be revealed, I think the secret service has to answer for the bulk of these issues. You can't blame the local law enforcement. I mean, they seem to be doing the best they could with the information they had. 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Trump is gonna sit with the FBI for an interview on this assassination attempt. If you think that's a bad idea or a good idea, you can call in and give us your two cents. We'll be right back. - You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) This is The Grace Curly Show. - We were supposed to get a face-to-face briefing with the Secret Service, snipers, whenever they arrived and that never happened. So I think that that was probably a pivotal point where I started thinking things were wrong because that never happened. And we had no communication with the Secret Service. - You had no communication with the Secret Service at all on that Saturday. - No, not until after the shooting, I believe. - Yeah, and by then. - It was too late. That was Beaver County SWAT team member, Jason Woods, talking to ABC News. Yeah, when you hear that, when you hear that there was no communication, and this is after we've been told that no stone is left unturned when the Secret Service deals with something, is it that crazy that Shawn Davis from the Federalist or other conservatives would look at this and say, there's a possibility here that all of these mistakes using air quotes could have been intentional. There was an intentional attempt to drop the ball and leave Trump unprotected on the stage. And if you say that, you are dubbed a conspiracy theorist. Just like if you talked about how Biden wasn't gonna be the nominee and they were gonna move Kamala Harrison, if you talked about that in 2023, NBC News would call you a conspiracy theorist. But now, of course, it's true. If you talked about the Hunter Biden laptop, not being Russian disinformation, but actually being real photos and real videos of Hunter Biden holding guns and smoking crack in a bathtub, you were conspiracy theorists until a few months later when it was verified as true information. So this is just the latest thing. If you question how all of these things all went wrong in the same direction, you are sipping on the Kool-Aid, like you're out of your mind. And I'm just tired of it. And I've done it for a long time. I've had people call into the show for a long time and I've said, "We don't know that. "Be careful." But I'm getting kind of tired of it 'cause it's like, yeah, we don't know it. So now you're wrong for asking questions. I think the one thing we need to be doing right now in our current culture is asking plenty of questions when something like this happens. I think if you're not asking questions, you're the crazy one. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. I've got my invisible line trades. Every once in a while, you can hear it, Taylor, but I haven't gotten any complaints, except for you, of course. - I've not complained once. - It comes out every once in a while, but I will say for having the amidst line trades in, I'm changing my smile. It's very easy. It's a very seamless process, so I would suggest it. - No, you'd only know it if I saw you up close and was really, really listening extremely intently, which, of course, I'm not, so. - 1-844-Perfect-Smile, or visit Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results of the spark? - Today's poll question in which you can vote in at is, does Kamala Harris' abbreviated campaign help or hurt her odds of winning the election? - Did you see the magazine cover of her sitting on the coconut? And it said, "Kamala." They're pushing this narrative so hard that she is this godlike queen amongst us, and we just happened to miss it for the last four years. I'm gonna say the shortened, the abbreviated schedule here helps her. It's less time for her to put her foot in her mouth. - 75% say it helps. - We'll talk about that. In the big round of Swami, who's been on the show before, he had a very, very insightful take on Laura Ingram, which I'll play for you later. When we get back, more about the secret service dropping the ball, and we'll take your calls on the other side. - Do you think you just fell out of a coconut tree? (laughing) (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Thrattria studio. - Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly show, and thank you so much for tuning in today. I really appreciate it. So far we've covered more questions arising out of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump on July 13th. It really is like the Spider-Man meme where Spider-Man is just pointing at other Spider-mans. All of these agencies, all of these groups are blaming each other, and they're not taking any responsibility for anything. And now you have Secret Service claiming they weren't getting updates on things, but you have the local law enforcement saying we never even talk to Secret Service. We never were in communication with them. These are major problems, and I can't help think if these agencies were less concerned about tracking down Russian troll memesters on Facebook as they are about making sure an assassin doesn't get 400 feet away from the president, then maybe we wouldn't be in this position. Maybe this is a problem with not just missing red flag after red flag, but maybe this is fundamentally a problem with priorities. Maybe the agency, the Secret Service, is suffering because of leadership problems, because no one is actually making sure that the people handling these things, and I'm not insulting all that, because I know from Howie, who visits Mar-a-Lago, that Trump loves the Secret Service agents, and I know from my own experience that there are wonderful people in the Secret Service, but if you are not holding the people who are in charge of these things accountable, you can't be surprised when the bleep hits the fan at some point, and what I'm actually, I'm very nervous about right now, is that what we saw, and I know the Secret Service and the FBI, they've encouraged Trump not to do these outdoor rallies, he's not going to stop doing those. The same way he popped up off the ground 15 seconds after being shot in the head and said fight, fight, fight. If you think this guy's gonna go, oh okay, you guys don't think that you can offer me proper security, I just won't have my rallies anymore. That's never going to happen, he's going to try to have probably bigger rallies and better rallies, you can hear it right now, can't you? He's not going to take that advice, but what worries me is that whenever something like this happens, you automatically get copycats and you automatically get people who were looking at it and thinking, oh wow, it's not as hard as I thought it would be. They don't have that many guardrails in place here, and that's an issue. 844-542-4242, Taylor, give me this one again, so this is Beaver County SWAT team member Jason Woods talking with ABC, Fox has been playing the interview this morning, this is cut eight, please. - We were supposed to get a face-to-face briefing with the Secret Service snipers, whenever they arrived and that never happened, so I think that that was probably a pivotal point where I started thinking things were wrong because that never happened and we had no communication with the Secret Service. - You had no communication with the Secret Service at all on that Saturday? - No, not until after the shooting, I believe. - Yeah. - And by then? - It was too late. - Yeah, so this is Gregory Nickel, he's interviewed by ABC and he noticed an unintended bike and backpack and he saw the man looking up and around, then pulling a rangefinder from his pocket, there was no apparent reason to have a distance gauging device at a political rally featuring the man who in a few days would accept his party's presidential nomination. The sharpshooter snapped pictures of the suspicious looking man and the bike then flagged it to fellow snipers from his team, assigned to the event and called it into the command group. Nickel would be the first officer to issue a warning about 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks. Within an hour, Crooks would open fire from the roof of that very building. 844-542-42, we will take your calls. You know, I was thinking about this today because my dad used to tell me about this boss he had when he first started working who if you made a mistake, if something went wrong and you tried to say, oh, well, so-and-so, someone so forgot to send the order or this is what happened, he'd bring both people in to his office and he would say, okay, so Larry says this happened and Jimmy says this happened. So why don't you both figure it out right now and tell me what went wrong? Because you're blaming this one and he's blaming you so that both of those things can't be true. It seems to me like we bring in Cheadle and she blames all these people, then you're gonna bring in somebody else, they're gonna bring in the acting director at some point this week, then they're gonna talk to the local SWAT teams, why don't we just have a round table? Am I too old school? Let's have a round table and just say, somebody explained to me who dropped the ball and then when that person explains it and they blame somebody else at the table, you go to them and you say, is that true? Do you have a reason? Do you wanna point the finger somewhere else? And eventually we will find the person responsible. Maybe it's overly simplified, but there has to be some accountability here. Lisa, you're next up on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Lisa. - Hey, Grace. I think you're right, but obviously don't care too much about the 10 foil stuff or somebody calling you a conspiracy theorist. Who cares? They don't even matter. But I tell you what does matter is not just the Secret Service Director resigning, which was the right thing. And I think she should have done it immediately, but also who were the managers on the ground for the advanced team, for the counter sniper team? Okay, they have people in charge. Those teams, they're usually like two or three of them. I don't know exactly what they're called, but they all have management, the captain, the control person that's in charge of everything from local police to state police to drones they didn't have, dogs they didn't have. Trump shouldn't have gone on stage when they had some of this information. Who are they? I want their names and they should resign also. - It's such a great point. I'm glad you brought up the drones, Lisa, 'cause last week we covered this for people who haven't seen it, the Secret Service, there were reports out that there were no drones besides the Assassin's drone. He was able to fly that around two hours before the rally, but there were no other drones surveilling the area and making sure everything was okay. Why was that rejected as an option? There were a lot of things that were rejected. And when you work in any company and something goes wrong, there's a giant mistake, whatever the company might be. For the most part, until I want you to weigh on on this, tell me if I'm off base. You're working at a company and something goes wrong. Generally speaking, everybody knows whose fault it was pretty early on. You know, if you know your duties, if you know what you're in charge of and you know that something went wrong, someone dropped the ball, it usually takes about like 20 minutes of everyone sitting around before everyone's like, so you know that Martha was the one who was supposed to send that email, right? Maybe you don't say that, but you know pretty quick where it went wrong. It doesn't take like, they're like, oh, these investigations, it's only been nine days. It's only been 15 days. We need three years to investigate this and then we'll have a report and it won't be conclusive. We won't have an answer for you. They might tell us that amongst themselves, they 100% know what went wrong. - Definitely, yeah, if the company is small enough, you know exactly where the foul up was and who should be taking the brunt for it. And that's why there's all these whistleblowers coming out and I don't blame them because when the entire agency gets besmirched and everyone's gonna run with these headlines about the incompetence, if you're someone who's in the company and you do a good job or in the agency and you do a good job, yeah, you wanna tell a Josh Hawley or you wanna tell a Jim Jordan, FYI, just so you know, here's a little bit of information that might add some clarity or some context to this. Jim, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Jim. - Hi, Grace, how are ya? - I'm good, what's going on? - Good, you know, if you watch the opening of the Olympics, they sort of the person carrying the porch on top of a building. When it was raining, on top of a roof, it must have been 10 stories high. The person playing the piano was up there and the lady singing was way up there. But the Secret Service couldn't get a guy to stand on top of a shed. - I didn't see, did you watch the tailor you saw from the beginning, right? - Oh, yeah, there was this whole running montage of this guy carrying the torch. He looked like that guy from Assassin's Creed and he was doing parkour on the rooftops of Paris, carrying the torch to the games. - That's a valid point, Jim. I don't think any of us are gonna look at roofs now and not think, oh, you managed to get up there, did ya? Think about Lady-- - That's a pretty slopey roof. - Remember, well, Lady Gaga was at the Olympics, but what comes to my mind is, remember when Lady Gaga did the halftime show at the Super Bowl, she jumped off, she jumped off the top of the-- - She had like a chaka-paka-sums. - Yeah, and she just like flew down like a spider onto the field, there's a lot of good examples of that, Jim. Thank you for the call, 844-542-42. I had told you all that I was gonna play this and I do think it's worth listening to. Vivek Rama-Swami was on with Laura Ingraham. By the way, I think she's gonna interview Trump tonight on her show, so that's something we'll definitely have sound of for you tomorrow. But she was asking Vivek about Kamala Harris and this pivot to Kamala-Lot, as they're calling it, has been a lot, okay? It's been a lot for me to digest, for all of you to digest, and that's because it's happening at warp speed. It feels like just yesterday, they were telling us how sharp and wonderful Joe Biden was, and now we have co-presidents, now we see more of Kamala than we do of Joe. She's everywhere all at once, and she's giving us her two cents on Israel, on BB, on immigration, she's not the borders are anymore, even though she clearly was the borders are. And so it's a natural reaction from Republicans to start spinning your wheels and trying to show people all of the hypocrisy and like showcase, no, she was the borders are. And I did this all last week. Axios was the one who originally called her the borders are, and look what she said about this and about that. But Vivek Rama-Swami was able to distill down why that could be a dangerous game to play as Republicans going into this election. Can I have cut 10, please, Taylor? But Laura, here's the real reality for our side. Kamala Harris is not our risk. Keep in mind, forgetting about Republican voters, Democratic voters wanted to occur to come nowhere near the White House. She got zero delegates. She didn't even make it to the Iowa caucus. I ran for a 37-year-old first-timer to politics. I've gotten more delegates for U.S. president than Kamala Harris had. Nonetheless, she is actually creating a risk for us in a different way. And that is that we get distracted by the shenanigans of the Democrats and forget to deliver our own message of who we are and what we actually stand for. That's what I think is the big risk of Kamala, not that she's compelling, but that this entire drama and poorly acted version of it at times is itself a distraction for us. And that is something I have a concern about. - You guys know how I feel about distractions, because if you start to play that game, everything can be a distraction. I talk about Taylor. I'll talk about the Olympics today. People will call on. That's a distraction. - It's a distraction. You're being, and I always tell people, I'm like, yes, I am like a golden retriever at the park. I get distracted by everything. You should see me working in the morning time. Taylor walks by my office. I'm like, hey, do you see this? How he walks by? Hey, do you see that? Did someone bring in donuts? I'm always distracted. - The greatest example, not of you, but of distractions in general is everybody was calling for the Jeffrey Epstein list to be released. And anything, any story that got the way of that list being released was a distraction. And then that list got released. And then that was called a distraction. - Yeah, it really-- - Like the nothing, this is a snake eating itself. This never ends. - It's so true. And then sometimes I'll tell people, I'm like, well, I mean, when you boil it down, isn't life kind of it? We're all, we're all just distracting ourselves until the end, right? It's a series of distractions. So, but back to the big point, I don't think he's wrong in the sense that we're all in a rush to define the opposition. That's politics at play. You wanna define the candidate before they can define themselves. You wanna define Kamala Harris before she's able to create her own narrative. What we're up against though as conservatives, and we know this, the strength is that we know this going in. But what we're up against is, it's not just the Democrats who are gonna define Kamala. It's the Democrats in lockstep with media. And they're going, and they've already started orchestrating this massive campaign of sugar coating and highlighting what a wonderful candidate in person Kamala Harris is. And what Vivek is saying is true. They're going to try to define J.D. Vance as weird. That's the new thing. He's weird. They've said that like a hundred times on CNN this week. J.D. Vance is weird, Donald Trump's weird. They all got the talking points. And we're gonna try to define Kamala as falling out of a coconut tree and not a serious person and the borders are. But I think what's so much more important is that we define this ideology. Beyond Kamala Harris, the person, beyond Joe Biden, the person, the parts of her agenda that she has been on record talking about, whether it's banning fracking or banning red meat, whatever it might be. But kind of quieting the rest of the noise and showing people this is what she's going to do. It reminds me, Taylor, of when Joe Biden was elected and you had people who were in the fracking industry who got laid off, who voted for Joe Biden. And we're like, but I voted for him, but I didn't think that, well, you should have known that was gonna happen because he told you it. There are certain things Kamala Harris says. She doesn't think illegal aliens have committed any crimes. She doesn't think it's a crime to cross the border illegally. That's something she's on the record about. She's donated to the Minnesota Freedom Fund and she's encouraged other people to do so. She's talked about abolishing ICE, starting from scratch, defunding the police. So that stuff right there, it's easy to define, but it goes beyond Kamala Harris. It's letting people know that by voting for this person, you might be voting for a media darling because she's gonna be the first woman and the first black woman and the first, first, first, first, first, first, but here's what you're really voting for. Beyond the woman sitting on the giant coconut on the cover of New York Magazine, you're voting for a slew of things that probably don't align with how you really feel, that don't align with you living a prosperous life in the United States of America, that don't align with keeping your children or your country safe. So that part of it is the part we can't get distracted by. And I say that as someone who's, more often than not, terribly distracted. We'll be right back. We've got a lot more to get to 844-500-4242. This is the Greece Curly Show. It's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2PM. This is the Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) I should point out, because I was just discussing the importance of not just defining Kamala Harris, but also defining the liberal agenda, I should point out, because I'm oftentimes critical of Donald Trump when he gets distracted, he's been pretty on message. I've been watching a lot of these rallies. I've been seeing plenty of clips online. And, you know, he's joking around and saying people say I've changed, that I'm nicer now. I think I'm worse than I was before, or something along those lines. I do think, though, that he's making a concerted effort to keep it about the politics here, and to keep it about the policies. And I think it's working. I think that he's right on with that. I also loved what Governor DeSantis had to say, who he's also been killing it as far as the media goes, and really getting his message across. Always been a strong suit of Ron DeSantis. Take a listen to his comments on the whitewashing of Kamala Harris' record. This is Cut One. And now what you see is all the arteries of the left, the corporate media, Hollywood, academia, they're using all the King's horses and all the King's men to try to put the Democratic Party back together again. And they have to whitewash Harris' background to be able to make her palpable to the American people. But I think we've all seen her. I mean, she's incredibly vapid, even more incredibly liberal, and she doesn't have any accomplishments. In fact, she owns all the policies of the Biden-Harris administration. She owns the border. She owns the inflation. She was there cheerleading that every day for the last three and a half years. So I don't think it's gonna work, but make no mistake about it. You are in for 100 days of massive gaslighting from the corporate press. They're already taking down. There was a website where she was the most liberal senator, GovTrack. They took that down. They're whitewashing things from her past. That's gonna continue. And they're gonna try to pull the wool over the eyes of the American people. - Yeah, I saw Scott Jennings on CNN say something similar, and it's right on the money. It's like they know that she can't stand on her own two feet. So they're going to try to lie about her past, and more specifically and more recently, lie about her involvement in this administration. So she's so proud of the Biden administration, but she had nothing to do with it. She knows nothing. We'll be right back with Dr. Williams. Don't go anywhere. (upbeat music)