Disc Golf Daily

Disc Golf Daily - PDGA & Course Growth and more!

summary In this episode of Disc Golf Daily, Steve Dodge provides updates on various disc golf statistics and growth. He discusses course growth, PDGA growth, earnings, cash lines, participation, and Pro Tour standings. Some notable highlights include the increase in course growth rate, the rise in PDGA earnings in 2024 compared to the previous year, and the close race between Gannon Burr and Ricky Wysocki for the Pro Tour points race. Missy Gannon's victory at the European Disc Golf Festival and Ricky Wysocki's consistent finishes are also mentioned.

keywords disc golf, statistics, growth, course growth, PDGA growth, earnings, cash lines, participation, Pro Tour standings   takeaways Disc golf is experiencing significant course growth, with an 8.4% year-over-year growth rate. PDGA earnings in 2024 have surpassed the earnings in 2023, indicating the growth of the sport. The Pro Tour points race is highly competitive, with Gannon Burr and Ricky Wysocki leading the pack. Missy Gannon's victory at the European Disc Golf Festival has propelled her up the rankings. Ricky Wysocki's consistent finishes in recent tournaments have solidified his position as the number one player in the world.

Broadcast on:
29 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

summary In this episode of Disc Golf Daily, Steve Dodge provides updates on various disc golf statistics and growth. He discusses course growth, PDGA growth, earnings, cash lines, participation, and Pro Tour standings. Some notable highlights include the increase in course growth rate, the rise in PDGA earnings in 2024 compared to the previous year, and the close race between Gannon Burr and Ricky Wysocki for the Pro Tour points race. Missy Gannon's victory at the European Disc Golf Festival and Ricky Wysocki's consistent finishes are also mentioned.   keywords disc golf, statistics, growth, course growth, PDGA growth, earnings, cash lines, participation, Pro Tour standings   takeaways
  • Disc golf is experiencing significant course growth, with an 8.4% year-over-year growth rate.
  • PDGA earnings in 2024 have surpassed the earnings in 2023, indicating the growth of the sport.
  • The Pro Tour points race is highly competitive, with Gannon Burr and Ricky Wysocki leading the pack.
  • Missy Gannon's victory at the European Disc Golf Festival has propelled her up the rankings.
  • Ricky Wysocki's consistent finishes in recent tournaments have solidified his position as the number one player in the world.
[music] Hello, race fans, and welcome to Disc Golf Daily. We are the podcast that gets you caught up with Disc Golf News and growth in eight to ten minutes, saving you time and effort. It is Tuesday, and that means it's numbers day at Disc Golf. We've got course growth, which is pretty good. PDGA growth, which is better than it has been for a while, payout growth, which continues to climb, as well as our United Rankings, Pro Tour points race update, and some awesome stat mando stats. You ready? Please hit pause, call a friend, and tell them you listened to Disc Golf Daily. Then prepare for a ton of fun Disc Golf numbers. We will start with course growth. We saw 24 new courses put in the ground last week, bringing us to over 700 in the year. We estimate there will be over eleven hundred new courses this year, and that we will have over sixteen thousand two hundred and fifty courses when twenty twenty-five starts. Currently, there are fifteen thousand seven hundred and ninety-two courses, and we are averaging an eight point four percent year over year course growth rate. The countries that saw new courses this week include ten new courses in the United States, five in Sweden, three in Norway, two in Latvia and the Netherlands, and one each in Germany, Lithuania, and Thailand. Next we will jump to PDGA growth. The PDGA saw some improving numbers this past week, especially in the participation numbers. Wait till you see this. In PDGA earnings, the top three men and women, Ganon Burr leads the league with just over ninety thousand dollars. Ricky Wysocki is just over seventy thousand dollars, but closing the gap. Anthony Burrell is over sixty thousand. On the women's side, Missy Ganon leads, I'm not sure why the orders mixed up here, but Missy Ganon over forty seven thousand, Kristin Tata over forty five thousand, Owen Scoggins and Eveline Asalen are both basically in a tie at forty two thousand. On the women's per event, Kristin Tata leads the pro's with over four thousand dollars per event, Ganon Burr, Ricky Wysocki round out the top three. The FPO cash line, when we look at the European Open and the European Disc Golf Festival, the European Open was the highest FPO cash lines coming in at over nine twenty. The European Disc Golf Festival comes in around nine oh seven, a little bit lower, makes sense. On the men's side, the European Open was just above average and the European Festival was also just above average, just a tiny little drop off. I think it was ten twenty and ten fifteen, maybe ten eighteen actually, for the European Disc Golf Festival. So if you want to cash over in Europe at this point, you're needing a ten eighteen round. When we compare the top twenty earners from twenty twenty three to the top twenty earners in twenty twenty four, twenty twenty four is killing it. We're about twenty percent ahead, over eight hundred thousand in twenty twenty four earned this year so far and in twenty twenty three at this point it was just over six hundred thousand. Killing it. PDGA approval is kind of the other way around, a lot of companies are taking it easy as my guests and not not pushing so hard for the new stuff. In twenty twenty three at this point there had been about a hundred and eighty and in twenty twenty four this year so far they've been about a hundred and forty PDGA approved discs and or baskets. PDGA events, twenty twenty four has been about one percent ahead throughout most of this year. Right now, we're a little over two percent ahead actually jumping, yeah, we're actually increasing our lead at this point so twenty twenty four, good news on the event side. When we come to participation, we've been running about six to seven percent behind all year. In the last couple of weeks, twenty twenty four has closed the gap. We are just one and a half percent behind twenty twenty three at this point. To give you some numbers, twenty twenty three is around three hundred and eighty thousand, twenty twenty four is around three hundred and seventy seven thousand. That's the number of PDGA rounds played this year. The most recent PDGA number is one one five nine five eight estimating that we will finish the year with a hundred and thirty two thousand five hundred and fifty six total PDGA members. That is a little bit up from last week. So good week in PDGA memberships this week. The highest PDGA number is currently two nine two one nine nine. And I'm estimating that we will finish the year at two nine nine six oh one. That will be the last PDGA number doled out in twenty twenty four. I wonder if we can get four hundred more than that and hit three hundred thousand. So the PDGA is currently has been running about four percent behind. Right now we are three point two four percent behind last year. So an improvement if we can continue that improvement, who knows maybe we can get close to flat. Now let's jump to our United Rankings where we take our ranking system, the stat mando rankings, the power rankings and the pro tour point standings, mash them all together and figure out who actually is number one in the world. On the men's side, Ricky Wysocki and Ganon Burr are tied with seventy points. We have to give it to Ricky as the number one overall because he just beat Ganon at the European Disc Golf Festival. Chris Dickerson, Calvin Heimberg, Paul Macbeth and Niklas Antela are all tied with ten points each for third. That is a pretty good mix. But congrats to Ricky and Ganon for running away with us this season. On the women's side, Missy Ganon makes a strong move, pro tour points and power rankings has pushed her up significantly. She is just ten points behind Kristen Tata, who sits at forty, Missy actually she's at thirty five, Owns Goggin sits at twenty and is in third. We have Alina and Silva and Holland round out your top six notable. Notable moves up the United Rankings in the top ten include Anthony Barella, who moved up three spots to seventh and Ricky Wysocki of course, who moved up one spot to first. For players outside the top ten, Aaron Gossage jumped six spots to fifteen and Paul Macbeth jumped three spots to twelve. On the women's side, Sova Sarnan continues to climb, she is up two spots to seventh. Elle Esra Midling moves up two spots. And that brings us to pro tour standings. We will go over the top five for today and see who has a realistic chance at winning the pro tour points race, which is arguably the hardest prize to win in all of Disc Golf. You need to be consistent the entire season. Here's where we stand with about ten events, Ganon Burr leads the pack with eleven hundred and forty points. Ricky Wysocki has closed what seemed like an insurmountable lead to just eighteen points. He's at eleven twenty two. Nick Las Antela continues to fall off the pace. He's at nine ninety two, Anthony Barella, Calvin Heimberg round out the top five. But realistically, this is a two horse race for the pro tour points race, Ganon Burr and Ricky Wysocki. On the women's side, Missy Ganon's victory at the European Disc Golf Festival really did help her a lot with some good European points. She's at eleven hundred and thirty seven points. Evelyna Solomon is ninety points behind with a thousand forty eight. June Scoggins is ninety five points behind with a thousand forty three. Holland Handley, and I said a thousand, I'm in a hundred, Holland Handley is a hundred and ten points behind at ten twenty eight. Thanks for listening. Thanks for sharing the podcast. Now get out there, throw them straight and hit the thin gap. If you have any thoughts, news or opinions, shoot us an email, Disc Golf Daily at Thank you so much for watching. Please like, subscribe, comment and share. It really does help us grow. [Music] [MUSIC PLAYING]