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17 Jul 2024
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just a little bit of a breeze here on this Wednesday Eric Carpenter with you this is K C V L K C R K it'll be a hot midweek Wednesday only thing is it's just gonna get hotter be very careful out there fires prohibited Stevens County DNR lands Lake Roosevelt area no open flames at all we don't need any fires started mother was a fire down at the Colville homeless camp earlier this week burned in RV nothing left but a little bit of a shell variety of other activities going on of course at the homeless camp while we talked with the Colville mayor find out what he did to say about the ongoing plans for that homeless camp Jack Smith here mayor Colville just talked about just ongoing in the city and there was a question about there was a fire down to the homeless shelter site that's correct somebody left a candle burning in a rig and left it unattended and of course it fell over and our fire department was on top of that and got that taken care quickly other news on the whole homeless situation is most people I hope are aware by now there's a lot of legal decisions that went into why we have the homeless camp in the first place the Supreme Court finally took it up in a case called Grants Pass versus Johnson which incorporated many of the aspects of most of those decisions and they completely overturned that and so we are now in a legal analysis just to figure out the best way we'll be drawing down the camp be able to put more pressure on people to conform to the rules and behave themselves and also we're going to look at ways of the people who are not looking for help and who just look at that as a place to hang out how to move them out so that's going to have a significant effect on that camp we're not going to close it and kick everybody out all in one day but we are slowly going to draw that down that may take a year 18 months or two years to do that but it certainly helps us in the enforcement process down there so we have our facility manager down there number one is clean up the more clean things are the better they are another one is spacing we space things out a little bit so one cat on fire another doesn't catch on fire so far we've been pretty lucky with that the other thing we also have some fire extinguishers down there that we can use just on site now if these things happen at two o'clock in the morning there's not much you can do so that's pretty much it what we're doing down there right now and as we start moving people out of there that'll give us room to space things out miners aren't allowed down there if we see a minor down there we immediately call a child protective services to get them out of there we don't do a deep dive into the background of the people out there but I mean that's no different than any other place there's a lot of drug busts they go on that aren't down there everything doesn't emanate from down there because it's kind of concentrated with people who fall into that spectrum of criminal behavior you'll probably be overall a little bit more down there but it still goes on the rest of the parts of the city and we have the least force in the sheriff's department work on that as they find the stuff they do as much as they can they're on top of the stuff I'll tell you I mentioned earlier in our talk about the initiatives up there there were some initiatives that the legislature just adopted the initiatives that I mentioned are ones that the legislature didn't adopt so they're going to the ballot but the legislature had their hands tied so they actually approved the initiative two one one three which removed restrictions on police officers vehicle pursuits that was an insane policy that our legislature doesn't thankfully the people of Washington state through the initiative process got that overturned it also did initiative two zero eight one provides parents with a right to review educational materials and receive notifications and opt out of certain types of sexualized help education in schools so that was all done at a grassroots level and also initiative two one one one regarding taxes prohibits the state or local governments from an acting taxes based on personal income so those are huge things there's three that the legislature said there's no way we're gonna fight these so we'll just codify a mental law and then there's three that they couldn't find in their hearts to do those ones I already mentioned that are going to the ballot for the people to vote on so there's a lot of grassroots stuff that's helping out we could certainly help out more with removing the restrictions on our police that were put in place a couple years ago our biggest problem is where Olympia is done to handcuff our police it's not with locally our police are doing what they're supposed to do according to the rules that were given them so the more these initiatives come up more everybody scrutinizes them we get these things in and overturn some of these really bad decisions made in Olympia the better off we'll all be all right that's a callville mayor Jack Smith talking about that recent RV that burned down in the homeless area and the ongoing long term there now that the court say the city doesn't have to provide a area such as what we have so we'll see what develops there don't miss the two children's musicals this summer at woodland theater July 19th through July 28th the jungle is jumping with a jazzy beat Disney's the jungle book kids specially adapted from the classic Disney animated film plus mean girls junior a hilarious musical from book writer Tina Fey adapted from phase hit film mean girls for more information go to woodland productions dot org tickets are on sale now at or pick them up at the callville chamber of commerce and if available at woodland theater before the showings see you at the theater all right well we kept a couple accidents earlier this week one closed three ninety five for a while ended up being a fatal accident a vehicle was stopped on three ninety five waiting to make a left turn and got struck from behind the vehicle making the turn driven by a 37 year old from Spokane a Jacob Hayes well in that vehicle no one was injured with the exception deceased at sacred heart medical center was a six month old Emma Hayes from Spokane deceased at sacred heart the state patrol says following too close cause of that accident the one vehicle traveling northbound on three ninety five stopped to make a left turn struck from behind forty seven year old Amy Mop and from Chawila the driver of the vehicle that failed to stop in that happening on three ninety five over in Ponderay County south of Newport a motorcyclist driving down a state route to well a vehicle had stopped to enter the highway pulled out right in front of the motorcycle you know the motorcyclist gonna come out on the short end of that the guard driven by a 59 year old a Gary a Kelsey from Newport Benty Gilbert son forty six from Newport driving the motorcycle was wearing a helmet say thank goodness there but the state patrol says failure to yield in that vehicle pulling out onto the highway apparently not seeing the motorcyclist the kettlefall school district is currently seeking a skilled and reliable bus driver for the 2024 2025 school year accelerate your career in this high demand field as a bus driver you will be transporting students and staff on regular school routes and extracurricular activities such as field trips be a part of our team and help us continue to provide safe and efficient transportation to our community apply online at or call 509-738-6625 for more information middle of the week it is a Wednesday that means it's time for an update from the Department of Fish and Wildlife hi I'm Anne Marie Prince district wildlife biologist with your Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Office in Caldwell we get a lot of questions from the public one heard recently is why is lead fishing tackle restricted at some northeast Washington lakes to protect common loons there are a handful of lead free lakes in northeast Washington. Loons are considered a state sensitive species due to impacts to their populations from several things and these things include shoreline development recreational pressure on nesting lakes and exposure to pollutants like lead ingestion of small lead fishing tackle is the leading cause of known mortalities of the common loon it's not unusual for loons to swallow split shot stinkers or other gear while picking up small pebbles off the bottom of a lake or river or when it is inside fish they eat then the acid and grinding action of a loons gizzard erodes the lead which passes into the bloodstream and organs poisoning the bird even a single small lead split shot can be fatal to a loon and death by this method can be slow within two to four weeks of eating lead in northeast Washington ferry swan and long lakes and ferry county big meadow Nile and yokem in Ponderay County and black and pure lakes in Stevens County all have known breeding pairs of loons for this reason some of them also have lead fishing tackle restrictions so you can help loons by buying tackle made of tin steel bismuth or other materials available at most places fishing supplies are sold and if you can't find them locally there are a lot of buying options on the internet if you use those lakes for water skiing tubing kayaking or other water activities give loons a wide berth and slow down this time of year chicks are still getting used to swimming on their own and up close boat traffic can be really hard on them if you have a question for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife send it to communications at or call 509 563 5495 and please include an email address or a phone number because you can win a prize for asking questions if you have a question for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife send it to communications at or you can call 509 563 5495 please include an email address or phone number because you can win a prize for asking questions there will be a random drawing each week of people who submit questions if your name is drawn you win a can of bears for you to take with you on your outdoor adventures hey call they'll ready to transform your sleep discover the all-new temperpetic mattresses at Saunders furniture downtown call those sleep experts take the test dress and let our sleep experts fit you for the perfect mattress whether you're looking for a firm support or luxurious softness temperpetic adapts to your body like no weather for over 15 years i've trusted my sleep to temperpetic through every stage of my life it's been there for me visit us in downtown callville today and experience the temperpetic difference at Saunders furniture your best night sleep awaits take the first step towards better sleep visit Saunders furniture in downtown callville and let our sleep experts guide you to the perfect temperpetic mattress Saunders furniture where comfort meets expertise well we don't have any figures from a vist at this time but the electric customers for Seattle City light they are going to see their electric bills going up 5.4% Seattle City light projected bigger price hikes than originally planned due to demand increases part of their long-term plan Seattle City light estimates customers will see a 5.4% increase in each of the next two years and a 5% increase each year after that through 2030 they say for the utility to continue on their path of providing carbon neutral power at a time of great uncertainty the price hikes are necessary and a Washington state judge says the attorney general Bob Ferguson is not entitled to enforce a subpoenas seeking decades of records to learn whether the catholic church used charitable trust funds to cover up sexual abuse by priests king county superior court judge michael scott cited with the arts arts diocese they argued that under the state law governing charitable trusts Ferguson did not have authority to enforce the subpoena the law contains an exemption designed to ensure the state does not meddle in religious practices Bob Ferguson says he will appeal if you are a private landowner in the callville valley vagan brothers lumber a longtime local business and a player in the area is ready to offer competitive prices and fair market value to purchase your standing timber logs or timbered acreage the experienced forestry staff at vagan brothers offers free consultations and assessments of your forested land and can also assist in the department of natural resource permitting process when you are ready to harvest your timber call the forestry staff today at 509 684 5071 or look for additional information on the web at i'll major league baseball it was all star night and the american league again this year defeating the nationals the american league has only lost one game in the last ten years well that means mariner baseball gets back underway come friday it's still an off day after the all-star game Houston Astros in town it is a real important series for the mariners they have a two-game lead in the american league west they have a three-game series with houston these games in seattle friday night saturday night a day game on sunday and then evening games on monday tuesday day game on wednesday against the los angeles angels we're getting ready for the second half of the season for major league baseball things open up tomorrow night six o'clock pre-game that'll be on 92.1 kcrk alica today's local weather forecast brought to you by the re lee shoe company coval's annual sidewalk sale it's this thursday friday and saturday the re lee shoe company again participating with lots of great sales stop in check out all the deals right downtown coval the re lee shoe company one oh two north main there is a possibility it's fairly slight but the possibility of some mid-day thunderstorm activity it is still going to be very hot 98 for a high this afternoon again a slight chance of rain or thunderstorms uh this evening 55 overnight 98 again on thursday 96 friday for saturday sunday we've got to put that extra digit on there it's going to be over a hundred saturday and sunday 99 monday 94 sunshine on tuesday look at the weather forecast brought to you by the re lee shoe company get ready thursday friday saturday at sidewalks sale time make sure drink plenty of water hydrate make sure your pets your livestock and that all have fresh water available during these hot sunny days to appreciate you joining us here on the radio i'm eric carpenter and this is k-c-v-l k-c-r-k