Marnie Screams into the Void

108: Pick-Me Chicks

Broadcast on:
19 Jul 2024
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July 19, 2024. 108 days left. Pick me chicks. The patriarchy will never love you. You can trample the rights of your sisters. You can deny their right to exist because they exist in a way you don't like. You can invade their wombs with your misplaced baby fever. Prioritize the way you mother as parents writes while denying other parents their rights with think of the children. You can add a tremble to your soft spoken voice when you need to prove your feminine. You can manipulate the law or even shoot your dog when you need to prove your tough enough. You can throw the stones of traditional American values at the heads of those radical left women who refuse to bend and break like you do. Keep telling those men you aren't like us. Keep telling those men you aren't like other girls. Tell them, pick me, pick me, pick me. I'll do your dirty work. I'll do your dirty laundry. Keep telling those men, you're a good woman. And when they turn on you, hold you down. When you realize you are not an exception to the rules you made for your sisters, I want you to remember we fought for you too.