Marnie Screams into the Void
110: Speculation Elegy
July 17, 2024. 110 days left. Speculation, Elegy. Remember all that wasted breath speculating who Trumpster fires BP pick would be? Will he pick a trad wife so he can appeal to women? How about a black or Latino guy so that he can show how not racist he is? Y'all, it was never gonna be anything but a rich white dude. One who went from hating to loving his special little spray tan Hitler because JD's nothing if not a simpering opportunist. Oh, you were gonna let an angry mob hang your last VP because he wouldn't poop on the Constitution for you? So you're saying there's a job opening? I'll poop on the Constitution for you. Pick me. I'm willing to sell my soul so I'm perfect for Gilead. I don't care which garbage person is his VP pick. What lifts my heart today is this. I never read or watched Hillbilly Elegy.