Marnie Screams into the Void
115: Impeach InJustice Alito
July 12th, 2024, 115 days left, impeach injustice Alito. There once was a guy named Alito, anointed to a court, Supremo. We have Bush to thank for a judge so rank who authored the goodbye to Roe. He takes lots of bribes from the wealthy, it's obvious not even stealthy, he pockets their gold than does what he's told, assuring our system's unhealthy. His wife flies her flags of distress, but he can't control her mess. You see women have rights, far right Christian rights, and the rest of us will be crushed under their fascist ultra far right neo-Nazi fake religious billionaire funded racist morally bankrupt Gilead looking climate destroying misogynist LGBTQ hating education crushing gun-toting nightmare while he sits there feeling so blessed. [BLANK_AUDIO]