Marnie Screams into the Void
117: Redefining Love
July 10th, 2024, 117 days left, redefining love, I woke up raging, sometimes it drives me, today it deflated into a low boil. At the bottom of the rage is hurt, I got up crying, making coffee, feeding cats, scooping the litter box, I can do these things with wet eyes, easy, chop wood, carry water, a whole day to face, a pharmacy trip, and piled up laundry and clients to answer, just give me a minute. I sat down writing, my politics are not the problem, it is my instinct to protect, it is the way I love, day after day, year after year, I push the boundary further and further from my heart center, I redefine love, I redefine it so that I can be loved, in spite of the world they want, in spite of the world they hope to build, in spite of the world they would force on me, in spite of the world I will fight to avoid where it will be legal to kill me if I do not comply. I do not redefine love so that I can love you, I redefine it so that I can believe you love me.