Marnie Screams into the Void
122: There Will Be Blood(less)
July 5th, 2024, 122 days left, there will be bloodless. We are in the process of the Second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it, a direct quote from the president of the Cribias Heritage Foundation. It will remain bloodless if we allow it, a clear threat, submit or there will be bloodshed, lie down or be pushed, get on your knees or be cut off at them, lay down your arms or have them tied behind your back, submit to this world we force on you, there's no other way you see because you would never vote for it, never agree to it, never want it, so for your own good, bow down or be shot down, but it will not be bloodless and you know that, and that gets you off, doesn't it? Because you are the party of just lie back and enjoy it if it is inevitable. Blood already runs down the thighs of women forced to carry the burden of your misogyny, which has always outweighed your understanding of biology. The revolution will not be bloodless and we know that. The blood runs in our veins, which we will not open for you just because you asked, not so nicely. It will not be bloodless, but it will be your blood and ours, pooling in the streets when it runs together, at last we are one.