Marnie Screams into the Void
124: Impeach Butt Kavanaugh
July 3rd, 2024, 124 days left, Impeech Butkavanagh. His face is a bowl of mayonnaise, laced with rippanol. Brewski isn't sushi enough, going with skis, but loves a good nickname. Speaking of, is Squee the top or the bottom of the devil's triangle? Do you like your new nickname but? Do I have your consent? I didn't ask for it, I just went for it. You know how it is. Maybe I've had a few beers. Our other Justice rapist is starting to age out, so welcome aboard, bro. You may look like vanilla pudding, but you lie like a... not a dog, not a rug. Like a misogynistic frat boy, hell bent on destroying America. Women and children first, of course.