CyberWire Daily

The CyberWire Daily Podcast 2.8.16

In today's podcast, we discuss reports that hacktivists have released personal information gleaned from Justice Department and Department of Homeland Security databases. Anonymous engages a grab-bag of targets. Cyber stocks experience a sell-off. Governments continue their attempts to balance privacy and security. We also hear from the University of Maryland's Jonathan Katz, who explains key escrow. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Broadcast on:
08 Feb 2016

In today's podcast, we discuss reports that hacktivists have released personal information gleaned from Justice Department and Department of Homeland Security databases. Anonymous engages a grab-bag of targets. Cyber stocks experience a sell-off. Governments continue their attempts to balance privacy and security. We also hear from the University of Maryland's Jonathan Katz, who explains key escrow.

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In today's podcast, we discuss reports that hacktivists have released personal information gleaned from Justice Department and Department of Homeland Security databases. Anonymous engages a grab-bag of targets. Cyber stocks experience a sell-off. Governments continue their attempts to balance privacy and security. We also hear from the University of Maryland's Jonathan Katz, who explains key escrow. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit