Kindeiser Podcast

Tourney follow up w/ Tony P

In this episode the boys talk about Tony P and his stellar golf tournament performance and horrible moves by the Green Bay Packers

Broadcast on:
30 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

already let's get after it we're back here Monday July 29th 2024 back with Tony P. in stew and by in stew I mean on this one. Um I got the fresh Mike yeah Tony P's got a new Mike. Hopefully it doesn't sound like I'm talking into a uh Motorola Razr. That sounds great, you sound amazing, um let's hear about that I like to hear. Oh yeah absolutely let's hear about that turn you'll son how'd that go for you? Oh yeah yeah the old golf tournament well it could have gone better so when they put us it divided it up into the divisions at first I was you know sitting at the very lead of my division tied for the lead then the next day they decided to switch it to make it more fair for other people a bunch of garbage that is and then they moved me all the way to the bottom of my division so I was starting out seven shots back and uh yeah Saturday didn't didn't go too good for me I'm not going to say what I shot because that shit's embarrassing no you got to tell the people what you shot I mean everyone has off days everyone has bad days you got to tell the people. Alright I shot 98 honestly if I could break a hundred dude I'd do a back flip but it's alright everyone has off days I mean just go back to the previous episode golf with Tony BP you obviously did really well then so it's okay again everyone has off days you're not a professional yet you will get there it's okay I don't know about all that but yeah I was I gave up after like five holes it was pretty stupid well you'd also kind of done yourself a disservice well after the after they switched up the flights I was like at first when when I was in the lead I was like fucking pumped up I was all jazzed up and ready to go and as one would automatically like this fucking sucks yeah that's actually like garbage to the right that's like some soft like that's some lib shit bro I'm going to the right now that's very soft like participation trophies that's horrible no I mean it in the A flight there was like a 13 or 14 shot difference from the first place to last place so I understand why they did it however it just sucked to be in my position yeah definitely because I mean it yeah I mean it just affects you pretty much and yeah that sucks it sucks ass but again it's okay we come back running back next turny harder than ever it also could have been because again you didn't have a caddy aka me hopefully next time I'll pop out maybe that could have been the issue yeah you know you just need some more support absolutely a drunk caddy never hurts and then Sunday I came out and shot 84 so that was right back around my average exactly see dude you're good man I mean just had a bad around there often then you also be again like I said earlier did yourself a disservice by a playing 18 Friday night or Friday evening whatever it was and you know that doesn't help you're just kind of drained at that point I would imagine yeah I think I should have stuck with nine yeah whatever you know you live and you learn absolutely absolutely I think I learned that next year I'm gonna you know just drink and have a good time the first weekend oh yeah and then I'll take it more seriously the next weekend and you can take home one of those fire trophies those trophies are actually sick I mean those were actually sweet you sent me a picture of them they looked dope dude they were very legit I mean imagine that one for like the championship flight for the championship flight he said that trophy loan cost of like a hundred and sixty some bucks do that be sick I mean then think about you can like pour beers in there drink beers out of there with the boys if you win it that's the first thing I would have done they had a big you know I like a big trough full of beer and ice there for us when we got done that's awesome I would have dumped two of them in there right away sorry to hit never with the two fingers as you're ponding beers out of your trophy exactly exactly it's alright no big deal again run it back next year this though this was pretty funny so the guys that were in the last the last group for the A flight not like the championship flight the top top guys but the next guys down I knew a couple of them were good buddies they were just out there getting absolutely obliterated the final round all four of them every birdie they were taking shots as you as one should as you absolutely should I agree but the four holes that I watched had at least one birdie in their group every hole they were definitely getting after it yeah I promote it absolutely promote it yeah that's sick dude yeah that's pretty cool so and they were just just getting hammered and just shooting odds and shooting way better than I do so that was kind of discouraging but hey it is what it is yeah I mean it's alright you get to try to hone your game some more maybe back next year better than I were can stress and hope right yeah I mean you definitely well I mean I can't imagine with practice you get worse so only a better I don't know if you know how golf works my friend yeah I guess you're right I've been playing for three years and I'm still ass it's alright whatever but round of applause to the boy for a going out participating in the turnie give you that awesome gratitude yeah absolutely I still don't know how to respond to that every time I get told that I don't know like how to respond I wanted to respond looks kind of mid equally but I don't really know how who knows maybe one day they probably wouldn't be wouldn't be a response yeah I mean I wasn't around in the um those days yeah I mean the way I want to respond is just like hitting it with like the you know the pinky and the thumb you don't talk about they would surfers do you don't talk about it's like that oh yeah shock a bra yeah that what it's called I don't know that's what I say every time I do that shock a bra okay sure you know we should get into you had a made a comment about the Friday's episode that I did would call me Kyle you'd made a comment about what I said about that it's a place where they built coffins or that one okay we can get into that too yeah I think we definitely should um I want the people to see are here and I hope they drag you through the comments and not me you know the four people that list actually eight people that are subscribed hopefully Germany or whoever shout out the eight subscribers all I said is I don't think they made coffins there cuz nobody gets buried in a coffin these days if you don't know the difference between a coffin and a casket a coffin has six sides and a casket has eight okay but you have to understand so there is a good chance that maybe they did make coffins because this is a historical area very historical buildings are very old how are you gonna cook me whatever I just think I think it's about no dude because I just assumed it was in your lifetime no it was out of my lifetime which it probably was no I highly doubt it really yeah you're just you're just a history buffer well actually uh I'll tell you though I'll tell you the full story so I had went there ordered a burger I forgot what the name was but it was named after someone and the waitress had told me yeah that's actually named after the ghost downstairs that people claim to hear of like a young child or whatever because this you know they used to have like a morgue or whatever downstairs and then sold coffins or caskets whatever you want to say whatever the correct term is like a funeral home I don't I don't know do I guess I mean yeah I guess it was like an all-in-one it was like a Walgreens for dead people I don't know get anything you need if they had a they had a morgue then yeah I would assume it probably was some sort of you know funeral home sure and now it's a restaurant it's kind of fucking weird that's very weird it's like hacking up your prime rib on the same tables that they hacked up fucking dead folks on I'm sure you know health codes have fixed that problem if there that was ever a problem it's alright so it's no big deal I mean I'm sure where you're from you gotta have historical buildings like that right you gotta have a historic area yeah there's some old buildings like I can't say that I know too much about them well you should if you're from there you should know about your local town history it's interesting yeah you know crop when we got John Dylan sure you're wrong yeah whatever money doing sure you know what's no not Donnie John I said I said Johnny Dylan oh I thought you said Donnie a little bucks Johnny whatever but again you should learn more things I mean considering the time you're from is was established in 1924 I believe was what I saw earlier no I saw it on the door the door of the town hall I decide today oh you're talking about my town yeah your time yeah I guess just the area I don't think there's very many historical buildings in my town I don't know it's over it's been around for over actually a century now dude oh my god your time's been around for a hundred years congrats congrats you know they had a they had a big festival I don't know how big it was because I wasn't here we were camping but they had like a festival at the park across the street shout out Nelson that centennial yeah we bully the TC yeah I mean I don't want to give up too much away I don't want to get too much away because people might try to like find you and hunt you down so I would say shout out Nelson that's you know I'm sure there's Nelson's all over the place understandable get it no I don't think so yeah for the Nelson from the Simpsons yeah exactly there you go I shouldn't ever say anything because the people who that joke was intended for would have understood that was good good on you for being in the know well an intellectual like what are you gonna do I'd not appreciate it yeah good on you what are you sipping on this my friend is an aluminum pint of Miller light nice I stole from the golf or the golf tournament that's awesome that's great actually I didn't steal it they said you they said you can have as much as you want so roadies they let you take road you took one for the road again I mean nobody was like policing it this this is the second episode in a row where we brought up drinking and driving again I don't condone it I'm just saying it's a thing would just happen yeah it happens I mean that's a very like feel like a very broad thing drinking driving you could be drinking water and driving you could be drinking a Capri Sun you could be drinking a fifth I mean I'm getting very broad indeed whatever I feel like we should do something like for a Thursday night's game that is no yeah I think we could get to do something it's in for the podcast or just hang out and watch it both I really both would be cool I I know it's a little indeed inconvenient for you because you obviously live further out than like kind of a ways away from Kyle and I but uh it would still be cool just to do it or find some middle ground yeah I agree I know you're a big beatups guy especially on Thursday's you this guy absolutely loves okay anyone who's listening this guy absolutely loves beatups he doesn't miss a Thursday and he's actually yelled at me saying how the Monday and Wednesday all you can eat is a terrible deal it is a terrible deal first of all okay maybe every other Thursday not even though not even every other Thursday I don't know dude there's been plenty however back I digress back to the all you can eat deal you're spending like twenty dollars for all you can eat wings unless you're gonna sit and fries all goddamn and fries eat wings the fries is just a waste you might as well throw those out dude okay if you're not gonna sit there all day then how many wings are you really gonna eat okay think of it this way because I bet it I bet it isn't twenty dollars worth absolutely have you seen the prices in this economy dude like 10 wings with the fries is probably like 18 dollars on its own I'll say 50 okay we'll give it 15 all right you get a second order and you eat at least half of that you're already up money all I was trying to say was the boneless Thursday is a far better deal okay I will say that you can at least take those home because I've heard that and the all you can eat you're not allowed to take the leftovers home which is wasteful shame on you beatups I feel like they probably as long as you're not like ordering a full order I don't know being like you put that in a box for me I don't know I guess I said your waitress is a real fucking Karen you could say what you actually want to say but this is a safe space but yeah Karen's a good word um or waiter yeah we don't discriminate on this show where what's it called gender gender fluid is that it no because there's only two so I don't know I would probably just say gender neutral sure yeah that works gender neutral I think we're definitely not gender fluid yeah I don't think that's the correct term I think that's with those people that would be like you can switch back and forth yeah that sounds about right um I mean you can I guess if you really wanted to not really actually I'd imagine no it'd get costly like it's like trucking being a bandwagon jumper except today I'm a girl tomorrow I'm a guy it's a little more uh exactly it's a little more complicated yeah but you still got to buy new clothes I would assume well that's I feel like after a while you'd have a pretty good stock you just don't get rid of them if you're if you plan to you know swap back and forth you probably would keep some of each around yeah yeah I mean or you could borrow like your partner's clothing depending on what gender they are and if you have a partner as long as you're you know close to the same size now that there is a big money move that that's that's a big green move right there just saying you're welcome guess what this is an economics podcast now we're talking money with Tony P be it Roth IRAs 401ks yeah know about this shit fucking pays it's boy spitting bars we also got uh rap on this podcast I was I was trying to think of like how to describe it yeah we actually got a professional underground rapper um Tony P he's actually got a rap battle this weekend don't you yeah we're working the people find you taking on skittles yeah my folks for 40 you already know what's up American Legion baby spitting that slick shit I will say yeah how long did you how long did you believe that okay so I feel like believe that up until like that the time I asked you about going to the meeting because and like you actually told me yourself that it was just a joke I'm just gonna say because you do seem like the kind of guy that would do something goofy shit like that and yeah I mean that'd be cool you also came up with like some very convincing bars against your uh faux skittles sounds like wow that's actually pretty good when he set up you were telling me a story about skittles you know the guy his mom was actually like in the crowd and she wasn't very happy about my bar because uh you said his name skittles but ain't shit sweet little did you know his mom was sucking on my meat yeah I remember that now so that's like actually like pretty good like it's actually like a good bar that's something I feel like you would hear especially a demonic in American Legion there's a bunch of white guys so yeah I mean it's pretty that was believable I had the story to go along with it too you did again it was very convincing should have tried that with Dennis I wonder if I could have got him to fall for it yeah uh Dexter was very very gullible I'd have to assume which stuff like that or he would have been like well I don't really like to get into a rap it's not good for the ears and I'm too busy reading parenting books and I'm single with no children I don't have time for that yeah like yeah that guy was a bozo you know it would be really upsetting if like what if he was actually one of our listeners and he's just like absolutely in shambles now after we just talk shit about him I think you're the only one that talks shit about him just in case he comes for our life but uh yeah I don't know whatever it's just telling good fun just friendly banter don't take it serious Dexter it's okay it's all right buddy next point next yeah whatever what was the other thing you said on this was the other thing you called you said Orlando oh yeah I would like to correct myself with that Orlando Bloom is white I meant Orlando Brown um yeah so I would like to retract that statement what's he doing he's like skipping he's skipping and then oh yeah give me something like that yeah there you go yeah shout out to Marty Kay for that reference actually I didn't know about that until Marty Kay brought it up you have also better be listening to this um this is quality constant I think you would enjoy just saying indeed indeed going back to the golf topic though what we saw today the creators classic how do we get the boys on that I don't know maybe we'll have to like to get in touch with the PGA yeah who who do we get in touch with because like some of the people on that I didn't even like know who they were and I'm like and also who wants to watch these bozos playing golf they probably suck ass I doubt it's uh gonna have too many viewers yeah we could piece them up for sure probably good I'll say this I assume that if they create new videos or whatever which I know one of the what you said on there is a youtube channel I know dude perfect's pretty big so I'm sure they'll bring in the other I'm sure they're the biggest name but I'm sure that they'll be creating intent on their own platforms of like covering the tournament yeah because I don't know how that benefits that I don't know how that benefits the PGA at all though I guess just TV views I don't know how that really works though whatever it is what it is I don't know because it's going to be like on they didn't invite us no that's a bunch of bullshit that's probably just scared if I had to assume they don't want the heat no they can't they can't take it this I sweating it's whatever though we'll get our get back it's fine not even worried about it maybe next year yeah I don't care well once you win the michigan city tournament you'll definitely be on the radar they'll ask us next year and we'll just turn that shit down yeah no thanks okay you had your chance we don't want to play at uh was it east wing is that without the name of the course east lake oh east lake yeah definitely not the white house that's also that's the west wing doesn't the white house have an east end to west wing I don't know dude I'm pretty sure it does I don't live there my house is brown my house is white the color of my own that is not the people who live in it that's uh let's find out I'm actually going to go with it now very interested uh in the the white house is schematics schematic layout nice nice I never asked you what are you sipping on oh heaven hill heaven hill currently really yeah all of them bond of course that's pretty uh delectable pretty nice bottle isn't it yeah it's pretty good I mean uh it's no longer allocated you can get it like pretty readily available now so and you can get it for like 50 50 bucks average price a bottle for the seven years i thought it was more than that yeah like i said ever since like it became like a non-allocated bottle you can get it pretty easily and for what it is it's delicious um the east wing try some time no you definitely do how i i 110 recommend it it's awesome but anyways the uh the east wing as it exists today was added to the white house in 1942 so there you go 1942 they were putting an addition on the way house that's pretty interesting yeah well it's all that money that they were bringing from entering world war two i think they had women building it potentially it is an office space for the first lady and her staff including the white house social secretary white house graphics and calligraphy office in correspondence staff it also serves as um or it also has the president's theater the visitor's entrance and the east colonnade i'm not really sure what that is and i consider myself a pretty smart person and i don't know what that is yeah i don't know either you said construction started in 1942 it was added to the white house in 1942 that's all it says i don't know yeah that is interesting i might have to look more into that yeah also a surprise the kindizer podcast is also a history podcast you're welcome we'll get into that though we'll expand as we go we're not just sports around here baby absolutely absolutely might even get into some supernatural things oh 110 yeah maybe even some true crime you know eventually we'll get content cranked out but we need support and we need viewers so uh it's anyone who's listening and isn't like your friends one of our friends uh tell your friends tell them to give it a listen give it a rate and review again anywhere you get your podcast you'll find it with my friends and we can be friends be great um and again if you turn out to be like one of the five five first five listeners and you can prove it you get your free t-shirt once you start rolling out merch once we get to that point of course who doesn't like feeling it's coming oh it's going to come sooner than later don't worry little kindizer t-shirt oh yeah they're going to be sick they're going to be awesome for sure and they will well they'll start out pretty low relatively cheap we're men of the people around here obviously until once we get big enough then we're going to charge whatever we want because people will pay whatever but that's just capitalism don't take it up with me take it up with america so anyways yeah again or the hashtag not upload your brain okay pick my brain pick my brain Jordan love 220 million that's no that's garbage that's a terrible i mean that was too i feel like too early like up for a contract extension why did they do that yeah he was coming off of his rookie deal yeah they needed to he he was coming off his rookie deal i don't think they needed to give him that much though he hasn't proven anything besides one good season good with the grain of salt half of a good season yeah like in with the grain of salt i think that's yeah i hope he i hope he dies on the record it's like absolute absolute garbage yeah i i also do as well i could see him getting i could see him getting hurt this year though yeah i feel like he's very soft i feel like he's a soft guy but who knows i mean he also had that one snap to last baby shit okay i was hoping you would get that and i love saying it yeah yeah you know people think because we movie stars that we tough but what's off this baby shit great film that's a great film shout out um kindizer podcast is also a movie podcast for everything around here baby whatever comes to our dumb brains shout out the description what what the what movie was that this is the end oh okay yeah yeah oh unreal how's this guy gonna quote the movie not even know what a movie is from unreal that's that is party foul on my court it's kind of yikes whatever a biggie a biggie don't worry about it yeah you got anything else you want to touch on the bear what into the bears play the Packers uh they don't play the division until the second half of the season um let me find out the exact date bears 2024 schedule yeah we don't see the Packers until November 17th and then we see them again week 18 yeah we don't play our first that's the final week correct yes correct yeah our first divisional game doesn't come until November 17th which is against the Packers fudge Packers yeah oh we're getting canceled i don't know if you could say that dude all right p might have to bleep that one out taking the shit too far unreal who do you think you are hanging your suit up in the arm war i'll have to mark that uh slim shady that was at like 32 minutes yeah i'm just gonna get so far yeah i'd say it's pretty good we're moving along pretty well i mean this is usually how long we go it's fine don't worry about it i will say that uh what's up did you guys talk about deck deck Prescott on the last uh episode what about him uh i don't know you talking about him getting a contract well he's extension he's due for one he didn't get one yet yeah i know that but i'm saying yeah no he's he's due for one the basically the top three stars on the Dallas Cowboys are all due for extensions that's where we're talking we were talking about cd lamb micaparsans and deck Prescott oh okay yeah i recall now i don't know how they're gonna do it but uh yeah all those guys deserve okay i'll put deck in there but i don't really i'm not high on deck like we've talked about um they all are gonna crack we don't condone drug use on this podcast that this that's a serious serious topic it's a joke dude relax if this was a visual podcast you would see that i'm staring at the screen with absolute fury in my eyes but smoking gas is pretty cool i guess if you're into that it's a plant it's natural dude it's fine cool i guess i don't know yeah if you're into that shout out tonyp yeah shout out i don't know you kind of think else you want to get into yeah dude um yeah i mean he doesn't he have like person on this or that snoop dog like a person on their payroll that rolls their blunts for him or joints whatever they smile i don't know i think i think that uh i've heard that about snoop dog before or maybe he just put out a um so much an ad but like or something on indeed it's like something along with line looking for professional professional roller full-time jobs yeah i think seth rogan offered to do it yeah because seth rogan probably just getting absolutely shredded for free though i need to get to hang out with snoop and his his crew yeah snoop and all the side quests you just going on do you remember the um pepsi max commercial with snoop no i don't have cable oh it was like it played a lot during football games back uh i don't know some many years ago yeah i probably do then but like if i kind of think it was as far as we're probably something absolutely silly i know you finished it off with pepsi to the max so get you some of these yeah such a way with words i can remember yeah well i have to look it up again if we were visual we'd have it on the big screen but we also don't want to get copyrighted even though i can't imagine i don't think we can get copyrighted for that because that's promotional we're promoting it even though pepsi max i'm pretty sure it doesn't exist anymore oh i don't even know what i was about to ask you what pepsi max even was i don't know the extra caffeine or something yeah yeah max amount of sugar that's allowed to legally be put in the beverage i don't know for that good pepsi taste that is shot out bepis are you a bepis or conk kind of guy uh i'm over a Bartleskiit i'll tell you what and i tell people this every time that they ask pepsi your coke i like pepsi out of a can however out of a fountain definitely more of a coke than a guy yeah you need to try mexican coke because they actually use uh cane sugar in it rather than corn syrup yeah i think i've had one of those once upon a time it was pretty good yeah i mean i've been out of the pop game but i heard it's delicious i guess the only pappa i drink is haritos which that would be a great sponsor we should reach out to them man that'd be sick wouldn't it think about that i feel like they don't have feel like they don't do too much marketing well they should especially for me i'm a mexican on a podcast starting his own and they would be great for the brand and the culture just angry it'd be cool but whatever shout out haritos yeah oh god shout out cantaritos they're fire unless you're a normie like tonyp but said they were mid unreal it's because you led me to believe that there was tequila and i mean there's not it's malt beverage or whatever dude all right i was bamboozled it's fine it's okay i'm a hillbilly art i'd rather just have me a nice cold beer do you drink like i guess i can't even hate on it because i do too yeah you're right that is pretty fire whatever it is what what were you gonna hate on me for i don't know drinking cheap beer but i do it too so i was gonna be quite the hypocrite there enough he's just a hater you drink rolling rocks there we go hey rolling rocks i find beverage you know it would be really tragic if like rolling rock was about to give us a brand deal and they're just like wow this guy just shit on our brand so uh screw them it's okay it's just a joke buddy it's a good beer it's delicious they're gonna add one dude people oh we just got back in the good graces you just ruined it all over again unreal unreal you know how much rolling rock i'm gonna have to drink now for them to think about sponsoring us again unreal probably like one because you're just gonna really close this this is pretty good yeah it's a good chance but i say we've done pretty good call it a night if you're ready yeah i can't think of anything else that's too entertaining no it's all right sure the people if you're still listening again bless your heart we love you you're our kind of people we'll just say that um yeah absolutely hope you enjoyed again thanks tonyp for joining us we'll see you next time we'll have to get in touch about getting something going for thursday go bears go bears baby we'll see you guys on the next one [BLANK_AUDIO]