Lower The Tone Podcast

Episode 8 - Don't Skip This One

Chicken Nuggets come home to roost for one of team.

Patrick has a romantic date involving Oat Milk and Eggs.

Jon doubles down on what is a "proper dinner"

But who has to make the amazon purchase for a skipping rope?

Listen responsibly, and don't do so whilst operating any gym equipment

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Broadcast on:
30 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

So yeah, we're here early in two senses of the word John one like earlier than the allotted time that we agreed and it's fucking really early in the morning. This is ridiculously stupidly early like I would have been here I was sorry I want to let you into the zoom room earlier but I was um I was googling skipping rope. [Music] I know you say it's ridiculously early for the benefit of anyone listening it's eight o'clock and just to hark back to episode five people have been out doing proper jobs for hours. We've just had to sit down with coffee talking, but it's before eight o'clock this is a ridiculously early time it's crazy yeah I've learned things this morning I've learned that it takes if you've not thought about it at all it takes 12 minutes to change a shed to a podcasting recording studio. 12 minutes it's good to know for the future isn't it knowledge is power I might be able to use yeah yeah exactly that's exactly what it is might be able to use that in the future. Yeah definitely um good well this is lovely early. Good morning John welcome to my shed I feel equally welcome to your front room. Please say welcome to your shed you don't turn your video on yet so I can't even see it. Oh there we go that's much better now can see oh look you're wearing a shirt and everything you're like properly dressed up properly dressed up what is it you're please don't stand up given that last statement. I've just crawled out I've literally luckily it doesn't take me 12 minutes to set up a podcasting studios I just roll out of bed just roll onto this seat that's wrong man burn that seat. If you do have to stand up please do turn your video off first I give some sort of a quote what content that would be for the podcast yeah yeah yeah thankfully it's just an our all medium. Yeah all very good like it. Got a shit on using big words in a podcast studio. Someone's been eating a dictionary this week. That's because I am used to doing a proper job for at least and I've literally it's his early right now for three days of the week but it is still a proper job but proper times. Well yeah hmm yeah okay whatever. Whatever. Let's have a big fucking row right now live on the podcast I don't think I'd enjoy it. Let's do that yeah well as to say my proper job was obviously I was in Oakham last night and that is 16 minutes from my house that gig which is one of the greatest gigs I've ever had 16 minutes from my house. However they've closed a road which nearly made it was made 22 minutes last night I'm going to be honest when I looked at when I looked at sat now I nearly paused. No I'm not wasting. I'm not wasting another eight minutes of my life. Very nice was it a nice gig was it well attended? Yeah it was great it was incredible it was incredible gig it's the grain store in Oakham it was just incredible last night really great gig. Do you know just even the fact of you mentioning grain some sort of plant I've just started to snuffle and sneeze I've had a terrible morning. That's right away yeah that's it. I'll start making me mention being some pollen you'll be all over the place. For some reason this time in the morning and last thing at night at this time of year is horrific so yeah apologies as an hour or medium I might spend quite a lot of time sniffing and sneezing. Perfect there's a way this podcast works. Yeah well the shed is a reasonable distance from the house and I've sneezed before and I've had a text from Shell saying bless you. That's incredible. I think you walk her up. Have you got a proper manly sneeze have you got a man sneeze? Yeah fuck yeah. See I haven't got a man sneeze and Kelly always laughs at me for the way I sneeze. I sneeze in like I have to have eight and they'll eight little tiny hamster sneezes but do you keep them in I don't know I think I must do. Do you do like this? I don't let it all out and I've tried I've tried and I don't know how to I'm forty one years old and I've always sneezed like that so I've got to try and relearn how to sneeze at the age of forty one. I feel like I've got memorable sneezes but we haven't got a friend on as a guest but like immediately after this message from Jenkins and there was a point when me and him were driving out of a multi-story car park from a gig in Derby and do you know when you'd wound the window down to put your ticket into the car right now a sneeze grabbed me at that point just as like the windows down my head sort of half out the window and it's like enormous sneeze came on and it was not and you could hear it reverberating because of where you are it's just an echo chamber. You must have been able to hear it on the fourth and fifth floors of the car park. It's a sneeze I'm proud of it's a sneeze I wish I'd listened to as well a bit of this sort of here but I sounded like the whole Kanye West thing like the only two regret you've got is that you've never got to hear your own sneeze. Well welcome to the podcast if you've got any memorable sneezes or other bodily outlets but bodily functions that you've done that you think memorable we'd like to hear about. Please drop us a line lower the term podcast at here we go there the podcast for the podcast for people that fail at losing weight I think that's probably what we should probably is the only weight loss podcast that's been investigated by the tribs descriptions act. I think we should probably reframe the tagline of the realistic weight loss podcast yeah I think a bit of serious rebranding is I think we're just realistic we're realistic about the situation we're not involved. We're not involved in this losing eight pounds we're not having slimmer of the week we're we're shaming each other and now placing bets to try to try to embarrass each other as much as possible and I see you drinking coffee I'm assuming that's without milk this morning Patrick are we talking about that now no maybe not let's just finish the intro and then we can go into it. Yeah okay well why not john would you like to introduce the podcast and let everybody know both of our listeners know what it is that we're up to today. Good morning everybody welcome along to the lower the term podcast with me John Pearson and Patrick Draper we're here to discuss our weight losses all gains during the week of what's just happened so welcome along. Yeah and I would say this is a perfect jumping on episode if this is the first one you've listened to don't feel that you need to go back and I'm listening to the previous seven. Yeah podcasts you can jump on at this point we've been achieved largely fuck off well you have. John likes Angel delight we think it's cool and twix is yeah oh have you got through them and we'll come to that in a bit but yeah welcome aboard if this is your first episode he's fine to start from here struggling to lose weight welcome to the club. Yeah exactly I'm struggling to lose weight this is the job on out I felt like this could be the turning point the turning point of the podcast. I say it every week every week it's like oh this is it it's going to be this one this week it's going to do it we're going to do it and then but here we are we're back it's Friday morning it's a beautiful day it's a lovely lovely sunny. It's beautiful when you say the turning point of the podcast you mean when when we start talking about different things that was just a slap of what I can only describe as milky coffee. You've not done it you've not done it have you all week depends what you I've not done it all week okay well let's let's go back then so last week the bet was what bet dare I don't know what we're saying forfeit. It was yeah it was like a forfeit it was a forfeit for whoever would lose the most weight would get to choose something for the other person to do I lost the most weight only buy about 150 grams I think it wasn't why a lot was it. Yeah do you know what I accepted it because fair enough because I've not done a lot but really I should have called in a stewards inquiry I think to that I'm just started leveling the playing field a little bit more should we talk about percentage of body weight lost during that we're not doing we're not going pull var on this bad boy again we're not doing that because because I think I might have won if we'd have sort of just made it a fairer level playing field what the actual how much weight we'd lost yeah yeah okay yeah because without being you know without being like genuinely mean spirit about it you're a bigger unit than me yeah so there's like as a percentage of I don't think we're doing presentable body ways to lose it's not the het taflon we're not doing it on personal bests we're not we're not trying to do it on that it's not out but when there's forfeits involved it suddenly becomes serious as I realized on Monday after three days without milk yeah I did three days of that though I'm quite impressed with three days of that milk I did more I think I think I did up to Tuesday I broke on Wednesday okay well I stopped too bad and what we were so yeah basically I stopped you having milk because I lost more you lost I lost more weight than you so I stopped you having milk for a week which you haven't managed so really the forfeit this week's off because you've not agreed you've not contract done your contractually obliged things for the forfeit so be happy if if if we with this week as I did more than 50% let's say do 50% of the forfeit because I didn't manage it I did go through some it's weird isn't it? It's weird isn't it? I thought it's a really weird cruel and unusual punishment to get rid of what we're doing well again let's just say why we did it it was because you said to me I was being nice I was nice about it to start with and you said you said come on John this is unlike you why aren't you being the normal that you are and I said okay and I just thought back to the podcast and how we discussed the fact that I'd said at one point so maybe you should take milk out of your diet and you said please don't take milk away from me and as you well know you've known me for so many years if I've got something that I remember that's gonna hurt you I'm gonna use it it really did as well it was it was fine at first so drinking my coffee black coffee without sugar isn't angry drink oh yeah it's a wake up drink it's a pure wake up drink it doesn't wait because of the caffeine it wakes up because of the pure bitter tasting your mouth it's just functional that's all it is it's just functional I need caffeine and this is the vehicle I'm choosing to get it in there it's just awful the cereals was a problem because I'm used to that for breakfast and the rain reason I filled was just a lack of preparation that I mean I meant to go out and get some croissants or other alternatives and have and we've got hold on hold on hold on so your idea of your your replacement for having cereal and milk just take your milk out it was to go out and buy all butter croissants yeah I didn't do it but yeah that was my thought and put butter on jam on there but it didn't happen well yeah anyway so it was a lack of preparation and being old fashioned as we are we still get milk delivered to our house three days a week really you've actually got an old school milkman yeah old school milkman yeah round here with two bottles every couple of days is it a proper moment our milkman's called the modern milkman I don't know why he's called the modern milkman but he's called the modern milkman does he got as he cut like it's all it's all done on an app you can like sign up on the app and stuff like that and then you he'll deliver whatever you want you can change delivery like the day before but it comes at like mid-night it comes really it like ridiculously ridiculous time so does he still drive an electric milk no four miles an hour no he's driving a normal it's like a van elect it's electric van but it's driving a van but he also delivered it delivers it milk oat milk there's there's a multitude of things you can have it's more like they're having sort of like a delivery from a supermarket than it is having a delivery from a milkman where you should be just milk whatever grade of milk you wanted or orange juice that was all you used to be able to get from the moment yeah it's really expensive it's really expensive you are paying for an incredible convenience as in oh fuck we've got no milk oh yeah we have oh hold on it's at the door it's an incredible convenience and I like to support it I think it's a great thing is very old fashioned people stills you're fucking what milk milk delivered to your house at midnight by some random well my my my mate Jim Jim Jim man he's a he's a farmer in one of the villages around here he's got a vine farm dairy is they've got a milk shed and they've got a deliver they've got a vending machine which is basically you take your milk bottle up and you put it again and then the milk put it directly beneath a cow that's what it feels like there's a scat sauce with cows on the second floor that I'm just feeding down into this funnel and then you just get the milk it's incredible nice nice does it taste different fresher yeah it does take does taste fresh it all it makes incredible porridge and incredible anything like rice pudding with that is just oh wow god it's like proper no no no no no no no no no I need to go get some of my major delight because I make you it is the thickest creamiest change or change your game real delight so I am a biblical reference that you don't get that I mean wait lost podcast as a reference to any sort of biblical times yeah any literature whatsoever so anyway where was that yeah so the milk it dried up I did try oat milk on Monday me and Shell went out we had a little spot lunch or brunch whatever out both got eggs big fans of eggs and I got a coffee with oat milk it was foul it was a latte with oat milk so I had quite a lot of milk in it I mean half the drink is milk isn't it yeah and yeah it was I didn't like it it's hard it's not for me at that point it became difficult black coffee and a bagel the next day with my breakfast after that I'm done I stick with a black coffee so I thought well I'll stick with something but yeah I broke so Wednesday you had you had cereal milk yeah yeah but I still had black coffee on those days this morning I've had a very very milky bowl of cereal and a very milky coffee as a sort of a fuck you cruel and unusual for that this is the first time that anyone's mentioned the fact that there's drinking and eating going on during the podcast and you brought it specifically our inner cup up here to just drink it in front of me for me to say has that got milk in it no I mean that is a handy fringe benefit it's up here now because I've had to do several things at once because it's eight o'clock in the morning one of those things I've already mentioned is you've got dressed in a shirt I'll tell you what else I've filled on I've filled on that and I tried to it's been and so I know what will be the release date of this okay oh yeah 30th of July so this comes out on the 30th of July so as we're recording this we are between the semi final and the final of the euros yeah I've been watching quite a lot of football and as we know with you you're watching football it's beers and snacks beers and snacks and a friend from work it gave me a packet of flavourcrave flavourcrave rusby flavour capy peanuts flavourcrave the card is the specific type of brand and they're banging peanuts are they okay good it's a flavour explosion in your mouth I I read on the packet it said because I read the health information as I do these days before I ignore it and it said this packet contains five servings it does not contain that it's a lie an optimistic lie so yeah so so they were a bit of a fail but other than that yeah I've kept up with the exercise I've kept up with the punch bag and the and the skipping and all that sort of stuff punch bag but skipping half an hour a day I filled yesterday but that's because my watch run out of battery why is the watch run out of battery got anything to do with the fact you couldn't do your half an hour of exercise because it tells you when I've done the half hour of exercise for a man that refuses to have any apps or anything that help him do anything you're now using technology is your barrier for why you didn't do something that's a lie I don't have any apps that cost money oh yeah okay yeah sorry and where there's a subscription but why is to it now I see things I think I'd like to click on and find out more about that and then no because I know it's going to happen it's going to harvest me for details and then and then ask me for money oh yeah obviously everybody wants Patrick Draper's details you'd be surprised how many people ask for them and then continue to use them the email traffic is and every time I do one of these I get more of those weird Facebook friend requests no more of them come through do you think the unfeasibly large breasted women yeah friend request me I think I'm sure I'd remember if I knew you where did we meet I'd like to know where we met because I can't remember in any way shape or form and I definitely would remember I definitely would remember that if it was presented to me it's anywhere on the street yeah I don't remember a Steve that looked quite so good so yeah so every time I do one of these more of them come in and now I must be at least two or three a day really up to that much probably not probably about it yeah maybe two or three a week you're just remembering them what makes me laugh what makes me laugh is when they come out before in front of them I always have a look and see who's your friends yeah yeah some more of them come in so yeah so I use the the watch to let me know how much exercise I've done all right okay fair enough when I get home from work if it's saying all right you've done five minutes to do that's like a heavy heart you know you've got you've got a difficult week you've got a difficult evening coming up I've got to put a shift in and light I've got to do a dog walk could a dog walk not no dog walks like deal when he's not a good exercise right okay it's nice to get out and get some fresh yeah it's nice to sort of walk out I mean there's nice mental health benefits from a dog walk but there's no I mean it's so slow he sniffs and pisses on everything yeah so it's not getting your heart rate up with what we're saying you're not you're not it's not a brisk are so destructible whether you just if you ever want anything doing never ask a dog to do it because you forget it they're just they're just they can have a task in mind and then I've thrown a ball for him he's barked at me throw the ball throw the fucking ball right okay like really excited I throw the ball halfway through the run to get the ball which is fully committed to he spots a pigeon right get the ball it's that I'll go after that now and then oh there's one of the minutes across there I'm going to stop a piss on that I'll shout it where's the ball and genuinely yeah I don't know you're like it laughs yeah I never trust the dog with anything which is worth you know a task that's worth doing so you tend to walk quite slowly when you're with a dog or maybe because you're looking for balls 100% that you're basically playing fetch with yourself that's incredible I've done that before yeah yeah yeah you get it I've added up so yeah so you've got to go on like a brisk a brisk walk or a long dog walk if you'd have to go on like a 40 to 50 minute dog walk to get 20 to 30 minutes worth of excess house from it right okay got you yeah I understand I get you yeah it's quite a long time so yeah and 25 minutes of skipping and punch bag that's a long time that's a lot that's a lot of exercise that you do it until you're knackered and then you look at your watch and realise you've done three minutes yeah yeah what can I do I'll just start I'll just start moving up and down the stairs are we at Parker and pleasure John I mean let's talk about and I know it'll be a brief conversation the exercises that you've been doing this week yeah okay thanks very much thank you very much that's a move on now it's swimming we went swimming we did did family swimming this week we did a family swim this week which involves a lot of me swimming with a six year old hanging on to my back or jumping on to me or me throwing a lot of arm exercises a lot of throwing of a six year old up and down into the water while she while she says random as many words she can in the air before she hits the water that's her favourite thing I think what's her record I think well she's managed to say I want chicken nuggets that was one during the arc is until the head yeah until the head I want chicken nuggets splash yeah and then is there like a second part to the sentence with ketchup yeah then I have to get her out and get a whole order out after it's a weird way to do it's a weird way to do a McDonald's drive through but they do a last week at a meal I mean first of all we need to find someone to throw you oh yeah that's another thing that's another problem if anyone is the world's strongest man listens to this podcast I'd love to be thrown are you an operator of heavy machinery please do get in touch we were talking about this we were talking about this in the day because we're talking about being lifted up like being picked up I was like I can't remember last time somebody picked me up I mean I mean this might come across the road but yeah that's not I know who's gonna do any watch those that the world's strongest man competition at you're using on Christmas time isn't it yeah and there's that how heavy are those when they have to lift up those large those atmosphere those how heavy they were I don't know we'll have to find that out because that would be an interesting comparison to how heavy is an Atlas stone I'm going to do it now how heavy is an Atlas stone if it comes up with a picture of me the roof equivalent to John Pearson hosts a lower the hometown podcast yeah there there are hundreds or 160 kilograms all right okay okay so the smallest one is a hundred yeah wow so the lightest one the lightest Atlas stone is as heavy as heavy as me yeah so this means that a world's strongest man can pick me up if they could get to the end they can't trick them they're struggling at that point only yeah that's true I'm never gonna get thrown into a swimming pool oh John from what I've seen it looks quite overrated a lot of water up your nostrils don't think it ever goes the way you want it to know yeah I think that's true yeah so so that's what I have to say with the exercise I've got bored of it have you yeah I like going on the bike okay that's nice so when we shall went out the other day like she drove and I said I'll just go there on the bike I'll just meet you there I got my exercise in that way so you know clever it's clever way doing it clever it's not as romantic as a normal date when you both go together and I've arrived there slightly sweaty and out of breath on a bike and also but when you finish it's just like right see you later you've got a bike back yeah yeah I was I sold that I had three or four pounds again rob the event of some of the romance but you know he's not all about that as well as you just like oh you know I'm not biking back I just put the bike in the back of the car I get a shell to drive you over 30 minutes yeah exactly yeah exactly that's it full of eggs and up milk I got that exact book of beer oh God and without wanting to advertise them another difficulty I've got this three or four films coming on at the cinema that I'd really like to see oh yeah yeah and they're all coming out together like this is quite annoying I don't have to take snacks what you don't have to take snacks but really yeah you really don't have when was the last time you went to cinema with a bottle of water oh never no I'm not on saying is you don't have to do it like if you want to do but you never haven't no you don't have to never haven't never haven't I'm not saying I'm not saying this personally you don't have to but what I'm saying is you don't have to I took William to watch some I think it was the Mario movie and he wanted to get a large bucket of popcorn like the large way so let's get a large run and share it I said yeah I really hadn't anticipated how big that bucket was and they're huge isn't it but we had it on the seat between us and he reached across a knocked it onto me like honestly I was covered in a blanket of popcorn quite a bit of the film we're eating popcorn off me a blanket of popcorn is the greatest description of what would happen it was I assume do you know if you'd like spilled it at the top of the stairs of the cinema it would cascade down the cinema like a like a like a flood yeah it just finds its level white pen just found its level just like a self leveling pop I know and do you know you're it's got quite deep arms as well as it on the thing so it's like there was a good few in places like two or three kernels deep but when I feel really bad I hate it when people live a mess in the cinema yeah quite old school like that I do like to take my crap away but I stood up and just fell off you didn't get to get everything it's like popcorn and I thought guys like such a tramp as people in the row behind me are walking past crunching across the popcorn yeah and tutting like you would have been if it had been you yeah I felt judged yeah and I was finding it for ages like you know although I write there's some popcorn like confetti for a wedding if I did like two days later like oh it's popcorn now look at that I see my top pocket of my shit because I do know where he's been he's straight from the bottom to me that's what's happened there nothing wrong with it yeah it's not been on the floor anything so yes but so what I'm saying is that you don't need to take snacks you don't have to have snacks at the cinema so thanks John thanks for your search advice but I'm assuming you will you yourself are unable to follow yeah oh yeah I'm not saying what I'm saying is do as I say not as I do okay okay I'll bear that in mind thank you you're not going to so that's fine yeah yeah yeah I was thinking today do you know remember a few weeks ago we spoke about the park run yeah I don't know if that might be a thing that we now need to sort of think about picking up on maybe yeah I reckon so I reckon we should probably do a part run would you do it yeah I mean I'm not saying I'm going to run all the way around so don't think I'm not up to that level of any sort of thickness that I'll be able to run around for is it 5k I wonder I wonder if if we did one local to hear or local to you and then do a podcast recording afterwards yeah probably that would be a good idea a live in person one yeah in in the room podcast with each other yeah yeah let's do that I'm up for that go on a Saturday morning don't they yeah Saturday morning yet okay well when would we wait on the Friday and then do the part run on the Saturday yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay yeah 100% and as as there's a good two and a half week gap between recording and going live or publishing whatever the word is dropping when the episode drops dropping yeah yeah then if we if we don't do it in the next couple of weeks just cut this bit out so yeah if you're hearing this if you're listening and you're hearing this we did the park run tune in next week yeah we've organized the part run or is at least happening have you just I mean you sent me that picture to the other week the other day of a frankly obscene dessert oh mental we went yeah we basically went out for something to eat on the Sunday because I was asked to just go and get some tweets so we went to go and we found one of those places a pub that's a wacky warehouse do you know I mean like children play area type place and we had something to eat so I had a I had a burger which was amazing I didn't take the picture of the burger but then we'll also get some dessert and Kelly had a vegan chocolate taught poppy had ice cream and jelly in two separate bowls because she doesn't like to mix them so I had to ask for two separate but sensible yeah sensible and then I ordered um the mega chocolate Sunday which I didn't realize was for sharing that's for two people when you sit with that picture there's this unused oh yeah there was yes you came out with two spoons I was like oh okay but I went almost going like in my defense in my defense it was the same price as everything else so it was six pound forty nine the same price as the chocolate talk yeah yeah but it's a share it should have been twice the price and I would have gone up them there's a reason it's twice the price that's for two people it was a lot of dessert yeah it was a lot of dessert it was a lot of dessert can I ask as a percentage how much was left in the bowl when you left the establishment quite a lot was left in the bottom because of um I'd say maybe 1% was left in the bowl just did that's not what I'm going to say is that's just due to the design of the spoon and the bowl you can't scrape it well enough there would have been zero left if I could have got my head in it yeah any other fails any other exercise any other diet anything from you John or in terms of weight loss content that people might be able to take from and think I'm going to emulate that yeah well I was I've been yeah no um this week's been pretty it's not been that bad I've just I've been sticking to that I've been sticking to the well not been now I haven't been sticking to it there's a couple of fails I've had this week so this week so far we've had I mean we're rattling on for time I've not spoken about my fails what happened on on Tuesday Tuesday night I would go to my mum dad's for go to my mum dad's for dinner every night one night a week basically and they decided this this Tuesday it was going to be chip shop well I won't come with all to cook basically so let's go to the chip shop so we're a chippy we're a chippy dinner on Tuesday I text kelp what do you get oh I got um I wear large fish and some chips that was I won curry sauce nice nice no choice George get the same thing no bread and butter no don't always get the same day I don't I'm not normally a fish person I don't normally get fish I'm normally a battered sausages we know from previous podcasts over did it is for sausage three sausage three sausage day yeah exactly so normally get about sausage so this I went for fish is incredibly nice text kelp on the the night so my dad's wearing chips she takes what's in awe I really want to have chips so I was like yeah and she said oh this is going I said okay no worries so welcome around to yours tomorrow night so so the next so chippy dinner on Tuesday and the chippy dinner on Wednesday god I mean are you even I don't even know why you've turned up today I'd give I had like one chippy dinner I'd be feeling slightly I'm not taking the podcast seriously enough but you are too on successive nights what did you get on night to from the chip I just I just had a I just had a chips then just a chips chips chips chips chips chips chips chips I took out the extra of all that sorry but my apologies I'm taking the piss but yeah you only had chips yeah it's what my thought my thought was this is just a it's just potato it's technically it's just a normal dinner as it's how come it the more fatening let's dip him in a deep fat fryer for to tell me it is one shake for breakfast one for lunch then a nutritious dinner and I thought you're still on slim fast yeah with with added chips I'm actually slim fast costume yeah I'm not a lot about eight pound for a tub and do you know other than other the chips on the night for instance do you through the dirtiest stick to yeah the slim fast plan yeah delicious nutritious shakes in the breakfast and then yeah okay see what I'm doing that yeah so I'm doing that okay okay fair enough another my life was perhaps premature well that's fine but another fail that we've got on top of that is that me and Kel went so it's it's Poppy's birthday will have been Poppy's birthday but on this goes out so happy birthday happy birthday to Poppy it was it would be seven she'll be she would be seven years old it would have been three days ago from when this went out we would have been to Twin Lakes we're going to Twin Lakes the music part for a birthday but she will be getting chicken nuggets on the way back from the from the nearest I will be yeah and she's that's she's that's tough enough to be fair almost drowned from their order so then so for a birthday we're going to get some some stuff and one of these places to don't get it from is a farm shop called Gates's which is up the road from it which is an oak wall posh posh as we know as we know I did say this is a jumping up jumping on episode so don't feel the need to go back farm shops has been covered yeah they are expensive deals yeah and we went to this farm shop and it's not a farm shop it's it's it's called Gates's nursery but it's it's basically a shopping outlet it's it's it's ridiculous massive like they've got everything in there everything's super expensive they've got like a Lego section in like this one like bit there's like a toy shop which is just ridiculous yeah but we ended up so we did the shopping bits that we needed to do and then we ended up in the farm shop bit the farm actual shop bit and to say it's posh and that me and kel are not posh you could tell by our screams of excitement at certain things and then the look of disgust at how much it cost I've got a couple examples couple of examples the first one was the fact that we went to the the frozen section they got a freezer section they've got ready meals which are great where's fantastic but they look like proper posh ready meals next to that fruit but not bagged you can scoop out your own frozen fruit and put it into your own bag and then weigh it so it's like a pick a mix frozen fruit section nice I could see the excitement in your first right now I was blown away by this like you can pick what like it's this is ridiculous isn't wall worse we're not picking pick a mix it's like raspberries and raspberries bloopers blackberries strawberries every most fruits but not on a bit or frozen or frozen and with scoops for each so you can scoop it out and put it into a bag and have as much as you want I've never seen that before because I just shop in places like Tesco's and Iceland and was it expensive it was very expensive yeah we're talking it was it was we're talking four pound sum up for a very small bag did you still get a bag no we didn't get a bag of that no we did not get a bag well next thing next next freezer individual I'm struggling to share your excitement for the frozen fruit I just didn't see it in your face that's just incredible but it's with scoops Patrick like you can scoop out your own I want to be swept along by your enthusiasm for it I want to be I can't I can't see it's not like a daily is that a daily thing for you I wouldn't be not interested in it because I've been immersed in a life that enjoys like regular access to frozen pick and mix I just don't think I'd care as much I think that's incredible and then next to that individual frozen croissants pano chocolate like you could again pick a mix of baked frozen goods not just not just just roll puff pastry that you have to crack the can of and then rip up open yourself and then do it there was this ready ready to bake like again didn't have to buy a pack of four you could buy one if you wanted to okay honestly I just wow this is amazing I can't I can't get you can't get excited by this can you get excited about croissants but the frozen the individuality of it like you can just pick out the one you want I've never frozen food maybe this is just me maybe I was brought up in a way of frozen food is bag door boxed and it's in the portions that they're going to give it to you in you know when we went to any shop when we were in that back in nowhere village in Shrewsbury I went to that co-op there yeah where we were I managed to save the day and found us some cut price sausage rolls for £2 £20 we've fed both of us incredible yeah exactly yeah yeah two big fellas for that but anyway that's I'm still basking in the glory of that type of thing that excites me yeah it was where we got them from there was baskets of individual breaded products and I'm sure yeah there weren't croissants in there because it was the night time but you go there in the morning yeah but they're frozen what I'm saying is that if you need to take home and cook where have you ever seen that before they're fucking saw you coming up I'm sure if they've got inside your head to the point where you're thinking what they sell is special so you're willing to pay a six quid for it now okay that's how they're that's how they make their money I also I also bought a pizza got you did it was it nice yeah it's incredible oh one of the greatest pizza ever so this wasn't frozen this was out of the the cold section but it was the reason I bought it was because it had bits of steak on it and I mean like proper yeah like proper they were red like it was like yeah just like amazing amazing I had it last night and it was just incredible yeah fair enough okay that does so nice and so good you know when you cut you know when you cut it I cut the pizza into slices and the mozzarella was so good that it just melted back over the cuts that I'd that I'd done so it still look like a full pizza fair enough and I think when I watch that Britain's poshiest farm shop program which was great and I still I still think about it now it was that they did have a kitchen at the back with a chef who who was the ready meals he was thinking about them and weren't just mass produced no he was he was making oh yeah these are ridiculous things they had were ridiculous for a ready meal where you just like oh I want to have a lamb tagine is a look a ready meal and probably healthier as well yeah maybe maybe so yeah there you go so farm shop that was another not a fail but kind of like we did we did buy quite a few things we did buy some strawberries though as well from there so we bought some proper British strawberries they tasted incredible nice nice strawberry season yeah strawberry season yeah at the end of the day it's rude not to yeah exactly yes it's rude not because it's like the way it's corneto season it's rude not to go first isn't it I don't mind going first now we did this was a demand from last week you said I needed to go first this week because you I feel like you feel like I've just I just wait for your number and then go I'm going to go under that yeah I did feel those I read it do it yeah it was that a little bit and because you'd done nothing you'd done nothing you'd not put any effort towards and I'd done something yeah yeah I can see I can feel it and like I said to you know when we did that record it but there was a sadness to it there was a sadness to it all you keep saying that anyway what's your number big guy my number okay well to tell you that I've had to change the setting on the scale this morning what to read down to an extra decimal place and effect well I've always been measuring in stones and pounds I had to change it to change it to grams I tell you metrics the way forward mate you're going to have it even the smallest loss feel like well how can you say that that'd be lovely I've had a hundred and fifty grand game game oh fuck it was coming it was always coming mate it was always coming mate it was always coming mate I can't I think I've been riding the coattails of losing weight quickly too quickly too much so 150 grand game game 150 grand game so I mean anything that I've done as long as I've not gained more than that if you've gained a hundred if you've gained a hundred and forty nine now I'm going to call I'm going to call a student query I wasn't expecting much to be fair this morning I wasn't expecting anything because I know I've not changed habits appreciably and the exercise she has got a great way of best in bubbles and she sent me a video so I'm doing the exercise she sent me a video that some guy posted on Instagram talking about how little exercise contributes and how if you eat something of a high calorific content simply doing the exercise equivalent to that calorific content probably won't make that much of a difference right okay because of how the body and metabolism works and it might not it might not have a fucking clue what he's talking about but he did it in such a way because he had measuring beakers in front of him and he explained it using water so it made it slightly more scientific was it colored was it colored water had he colored the water that would have blown me away that would have that would have made me just go yeah he's exactly right fuck this I'll throw I'll throw the skipping rope down I would have cut the punch bag down and walked off out of the garage as it was as it was no he just used that and he was saying it made very little difference I think I might just waste him a time here right anyway I've I have achieved a loss of half a kilogram 500 grams wow oh my god it's 1.1 pounds yeah or 0.16 of a BMI I don't know what the fuck a BMI is we're not doing BMI anymore that's that's gone BMI is out of there we're not doing BMI anymore it feels like he's not very illustrative of anything that's happened so half a kilo though that's alright so now if I was to look at the stats that I've been compiling this is in the how long I've been doing this now seven weeks I've been 85 days I've been doing this weight loss I have this is as low as I've ever been this is equal to as low as I've ever been is it really yeah so I've lost have you just gained all the way through this did you lose in the first week and then gain all the way back up to where you were he's been something of a sore tooth as we look at the graph but I'm down to a point which yeah this is as low so yeah it had got up and then down then up and then down so yeah it is a net loss of yeah half half a kilogram from last week incredible my problem that I've got and I get this a lot when I'm doing weight loss when I've ever done weight loss in the past and I've done obviously I'm a yo-yo dieter that's one of the worst things about me I'm at the point now where I'm just those couple of pounds away from dropping into the next stone category so I'm nearly down so you know what I mean I always get stuck here this is where I always go oh well I'm there I just stopped trying so I need to get out of that mindset and really I'm going to hammer it this week I'm going to be skipping outside so disappoints oh yes of course the skipping the skipping is happening when was the last time he skipped oh ages ago I might come and join you you're going to come and join me for a skip I've you're going to skip as well or you're just going to come and video me skipping in public I might do both I've enjoyed I've enjoyed skipping it's it's very tiring yeah when you are a block who's overweight and you carry a lot of the weight up front there's a lot of like jiggling around goes on while skipping that doesn't feel too good if you want my advice John loose clothing and I think finding the rhythm to so you can just keep it going yeah is yeah I've heard while I'm doing it I naturally go faster and faster yeah I thought that would be me as well that would I think I so need to find the right rhythm to skip out but yeah so skip is happening so I'm going to have to I'm buying a skipping rope of Amazon that's going to have to that's already in the basket that was in the basket to start the record but you haven't pressed purchase just a drip I might have lost just just just just just just in the hope that Patrick Draper's metabolism was going to come in and hit me with something incredible like John I've done I've done 700 hours worth this week of exercise I've not eaten a thing but somehow I've put on 300 grams I've got no idea what I'm doing I'll tell you what disappointed me out of all of this is the one thing that's made a difference is a sustained and consistent healthy exercise ridden life and that just feels dull because I'm telling you I get to a point where I've got my exercise to do today I'm just bored by it I don't find any fun in it is finding a way to make it fun if anyone knows how to make exercise less Essex let's crippling to your soul and spirit that you think oh god I'm going to do this please drop us a line to load the term podcast at yeah there's no what you do you what what what you do to again people to say it's your mindset you need to actually want to do it I've just just Kelly's just text me to say how's the podcast record going did you lose any weight and I put no and she just put oh and then she sent me a gift of Homer Simpson skipping She's replaced by the gift that we're going to produce of John Pierce and Scaffee You know what I'm in a way I'm not I'm not sad about this I'm happy because you've got a happy smiley face I'm selling my car today and buying a new one it's more about that oh my god incredible what a time to be alive what a day you're going to walk into that you're going to walk into wherever you get in that car for my mate knows anything different from the last time I was here I've lost 500 grams since then yeah yeah I just need to transfer my stuff from the old car to the new one skipping ropes and dumbbells these are running trainers just pop them yeah let me get me bike out get me bike off the back of that oh no Oh yeah these cars good for a bike rack and they're obviously going to put a bike rack there for all the exercise Oh yeah well so yeah please do write in I would say the podcast email inbox is monitored by John once a month and anything that's in there even when he's promised to send them to me he doesn't so I know you've previously we've had one of correspondence sent in some really useful advice which John was going to forward on I've not seen it so apologies to the person that sent that in I've no idea what it is who you are or what it says even though I was vastly interested What's your email address? What my email address you think that's going to be loaded with the amount of people that have emailed it already you think that you're going to be inundated with emails if you say your email address out allowed on this podcast every time every time I give my email address to anyone anywhere I end up with inundated with Facebook requests from Russian hookers I don't want to use this podcast as another vehicle for sort of funneling more of them into my inbox That's so true though it's so true so yeah please do keep writing in if you want to let us know what you think followers on all the Instagram and Facebook there'll be some videos and pictures going up of me skipping in the middle of town or whatever we're going to be doing with this situation so that's going to be fun can't wait Yeah like subscribe rate is give us give us a review whatever you can do that would be lovely Yeah yeah that'd be brilliant thanks very much for joining us and we'll see you next week Ta-da! Goodbye! [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]