The 2024 Hungarian GP: The BBC Radio Drama

Spencer returns from Mongolia to recap his trip and struggles to follow the last two Grand Prix races with little signal in the Mongolian countryside. Along with Jessica, the pair discuss McLaren’s controversial 1-2 podium, Max Verstappen’s struggles and the myriad of radio exchanges across all the teams. Bonus side story includes Verstappen’s stunning knowledge of cat breeds. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Broadcast on:
23 Jul 2024
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Spencer returns from Mongolia to recap his trip and struggles to follow the last two Grand Prix races with little signal in the Mongolian countryside. Along with Jessica, the pair discuss McLaren’s controversial 1-2 podium, Max Verstappen’s struggles and the myriad of radio exchanges across all the teams. Bonus side story includes Verstappen’s stunning knowledge of cat breeds.

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And I'm Spencer Hall and I - the word is - I'm back. You're back? I'm back! Finally! I'm back. What can you tell us about where you were? I was in Mongolia and I can tell you that it's beautiful. It's very far away from here and that it is very difficult to watch an F1 race if you are in Western Mongolia working off of 3G Wi-Fi at best. That's what I would say. I have several follow-ups. The first one is - why? Was this like a vacation, just for funsies? Were you going to see a sporting event? Who were you with? Those sorts of follow-ups? They're for fun and also for work because it's the part of the work that I get to decide to do. I was there for an ADAM, which is the summer games that they do, where they wrestle, shoot arrows and race horses across the open step. Always wanted to go. Always thought it was the coolest thing. It turns out it's the coolest thing and I was there with Brian Phillips. You may remember from his writing at Grantland, his book Impossible Owls or Other Places. Yeah, I was there with Mr. Run of Play himself. We just decided to go and have some fun and it turns out that the only way you can get your F1 updates is to climb to the top of a tall object in Western Mongolia. Hold your phone up high and occasionally receive texts of, "Oh my God, Lewis is winning the race." I missed your moment. I missed so many moments when I was gone because... It was George's moment. Yeah, I missed George's moment. We can talk about, I missed all of this stuff. And there is the scientific theory I want to advance, Jessica. Did all of this happen because I left the country? I have the same question. Maybe we'll find out the next time you leave the country. But my second follow-up was like, "How much F1 did you actually get to watch?" And/or follow because we have a DNF group chat and we were very active in the group chat that you were also in. But I don't imagine that you read all of the messages in it. So how did you consume F1 during this Mongolian video? Primarily through the group chat. So imagine pockets of no service. And then every now and then I would get 38 text messages. And the last one, of course, to anyone familiar with this makes no sense. So you have to go through and decode it by reading the previous 37 messages as to what happened. It's a pretty absorbing way to follow it, by the way. I got to sort of ride the highs and lows. For those of you who did not get to experience this in real time, Jessica was an absolute mess during Louis' win. Like in the lead-up, in the last few laps, all the way during, and then afterwards. It was honestly, I think I enjoyed it as much as watching a race because it was thrilling. Thank you. I didn't admit this on the podcast because we had Nate Saunders on after the British Grand Prix, and I wanted to act cool because he's a journalist. He's a pretty serious F1 guy, and I'm not any of those things. So I tried to play it cool. So what does this win mean for Louis Hamilton fans? But I will admit now that the last 10 laps of the race, I went in a different room, and I didn't actually watch the laps. I just listened to the commentary because I was like, I can't watch this. I can't watch this. Something terrible is going to happen. Something terrible is going to happen. If I look, I'm not going to look. Little did you know, I already secured the win by leaving the country. That's all you need to do to get 12 of the most exciting days in the F1 season. Just put me in Mongolia, put me in Western Mongolia so that I can only follow along on the DNF group chat, which would sell subscriptions to that, really. Like if it's 20, if it's 30 people, it's still worth it just so you can see the emotional spiraling that occurs in the group chat during a race. A lot of big shows have Discord channels and stuff like that where you can communicate with your favorite show hosts during tense moments. But I do feel like the true unfiltered feelings that I have watching a race are things that should be monetized. Like I can't give those away for free, and I can't give those away to people I don't trust. So Spencer, you're welcome. You got to see the unfiltered, just purely emotional joy of watching Louis Hamilton win the British Grand Prix, and now we can burn that group message forever. All it, all it, no super ego. It was a beautiful thing to behold. If you want more answers, by the way, on what I was doing in Mongolia, you can always subscribe to my newsletter, channel six, or you could check out the episode of Publatory. Finds out where I talked about this briefly. It's with Candy Nolan. It's from like Last Last Wednesday if you want to take a look. Publatory finds out where Spencer was before Jess does, because we have a lot of information to go off of. We just knew you were gone. We knew you were in Mongolia. We didn't know what you were up to there. And like every four days, I'd just see a selfie of you with your beard flapping in the wind. And I was like, Spencer looks like he's having a good time. I hope he really is. Yeah, I've told everyone it was a very hard trip. And now I will let everyone in here on a little exclusive secret just for DNF viewers. It was fun. It was so much fun. Oh, God. I could do it like now. I could do that all over again. It was great. Everybody should go to a place where it's hailing and 40 in July. Perfect. Perfect weather. I've been to South Bend, Indiana. I don't want to live here again. I'm going to say something that won't surprise you. Jess, I enjoyed Mongolia more than I've enjoyed my travels to South Bend, Indiana. And it's not because my football team was playing or lost. I love world traveling. And just like F1 drivers, you were traveling the world this summer. And now we're here. And they have been too. And now we're almost done with the first, I guess the first half schedule wise of the calendar, although I think the Hungarian Grand Prix was like the official start of the first half of the second or the second half of races. If you're, if you somehow followed that sentence, congratulations. I know. Let's put it this way. We're made sense in my head. We're at the F1 Solstice. How's that? We passed the F1 Solstice. That's the longest F1 day of the year. We're all, we're into what I guess is now officially the home stretch. All right. Just by. Although we have a three week break coming up. So it's very confusing. But yeah, I going into the Hungarian GP, we're like kind of halfway done with things. But there's still a lot of racing left. And boy, did, uh, did that race pay off if you were a fan of the F1 mess and drama? Yeah, this is this was a great one to come back to because not a lot happened really, in terms of race position and track events until the last couple of laps. And then, even then, what was happening over this is the first race that I can honestly say, probably should be listened to rather than watched. And do you want to go through a little bit of, of dramatic repartee and trying to help everyone understand what happened at the end of that race? Because on paper, this looks like a triumph from McLaren. On paper. Yeah. Oh, 100%. Like, a one to finish should be with Oscar Piazzari winning his first Formula One race in his career. Like he's won a sprint race before, but this was the big one. He has not won one of these yet. This should have been a weekend where McLaren, they pack up the, they're like garage and they pack up everything on, put everything on the plane, you know, pack up their suitcase and they go home and they're all smiling and they're like, wow, we actually have the fastest car guys. We did it. That was great. It was a one to finish. We beat the third place driver by several seconds. It wasn't particularly dramatic at any point that, you know, there was no doubt that either of our guys would finish in the top two. It was close at times, but we kind of controlled that one pretty well. We're all happy. We're all going home, but somehow Spencer, that's not how anyone feels today. No, not at all. And let's, we're going to, I'm going to go ahead and start reading a little bit, if you would. I'm at the McLaren transcript that we have in our show, Doc. If you would like to join me, I'm going to skip down a little bit and take you straight to lap 49, okay, which is where you have the voices that I'm going to do. Our race engineer will Joseph of McLaren, who's communicating with both drivers. And I'm also going to be doing Tom Stullard, another engineer for McLaren. Okay. This is, this is lap 49. We'll just, you're doing both voices. Yes, because I want you to do a little Lando, because I think you can channel Lando. Okay. This is my casting direction. I can sound disappointed. All right. Will Joseph Lando, just 21 laps after this one. You do have the current fastest lap. Look after the tires, Tom Stullard. Okay, Oscar, once you get to Lando, we'll swap the position, but we want to avoid Lando having to give up a lot of race time. Let's remind everybody here, the positioning as it stands at this point in the race is that Lando Norris is ahead of Oscar Piastri due to some pitch shenanigans, some race strategizing that, you know, normally would be pretty benign because Piastri had better pace. However, Piastri makes a slight mistake and starts losing time behind him. So for a minute, the idea that Oscar Piastri would have caught him anyways is not a foregone conclusion, because Norris is maintaining or increasing the lead due to Piastri making a couple of very minor in the general picture, but significant in the moment missteps. So we're going to go ahead and do this. All right, we're moving down to lap 53, lap 53, where just to make sure everything's okay, Joseph says, Lando, radio check, please. Yes, loud and clear. Okay, save the tires and T4 and T11, please. We need you to save tires and we want to let Oscar through. Well, you should have boxed him first then, surely. It doesn't matter. It does for me, maybe. Okay. So timeout. This is, this is the race engineers asking him to conserve tires in those turns because Lando's still making pace. He's still trying to pull away. He's still not doing the thing they asked him to, which is he's going all out when they needed him to maintain so that Piastri could catch up to him. They're also like double and triple checking like, hey, you can hear us, right? Is your radio broken? We've been trying to tell you you're not, you're not saying anything back. Are you there? And he's like, yeah, I'm processing the last 30 minutes of this race and the fact that I'm in first place and this is Lando Norris's perspective, which I think is fair. It's fair to put yourself in his shoes and be like, why did he have to give that up? Lando Norris is in second place behind Max Verstappen right now and he is maybe the only driver who can actually challenge the driver's championship and he's in first place and he was on pole leading into the race, lost his position going after, or into the first turn on lap one. So he's like, well, you guys put me out in front for a reason, surely. So now you want me to give it away? Now let's go to ignore you. Let's go to the full. We've been trying to contact you about your overdue bill voice here. Okay. We'll Joseph again. Lando, we still think you're using the tires too much. T four, T 11, and the rears and the exits turn six and nine Oscars three and a half seconds behind. I know you'll do the right thing. Turn four, turn 11, it's going to get boring. Okay, Lando, this is this is four laps later with no response from Lando Norris. Is this thing on? Okay, Lando, 10 laps to go. We both think we think both cars are using the tires too much. Just remember every Sunday morning meeting we have. Yep, tell them to catch up then, please. That was the ultimate guilt trip. Hey, remember the Sunday meetings? Remember how we all have our our breakfast together and we chit chat on Sundays and we we go over the strategy? Like, you don't want those to be awkward going forward. Do you Lando remember? We you made a promise. Remember the good times in the hauler. Remember the egg whites. Oh, the mushy peas. What else do they eat for like the the sauteed tomato? Yeah, the sauteed tomato, the black pudding, right? Yeah, uh huh. The goat's head. I'm sorry. That's a Mongolian breakfast, but you know, not a Mongolian breakfast. It's more like lunch. But anyway, we're going to go to something extraordinary here, which is I think the last bit that we're going to do because it really is extraordinary. I've never heard this before and I think to this detail and Jessica, have you ever had an argument with your significant other in front of others where you said we we need to take this to the DMS? We need outside or we need we need to stop, right? Have you ever had that sort of argument? I haven't had that with my significant other, but I've had this with like my parents. I've had this with friends. I've certainly certainly had this with a lot of people. I've never had this with my sister. My sister and I will will start throwing punches in front of other people. We don't give a shit. But yes, this is a very relatable feeling like, okay, we need to do this where people can't see us doing this because it's going to be very awkward. All of us. And who holds the power in that situation? The person who will take it public. The person who doesn't give a fuck. The person who will just go ahead and do it live in front of everyone. They're the ones who hold the power in that moment. Right now, this is Lando Norris because Joseph has been reduced to doing this live on the radio in front of, in front of God and Christian Horner, okay, because you know, Christian Horner is listening into this like, how's that God? Yeah. Oh, and the entire world was listening to this on Sky Sports. Yes. And it was every second of it was. Yeah, I repeat live. Everyone's listening to this. Lando, he can't catch you up. You've proved your point and it really doesn't matter. He's on much quicker tires. I mean, I would have tried to undercut anyway. If I didn't, I would have gotten. We did this stop sequence for the good of the team. Yeah. And I'm fighting for this championship cause I'm sorry. This is the most Kobe Bryant moment. Someone's like, Hey, there's no iron team. They know we either. I'm trying to protect you, mate. I'm trying to protect you. Lando, there are five laps to go. Lap eight, lap 66. The way to win a championship is not by yourself. You're going to need Oscar and you're going to need the team. Then he said, the longer we leave this, the riskier we get it gets. Uh huh. Yeah. Yeah. Don't worry, Oscar. We're managing it. That's Tom Stuller, by the way. Just chiming in here now, right? Oscar's like, what the fuck is going on? I thought he's going to give me my place. Yeah. And then Will's like, if there's a safety car now, it makes this very awkward. Please do it now. Yes. And then Norse finally, finally manages to do it. Finally. And then so, oh, and then they just, you know, then everything's fine. Everything's fine. Was there a moment where you were like, Oh, he's not giving this up because for me, there were like four, four laps to go and then three laps to go. I was like, Oh, this is, this is going to be the ugliest champagne drenched celebration we've ever seen enough one because they're all going to be so mad at each other. What a turn that would have been if Lando had just popped right out like and not giving it up. I thought lap 65 66. There was a flash of a moment where after Lando Lando's last radio message before he gave it up, I thought he might, he might not. I didn't think he was going to. And I thought that even though probably the world would have been mad at him, I would have, I would have understood and I would have been going out on a limb like, I kind of get it. But I am I am I alone on that Spencer? Like, what do you think he should have given it back? All right. Here's the point where we say the thing that you're not supposed to say in terms of the team in terms of the sport and in terms of how everyone else believes things should go in this in the sense of fairness and of team strategy. Pastry did earn that spot and pit strategy is the only reason that he's back there. However, I will point out also that Lando was gaining time at this point. He was faster and he was in the lead. I would have had a really hard time as a driver not doing that. I would have and I also say this, the idea of making a team argument, I get I get this is this is a team sport, even if there are only two drivers on on the grid at any point, okay, that makes it a unique team sport. But still, I would also say this, it's not like the team's going to have any kind of loyalty towards Lando if things go sideways. It's not like that. It's not like he's gone. It's not like they're going to grant him a win in any other situation. It's nothing's free and the driver is disposable. And I think that those factors, even for somebody like Lando who may not have been through the kind of like career knocks of somebody like a Fernando Alonso or hell, even a Lewis Hamilton at this point. I could see just going for it. I would not have blamed him at all because it's a weird sport because there are moments of where where being selfish is exactly what you're supposed to do. And then there's moments where you were reminded to be a team player to teams that have very little loyalty to you, right? Like very like it could turn on a dime. Some teams are less loyal than others. McLaren has been devoted to Norris at every level. So I think that may be part of the good credit that McLaren has earned in Norris's eyes that allowed him to make this decision. But if he gives it up to Peastory and Peastory eventually overshadows him, then yeah, it's going to wrinkle. It's the kind of thing that you go. It would take an extraordinary pair of people and extraordinary management to make this happen. You know who you didn't hear on the mic? That was interesting. At no point will you hear like Zach Brown chime in. Like these were just engineers, right? That would have been the ultimate like, hey, everybody, it's like when your babysitter has to like call your mom. Yeah. And I'll put her on the phone. That it's your bedtime. I'm going to put her on the phone. Yeah. I don't know. I feel like at the end of the day, Norris ultimately did the right thing for the team, I guess, team chemistry and cohesion and camaraderie. And like he did say a lot of the right things after the race. But it did feel really awkward watching Oscar win. And then like it kind of like took the took the air out of it, I guess. And I don't think that Lando Norris should be blamed for that. I think that's really McLaren, just kind of mismanaging the situation and not being like kind of just do it. Repeating the same mistakes that they have in previous races that they've lost where they're just very indecisive about who is the number one driver? Who gets the number one strategy? Like who like, it just you can't like play it fairly in equally both ways. There has to be that sort of like one two hierarchy in F one or it or it just doesn't work. And it doesn't seem like they really wanted to commit to like, all right, we have one driver that has a very small outside chance of winning the championship. We should do everything we can to get him the most amount of points. It seemed like they're like, well, you know, Oscar, Oscar was in the lead on his own merit, like should be noted. He was like that he earned that. He's very fast and he is a very good driver. Like he deserves to have this win and, you know, our shenanigans shouldn't ruin it for him. But I think they kind of screwed it up and it kind of took the wind out of the sales for Oscar for a minute. But now I'm seeing all this content of him celebrating his mom jumping for joy, watching the end of the race. And Spencer, I'm not sure if you got to if you saw this little tidbit, but a fan, fan walked up to Oscar Piastri before the race and tried to give him five euro and was like, take it, man, it's good luck. And he ended up putting like the five euro into the car that Oscar was in and Oscar kept it. And it was in fact good luck. And here is him celebrating after the race with the five euro. He said I was going to win. He went wrong. We'll start a new business. Thank you. Just disclaimer, I'm not accepting money or privacy facts. Just thought I would put that in so I don't get sued. Full disclosure, we are. We are. He doesn't like to give either of us a five dollar or five euro bill. Major denominations and currencies only. And we don't give change. So that reminds me, Greg Cody gave me a 10 euro piece today. I don't know what that I guess. Maybe I'll win something. Tip your drivers. Tip your drivers. But yeah, happy for Oscar. What a what a weird way to win your first race. We're very happy for Oscar and very happy a paper remember. Let's just zoom out. Like like we're going to come back to a little bit of mess here in a second with a different team. But let's zoom out here. It is July 23rd as we're recording this. And McLaren just went one, two at the Hungarian ring halfway through the season. That's extraordinary. That's McLaren is ahead. I think of even their own highest expectations in terms of how well these cars are performing and how well both drivers are performing. So I know we just spent like 20 minutes talking about what an absolute crap hash they made out of this entire race and how they managed it. Even with that, they won and they placed they occupy two thirds of the podium, a max performance by the team. So just to keep that in mind that that yeah we're saying all of this and McLaren is still putting up you know 40, 20, 10 a game so to speak. It is incredible what they've done. They are ahead of schedule and they're going to make this a very interesting second half of the season speaking of max performances that and ahead of Ferrari and ahead of Ferrari ahead of Ferrari. Plutilism prize fighting the sweet science. Whatever you call it. 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Terms at With Walmart's new fresh and frozen subscriptions, you can save time when you're weekly grocery shopping. Dad, you're supposed to be grocery shopping. And miss the chance to embarrass you in front of your friends? I subscribe to Snacks and Wetnapkins. You know how messy you are. Walmart, subscribe to your weekly list. A bad kind of max performance from Max Verstepan and Red Bull. Let's get this out of the way it start Sergio Perez, only trouble in qualifying. No problems here. Actually had a really good race, made up of a bunch of spots and got a top 10 finish. I believe he finished 7th, okay? So yes, Sergio has been struggling, but he was not necessarily the problem here. The problem of all things was Max Verstepan. Yeah, so I guess the big question is did he stay up too late playing video games? Well, let's go ahead and look this up. Was there in fact a 24-hour team red line? Yes, there was. There was. Oh, no. Oh, no. Okay, so let's actually let's actually discuss this, because I have seen a lot of F1 commentators criticize David Croft on Sky Sports for suggesting that Max Verstepan maybe didn't get enough sleep the night before the race, and that's why he was being particularly petulant, cranky, short, mean, I don't know, whatever adjective you want to use to describe his sort of back and forth with his race engineer, Lambiazzi. You can use that word, and it was pretty out of the ordinary even for Max Verstepan, but I've seen a lot of F1 commentators be like, Crofti is sort of going way too far with this criticism of Max, and should Crofti have mentioned it like more than maybe one time? No, it was, he brought it up a few times too many, but I do think it's actually legitimately a fair question to ask, because this was a very, very weird race for him. He looked like just very sloppy, was making a lot of mistakes, and just sounded extremely unhappy. So I don't know, is it fair to be like, hey, maybe you should have like not done this iRacing thing the night before. It is, I'm going to read you a sentence, okay? Verstepan joined the race piloting the leading M4 GT3 in the early hours of Sunday morning ahead of the Hungarian event. During the darkness, the 61 time Grand Prix winner drove a consistent stint, deftly shadowed by the related redline Mustang for three hours. So I don't want to give any credence to a tired line of sports talk questioning that outlaws any outside interest, recreation, diversion, or otherwise unrelated entertainment, a sport, entertainment unrelated to the sport that you're doing. In fact, if anything, it's like Max is practicing too much. Let me take that tack. I don't think it's a diversion. I think Max is driving too much. I think Max is. You say, well, is this focus diverted? No, this man is too focused. He gets off the track and he immediately goes into a sim. Yeah, I would. He cares too much. That's a great spin. I would argue that Max needs a hobby. Let's get Max a touchgrass hobby, okay? F1 is his hobby. You don't understand. I know. The race in Hungary is his hobby. The first car he had was an F1 car. That's not a joke. Like, that's it was a race car. I don't believe at any point that we've considered that maybe Max needs some oxygen in that room. Maybe we need to get this man to touch grass. Maybe we need him outside a little more. Maybe he needs a hobby or some space because I don't think I would disagree with Crawford on this basis alone. I think it's a fair criticism. It's just coming from the wrong angle. I think he's doing too much racing. Too much F1. Well, he did say after the race that anyone who felt that he had been disrespectful to his team could F off, which I thought was hilarious. But I do know of one hobby that Max does have. This popped up on one of my social media apps this week and I wanted to watch it with you. One of his hobbies other than the sim racing and Formula One is cats. So, here is Max recognizing cat breeds in a video. You know your cat is Max. Rectal. Yes. Bumben. But I've never seen a British short hair like this as an American short hair. This is a British short hair. Yeah. Oh, it's orange then. Is that just orange? Yeah, it's an Egyptian mouth. This. What the f***ing coon? Server? No, I'm a senior in cat. Dragon Lee. But the ears are folded, so I just got to fold. So he does have one other hobby. I've never even heard of half of those cats before. That's a lot of cat knowledge on display. That is 100% a shocking amount of cat knowledge. So, have you seen this before? I've never seen that before. I've never seen Max wow me by correctly identifying. I think the British short hair was the hardest one or the American short hair because he was like, well, it looks like a British, but not quite like that. Which meant that he had like the 30 knowledge of a cat connoisseur to know that it could be the alternate breed. I'm I'm floored. Maybe I need to take back everything I just said. He's got enough hobbies. He maybe he does. He's got cats and F1. Croft is right. Croft is right. Get him more sleep. That's fine. That's just the sleep. Yeah. He did have a testy moment. We talked about erring your laundry publicly. This was the race of erring your laundry publicly. He did have a testy moment with Red Bull and with Christian Horner where he said that it was shit strategy and that they he was going to make the rest of it after the team screwed it up for him. I have no problem with Max saying that at any point doing it on the radio is counterproductive. And frankly, by the way, Horner even responding and saying it was childish. Don't do don't. You know who we need to hear less less of Christian Horner. Don't say I don't need to hear Christian Horner say anything in response. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I think that Max had a point about the strategy being really shit and like just kind of being a sitting duck for the undercut earlier in the race. But then he made his own bed with the whole Lewis Hamilton thing later on in the race and then was complaining about that. And it was interesting to hear pushback for, you know, when when he got kind of nudged off the track and he's like, well, you could just do that now. And like, he did get like a pushback from his engineer, which I feel like we never really hear them being like, you're you're wrong. Just keep racing. Stop it. Stop trying to blame everyone else. We always hear like support like, yeah, we're looking into it. So I thought that was very interesting. It was very like unusually testy and like the Lewis Hamilton thing was just crazy. And the way the FIA handled it, I thought was also crazy. But if you're one of the max for stappin doubters, who's like, he just doesn't know how to race wheel wheel on wheel because he's been in a faster car for the last three years, like that was good evidence. But to have a little evidence to support your theory. But yeah, it was just like a really like uncharacteristically like sloppy, bad, angry. We call him Mad Max, but this was like, yeah, like this was, he was angry. He was actually mad. It's very it's very funny to me that he had that kind of day, which is the kind of day you have when you are a tired sleepy baby. Yeah, he had that kind of day. Meanwhile, Lewis Hamilton, most veteran day ever, what'd you do podium? Which one was it third? You know, how'd you do it? Yeah, Jill just stayed completely calm. He even gets through that crash by being relatively calm. Max barges in, lies over him, goes like a little airborne for a minute. And Lewis just calmly proceeds. Just like, oh, well, that's fine. We got it. Just the most clock in clock out pro day. Lewis Hamilton has had this year with the best results. Like, and like, I agree. I mean, I don't know if you saw the cool down room video after the race, but like Lewis has been, well, I've noticed like the last few times he's been in the cool down room. It's like he's trying to like, you know, engage the other drivers more. I don't know. It was very interesting. It was an interesting dynamic. I'm not sure if we have the video, but Lewis was like trying to try to chit chat with Lando Norris and Lando was not having it. Oh, here it is. Let's watch this. 100 points here last year. Max, 76 points ahead of the driver's championship. Rose's hat. Lewis does the, were you here seven years ago and then was like, trying to give you a compliment, dude. Like, relax. Yeah. Lando is just like, Oh, it's hot. I hate this hat. I don't want to wear this. Lewis has very, like his vibe in this moment is very like, nice guy at the golf club house, who when you walk in after shooting a 93 and losing like 14 balls, like, like, he's like, hey, how'd it go out there? Pretty good, huh? You had a, you had a good birdie on seven. That was good. I saw it, man. Seems I can smooth. Like, stupid hat. Shut up. Oh, I hate to hate this. I bet you were a better golfer seven years ago. Like, yeah. Yeah. Lando, Lando was just not in the mood for it. Oh, man. Well, okay. What else do we need to talk about from Hungary before we go Spencer? Because there was some Daniel Ricardo drama. I suppose you could call a drama also. What, what did he say after the race that caught your major ears per Oh, it said that they fucked up. I think that was the thank you, Daniel. Why did we give Daniel Ricardo a seat so he could finish the race and come back on an open mic and say, they fucked up. That's in his words that they fucked up race strategy for him and just let Yuki have the rest of the race, which is interesting because one could argue that Yuki and Daniel are competing it theoretically for some of the same open jobs or some of the even jobs that should be open or open job right at Red Bull right proper with Max. Yeah, the great mystery, the great mystery of like why they aren't competing for like Checo's seat, for instance, which I get why you stay with Checo is to avoid the kind of problems that Matt McLaren might have when you don't have a one and a two, you have a one and potentially a one on the roster. Admittedly, one who is young and still learning, but a guy who eventually probably will be a number one driver somewhere. So yeah, that's why you take Checo because you're not going to have that problem, especially if you're re signing a driver of the caliber of a fully slept in and energized Max for step and who did not wake up at four a.m. to do eye racing or worse stay up until four a.m. to do eye racing or look at books about cats. He might have been looking at books about cats. Yeah, that's true. To Max's credit, the team on Christian Horner was like, he's dressed us guys. He got enough sleep. Don't worry about the sleep thing. Really, we don't trust you, but thank you for your input. Yeah, just because there anything else we need about the Hungarian before we drop the hammer on the rest of the second half of the scene. I mean, it was a really, like you said, on track, it wasn't a very like incident ridden race. There weren't, you know, tons of safety cars or or we were weather, anything like that. Like it was Oscar and Lando pretty much controlled the race from the outset after turn one where they went three wide with Max for step and Max did not come out on top. But it was very interesting from an interpersonal dynamic perspective. We'll see how they bounce back from it. I mean, you know, after you were in Mongolia when this happened, but after Max and Lando had their dust up a couple of weeks ago in Austria, Meg Schuster and I wondered how their relationship would bounce back after that. And it seems like things have repaired themselves and they're both totally cool with each other, both totally cool with each other. So it's very possible that McLaren has a long hard talk about this now and they sort of work some of these things out. And it's better that it happened now than say in a race where it is a decisive moment for a championship for one of the drivers. So get it out of the way while you're in Hungary and you got the one too. And it's better there than in a more dire moment. But we will see how Red Bull recovers from this too, because by all accounts, things are very weird there. Tension is high. Not just with Checo Seat, but Max seems very unhappy. Maybe it is a sign of something deeper. Maybe he was just in a very bad mood on Sunday and didn't like not being the fastest car and also not having the best strategy for one. So we will find that out and then we will take a nice three week long break and maybe by the time we're back, Carlos signs will finally know where he will be racing next year. That would be interesting. It would be interesting. It would also be very Carlos signs to not even bother deciding. Just maybe we'll never find out. You know who's going on a break too? Carlos signs agent. Everybody. Everybody's going to take a three week vacation. Because remember, Europe figured this out and we work ourselves to death for nothing. That's the difference. You know what F1's taught me? That's what F1's taught me. Yeah. That's fair. And it's what? July 23rd, you already did your big vacation of the summer. I already did mine and we're just going to be working all July. Well, Lando's in Ibiza. So yeah, jokes on who? Jokes on you. All right. Well, we'll see you next week after Spa. Yes, after Spa. Which by the way, real to do, real to do Spa absolutely out there. Please like, subscribe, rate us five stars, please.