BiKitzur Shulchan Aruch

Ep. 860. What Is the Halacha with שנוי מקום (a Halachic Change of Place) When One Goes into the Backyard That Is Fenced In: Leaving One's House and Coming Back Right Away

What Is the Halacha with שנוי מקום (a Halachic Change of Place) When One Goes into the Backyard That Is Fenced In: Leaving One's House and Coming Back Right Away

Broadcast on:
29 Jul 2024
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What Is the Halacha with שנוי מקום (a Halachic Change of Place) When One Goes into the Backyard That Is Fenced In: Leaving One's House and Coming Back Right Away
welcome everybody she number eight sixty getting back to our hocusbras okay we are we actually still in simmon race success we just went off a little bit on a tangent about the last four year and three-year months so actually four year again because things come up as they come up we try and discuss them when they're hot on the grill because otherwise we forget and so on so and especially a lot of things come up in hocusbras various different type of situations sometimes we talk to others find out different things different sperm we try and discuss it right away even though we are not in the subject per se so another two more interesting points that were brought to my attention the chamber of our hush vulture leader in cleveland where he mentioned he gave up sakalok or whatever the case was but he says like this in reference to somebody leaves the they have a backyard right so so this we discussed it we discussed these two issues in shinoi mokken the whole of the shinoi mokken we discussed if somebody goes and there's a backyard and to have an open an open backyard there's no fence no fence at all so awesome now you're running into a problem of shinoi mokken meaning when I leave the house no backyard that just is like as though I'm in the street I'm not not no backyard no fence in other words I go in the backyard or whatever on the side the alley where there's no fence nothing's fenced off I just go go leave the house I go out so now I need a new broccoli will be how lots of shinoi mokken now what about in a case in time which many people have which comes up which we discussed a little bit about the backyard is fenced off right I have a fence people can come into my backyard it's private right I go outside and there's a fence all around the fence off so do I say it's part there's two ways of looking at it do I say it's part of my house it's like a room it's fenced off good there's no roof but it's fenced off right making it a part of my house so thereby if it's part of my house so what's the problem there would be no shinoi mokken I would not need another broccoli do we say no it's it's outside of your house who cares it's not party house so there's a fence around it's not party house so it has a maze so I just want to mention it is much like this in the place can but Dr. Hirschfeld did mention that if somebody didn't go out and it's fenced off they go into the backyard and it's fenced off so then no new brocho would be needed and even more so I would just add if they could see the place where they where they were eating in other words what's the case I'm drinking my coffee right and now I'm drinking my coffee and and now we I decided to go out but I'm drinking my coffee now I decided now I decided as I'm drinking my coffee my house I changed my mind whatever I decide to go outside I have a backyard it's fenced off right so I go outside I would not need a new brocho preferably not to do that because it affected is a makleikus but if somebody did they would not need there would not need a new brocho and especially like I said if somebody could see the place in the house in other words I could see from the backyard it's fenced off a backyard but even from there I could see the place where I was drinking where I made the original brocho in my house right is a window whatever and I could see the place so then even that's even easier that one definitely should not make a brocho if that was the case okay so but again clear we want to make it if possible one should be careful not to do that but if they did go because it's because they're not like this but if they did go out it's fenced off the backyard do they need a new shahakal on their coffee the answer is no whether whether it is a coffee sitting on the table they came back in or they're holding the coffee in their cup right so the answer in that case fenced off backyard would be no another interesting thing brought down from Robert Hirschfeld that there are those who want to say if somebody just left the house from Amish like a minute for a second what what's the case I've heard this in the past other other post game talking about it the the a child is coming on a bus right three o'clock a lot of the little kindle look at three o'clock the kindle got on whatever's there come the bus comes pulls up in front of the house and the mother or whatever it is is drinking a coffee and the coffee's on the table the the the bus starts beeping so what do it what the person has to do it have to run out take the child off the bus it takes not even 20 seconds or there's a UPS package they're ringing the door whatever person goes outside leaving the house we're talking about going outside of the house quickly they take the package come back in it took not even three seconds but the bottom bottom line is that they left the house they went outside so the question is do I need it when you leave the house in general right you leave the house you come back you need a new broch about is there like a time limit like I just mamish went to take my child off the bus I ran ran out for a second not even to grab a package so there are there are some poison who want to say but the evid if it was done not to make a new broch but but it I have to say it is machima from the michibura that even for you run outside for a for a second you need a new broch and Robert Hirschfeld mentioned also that that lamisa that's how he holds that even one person goes outside even for one second they want to take out the garbage let's say right so I take out the garbage how long does it take two seconds I write I run outside quick I throw in the garbage takes two three seconds I run right right back in so doing that is running into it but whereby you would need a new broch so said Robert Hirschfeld michibura like I said michibura it's machima also like that michibura doesn't give a time frame and Lamisa it's machima from the michibura that if you just ran out for a second also once you left the house it's a cut off and you need a new broch again there are others that argue but but it should definitely not be done if one is drinking eating or whatever and and if they go out whatever the case is so you know we mentioned last time let's say they talk and run out to grab their child off the bus so let's say they run out to get the package in the case of the garbage so wait till you finish a coffee what's the big deal but in case sometimes a child a bus or whatever so when they come back they should make a shahako they should make a shahako possibly even on something else but even if they made the shahako on the same cup of coffee definitely would be good but if you want to cover a hundred percent old placekin to make a shahako and something else but definitely to make a shahako either is something else preferably or worst-case scenario he mentioned the under the same cup of coffee also but as much as possible one should be careful the other option is I don't know how much time you have but to make if somebody knows they drank the right amount of the right amount of time to make a burn of fushes but that's not always a case if you got to run out right away you're not going to have a choice to have time but when you come back in you make a shahako on something else to cover all grounds okay so I just wanted to go through those two pointies even though they are they do have to do with shina mokkam but these are cases which come up constantly constantly and and the people I know people are constantly sending in various different questions in reference to shina mokkam and it's and it gets complicated it's very different sheet is it does get complicated so one has to be aware of the halakhas of shina mokkam which we did do in the past but we as we go down the line we're definitely definitely trying to hazard over these all-important categories of shina mokkam thank you for listening that's lachomberocha coltov