BiKitzur Shulchan Aruch

Ep. 859. Some Important Halachas of Using Water That Was Used for Something Else to Wash One's Hands for Bread

Some Important Halachas of Using Water That Was Used for Something Else to Wash One's Hands for Bread

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28 Jul 2024
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Some Important Halachas of Using Water That Was Used for Something Else to Wash One's Hands for Bread
Welcome everybody. It's your number 859 getting back to our Wilkes-Brakas. Okay, so it is, I just want to go back actually to a different subject which we spoke about a while back. We are again, we're trying to comb our way through Biz recession, Semen Ray Schrez, but obviously many, many various different questions come up in the middle, especially in conjunction with Wilkes-Brakas, which pop up and we want to talk about them while they're fresh on the grill if you want to call it. Okay, so maybe it has made, so it's an interesting thing I found in the Safer Aitra Al-Aqas, that when it comes to Ntila Siddhaim, that Washington, Ntila Siddhaim, that Al-Aqas are washing for bread, so the Al-Aqas is like this, that one can't, Subikov-Sammah, Subikov-Sammah Khalaf, one cannot use water whereby work was done with that water. Okay, so work was done with that water, let's say for example, I wash dishes. So he brings down these couple of cases, the Safer Aitra Al-Aqas brings down some interesting examples, somebody washed their dishes, right? I wash my dishes, now I have that water, I don't have any other water, let's say for whatever the reason is, I'm in a place and time, and I have to use that water to wash for Ntila Siddhaim, now I want to go wash for bread. So the water's ready, some water poured in the cup from the washing of the dishes, I want to use it for Ntila Siddhaim, you cannot use it, you would not be allowed to use that water because of the fact that water whereby work was done with it cannot be used for Ntila Siddhaim. The same thing which we spoke about way back when, when we spoke about Al-Aqas, Ntila Siddhaim, somebody used water whereby it's changed color, right, let's say ink or whatever, something fell into water. So now it changed color, and so that also the appearance of the water has changed, so that also can be used. Now just real quickly to review, the safer Al-Aqas did bring down when it comes to regular force it, I put on the force it, I fill up my washing cup fine. I look at my washing cup be vague, it's now cloudy, the water's cloudy, could I use that water, it's cloudy water, a lot of times you have it. So he brings down over there that cloudy water is fine, the cloudy water is not a problem, someone to say, if you're able to wait, it's better to wait till it clears up. You know, when in general the cloudy water sometimes it comes quickly out of the force it's not a problem, it's only over there by, in general whereby something fell into the water and changed the color. Okay, but getting back to our subject which I saw, he wants to bring down, so again you can do work with the water, so I wash dishes fine, it fell into a cup or the water from the dishes, the dirty water, let's say, someone wants to use that ink and use. Now he brings down also, okay, so before we get to what I wanted to mention, he brings down, he brings down if the dishes, if the dishes, again all are found in the safe room, I threw a loch as in that cinnamon, if the dishes were clean, let's have brand new dishes. And I just give him a quick rinse off, the clean, no dirt, just an extra rinse, so he said that he wants to say that water is fine, well let's say I wash off fruits during the week, right, I wash my fruit right up, so, and I wash, and so if you use the water for the, for dirty fruits, washing dirty fruits, I'm washing off my dirty fruits, so then again you can't use that water to wash for until it's done, but if the fruits are perfectly clean, I'm just, so why are you washing your fruits? Hygienical purpose is sometimes somebody gives a rinse off, it gives a fruit rinse off, it's perfectly clean. In general, it's good to rinse off the fruit, right, even though it's perfectly clean, so that water, he brings down the same, oh, so a loch is, would be okay. Now another interesting thing which he brings down, these are just something, very simple things, which I just recently saw, the same way I saw a loch is, as actually as we're writing up our questions we have the answers in our Hochas Brochas review on our new group, if anybody would like to link, I could send it to them, but we put these questions and answers and we have a new thing called Hochas Brochas review on it, we're about, we write out these points, one, two, three down the road and we're trying, right now we're working on the halocas of the Tila Sidaim, over there. So he brings down also the safe right to our loch, it's interesting, somebody has a baby bottle, right? The baby bottle's cold, so I want to take out the chills, so I put the baby bottle into water, so now could I use that water, so he brings down, no, one should not use that water, whereby I put the baby bottle into warm up, I should not go ahead and use that water now for and the Tila Sidaim, you'll say, what do you mean, it's hot water, you can use hot water anyway, so we learned that loch is, again, I'm just reviewing a few pointers as we go, because these are things which come up constantly, obviously, we're washing for bread constantly, using hot water for water that's above, yeah, it's a lead display, which is roughly around 110, so using hot water for the Tila Sidaim, right, to wash for bread. Look at Rila, preferably should not be done, the shulchanar says it's no problem, mishebras says it's preferable not to do it, other points can argue, another is preferable not to, if that's the only water you have, so it's fine, but the mishebras says, if you only have water, that's the outside display, that's above 110, right, that's so hot, in case in time you won't burn your hands, we're talking about it, obviously, so then mishebras says, over there, too, you could let it, all in that seminar over there, you could just let it cool down, let it go down below you, outside the lead display, whereby it will become lukewarm, so that's just a quick hazara as far as that, and mishebras says any water that's lukewarm in general is, there's no problem at all ever, that's not the problem, as far as if it's clear water and it's no work was done with it, but now the question is, I soaked, I put my baby bottle in it, and I left it there because I want to use this water to warm up my cold baby bottles, so the baby will have warm milk to drink, so now he brings down, that water should not be used, because it would have our locha, of the locha that was done with that water, so that's just an interesting point I wanted to bring down, he brings down over there, he also brings down while we're on the subject, it's not so negalimizer, but water from a swimming pool, let's say this clear water and there was no change in the appearance, or whatever the case is, whereby in the swimming pool many times the appearance changes, right? But clear water from the swimming pool is just a question whereby people swam in it, people were swimming in the water, so he brings down the big far-fetched, but the avid possibly could be used, but he says since some do argue preferably not to use the water from the swimming pool, so that's an important point, also to keep in mind sometimes people, it's good water, clear water, they're outside camps, the reason why I'm saying these things, sometimes it comes up in camp nowadays, right, people are out in camp, they're outside, they can't get inside, they might be eating bread, here's a swimming pool, I'll take some water, so he says there are those who want to say possibly just a fact that somebody swam in the water might not be considered whereby work was done with the water, but the problem is two problems, number one, others argue on that, and also he brings down that he doesn't bring that down, but it could be the appearance change, chlorine, or whatever the case is, so not so simple to say one should use that water, and the best thing, we always say once you try regular fresh water from the faucet, as much as possible, obviously all these are cases whereby one doesn't have, but even if they don't have halachlamites, you know, water where by work was done with it, what work is, we've been through a few different examples, like washing dishes and so on, baby bottle, one has to be careful not to use, thank you for listening us welcome,