BiKitzur Shulchan Aruch

Ep. 858. What Is the Halacha if One Is Continuously Eating One Item as They Leave the House (שינוי מקום)?

What Is the Halacha if One Is Continuously Eating One Item as They Leave the House (שינוי מקום)?

Broadcast on:
28 Jul 2024
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What Is the Halacha if One Is Continuously Eating One Item as They Leave the House (שינוי מקום)?
Welcome everybody, share number 858, getting back to our hocus brachos. Okay, we started talking about less share in reference to if somebody has something in their mouth, candy, mint, or so on, and they walk out of the house, so we sat in general as long as they continuously chewing, eating, sucking, or whatever on that item, so then no new bracho would be made, so brought down, Rabana brought it down, but shamed the ighris motion. So, Ramachah goes even further and wants to say if somebody is even eating something, let's say they're eating an apple. I'm eating an apple, right? And whatever the reason is, I have to walk out of the house while I'm eating the apple. I'm going to the car or something like that, so now the question is what I need a new bracho. When I step outside the door of the house, what I need a new bracho. So, it's interesting to note that Ramachah wants to say on that same item, let's say case of an apple, right? Or somebody's eating a large cookie or something along, well a cookie, no, a cookie wouldn't make a difference because that's the zonas. But, again, something that's shahakul, who eats, or hoa dama, right? Somebody's possibly eating, let's say, banana, something along those lines, right? So, all that by shahakul, wait a minute, you need a new bracho. Once you leave the house, you need a new bracho, you come back in, right? The shina mokan. Those are the lockers of shina mokan. So, what Ramachah says, if somebody, and Rabana brings it down, which we're going to read inside, it says, Ramachah, if somebody's continuously eating, whereby they don't make an interruption, tukkade debar, meaning tukkade debar, meaning the amount of time it takes a person to say, shalama lecha, shalama lecha mrabi, right? Which is whatever it is, two seconds, I mean it's hard to say exact amount, but roughly, it's not the time it takes a person to say shalama lecha mrabi, they don't make an interruption that long on the eating, in other words, I'm eating, let's say, my apple, I'm eating my banana, and I'm continuously eating, and I didn't take a break of the amount of time it takes me to say, shalama lecha mrabi, tukkade debar, says, Ramachah, one would not need a new bracho, even though you're stepping out of the house on that piece of food. In other words, on that apple, on that banana only, you take another one, you need a new bracho, obviously, once you do, once you're walking out, you come back in, you need a new bracho on a different item, but on that same item, but again, with stressing, it has to be, the person has to be continuously eating without any breaks of tukkade debar, of shalama lecha mrabi, that amount of time it takes to say shalama lecha mrabi. Now, so that's where Ramachah says, one would not need a new bracho, but we have to realize that if somebody did it like that, so yes, so, so, there are others who argue, right, there even Ramachah brings down our others who argue, so, but on my what, Ramachah says, one would need a new bracho, so we're dealing with a case of Suffolk-Brachos-Lahako, right, or even though others might argue, somebody mentioned three to Khazanish argues also, whatever the case is, but others, since others disagree, Ramachah says, you wouldn't need other say, you wouldn't need, okay, be it as a may, but at least it's Suffolk-Brachos-Lahako, one would not need, one would not make over the bracho, because it's a question. When we have a question of, do I make a bracho, do I now make a bracho, then, in general, we say you do not make over the bracho, but what I did want to say, one should, if possible, try and avoid this situation, in other words, if they have a banana and apple or something along those lines, and they're continuously eating it, right, without taking any breaks of Turkey dei Dibur, of whatever it is, show the amount of time it takes a person to say "Shall m'laikham rabi", and I keep on, I finish one bite, I take another bite, one, two, one, two, I keep on eating, so one should be careful if that's the case, to either finish it in the house, or to take a big break, more than the time, more than Turkey dei Dibur, take an interruption in between, and thereby, if they leave the house, then they would need a new bracho, or to make a bracho on something else, so in other words, the bottom is what I'm trying to say is, one should be careful, if possible, not to bring themselves to that situation, because of the fact that it gets, there's two things, number one, it becomes questionable, others argue, Ramesh, it says, don't make a bracho, others argue, number one, number two, so therefore, you don't want to put yourself into that situation, and number two, it's very hard to, as they say, in your child cup, meaning, you know, did the time it takes to say, shall we live from every past, did those couple of seconds past, I waited, maybe it was two seconds, so it's very hard to keep track, so let's want to read it inside from your bardner, and then we'll end off with that, but I just want to, and this is different than the case of the candy, when you have a candy in your mouth, it comes to be sucking candy mint, whatever, okay, so you can't, it's there, it's in your mouth, so when you said, no, go ahead, finish off that candy, that's no problem, you don't need a new bracho when you walk outside of the house, but when you're eating, then it becomes more problematic, because, you know, did you take a break, did you not take a break, so if you didn't take a break, so it's good, but if you did take a break, then you need a new bracho, so it's very complicated, okay, I just want to end off reading from our bardner inside, how it brings it down on page 135, according to some placekin, which is ignorant to my child, obviously, somebody mentioned to me also up from his almond holes like the dad and others, according to some placekin, if one leaves the house, while eating an item, for example, an apple, banana, just give me an example, and something that's chahaco, wadama orha eights, it continues without, and it continues eating this item without pausing between bites, okay, there's no pause between bites, a new bracha is not required for the portion eaten in the subsequent location, in other words, the pot that's eaten by one would not need a new bracha, I'll get according to Amoisha and others, so on the bottom, he brings down, that's your bardner, when one eats in a continuous manner, each new bite takes place takka dei, takka dei diva, right, I finish, I take a bite, finish take a bite, I did not take any break, so when they eating, each new bite takes place takka dei diva, which is the amount of time it takes a person to say, like we said, show them like a meri, from the previous bite, takka dei diva from the previous bite, when an action takes place, says you're a bardner, again I'm just reading from a bardner, when an action takes place takka dei diva of the previous action, it is considered as if both actions are occurring simultaneously, we have them hulkas bracha is all the time, right, the amount of time it takes to say takka dei diva, holochically is not considered a hephsic, not considered a interruption between the bracha and eating, with the other to show, but, okay, so me it will be it as a may, so it's an interesting concept, that both actions are occurring simultaneously, holochically, takka dei diva means, like he says, within the amount of time it takes to say the phrase takka, show them a life in every fight, so then it goes on to say, further, just to finish off, so now again we want to keep in mind, it only applies to that one item, apple or banana, whatever they're eating, you have a new item, you need a new bracha, that's not the question, so then it just finishes off, this exemption also applies to those items which the person took along with them, for example, when they made the bracha they planned to eat more than one item and took additional months along, that's becoming much more problematic, for example it brings down one made of bracha and planned to eat a bag of potato chips, so it brings like this, you have the bag of potato chips, I'm sorry, again, the one made of bracha and planned to eat a bag of potato chips in the house, shortly thereafter they left the house taking the potato chips with them, so it continues on, which is how Ramesha explains, as long as they continue to eat those potato chips without pausing between chips, right, there was no amount of time between the chips of takka dei diva, then they, La Fira, Maisha also, were writing the truth, but they would not require, that person is not required to make a new bracha on that bag, however, if they purchase more potato chips along the way, obviously, or if they pause between chips at any point longer than the amount of time, it takes takka dei diva, from La Fira, a new bracha will be required, so bottom line is, like we said before, this is definitely, somebody should not rely on it, I am saying it because of the fact that if somebody did it like that, right, if they took out the bag of chips, and they kept on eating, and they had a mind, whatever, and they, whatever, that same bag, and there was no takka dei diva, no interruption at any time between chips, so you have to be careful, but one should do another option, which one should do, right before they leave the house, right, when they make the bracha, if they know they're going out, again, just make the bracha, right before you're going out, and have a mind, hulchay drachim, that I'll be going out with this apple, with this banana, with this bag of chips, whatever the case is, I make my buru pre-hadama, and now I go, and I have a mind to go, so then you're okay, that's what we call hulchay drachim, otherwise, if somebody does it like this, in other words, the point was that the person's sitting in the house, and then now I decide to go out, that's called changing place, but if you have a mind to go out, that's hulchay drachim, which is fine, but sitting in the house, now you change your mind, one should either finish the piece, before they go out, or take a break, and then make a new bracha when they do go out, like this, you don't get yourself into all these various different spakers, but I did want to bring it out because of the two-way street, as you call it, over here, you've got to be careful, and on one side, and on the other side, the person will just forget, and how do we deal with it, so at least we have a better understanding how to work with that, thank you from listening at slocha marocha cold too.