BiKitzur Shulchan Aruch

Ep. 846. The Difference Between the Bracha Before Eating the Food and After Eating the Food, in Conjunction with the Halachas of "Shinu Makom" (Change of Place).

The Difference Between the Bracha Before Eating the Food and After Eating the Food, in Conjunction with the Halachas of "Shinu Makom" (Change of Place).

Broadcast on:
14 Jul 2024
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The Difference Between the Bracha Before Eating the Food and After Eating the Food, in Conjunction with the Halachas of "Shinu Makom" (Change of Place).
Welcome everybody. Show number 846 getting back to our Höchus brochus. Okay, so I just want to explain something which some people ask here and there. It's important to clear up the, we are in the middle of Simen-Rächus and we actually went through some of the Halláchus. Last year in reference to when somebody makes a burr, I'm sorry, a Al-Höch-8, it's the F de Bruch, of which is made on, let's say, grapes, something from the Shiversa Menum to make the F de Bruch of Al-Láchus. So then we said we brought them from the Shiversa Menum that it would also encompass if they're reading grapes, let's say they ate the right amount of make Al-Láchus. I would also cover if they ate an apple or an orange, but it does not cover other foods. We wanted to finish off that subject, but hopefully next year we'll get back to that. There's Röchus. I just want to talk about one quick thing in reference to Shinoi Mokheim, which does get complicated. Shinoi Mokheim is a very complicated subject in reference to changing places when one is drinking, eating, whether it's Sha'hakkal, by April 8, by April 8, where Shinoi Mokheim does apply and we've spoken about in the past many times, it does not apply. Shinoi Mokheim, the Halláchus, which pertains to the changing places when it comes to bizonos, of course when it comes to benching, when it comes to bizonos, and then it does not apply, and when it comes to the Shiversa Menum, then it was a makláchus. We'll put that on the side burner for now, but I just want to explain, it's important to keep in mind when somebody, let's say they leave the building. I have my coffee, a person's drinking a coffee, right? Again, what's the case? I'm drinking a coffee, and again, I don't want to mix this up with the Halláchus of Holhedrachim. You have Shinoi Mokheim and Holhedrachim. Shinoi Mokheim is that if somebody went outside, right, I'm drinking my coffee, and I'm coming back. My coffee's sitting on the table, or even if I'm carrying my coffee, but let's make it easier. I'm drinking my coffee, and I'm coming back. I had to go outside to put the garbage whatever next door, or in the backyard, or whatever, you know, to go bring out the garbage, and whatever the case was, and I had to go outside, and I left my house. I don't see my place, nothing. So now when you come back, you need a new brocha on that same coffee. You'll say what it means, the same cup of coffee. You still need a new brocha, doo shahaco. So that's as far as shahaco, and the same thing would apply by her eight, and who I dumb up. But let's say, let's say I'm eating cookies, I'm eating cookies, and now I went to take out the garbage, right? I went again, the same thing. I went outside, I went, I walked down whatever, I don't see the place, I came back five minutes later, whatever. But my cookies are sitting on the table. I made a vermini mazonos, and I had a mind to continue eating. That's not the question over here changing mind, but I changed my place. I went outside, right, as Shinoi Mokheim. So that would not, you would not need a new brocha on the mazonos. I don't want to get into bed, the bread now, the bread part of it, of course, if you're middle of a meal, then you don't have to make over how mighty. That's also, I'm not going to get into all that. But I'm talking about plain and simple, the cookies are on the table, and I'm not, I'm not traveling anyway. I'm just, I went outside, I left my house, halfway down, whatever the case is, and I'm coming back. When I come back, if it's shahaco, her dama, who ate, new brocha. If it's mazonos, my cookies, cake, pretzels, whatever it is, I'm meaning a bag of pretzels, I'm sitting, I'm munching on a bag of pretzels, the zonos. So then I would not have to make over my mazonos. So, okay, so, so now, but what I want to explain, which I think is important, Al-Kazara review, and, and just we have an understanding, this, this only applies to the first brocha. In other words, the brocha of shahaco, Waddama, and her eight, which we spoke about in the past. But, but this needs these, these, halocas, need constant, constant, kazara. It's, it's, it's, these are things that are coming up constantly, many, many times a day, obviously, which we could all understand. And it's something that we have to constantly review. And, and before I continue, the halocas of hulke drachim, what I said, it's not the same thing. We shouldn't mix it up. Raichina machim is going out of your house and coming back, whatever it could, or I'm taking the same thing, but I hadn't mind to stay in my house. And now I change, I'm going out, trying to, or I went out, whatever, I'm sitting in the house. Hulke drachim is that I'm traveling, right? I make a brocha either outside or even right in my house right before I leave or whatever. And I have the water, I have the coffee, and I have a mind to continue traveling. So I'm in the car, out the car, I'm walking, whatever the case, it's not the issue. But I'm, I'm outside, I'm traveling, I'm going here, going there. I might even run into a store a minute, come back into the car, out the car. So that's, and I have, and they have a mind not to stay in my house, I have a mind to travel. So that's called hulke drachim. I make the brocha in the car, and I continue traveling, traveling. That's no problem. Even if I make the brocha in the house, right? A person has a mind to leave. I'm leaving. I'm, I make my jahakul, let's say for example, before I leave, right? I make the jahakul, I have a mind to continue traveling in the car, and walking, or whatever I'm going to be doing, or a bottle of water, or a coffee, whatever. So then I continue outside. So that will be fine. So it doesn't two separate things, whereby she named mochim. I'm, I'm sitting by my table, I'm sitting in my house, and I'm drinking. I've no intentions of, of traveling anywhere, right? So there's a two totally separate things. Hulke drachim, I'm traveling, I have a mind to traveling. She named mochim, change of place. I have a mind. I'm sitting here. I had to go out for a minute. The garbage, I had to go get my child off the bus, whatever the case is. That's not, you know, whatever the, whatever the, the seat, but the case was. Okay. So, but what I won't explain is very important, which you keep in mind, but that only applies when we, so, so that's Hulke drachim. Now getting back to the sheet, no mochim, to change a place only applies to a first brocha. When it comes to the after brocha, in other words, the shahakul, adama, who ate whatever, or, or, and by misonus, it doesn't apply, right? Okay. So now the coming to the after brocha, by after brocha doesn't apply, it's a totally different thing. Meaning if somebody made, they, they drank enough whereby they need a, a burn of fasheis, right, where you ate an apple, you need a burn of fasheis, whatever the case is. So the fact that somebody went out, it doesn't, doesn't cut anything off. A person still needs to make a burn of fasheis. Now, the only difference is between the burn of fasheis and alamik, right? I ate, I ate my bunch of cookies, I ate my cake, I need to make an alamik, by, by alamik, yeah, you actually, holocically look at Rila for sure, you have to make the alamik in the place where you ate, right? I ate my cookies in the kitchen. So I have to make my alamik in the kitchen. I'm not getting into right now, if you change rooms, that's a totally different set of halocas, which we have to talk about. But the bottom line is after I make my alam, my alamik, yeah, the place that I ate. When it comes to burn, if you went out, so you come back, you have to come back. When it comes to burn of fasheis, we, we spoke about one should make the burn of fasheis where you ate. Like this, you don't forget, there's a haiyadimo who says that, want us to be extremely careful not to leave the place, but not alp halocha that is halochically not supposed to be done. By alamik, you have to make it, you have to make it in the place, that's halocha, that's the halocha. By burn of fasheis, halochas, you can make it wherever you are, you have to be careful not to be walking around. But let's say, you know, whatever, I have to go outside, I go into a car, I'm sitting, I'm concentrating. Okay, so the halocha is, you don't have to actually make it in the place, you have to sit and concentrate to make the burn of fasheis, but halochically, you don't have to make it in the place whereby you ate. When it comes to alamik, and danshing also, but I don't want to talk about that right now, it's a little more complicated, very stiff and ins and outs, but you make it alamik, you have to make it in the place whereby you ate. So that's, so I just want to make straight, get it straight, that when somebody leaves their house, the whole halochas, if she knew him, mock him, to change a place whereby he needed new bracha, by shahakob, or dumb anyway, it's only applied for the first bracha. The burn of fasheis, the fact that you went out, you came back in, you made a new bracha, whatever, let's say somebody came back in, they made a new shahakob, right, on the same cup of coffee, let's say, I walked outside, I went throughout the garbage, I picked up my kid, whatever, so now I came back after making new shahakob, but the burn of fasheis never got cut off, you still have to make the same burn of fasheis, whether you're in their house, out the house, that's nothing to do with anything, assuming that you drank at some point, the three ounces right in preferably two sips, or bodevede, bracha, let's pass on the four minutes, whereby alhammihi, the same thing, by alhammihi, the mizonos, the mizonos doesn't get cut off, and alhammihi doesn't get cut off, but the extra thing is, that you would have to come back, again, halochically, you have to come back and make the alhammihi in the place where you ate, okay, I just wanted to explain those, we should understand the distinction that is, shina mukkam applies, the changer, halochas have changed the place, which we spoke about, all those halochas apply to the bracha before, and not to the bracha after, so depending on what you're eating, one might have to make a new bracha, whether shahakob or dumb or ate, zonos nad, but the after bracha always stays intact, as long as one ate or drank the right amount, the right amount of time, after bracha always has to be made, you went out of the house, didn't go out of the house, that has nothing to do with it, like we said, you have to come back, alhammihi, whatever, but there's no such thing as change a place in general, as far as the kiyyub on the after bracha, thank you for listening, as long as bracha go to.