BiKitzur Shulchan Aruch

Ep. 843. If One Made an "Al Hamichya" on Rice, What Is the Halacha?

If One Made an "Al Hamichya" on Rice, What Is the Halacha?

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09 Jul 2024
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If One Made an "Al Hamichya" on Rice, What Is the Halacha?
Welcome everybody. It's share number 843 getting back to Albert Hochas-Brockos. Okay so last share we started talking about the interesting subject of if one made a shahakal let's say on something. So when do we say that it covers everything that's in front of you? In other words the question is over here. If somebody made the wrong brokhah but did the evidence still good do we say that it would cover that item or is there another way to work with it? Okay so be it as a mate. Going getting back to rice we started talking about rice list share in the beginning. So if somebody has a plate of rice have regular rice in which case we learned we spoke about many times regular cooked rice, the shahakal tells us you make a barmanemuzonos the first brokhah and then the after brokhah one would make a barmanemuzonos. Oh so now the question is bring down the safe right to a lokha interesting question. Let's say I mixed it up I mistake good I made my barmanemuzonos on my rice and I didn't know I know whenever I make a barmanemuzonos right the the safe for shahakalokha is actually if I remember correctly brings down the mums that's the only time that you make a barmanemuzonos and you're making a barmanemuzonos afterwards when you ate the right amount. We know we know in general right we spoke about many times in general somebody could eat a muzonos like let's say cake let's say like pie and I only ate half a gazayas of the of the flower pot right of the crust let's say so in a regular apple pie I make a muzonos so I but but but I only ate a half a gazayas of the outside the crust pot right and I ate half a gazayas of the apple apples inside so but I ate a whole gazayas but they're going to sprout on the four minutes and then I make a barmanmuzonos right that's that's that's that's that's a separate issue but we're talking about now simply a person ate the whole thing right I ate the sofa I ate it I ate let's say cookies and I ate let's say in conjunction with how the cookies were made we spoke about the ingredients I ate the right amount I ate whatever sometimes you need two kazayas and we spoke about it depending on how much sugar and everything that's mixed in so but be it as made I want to get bogged down on that now but somebody ate the right amount and they have to make a lamihio let's say cookies cake fine but when it comes to rice I ate the right amount they ate a gazayas of the rice of the rice under a mozzarella sprout on the four minutes right so I have to make a burn a fortress but oh but now the question is I didn't realize it's muzonos I thought that I make a lamihio so I made a lamihio and I hadn't mind the rice that's wrong or somebody they they forgot they knew the haloch and then they then they remembered muzonos it just wrapped themselves they have to it so is it good in other words if somebody made a lamihio by mistake what do we do is a good bit the effort so it brings on the safer it's for a lot that's interesting the various different mistakes that come up in various different brochas which we have to know how to work with them so he brings down al-Oeres maverik l'ach la acra he brings it down in our seven rish kes which is of course talks about rice and many other different brochas in oece-chof gimol does the same for it al-oeres maverik l'achra of bow in a fortress after after you eat a gazayas of rice right as long as you eat a gazayas of rice under four minutes or so then you make a burn a fortress but the abbot oh then he goes on to say but the evident again in oece-chof gim will be the evident vera halamihio al-Oeres maverik l'achol on the rice that uncooked rice I I slipped up I made an al-amihio I had a mind the rice when I made the al-amihio I didn't make an al-amihio in something else I had a mind the rice I made al-amihio that's all I ate fine what do I do now oh so now then he says oh you're all called me name is owner so I was even cookies also good I ate the rice which is mazonos and I was eating cookies let's say right and which is also mazonos but under cookies I make al-amihio right if I ate the right amount on the rice I make burn a fortress after make two separate brochas right from the gum so he says for gum I was eating I was eating let's say cookies or cake or whatever the gum always but obey and I was also eating rice uberik al-amihio al-amihio now I made bottom line is I made a al-amihio whether it's on the rice separately or I made it on the cookies and I had in mind that's the point which we have to see I had in mind also but after the rice the cookies would have had to make an al-amihio so I had a mind the rice but after that you all go on that so what do we do so it brings down is yachtsabadi yavid one would be yachtsabadi yavid let be the yavid it's it's good the brocha would be good be the yavid I had which I do I didn't realize that's al-amihio I made al-amihio instead of burn a fortress it would be good be the yavid gum al-amihio Al-Hoyeres even on the rice. So what's the reason for this? So he brings it down at the bottom. He brings for Charles Tiscuvus, Lachas Catanis, the Birkeio, Yisif and others. He even brings down, as far as to say, that the Benish Chaim wants to say to several of the Aukalas, this came in Gamahatrile. One could even do a Lachatrile. Okay, in general we don't do that. Obviously we make a burn of fasheis. And the Kaffa Chaim actually brings it down like that also. But be it as a mate, but at least with the Evets, somebody didn't realize he got stuck to me. The wrong girl, it is still good. Okay, so what's the reason why? Because, he says, "Cave in the Eweres maysid soid." Because of the fact that the rice gives sustenance to a person. It's a fulfilling thing. So when we say, "Alhamm'chia" is also going on something that gives sustenance to a person, as opposed to things which are a burn of fasheis, in general, like fruits. You can't just sit and eat fruits all day, you're not going to have klechas. But if somebody tries, you get energy from that. You get klechas. It's energy from that. You get klechas, it fills you up and so on. It was the bottom line. It's rice is a fulfilling type of a food, which by somebody, it's sort of like bread. I mean, to an extent. Bread is obviously a little bit different. But in that category, we're very fulfilling. As opposed to what I'm trying to say, it's like somebody sits in these candies all day. They're going to feel sick. Somebody just sits in these fruits all day. They're not going to have klechas. They're not going to have energy from that. It's something that fulfills you up and gives you sustenance. Okay, so therefore Alhamm'chia, but the avid would also count over there. Okay, so then he says further. He brings down from whatever, from various different place, Kim's interesting. But all this goes on the whole Zafka. Like we said, in Oya, the Daita, the lifter, the Gamma Oya race. This is only if there's all, again, found in the Zafka, we could always look it up. The whole Zafka in Oya, the Daita, the lifter, the Gamma Oya race. This is only if the person they didn't know. They had a mind. They departed the race, right? They had a mind. Alhamm'chia should go on the race. Let's say I had in the case where they did it for the race, so they did it for the race, and they had a mind to race. But if they did it for the cookies, then I had a mind, but Dafka, my race also. Oh, Alhamm'chia, but let's say I made Alhamm'chia on the cookies, right? Kim's got a mind, right? Because they burn the fauciers. Right, since without it, the broch is burn the fauciers. In other words, let's say I made a stambrocha on the cookies, but I didn't have a mind to race. I ate rice, and I ate cookies. I ate rice, and I ate cake. So I made Alhamm'chia on the cake. Finished the law. So now I have to make a burn the fauciers. Alhamm'chia, Kim's got a mind. And I have to make a burn the fauciers. Alhamm'chia has to make a burn the fauciers. Alhamm'chia says even though one also ate cookies, right? They made the Alhamm'chia. Alhamm'chia has to make a burn the fauciers. You still have to make a burn the fauciers, right? Alhamm'chia, you have to make a burn the fauciers. In other words, the fact that you made good, even though we're going to say by rice, that the evid, the person didn't realize, they made Alhamm'chia on the rise, they had a mind to rise. Okay, so you're good to go. But that's only if you had a mind to rise. But if you made Alhamm'chia on something else, like we said, cookies, cake, or whatever, and you had rice also, you say, "Well, it's awesome, it's so good." So it also counts. But when you made Alhamm'chia, you only had a mind. You made a stomach, Alhamm'chia, the cake, and cookies. You still have to make a burn the fauciers. Alhamm'chia, that's what he says. Alhamm'chia, you have to make a burn the fauciers. Well, anyway, there's Nifte, Berghazm'y, and Guimel, the rice would not be, you know, the Alhamm'chia would not go on. The rice, Alhamm'chia, the Chlachra, burn the fauciers. One would still have to make a burn of fauciers. Okay, we'll stop here. But the point is being, this whole concept is only whereby somebody in the Dafka has a mind to rise. Right, so, and like we spoke about last year, it's only if you have a mind to be a chlal in general, like by a Shahaka, whatever. But if you just had a stomach mind, whatever, it should go on, which is the right thing, the cookies, cakes, you know, you have to make a burn of fauciers on the rice, of course, as low as the AD, right amount. Thank you for listening us Alhamm'chia, Khaltou.