BiKitzur Shulchan Aruch

Ep. 841. Understanding the Difference Between Cake with Filling and Cake without Filling Regarding the After Brochoh

Understanding the Difference Between Cake with Filling and Cake without Filling Regarding the After Brochoh

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07 Jul 2024
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Understanding the Difference Between Cake with Filling and Cake without Filling Regarding the After Brochoh
Welcome everybody to Shin number 841 getting back to our Hilchus Brochus. Okay, I just want to explain one thing, the H.R.L.chus brings down, which is something again we've spoken about, but he has a clarification on the Indian, which we've been talking about. So you have, we spoke a little bit about being a star of two different things. In other words, he can't put together a liquid and a solid, which of course we're going to get into with soups and all these different type of things. But to put together two solids, like a half a gazias of one solid, a half a gazias of another solid and that gave it in the form. In a period of time, I can make a, I make a burn of fasheis and so on. Okay, but when it comes to, we spoke in the past about cake, let's say, let's say sponge cake, marble cake, these type of things, where everything is mixed together, you have, let's say, for example, let's say you have 50% flour, right, regular flour, and then you have 50% all the other ingredients. So we said it's an important thing, as much as possible, once you try and eat two kazasim, right, two, two, two kazasim, under a four-minute period. Especially the fever, I'm not sure, I'm sure it's very strong on that. The michiburo said the minigoleum is with lekker, which is a cake, a general, the standard cake, like sponge cake, or possibly even cookies, whatever. When it's one, the point is what I'm trying to get is that when it's one item, I have one type, not one piece, but one item, I have one type of cookie. It's all one, one cookie. I have one type of cake, a sponge cake, I have a marble cake. Okay, so now, but then sometimes you have something else, you have what's like a blinzer, right, where you have like an apple pie, or you have something where two things are extremely recognizable. I see the top crust, fine, and then I see the inside very recognizable, these two totally different things. Now, we're not talking about, of course, we're not talking about liquids and solids. That's not what we're talking about. We're talking about this, there is a separation, two different type. You have one cake, one type of cookie, and then you have, I could have a cake, which is possibly a cheesecake, I have the cheese, and I have the outside, right, or I have apple pie, I have the apples inside, and I have the outside crust, but each, each pod is, is recognizable on its own, right? Okay, so, so he explains that, as he's safer, I swear a lot, is that there's a difference, that there are more chitos, that, that, that, that are more make-all by the, when it comes to one item, just to read inside what he says, well, so we'll get a better understanding. Simeres Chaz, in the safe right to our locus, Eissechof Chaz, for Cholsech Ein, for Michael Kazai, is that whatever he was going on, talking about from before. (speaking in foreign language) Then you have the, the cake, but it's all mixed up, it's all one, like sponge cake, marble cake, or whatever. (speaking in foreign language) You have, (speaking in foreign language) Right, you have enough cake over there, but (speaking in foreign language) But you only eat, let's say, half, you only eat one Kazai, but that one Kazai is, like we mentioned, only has half of Kazai is a flower, and half of Kazai is of the other ingredients, so then we said, then it's a mahalike, as we even mentioned from Amoisha, and others, that one should be careful to make sure, in that case, he took Kazai, right, under a four-minute period, because in fact, that it's only really one Kazai is of flower, the one Kazai is of the other ingredients, and then he brings down, (speaking in foreign language) In other words, to eat enough, if you know it's 50/50, so then make sure you eat two Kazai, something like this, you have one whole, right, 50% or 50% gives you one whole. (speaking in foreign language) Right, besides the mixture itself, that you shouldn't get into, he brings down, you shouldn't get into this whole mahalike, (speaking in foreign language) But he, okay, so what I want to get to, but before that, he said, but if, if somebody ate, (speaking in foreign language) Somebody ate already that cake, right, which we've spoken about in the fifth past, that sponge cake, mahalike, whatever, and they know they ate a Kazai's under a four-minute period, right, but only one Kazai's, if he actually like all the other, so you should make sure to eat more, it should be, you know, under a four-minute period, two Kazai's, let's say, a person can't, they're stuffed, or whatever, I just can't, that's all I could do, finish, what do I do now? So he brings down, from the Mishabra, like we saw, many guys on the far, uh, me, uh, me, and Shallish, none of us, the many is, if somebody did eat a Kazai's and for whatever reason, they, they can eat more, and just, what am I going to do? So many guys, I like the Mishabra is, uh, somebody, if, uh, somebody makes a Barack Obama, there's definitely one to, uh, rely on, but look at him, the one should be careful, but, but that's only over there when it's what we call lekach, the, the, the full cake, or the full cookie, or whatever, but when you're dealing with two separate items, he brings down, there's a safe route to a locus, um, moving, uh, our simon racheres, islamid, and he brings down the bottom ois peh alif, the small, um, oisius, and the bottom peh alif, so if it's two items, for example, what did, what did, uh, buughas, uh, gevina, shikaran, cheesecake, hokayets, but when it's two separate recognizable items, let's say like cheesecakes, you have the cheese, and you see the crust, right, or you have apple pie, you have the apples, and you see the crust, it's not like sponge cake, or marble cake, where it's all mixed up together. So he brings down the bottom, from the chazones, she has a cheese, she has a cheese, it's like, uh, me, me, me, shlaimam, cyber, whoa, didn't blimpses, whoa, didn't blimpses, uh, lekach, buu, blimpses, she has a cheese, buughas, um, she has a cheese, buughas, um, I'm a super bird, say, could, could go in the apple plot, and you have, let's, let's say, uh, sometimes, um, plums, or apple, whatever the cake, you have stuff, or you have even potatoes, whatever the case is, where you have stuff inside the blimpses, so you have the blimpses separately, and it's very recognizable, the inside, it's too totally separate things, it's not one marble cake, it's not one sponge cake, it's not one cookie, it's two totally separate things, so buughas, didn't blimpses, she ate it, buughas, me, lekach, buughas, that's what she said, buughas, that's what she said, buughas, the apple pie, she, buughas, she has a chazones, she has a hem, buughas, made in mazon, it's even though, and this apple pie, and this cheesecake, and this, um, well, cheesecake, depending on how thick the crust is, right, but we've spoken about that, let's say, assuming it's a thick crust, then I eat, it's baked together, I eat it together, and it's a thick crust, and I'm eating the mazon, so I'm making a mazon, but let's say by apple pie, blimpses, right, so I'm all these things made out of flour, I'm making in a mazonos, but, um, komok, am an ami lekach, buughas, the point I'm going to get to, me komok, am an ami lekach, buughas, the inside, um, an ami lekach, buughas, starif, lekach, roina, lekuleal, and according to everybody, over here, there's no makalekus at all, this is, it brings again, from the chassernus, and chassernus, she was, um, in chashloma, that, that according to everybody, according to everybody, since it's recognizable, komok, ami lekach, buughas, starif, lekach, roina, lekuleal, and according to everybody, it's not going to, um, the inside can't be counted as part of the, uh, you can't put it all together to say, well, I ate enough of the inside and enough of the outside, so therefore, I'm going to put it together, and I'll make al-hammika, I ate another cicazias of the inside and the inside and the outside, which is the doe part, and therefore, but I, and I ate a cicazias, I'm performing the periods, I'll put it together, um, and I'll make a, uh, al-hammika, you can't do that, according to this, this is mama, she's according to everybody, kevin, the point is, kevin shinnikar, since it's nikar, it's recognizable, for ami lekach, nayat, it's a separate thing, instead, here's the inside of the blinzer, right, the potatoes, or here's the plums inside, whatever the case is, cherries, whatever it is inside, mushrooms, that, that's separate inside, and then you have the outside, kevin shinnikar, ou me nayat, so ein amo, reveal my momish, and this mama is not mixed up together, bite a sponge cake, bite a marble cake, so it's all mixed up, fine, so you have one, or you have the cookie, you have the, the sugar and everything, you have one cookie, bottom line is it's one, right, so if I ate a cicazias, it's all one, uh, over there, it's a maklika, so you try and eat two cazias, but la fita misha, brah, the minigulam, okay, so in that case, there's what to, what to work with, in case somebody gets stuck and they just can't eat more, they don't have more, so the minigulam does say, minigulam, let me make a main challenge, even though, again, ramosha, uh, says the whole thing's a mistake, and definitely, definitely, you should make sure to eat two caziasim and not to rely on that, uh, you know, but again, it is a maklika, but when it comes to, but the point I'm trying to get at today is when it comes to something that's two totally separate things, when they have the outside crust, and then there's inside filling, right, like a blinzer, like a cheesecake, in a case where cheesecake is mazones, uh, apple pie, right, um, uh, the, the cheese danish, let's say something like that, right, um, and these different type of cakes, where by the inside is the filling, outside is mazones, then you don't count, because of the fact, caven should make a vermibifne, that's my, the inside is separate, and the outside is separate, they don't mix them together, and therefore, what's the bottom line, unless, unless, uh, if a person ate a cazias, under a form in a period of the outside itself, good, so then you make a mazone, then you make a la mixture on the whole thing, right, eating it together, I make my mazones to start, fine, very good, and now afterwards, I ate a cazias at some point, under a form in a period of the outside, so then I'm making a la mixture only, but if you, if you didn't, right, you kept on eating, but you never ate a cazias of the outside only, you kept on eating it together, so we don't put the two together, we say you ate a cazias, but the, that cazias consisted of the outside and the inside, so therefore, we make a burena fasheis at the end, okay, I just wanted to explain that, um, the distinction between the person, you know, even a person might say, well, uh, where the, they heard the machinibura, minigoila, and whatever, but that's only by when it's one item, when it's two totally separate things recognizable, like the cases we spoke about, then it doesn't work, you can't put it together, thank you for listening us, welcome, rosak ultiv.