BiKitzur Shulchan Aruch

Ep. 840. What Is The Halacha If One Drinks A Little Bit Wine And A Little Bit Of Some Other Drink, Do They Make An "After Brochoh"?

What Is The Halacha If One Drinks A Little Bit Wine And A Little Bit Of Some Other Drink, Do They Make An "After Brochoh"?

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07 Jul 2024
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What Is The Halacha If One Drinks A Little Bit Wine And A Little Bit Of Some Other Drink, Do They Make An "After Brochoh"?
Welcome everybody, Shinnam, but 840 getting back through our Hilchus Brochus. Okay, so I just want to talk about one quick thing which is again not so much in our minutes in a different cinema, but we spoke about in the past, if somebody eats a half a cazias. In other words, our loch is like this, that you could be a star of two solid foods or two drinks. In other words, what do we mean? I only ate a half of a cazias of, let's say, of an apple, and I ate a half of a cazias of a potato, for example, or a half of a cazias of an orange, or a half of a cazias of an apple, or whatever it is, but they're both solid foods. So you could put them together, Lamyse, and we put them together, and you make a burn of fusches. Now the same thing would be, even though they're so good, so you'll say both of those foods burn a fuscious, no problem. So the same thing would apply, which we've been talking about again and again, we've mentioned this many times, that even if the food is a masonos, right, let's say a half of a cazias of a cookie, right, and a half of a cazias of an apple. So again, you put those two together, and you make a burn of fusches. Because a, a, um, a llamirie can make, you only ate half of a cazias, right? But one second, I also ate half of a cazias of an apple. Again, we want to keep it, it's, it's, it's, but they are those pros under a four minute period, right? I did this over like, you know, whatever, ten minutes, and you can't do this, but I, under four minutes, right? But they have this pros, I ate half of a, half of a cazias of an apple and half of a cazias of a cookie. That's, whatever the reason was. So then I'm going to make a burn of fusches. And we mentioned this in all the various different foods that we've been talking about. We spoke about apple pie in the various cereals and so on. If, if it's half, if partial, partial, you never ate a full cazias of, of the masonos pot, so then you would always make a burn of fusches as long as you ate a cazias of the entire food in front of you. That would apply an, on a plate of food that we spoke about, you know, you have macaroni and meatballs. You might have macaroni and, and vegetables, whatever the case is, it does make a difference. But, but that's the halacha now. So the same thing applies, which I just wanted to mention again, it's in a different cinnamon. Our cinnamon is very shreds, but it's in a different cinnamon. But I, I think it's important thing to bring across right now, because we spoke about last shearum in reference to a small amount of wine, right? We said, even if somebody drinks a marshu, I'm by a kiddish. So good. So I heard kiddish and I only drank a, I drank a, a little drop of sip, whatever, of wine. So I could, so the drinks in front of me, I don't have to, I don't have to make a shahakul. I don't have to make a shahakul on, right? So some, but now let's say, let's say I drank a little bit or a half because I drank a little bit of wine, let's say. So we need, in general, we say, a person has to drink a ravius, right? And either in two sips, or at least the worst case scenario, but the avid under a form in a period, but they're really sparse, right? A drink, right? You need three ounces. So now let's say, let's say I drank one ounce of wine, right? Could I drink one ounce of wine while it looked more of the avid, one ounce fine, I drank one ounce of wine. So now I also drank under four minutes, or preferably in two sips. So let's say, you're under four minutes, at least that much, I drank also two ounces of orange juice, right? Or I drank two ounces of soda, but I also drank an ounce of grape juice, an ounce of the wine. So the shahakul I don't make, but now I'm going to make a burn of fuscious. And again, you also will not make a alhagefen, right? You can't make alhagefen the only time you're going to make an alhagefen if you drink at least a rivius of wine, right? In general, this is a concept, whether it's alhagefen, whether it's burn of fuscious when it comes to drinks, right? As long as I drank a rivius, which is again, roughly three ounces, preferably in two sips, the de-evid, under the htechilis pras, which is again under four minutes, even better under three minutes, especially when it comes to drinks, and the fira badna, how he brings it down in his saver, so that's not all drinks, but the point what I want to bring out now is that even if a person had wine, right, so I had wine, I had an ounce, and then I only had two ounces of soda, or I had two ounces of whatever it is, some other drink, right? So now, and I had it, you know, the de-evid, under the four minutes, de-evid, htechilis pras, and then I would have to make a burn of fuscious, even though you'll say, "Well, I didn't eat enough, right? I didn't drink enough of the wine, so I don't have to make an alhagefen, right?" You don't have to make an alhagefen, so if a person drinks, I would explain one thing. If a person drinks enough, right, I drank, I drank, let's say, whatever, three ounces, I drank five ounces, I drank enough, I drank a one, two, three, and now I may have to make an alhagefen, so now the drinks that you drank at that time, right, I made a chahakalan soda, I made a chahakalan orange juice, whatever, so all those drinks are covered under your alhagefen, in other words, they don't have to make a burn of fuscious on the other drinks, just make a de brochavala gefen on the wine. But the point of today's show, what I want to bring out is that just to make it clear that if somebody just drank, you know, that one ounce of one and a half ounces of the wine, which is, let's say, the molli lubmouth, roughly, right, two ounces, whatever, and then they drank an ounce or two totaling three ounces of some other drink, and they drank it in the right amount of time, so then one would make a burn of fuscious, in other words, we don't say, well, I didn't drink enough wine, so I don't make alhagefen fine, I didn't drink enough of the other drink, I don't make a burn of fuscious, so that's it, have a good day, I don't make any after brochanoi, you have to make a burre, the fuscious, if it equals up, so that's what, that's the only thing I wanted to bring out, and that's an important clowl, it's an important clowl throughout, we're going to learn that when we get to the proper simmon, we just were mentioning it here and there as we go down the line because it's an extremely important point, and halacha that we have to know and reference to all foods, because people eat foods and a lot of times, they don't eat enough of the miso-nose pot, right, achilis pras, under four minutes, and both with together, with the other parts of the food together, whether it's a pie, whether it's a dish, whether it's macaroni, whether it's a cogla, it doesn't make a difference, but the point is whether it's a condition, or whatever the case is, so, but as long as they ate achizias of the whole thing, again, so then they make a burre ne fuscious, if they ate achizias of the miso-nose pot, then of course they make alametia only, if the alametia, like in a case of apple pie, covers the whole thing, and they ate enough of the miso-nose pot, let's say, for example, in an apple pie, I ate enough miso-nose, I ate achizias of the miso-nose pot under a four-minute period, so then all I would make is a alametia, but if it's, I didn't, but together with the apples, in the apple pie, so then I would make, then you have the chizias under a four-minute period, so then I would make alametia, same thing by wine, if you only drank a little drop of wine, and some other drink only a little bit, but together you have a, the roughly three ounces, which we need for a vise, and it was drinking preferably two sips, in case not achilis pras, which is again up to four minutes, so then one would make a burn of faschos, even though there's no heave of al-hagefen in that case, thank you for listening, it's lacham raha kotov.