BiKitzur Shulchan Aruch

Ep. 839. The Brochoh on Wine or Grape Juice Covers Drinks In Front of You at the Time of the Brochoh (Both the First Brochoh and After Brochoh). The Amount One Has to Drink for That to Happen

The Brochoh on Wine or Grape Juice Covers Drinks In Front of You at the Time of the Brochoh (Both the First Brochoh and After Brochoh). The Amount One Has to Drink for That to Happen

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04 Jul 2024
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The Brochoh on Wine or Grape Juice Covers Drinks In Front of You at the Time of the Brochoh (Both the First Brochoh and After Brochoh). The Amount One Has to Drink for That to Happen
Welcome everybody, shade number 839, getting back to our hookers brochos. Okay, I just want to talk about something which we spoke about in the past and add on to it. I know we did discuss it, but just to go a little bit further. So first and foremost, in our 7th edition we'll get more into details. There's a halacha that if somebody drinks wine or grape juice, they make a brocha burpia gaffen. So where the shabbos, not shabbos, that's not the issue. But the halacha is, and with tartar drink, in other words, the drinks that are in front of you at that time, one would not have to make a brocha on, it would be included in the burpia gaffen. And that goes also for the brocha before, and the brocha after, in other words, if somebody makes the drinks that they drank, let's say I drink soda, that's in front of me at the time that I make a burpia gaffen, right, so then that covers the drinks in front of me. And that, let's say the soda, and that soda, I wouldn't need a burpia gaffen, so it would be covered also by the halacha gaffen, halacha gaffen, balpia gaffen. Okay, just to read real quickly from the, say for Shana Allah, it's not going to get into the whole mr. brocha right now, but he says, and now it's in M'resh Kess, "Oi siyyud gimokashem shabbab brocha m'shana." Just like the first brocha, Shabbab brocha m'shana, yay, and poi takomina mashkin, just like the first brocha on wine or grape juice, for that matter, poi, or patar, all the drinks that are in front of you. And if somebody drank wine, for gammaim, they drank water, or sharmashkin, or some other type of drink. I feel like I should've been meeting with this, even if it's a hush, if they could drink. In other words, not like water, or whatever, brocha, it's alhagefen, poi tariten. The brocha of alhagefen would patter it, and one would not, one would not have to make gay burn if washes separately. So now, what about if the brocha, if the drinks were not in front of you? So then, then, so he brings down, just skipping down to the band, again, an ace with gimmel, and some erasure, as I say, for Shana, loch, a circle of brocha, la mashkin, a vagamla, yay, mashkin, the fun of bheshaas brocha, then one would have to make a burn if washes vighekimim, but there are those who aren't make, and then that side of misha brocha brings it down, vie hekimim, biseh, emhoia daita yalayem, bisehas brocha. If somebody had a mind, a specific drink, I have a mind, this soda, let's say, right? If I make my burn if I have a mind, a soda, vie hekim, biseh, emhoia daita yalayem, bisehas brocha, then that would also cover for that specific drink, not all the drinks in the refrigerator, but that specific drink. Okay, so that's not really so much what I wanted to talk about, but I wanted the same reference to kiddish when one makes kiddish, so now the question is good, so fine, so the drinks in front of me on the table, everything very nice, I make kiddish, or somebody else makes kiddish, and I'm yay too with their kiddish, and the drinks in front of me, I don't have to make a extra brocha, the question was how much does one have to drink? So we spoke about in the past way back when Birhelocha talks about Amole lugmov, which is around two ounces, others want to say even one ounce Amole lugmov, which is a cheekful, but I do want to mention that we did, I think we discussed in the past also, but I just want to make sure everybody has it straight, that there are a post-kidd who want to say even Amasha, who in other words, let's say so many makes kiddish for the whole shul, there's 20 people, and there were all yachts with this person's kiddish, whatever, fine, so everybody takes a little tiny sip right from the crease, the crease shell the iron from the wine, everybody takes a little tiny sip, so I didn't really have Amole lugmov, in other words, I was yachts of kiddish, and the drinks were in front of me, fine, I don't have to make a brocha on those drinks, but I didn't drink a cheekful, I didn't drink two ounces, not even one ounce of the wine or the grape juice, I just had a sip, what we call a matcha, it was just a sip, so there are a post-kidd, a major post-kidd, we want to say no, even a sip, even just a sip would be good enough, in other words, you don't have to, even though we are a lugmov, let's talk about Amole lugmov, but the evidence for sure, if somebody took at least a sip from the drink of wine, then that would also be good to cover the drinks, now if you took no drink, no drink at all, but the evidence for sure not, somebody does not have to drink from the wine, if I'm, I could be yachts of the kiddish and not drink, but in other words, somebody made, the person made kiddish must drink, that's not what we're talking about, we're talking about like, whatever, there's 20 people there and whatever, some of the people didn't drink, so they could still be yachts of kiddish, but in reference to being yachts, in reference to covering the drinks in front of you, you have to drink something, and we say preferably Amole lugmov, that two ounces, or even one ounce, but the yeah, but if somebody definitely drank a sip, it definitely would be good enough, and you would not have to make an extra drink on the drinks in front of you, okay, so now, but the bottom line is, the safer it's a locus does bring down, he brings down those sheets also, he brings, the safer it's a locus, just to name a few, he brings down in, in simen and he brings down the bottom, he brings down the shulchan al-Kharav, he brings down the shulchan al-Kharav, even one drink is only a little bit of the wine, he brings from shulchan al-Kharav, he brings it from the prima god, and he brings it from the prima god, because it's a shulchan, so there's a major, major, rhinum obviously, who say even a small amount would be okay, but like I said, the bira halahi, he brings down, not like I said, he brings the bira laka, who brings from the hai yadam, that a mauli lugmoth, so the bottom line is be it as may, obviously, if somebody only drinks a little bit, a sip, mashuhu they are, they could, the other drinks would not need a bra, would not need a bra, but if you want to cover all grounds, so to say, I want to cover all grounds, in other words, not to get into the whole makh like this, because obviously, we see it as a makh like this, but some, some might, some might should either, either, if somebody else to have them in mind, let's say somebody else is eating a piece of chocolate, or a piece of whatever, or somebody else is drinking, making a shahakul, or they're eating something else, whereby eating a drink or something else, whereby they will be making a shahakul, that's what he brings down, you should ask the other person, if possible, Vimloi shusam, well they lugmoth, if somebody didn't drink a mauli lugmoth, in other words, if you drank a mauli lugmoth, you drank two ounces, or you can bid the evid one ounce at it, for sure, you covered pretty much all grounds, right, but if somebody just drank a, just a sip, a little drop, so then we see some makh like this, so if you want to get out of it, so it's a good thing to get out of it, so (speaks in foreign language) so ask your friend who did not drink wine, right, when he makes the shahakul on the, on his drinks, he have to bring him a beer, (speaks in foreign language) so if he didn't drink shusam, (speaks in foreign language) this other guy next to you, let's say, it brings down the, so I'm reading from the Safer, (speaks in foreign language) so if your friend next to you didn't drink any wine at all, so, so good, he's a kidish, but he can, the pot, that doesn't pot that a wine, that doesn't pot to the other drinks, so he'll have to make a shahakul, or the other guy's eating fish, or your eating fish, you could eat fish, or you read, they take a little sugar, you take a little candy, right, it doesn't, otherwise when, the point is when you make, when you hear a kidish, and even though you drink from the cup, it doesn't pot to the filth to fish in front of you, you still have to make a shahakul on the filth to fish in front of you, you still have to make a shahakul on the chocolate in front of you, or something like that, or the sugar in front of you, or anything else you're going to be eating, so when you do that, you make a shahakul, if there's a mashkin, that's how it brings it down, (speaks in foreign language) if there's a mashkin when you eat a piece of fish, or whatever it is that you're eating, you make a shahakul on it, and you have in mind all the other drinks, like this, you get out of the whole maklakes, but again, you know, I do want to stress that somebody, if somebody did drink the other guy, somebody made a kidish, 20 people there, right, I only took a sip, it's still good enough, whereby they would not, you would not have to make a shahakul on the other drinks, but you would have to make a shahakul on the other foods, so we want to make sure we have that straight. Thank you for listening.