BiKitzur Shulchan Aruch

Ep. 838. Why Do Other Types of Grains (Not Rice or the Five Grains, e.g., Oats, Wheat, etc.) Become Shehakol When Ground Up?

Why Do Other Types of Grains (Not Rice or the Five Grains, e.g., Oats, Wheat, etc.) Become Shehakol When Ground Up?

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03 Jul 2024
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Why Do Other Types of Grains (Not Rice or the Five Grains, e.g., Oats, Wheat, etc.) Become Shehakol When Ground Up?
Welcome everybody, sheer number 838, getting back to our Hilchus Barrochos. Okay, so an interesting thing, I just wanted to talk about a minute, it's not so much the Halachal and Myser part, but we spoke about, it's in our sim, and again in our sim and Rachress, we're going through various ins and outs, skipping around a little bit here and there, but we're trying to cover various different parts of sim and Rachress, which is extremely important in regards to Barrochos to make various different foods in the way that they're made. So the question of corn flour, let's say, let's say almond flour, corn flour, so the question is, why is it really a shahakal? If you take corn flour, a person needs regular corn, right, so we know, say, Huadama, so why when you make it into flour, it sort of like goes down a step. For example, let's say, let's say by rice flour, right, by regular rice, regular rice we know is a mazonos cooked, right, cooked rice, not the greens, but let's say regular cooked rice, and if it's a grain, if it's a whole grain, it will be Huadama, right, but once it's cooked, it's going to be a mazonos and even rice flour, rice flour, when it's made into something also is going to be a mazonos. Let's say if somebody has a, you have dough or bread made out of rice flour, right, so then we say it's a mazonos. Just to read these things are so important to Khazar over again, again and again, but in Sivzai, I was in the French Hesse, Sivzai, and I could say it's perishable oil, so I raised the maverichal, by reprieve, or dumb, or somebody, it's whatever, you chew on rice, you'd write a regular grain, this would be a very bad dumb, and then you make a grain of fashers, okay. In Bish life, it's cooked, and it became cooked, and it became, you know, regular cooked rice, it's actually a smile, okay, that's already a little bit, we'll leave it for now, up in the oven, in general, it's regular cooked rice, so here's the point in the point that all the words ground up, and it's made into bread, somebody uses rice flour, makes it into bread, and it's the bread of work of love, bohiré, mina mazonos is still going to make a bohiré, mina mazonos. Now, interesting enough, in the next Siv, which is Khaz, talks about a pastel, shall shaar, minae, chitney esma vera chahakal, now that's ground up, let's say like, you know, corn, you have corn flour, or these type of things that are, that are, or millet, okay, and how much millet is used, but let's say regular, something that's used a lot, regular corn flour, you have corn, if you eat the corn, it's adama, corn flour is going to be a chahakal, right, so these are various different other types of grains, not one of the five grains, we're dealing with, obviously you're dealing with oats, spelt, wheat, rye, and barley, right, so that when it's ground up, made into a bread, of course, it's amoite and regular vera chassamazan, if it's made into a snack-type food or a dish or something like that when it's ground up, mazonos, and by rice we just discussed, but now by these, but all the other various different grains when they ground up, right, shall shaar, chitney esma vera chahakal, so what is that, in other words, what's the difference, why is this chahakal whereby, okay I understand the five grains, we said they're fashev and so on, so they're the hamoite, but why rice, so rice becomes their mazonos, and all the other grains, we grind them up, it becomes a chahakal, instead of a hoa dama, if it's, instead of a hoa dama, if somebody eats it whole, when you grind it up, it becomes a chahakal, the question is why, now we're talking about a plain, obviously if it's mixed together with one of the five grains and that, you know, you have let's say wheat flour together with corn flour, so that's a whole different subject than we're not getting into that right now, but let's say regular, and make something out of corn flour, so it becomes a, it becomes a chahakal, the question is why, so he says, just to explain real quickly, interesting to know, to have the misabruins, sifkat and lamad gimli, he says, the af, the ham pre-adama, really, it's a pre-adama, right, even though these are pre-adama, they come from the ground, they really have to make a bura pre-adama on it, right, then this corn, let's say you would take an example, voli dei shanasapas, ishtani le mal yus, and really, when it's made into bread, right, let's say I have corn bread, and it's only corn, it's not, the corn with ingredients, but it's not, it's not, there's no red, one of the five grains are not mixed in, so I have corn bread, so really, he says it's made into bread, and it's, and it's changes for the better, right, really, it's changes for the better than, than just eating a plain grain, so why does it become worse, not, not worse in a sense, but a lower bruja of shahakal as opposed to ahuad-adama, we call makkam, and we want to keep in mind, it's important when we talk about, we're going to talk about this, we say shanam, hopefully we'll get to seven-ratured all of the talks about which bruja is made first, right, if somebody has a shahakal and her ahuad-adama in front of you, you're supposed to make the, supposed to make a duad-adama first, right, so, or if somebody has her eighth and shahakal in front of you, and, and, I don't, right, whatever, I have no reason to eat the other one, so preferably one should, one, halakkal, one is supposed to eat ahuad's first, why? Because that's more, that bruja is more specified, the more specified a bruja, the higher the level is, okay, to an extent, and it takes precedence, let's put it like that, it shouldn't say the higher level, but it takes precedence, we call makkam, just as a misha bruja, further, we call makkam, cave, and all the day, say, yasimitaris pre, but since now that it's ground up, it comes, goes out of the status of a, of being a pre from the ground, like a fruit from the ground, whereby we make ahuad-dama, right, it's from the ground, I don't mean pre, pre, like a fruit, we're talking about the, in other words, the fact that it grew from the ground, it leaves that status because it's ground up, so, ainyocholomar pre-adama, you can't make a pre-adama, because now it's ground up, it's not, it's not a status of something that grew from the ground anymore, it's a new, new brea, right, it's a new, it's a new thing, sort of, so we'll say, well maybe I'll make a hamati, make a good, the ground up flower, a grain, make a maiti, no, hamati im avokhini kim, make a maiti, a little hamatias meaning, we only make a maiti by the hamatias meaning, by the, by the five grains that we spoke about, and, and to say, to make a hamati kim, either because it's not the grain anymore, it's now a new, it's a new entity of a flower, this, this corn is now a new entity, and then it's corn flower, as opposed to plain corn. Okay, so he says that therefore the lochim avokhini shahakol, so that's the reason why we will make shahakol on these various different grains that are not one of the five grains, and it's not rice, right, rice, we spoke about it separately, ground up, you still make a mazon as a quote, when it's made into something, right, rice, something made into rice, like rice bread or whatever, again when it's made without, without being mixed from one of the, with one of the five grains, plain rice bread, and we spoke about less than sometimes, sometimes pizza, they make gluten free pizza, whereby the dough is actually rice flour, so again, that would be a mazonas, right, but, but at the end, we have to keep in mind, it's a burn of fushers, somebody ate something made out of rice, let's say like the rice flour, the end, the f de brach will be burn of fushers, if somebody ate enough, right, and, and of course if it's one of the five grains made into flour, then it's either hamotee or muzonos, and the f de brach is either brach is a muzon or ach has main shalachee, right, or making an alhamm phi or whatever the case is, when it comes to the, the other grains, like for example our case, which is given an example of flour, it could be various different other grains, so then we're going to say, I think for the reasons we discussed it, becomes asia harkel, and the f de brach would be also a burn of fushers, of course if somebody ate enough, under a four minute period, and of course keeping in mind, as long as it's not mixed with one of the five grains, thank Thank you for listening.