BiKitzur Shulchan Aruch

Ep. 837. What Would Be The Correct Brochoh On A Muffin Or Cake Made Out Of Whole Grain Oats?

What Would Be The Correct Brochoh On A Muffin Or Cake Made Out Of Whole Grain Oats?

Broadcast on:
02 Jul 2024
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What Would Be The Correct Brochoh On A Muffin Or Cake Made Out Of Whole Grain Oats?
welcome everybody she number eight thirty seven getting back to our with us brachos okay I just want to go through we pretty much finished the breakfast cereals or never finished but you know the basics so people have a basic idea obviously everybody has to ask their own situation like we mentioned also to find out the details on each cereal as things are constantly changing okay so just an interesting thing somebody asked me it was very interesting in reference to we spoke about in our simmon we're working on some in rachress now some various ins and outs right we've been working on some in rachress for a while so the question is we know that if somebody eats a whole grain let's say like of one of the five grains oats wheat but they eat the whole grain so you know you have to make a hot dama and then the question was if it gets cooked and it gets sort of like mushdens or squash or however it is the soft or how soft or it's stuck together relations they're really soft but more like stuck together where we draw the line so it's very interesting somebody just sent me a question of a they make muffins or could be like a cake or muffins that where it is um namish oh toll oats you know whole grain oats but they're baked and the whole muffin is made out of oats it's not like and there's some sugar or whatever the case is you know the obviously other ingredients whatever might be put into it but the point is over there that the muffin the whole muffin is pretty much made out of grains oats and it's baked and they become very soft and like muffin like like a very you know stuck together and squished together sort of like so the person is like what bracha do you make them that so it's very interesting I thought to myself you could say either misonos or possibly who are dama because of the fact you could say possibly misonos they're stuck together they're very soft they were baked just like by cooking and if it's baked it's not flour but so that's on one side possibly the same as owners but on the other side the other way of looking at it is that one could say well what do you mean they're recognizable grains good it was baked it was everything very nice but still you have each grain is in individual individually recognizable you know so so what do we do over there so I just I spoke to a rubber I spoke to somebody about it you know a rub to find out or place it in reference to what way to look at it and they they tucker said they felt that since it's recognizable since it's a recognizable thing even though re eat another with each oat each whole oat is still recognizable even though really they're stuck together to an extent through the ingredients and so on and they softened up you know because the lotion in the in the michibre's relation is my that it became like crushed together you know like very not just soft but more like crushed together and she needs to be crushed together stuck together but over here it was more like it more like whereby you still have the whole oats they're baked they're very soft and they are sort of stuck together but they're still right there in other words they're extremely recognizable whereby each one is individually recognizable to the point even though they're sort of stuck together so whatever the case is this real felt that in that case will be a hua dama so it's just an interesting concept that this point I want to bring out today is that if you know if anybody has these type of things cakes muffins and these type of things that are made out of whole grains like oats or wheat so I think a lot of times like oats it's made out of oats sort of like then it would sometimes it would be similar to like we spoke about a granola bar with a granola bar in the fibro bells because it's a lot of Russia was a hua dama because you see each grain it's it's all there and the fact you have other ingredients is all it's awful it's all secondary to the actual grains so that will be a hua dama also that was very interesting you know way of looking at it again it could be looked at both ways but in this case since it's extremely recognizable it's something to consider whereby if somebody ever begs this type of muffin this type of cake you know and mamish you see each grain so they should know that it still would remain little high roots so remain a hua dama okay as opposed to where it forgets you know mashed up and mushed up and so on then they're ready you're dealing with Amazonos now interesting to know it's just a minute to talk about the f de bracha which this rev also mentioned to me which is it's brought down in halachan and that is a toisfis that says if a person eats the right amount of these whole grains let's say oats for example right don't eat a little eat oats and they'll eat enough a kazias but they are feeling this process under a four minute period so now so now there's actually a toisfis that there's a toisfis that says that it could be that you need an after broch you need a brochami and shalish which is brochami and shalish like al-ha-mirchia al-a-peris but you can't make one of those it's not it's not one of those it's not really al-ha-mirchia it's not real al-a-peris for sure now it's not al-ha-gaffan right we know that so what about making a brochav since you made a hua-dama they will make a brochav al-ha-dama vapriyua-dama but there's no such a brochami in shalish there's no such a brochal like that it's like you have al-a-mirchia you have al-ha-gaffing you have al-ha-peris you don't have al-ha-dama vapriya-dama this is such a broch so this is the toisfis wants to say so does al-ha-hira one should be careful if they eat such a thing with these recognizable grains or even in the case of the cereals which we spoke about they should eat it only during a meal whereby they would have to wash and bench like this you don't have to worry about the after broch that's not a question of the first brochar right right now it's a question of the after brochar a person Eidekazayas under a four-minute period brochar let's pass so what after brochar do we make so so the the mahab the shulchanar we spoke about in the past brings down the two sheeters and the first sheet that says make a burn of facials that one would make a burn of facials if you Eidekazayas of these recognizable grains let's say in case like oats or whatever so one would make a burn of facials make it the deenas and the Mishibra attack a sense of they make it the deena that Lamyza bottom line we we do go with the first we do go with the first sheet like we mentioned in the past also we are with just sort of like a review as far as the after broch was important to keep in mind and even to the point if I remember correctly with Shulaniz al-Mizalman if something's not about sashat the claver wanted to say that the whole thing is really a hitter in other words the the mahabir shulchanar brings down that twice this whereby a person should make a brochame shell or maybe just wash and bench not on the grains but to wash and bench on a piece of bread right or in during the teatest thing only during courts of the meal where this this muffin or whatever might have been made out of these grains but there are some some want to say it's really it's only a hitter and and really a lot of my so we do go with the first sheet that holds that it's a burry in a fascia so the bottom line is on this type of thing also this muffin or cake type of thing that's made out of only whole whole grain oats their mama's whole grains they're recognizable even though this really they're stuck together but they're and they're soft and everything is a cake-like type of a thing but each grain is over there recognizable so therefore if anybody ever makes such a thing they should know that as long as the grains are still very recognizable one would make a hua dama and then if it's possible to eat it during a meal you know washing benching not again not on the grains but on on a piece of bread but if they can't which is most at a time probably right one would make a burry in a fascia as long as they eat a cusaius under a form in a period thank you for listening us welcome brochical to