BiKitzur Shulchan Aruch

Ep. 831. Many Very Important Details in Reference to the After Brocha on Cereals Made from One of the Five Grains.

Many Very Important Details in Reference to the After Brocha on Cereals Made from One of the Five Grains.

Broadcast on:
25 Jun 2024
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Many Very Important Details in Reference to the After Brocha on Cereals Made from One of the Five Grains.
Welcome everybody, SHIN number 831, getting back to our Hilchas Brachas. Okay, we're trying to get through the, we say trying to get through, it's a little bit complicated with SHM's help, we'll get through it. The F de Bracha on the cereals, because of the fact, again, back to the same thing that we keep on saying one has to make double check the Bracha, I did check into by the star K, the list that I found in some of the details, whereas it's a few years old, but of course everybody has to try and find out from their cash risk agency from the cereal, or again, you can go to star K or you won't get the most updated list, but just to go through some of the column, as far as the F de Bracha goes. Now, there's one thing I do want to say in reference to the first Bracha, so we said in general, the first Bracha is a little bit easier in the fact that once a person has the Chameshis minidagan, right, in other words, a person has one of the five grades. Let's say, for example, wheat, or in the case of Cheerios is actually oats, it's actually ground up oats, okay, so we have one of the five grades, right, okay, it doesn't make a difference which one's spelled oats, wheat, so once that is one of the ingredients, and we went through this, and that's the claw, and that doesn't change, once that ingredient is there, one of the five grades is ground up flour, and it's there for either sustenance or for flavor, and that's the cereal, right, so that we said as opposed to, you know, to keep it together or for the beauty or something like that, but once it's there for taste or sustenance, which is the case usually by cereals, but again, everybody has to double check because they bring down on the star cake does bring down on the website, that's some cereals, they do put in this, the wheat, whatever it is, specifically just to keep it together, so you have to find out again, but let's say, assuming that the person knows for sure, it's the regular ground oats, let's say, for example, case in time like Cheerios, regular mezzanos, and it's there for taste and sustenance, and so on, so now the question is, in the after brochas, so we spoke about last year, we said as far as the after brochas is going to be, so the first brochas are going to be mezzonos in all those cases, right, but the after brochas gets more complicated, first of all, you have to make sure they eat, let's say in the case of the mezzona cereal whereby it's ground up from the five grades, let's say our case like flour, Cheerios, however, it's just an example, again, it's just an example, and again, assuming it's from the regular ground up flour of oats in that case, so they bring down on the stock, hey, brings down from many of the different column, they say, just to give it amount, they give the, they say it has to be 1.27 fluid ounces, that would be, that would be the amount, that would be the gazais, in other words, the gazais whereby a person has to eat 1.2 fluid ounces, or it's 38 milligrams, and but it's said to make it even easier if it's packed together, sort of, it would be the size of a golf ball, size of a golf ball they bring down, which has to be eaten again, but they feel as brass, preferably under, for sure, under four minutes, but even better if it's a little less, let's say three minutes or whatever the case is, okay, but now the problem which comes up, which we've spoken about in the past, and that's what they bring down the amount, so that's, again, it could vary a little bit, but that's how the stock, hey, brings down 1.27 fluid ounces, or 38 milligrams, or the volume of a golf ball. Now, like we've spoken about in the past, and they bring down, they bring down over there, and Rabana brings in the safer, and so on, that, when it comes to cake, we spoke about this, that there's a major muck like is Mr. Beren and Ramosha, and others in reference to the account only the wheat part, the account only the wheat part, or in other words, the flower part, or the oats part, or whatever, whether you count everything together, like so if a person has, let's say that 1.27 fluid ounces of, let's say, Cheerios, for example, right, and that's decazise, and they have to eat that under a four minute period, preferably even less, but the question is, according to Ramosha, for sure, that there's other ingredients, let's say, mixed in, right, in general, it's not just only oats, or in a case in time when it's, let's say, wheat, right, or spelt or whatever, it's not only that, there's other ingredients mixed in, so what the problem arises where, by one, has to be careful, you know, to find out, Le Chueiro, or to get a close assumption, again, back to the same story, finding out from the cashless agencies, stock K, or you, or whatever the case is, in that particular cereal, what is the mixture roughly, so in other words, what I'm trying to say is like this, if, let's say, for example, in the case of Cheerios, right, a person in the 1.27 fluid ounces, let's say, the fee, their guidelines, right, again, that could change a little bit here or there for, amongst the various different places, but according to their guidelines, if that, if that, if that of that, it's only half, only half of that is actually the oats, and let's say the case of Cheerios, only half of that, let's say, would be the oats, but the other half is other ingredients, which is, it's not only oats, right, there's other ingredients there, too, there's sugar, there's whatever, there's various different ingredients that are put in to these different cereals, so if the other ingredients make up half, and the oats part is also half, so Mezonos, you always make that, that's not a question, because Mezonos, once the Mezonos is there, for the taste, or the sustenance, right, so then, then, and that's the case, so then you have to make a Mezonos. Now, the half de bracha becomes a little bit more complicated, according to Mishabura, the miniguylum, he says the lamisa, which we've spoken about again in the past, and some place can go with that, that is good, so everything else is bottled to the, to that, to the wheat, but according to Ramosha and others, that it's a problem, because of the fact that you have to eat only the oats part, so then the person, let's say, if the person knows it's half and half, the person finds out that it's, you know, half other ingredients, half, in cereal, we're talking about right now, specifically, cereal, if they find out that they're Mezonos, the Mezonos part, the oats part, is, is, is half, right, half the ingredients, and the other half is, is other ingredients, so then they would have to eat double, 1.27 fluid ounces double that, or 338 milligrams double that, right, and would have to eat double, if, if they find out that it's 50%, oh, it's at 50% of her ingredients, they would have to double under a four-minute period, but they, he was pross. Okay, I just want to read from, again, it's, it's complicated, but again, that's why we have to, these, when it comes, especially, especially to the cereal, when it's with cake and cookies, it's a little bit easier, obviously, we could understand because you have one thing, and that's it, you know, the person made it, whatever the case is, but with cereals, there's so many, so many different cereals, and again, you go down the list, there's 40, 50, 100, there's so many, and they're all made various different ways, that's the problem, they're all made various different ways, some are putting in the wheat, the wheat, the oats, or whatever, just to keep it together, and others are putting it in taste and sustenance, right, and others are putting in a mixture of multigrain, so, so it becomes a big problem, so just to read from Rabardin, how he brings it down in the safe, and now what we're trying to talk about today, after Brock on page 530, according to some postgame, if the wheat and oat flowers together, right, the wheat and oat flowers together constitute more than 50%, let's say, let's say the cereal, the person's eating is made from wheat and oat flower, let's say, right, for example, so, if it constitutes together more than 50% of the ingredients, the entire cereal is counted toward the gazias, okay, that's according to some parts, again, he brings it down, does Rabardin on page 530, according to this view, if only one gazias of cereal was eaten within, within the gazias press, and now which is less than four minutes, right, roughly, and alamfia is required, and so that's how he brings that down, but Lamyse, he brings down on the bottom that, he wants that even according to the Mishabura, even according to Mishabura, he brings from Ephrlam's Al-Mizam in Arbach, that's Sadekwavach, that even according to the Mishabura, the fact that you're going to say, well, I'll, I'll, I'll, every, all the ingredients are totally like bottled to the flower, and therefore, even if I just eat an ounce, even if I just eat a gazias, which is 1.27 ounces, let's say, right, according to how the stock, he brings it down, or 38 milligrams, that's all I'll eat, so then it's good. But that's only one to bring down, according to Ephrlam's Al-Mizam in Ima'ikal Gufa, the sheer who, Dafke in Yeshba'i Rov-Dogan, that if more than 50% is, is from the flower part, okay, Aval-Im-Ain-Bai, again, he brings us down in the bottom on the, it's number 12.1, the amendment, the number 12.1, again, on page 5, 530, page 530, so that's where he says, "Ami'eshba'i Rov-Dogan, Aval-Im-Ain-Bai Rov-Dogan," then if it's not, if it's, the other ingredients are more, right, a more than 50%, and even though the, the Amazonas you make, because you have the, one of the five grades, and it's put there for sustenance, right, they'd always put there for taste, so you have to make it Amazonas, let's say, right, so Aval-Im-Ain-Bai Rov-Dogan, L'Couli-Alma, Ain-Mizdarafla, shear, so if it's not, it's not, if it's not Rov, if it's not 50% of regular flour, then Mizonas you're always gonna make, but, but Ain-Mizdarafla, shear, but you're not, it's not gonna help you for the, the ifte-brahr, in other words, L'Cisar, but Daisa, Bekemach, to reasons he says, I feel, the, the, the, the, the, I'm sorry, I feel it right, I feel, Im-Yeshba'i Dogan, Kavan, Shear-Ain-Bai Rov-Dogan, Ain-Bai Rov-Dogan, Ain-Bai Rov-Dogan, Ain-Bai Rov-Dogan, Ain-Bai Rov-Dogan, Ain-Bai Rov-Dogan, Ain-Bai Rov-Dogan, Baden brings down that even the coins were up for the Miss Alman, according to Ramocha for sure, and even how they learned the Mishibra in general, that one should be careful to eat this decirial from the flower pot in order to be able to make a al-ha-miriya. Another it's gazaya, it's a 1.27 fluid ounce, it's a 38 milligrams of sand conduction with how the stock cap wrote it down under a four minute period of the flower pot per se. And even if you're going to say well, I'll put everything together, right, I'll eat just enough of the cereal, let's say in the case of Cheerios, but there are other ingredients there also, so then some says it's only even according to Mishibra, only if most of it is going to be a flower. But let's say, it's a now, but let's say how he ends off, let's say a person did not eat enough, right, good I didn't eat, I only ate 1.27 fluid ounces, let's say under a four minute period, right, which is a very small amount again, he brings down the volume of a golf ball, they bring down from the star K, so 38 milligrams, which is a small amount, but if let's say a person didn't eat that much, or a person ate that much and it's including all the other ingredients, right, so in other words, just let's say for a case in time of Cheerios and it includes all the other ingredients, then they will make a burn of fushos. So even so make a burn of fushos, in either case, as long as a person ate a gazaya, it's under a four minute period in general. So again, it's complicated and we're not coming to, you know, I hate to say we try not to do this, but we're not coming to a bottom line over here. Again, a person has to find out which is trying to give the details as good as possible with Akodesh Barakos help in this very, very complicated area of cereals. So that's as far as the F De Bruja in conjunction with Missonos, we're trying to go through some of the afterbrochas in the other cereals upcoming serum. Thank you for listening, that's luck