Heartland Journal Podcast

Heartland Journal Podcast EP231 Ivan Raiklin Interview & More 7 24 24

In this episode we have return guest Ivan political activist freedom fighter Raiklin who spent 20 plus years serving in the US military. Most recently he was an instructor at the Joint Military Intelligence Training Center teaching the US Intelligence intel community and international partners about intelligence analysis, national security and multinational operations. After observing the illegally certified 2020 election, he began using his skills and expertise to investigate this constitutional violation and all Federal Government and State Actors involved. Ivan has spent the past 6 years researching the wanton disregard for the constitution including the illegal politically motivated spying of a President, Retired Army General Michael T. Flynn and former Naval Officer Carter Page. We are excited to have Ivan join us again. For more about Ivan go to and If you like what you hear make sure to subscribe to the show and share it with your friends. You can find us at

1h 0m
Broadcast on:
24 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Welcome to the Heartland Journal's podcast. With your host, Steve Abramowitz, editor-in-chief of - Howdy, all, I'm Steve Abramowitz and this is the Heartland Journal. I'm Evan Reichlin, Prussian last name. - Steve. - And Colonel Gray. - How are you today, sir? I'm great, how are you? - What did you say my last name was? - Reichlin, no, you said something else. I might've said Reichlin, but the name Mike Abramowitz, we do the best we can, I didn't mean to be an adult, but you know, I wanna get this. - How are you even doing? - I've been great and we're doing a cold start, which I never do 'cause I want you to have maximum time for maximum time. - I wanna ask about you. I don't know much about you. Like what's your background, what's your story, what's your involvement in even having an interest in interviewing me twice now? This'll be our second, yeah. Well, my interest is I'm America first. I love all things patriotic and most importantly, I love lovers of truth. And so when people who are not allowed on the mainstream media to talk and tell their truth, I want them on my show because I want that truth. So that's what we got from you the first time, but we also got your background. So this time I just wanna jump right on into all the juicy details, but about-- - Yes, I didn't know anything about you. Sometimes I just don't have an opportunity to look at who's interviewing me, I like to do any long form interview where we're able to kind of go back and forth. And when you started off by quoting some of the, I think it was the Criminal News Network, it's not a good source to start off with. - No, no, and I put that in the bio specifically so that you could then spend the rest of the show telling everybody why they're lying about you and that you had something important to say. And that just means you're over the target because we know from this show-- - Yeah, so since that time, I've been, they've deployed numerous outlets against me and it doesn't end too well for them. - Exactly right, which is why I give you the honor and the credit to be able to say what you wanna say, not what you-- - Urban purple. - Yeah, so basically, here's where I come from. Let me phrase this for you. Yeah, I saw Green Berets with John Wayne and Rambo as a kid, right? Patton, John Wick, Rocky, all the macho, high tea stuff, tough stuff that saved the world in the '80s from the Cold War, Walker, Texas Ranger, Hercules, with Sorbo, all that. Like you, you have two strapping young swimmer boys, kicking ass against other boys. You don't have to be doing this. But we all remember that we also grew up believing sugar and spice and everything nice for girls, but it's the rise of the boss lady, Tomb Raider, this is Smith, alias, okay, those are fiction, but Hillary Clinton, Samantha Powers, Madeline Albright, Susan Rice, Victoria Newland, Chalupa, former CIA London head Gina Hassel and of course, Uma Amadeen and her Muslim brotherhood mom and Obama, chief advisor and Iranian born Valerie Jarrett, are way scarier shadow figures than TV stars now, Brendan and Clapper. Then throw in Jen Psaki and Mia Brzezinski in there from media. If you were to write Expendables Five with an all-girl power cast as Secretary of Retribution, your title, what would you tell us to roll up all the presidents, women in these crimes against Trump and America's constitution, you know, four out of five of the 51 spies who lied, by the way, were former CIA ladies? - That's a good question. I like the way you framed it. So I don't really even think about that. I just have a set of names that I go with. It is a, the first time I even think about gender is when you ask that question. I haven't even thought about that. I only judge people based on their actions. And then based on that, the appropriate consequences need to be had as depending on what they committed, right, in terms of a crime and what level of crime. But I will say that if I were to actually go deep and try to categorize these individuals, I would like to probably frame it this way. Most of the individuals that need to face the most severe consequences that our legal system provides are probably old white dudes. So if you don't like old white dudes, why don't you join me in first targeting and actioning those white old dudes? And then we'll see what we have left. And then we can, you know, in the interest of being, I guess, non-discriminant, then let's see what we have next, right? I suspect it's going to be an overwhelming the minority of individuals that fit the non-old white dude category. That's probably how I would answer that. 'Cause I haven't given it much thought. You've done the analysis. I could care less. I know I see names and I see actions. And those actions need to be on the receiving end of in many instances. The maximum punishment for treason. - I think that some of these ladies hid behind the, oh, you can't hit a girl type of thing because they did some of the dirtiest stuff. But okay, I'll grant you what you said. You're the guy. And we know the Democrats now in their girl boss cabal, I call them the red tent, actually. So feel free to use that. But how about Republicans, Mueller and Comey, the Lincoln Project, Wilson and George Conway, Rupert Murdoch, Cheney, Bush family, McCain family, Romney, these were supposed to be Republicans. Carl Road, Paul Ryan was Romney's VP candidate. My God, what did the expendables on the right conspire to actually do? - I like that. That's a great question because, again, just like I could care less about category of specific sex or gender, I should say sex because, well, I won't even go into many details on that. I could care less what their political party affiliation is. In fact, I wanna create even greater consequence for those that proclaim to be synonymous with what our country is, constitutional republic. So if you have to claim to be a Republican, I think I have a greater interest in making sure that those individuals face consequences first if I were to rack and stack in order of priority. - Okay. So the intelligence community, Chuck Schumer, said six ways from Sunday. And I think last Saturday we saw number six with the assassination attempt. They've tried everything but started with law fair, with Weismann, Mark Elias, Soros, his DAs and AGs. - The intelligence community has six ways from Sunday to get back at you. Well, guess what, Chuck, I spent 25 years in that system. And there's not only those that you try to influence and coerce and manipulate to destroy our country. There are some of us that were in the system that know the system better than most of the people you're referring to that are willing to go to the mat to protect it, right? To protect our constitutional republic, to protect our individual rights, to protect the state's rights against your lawless, belligerent, illegitimate actions. So if you wanna play chicken with me, by all means, again, two options exist when you play chicken with me, Chuck. I win or you lose. And that you lose component, I can always say this. I could care less if it results in mutually assured destruction because my kids, as you mentioned earlier, my boys won't have to deal with you. And to me, that is success to the maximum order as a parent. - So that's you as a green beret talking to a guy who graduated community college and went right into politics. So I take you any day of the week and on Sunday. I want them to call my bluff, Stephen. I look forward for the opportunity for me to conduct reasonably, objectively reasonable response when it triggers lawfully my inheritance, right to self-defense. I love those opportunities. - You say your mantra is from, I think from the Marshall Project since 2014, but now peaceful, patriotic, legal, moral, and ethical posture always has tagged MAGA without equivocation. How can you fight this legal and ethical when the other side is using glass in their boxing gloves and you're following Marcus the Queensbury rules? I mean, they are hardcore Marxist communists like Chive Rivera and Mao. Can the rules be followed and still win? - Yes, absolutely. So when you convince the overwhelming, the red county DAs throughout the country that they need to continue the precedent set by Fulton Fannie, by Alvin Bragg in Manhattan. And then when you convince the overwhelmingly red sheriffs and sheriff equivalents throughout the 3,143 counties throughout this country and states, their law enforcement arms, whether it's state police, et cetera. And you convince them that they should focus on a one-tier justice system, meaning they need to go ahead and continue the precedent set by their colleague US Capitol Police Officer Michael Byrd when he conducted objectively reasonable actions against Ashley Babbitt. That's how we get to legal, moral, and ethical, peaceful and patriotic maximum consequences because they have set the precedent for what legal, moral, ethical, maximum activity is. Now it's our turn. - So this is-- - That makes sense. - Yeah, it's going off on offense in law fair, which they have dominated the arena for a long time. - Again, one component is the DAs. That's a legal lawyering component of it. The paperwork shuffled. And then there's the law enforcement, what did Michael Byrd do to Ashley Babbitt? - Killed her. - He objectively, reasonably, as per their words, actioned his target, didn't he? - In an objectively reasonable manner, according to them. What about Lila Morris, the Metropolitan Police Department Officer? What did Lila Morris do to Roseanne Boylan? - Be it her death with a Billy Club. - Objectively reasonable. So using that objectively reasonable posture, I look forward to motivating the overwhelmingly read county sheriffs throughout this country to continue that one-tier justice system. - I wanna talk about that in a second. - Objectively reasonable. - Let me ask you this, anti-Trump DAs, AGs, judges, even the Supreme Court, they make stuff up. How can cases brought lying and changing emails from is an asset of the CA to not an asset by a lawyer who got off? How can that be one? - Kevin Klein, Smith, you've done your homework. - I don't like this. - I haven't seen one since Sandy Burger, Clinton's National Security Advisor, stuffed copies of documents in his underwear, thinking that he'd steal them. Pretty dumb, he lost his license and reputation, but that's it. He'll be back one day, I'm sure, probably in a Kamala administration. So how do you fight the system in the system when the guys do make and gals at the top make the decisions or in the tank? - I'll answer it this way. What state do you live in? - Tennessee, I want to talk about that account. - Well, Williamson, don't you doxing me? - No, I don't want to, I'm not here to dox anyone. - I'm kidding, I say that. - You don't even just need to say the county. Imagine you're in whatever county in Tennessee. I mean, is it hard for you to identify who your law enforcement individuals are? - No, he's been on the show. Jeff Hughes, just one sheriff. This is Williamson County, Williamson County. - Perfect. So I would encourage you to encourage your neighbors, audience, family, friends, relatives, et cetera, that are living in the same county. To go ahead and have a conversation and ask the question, what you just asked me? At what point are you going to do something? They've conducted political violence to the maximum level across the board. This federal, illegitimate government has conducted attempted assassination. They've murdered those that attend rallies. I'm talking about two weeks ago, right? Jamie Raskin promotes and stokes and cover-ups for political violence, because guess what? His beloved Michael Bird did what? His beloved Lila Morris did what? His beloved John Brennan used a drone to without due process, vigilante style, murder an American citizen abroad. And the list goes on and on. His Jamie Raskin just revels at the moments where his wife illegally on the masks, respected, honorable generals, former generals in our military, his wife Sarah, right? Sarah Raskin. - Samantha Bower. - This guy. So when Jamie Raskin or anybody else on the Deep State target list of the 600 rolls through your county, is he just going to let them slide? And if he does, guess what? He needs to be removed as sheriff. He needs to face the consequences of being a toxic, feckless, stone-cold coward. And if he's not willing to play ball and go to the bat to the max, then someone needs to step up to do so. Absent that, you're going to continue. You and I, the reason why they're doing this is because I am at fault for not creating consequences for them, Stephen. And when you look yourself in the mirror, same thing. They're continuing to do this 'cause we are allowing it, we are to blame. So when you go back and think through, what can I do as an individual, where I live, who I have influence with, who I communicate with, how can I apply the maximum necessary motivation and offer my time and expertise? And if you want to, I don't know, deputize me, I would be glad to be lawfully authorized to physically conduct what's necessary against these scum. That's what I'm doing. - Don't you think these people we've mentioned knew the ultimate price would never be paid? I mean, treason is a capital offense. You used to get killed for it back in the day. Hillary is quoted as saying, if we ever get found out, quote, we'll all hang, but she was pretty confident she never will live. - Well, she's still alive. So I mean, there's ample opportunity for that to take place. - But if a holder is, say, Camilla's AG or someone like him is in on it, can we really ever expect justice? Because we're talking about, I think crimes that took place in DC, whereas you're saying, my Sheriff and Williams, - So you're asking me things, can we expect, can we hope nothing happens without us actually implementing it, right? That document, the Constitution, the law, it doesn't happen, like justice does not take place until another human being or a team of human beings actually implements that, okay? So the question should be, when am I going to start the process of consequences? And what does that look like? How does that look like, so that it's a doable, sustainable endeavor? They've already committed the crimes and they did it on their own, making deliberate decisions, putting things together due to either, for example, the assassination attempt or January 6th, due to deliberate non-action at a minimum, best case scenario for them, or more than likely, deliberate planning, facilitation, instigating, inciting, right? Well, why can't we motivate those on our side to take the most bold maneuver possible? I think the way we motivate folks is where we make it a, where it's more unpleasant for them to not act than for them to act. I can't do it by myself. I shouldn't say it that way. It will take me much longer to do it if I'm doing it by myself. If others are involved, it will happen much more rapidly. I think a lot of people that I know are at least waiting for a leader because it's a lot more motivating to get out of that foxhole when somebody says charge. And some of my listeners were actually bummed that Mike Flynn wasn't chosen as Trump's VP. I was actually glad because I'd rather see him back in NSC where this all started. Remember that a vice president is a statutory member of the NSC, okay? What's people forget that? - That's true. - Or you don't even know that. - Oh, it's interesting. So I'm just hoping that he has a place in the NSC much less VP himself. JD Vance would be just fine if he does the right job. - So I'm not waiting or planning for an election. I've already laid out how we secure the election. It's up to Elon Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan. I mean, Alex Jones has allowed me to explain how that looks. It's really up to them at this point to participate in a remedy. What I'm advocating for and planning for and trying to get to implement is with or without an election, with or without President Trump back in office. Now, if there is an election and if he's back in office, it's helpful, right? 'Cause then we'll have a little bit more juice to do what needs to be done. What I'm trying to explain is we need to not wait and actually start executing now. And the best solution that I've come up with is when you can expose, now one thing is to say, oh, bad, deep state, listen to that. When you can educate the appropriate authorities of the specific transgressions that meet the elements of a crime that where they have the authority to conduct lawful action to shore up these criminal actors, that's where I think we get some remedy. All it takes is one. And then once we have one, then we can get the broader conspiracy. And that's why I think it's so important. When Elon Musk transferred all of his assets and holdings from California to Texas last week, Attorney General Ken Paxton now has full jurisdiction to subpoena all of those things that Elon Musk is sitting on. - Right, the mother of all the time. - Yeah. I suspect Elon is probably gonna wanna play ball. And in fact, he's meeting with Mike Johnson. I think as we speak here, oh, about 15 miles down the road from me. I wonder what they're talking about. Have I communicated with Mike Johnson? - Why, yes. What about Jim Comer, chair of the oversight committee? Why, yes. What about Jim Jordan and why, yes. And their staffs, why, yes. What about Barry Loudermilk, yes. And their staffs, yes. And when people ask me, do you communicate with Elon Musk? I always respond with, you would have to ask him, yeah. - Ask you about that. - When people ask me, have you spoken to or do you communicate with Ken Paxton? At this point, I can change my answer in the following manner. Ken Paxton follows my Twitter account. - That's all I'll say. - Ask me another Texas follow-up question. I got a few. - Yeah. - All right, so Andrew Weisman hates Sidney Powell. I bet she's a hero of mine and I bet-- - He's on my list. - I know. And I bet because she wrote a book long ago about his unethical behavior on the N-run case. - Yes. - Put out 80,000 Arthur Anderson employees out of work and was overruled by the Supreme Court nine to zero. - Nine zero, yes. - But he's a good job. So he probably wanted revenge and tried to destroy her. Do you think she'll get a place in a DOJ to clean things up or even just work with you? Maga needs a girl boss too. - License to lie. You've haven't read that book. That is the blueprint of the OG government gangsters that Mr. Cash Patel writes about, but Sidney Powell was early in that process of exposing them. - The question is, should Sidney Powell have a place? - Or are you working with her? Do you know her? She is awesome as I think she is. When do you think you want to tell me about Sidney? - I would love to see, I'll answer it this way, I would love to see Sidney Powell having a very instrumental role publicly as the consequences are doled out to folks like Andy Weisman and Andy McCabe. And Jim Comey, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. And oh, by the way, Catherine Seaman, does that ring a bell? - No. - Did the other one? - Yeah, every single one, except that one. - Catherine Seaman was Pete Strzok's Russia analyst. Guess who she's married to. - That's always the wife since spouses who-- - Josh Pitcock, who was Mike Pence's chief of staff as when he was the VP. And that was when they were all involved in removing General Flynn so that the Uniparty could protect itself from General Flynn's wrath of exposure. - You did? - You made my case that the family trees run deep on these hidden spouses, usually with different last names. So there you go. - Generational incestuous corruption. - Yeah, you're seeing it right there. You know, I'm sure Biden is being propped up with some meds like weak in the Bernies, but pardons. Any fear he'll pardon folks on your list before you get a chance. You've been pretty vocal. You've spelled out who they are. He could really just go down your-- - Remember, presidential or even fake presidential pardons apply to pardoning individuals for their federal transgressions. My line of operation focuses on state and county-level transgressions, good luck pardoning. - So tell us about your time at the-- - 'Cause guess what? - This cross-convention in Texas. - I actually look forward to the pardoning because that means, hmm, those are the people we need to action first. Here, they will prioritize them for us already. - That makes sense. - It's a good point. - Tell us about the sheriff's convention in Texas you were at last week. - I think the best summary of that event can be summarized in a couple of videos. One was when a lady from an organization known as the Texas Republic came up to me to do an attempt to do an interview of me. Similar how to the Smother Jokes reporter did at the RNC convention last week. Did you see that? - I couldn't help but laugh. She was so uncomfortable. She did not like you and did not want to be there. I loved it. - And then what about the two, I guess the two boys that were deployed from raw sewage at the RNC convention. Did you see that? - Yeah, he thought you were going to beat him up or something, he was shaking. - Yeah, I was quite unfortunate. I mean, they needed to take a breath and I wasn't able to get them to calm down. The fear just overpowered them. Anyhow, this lady approached me and I kind of made some first amendment sounds. And she was in fear. She was a visible fear. And that wasn't my intent. My intent was to make some sounds that articulated the plan and the play. And the second video is from, I posted it this morning. It's a speech that I gave to, let's just say quite a few sheriffs in a private dinner where I was the keynote and I explained to them, be ready. Was it all Texas or national convention? - No, this was Texas Sheriff's Association. - Okay. - Remember, right now the infrastructure is set in Texas to do exactly what needs to be done. The key component here is Ken Paxton has jurisdiction over Twitter's, if he wants to do some investigations. And Elon Musk is indicating in all regards, he's willing to play ball to the max. Remember his interview with Jordan Peterson where he says, "I'm out to destroy the woke mind virus." - Yes, sir. - Well, he's sitting on the biggest trove of criminal evidence that any human being has because of the Twitter holdings. Reminder, Kamala Harris's comms team used to be senior employees at Twitter. Can you imagine the emails and the discussions that were had internally? - A lot of SPA, a lot of SPA agents were also on the staff at Twitter too, before you fired them. - Say again? - A lot of FBI agents active in former. - I like Jim Baker. - I wanna see all of those communications. - Yes, and not only his communications via emails, but let's imagine that, you know, Twitter employees probably get their company phone, right? Company devices, iPads, computers, right? And what about the internal Slack channel discussions that Shellenberger and Taibi discussed where they were using this platform to communicate with their colleagues over the FBI and the CIA and the DNI as they decided who to censor and what to censor. On behalf of Roy Tards, the official fact checker, the CEO of Roy Tards being a board member of Pfizer, it all starts to come out. And then we start to send that information over to, 'cause Ken Paxton is gonna coordinate with, the Kansas Attorney General won't he, as it applies to Pfizer, as the Fauci files start to come out and the Roy Tards files start to come out, because Kansas is suing Pfizer, aren't they? - Yep, yep. - Yes they are. So this trove of criminal evidence is going to be doled out to the appropriate jurisdiction. Louisiana, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas. - Missouri and Tennessee. - Missouri, Tennessee. - And what about their Twitter direct messages and the geotag location data? - This certainly makes sense as to why Andrew McCabe was sweating on MSNBC when he decided to come out and said he wanted to move out of the country. - Yeah. - Worked for the whole... - No matter where you are. - Yes. - All right. - 'Cause guess what? Let's just say maybe, maybe Eric Prince and his network of people that work for his companies, many of whom I know (chuckles) that have decades of experience actioning targets globally would love nothing more than to be asked and actually be compensated for finding Mr. McCabe, if he happens to be overseas somewhere. - The founder of BlackRock and also the brother of Betsy DeVos, who comes from BlackRock, Blackwater and is also the brother of Betsy DeVos, who is Trump's Secretary of Education. - That's another story. There's definitely some (chuckles) negativities there and her relationship with Mikey P. Little Mikey Pence. - Oh, I didn't know that. - But I suspect that I think Eric Prince is gonna play an interesting role as the mother of all Twitter files is released. - Okay. - He's been all over the second possible shooter at the assassination attempt. - Notice how he's been publicly in his, he was just on the Hodge Twins, a few episodes after me. - Just like you. - Coincidence? (chuckles) - Maybe. - I'd love to get him on here. Believe me, I got lots of questions. Jack Smith, as you say, Jackie Boy Smith, before now was a war crimes investigator in the Hague and an assistant U.S. attorney in my state of Tennessee. Nowadays on my legal special count, I know he is, I'm kind of going off your list, but he's now deemed the legal special counsel to investigate Donald Trump. Can Tennessee do anything maybe with A.G. Scrametti or like you said, our sheriffs about him and not wait around for Merritt Garland to never do anything about him? - Wait, that's a good question. That's unique. I've never been asked that one yet. So let's think this through logically. What nexus does Jackie Boy Smith have with Tennessee again? - He was a district attorney, or assistant U.S. attorney here in Tennessee. And I'm sure there's plenty of stuff he did that may need looking at. - Does he still, my next question would be, does he still own property in Tennessee? Okay. Does he have friends and family that he still visits in Tennessee? At what point in time did he come through Tennessee based on that relationship? What communications did he have from his digital devices? And how do we obtain that to determine what sort of communications took place as he defrauded the U.S. government and its people, acting as though he was a legitimate competent authority as Jackie Boy Smith, the special prosecutor, which was just struck down as an illegitimate, he was basically, what is that, Paul? Impersonating a federal officer. - Oh, right, sure. - And so now we need to take a look at Tennessee and maybe other state statutes on whether or not, we could possibly even bring that in federal court where he's impersonating a federal officer, which is a felony, I believe. I think that would be the path. You know, that it was ruled that he's illegitimate. - And he would have been here. - Now we'd go out and be incriminating for him to take the job, right? So whatever conversations they had while he was applying and being the right man for the job, all that would be discoverable. - So now we criminally go after Garland, we go after Jackie Boy Smith and everybody else involved in that conspiracy. Brilliant, just came up with that. I'm gonna have to do a little bit of digging, thank you. - Now I'm in trouble, but okay. So let's talk about the press. Enemy of the state, Trump calls them. Maggie Haberman, Rachel Moscow, Matt Allen, Nicole Wallace, the angry, heavy set gal that, you know-- - Okay, Rachel, mad cow. - Yeah, I got that from someone else. - Okay. - What other dudes? - That's one dude, what other dudes? The heavy set gal that interviewed in Texas last week who was very unhappy, Mika, Sleepy Andrea Mitchell, Caitlyn Collins, Dana Bash, so many, I can't even remember them all. But again, send out the ladies. So the mean, war on women Republicans can't hit back, although Trump did with Meghan Kelly in that debate, but Romney, Adam Kinzinger types never would. What's your plan for media types? The ones that supposedly are second amendment, or sorry, first amendment protected. But shouldn't have been, 'cause they lied. - So, excuse me, I wanna internalize that a little bit, and I'm gonna say this, what do we do with them? I mean, I'm setting examples of what needs to be done with them. I mean, you've seen it, right? - I don't have power to do anything for media person else. - I turn on the camera. And let's just say, I have, so those are lower level apparatics, right? At the end of the day, because they're, I get it, they're surrogates operating on behalf of their principles. But at the end of the day, those are private citizens working for a private corporation that works on behalf of the belligerent, illegitimate governmental gangsters. So, those are lower tier interests to me. And I think the best case scenario for short-term actioning, if you will, is continuing to expose them on an individual basis so that those that read and view their content when they see who's actually behind the content that they consume from Roy Tards, Washington Compost, New Oak Slimes. 'Cause a lot of times people see the brand and they're like, "Oh, I respect and I believe this brand." But when you can showcase the individuals behind those brands and highlight their incompetence, their egregious, belligerent, unprofessional conduct and you can overpower them with logic and rational thought. I mean, I think that's very well exposed through my video interactions with them, whether it's Zoe Chase of National Poison Radio or whether it's with, I can't remember that gal's name that approached me at the RNC convention. When people see it for what it is, they discredit themselves. And so their viewership goes down, our viewership goes up, our credibility goes up, theirs goes down. And it's a gradual process of bankrupting them. So then they're not able to conduct disinformation, distribution at a scale that they used to be able to. - Because at the end of the day, I was nobody. Now I'm getting tens of millions of views hits, readerships, right? - Because you tell it's true. - I have a pretty decent sized sub stack, which I would not be doing this, Steven, if they were telling the truth. 'Cause I would not have a place in filling a niche or a void. But because they are complete liars, it forces people like us to be weaponized against them because of their belligerent activity. So in kind of summary, as it applies to the press and the media, the so-called journalists, they need to be confronted and held to account. And embarrassed. And I seem to be doing a decent job because, well, I mean, the fear that they exude, whether it's those two boys from raw sewage or, I mean, and just in the last couple of weeks, three or four of them. And then essentially pivot and explain to them that, you know, we're not gonna accept their garbage. I have no obligation to speak to them, but I do have an obligation to expose them. - Yeah, I'll just never forgive, you know, Chris Cuomo and CNN allowing his brother Andrew to come on while they were dying in the senior citizens' home. And so there were real life consequences, including the Russia hoax. - Right, if you read my latest sub stack, I highlight Chris Cuomo and his brother Andrew Cuomo as being a co-conspiratory, I mean, genocidal maniacs. Did you have a chance to take a look at that sub stack? That's where I got the question from, but yeah. - Okay, perfect. Wow, you're pretty well read. - I wasn't gonna get caught again. All right, let's move on so we don't run out of time. - We definitely prepared much more this time than the last one. - I wanted it to be much friendlier, yes, sir. Okay, California, Swalwell, Schiff, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, all California, all compromised, Big Lee, Diane Feinstein before she died, but for 50 years while I was there, now Camille Harris also from California. - Her nickname's Mamala, which in Spanish means suck it. No joke. - I think in another language, Sweden, maybe it means terrible or awful, but yeah, it's not good. - Just suck it. - What? - Ted Lu. - Keep going on the California group. - Ted Lu. - Ted Lu's another one. - Yeah. - Any direct action from local California folks you're talking to, to get these people to justice. And that's really what we're talking about is how do we get these people to justice? We know what they did. We know they lied at least. I said Swalwell, you know, involved with a Chinese spy, clear and present danger. Any California actions, we talked about Texas, we talked a little bit about Tennessee, California's a big one for the conspirators, anything. - Yeah, so California is gonna be a little more difficult because you have Gavin Newscum, who is essentially the nephew, right? He's the nephew of Nancy Piglosi. - Distant cousin, yeah. - Right? So I think the better strategy, and I've laid this out previously, would be to either do it under the current attorney general in Virginia or replace him with somebody that's not a toxic feckless stone cold coward, gutless turd simp, right? And I'm talking about Jason Meyars here. I don't hide behind anything. So remember, the attorney general is in a very strong position in every state. Well, guess what? A lot of the names that you mentioned are members of Congress. And they have to travel to the District of Columbia in order to get to their offices in the US Capitol. The airport that they fly through primarily is either Reagan National in Virginia or Washington Dulles Airport in Virginia. So when they fly into Virginia, those individuals can be actioned by state authorities in Virginia or the county, right? County law enforcement. Now, unfortunately Fairfax County, you're probably not gonna get that because of lived tardius, maximus situation in that county, which by the way, I live it, okay? They're gonna protect them. But at the state level, that's a different story. That means we need to motivate these toxic feckless cowards that are pretty much the mirror image of Mike Pence to do something. Or we vote people in, I don't know, maybe I'll run for AG in Virginia so that we can maximize consequences to those people that live in Virginia, whether they're federal judges, one that comes to mind as judge Sullivan if he lives in Virginia. Another one would be, wait, don't Supreme Court justices federally. And when you go down the list of every federal actor that works in DC, if they live in Virginia and they're on my deep state target list, whether it's judicial, legislative or executive branch, Chris Ray lives in Virginia. So if I were the attorney general in Virginia, oh my God, would he have a very, let's just say, spicy life because I'd be deputizing folks that I know like and trust that have had decades of experience of actioning targets at the highest levels in our global fight against terrorism. And it would just be a matter of, hey, you are lawfully deputized to go after America's domestic terrorist organization warlord named Chris Ray. Here's his address. Here's the county he lives in, Prince William County. And if his protective detail conducts physical violence on you, this is the following rules of engagement that you are authorized. So that's how I would recommend kind of addressing the California crew is when they come through Virginia through the main two airports. They can definitely be-- - And you know, America's mayor, Rudy Giuliani was able to do that to the mob and international terror, right? And they can be served in New York, just to Rico. - Just to Rico. - And I'm just explaining to you the precedent that they did on Peter Navarro at an airport. So, again, I'm all for a one-tier justice system. They've set the precedent. And I would love to participate in continuing that precedent. - He's mentioned-- - Against everyone on the Deep State target list. - He's meant, I believe, as a California lawyer and they did it to him that way too. Okay. - Yup, armed robbery in a parking lot, Scott Perry, armed robbery. Mike Lindell was the recipient of an armed robbery in the parties parking lot. You know, a live stream swatting raid of Roger Stone. A lot of these local law enforcement officials have body cams in the interest of transparency. It'd be nice to see a live stream swat raid conducted by the appropriate authority in their public statement, right? The press release, they'd say, "Hey, we're just conducting the precedent set." That criminal news network was the ride along live stream arm and capability of the FBI as they went after Roger Stone. Because of our resources, our department is going to use body cams instead. - I love it. - All right, so last question I thought you told me. Like, what do I have wrong here? - I'm trying to find it. I think you're on the right side of history, my man. That's why I've invited you twice. And here's some people who aren't. Benny Thompson, Zoe Loffgren, California, again, Adam Schiff, Pete Aguilar, California, Stephanie Murphy, Jamie Raskin, Maryland, Elaine Luria, Liz Cheney. These people make a good list, not in a good way. You talked about Jamie Raskin and less well-known, but very importantly, his spouse. - Sarah. - Jamie's wife actually is an Obama Federal Reserve board member, all our money. Do you think you'll find enough patriotic Americans in the sheriff's department, I guess, or red states, like you said, AG offices to actually get something done? Or are they just going to do what they've done for the last 18 years and do nothing? - Okay. Let me go back to some of these names before I answer that. Notice that Jamie Raskin was interviewed and quoted by Ross Sewage to try to help make their frame and develop that Ivan Reiklin is the biggest villain ever in the history of humanity. And for that, Jamie Raskin is calling on speaker Mike Johnson and Senate Majority Leader Chuck E. Boy Schumer to denounce. Ivan Reiklin's first amendment noises and sounds. That to me tells me that he's in on it and he's scared because he's saying, oh, his deep state target list includes family members and staff. Why yes, it does, Jamie. And specifically your wife, Sarah. So you're right on that point. And then they used to quote, excuse me, in this article, they didn't name his name, but it's clearly a quote from one of the members of the deep state target list by the name of Alexander Vendeman. Remember the Little Whistleblower scheme? Yeah. - The twin brother has a twin brother. - Yeah, the twin, the twin traders, Alexander and Yanny Vendeman. - And a wife is very active on Twitter for some reason, she should be quiet. - Yeah, and who was the one that was involved in the impeachment hoax one operation as the lead impeachment manager? Adam Bullshiff from California again, right? So anyhow, due to their responses and their use of their media allies to try to come after me and attack me and discredit me, it automatically means to me that they are starting to squirm. And they're trying to get the capital police board leadership known as the speaker and the Senate majority leader to basically put a call out so that they can leverage and try to stop me from continuing to expose them. As you notice the articles and they're like, "Trying to figure out how do we shut him up?" Well, there's only one way to shut me up. And until you do that, guess what? I'm gonna continue. And so going back to your question, do I think after the last 18, you called it 18 years, I just think we're at a different point in society, whereas the corruption, you wouldn't know about the corruption because they controlled the three main news channels. Then the internet came in, they weren't able to control it that much, but then they were because of the censorship industrial complex regime. Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter really changes the dynamic because it is literally a competition of information being put out there for the masses. 'Cause a lot of people start to act based on the information that they receive. When we're basically controlling Twitter now, for four years before that, I and probably several dozen folks were probably the most influential voices on Twitter, right? Now, and then four years of censorship by the FBI stopped us from doing that, which allowed them to buy time to cover up, to cover up, to cover up. This failed assassination attempt has just galvanized, mobilized everybody, and we need to use that momentum of a demand and lust for accountability to continue to escalate and to stop them from trying to create escalatory coverups with those little protests going on here and there. They're trying to own the narrative, but they're losing it. So I'll say this, because we, I and others in the collective, are now back in full force to the tune of tens of millions to hundreds of millions of views, that is not just bots 'cause Elon deleted those bots, right? We are now communicating directly with human beings. And the reason why I know this, I got off the plane yesterday and a pilot. I later found out it was a pilot for American Airlines as I'm walking off the plane. He's also seated there, he says, "Are you Ivan?" I guess, sir, I have been watching your videos, man. I really appreciate what you're doing. Definitely seeing it and watching it. And I asked what it was, and he explained some of the videos. So real human beings are seeing this. And so that censorship industrial complex telling people that the jabs are safe and effective, that Ivermectin, they were saying, is bad. And you name it, right? We're breaking through the censorship and now we're exposing who the individuals were behind that censorship and more people within the American jury poll, within the American judicial system, like judges, districts, attorneys, sheriffs, and the eventual jury poll is demanding consequences. So when this entire legal infrastructure to the tune of 90% wants consequences, I think it becomes inevitable. But the hardest hurdle was to break through the censorship and that's how they were able to protect themselves. And literally this interaction and sharing it and providing another, I don't know, 100, 10,000, 100,000 people, a little insight on what's going on in more granular detail, now gets them off of the legacy platforms, facilitating and instigating their bankruptcy, fake book being bankrupt to all those others, right? And now we're able to get the truth out so that by the time we get a civil case on some of these people or even a criminal charge, your jury poll is clamoring for a guilty verdict. - Oh yeah. - Okay, I promise somebody who's been listening to the show a long time, I'd ask this one question. Are you Q? So I will answer the question this way. Which field office of the FBI wrote an analytic assessment related to that letter of the alphabet? - Maryland? - And when was it written? It wasn't Maryland. It was the Phoenix field office in Arizona in May of 2019. I mentioned it at length in detail, that particular assessment on the Hodge Twins interview. - Okay. I want to know which FBI analysts, FBI analysts, wrote that, why they wrote it, and who directed them to write that? Once you identify, once you can answer those questions, we will be in a very strong position to identify who is behind the letter after P. I'd like to remind you that the Phoenix field office also would have been the field office to coordinate the actions of Ray Epps, as it applies to January 6th, because the Phoenix field office and Ray, while Ray Epps is from Chandler, if I'm not mistaken. - Yes, Ray Epps. - Arizona. And it was the Phoenix field office, just as a historical context, that was the one that identified, that there was some folks training on how to take off, but not land airplanes in the run-up to 9/11. Coincidence? - Start digging. - That's my answer. - Oh, I've been thank you for your time. Tell everyone where they can find out more about you, what your sub-stack channel is, all that good stuff. Tell them all. - Yeah, I just spelled my last name right, R-A-I-K-L-I-N. Basically only the verified accounts. However, I just changed my profile pick on Ivan Rakelin on my ex. They haven't re-verified it yet, so I don't know. But there's a lot of spoof accounts. I'm getting daily messages to the tune of dozens of people saying, "Hey, somebody on fake book looks like you." Well, guess what, get off of fake book. It's not my problem that you're getting spoofed and spam my messages. I'm not on there communicating, so get the hell off. You're still in the matrix. Yeah, X, rumble, sub-stack. Ivan Rakelin is dot sub-stack dot com. And then, you know, getter, telegram, some of the other free speech platforms. We're primarily on X now, now that we're taking over. - And behind every corner for those bad guys, so. - Good job, God bless you. - Oh, last thing I want to ask is-- - Go for it. - Please, if you're in the Chicago area, or you can get to the Chicago area, August 18th through the 22nd, maybe a day prior and afterwards also. Please, go to the DNC conventions website. Volunteer to attend, either as a volunteer, you'll know what to do. Or you need to go ahead and be media and apply to be media. Or you know what, just show up. And maybe you'll just have an opportunity to influence the conversation at the venues surrounding the DNC convention, at the hotels, at the restaurants, and make sure you're conducting yourself in the most peaceful, patriotic, legal, moral, and ethical manner known to humanity. - On a quick point. - As you just observe, listen, and in some cases, make First Amendment sounds. In the vicinity of every single delegate and super delegate, then you might want to ask them a question or two. 'Cause I suspect that you will see many people on my Deep State target list that will be in attendance. - All right, well, thank you for your service, and thanks for coming on a second time. I appreciate it. You, sir, thank you. Let's see it. - Hi, I'm Ted Rall, a cartoonist columnist and co-host of the DMC America podcast, and the final countdown on Radio Sputnik, you're listening to podcast. ♪ You've got me in this darkness ♪ ♪ Oh, in this darkness ♪ - I think I should hear some music, too. ♪ You've got me in this darkness ♪ - Yep, that was a good, Steve. That was really good. I'm trying to get myself up there, so... - I see you now, alive. - There we go. I could see both of us on there, but... - I wrote a nice long, Steve and Steve, but I think we should just let that one stand. - 100%, 100%, and you know what? I'm involved with, I haven't, I've been reading the book. I'm finished, it's called Tactical Civics. I can get you one of those guys. They would be somebody that you need to interview, and they have it outlined, they have whole classes. I mean, it's an intensive, how to basically get back our Republic by some of what he's talking about, but literally it's a county by county by county level, 'cause if you're in the county, you surf the state, you usurp the Fed, and you can arrest people. It is powerful stuff. - Powerful stuff? - Yeah. - They tune from my last quote to the week. ♪ The only place I feel at home ♪ ♪ Sing about the way you're good man ♪ ♪ The words until the day light's gone ♪ ♪ Sing green ♪ - I'm just replying to some folks there on the live chat, but y'all didn't know I had that, but there we go. Time for my quotes for the day. Before I share, I want to remind everyone to subscribe to You can see this video there, all of the past videos there. You can get the Daily E newsletter. You can get news as it breaks. Just go there, all we need is your email and zip code, otherwise we can don't know how to find you, and we'll do it for free. Treason, doff never prosper. What's the reason for it, prosper? None dare call it treason, John Harrington. The last temptation is the greatest treason to do the right deed for the wrong reason, TSL. Under the Constitution, giving aid and comfort to a wartime enemy can lead to a charge of treason, Walter Cronkite. Many Muslims put their Islamic faith ahead of their national identity and forbid creatures from other religions from coming into their countries to convert their young. Apostasy is treason to Allah. hearsay has no rights. Heresy has no right. Sorry, pap you can it. Disunion by force is treason. President Andrew Jackson. That's it for this episode. Thank you Ivan Reichlin for doing what nobody else on Planet Earth seems to be wanting to do, which is get to the bottom of all the things that we've had to live through for the last 18 or more years. This is goodbye for now. I'm your host, Steve Abramowitz, editor-in-chief of I hope you enjoyed the show. See you all next week. Peace in our time and definitely G2G, Glory to God. Let's get out of here for the week with Mark Meta Facebook Zuckerberg introducing Kid Rock at the RNC, introducing Donald J. Trump, legit American bad ass. See you later. - For the last, like over the weekend. And I mean, on a personal note, it's seeing Donald Trump get up after getting shot in the face and pump his fist in the air with the American flag is one of the most badass things I've ever seen in my life. But, and I think, look, at some level as an American, it's like hard to not get. - I need everybody to stand up. I need everybody to put a fist up in the air. Everybody, get up this city, in the air. That's follow me. (drumming) - Save, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight. - And send Trump on a screen. (crowd cheering) - To get me with my cause, I'm back with the beaver, had to bet David Slat 30 pack and stroll straight rock and roll. No road gain in the pro big firm, which owes you one out of the living proof in the gift of gas from the city of truth. - You know what gas gas, and not critics back, and I did not start a win, I said yeah. I'm going back, no selling grinds. I went back, no selling time, still the air that wanna see us cry. I guess because only God knows why, why, why, why, why. (upbeat music) - Any views or opinions represented on the podcast are personal and belong solely to the creator and do not represent those of people, institutions, or organizations that the creator may or may not be associated with in a professional or personal capacity, unless it's quickly stated. (upbeat music) ♪ From the heartland ♪ ♪ Yeah, from the heartland ♪ (upbeat music) (dramatic music)